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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    LEIN --- ---
    GORG: no vidis, tak asi tak zbehly nejsi. ja se o tom dozvedel asi vse, co slo najit na "light webu" :)
    ve zkratce:
    Nejaky johny pizzakokot (majitel) postuje na soc. site obrazky s penezi, detmi a pizzerii. Podle komentaru a reakci je to trosku debil (ale kdo neni:D) a z tohoto se v konspiraci vyvozuje, ze tam vrazdi a znasilnuji deti. Ze chladak je "killroom". Dale se tam objevila fotka z rekonstrukce s dirou v zemi s komentarem "uz brzy bude naplnena" - tedy mirny dvojsmysl - rekl bych typicky johny kokotuv vtipek - na to nekdo reaguje ze "ta jeho dira uz byla naplnena ;)" - z toho bylo vyvozeno ze se jedna o diru pro zakopani detskych obeti.
    GORG --- ---
    JAXXE: Ad pizzagate.. před volbama jsem to téma vůbec nesledoval a ani moc nevěděl, o co šlo. Masmédiím a všem poplatným médiím se podařilo situaci tak dokonale (ne)popsat, že jsem jen tušil, že jde o něco se sexem a pizzeriema.

    Wikisložka neposkytla žádné info krom strašení fake news a tím gunmanem
    Snopes řešili nějaký povrchní věci
    Dalo fakt práci najít, co je obsahem těch e-mailů, o kterých to dost bylo. Nikde je neuvádí. Ani snopes. Ne. Proč taky, že ? :)

    Po x minutách jsem se dopracoval k nějakému reddit postu, kde mi to napsalo, že account byl zrušenej. Prostě zcenzurováno.

    Ale záloha byla na archive.org. Tam byly dokonce i obsahy e-mailů (linky na wikileaks).
    Já věděl, že je to někde na wikileaks, ale masmédia by přece jen mohla uvést, o čem se to vlastně baví furt. :) Nebudu se brodit tisícema leaknutých dokumentů na wikileaks.

    Přijdu si docela zběhlý v hledání informací na netu, ale přišlo mi celkem obtížný zadat do googlu dotaz, který by nevracel POUZE stránky, který celou věc pizzagate označují za nesmysl , aniž by obsahovaly obsah těch e-mailů nebo jiné moc detaily. Většinou šlo o články masmédií mentorující o nebezpečí fakenews. (skutečně pomohl až ten reddit post - aby se člověk pro začátek dozvěděl aspoň nějaká fakta)
    MTO --- ---
    hudebni okenko


    - dedci nezahali :-)

    tady texty k letosnimu albu

    DISCHARGE LYRICS - "End Of Days" (2016) album
    MATT --- ---
    JAXXE: socky = socialni site.

    narazel jsem na ten boj fakty a argumenty.. ze to je hrozne tezky. proste "myslenka byla vyrcena a dale zije". kam se dopracovalo argumentama s "protokoly sionskym mudrcu"? porad to nekdo vytahuje, po 110 letech.
    ale kdyz nad tim premejslim, tak pokutovani sireni protokolo asi taky nic neresi a konspirativni mysl v tom naopak najde potvrzeni o autentycnosti a nadvlade zidu..
    JAXXE --- ---
    MATT: nerozumim, sorry
    MATT --- ---
    JAXXE: jenze to je tezky. zpetne neco "napravovat". bohuzel v lidech to zrezonuje a socky jsou mocnej nastroj. jen kdyz slysim kamose, jak za halirovy polozky na reklame otaci statisice, tak mi z toho mrazi. samozrejme bych byl raci, kdyby ctenari byli moudri, zvidavi a premyslivi, ale to i s cilenou manipulaci (vyukou), je beh na nekolik generaci..
    JAXXE --- ---
    MATT: to zalezi jen na tom, kdo bude rozhodovat o tom, zda je zprava pravdiva nebo ne... vzhledem k tomu, ze propagandu o fake news rozjizdeji hlavne mainstream media plne zapadni propagandy nebo thinktanky podporovane Sorosem, obavam se, ze je to spis spatne. velmi spatne. tak jako tak za pravdu by se melo bojovat fakty nebo argumenty a ne pokutami
    MATT --- ---
    JAXXE: jojo, ta pokuta za fakenews, to jsem si říkal, že bude pěkná udička na všechny.. je to dobře? je to špatně? ;)

    tady ještě jeden security článek, tušim, že mi někdo v minulosti psal, ať sem házim. je to hezky napsaný, řek bych, že docela nezaujatě ;)

    Did the Russians “hack” the election? A look at the established facts | Ars Technica

    Scott DePasquale and Michael Daly of the Atlantic Council suggested in an October Politico article that the DNC hack and other information operations surrounding the US presidential campaign may have been the work of "cyber mercenaries"—in essence, outsourcing outfits working as contractors for Russian intelligence. There is also an extremely remote possibility that all of this has been some sort of "false flag" operation by someone else with extremely deep pockets and a political agenda.
    JAXXE --- ---
    What Is The Real Purpose Behind “Fake News” Propaganda? | Deus Nexus

    500,000 euro fines for fake news on Facebook in Germany? | News | DW.COM | 16.12.2016
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Už i některé seriózní západní noviny se začínají zabývat spikleneckými teoriemi o vlivu banky Goldman Sachs na světovou politiku. Bývalí či současní zaměstnanci této finanční instituce totiž zastávají významné vládní i jiné posty prakticky po celém světě. Výjimkou nejsou ani Spojené státy, ani Česká republika.

    Goldman Sachs, ředitelé zeměkoule. Jen konspirační teorie? | Týden.cz


    Evropská unie: Goldman Sachs chce pro EU jen to nejlepší | VoxEurop.eu: European news, cartoons and press reviews
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Is criminalizing fake news the way forward?

    German lawmakers have called for legal action against the production and distribution of fake news. But digital rights groups warned of the harrowing effects it could have online, including censorship.

    Politicians, news consumers and social media entrepreneurs have turned their attention to the subject of fake news, in large part due to its alleged influence during the US presidential election in November, with headlines that included prominent Democrats - Hillary Clinton's campaign chairman among them - running a child sex ring out of a Washington pizza shop and the pope endorsing Donald Trump.

    However, a group of psychologists in 2012 had already published a study on the persistence of misinformation, warning that it could have "fairly alarming implications in a democracy."

    "At an individual level, misinformation about health issues - for example, unwarranted fears regarding vaccinations or unwarranted trust in alternative medicine - can do a lot of damage," said the study's lead author Stephan Lewandowsky, an Australian psychologist at the University of Bristol.


    While social media giant Facebook created a system to flag "false news" stories, authorities have struggled with how to approach the growing momentum of misinformation online.


    German lawmaker Patrick Sensburg, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats (CDU), said in an interview with DW on Tuesday that the government needs to consider "ratcheting up the statutory offenses" against fake news producers and "take action against the people who run these websites."

    Several German politicians have called for legal measures to combat the growing phenomenon online, with Deputy Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel of the center-left Social Democrats (SPD) saying "we must stand together" against fake news and "social [media] bots."

    Sensburg said such legal measures are not about "curtailing freedom of expression," and instead aim to prevent efforts to "destabilize the media landscape and the population's trust in the state."


    Is criminalizing fake news the way forward? | Europe | DW.COM | 14.12.2016
    KUKIDE --- ---
    BURKHAR: a tohle má odvést pozornost od čeho? nebu už tajou ledy?
    KUKIDE --- ---
    KUKIDE: ale vlastně nechápu kčemu ty čipy :-)
    A SYSTEM OF EEG TELEMETRY - The University of Arizona Campus Repository

    A theoretical system for telemetry of the EEG is described, followed by a practical experiment to demonstrate feasibility of brain wave telemetry in the electrically noisy environment of a large university hospital. Equipment designed for the telemetry of the ECG was modified for the purpose. Good signal quality was obtained over a distance of forty feet through two intervening concrete and steel walls. This first step in demonstrating the feasibility of single channel EEG telemetry in a hospital environment is envisioned and described as part of a future total patient monitoring system or as an online diagnostic aid for surgery.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Human Tracking Bill Passes House | The Daily Caller
    GORG --- ---
    We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook - NEW 2015 Documentary
    GORG --- ---
    Caught: Staged CNN Syria Interviews Faked By Activist Danny
    GORG --- ---

    A number of the victims’ families want to prohibit the release of 911 audio tapes and other records from the Connecticut shootings.


    Several media representatives and open-government advocates, however, urged the panel on Wednesday not to recommend further restrictions on Connecticut’s Freedom of Information Act, arguing that such information can be crucial for journalists’ investigations, whether the material is published or not. They warned that more restrictions on public access to records could have unintended consequences.

    // teda hodne aktivni rodice
    GORG --- ---
    Anderson Cooper Clears Up Various Sandy Hook Shooting Conspiracy Theories - Jan 15, 2013 CNN
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