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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    SUMAC: Zase se dostavame k problemu ze se nekdo v klubu o kospiracnich teoriich, rozciluje ze jsou moc nebo malo konspiracni. Neni to tak ze se sem muze hazet v podstate cokoliv? Zalezi na tobe jaky si na to udelas nazor.

    Apropos ja jsem zastance a signatar Great Barrington Declaration a konceptu herd immunity. I kdyz se ji Google, Sage, Fauci, etc. snazi diskreditovat, stale existuje velke mnozstvi lidi vzdelanych v oboru kteri jsou ochotni jit proti proudu, riskovat karieru a podepsat ji taky.
    SUMAC --- ---
    RIVA: hele tohle nema cenu, ty mi rikas ze mainstream je pseudo-science a sam sem hazes odkazy co jsou na pokraji pseudo-pseuso-science. co bys jako true odbornik na pandiemii delal ty teda? nechal pochcipat misto 90tis lidi 350tis lidi? hele tebe je na nyxu nebo v technicke podpore skoda, misto opravovani serveru se dej na politiku a bez ridit stat a jeho odezvu na pandemii, nechapu proc ztracis cas? vis vsechno nejlip.

    ICE:jo a vsichni lide z oboru konspiraci vi vsechno o vsem, vi i to co se nerika a nevi, takze se nedopousteji zadnych chyb a vsechno co kdy udelali neslo uzitek pro vsechny a znicilo jen par (co si to zaslouzili).
    RIVA --- ---
    The PCR False Positive Pseudo-Epidemic – Lockdown Sceptics
    RIVA --- ---
    SUMAC: To problem scientismu. Kazdej kdo si dovoli zpochybnovat "vedecky nazor" je automaticky nouma z Horni Dolni a flat earther.

    Jen bych si dovolil ti jako cloveku co taky zije ve Velke Britanii doporucit si nacist cokoliv od Mikea Yeadona, coz je taky vedec a mainstreamovy pristup k plandemii zpochybnuje.

    Taky Mr Anthony Fauci (Chief Medical Advisor to the US President) sam rekl ze PCR testy provedene nad 35 cyklu jsou tak nepresne ze nemohou prokazat nakazu cimkoliv. Priicemz standard testovani v UK je 40 cyklu.

    Sam tvurce PCR testu Kary Mullis vyjadri pochybnosti o vyuziti testu za podobnym ucelem jako se vyuziva dnes. Samozrejme tim ale neminil COV-SARS2, protoze zemrel v roce 2019.

    A jeste jeden klenot:
    ICE --- ---
    SUMAC: dopoustis se argumentacni chyby - ze lidi z oboru... nekteri lidi z oboru ekonomie delaji veci ktery jsou zlocin pro mnohe a zisk pro par, nekteri lide z oboru medicina/chemie delaji veci ktery jsou zlocin pro mnohe a zisk pro par, nekteri lide z oboru historie .... atd. atd. Chapes to? Anebo to prijmes jen od nekoho z oboru Pravdy a Lasky? ;)
    SUMAC --- ---
    RIVA: hele nejde o to cemu verim ja nebo ty, jde o to co rikaj lidi z oboru, ktery tohle delaji cely zivot. nevim jak by ses tvaril ty kdyby ti nejakej nouma z Horni Dolni co ma dva stupne zaklady fusoval do remesla a rikal ti, co a jak to mas delat? a ze vsechno co delas je propaganda?

    ARRAKIS: Daily Mail? vazne?
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Covid: Germany to hold people who refuse to quarantine in detention centres | Daily Mail Online

    RIVA --- ---
    SUMAC: To je v podstate shrnuti veskere medialni propagandy, jak se vyvijela od zacatku minuleho roku.

    Stale veris tomu ze lockdowny jsou efektivni reseni, masky take pomahaji a kdyz se vsichni nechame naockovat tak se zivot casem vrati do normalu?
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA: Teda vetsinou nedostavaji. Fakt ze onemocneni chripkoveho typu muze zkosit nekoho kdo je jinak tezce nemocny, obezni atd samozrejme nepopiram.
    SUMAC --- ---
    RIVA: jo ale deti nakazi rodice a prarodice, takze i diky tomu tady mame 90tis mrtvych a konec tohohle vladniho saskovani porad v nedohlednu. Taiwan - ostrov o podobne populaci - to zavrel cele na jare na par tydnu, problem (zatim) vyreseny, ekonomika funguje, nemocni tam jsou v nemocnicich a neumiraj oursourcovani v hotelich jako tady, pac na ne kvuli nezvladnutym kovidarum v NHS je misto.

    hele nemusis z toho delat diplomovou praci, staci mi kdyz mi ve dvou trech bodech shrnes kde tady v Uk zijeme v orwellovske dystopsii. osobne jsem si za tech 10 let co jsem tady vsiml akorat toho, ze pokud mas dobreho pravnika a dost cashe, tak si muzes delat uplne co chces, kazdemu je to totalne jedno a i vylet do Barnard Castle nakazenej covidem behem celonarodniho lockdownu pohodlne vokecas a nic se to nestane.
    RIVA --- ---
    SUMAC: Deti se pod drn z chripky ani z kovidu nedostavaji.

    Na tom literarnim dilku stale pracuju, bohuzel jsem jako nasvini posledni tyden v praci desne busy
    SUMAC --- ---
    RIVA: tak furt lepsi je mit depresi nez byt pod drnem ne? btw porad cekam na ten tvuj rozbor toho, jak v UK je to 1984 a dystopsie etc.
    RIVA --- ---
    Wikipedia Slashes Spanish Flu Death Rate – OffGuardian
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG: Uz jenom za nepohodli a frustraci zpusobenou nutnosti domaci vyuky mym detem bych si pral aby jeji proponenti zkoncili za mrizemi. Na hodne dlouho. Budu sobec a reknu "mym detem", ale nedelam si iluze o tom jak moc vysoke procento rodicu je s domaci vyukou nespokojeno. Ano, rok 2020 byl rokem extremu, ale reknu Vam ze nutnost resit depresi u osmiletych deti je u mne na zbricku "neakceptovatelnych zmrdstev" skoro nejvys. A to jsem jako maly chozeni do skoly nesnasel...
    RIVA --- ---
    The petrochemical pandemic
    By Dmitry Orlov

    I wonder, at what point will it become obvious to a critical fraction of people that the problem being addressed by shutdowns, lockdowns, curfews and various other supposedly epidemic control measures, which are really consumption suppression measures,is not epidemiological but petrochemical, driven by the need to curtail the consumption of oil in a systematic and symmetrical manner? After all, this has become obvious to me already. Can it really be that I am alone? Please allow me to clue you in.

    Backing up a bit, from the point of view of transnational capitalism, the world is there simply to provide it with resources and services from which to generate profits. Its view of the natural world demonstrates a striking mental deficit: an inability to see limits. Until it runs up against them, it simply can't see them and assumes that resources are infinite. And when it does run up against them, it invariably treats the problem as a financial problem and throws money at it, which can usually be printed into existence by a suitably cooperative central bank. Obviously, it sees the notional printing press as another inexhaustible resource, as evidenced by a long series of bouts of hyperinflation in countries around the world.

    Thus, when in July of 2008 oil prices spiked to nearly $150/barrel, it was automatically assumed that the problem had nothing to do with resource depletion but was entirely due to lack of investment in the oil industry. As oil from conventional oil wells on land grew scarce, it threw money at offshore drilling, tar sands, fracking and other relatively more expensive resources, printing it into existence as needed. Surely enough, increased investment eventually resulted in increased production and a glutted oil market, but the fact that the increased investment became necessary had everything to do with resource depletion: the resources that could be produced most cheaply were the first to be produced and the first to be depleted. What's more, the effect of increased investment was temporary; like rust, depletion never sleeps, and at some point the level of spending needed to maintain production becomes impossible to sustain.

    Fast-forward to August of 2019, when it suddenly turned out that US federal debt instruments, previously thought to be as good as gold, could no longer be used as collateral for overnight loans between banks without paying exorbitant interest. At around the same time it became clear that further production of US shale oil, which for a brief moment allowed the US to once again become the world’s largest oil producer, is not only a net waste of money but is also depleting too rapidly to be sustained. Falling oil production in the US and supposedly voluntary production cuts by Saudi Arabia (whose fields are huge but very old) have left Russia as the swing producer, able to control oil prices at its pleasure. Worse than that, the Russians are furiously building petrochemical and other plants because they plan to stop exporting oil and switch to making and exporting value-added products. For instance, they plan to grab a third of the world market in polyethylene plastic.

    Since the level of oil consumption directly determines the level of overall economic activity, if more oil can neither be produced nor purchased, then oil consumption hasto be reduced. Once that realization sunk in some time around December 2019, the collective corporate boardroom and their putatively democratically elected minions in Western national governments have turned to suppressing public consumption through the imposition of social controls. A wonderful interim solution was found in the form of a not particularly deadly flu virus. Borders were closed and lockdowns were imposed, shutting down tourism and much of the service sector. As the economic crisis grows more severe, mutant strains of this not particularly deadly flu virus are being discovered around the world and are being used to justify further restrictions on consumption in the countries that lack financial and physical resources to continue functioning as before.

    This strategy is becoming more difficult to sell to the general public as researchers around the world are discovering that the rationales for imposing social controls are not justifiable as public health measures. No evidence has been found that shutting down schools and playgrounds has affected the course of the epidemic. No evidence has been found that asymptomatic (i.e., healthy) individuals are able to spread the virus. Nor can it be proven that so-called lockdowns (a US prison term for locking inmates in their cells for their own protection) have been at all effective. The commonly used PCR test produces many false positives that make it at best misleading as a screening test for a mostly healthy population, and at worst a bit of political technology: the Ct parameter of the PCR test can be used as a knob to set the intended number of false positive results. Evidence is as yet inconclusive, but it seems likely that it will eventually be proven that mask-wearing by healthy (now called“asymptomatic”) individuals does more harm than good by incubating and helping spread bacteria. The response to the appearance of such research findings has been to impose strict controls on social media, attempting to stop the spread of such subversive ideas, and attempting to suppress demonstrations and riots by people opposed to being oppressed in this fashion, because the information does leak out.

    Finally, allow me to explain why shutdowns, lockdowns, curfewsand various other supposedly epidemic control measures, which are really consumption suppression measures, are driven by the need to curtail the consumption of oil in a symmetrical manner.Approximately half of each barrel of oil is processed into gasoline, used in cars and other small engines; the remaining half is processed into distillates—diesel, jet fuel, bunker fuel for ships and heating oil. In order for the petroleum industry to continue functioning smoothly, to remain profitable and to avoid accumulating unsold inventory, the demand destruction for these two types of products has to be symmetrical; thus, preventing people from flying (saving on jet fuel) has to be balanced against preventing people from driving to work (saving on gasoline). The corporate boardroom-based mechanism by which such petroleum industry logistical issues are being translated into supposedly medically motivated public safety pronouncements remains a mystery.If somebody at some point leaks a computer model that makes it possible to turn knobs on lockdowns, business closings, curfews and border closings in order to adjust and balance the consumption of gasoline and petroleum distillates, then we'll have our smoking gun.
    GORG --- ---
    U středoškoláků dochází k prudkému nárůstu psychických poruch - CNN Prima NEWS

    V důsledku distanční výuky jsou děti a studenti izolovaní, přicházejí o sociální kontakty, ale také o koníčky a někteří studenti o praxi. S jakými konkrétními problémy se na vás studenti obracejí? Můžete uvést příklad?
    Prakticky denně se setkávám s negativními dopady distanční výuky. Jako příklad uvedu jednu studentku třetího ročníku gymnázia, která ve třídě patřila mezi premiantky. Dívka je velmi společenská a sportovně založená. V současné době se ale potýká s velkými psychickými problémy. Když jsme to společně rozebíraly, svěřila se, že na jaře jí distanční výuka vyhovovala. Vytvořila si svůj režim a školní rok absolvovala s vyznamenáním. Prázdniny pak prožila aktivně s kamarády a rodinou. V září nastoupila do školy a vše bylo v pořádku. Jenže po pár týdnech se vrátila distanční výuka. Do toho zákaz sportu a setkávání se. Největší problémy se paradoxně objevily asi dva týdny před Vánoci, kdy se děti vrátily na krátkou dobu do školy. Velký nápor spojený s písemnými pracemi, množstvím zkoušení, nemožností sportovat a zvýšenou sociální izolací způsobily zhroucení dívky spojené také s velkým úbytkem hmotnosti.

    // Nemuze byt prekvapenim. Kdyz zakazete lidem zivot, minimalne urcita cast populace to ponese tezko.Tenhle aspekt je zcela ignorvan uz skoro 1 rok. Takhle zdecimovani lide budou samozrejme nachylnejsi na nemoce. Kolik mesicu nebo let budeme tenhle aspekt ignorovat? Kdyz takovy clovek zemre nebo skonci na JIP, bude v evidenci covid. Osobne si myslim, ze nezvykle velka mnozstvi umrti na podzim jsou toho z velke casti dusledkem, ale podlozene to nemam. Nejake studie na podobna temata byly, asi jsem je tu linkoval, ale jde to dost mimo mainstream zajem. Neco takoveho se samozrejme bude obtizne prokazovat.
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    Video z jara 2020 o tom o co vlastně v této covid hysterii jde. Stručně a jasně.

    GORG --- ---
    Do you know the Scientific History of Lockdowns? A Must Watch - CRUCIAL.
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