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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    Co je pravda, co je lež? Dezinformační kampaň proti Landovi „předvídal“ už Masaryk - Novinky.cz

    Nevěřte ničemu, co vidíte na internetu a neověříte si to. O tom, že je dobré dbát na tuhle starou pravdu, se mohli naposledy přesvědčit odpůrci očkování proti covidu-19. Známým lidem sdílejícím s nimi stejné názory totiž někdo připsal výroky vyznívající zcela opačně. S falešnými citáty se doslova roztrhl pytel a po českém internetu se šíří jako lavina.

    Jenze ono se to zjevne nerisi kvuli tomu, ze by to nekdo bral vazne. To se jen nekteri vzajemne poplacavaji po ramenou, jak to nekomu nanadali.
    Pritom ani ten samotny clanek neobsahuje nejakou konkretni referenci, ze tuhle dezinformacni kampan bere nekdo vazne. A jiste taci budou, ale jdeme do toho psat clanky do novin? Lidi co skoci na vsechno budou ve vsech nazorovych skupinach. Ja teda popravde nikoho tyhle dezinfo obrazky bral jeste na netu nevidel.

    A ze se to siri jako lavina je prece to, ze to tam davaji ty lidi, kteri si tuhle dezinformacni srandicku delaji. To je uz fakt byt tak zakopany ve vlastnich iluzi, ze sami sebe presvedcuji o sve bubline reality. A jak "ochutnaji vlastni medicinu" a podobne reci. Ale kdo to resi? Vzdyt jsou to tak okate fejky.

    A ted uz je to snad uz 2 tydny, co se tim intelektualni covidisticka uderka bavi?


    Ale neresi se, ze doktori odmitaji pacienty.. tehdy kvuli tomu, ze nemaji test, nebo ze ho maji pozitivni... ted zas kvuli tomu, ze je nekdo neockovany... jaky tohle ma dopad na zdravi? Doktori tohle kritizovali, ze jde o skodlive odstraneni primarni pece.

    To uderka ignoruje uz skoro ted 2 roky.. paralelni lekarska komora to kritizuje, ze jde o zavazny problem.. a zese ignorace.. reci o tmarich a jedina reakce je sireni doslovnych dezinformaci nejakych fake neuviritelnych hlasek Landy, Berana, Pollerta a spol."?

    Vzdyt i v tomhle se pletou... nikdo ty jejich fejky neresi.. ani samozrejme tady ve world conspiracy jsem nevidel duvod tady plytvat mistem na takovy kraviny, ale evidentne je vhodne to uvest uz v tomhle kontextu - te odpojenosti od reality. ty fejky nikdo neresi. nikdo ani neresi cipy ve vakcinach... to jsou vsechno blbosti, co si nekdo vymyslel.

    ostatne na vytvoreni dojmu, ze to nekdo resi, staci velice jednoduse vytvorit i fake reakce. zvlastni je, ze je to ani nenapadlo, ze by i ty pripadny reakce mohly byt fake

    Po noční službě našli poničená auta a propíchané gumy. Útoků na zdravotníky přibývá - Aktuálně.cz

    nedavno meli nejaci zdravotnici propichle pneumatiky u aut. na parkovisti nemocnice jsou pry kamery znelo v reportazi. policie pry nevi, kdo to zpusobil. nicmene ti zodpovedni s informacemi kvalitne pracujici lide maji hned jasno, ze to udelali "antivaxeri". ani se nevi, kdo to udelal, ale vytvoril se timhle a jinymi udalostmi nezpochybnovany obraz, ze antivaxeri zacinaji byt fyzickou hrozbou agresivnich utok.

    a nepotrebujou zadny dukaz, ze vubec nejaka fyzicky agresivni uderka antivaxxeru vubec existuje. false flag???

    neco se chysta?

    German police foil 'anti-vaxxer murder plot' against state premier | Reuters

    slysime o agresivnich vypadech na zdravotniky... a jako priklad je pak uvedeno, ze lidi brblaj kdyz jdou na povinnou vakcinu, ktera byla puvodne dobrovolna. tezka agrese, ale ty prijemci takovych informaci, zda se, vzali za neochvejny fakt, ze se doktori i jejich rodiny musi bat o sve zivoty. mozna, ze se fakt dejou nejaky ulety nasranych lidi, ale nikdo ani nic jasneho nedolozil, tak jak to mam brat vazne?

    pritom to melo zavazny dopad v tom, ze i Kubek, prezident CLK, rekl , ze je za trest spravne, kdyz prestanou lekari poskytovat zdravotni peci neockovanym.

    Odmitnuti poskytnuti lekarske pece je uz 2 roky nereseny slon v mistnosti. A netyka se to jen CR. viz asi uz jsem tu hazel z 2020, jak odmitali stare lidi v nemocnici kvuli vysokemu veku.

    A vypada to, ze se tohle deje nadale.
    RIVA --- ---
    COVID and the Law of Karma – OffGuardian

    It’s a spiritual battle. Most spiritual leaders have failed us - Guy Crittenden
    GORG --- ---
    Unvaccinated Europeans Fight for Rights as COVID Restrictions Tighten
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Not Just A Conspiracy Theory After All – Swedish Company Develop Implant For COVID Vaccination Certificate – The Expose

    proc se s tim srat, kdyz agenda tak pekne jede.
    proc vax pas na qr, kdyz muze bejt rovnou v cipu pod kuzi.
    GORG --- ---
    Čaputová podporuje vypnutí internetu kvůli dezinformacím a pochválila Pellegriniho - 17.12.2021, Sputnik Česká republika

    GORG --- ---
    Senator Johnson, families speak: COVID vaccine adverse reactions

    Sen. Johnson speaks on COVID vaccine adverse reactions
    Some people report the COVID-19 vaccines led to serious side effects – and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) hosted a few of them in Milwaukee on Monday, June 28.

    MILWAUKEE - Some people report the COVID-19 vaccines led to serious side effects – and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) hosted a few of them in Milwaukee on Monday, June 28.

    The event drew criticism. Gov. Tony Evers (D-Wisconsin) said Sen. Johnson is being "reckless and irresponsible" -- and Milwaukee's health commissioner accused Johnson of raising "misleading concerns."

    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin)
    While the senator said on Monday the vast majority of vaccines have been safely administered, he added everyone should hear from people reporting serious problems.

    He handed out documents based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which he says included 384,270 adverse events related to the COVID-19 vaccines, including 4,812 deaths. This database includes unverified reports from doctors and the public, which the CDC says may be "incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental, or unverifiable."

    Among those joining Sen. Johnson's panel was Maddie de Garay, who volunteered for the Pfizer vaccine trial when she was 12 and now is in a wheelchair.

    "Why is she not back to normal? She was totally fine before this. She did the right in trying to help everyone else and they’re not helping here," said Stephanie de Garay, Maddie's mother.

    Stephanie de Garay and daughter, Maddie

    Maddie's mother said her daughter has been to the emergency room nine times – and she has been hospitalized three times.

    "All we want is for Maddie to be seen, heard, and believed because she has not been. And we want her to get the care that she desperately needs, so she can go back to normal," said Stephanie de Garay, in tears.

    Others also joined Sen. Johnson on Monday to share their stories after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

    "It feels like you’ve got a little electronic shock running through your body, like your stuck in a vibrating chair, like glued into it, and it never stops. I have tremors in my hands which has made me leary if I’ll ever be able to practice as a hygienist again. And I am so fearful that I may have a neurological issue after this, like Parkinson's," said Kristi Dobbs, a dental hygienist from Missouri, who adds that her side effects include pain, paresthesia and heart palpitations.

    "We are the collateral damage of the pandemic. As you can see, I am recovering. I can walk, the touch of my little son’s hand no longer feels like it’s setting me on fire," said Brianne Dressen. She's a preschool teacher from Utah, who volunteered for the Astra Zeneca vaccine trial.

    Former Green Bay Packers player Ken Ruetggers urged Sen. Johnson to host Monday's event. His wife, Sheryl, said she was still experiencing severe neurological reactions, including muscle pain, numbness, weakness and paresthesia.
    "The vaccine is generally safe. Senator Johnson said that today. That’s true. However, there is a small percentage that are having some severe reactions. In this case, severe neurological reactions. And I think we need to see this is a responsibility, an opportunity to take care of people who have part of the collective solution," Ken Ruetggers said.

    Johnson said his goal it to give these people a platform, so the health community will acknowledge them and get to the root cause – to find a cure for these problems and to prevent serious side effects for those getting the vaccines in the future.

    "This is more misinformation that is going to put people at risk," said Charles Manning, a registered nurse. "He’s glorifying the idea that you can be harmed from something that something statistically, the harmful is more harmful."

    The Wisconsin Department of Health Services tells FOX6 that 412, that's 95% of COVID-19 deaths in the state from March 1, 2021 through June 24, 2021, were among people who are not fully vaccinated.

    FOX6 questioned the senator on criticisms he's putting lives in jeopardy.

    "I’m never afraid of conveying the truth, providing people information," said Sen. Johnson. "I think the American public should be able to have informed consent when deciding whether or not to take an experimental vaccine, one way or the other. I think it’s important to recognize that there are people that have been harmed by the vaccine. And if we don’t acknowledge that fact, how do you treat people that you’re not acknowledging the root cause of the problem."

    Sen. Johnson with families impacted by what they say are adverse reactions to COVID vaccine
    Sen. Ron Johnson held a news conference on Monday, June 28 with families that say they have been impacted by what they call adverse reactions to the COVID vaccine.

    Milwaukee Health Commissioner Kirsten Johnson criticized the senator. "Senator Ron Johnson, who publicly confirmed he is unvaccinated, has used his platform today to raise misleading concerns regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. The scientific facts about the COVID-19 vaccine remain: it is safe, it is effective, and complications are extremely rare. More importantly, it saves lives."

    Sen. Johnson himself has not been vaccinated, saying he has the antibodies. Still, the CDC recommends everyone – even those who had COVID-19 – get the shot.

    The senator says he's responding to a cry from these people to be heard. "Someone’s got to step up the plate and tell people the truth that people don’t want to hear."

    FOX6 asked if that factor would lead him to stay in the U.S. Senate, so he can still have a podium to speak out on issues like this one. For months, he's said he hasn't made up his mind on whether to seek a third term.

    "That would probably be one of the more important factors, yeah," Johnson responded. "If no one else is willing to step out there and talk about unpopular truths, that would be one of the considerations."

    // zrovna ta rodina Garayovych tvrdi, ze ta holka nejenze mela tyhle zavazny reakce na vakcinu, ale ze byly tyto data vyrazeny ze studie bezpecnosti.

    pokud chcete presvedcit me o tom, ze je neco suprbezpecny, tak by bylo dobre, kdyby nebyly pripady jako tenhle, kdy zjistujeme, ze pripady tehle zavaznych dopadu te vakciny byly doslova zcenzurovane samotnou studii.. a pokud tu rodinu opravu FDA a ostatni ignoruji.....

    ale ne prej je spatne o tomhle vubec mluvit

    taky by bylo dobry, kdyby sefka jedne z Pfizeru studii bezpecnosti vakciny si nestezovala, ze tam probiha podvod, a ze to FDA ignoruje.. a ze ji namisto toho propustili.

    jakoze si sefka studie bezpecnosti vakciny Pfizer stezovala na chyby v protokolu a vlastne vsech principech, na ktere byla pry desetileti ve sve profesi zvykla, asi nutne automaticky neznamena, ze je to pravda, nevim detaily...ale tak nevytvari to moc verohodny obrazek takovehle vypovedi insederu

    a v tomhle ma tedy prsty Volny a jeho flakanec? vsechny ty udalosti po svete ridi Volny a Landa jo? tuhle rodinu zaplatil taky Volny a Landa? Nebo Putin? Ci Czakova?

    Ciste z meho pohledu, jestli to ta rodina vymyslela, a cely je to fejk, rozhodnout takhle neumim, ale divny je, ze se to skoro ani neresi v zadnym smeru.
    GORG --- ---
    How many more adverse effects have been covered up during the trials? - Maddie de Garay's story.
    GORG --- ---
    POLICE STATE: Australians Mass Protest After Churches Raided, Moms Arrested, Citizen Snitches
    ADM --- ---
    LOOKASH_II: k tomuhle tematu me hodne prijemne prekvapilo jak ten problem dokaze popsat a vystihnout tenhle clovek https://blog.aktualne.cz/blogy/radek-chlup.php?itemid=41573
    RIVA --- ---
    To je dobre k zebliti...
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Zajimavy pohled dovnitr moderniho telefonu ktery ma kazdy z nas v kapse...

    SECRET MSGS phone companies DON'T want you to know about
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Militantni vaxxer

    Konec benevolence, zacházení v rukavičkách a laskavýho přístupu. Chyťte je, svažte je, mučte je. Zdaňte je, pokutujte je, zavřete je, až zčernaj. Já vám dám svobodu, bando nemytá antivaxerská. Tady jsou mý návrhy, jak na ně.

    Zdroj: https://josefprouza.blog.idnes.cz/blog.aspx?c=780474
    RIVA --- ---
    Robin Monotti on biourbanism versus the Smart City

    Robin Monotti is an architect and filmmaker.

    He discusses why biourbanism is preferrable to Smart Cities; how technocratic power structures have dehumanised relationships between people; the importance of local produce; why parallel societies matter; and returning to traditional tools and utilities.

    Celluloid Dreams | The Book of Vision
    GORG --- ---
    Jak šly v čase vládní lži a očkovací propaganda - sestřih lživých vyjádření politiků a ČT

    tohle je dobra rekapitulace. my si tak nejak vzpominame, cim se experti zarucovali.. ale zpetne neni pamet tak dobra, tak je vhodne si pripomenout

    nejvic me tam asi zaujalo, jak tam Chlibek zdurznuje cislo 100%.. ucinnost vakciny proti hospitalizaci nebo sireni viru. jak muze nekdo vedecky uvazujici, kdyz uz jsme vsichni takovy #fandove_vedy , rict nebo akceptovat takovy tvrzeni o 100% ucinnosti.?

    vzdyt to zni tak nepravdepodobne, ze by to mohlo byt az 100%.. hlavne kdyz jsou cerstva data, a je spis pravdepodobne, ze je takove pekne cislo jen pro nedostatek dat nebo nejakou chybou mereni.

    CT24 byli konzervativnejsi a tvrdili, ze maji ucinnost 99,9%
    RIVA --- ---
    The 5 signs you DON’T have “Omicron”…you have a cold & a PCR test – OffGuardian
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG: Ke konci se zacali navazet do BTC skrzeva spotrebu energie pro POW consensus. Jakalternativu nabizeji centralizovaneho milacka WEF, CBDC kandidata jmenem Stellar :D
    RIVA --- ---
    Tim Kirby, Joaquin Flores – The Strategy Session, Episode 38 — Strategic Culture

    How bitterly amusing that when Joe Biden was elected U.S. president he promised to bring allies together.
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    You Will Never Be "Fully Vaccinated" | ZeroHedge

    + z diskuse :)

    Vaccination logic..

    ..... .third dose increases immunity, so after the fourth dose you are protected.

    Once 80% of the population has received the fifth dose, the restrictions can be relaxed as the sixth dose stops the virus from spreading.

    I am calm and believe that the seventh dose will solve our problems and we have no reason to fear the eighth dose.

    The clinical phase of the ninth dose confirms that the antibodies remain stable after the tenth dose.

    The eleventh dose guarantees that no new mutations will develop, so there is no longer any reason to criticise the idea of the twelfth dose.
    GORG --- ---
    COVID-19: Bez očkování vás nevyšetříme, vzkazuje část lékařů - CNN Prima NEWS

    LOOKASH_II: vcera jsem popijel, tak jsem to dnes uplne nepobral :), a poslouchal to spis do pozadi. ten jeho kanal obcas koukam.. ma dost zebrubny analyzy.. mrknu pak nekdy strizlivejc

    jinak ted byla v kongresu celkem debata kolem kryptu.. ale koukal jsem jen na nejake snipety.. cely video ma 5 hodin. zahlidli jste tam neco zajimavyho? mne to znelo, ze jako jsou ted celkem vstricny, a ze si tam spis ujasnovali pojmy, co je to krypto , a jak ho regulovat. jeden CEO tam rikal, ze neni potreba zadny novy urad, a regulovat by se melo uz existujicimi urady

    Watch the Crypto congressional hearing highlights in 12 minutes
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    RIVA: ja sledoval Coin Bureau driv kvuli krypto investicim a tam uz neco naznacoval po WEF srazu, ale tohle video jsem zatim vynechal. Mrknu na to.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam