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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    MATT --- ---
    ARTUR: tvl, jestli chces zit v rusku, taxe tam odstehuj..
    FIDO_LETI_DOMU --- ---
    5 Lost Inventions That Could Have Changed The World - Dark5
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    V roce 2015 už vlastnilo procento nejbohatších lidí světa více než zbylých 99 procent obyvatel planety.

    Procento nejbohatších už vlastní více než zbytek lidstva, tvrdí agentura Oxfam

    "Rozdíl mezi menšinou nejbohatších a zbytkem obyvatel se v posledních 12 měsících neobyčejně prohloubil," uvedla organizace. Ve zprávě krátce před tradičním Světovým ekonomickým fórem v Davosu vyzvala jeho účastníky, aby se postavili proti zvyšování této nerovnosti, především ukončením takzvaných daňových rájů.
    ALWA --- ---
    plus jeden web....
    CorpWatch : Index
    ALWA --- ---
    čísla on-line
    Cost of National Security: Counting How Much the U.S. Spends Per Hour
    Drug War Clock | DrugSense
    KUKIDE --- ---
    JOHNYTHEDEVIL: tak to bylo i s irákem přeci...

    jinak mě pobavilo tohle...
    New shock claim JFK was 'murdered by CIA' days after demanding UFO files and NASA visit | Science | News | Daily Express
    PERPLEX --- ---
    Chlapci z "Rap news" opet nezklamali:)
    IMMIGRANTS! Feat. Donald Trump & Tony Abbott [RAP NEWS 34]
    SCHWEPZ: ... jen jim to tam v tý třetí světový řekni, že jsem jim tohle předhazoval už před lety a oni se stále smáli, že ovčáský pes s bačou rozhodně neposlupracuje a že jsem blázen.
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Newly disclosed emails show that Libya’s plan to create a gold-backed currency to compete with the euro and dollar was a motive for NATO’s intervention.

    Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention | Foreign Policy Journal


    [ SCHWEPZ @ 3. světová válka aneb kam náš svět směřuje? Status: Pankimunizace 2016 ]
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    kamarádi Rotschildů

    Před ženou se utéct nedá. Zjistili to také Wildensteinové, jedna z nejbohatších rodin světa
    KUKIDE --- ---
    zajímavý tuhle infomaci jsem v roce 2013 úplně minul
    UK man wins court case against BBC for 911 cover up – TIP
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Seymour M. Hersh · Military to Military · LRB 7 January 2016

    US military provided Assad with intel on extremists via Russia, Israel & Germany - report — RT USA
    GORG --- ---
    CDR: No zajímavé je toto:

    RAF rainmakers 'caused 1952 flood' | UK news | The Guardian

    On August 15, 1952, one of the worst flash floods ever to have occurred in Britain swept through the Devon village of Lynmouth. Thirty five people died as a torrent of 90m tons of water and thousands of tons of rock poured off saturated Exmoor and into the village destroying homes, bridges, shops and hotels.

    The disaster was officially termed "the hand of God" but new evidence from previously classified government files suggests that a team of international scientists working with the RAF was experimenting with artificial rainmaking in southern Britain in the same week and could possibly be implicated.

    BBC - Devon - Features - Lynmouth flood disaster

    In 2001, a BBC investigation discovered that classified documents on the secret experiments have gone missing.
    Survivors told how the air smelled of sulphur on the afternoon of the floods, and that the rain was so hard, it hurt people's faces.
    The BBC unearthed fresh evidence about the alleged experiment, including RAF logbooks and personal testimony.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    CDR: trochu starší ale mě to jako homeopatika nepřipadá...
    Malaysia starts cloud seeding to induce rainfall
    CDR --- ---
    sorry, základní logický problém u chemtrails je množství. JE to mechanicky/chemicky nefunkční řešení. Koukněte se, jaké množství se používá na rozehnání mraků (či opačné - ropzpršení) a to na poměrně malý lokalizovaný prostor.
    Pokud někdo používá chemtrails na geoingeneering, je to asi zanícený a zapálený homeopat.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    GORG: heskej souhr :)
    možná to dát sem :) [ Chemtrails/Geoinzenyring/Klimaterorismus ]
    GORG --- ---
    US geoengineers to spray sun-reflecting chemicals from balloon | Environment | The Guardian

    Experiment in New Mexico will try to establish the possibility of cooling the planet by dispersing sulphate aerosols

    Co ten poslední odstavec? To o legální imunitě "of public damages" způsobený modifikacemi počasí apod.
    GORG --- ---
    US geoengineers to spray sun-reflecting chemicals from balloon | Environment | The Guardian

    Experiment in New Mexico will try to establish the possibility of cooling the planet by dispersing sulphate aerosols

    Co ten poslední odstavec? To o legální imunitě "of public damages" způsobený modifikacemi počasí apod.
    GORG --- ---
    Stratospheric sulfate aerosols (geoengineering) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Various techniques have been proposed for delivering the aerosol precursor gases (H2S and SO2).[2] The required altitude to enter the stratosphere is the height of the tropopause, which varies from 11 km (6.8 miles/36,000 feet) at the poles to 17 km (11 miles/58,000 feet) at the equator.

    • Airliners could use lower-quality sulfur-rich fuels on higher altitudes. That approach would utilize regular flights and enable airlines to use cheaper fuels on long-distance flights. It would require separate fuel tanks for takeoff and landing in populated areas, due to toxicity and olfactory sensations of sulfur oxides.
    • Civilian aircraft including the Boeing 747-400 and Gulfstream G550/650, C-37A could be modified at relatively low cost to deliver sufficient amounts of required material.[28]
    • Military aircraft such as the F15-C variant of the F-15 Eagle have the necessary flight ceiling, but limited payload. Military tanker aircraft such as the KC-135 Stratotanker and KC-10 Extender also have the necessary ceiling and have greater payload.[4]
    • Modified artillery might have the necessary capability,[29] but requires a polluting and expensive gunpowder charge to loft the payload. Railgun artillery could be a non-polluting alternative.
    • High-altitude balloons can be used to lift precursor gases, in tanks, bladders or in the balloons' envelope. Balloons can also be used to lift pipes and hoses, but no moored balloon has ever been deployed to the necessary altitude
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