obhajena dizertacka svajciarskeho historika, klucove pre porozumenie terorizmu na Zapade
dolezity termin = strategia napatia
zaujimavy detail:
prsty v stvoreni fasistickych geril v grecku sam velky demokrat/murar
Churchill ... gave orders that a new Greek
right-wing secret army had to be set up whereupon, as journalist Peter Murtagh
relates, a 'new Greek army unit was established, which came to be known variously
as the Greek Mountain Brigade, the Hellenic Raiding Force, or LOK, its Greek
acronym (Lochos Oreinon Katadromon)'.
As ELAS fought against both the German Nazi
occupiers and the British-sponsored Hellenic Raiding Force, Churchill feared a
public relations disaster should it be revealed to the British public that London
was secretly supporting the fascists against the Communists in Greece.
to je mainstreamova zapadna demokracia v celej svojej krase