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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    LUKK --- ---
    Znáte tohohle indiána ? Po hodině co se rozehřeje nabírá pořádné bomby…… .
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Leaked Video of Cruise Missile Hitting Pentagon on 911 DOWNLOAD & RE UPLOAD
    FEKALNIK --- ---
    Bylo? Nebylo?

    CERN Part 1 - The Hidden Agenda
    EUR0 --- ---
    JAXXE: The New York Times, 'nuff said :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    WikiLeaks jako tajný nástroj Kremlu. Z úniků dokumentů často těží Rusko - iDNES.cz
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    FEKALNIK: jojo, vím že to tak mají. Navíc i ten citát to tam nějak podivně zmiňuje.
    Dával jsem to sem pro tu faktickou nemožnost splacení
    FEKALNIK --- ---
    SCHWEPZ: doufam ze ti je jasne,ze trilion v usa znamena bilion a bilion miliardu... :)
    FEKALNIK --- ---
    GORG: to uz je fakt nemaly hardcore
    GORG --- ---
    Solar Warden - The Secret Space Program | The Huffington Post

    When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed “the biggest military computer hack of all time”, and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK.

    // asi to do sebe začíná zapadat

    Gary McKinnon Spared Extradition for Discovery of Alien Spacecraft & Non-Terrestrial Officers

    // přitom on prý našel jen nějaké nezabezpečené PC
    GORG --- ---
    It is deeply gratifying for the Alliance to have finally produced a spokesman who served in multiple US administrations.

    We are still only seeing the very beginning of a full disclosure process. Ultimately we will discover the truth of a cosmic battle for the survival of the human race on earth.

    The Cabal that is now openly branding their opposition “Fake News” has been suppressing the truth of UFOs for well over 80 years.

    Any type of formal disclosure, such as of super-advanced ancient ruins in Antarctica, would be a massive game-changer that could create enormous distraction.

    It does appear that the Cabal has been holding onto this “card” all along, and may be about to play it.

    Vice tady: http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1208-endgame-pt-1

    No zajímavé souvislosti:

    U.S. Top Diplomat Kerry Flying To Antarctica During Presidential Vote

    U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will become the first top U.S. government official to visit Antarctica next week, visiting the frozen continent even as American voters are electing a new president.

    Shock claims massive ancient civilisation lies frozen beneath mile of Antarctic ice - and could even be Atlantis
    GORG --- ---
    Germany to fine Facebook €500,000 for every fake or hate-filled post
    GORG --- ---
    Former State Department Official Steve Pieczenik May Have Made The Most Important Announcement In American History

    “Dr. Steve Pieczenik has made a series of serious accusations on YouTube that, if proven true, will easily be the most important ever made in American history….

    [Pieczenik is] a Harvard Ph.D. and was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance and James Baker….

    He also served the presidential administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush.

    [He] has been called “one of the most ‘brilliantly competent’ men in the field of terrorism” by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Mary McGrory.

    Tom Clancy has literally based books on this guy’s experience….

    In the first video he released yesterday, Dr. Pieczenik announces that he [represents] a broad coalition of many individuals in the FBI, the CIA, military intelligence, and men and women in 15 other intelligence organizations.

    [They] are engaging in a bloodless counter-coup against the “soft coup” that he says the Clintons, the current administration and many other top government officials have enacted [through overtaking the judiciary and many other American institutions]….

    He also said he and his friends are the source of the leaked emails that WikiLeaks has been releasing, which would corroborate what award-winning human rights activist Craig Murray said after his friendly visit with Julian Assange two weeks ago.

    “I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is not any Russian state actor or proxy that gave the Democratic National Committee and Podesta material to WikiLeaks.”

    And in his second video, Pieczenik delivered a shocking message: according to him, Hillary Clinton is about to be charged not only with obstruction of justice, but also with sex with minors.

    According to Dr. Steve Pieczenik, both Hillary Clinton and her husband have sex with underage children, and he says they have proof.”

    The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States
    GORG --- ---
    Tony Podesta: globetrotting art collector | Culture | The Guardian

    They are known for purchasing "awkward" works, such as video installations, that many other private collectors will not consider. "It's easy to store them, but difficult to display them," says Podesta. To get round the problem, he and his wife have excavated a huge subterranean vault beneath their house outside Washington - a white space 5m square and 4m high in which it will be possible to show "very complicated video pieces" on all four walls.
    GORG --- ---
    Elijah Wood: Hollywood Has a Pedophilia Problem | Variety

    Before Elijah Wood starred as Frodo Baggins in the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, he was a child actor — and now he’s making some explosive allegations about the state of Hollywood.

    The actor, in a new interview with the Sunday Times, is accusing Tinseltown of having a pedophilia problem, saying “a lot of vipers” are preying on children in the business.

    “Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organized. There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind,” he said. “There is darkness in the underbelly. What bums me about these situations is that the victims can’t speak as loudly as the people in power. That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people: they can be squashed, but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: Jo, ale ty si řešil, že je potřeba ruskou propagandu kontrolovat.. tedy cenzurovat a jinými ráznějším kroky potírat, jsem to pochopil :)
    Asi bych to nerelativizoval, že každý šíříme nějakou propagandu. ale že posilují snahy monopolizovat internet. A zlikvidovat defakto open source novinařinu. Miliony lidí všímajících si mediálních failů, dávajících dohromady fakta, skládajících dílky pizzy.. a najednou to má být zas pouze CNN a jiná schválená média.
    GORG --- ---
    Katy Perry Wore A Pizza Costume And Wrestled A Dog - MTV

    Na druhou stranu já té moderní hudbě už teď nějak nerozumím :) Asi už jsem dost mimo, co je hezký, co se dá považovat ještě za hudbu, a kde končí hranice mezi hudebním klipem a pornem.
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: propaganda je spatna, aano ;) ja treba nemam rad ani reklamu, ale nejvetsi orisek bude najit hranici mezi propagandou a propagaci. nebo mezi reklamou a informaci. kdyz to vezmu ad absurdum, tak vychova deti je taky jen propagaci svejch hodnot (tedy propagandou ;)
    GORG --- ---
    Katy Perry’s Die-Hard Dedication To Pizza Onesies Makes Our Hearts Melt - MTV

    So, here's the deal: We'd hang with Katy Perry. She gets us. Somehow, she simultaneously manages to kill it in the style and snacks department by wearing food-themed clothing on the regular—and, dudes, we're not even exaggerating. She's been spotted in the (now iconic) Beloved-brand pepperoni pizza onesie multiple times since her Prismatic Tour kicked off this spring, and it makes us love her even more. (And, also, very hungry.)

    // Tyve v USA se třetina jídla vyhodí do koše a oni jsou hladoví po pizze? Nebo zas nějaký dvojsmysl?

    Several weeks ago, she went in full pizza-incognito mode before her Madison Square Garden show in NYC. Question: If KP zips her onesie all the way up, does this officially make her a Hot Pocket?

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Řekl, že Čína s Japonskem drží napůl 47 procent amerického dluhu, který dosáhl 18 trilionů dolarů. Ve skutečnosti je to „jen“ přes 18 bilionů dolarů. „V jednodolarových bankovkách by to byl komínek, který z planety Země dosáhne až na planetu Uran. Je vám tedy zcela jasné, že nikdo v reálném bankovním světě nepočítá, že by takovýto dluh byl uhrazen skutečnými penězi vzniklými za skutečné výrobky nebo nějaké služby,“ uvedl poradce českého prezidenta.
    Zdroj: http://zpravy.idnes.cz/...ema-co-muzeme-cekat-od-trumpa-ffq-/domaci.aspx?c=A161221_193444_domaci_kop
    GORG --- ---

    Spirit Cooking: The Most Disturbing Podesta Email Yet? (Warning: Graphic Content) | We Are Change
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