Theresa May approves Huawei 5G deal despite security warnings | Daily Mail Online
// no nakonec bylo rozhodnuto, ze Huawei nebude budovat 5G sit pro dulezity mista u elektraren apod., ale jen ve mestech, kde zijou lidi, a tady neni mozne aby tohle pasmo, ktery se zcela prokazatelne pouziva ve vojenstvi bylo nejak nebezpecne. navic se da zcela duverovat cinskym firmam, ze signal budou udrzovat na predpokladanem vykonu.
Specifically, they pointed out that
if the signal levels being generated remain below their suggested settings, which all current devices and networks do, that public health impacts are not a concern. In fact, tests have shown that some networks in the UK function at less than 1% of the organization’s recommended levels.
// moc nechapu vetu "if remaing below their suggested settings" ? "..tests have shown that some networks in the UK function at
less than 1% of the organization’s recommended levels"
Ja to ctu, tak ze pri testovani provozovali 5G site na 1% normalniho (recommended) vykonu, a ze pokud ji budou provozovat POD timto doporucenym vykonem, jsou bezpecne. Protoze vetsina merenych sitich dokonce ji dokonce provozovala daleko pod doporucenym vykonem.
tady je video, kde nejaka pani buzeruje techniky, kteri ted pri uzavrenych mestech stavi dalsi 5G vysilace. Nektere medialni clanky spekuluji, ze koronavirus pomuze urychlit staveni 5G vezi. Evidentne se mezi kritickou infrastrukturu pocita rychlej internet, protoze to je potreba pro komunikaci zachranek. Makes sense.