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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    podle me by o tom, co je pravda nebo ne, mela rozhodovat nejaka statni instituce.. jinak je v tom desnej zmatek.
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: njn internet neni dost velkej na konspiracni teorie :)
    KUKIDE --- ---
    MATT: no těch zabanovanej alternativních médií už je mnohem víc... :D
    MATT --- ---
    chapu dobre, ze novodobeho horsta fuchse zabanovali pres pulku internetu? ;)

    A variety of companies, all of which knew exactly what Jones’s brand was and the sorts of claims he made on air, finally caved to years of public pressure in recent days, starting with Spotify pulling episodes of his podcast from their service. Once Apple joined in, the rest of big tech, not to be left holding the bag, marched in lockstep to remove Infowars. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and even Mailchimp all put the kibosh on Jones’s groundless war for your mind, in favor of their own battle for more money and less public outrage.

    MTO --- ---
    Hidden in Plain View in Belgrade – Consortiumnews

    Why did NATO attack Yugoslavia in 1999, killing perhaps as many as 2,500 civilians? Here are some possible answers as Vladimir Golstein reflects back on that ugly episode.

    "Behind these official stories, a much sadder picture emerges. Why did these people die? Why did this NATO operation go ahead without UN Security Council authorization nor proof of self-defense, requirements of the UN Charter? Was it to satisfy the lust for power of U.S. and NATO leaders, of liberal interventionists like Madeleine Albright, Bill Clinton, and Susan Rice? To assuage the Clinton administration’s guilt over its failure to respond to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda? Was it to set up America’s largest military base in Europe since the Vietnam War, Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo? For American access to Kosovo’s vast mineral wealth and other business opportunities, including for Ms. Albright? Or was it to finally kill off a rather successful Yugoslav experiment in the “third way” between the West and the Soviet Union?

    It seems these people had to die for all those reasons and to put into practice the doctrines of responsibility to protect (R2P) and full spectrum dominance, doctrines cooked up by liberal interventionists and neocons in Washington. Those who died were essentially guinea pigs of a New World Order experiment to see how far the world could be pushed to implement R2P, a policy that could be used to mask imperial ambitions."
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Disney Presents: NASA on Thin Ice | Buzz Aldrin and the Masonic Moon ▶️️
    KUKIDE --- ---
    PTech and the 9/11 Software
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Next-Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology (N^3) - Federal Business Opportunities: Opportunities
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    KUKIDE: Colleen Schwartz, the Vice President of Communications at The Wall Street Journal, confirmed to us that these editions were printed at different times, not in different markets. The edition on the left was published after Trump met with Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto early in the day (and referenced the seemingly cooperative tone of their discussion), and the edition on the right was published after Trump delivered a speech on immigration later in the day (and referenced Trump’s reasserting his stance that he would force Mexico to pay for the building of a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border):

    FACT CHECK: Two Editions of 'Wall Street Journal' Bear Opposite Headlines About Trump
    KUKIDE --- ---
    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Peter Denis Sutherland (25 April 1946 – 7 January 2018) was an Irish businessman, barrister and politician who served as UN Special Representative for International Migration from 2006 to 2017, Chairman of Goldman Sachs ...
    Peter Sutherland - Wikipedia

    EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief - BBC News
    The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
    KUKIDE --- ---
    CIA admits it carried out secret psychic experiments on Uri Geller - getting him to PREDICT agent’s drawings from the next room
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Bizarre diplomatic ‘sonic attacks’ reaching epidemic proportions
    KUKIDE --- ---
    GORG: ale já jen tak, mě občas proběhne nějaká takováhle jednoduchá konspirace hlavou a tuhle jsem sem zkrátka postnul :))) tak či tak je to přeci konspirační auditko, ne? :)
    GORG --- ---
    KUKIDE: tak u těch preferovaných řešení se občas nabízí otázka,jestli je to nejrozšířenější nezdravý záměrně

    třeba bisphenol (makes fish gay) se používá v účtenkách, lahvích na nápoje a přitom existují neškodné přírodní alternativy
    KUKIDE --- ---
    Já to pořád říkal že babiš je iluminát a chce hloupý občany... :)
    Canola Oil Increases Memory Loss | GreenMedInfo | Blog Entry
    GORG --- ---
    "new statement" je klasika. takze by me ale zajimalo, kde se ztratil ten stary statement, ze nasli v troskach WTC pas nejakeho muslima, ktery nejak odolal zaru, ktery promenil budovu na prach, a nakonec i z takoveho pasu bylo zjevne, ze je to terorista.

    pokud uz z pasu poznam, ze je nekdo terorista, tak mu asi neudelim vizum.
    GORG --- ---
    But a new OPCW statement said the organisation was not able to “estimate or determine the amount of the nerve agent that was used” in the incident.

    The spokesman added however: “The quantity should probably be characterised in milligrams.”

    Salisbury attack: Chemical weapons watchdog backtracks on '100g of novichok' claim | The Independent
    GORG --- ---
    Je to komicky... ve snaze vyvratit Zemana si nabehli na vidle recmi o 50 az 100 gramu?
    (A jinak mi prijde, ze 50g a 100g je trochu rozdil.. hlavne, ze mame jasno.., bylo to 50g nebo dvojnasobek nebo whatever.. )
    GORG --- ---
    OPCW: V Salisbury bylo použito 50 až 100 gramů
    Organizace pro zákaz chemických zbraní (OPCW) ve čtvrtek uvedla, že při otravě Skripalových v anglickém městečku Salisbury bylo použito 50 až 100 gramů tekuté chemické látky. Ředitel OPCW Ahmet Üzümcü prohlásil, že to je podstatně více, než kolik by bylo v dávce připravené v laboratoři k výzkumným účelům.

    „Aniž bych znal přesné množství, bylo mi řečeno, že mohlo jít o 50 až 100 gramů, což je více, než je potřeba pro výzkumné aktivity,“ řekl listu The New York Times šéf OPCW Ahmet Üzümcü s odkazem na zkoumání místa útoku pracovníky organizace. Pro laboratorní výzkum se podle něho používá nejvýše desetina zmíněného rozpětí.

    Jeden ze spoluautorů látky označované jako novičok s tvrzením šéfa OPCW polemizoval. Použití 50 až 100 gramů tohoto jedu by mohlo úplně vyhladit Salibury, upozornil podle agentury RIA Novosti Leonid Rink. „To je nějaký zlý sen. Salisbury by z takového množství vymřelo. To je bojové množství. Ani nevím, kolik lidí by se takovou dávkou dalo zabít,“ řekl.

    Zdroj: https://zpravy.idnes.cz/...anie-otrava-skripal-1e3-/zahranicni.aspx?c=A180504_075554_zahranicni_kafi

    // napadlo me k tomu, ze je dobry nelhat. pak se clovek nemusi zamotavat do vlastnich lzi.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam