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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    CORNELA: Proč na otázku odpovídáš otázkou? :)
    Jak já můžu vědět, na co kdo umřel? Možná nějaká bakterie. virus.. já to nebyl.
    GORG --- ---
    CORNELA: Takže jestli vás chápu správně, žádný izolát viru covidu skutečně neexistuje? Tedy čistý vzorek viru.

    Primary isolate - Wikipedia
    Primary isolate is a pure microbial or viral sample that has been obtained from an infected individual, rather than grown in a laboratory.
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: jop, hlavní zásada tvorby oborovýho nazvosloví je, aby to bylo pochopitelný i pro náhodný lidí z internetů, který o daným oboru netuší nic, ale vnitřně je to uráží, a místo nastudování si základů doporučujou lidem, který v tom oboru x let makaj, vyndat si hlavu z prdele...
    GORG --- ---
    Final refutal. A controlled and repeatable experiment by dr Lanka's ireefutable refutal of the viral theory

    tohle je na strunu, ze virologie je zrejme picovina jako takova. tl;dv; termin "izolace viru" neznamena, ze nekdo virus izoloval, tedy oddelil od ostatniho biologickeho materialu.

    odebere se vzorek, aplikuji se na nej antibiotika a jine latky, vysledek se aplikuje na zivou kulturu, kde se radu dni pestuje, a pokud zacne kultura umirat, izolovali jste virus. odeberete z toho vzorek pro indetifikaci genomu. pripadne udelat fotku a u nej sipku - s popiskem - tohle je ono.

    to potvrzuje clanek Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-covid-rna-idUSL1N2LS27P

    “That’s why when virologists want to isolate a virus from a sample, they’ll take the sample or some part of it and add it to some cells – usually ones that are relatively easy to grow in the lab – and then look to see if the cells die and/or if there are any virus particles released into the liquid nutrient bath the cells are growing in.”

    argh.. nevim no.. mozna by si vedecka elita mela vyndat hlavu z prdele a nechovat se jako urazene deti, kdyz tohle nekomu prijde jako divna definice "izolace". ja si vzdy izolaci viru predstavoval, ze mate vzorek cisteho vzorku toho viru. ale dle Reuters to tak neni a nikdy nebylo.

    The Truth About Virus Isolation 🤫

    tohle mi sice zni dost jako flat earth, ale povysenecke postoje na rozpraseni pochyb nepomahaji. tady je proste otazka, jestli virologicke postupy spravne vubec jsou schopny detekovat virus. kazdy virolog by takovou vyzvu mel uvitat, protoze je to jeho tema. mozna by tedy termin "izolace" viru meli prejmenovat, at to nedela zmatky. ono to ma svou logiku, ze pak sledujou, jestli bunky umiraji, nebo jestli se tam neco mnozi, ale tak at tomu tedy nerikaj izolace.
    RIVA --- ---
    Magnetic Nanomaterials in the Injections, Masks & Swabs
    RIVA --- ---
    Interview 1619 – Whitney Webb on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links : The Corbett Report
    RIVA --- ---
    Interview 1650 – Whitney Webb Dissects the Wellcome Leap into Transhumanism : The Corbett Report
    GORG --- ---
    konspiracni teorie, ktera se vraci zpet do hry v novejsi peer reviewed studii

    The performance of the SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR test as a tool for detecting SARS-CoV-2 infection in the population - PubMed


    v cestine preklad reportaze

    50 až 70% PCR testů jsou dle studie pravděpodobně falešně pozitivní .. resp. neindikují infekčnost.

    Tohle se přitom řešilo už dávno. "Seriozní" zdroje tohle opakovaně označovaly za konspirační teorii, kterou šíří lidé na Facebooku. Už jen ta arogance, že nějaký novinář se cítí být dostatečně obeznámen, aby v téhle otázce měl jasnou odpověď pravda/nepravda. To je symptomatický ke všemu kolem toho koronaviru. I v počátku, kdy to bylo úplně nové, tu byla skupina odborníků, kteří měli jasno.. a sice svůj názor mnohokrát změnili, ale celou dobu vystupují z pozice jistoty.
    RIVA --- ---
    20 Things I've Learned (Or Had Confirmed) About Humanity During The 'Pandemic' (THREAD):
    20 věcí, které jsem se dozvěděl (nebo si nechal potvrdit) o lidstvu během pandemie (TÉMA):

    1/ Většina lidí by raději byla ve většině, než aby měla pravdu.

    2/ Nejméně 20 % populace má silné autoritářské sklony, které se za vhodných podmínek projeví.

    3/ Strachu ze smrti konkuruje pouze strach ze společenského nesouhlasu. Ten druhý by mohl být silnější.

    4/ Propaganda je v dnešní době stejně účinná jako před 100 lety. Přístup k neomezeným informacím neudělal průměrného člověka moudřejším.

    5/ Cokoli a všechno může být a bude zpolitizováno médii, vládou a těmi, kteří jim důvěřují.

    6/ Mnoho politiků a velkých korporací rádo obětuje lidské životy, pokud to přispěje k jejich politickým a finančním aspiracím.

    7/ Většina lidí věří, že vláda jedná v nejlepším zájmu lidí. Dokonce i mnozí, kteří jsou hlasitými kritiky vlády.

    8/ Když už se jednou rozhodnou, většina lidí se raději identifikuje s mylným tvrzením, než aby přiznali, že se mýlili.

    9/ Lidi lze rychle a relativně snadno vycvičit a podmínit tak, aby výrazně změnili své chování - k lepšímu či horšímu.

    10/ Když se dostatečně vyděsí, většina lidí autoritářství nejen přijme, ale i vyžaduje.

    11/ Lidé, kteří jsou zavrhováni jako "konspirační teoretici", jsou často dobře prozkoumaní a jednoduše předbíhají mainstreamový narativ.

    12/ Většina lidí si cení bezpečí a jistoty více než svobody a volnosti, i když je zmíněné "bezpečí" pouhou iluzí.

    13/ Hedonická adaptace probíhá oběma směry, a jakmile nastoupí setrvačnost, je těžké dostat lidi zpět do "normálu".

    14/ Významné % lidí si vyloženě užívá, když se jim někdo podřizuje.

    15/ 'Věda' se pro miliony lidí na Západě vyvinula v sekulární pseudonáboženství. Toto náboženství má se samotnou vědou pramálo společného.

    16/ Většině lidí záleží víc na tom, aby vypadali, že dělají správnou věc, než aby ji skutečně dělali.

    17/ Politika, média, věda i zdravotnictví jsou v různé míře zkorumpované. Vědci a lékaři se dají koupit stejně snadno jako politici.

    18/ Pokud lidem zajistíte dostatečné pohodlí, nebudou se bouřit. Miliony lidí můžete udržet v poslušnosti, když je zbavíte jejich práv tím, že jim dáte peníze, jídlo a zábavu.

    19/ Moderní lidé jsou příliš samolibí a chybí jim ostražitost, pokud jde o obranu vlastních svobod před nadměrnou mocí vlády.

    20/ Je snazší člověka oklamat, než ho přesvědčit, že byl oklamán.

    21/ Většina lidí je poměrně soucitná a má dobré úmysly (to je dobře)

    V důsledku toho má většina lidí hluboký problém pochopit, že někteří lidé, včetně našich "vůdců", MOHOU mít zlé nebo zvrácené úmysly (to je špatné).


    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Spain's Proposed 'National Security Law' Would Allow Seizure Of Citizens' Property During Health "Crisis" | ZeroHedge
    RIVA --- ---
    cryptogon.com » Facebook: “Are you concerned that someone you know is becoming an extremist?”
    RIVA --- ---
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    DEPOPULATION ALERT: Shocking new study reveals covid vaccine TERMINATES 4 out of 5 pregnancies via “spontaneous abortions” – NaturalNews.com
    RIVA --- ---
    If Bill Gates was a mechanic. Sound Familiar?
    GORG --- ---
    Ministr zdravotnictví není římský diktátor, neudržel se správní soud - iDNES.cz

    Není možné připustit, aby se v demokratickém právním státě stal ministr zdravotnictví (byť s dobrými úmysly) dokonce bez vyhlášení nouzového stavu osobou obdobnou římskému diktátorovi s rozsáhlou možností regulovat lidské chování,“ píše se v posledním rozhodnutí.


    Další část se věnuje také přístupu odborné veřejnosti a vědců k pandemii covidu-19. „Protože naprostá shoda mezi odborníky je ve vědě v podstatě vyloučena, nemohla by, dle argumentace navrhovatelky, existovat žádná skutečnost. Ta však dle běžné skutečnosti existuje a uznávají ji v podstatě i všechny filozofické přístupy, snad kromě radikálního ontologického solipsismu. Na ten však soud odmítá přistoupit, protože pak by na světě existoval jen soudce zpravodaj této věci, který by toto rozhodnutí psal sám pro sebe,“ uvedl NSS.

    NSS tak vtipně reagoval na návrh, že nepanuje-li mezi odborníky v konkrétní záležitosti naprostá shoda, nejde o vědecký fakt, nýbrž pouze o vědeckou teorii. Z té se zároveň, podle navrhovatelky, stává politická ideologie, kterou je nutno zavrhnout.

    GORG --- ---
    RNA vaccine - Wikipedia

    The first mRNA vaccine experiments were carried out by P. Felgner, J. Wolff, G. Rhodes, R.W. Malone and D. Carson. P. They completed a number of mRNA vaccination studies that resulted in nine patents on mRNA vaccination with a shared priority date of March 21, 1989. One experiment documented that NEF (an HIV protein) mRNA vaccination in mice, followed by HIV challenge reduced positively stained cells by 2-fold and p24 expression was reduced by 50% at eight weeks. [18][19][20]

    Pro porovnani - ted ta wiki neobsahuje reference na zadnou studii/patent , ktery by byl primo o te vakcine. Jen novinove clanky, kde se o nich hovori, ale uz se tam tolik nezminuje ten Malone.

    takze, co by tam byvalo mohlo byt



    In 1987, while a graduate student at UC San Diego and the Salk Institute, Robert W Malone discovered that mRNA could transfect mRNA into a variety of eukaryotic cells and embryos [1], [2], [3], [4]). Robert W Malone developed mRNA delivery, in collaboration with Philip Felgner at Syntex, who had pioneered the use of artificially-created cationic lipids (positively-charged lipids) to bind lipids to nucleic acids in order to transfect the latter into cells in the mid 1980s. Phil Felgner was then recruited to help launch a new biotech startup in San Diego called Vical.[15]. While at the Salk Institute, Robert W Malone developed the theory of DNA and RNA vaccination and described a variety of potential applications for use of synthetic RNA as a drug. This work was reduced to practice, patent disclosures and an application filed in March 1989 through the Salk Institute ([5]). These studies were the first evidence that in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA could deliver genetic information to produce proteins within living cell tissue.

    Robert Malone shortly thereafter went to work for Vical, bringing his discoveries and reagents with him. He established the molecular biology laboratory at Vical, designed the original DNA and RNA delivery studies at Vical (with and without cationic lipids) and also synthesized the DNA and RNA that was shipped to the University of Wisconsin where the in-vivo work was performed, as Vical did not have animal facilities at the time. These experiments had positive results where "naked" (or unprotected) mRNA was injected into the muscle of mice and is the first demonstration of this delivery strategy. The patent disclosures for this initial discovery included detailed discussions of mRNA and DNA vaccine applications [6] and [7]

    In vitro mRNA vaccination in animals was first published in a peer reviewed journal in 1990 by the Merck team, which had bought the Vical intellectual property rights. In 1993, Martinon demonstrated that liposome-encapsulated RNA could stimulate T-cells in vivo, and in 1994, Zhou & Berglund published the first evidence that RNA could be used as a vaccine to elicit both humoral and cellular immune response against a pathogen.[3][22][23]

    In 1996, RNA vaccination into mammals was further developed when Jill and Robert W Malone demonstrated that production of a mucosal immune response in a host by administration of an antigen-encoding polynucleotide preparation, comprising DNA or RNA encoding an antigenic epitope to a mucosal inductor site in the mucosal tissue of the host could be elicited (reference #6 and 7). [8], [9]

    Hungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko attempted to solve some of the main technical barriers to introducing mRNA into cells in the 1990s. Kariko partnered with American immunologist Drew Weissman, and by 2005 they published a joint paper that solved one of the key technical barriers by using modified nucleosides to get mRNA inside cells without setting off the body's defense system.[3][24] Harvard stem cell biologist Derrick Rossi (then at Stanford) read Kariko and Weissman's paper and recognized that their work was "groundbreaking",[24] and in 2010 founded the mRNA-focused biotech Moderna along with Robert Langer, who also saw its potential in vaccine development.[24][3] Like Moderna, BioNTech also licensed Kariko and Weissman's work.[24]

    In 2000, German biologist Ingmar Hoerr published an article on the efficiency of RNA‐based vaccines, which he studied as part of his doctoral degree.[25][26] After completing his PhD, he founded CureVac together with his PhD supervisor Günther Jung, Steve Pascolo, Florian von der Muelbe, and Hans-Georg Rammensee. Up until 2020, these mRNA biotech companies had poor results testing mRNA drugs for cardiovascular, metabolic and renal diseases; selected targets for cancer; and rare diseases like Crigler–Najjar syndrome, with most finding that the side-effects of mRNA insertion were too serious.[27][28] mRNA vaccines for human use have been developed and tested for the diseases rabies, Zika, cytomegalovirus, and influenza, although these mRNA vaccines have not been licensed.[29] Many large pharmaceutical companies abandoned the technology,[27] while some biotechs re-focused on the less profitable area of vaccines, where the doses would be at lower levels and side-effects reduced.[27][30] Glasspool1 (talk) 17:32, 2 March 2021 (UTC)


    Cationic Lipid-mediated RNA and DNA Transfection, Patent Application US 326,620. Inventor: Robert W Malone, Inder Verma, Vical file no. S48014. Priority date 1988.
    A Novel Approach to Study Packaging of Retroviral RNA by RNA Transfection, R. Malone et.al Abstract presented at “RNA Tumor Virus meeting, Cold Spring Harbor May 17-22, 1089.
    mRNA Transfection of cultured eukaryotic cells and embryos using cationic liposomes. Malone RW. Focus. 1989;11:61-8.
    Cationic liposome-mediated RNA transfection, R W Malone, P L Felgner, I M Verma. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Aug 1989, 86 (16) 6077-6081; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.86.16.6077.
    Cationic Lipid-mediated RNA and DNA Transfection, Patent Application US 326,620. Inventor: Robert W Malone, Inder Verma. Vical file no. S48014.
    5. Induction of a protective immune response in a mammal by injecting a DNA sequence. Assigned to Vical, Inc, licensed to Merck. US Pat. Ser. No. 5,589,466, date of issue: 12/31/96. Priority date: March 21, 1989.
    Direct gene transfer into mouse muscle in vivo. Wolff JA, Malone RW, et al. Science. 1990;247(4949 Pt 1):1465-8.
    7. DNA vaccines for eliciting a mucosal immune response. US Pat. Ser. No. 6,110,898, date of issue: 8/29/00, priority date 1996.
    Mucosal immune responses associated with polynucleotide vaccination. Malone JG, …, Malone RW. Behring Inst Mitt. 1997(98):63-72.
    GORG --- ---
    RIVA: Zajímavé. Já se divil, proč první vynálezce tam není zmíněný jménem. Zjevně tam smazali i reference na jeho práci na první mRNA vakcíně

    Patent Database Search: Error

    Odkazy na studie nahradili články z novin, kde se vývoj mRNA shrnuje a zaměřuje na COVID vakcínu a mrazáky s mrtvolama.

    tady nekdo prosi, aby se smazala zminka, ze do te doby nebyly vakciny schvalene pro lidi, protoze prece cetl, ze se pouzivaly uz od roku 1990, ale byl zchlazen fakty pro zatim
    This is a quote from the article. Can anybody help check that as it is a big reason here in the dutch speaking region why people do not want to get vaccinated. Enfin, here the claim circulates that mRNA vaccines are still experimental and new, whereas "The use of RNA vaccines goes back to the early 1990s." Thy and greetings from Brussels :), SvenAERTS (talk) 09:50, 2 February 2021 (UTC)

    Go read the Stat article already cited in the article as the basis for that statement (the footnote is attached to the sentence after the one you just quoted). The article specifically says: "Although relatively easy and quick to produce compared to traditional vaccine-making, no mRNA vaccine or drug has ever won approval." That article explains most of the difficulties encountered in bringing mRNA vaccines and drugs to market. Quartz has published its own article which explains the other major difficulty involved: developing an adequate delivery system for mRNA. --Coolcaesar (talk) 15:56, 2 February 2021 (UTC)
    Also, Derek Lowe at Science Translational Medicine has just published a blog post which explains at length and in plain English why it is so hard to scale up the manufacturing of mRNA vaccines. --Coolcaesar (talk) 17:33, 3 February 2021 (UTC)


    Not done for now: This seems largely based on primary sources (patents, WP:PRIMARY studies as explained at MEDRS) - and additionally, it is mostly the work by one researcher (RW Malone) who doesn't even have a page here. This level of detail about that might be WP:UNDUE. RandomCanadian (talk / contribs) 15:39, 5 March 2021 (UTC)
    An edit very similar to this edit seems to have been approved now (on 6/9/21 and maintained as of 6/12/21), but I am not sure why. I am not an RNA vaccine expert so I cannot comment on the validity of the edit directly, but I am a scientist and noticed the inconsistent and nonstandard citation styles (an unusual two author followed by et. al citation, "Jon A. Wolff, Robert W Malone, et. al.", and then an unusual five author citation, "P. Felgner, J. Wolff, G. Rhodes, R.W. Malone and D. Carson. P."). These strange choices seem to be cherry-picked to ensure maximum instances of the name Robert Malone, who has a history of unilateral self-promotion online. I'm not familiar with wikipedia standards, but is there a way to recommend review to ensure these edits are accurate and unbiased? Essennar (talk) 17:30, 12 June 2021 (UTC)

    Is it not correct that Robert W. Malone was one of the original inventors of mRNA vaccination? If correct, why isn't his name mentioned at least a single time in the current version of this article? (talk) 04:10, 21 June 2021 (UTC)


    These edits by user Alexbrn are attempting to hide the history of mRNA's discovery by removing all references to Robert Malone. I suspect this is due to the recent controversy surrounding Robert, yet that does not make this edit appropriate. Please reverse these three abusive edits attempting to hide the history of mRNAs discovery. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=RNA_vaccine&diff=1029988072&oldid=1029743206 https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=RNA_vaccine&diff=1030322202&oldid=1030284345 https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=RNA_vaccine&diff=1030787298&oldid=1030331671

    This edit request has been answered. Set the |answered= or |ans= parameter to no to reactivate your request.
    Asailum (talk) 06:28, 28 June 2021 (UTC)

    Not done No source(s) given. Note this is being discussed at WP:FTN#The danger of the spike protein in RNA vaccines, according to … their inventor?. Also, note WP:COI. Alexbrn (talk) 06:38, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
    Adding a source [1] which references the original mouse research which was removed. Even if the reference to Dr. Robert Malone is removed that is no reason to delete the history sections referring to that research. Caprilyc (talk) 17:18, 28 June 2021 (UTC)


    Robert Malone is an individual who has appeared on social media to (as this Reuters fact check puts it) say that the spike protein as used in several COVID vaccines is "very dangerous" and "cytotoxic". He styles himself and is referred to in such forums as the "inventor of mRNA vaccines".[25]

    Over at RNA vaccine#History there has been repeated editing trying to get this "inventor" characterisation into Wikipedia, despite apparently there being no suitble WP:RS for it. While there is no doubt Malone was a scientist publishing early work in this field (see here) for example, his role does not even seem to have been so much that he is even named in historical overviews of the topic, in contrast to - say - Katalin Karikó.
    Alexbrn (talk) 08:52, 25 June 2021 (UTC)

    The main issue with Malone is there aren't any reliable sources that discuss him in detail or the merits of his claim to have "invented" mRNA vaccines, though I see the Daily Mail and Fox News have uncritically parroted his claims. Hemiauchenia (talk) 08:56, 25 June 2021 (UTC)
    "According to his company website, he designed and developed in-vivo transfection experiments that led to numerous publications and over 10 patents on mRNA vaccination.
    However, the claim that he’s the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology underlying the covid jab is not widely accepted by independent researchers documenting the intellectual property landscape of this discovery."[26]
    The best source for claims of who invented mRNA vaccines appears to be "A network analysis of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine patents" in Nature Biotechnology[27][28] Especially interesting: [29]. --Guy Macon (talk) 15:56, 25 June 2021 (UTC)
    Related: Fact Check: COVID-19 vaccines are not 'cytotoxic' --Reuters Fact Check
    --Guy Macon (talk) 16:00, 25 June 2021 (UTC)
    Is this a dispute about how to accurately label his involvement? If so, perhaps it would be more accurate to describe him as “one of the scientists who’s work directly led to the vaccine” or something similar. Or is the dispute more about what he says? Blueboar (talk) 16:07, 25 June 2021 (UTC)
    I don't think the sources even go quite that far. They cite some early work (for which he was one of several authors), showing that there was some kind of possible therapeutic potential for mRNA. That's what the article more or less currently says, but there's been a push to single him out and name him as a figure, when the sources don't. Alexbrn (talk) 16:12, 25 June 2021 (UTC)
    Professor Francois Balloux tweeted earlier today: (Malone) presents himself as the 'Inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug'. I presume his claim is based on being a middle author on 3 fairly well-cited publications from the nineties on DNA/RNA expression vectors (104, 28, and 27 citations this year on Google Scholar). Schazjmd (talk) 22:43, 27 June 2021 (UTC)
    The other side of the story: Malone documents why he makes the claim of inventing mRNA vaccines. Schazjmd (talk) 16:18, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
    (archive link [30]) —PaleoNeonate – 04:43, 29 June 2021 (UTC)
    Yeah, mRNA vaccines are not just RNA transfection. That's a gross over-simplification. This man also did not invent nucleic acid transfection. Mark Danielsen and Philip Felgner did that at Syntex Research in 1987.[1] This guy was just a middle author on a few papers that used this same tech with RNA in 1990. I would describe him more as a patent troll than an inventor, personally.--Shibbolethink (♔ ♕) 16:37, 28 June 2021 (UTC)
    So they can keep their legal battle going, but it's of course inappropriate to use Wikipedia as a PR platform... When independent reliable sources report about that, it may be possible to cover the process or results... —PaleoNeonate – 04:39, 29 June 2021 (UTC)

    TL;DR; Lidi, kteri nejsou vedci, se divali do textu kolem historie COVID vakciny, a toho typka tam nevideli, a byl tam na wiki zminen az moc hodne, tak to zredukovali na nulu. Jeho jmeno radeji nahradili jmenem firmy, pro kterou pracoval.
    Zpochybnuji, ze jeho praci lze pouvazovat za vakcinu

    Induction of a protective immune response in a mammal by injecting a DNA sequence

    A method for delivering an isolated polynucleotide such as DNA or RNA, to the interior of a cell in a mammal comprising the injection of an isolated polynucleotide into a muscle of the mammal where the polynucleotide is taken up by the cells of the muscle and exerts a therapeutic effect on the mammal. The method can be used to deliver a therapeutic polypeptide to the cells of the mammal, to provide an immune response upon in vivo translation of the polynucleotide, to deliver antisense polynucleotides, to deliver receptors to the cells of the mammal or to provide transitory gene therapy.

    Tohle neni vakcina? No on je to spis chytak, protoze on tady mluvi o genove terapii. Ani COVID vakciny nejsou ve skutecnosti vakcina. Vakcina obsahuje virus, ne ze se genovou terapii vytvori nejaka jeho cast sama v tele.
    Jeho prace zjevne byla pak rozvinuta tou Madarkou, ktera mela udajne vyresit problem nejake prehnane defensivni reakce imunitniho systemu na tu vakcinu. Resila problem, o kterem byla akademicka komunita skepticka a dlouha leta jeji praci zamitali publikovat. Tuhle zminku z wiki smazali samozrejme. Ale o tom to zrejme je. BIONTECH/Moderna .. vyrobce rozjel sen vyrabet vakciny pro lidi, a udajne vyresili ten problem. No je aby.

    Kazdopadne zaujatost je tam zrejma. Pribeh je hodne podobny jako u vynalezce PCR testu, ktery razantne kritizoval, aby byly pouzivane pro diagnostiku.
    Ze neco tvrdi pionyri v oblasti, jeste neznamena, ze maji pravdu, nicmene ta snaha jejich podil marginalizovat, jakmile se stanou kontroverznimi , je fakt strapna.

    Malone sam tvrdi, ze neni proti konceptu mRNA vakciny, ale ze mu vadi tyhle konkretni, ale fanatikum nelze vysvetlit. Stejne jako nejde verit jen trochu v Jezise.. jen trochu v Pana. Clovek musi verit plne ve vsem, jinak je stale hrisnikem.
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology - Dr Robert Malone
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam