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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---

    Hmm Sesame street uvedli na World economic fóru, že spolupracuje na Great reset.
    Ale co vyroste za děti, které jsou systematicky učeny, aby se štítily lidí?
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Your Guide to the Great Reset
    GORG --- ---
    Corbett Report: Your Guide To "The Great Reset," A New Global Marketing Campaign | Video | RealClearPolitics
    DRZEEF --- ---
    DRZEEF --- ---
    Polovina Trumpových voličů věří, že demokraté jsou satanisté obchodující s dětmi

    Polovina Trumpových voličů věří, že demokraté jsou satanisté obchodující s dětmi - Novinky.cz

    Třetina slovenských učitelů považuje očkování za přípravu na čipování lidí

    Třetina slovenských učitelů považuje očkování za přípravu na čipování lidí - Novinky.cz
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Doug Ford gov't won't deny COVID-19 quarantine camps are coming to Ontario
    KUKIDE --- ---
    přihřívám ti polívčičku :)
    A DARPA-Funded Implantable Biochip to Detect COVID-19 Could Hit Markets by 2021
    COOK --- ---
    Kluci vy jste bozi! To je jak sledovat hadku dvou ctyrletejch deti :))))
    GORG --- ---
    The same is true of the Covid-fuelled tyranny of Schwab’s great reset, which the book categorises as “enlightened leadership”, adding: “Some leaders and decision-makers who were already at the forefront of the fight against climate change may want to take advantage of the shock inflicted by the pandemic to implement long-lasting and wider environmental changes. They will, in effect, make ‘good use’ of the pandemic by not letting the crisis go to waste”. (96)

    The global capitalist ruling elite have certainly been doing their best to “take advantage of the shock inflicted by the panic”, assuring us all since the very earliest days of the outbreak that, for some unfathomable reason, nothing in our lives could ever be the same again.

    Schwab and Malleret are, inevitably, enthusiastic in their use of the New Normal framing, despite their admission that the virus was only ever “mild”.

    “It is our defining moment”, they crow. “Many things will change forever”. “A new world will emerge”. “The societal upheaval unleashed by COVID-19 will last for years, and possibly generations”. “Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal. The short response is: never”. (97)

    GORG --- ---
    “The mind-boggling innovations triggered by the fourth industrial revolution, from biotechnology to AI, are redefining what it means to be human,” (34) he writes.

    “The future will challenge our understanding of what it means to be human, from both a biological and a social standpoint”. (35)

    “Already, advances in neurotechnologies and biotechnologies are forcing us to question what it means to be human”. (36)

    He spells it out in more detail in Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies will not stop at becoming part of the physical world around us—they will become part of us. Indeed, some of us already feel that our smartphones have become an extension of ourselves. Today’s external devices—from wearable computers to virtual reality headsets—will almost certainly become implantable in our bodies and brains. Exoskeletons and prosthetics will increase our physical power, while advances in neurotechnology enhance our cognitive abilities. We will become better able to manipulate our own genes, and those of our children. These developments raise profound questions: Where do we draw the line between human and machine? What does it mean to be human?” (37)

    A whole section of this book is devoted to the theme “Altering the Human Being”. Here he drools over “the ability of new technologies to literally become part of us” and invokes a cyborg future involving “curious mixes of digital-and-analog life that will redefine our very natures”. (38)

    He writes: “These technologies will operate within our own biology and change how we interface with the world. They are capable of crossing the boundaries of body and mind, enhancing our physical abilities, and even having a lasting impact on life itself “. (39)

    No violation seems to go too far for Schwab, who dreams of “active implantable microchips that break the skin barrier of our bodies”, “smart tattoos”, “biological computing” and “custom-designed organisms”. (40)

    He is delighted to report that “sensors, memory switches and circuits can be encoded in common human gut bacteria”, (41) that “Smart Dust, arrays of full computers with antennas, each much smaller than a grain of sand, can now organize themselves inside the body” and that “implanted devices will likely also help to communicate thoughts normally expressed verbally through a ‘built-in’ smartphone, and potentially unexpressed thoughts or moods by reading brain waves and other signals”. (42)

    “Synthetic biology” is on the horizon in Schwab’s 4IR world, giving the technocratic capitalist rulers of the world “the ability to customize organisms by writing DNA”. (43)

    FlyThe idea of neurotechnologies, in which humans will have fully artificial memories implanted in the brain, is enough to make some of us feel faintly sick, as is “the prospect of connecting our brains to VR through cortical modems, implants or nanobots”. (44)
    GORG --- ---
    Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset | winter oak

    Schwab explains that his “agile governance” would involve creating so-called policy labs – “protected spaces within government with an explicit mandate to experiment with new methods of policy development by using agile principles” – and “encouraging collaborations between governments and businesses to create ‘developtory sandboxes’ and ‘experimental testbeds’ to develop regulations using iterative, cross-sectoral and flexible approaches”.


    // tohle je v podstate konec demokracie, co tu navrhuje. nahrazeny fuzi korporatniho sektoru, NGO a statu. samozrejme pod plastem, ze do toho rozhodovaciho procesu zatahnou tim "lidi".
    KUKIDE --- ---
    GORG: měl by jsi to protřídit... :)
    Něco tu jeto je fakt a jak říká Mulder Pravda je tam venku...
    GORG --- ---

    Gates told NBC that normalcy can return “when we have, not the first generation of vaccines, but one that is super-effective”. He also said that the second generation vaccine should also be widely available. “Only then all the problems created by Covid-19 can be solved,” he added.
    GORG --- ---
    INK_FLO: Důvodu přejmenovat není. Ten "New normal" je očividně ten NWO. Jen by byly ty věci mohly být pohromadě v tématickém klubu. Některé věci se týkají dílčích specifik problému - jako že Flegrovy predikce nevychází apod.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    INK_FLO --- ---
    navrhuji přejmenovat audit na "alternativní informace k covid, protože jsem dostal ban a nemám to kam házet"
    GORG --- ---
    Kudla do zad, přibude mrtvých. Zavřením škol přijdeme o personál, míní lékař - iDNES.cz

    „My se staráme o kriticky nemocné, kteří mají extrémní stupeň postižení a vyžadují vysoce kvalifikovanou péči. Když mi jedna třetina personálu zůstane doma kvůli zavřeným školám, já je neumím nikým nahradit. Tady skutečně si vláda zahrává s tím, že tady chce mít italský scénář. To znamená, že nekvalifikovaný lidi budou zaskakovat za ty, co budou muset zůstat doma, protože tam budou mít děti, o které se nebude mít kdo postarat. My jsme s něčím takovým nepočítali, v našich plánech to není a pokud k tomuto kroku dojde, tak to vnímáme jako kudlu do zad,“ uvedl.

    // co to mele ten rouškofob? neměl by rozporovat rozkazy Plukovníka. ty jsou od toho, aby se plnily.
    GORG --- ---
    The Great Reset Plan Revealed: How COVID Ushers In The New World Order
    GORG --- ---

    Any test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive, agreed Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, Riverside. “I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive,” she said.

    + vhodné uvážit vyjádření vynálezce PCR testů, že tyhle testy by obecně neměly být používány na diagnostiku žádného viru samy o sobě , ale označovat testy s více než 35 cykly za pozitivní, je zjevně jen dále absurdní, protože už to nemůže poskytovat věrohodná data.
    + množství nutný cyklů by bylo možné použít k získání informace množství viru. jen ty s malým počtem by měly být považovány za pozitivní, upozornili vědci už v srupnu
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