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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---

    Why Are The World Economic Forum (WEF) & Rockefeller Foundation (RF) So Intent On Implementing A Digital ID, Digital Currency & Social Credit Score System?
    RIVA --- ---
    Jay Dyer: Elite's Plans of the Last Century Are Being Rolled Out

    Jay Dyer discusses the dystopia we find ourselves in and what he calls the "business phase" of the Great Reset. The elite's overall plan of the last century is being rolled out through managed and staged crises. The initial phases of the global government technocracy arose out of the UN's plans for managing nukes. Elites such as Jacques Attali call it a "planetary empire" of computer dominance. He sees it possible that all nations are on board with the long-term Great Reset agenda, yet that there can exist near-term regional conflicts and wars that can break out. What we can expect next are more of the Cyber Polygon type scenarios. He examines some of the Enlightenment occult and revolutionary philosophies that underpin America and how it eventually became the global implementer of the New World Order. We also discuss whether Bitcoin is a globalist Trojan Horse or a genuine cypherpunk creation.
    RIVA --- ---
    Hitler Proclaims Anyone Who Attacks Him Is Attacking Science | The Babylon Bee
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    RIVA --- ---
    MindSpace, Psyops, and Cognitive Warfare: Winning the Battle for the Mind – the Canadian patriot
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    2FA is a Big Tech Scam! You Must Resist!
    RIVA --- ---
    Psychic Volcano - Thomas Sheridan (Great rant about the Normies and the CONvid insanity)

    A great rant by Thomas Sheridan about the CONvid crisis nonsense and the Normies who are abiding to all this CONvid insanity. He lets rip at the Normies with a stream of conscience towards the end of the video.

    Video sourced from Thomas Sheridan on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThomasSheridanArts/videos
    RIVA --- ---
    The Great Game with Matthew Ehret & CJ- The Post Regime Change Middle East Emerges
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Tensions rise across Europe as countries introduce Covid measures and compulsory vaccines - BBC News
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    ADM: Od zacatku tohohle divadla je pro me off-guardian bastou zdraveho rozumu ;)
    ADM --- ---
    RIVA: jj, rad ctu vsechny jeho clanky na off-guardianu. moc dobry autor venujici se covidismu je taky https://eugyppius.substack.com
    RIVA --- ---
    Skvělej rozhovor s CJ Hopkinsem!

    CJ Hopkins on the Covidian cult and totalitarianism

    CJ Hopkins is a writer and satirist.

    He discusses the Covidian cult to which millions of people have willingly succumbed; how it's driven by fear and no different to totalitarianism; why being silent is a terrible idea; and what we can do to push back against the global capitalists.

    Consent Factory, Inc. – Manufacturing consent for private and public sector clients for over 250 years
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    Dneska jsem zjistil, že mi bez jakýhokoli upozornění zmizel z profilu FB tenhle blog. Že bych už byl za svobodný šíření názorů taky označen jako "dezinformátor"?
    Moderní ideologická klasifikace občanů ČR - Blog iDNES.cz
    RIVA --- ---
    Riley Waggaman: Why is Russia Going Full COVID1984?

    Moscow-based Riley Waggaman gives us his take on why Russia is going full COVID1984. He considers the COVID19 phenomenon to basically be: a positive PCR Test, huge data manipulation, and medical malpractice. The general mood toward coronavirus restrictions in Russia is that the people are so "over" it, but the government continues to aggressively shove these soul-raping measures down everyone's throat. The federal government wants to institute a national digital health pass for all aspects of life. A lot of the elements of the Russian government are totally on board with the WEF, 4IR, and transhumanism. He points out the example of Veronika Skvortsova who plays a key role in Russia's pandemic response and is on a Gates committee. All of the conflicts between the West and Russia are fights over oil pipelines and whose oligarch gets to pump oil and where. Is an allegedly sovereign Russia-China multipolar world a system that will support freedom of movement or basic human rights? No. Russians have been able to weaponize social media and force the Duma to delay QR Code and vaccine mandate legislation, but Riley thinks the legislation will eventually soon be passed. Covid is just one of many tricks in the bag and things have the potential to get really bad, he doesn't think it's going to work out well for a lot of us. He thinks the "Cyber Pandemic" is totally coming.
    MTO --- ---
    JAMILLOS: tu ctu velmi rad....
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    SHOCKING: In the wake of Austria's drastic lockdown of unvaccinated people, EU chief calls for throwing out Nuremberg Code | The Post Millennial

    JAMILLOS --- ---
    Covidová operace - co už víme s jistotou - Bornova.pub
    GORG --- ---
    Inside Australia's Covid internment camp
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