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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    Německý satirický pořad 'Die Anstalt' Informační válka o Ukrajině titulky CZ

    MTO: Na ČT tomu věnovali 20 sekund, imho dobře shrnuli ty 2 hodiny projevů :-)
    MTO --- ---
    GORG: jako sileny, kdyz sem cetl o tech motorkach, tak mi teda zatrnulo...
    u ty demonstraci dle guglu informovali britske listy, halo noviny, parlamentni listy, nwoo, protiproud. asi nova taktika, za komancu kdyz byla nejaka demoska, tak byl aspon odstavec ze se sesli vlasatci...

    co je opravdu zrudny, je ta petice kocabova a bursikova.po stopach jelit v cesku...no pri predstave ze na hrade sedi karel, tak gripeny uz svistio pres bratislavu...

    Kteří zrůdní spojenci z řad Čechů pracují pro nadnárodní mafii?

    "Protože my, Češi si válku nepřejeme a sankce proti Rusku považujeme za hloupé a krátkozraké!

    Odmítáme fašizmus na Ukrajině a odmítáme fašizmus v Čechách! Děkujeme petentům, za seznam českých fašistů, nyní celý národ konečně ví, kdo jsou ti vlastizrádci, kteří za rekordních 25 let tento stát přivedli na mizinu, zaprodali a zhuntovali, pod krásnými a uměleckými slovy, která vydávala celému našemu národu lež za pravdu, a nenávist za lásku. Dejme si na ně pozor a nespouštějme je z očí. Hlavně jim už proboha nedávejme žádné mandáty! Stačí přece, že zastupují vrahy, nemusí zastupovat nás, slušné lidi!"
    GORG --- ---
    NE válce, ANO míru – volná diskuze – 28.9.2014 – Praha | NWOO.ORG
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Syrská válka je cynickou hrou velmocí - ceskapozice.lidovky.cz

    PETVAL --- ---
    je to už 10 let, ale hned se mi to vybavilo. kdo pamatujete smrt Garry Webba, viz:
    [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :) ]
    [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :) ]
    [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :) ]
    [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :) ]
    [ JAXXE @ world conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2 ]

    Managing a Nightmare: The CIA Reveals How It Watched Over the Destruction of Gary Webb
    By Ryan Devereaux

    Eighteen years after it was published, “Dark Alliance,” the San Jose Mercury News’s bombshell investigation into links between the cocaine trade, Nicaragua’s Contra rebels, and African American neighborhoods in California, remains one of the most explosive and controversial exposés in American journalism.

    The 20,000-word series enraged black communities, prompted Congressional hearings, and became one of the first major national security stories in history to blow up online. It also sparked an aggressive backlash from the nation’s most powerful media outlets, which devoted considerable resources to discredit author Gary Webb’s reporting. Their efforts succeeded, costing Webb his career. On December 10, 2004, the journalist was found dead in his apartment, having ended his eight-year downfall with two .38-caliber bullets to the head.

    LATimes "assigned no fewer than 17 reporters to pick apart" his reporting

    MTO --- ---
    muzete pomoct vybudovat muzeum treba :-)

    Nikola Tesla Dood - Sarah Donner and The Oatmeal
    MTO --- ---
    The Tesla Archives are here: Every Single Article Ever Written By Tesla … Free | AETHERFORCE
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Decoding the Georgia Guidestones » Van's Hardware Journal
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Americká školní policie se asi vzdá granátometů a obrněných vozidel — Svět — ČT24 — Česká televize
    GORG --- ---
    „Demokracia“ v ukrajinskom parlamente - ZEM & VEK
    GORG --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: Jak tam píšou, že může armáda darovat přebytky. Buď je ta armáda v lepším stavu, než jsme mysleli, nebo si z nás dělaj prdel, ale v obou případech mazec :)
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Ve Spojených státech sledují mnozí se znepokojením i nepochopením, jak tamní policie zařazuje do svých arzenálů stále těžší zbraně. Totéž začaly ale dělat i tamní univerzity. Někteří "Campus-Cops", univerzitní ochranky, si objednaly přímo ve skladech Pentagonu vojenská terénní vozidla Humvee, desítky útočných pušek anebo granátomety. K čemu ale má tato válečná výzbroj sloužit?

    Univerzitní ochranky v USA se těžce vyzbrojují od armády | Týden.cz
    KUKIDE --- ---
    US envoy to Ukraine caught posting fake images on Twitter » David Icke
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Scientist Exposes Damage of Glyphosate & Aluminum : Natural Society
    MTO --- ---
    Souvislosti sestřeleného letu MH 17 se zmizelým MH 370: Dvě dějství téže hry? Mizí fotografie. Nesouhlasí identifikační znaky ani velikost motorů. Svět už ale hledí jinam

    - zacinaji delat chyby, je dobry si nektery stranky stahovat...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Obama: If Assad Defends Against US Attack, US Will Attack

    Only hours after delivering his ridiculous address to the American people regarding his strategy to combat an organization that is entirely the product of the United States and NATO and one that is still under complete control of these powers, Obama conducted a meeting with “foreign policy experts,” former government officials, and journalists.

    The meeting, of course, is nothing more than round two in the volley of propaganda coming from the White House in its attempt to drum up more support from the American people for direct military intervention in Syria and an open use of U.S. military forces against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad. All of those within an ear’s reach of the reports regarding Obama’s meeting should be firmly aware that it is nothing more than an attempt to milk the original speech for more propaganda against Assad’s Syria and provide a sense of inevitability about the coming conflict there.

    With that in mind, Obama stated to those in the “after party” meeting, that if the Syrian government were to shoot down American military planes – American military planes engaging in aggressive air strikes on Syrian soil – then the United States would be forced to “wipe out” Syria’s air defenses. Obama also added that an attack against the Syrian air defenses would be a much easier task than attacking his pet ISIS terrorists and other related groups. Obama pointed out that eliminating Syria’s air defense capabilities would lead to his ouster and the overthrow of the Syrian government.

    Essentially, Obama stated that the United States would violate Syrian sovereignty by launching airstrikes inside Syria allegedly for the purpose of bombing the terrorist group that was created, funded, and directed by the United States to overthrow the Syrian government. If Assad dares to defend his country against both an American destabilization of terrorism and aggressive American airstrikes, then the United States would retaliate against Assad’s retaliation.

    Assad has been defending Syria from an American attack since as far back as 2011 in earnest and even further back in terms of the roots and implementation of the strategy.

    It is interesting to note that the U.S. and NATO should be so interested in Syria’s air defenses at the same time that the death squads have focused on the Taqba Airbase in Raqqa province. Particularly when viewed in context of the recent goal of engaging in targeted airstrikes inside Syria.

    For those who may not see the pattern – while the United States and NATO deliberated engaging in targeted airstrikes in Syria, and the Syrian government subsequently states its opposition to those attacks and its intentions to shoot down the planes delivering those strikes if they do not coordinate with the Syrian government, death squads have effectively eliminated the air defense capability of the Syrian government in the east of the country.

    After all, the Pentagon even stated that one of the biggest threats to an airstrike operation in Syria is the Syrian government’s air defenses. Thanks to ISIS, those air defenses no longer exist in the east of Syria.

    This was the end game of the ISIS battle to take over Taqba from the start – eliminate air defenses so that the NATO powers can launch airstrikes against the Syrian military and thus freeing up a launching pad for the terrorists to conduct attacks even deeper into Syria.

    It is important to point out that the Islamic State is not some shadowy force that emerged from the caves of Afghanistan to form an effective military force that is funded by Twitter donations and murky secretive finance deals. IS is entirely the creation of NATO and the West and it remains in control of the organization.

    As Tony Cartalucci writes in his article “Implausible Deniability: West’s ISIS Terror Hordes In Iraq,”

    Beginning in 2011 - and actually even as early as 2007 - the United States has been arming, funding, and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and a myriad of armed terrorist organizations to overthrow the government of Syria, fight Hezbollah in Lebanon, and undermine the power and influence of Iran, which of course includes any other government or group in the MENA region friendly toward Tehran.

    Billions in cash have been funneled into the hands of terrorist groups including Al Nusra, Al Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), and what is now being called "Islamic State in Iraq and Syria" or ISIS. One can see clearly by any map of ISIS held territory that it butts up directly against Turkey's borders with defined corridors ISIS uses to invade southward - this is because it is precisely from NATO territory this terrorist scourge originated.

    ISIS was harbored on NATO territory, armed and funded by US CIA agents with cash and weapons brought in from the Saudis, Qataris, and NATO members themselves. The "non-lethal aid" the US and British sent including the vehicles we now see ISIS driving around in.


    Activist Post: Obama: If Assad Defends Against US Attack, US Will Attack
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Konspirační teorie a jejich diskreditace
    KUKIDE --- ---
    The Geopolitics of World War III
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