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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    Poměrně šokující článek z Izraele, který přirovnává ortodoxní Židy k teroristům:

    Deradicalize Israel's COVID insurgents before they incite a civil war - Israel News - Haaretz.com
    MTO --- ---
    Cena Brexitu v zlatom ekvivalente

    “K tomu zostáva dodať jedno. Seriál Brexit je v skutočnosti iba časťou seriálu s názvom "Zlatá čistka Európy".

    V rokoch 1938-1941 nacistické Nemecko okupovalo rad európskych krajín. Súčasne zlaté rezervy týchto štátov boli prepravované do USA a Veľkej Británie. Keď vojna skončila a Európania požadovali svoje zlato späť, dostali podmienku. Bankári v Londýne a New Yorku ponúkli pôžičky zabezpečené zlatom. Keď Európania súhlasili, uvrhli ich do dlhovej pasce. Odvtedy začala zlatá epopej, ktorá sa nezastavuje ani dnes.

    Celú tú dobu bankári z New Yorku a Londýna predávali Európanom ich vlastné zlato, ktoré si nechali v "úložnom priestore". Nakoniec, aby rozšírili objem operácií, rozhodli sa zraziť európske krajiny do kŕdľa.
    Vytvorili Európsku úniu

    Jedným z problémov je, že sa Európska únia nevyhnutne začala premieňať v ekonomického konkurenta USA. Preto sa EÚ skôr alebo neskôr musela stať predmetom konkurenčnej vojny. A Briti sa rozhodli utiecť. A zároveň si zlato vziať so sebou.

    Šance krajín Európskej únie na návrat zlata v blízkej budúcnosti sú teda prakticky nulové, zdôraznil politológ Jurij Gorodnenko

    ... Najzaujímavejšie epizódy seriálu "Zlatá čistka Európy" teda ešte len príde.“

    - tak tady v cechach si uz to moc nevezmou, kdyz mame min nez slovensko :-]
    RIVA --- ---
    The Light | An Independently Distributed Truthpaper
    GORG --- ---
    Facing another retirement home lockdown, 90-year-old chooses medically assisted death | CTV News

    TORONTO -- When 90-year-old Nancy Russell died last month, she was surrounded by friends and family.

    They clustered around her bed, singing a song she had chosen to send her off, as a doctor helped her through a medically-assisted death.

    It was the exact opposite of the lonely months of lockdown Russell had suffered through in the retirement home where Russell had lived for several years -- that was the whole point.

    Nancy Russell's obituary
    Across Canada, long-term care homes and retirement homes are seeing rising cases of COVID-19 and deaths yet again, a worrisome trend that is leading to more restrictions for the residents.

    But these lockdowns are taking another toll among those who don’t get COVID-19.

    Residents eat meals in their rooms, have activities and social gatherings cancelled, family visits curtailed or eliminated. Sometimes they are in isolation in their small rooms for days. These measures, aimed at saving lives, can sometimes be detrimental enough to the overall health of residents that they find themselves looking into other options.

    Russell, described by her family as exceptionally social and spry, was one such person. Her family says she chose a medically-assisted death (MAID) after she declined so sharply during lockdown that she didn’t want to go through more isolation this winter.

    “My mother was extremely curious, and she was very interested in every person she met and every idea that she came across so she was constantly reading, going to different shows and talks. [She] was frequently talking about people she met and their life stories, very curious, open minded. So for 90, she was exceptional.”

    But the first wave of COVID-19 restrictions in March ended her daily walks, library visits and all the activities in her Toronto retirement home. Her daughter says they had plastic dividers in the dining rooms and supervised visits in the garden.

    “She, almost overnight, went from a very active lifestyle to a very limited life, and they had, very early on, a complete two week confinement just to her room,” Tory said.

    During those two weeks, since she couldn’t exercise by walking to the library or doing her own shopping, Russell would stand up and sit down, again and again in her room, counting the times, her daughter said.

    “In that two weeks, all of us were phoning and she learned Zoom and got up to speed, but she felt extremely restricted, naturally, as did everybody.”

    Tory said that her mother didn’t blame the care home in any way, and that she “fully understood why that rule had to be in place.”

    Care homes were hit hard during the first wave of the pandemic -- a report by the Canadian Institute for Health Information found that as of May 25, 80 per cent of the deaths in the country had been people in long-term care facilities and retirement homes.

    More than 70 per cent of those who have died of COVID-19 in Canada are those over the age of 80.

    “[My mother] understood the fragility of the people in the building and the importance of protecting them, so it was just a very difficult time,” Tory said.

    It was during that more restricted, two-week confinement to Russell’s room that her family saw the decline.

    “She was just drooping,” Tory said. “It was contact with people that was like food to her, it was like, oxygen. She would be just tired all the time because she was under stimulated.”

    Russell had been a supporter of dying with dignity long before the pandemic, her family says.

    “I do want to underscore the fact that she wanted medical assistance in dying at some point,” her daughter stressed. “And she had told her family doctor that, but the application was hastened by the impact of the lockdown measures.”

    Tory said that Russell, still sharp at 90, had a clearer view of the future than many officials at the time, predicting early on in the pandemic that things would continue into 2021.

    “She would always say, the COVID is in charge, you know, no matter what the politicians say, the virus is in charge,” Tory said. “That did hasten her desire to apply for medical assistance in dying, and another factor for her is the fact that medical assistance and dying legislation is a work in progress, and she wanted very much to be sure that she could apply while she had all her marbles, so to speak, so that she could provide that consent.”

    The first doctor she applied to said no.

    “My mom told me he said to her, you've got too much to live for,” Tory said.

    In Canada, you do not need to have a fatal or terminal condition to apply for MAID, but you must have a serious condition, be in an advanced stage of irreversible decline, be experiencing mental of physical suffering that cannot be relieved and be at the point where “your natural death has become reasonably foreseeable,” according to Health Canada.

    Russell bought new tablets and tried to prepare for winter, her daughter said. But her condition was steadily getting worse.

    By the time she applied a second time, “more concrete medical health” issues had developed, her daughter said.

    This time, doctors approved her. Russell would not have to go through another lockdown in her care home.

    “She just truly did not believe that she wanted to try another one of those two-week confinements into her room,” her daughter said.

    Dr. Samir Sinha, a geriatric specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital, commends the family for telling their mother’s story.

    “I do appreciate that this family has come forward, especially when the balance of evidence out there actually says that these restrictions, in too many circumstances, are overly restrictive and actually causing unnecessary harm,” Sinha told CTV News.

    Researchers have noted rising rates of loneliness and despondence among residents in in senior homes during COVID-19 lockdowns, something they call confinement syndrome.

    “When you stick someone alone and deprive them of the usual things that bring them interest in joy, that can be an incredibly isolating, lonely, depressing experience,” Sinha said.

    “And frankly, when you can't look forward to getting out of your room, to having meals or doing activities with others, to even seeing your own families and loved ones, you can imagine for a person in the last few years of their life where these are the basic things that actually bring them joy and really defined what they would call their own quality of life, when you actually deprive a human being of these things, you can imagine that that can have significant psychological consequences that can really give people no real will to live anymore.”

    Some in the field of medically assisted death report more seniors inquiring about assisted death, and that lockdowns are accelerating the timelines among seniors already considering medically assisted deaths.

    “I would say it is an accelerator, not a cause for people's MAID requests,” Dr. Susan Woolhouse, a member of the Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers, told CTV News.

    “They met the criteria and wanted MAID prior to lockdown but are choosing to die sooner than they would otherwise because the LTC and retirement lockdowns, particularly visitor restrictions, are so miserable.”

    Adding to the complications is the fact that many care homes have seen a huge drop in staff, which can lead to even more health complications for seniors whose needs go ignored due to under staffing -- an issue made even more frustrating if family caregivers who could assist with these needs are unable to visit, as was the case at many long-term care homes during the first wave.

    “Frankly, we’ll find that a lot of the restrictions that are being put in place right now actually violate the rights of the residents themselves, their families, their substitute decision makers, and what really pains me is when I hear stories of people saying, ‘I’d just rather die,’” Sinha said.

    Other jurisdictions, like the Netherlands, quickly recognized the decline in senior residents of long-term care homes, and found balance between precautions and allowing activities and family visits. After a pilot project allowing one visitor per resident at 26 nursing homes did not result in a single new case of COVID-19, the Netherlands officially allowed all nursing homes to adopt those guidelines across the country.

    Similar measures are recommended now in Canada too, but doctors say many regions have not responded.

    “The fact that there can be such a degree of collateral damage by simply isolating people to this extent, this is why I and others have been long advocating for finding a better balance, balancing visitor restrictions, but also the safety and well-being of residents as well,” Sinha said.

    On Oct. 20, Nancy Russell died with her loved ones by her side, honouring her wish for a death on her own terms. Before her death, she spent eight days at the home of one of her children, while family members and friends visited in person or called and emailed. They played games and told stories in the backyard.

    “Her facility was in full lockdown at that time,” her daughter said. “We would not have been able to visit her in her facility. She had to leave. And for a week, with all proper COVID [precautions], we visited.”

    Even after she died, Russell made her voice and passion known; her obituary encourages all “to reflect and act to balance and repair the destructive impacts of extractive industries on water and the life it sustains by supporting practices of Indigenous Sovereignty,” and includes links to several Indigenous charities and movements.

    “Ever adventurous, Nancy departed this world with her wits intact and her expansive curiosity tempered only by a willingness to let the mystery be,” the obituary states.

    Her daughter said it was “definitely a very mixed feeling for everyone because we're losing someone we love, and whose absence is going to be huge.”

    But knowing it was her mother’s choice made all the difference.

    “She was able to direct a peaceful, pain free death on her own time and avoid a great fear of hers, which was to endure winter and lockdowns.”

    So far, there is little evidence of any family caregiver transmission of COVID-19 in long-term care homes, another reason that families believe their right to visit their loved ones should be preserved during any future lockdowns.

    “I worry about seniors, I worry about families who feel helpless. I felt helpless and I believe some other members of my family did at times,” Tory said.
    GORG --- ---
    Koronavirus změní cestovní ruch zřejmě navždy - CNN Prima NEWS

    Ať už se ale turismus obnoví příští či přespříští rok, jisté je, že se zřejmě navždy změní způsob, jakým budeme cestovat. Zjednodušeně řečeno koronavirová pandemie je nové 11. září. Zatímco po útoku na Světové obchodní centrum před necelými dvaceti lety došlo k trvalému zpřísnění bezpečnostních standardů v letecké dopravě, covid zpřísní standardy zdravotní, navíc nejen v letectví.

    // Tohle jsme se mohli dočíst na konspiračních dezinformačních webech už před rokem. Rok 2021 se zjevně stane rokem, kdy masmédia takhle pozvolna uvědomí veřejnost, že covidismus má zůstat už navždy. K tomu nám zřejmě dopomůže připravovaný pandemický zákon, který protlačuje "opozice". (ale obecně vidím změnu spíš v typu myšlení)
    Teď byl nouzový stav ilegálně prodloužen..pak se chystají dohodnout na pandemickém zákonu, který umožní podobně věci jako nouzový stav, který už nebude potřeba vyhlašovat.
    Veřejnost to sice může zastavit, ale tak půlce populace, je to asi jedno. Kdo chce bezpečí výměnou za svobodu, nebude mít bezpečí ani svobodu.

    ‚Podraz na občany.‘ Piráti a STAN kritizují, jaký pandemický zákon vláda předložila | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Ve vládním předpisu postrádají Piráti a Starostové parlamentní kontrolu, která by zajišťovala odůvodněnost opatření.

    // opozice ale v podstatě jen řeší sice důležité věci, ale principiálně imho jen bojují za menší zlo

    Vláda schválila pandemický zákon i novelu ústavního zákona o bezpečnosti - Legislativa - Advokátní deník

    Na svém zasedání v pondělí 15. února 2021 schválila vláda kromě jiného dva důležité předpisy – návrh pandemického zákona, který by mohl omezit nutnost využívání nouzového stavu v boji proti onemocnění covid-19, a novelu ústavního zákona o bezpečnosti ČR č. 110/1998 Sb. Druhý z uvedených předpisů by měl v budoucnu nalézt využití například při epidemii, suchu či kybernetických útocích, kdy by nebylo ohrožení takové, aby bylo nutné vyhlásit nouzový stav.

    Hamáčkův návrh ústavní novely znovu na stole:
    Podle návrhu novely ústavního zákona o bezpečnosti ČR č. 110/1998 Sb. by nově mohla vláda získat pravomoc vyhlašovat stav nebezpečí na celostátní úrovni.

    RIVA --- ---
    UK government has decided to introduce Covid ghettos. What next, Covid camps?
    UK government has decided to introduce Covid ghettos. What next, Covid camps? — RT Op-ed
    RIVA --- ---
    cryptogon.com » Court Docs Show FBI Can Intercept Encrypted Messages From ‘Signal’ App
    KUKIDE --- ---
    INK_FLO: toto je také moje odpoveď pro tebe v druhém auditku :)
    GORG --- ---
    Jeste ad

    As GreatGameIndia reported earlier, even the Lancet paper which suggested that coronavirus had a natural origin was orchestrated by Peter Daszak with employees of EcoHealth Alliance.

    EcoHealth Alliance interestingly is the same non-profit group that received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

    Dohledával jsem k tomu zdroje. Seems legit i v rámci nedávného závěru studie WHO, že je extrémně nepravpoděobné, že by virus unikl z laborky.



    Dr Peter Daszak, a member of the WHO team, said the focus on where the origins that led to Covid-19 might be, could be shifted to South East Asia.



    Peter Daszak, president of the research organization EcoHealth Alliance, describes how he has been caught in political cross-hairs over his partnership with a virology lab in China.

    The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) has reinstated a research organization’s multimillion-dollar grant to study how coronaviruses move from bats to people — which it cancelled in a controversial move earlier this year. But as Peter Daszak, the head of the small non-profit organization — EcoHealth Alliance in New York City — found out in early July, the funding can’t be used unless the organization meets what he says are absurd conditions. The demands, detailed in a letter from the NIH, are politically motivated, he says.

    To carry out its research, EcoHealth Alliance partners with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, which has been at the centre of unfounded rumours that the COVID-19 pandemic was caused by a coronavirus released from its laboratory. The NIH cancelled EcoHealth Alliance’s grant in April, days after US President Donald Trump told a reporter that the United States would stop funding work at the WIV.

    Inside the Chinese lab poised to study world's most dangerous pathogens
    EcoHealth Alliance and Daszak have been working with Shi Zhengli, a virologist at the WIV, for more than 15 years. Since 2014, an NIH grant has funded EcoHealth’s research in China, which involves collecting faeces and other samples from bats, and blood samples from people at risk of infection from bat-origin viruses. Scientific studies suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus most likely originated in bats, and research on the topic could be crucial to identifying other viruses that might cause future pandemics. The WIV is a subrecipient on the grant.

    The NIH makes seven demands of EcoHealth; these were first reported by the Wall Street Journal this week, and have been viewed by Nature. The agency asks EcoHealth to obtain a vial of the SARS-CoV-2 sample that was used by the WIV to determine the virus’s genetic sequence. It also requests that EcoHealth arranges an inspection of the WIV by US federal officials.

    Daszak calls the demands from the NIH “heinous”, and worries that the funding freeze is delaying vital work to identify and prevent the next pandemic. The NIH declined to comment, saying that the agency does not disclose internal deliberations on a specific grant.

    In an e-mail to Nature, Shi calls the NIH’s demands “outrageous” and echoes Daszak’s assertions that the agency’s demands are unrelated to the WIV’s collaboration with EcoHealth.

    Nature spoke with Daszak about being caught in the political cross-hairs.



    The NIH research consisted of two parts. The first part began in 2014 and involved surveillance of bat coronaviruses, and had a budget of $3.7 million. The program funded Shi Zheng-Li, a virologist at the Wuhan lab, and other researchers to investigate and catalogue bat coronaviruses in the wild. This part of the project was completed in 2019.

    A second phase of the project, beginning that year, included additional surveillance work but also gain-of-function research for the purpose of understanding how bat coronaviruses could mutate to attack humans. The project was run by EcoHealth Alliance, a non-profit research group, under the direction of President Peter Daszak, an expert on disease ecology. NIH canceled the project just this past Friday, April 24th, Politico reported. Daszak did not immediately respond to Newsweek requests for comment.

    The project proposal states: "We will use S protein sequence data, infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection experiments and analysis of receptor binding to test the hypothesis that % divergence thresholds in S protein sequences predict spillover potential."

    In layman's terms, "spillover potential" refers to the ability of a virus to jump from animals to humans, which requires that the virus be able to attach to receptors in the cells of humans. SARS-CoV-2, for instance, is adept at binding to the ACE2 receptor in human lungs and other organs.

    According to Richard Ebright, an infectious disease expert at Rutgers University, the project description refers to experiments that would enhance the ability of bat coronavirus to infect human cells and laboratory animals using techniques of genetic engineering. In the wake of the pandemic, that is a noteworthy detail.

    Ebright, along with many other scientists, has been a vocal opponent of gain-of-function research because of the risk it presents of creating a pandemic through accidental release from a lab.

    Porovnej s tvrzenim odborniku, ze unik z laboratore je cituji "skoro nemozny". Nemozny? Z laborky proste _nemuze_ nic uniknout?
    INK_FLO --- ---
    GORG --- ---

    SCHWEPZ --- ---
    Ruská vakcína změnila názor dezinformátorů. Místo veškerého očkování nově odmítají jen to západní
    RIVA --- ---
    Xi and Putin Stand Up for Humanity at Davos: Closed vs Open System Ideologies Clash Again - Fort Russ
    KUKIDE --- ---
    už nechte tu pandemii na pokoji, nad tím běží linka o které tu nepíšete... patří do toho třeba to že ten kdo vedl ten dav do kapitolu tak má top secret prověrku...
    k tomu do páru patří MR. Robot: https://mrrobot.fandom.com/wiki/Five/Nine_Hack

    a teď mi řekněte čeho to měl bejt cover a proč?

    a jestli mi řeknete že nikdo nebyl tak hloupej aby z capitolu něco vynes tak to jsme asi ve špatném auditku...
    GORG --- ---
    Germany Hired Scientists To Develop Fake Coronavirus Model To Justify Strict Lockdown | GreatGameIndia

    Interner E-Mail-Verkehr: Innenministerium spannte Wissenschaftler ein - WELT

    The German Federal Ministry of the Interior engaged scientists from several research institutes and universities for political purposes in the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020.
    It commissioned researchers from the Robert Koch Institute and other institutions to create a calculation model on the basis of which the Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), wanted to justify tough coronavirus measures.

    The information is contained in more than 200 pages of internal correspondence between the management level of the Ministry of the Interior and the researchers, received by the German newspaper WELT AM SONNTAG.

    A group of German lawyers fought for e-mail in a legal dispute with the Robert Koch Institute that lasted several months.

    In an exchange of e-mails, the State Secretary in the Ministry of the Interior, Markus Kerber, asks the researchers who have been contacted to develop a model on the basis of which “preventive and repressive measures” can be planned.

    According to the correspondence, the scientists worked in close coordination with the ministry in just four days to develop content for a paper that had been declared secret, which was distributed via various media over the following days.

    A “worst-case scenario” was calculated according to which more than a million people in Germany could die of the coronavirus if social life were to continue as it was before the pandemic.

    As GreatGameIndia reported earlier, even the Lancet paper which suggested that coronavirus had a natural origin was orchestrated by Peter Daszak with employees of EcoHealth Alliance.

    EcoHealth Alliance interestingly is the same non-profit group that received millions of dollars of U.S. taxpayer funding to genetically manipulate coronaviruses with scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

    Recently, a German court in a landmark ruling has declared that COVID19 lockdowns imposed by the government are unconstitutional.

    Thuringia’s spring lockdown was a “catastrophically wrong political decision with dramatic consequences for almost all areas of people’s lives,” the court said, justifying its decision.

    // TL;DR... nekdo z nemecky vlady zadal v utajeni vedcum ukol, at daji dohromady vedecke zduvodneni lockdownu. po necelem roce pravnich bitev se podarilo ty e-maily odtajnit. ano.. i takhle funguje veda. kdy je nejdriv zaver, ke kteremu je potreba se dopracovat
    GORG --- ---
    Prymula: Musíme vědět, kdo je očkovaný. Na papíře nebo čipu - CNN Prima NEWS

    Vláda musí podle exministra zdravotnictví Romana Prymula do budoucna zvažovat, jak označit občany, kteří už se nechali očkovat koronavirovou vakcínou. Řekl to v pořadu Partie Terezie Tománkové, kde navrhl, že by se lidé mohli prokazovat papírem či čipem. Právě atribut čipu provází řadu konspiračních teorií v souvislosti s koronavirovými vakcínami i pandemií jako takovou.

    „To, co se diskutuje, je nějaká informace o tom, zda byl člověk očkován. Ať už na papíře nebo na čipu,“ řekl mimoděk Prymula pro CNN Prima NEWS, zatímco diskutoval s biochemikem Janem Trnkou a šéfem praktických lékařů Petrem Šonkou o koronavirových opatřeních a vakcinaci v Česku.

    Exministr zdravotnictví své vyjádření dále nerozváděl. Je proto možné, že tím omylem nahrál na smeč koronavirovým konspirátorům, kteří věří domněnce, že pandemie vznikla cíleně a že je jen prostředkem světových elit, kteří chtějí ovládnout a „očipovat lidstvo“ V plošné označování jednotlivých občanů světa čipem věří také ortodoxní křesťané, podle kterých lidé za soumraku světa nebudou moci bez označení na pravé ruce či čele prodávat a nakupovat.

    Také ve světě už probíhá diskuze o tom, čím se budou očkovaní lidé prokazovat ve veřejných prostorech. Letecké společnosti už uvažují o zavedení takzvaných covid pasů, což by mohly být aplikace v telefonu, pomocí kterých by lidé dokázali, že jsou očkovaní.

    S konkrétním příkladem takových vackinačních pasů už vyrukovala švýcarská nezisková společnost The Commons Project, se kterou spolupracuje i Světové ekonomické fórum. Ženevská firma už pracuje na mobilní aplikaci CommonPass, která by umožnila nahrávaní údajů o vakcínách a sbírala by data i o provedených testech.

    Podle Jana Papeže z Asociace cestovních kanceláří je ale taková myšlenka v praxi neproviditelná. „Když se dozvíte, že je člověk očkovaný, může být i přesto nosičem viru a covid pas tak nebude nic znamenat. Země, které to budou brát vážně, nechají cestovatele prokázat i negativním testem,“ řekl pro CNN Prima NEWS.

    // sranda, ze vzdycky kdyz dochazi na slova "konspiratoru", ze vlastne meli pravdu, tak se objevuji fraze typu "nahral konspiratorum na smec" :)
    GORG --- ---
    Němci zaznamenávají negativní vliv roušek na fyzické a psychické zdraví dětí | Doktorka.cz

    Do 26.10.2020 registr využilo 20 353 lidí. Rodiče zadali údaje o celkem 25 930 dětech. Průměrná doba nošení masky byla 4 a půl hodiny denně. Poruchy způsobené nošením roušky hlásilo 68% rodičů.

    Mezi poruchy pozorované na dětech patřila:

    podrážděnost (60 %),

    bolest hlavy (53 %),

    potíže se soustředěním (50 %),

    pocit nedostatku štěstí (49 %),

    neochota chodit do školy/školky (44 %),

    malátnost (42 %),

    poruchy učení (38 %),

    ospalost nebo únava (37 %),

    nové úzkosti (25%).

    I když jsou tyto výsledky znepokojivé, studie také zjistila, že 29,7% dětí pociťovalo dušnost, 26,4% závratě a stovky účastníků prožívali zrychlené dýchání, tlak na hrudi, slabost, a krátkodobé poruchy vědomí.

    Četnost používání registru a spektrum registrovaných příznaků podle výzkumníků naznačují význam tématu.

    Corona children studies "Co-Ki": First results of a Germany-wide registry on mouth and nose covering (mask) in children | Research Square
    MTO --- ---
    Bill Gates and Neo-Feudalism: A Closer Look at Farmer Bill • Children's Health Defense

    Bill Gates has quietly made himself the largest owner of farmland in the United States. For a man obsessed with monopoly control, the opportunity to also dominate food production must seem irresistible.

    - jsou to stranky Roberta F. Kennedy, Jr. ,kterymu mezitim blokli instagram...achjo :-/
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam