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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    Skvělé shrnutí od skvělého Ivora Cumminse!!!

    Wow - This Explains the War on Farming and Private Property Ownership

    Super article in ZeroHedge formed the basis for this educational video - be aware of how the world works, and where it's heading.
    (Article: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/un-world-economic-forum-behind-global-war-farmers-experts )
    GORG --- ---
    Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
    BlackRock and Vanguard own about 15% of every US company. But one upstart ETF issuer contends they aren’t voting their shares the way investors want.

    BlackRock and Vanguard collectively own about 15% of every US company, but are they voting their shares in a way that aligns with investors in their funds? One new exchange-traded fund company, Strive Asset Management, says they aren’t, claiming they’ve gone against their fiduciary duty by becoming too “woke” and forming an “ideological cartel.” Now it has plans to offer alternatives.

    On this week’s episode of Trillions, we talk to Vivek Ramaswamy and Anson Frericks, co-founders of Strive. They plan to launch ETFs similar to those of BlackRock and Vanguard, but promise to keep politics and ESG concerns out of their voting. They discuss criticisms of ESG investing, stakeholder vs. shareholder capitalism and what Ramaswamy calls “excellence capitalism.” They also talk about how Strive will compete against the two biggest asset managers on the planet, and its noteworthy backers—including Peter Theil and Bill Ackman.
    GORG --- ---
    Activists thought BlackRock, Vanguard were climate allies. Not now
    To other shareholders, the concept of direct engagement can best summed up in a more ambiguous way — BlackRock and Vanguard are saying, “Trust us.”

    A ‘black box’ of engagement efforts
    No matter how many words the two companies print in annual stewardship reports, there are no details on a company-by-company basis and no quantitative metric — like a proxy voting record — on which to judge their progress.

    “The real issue with the Vanguard and BlackRock approach is that it is a black box,” Logan said. “I don’t think at a high level we disagree with the idea that engagement can lead to progress, but we’ve spent quite a bit of time in climate debate and the time for confidential engagement has passed.” He added, “the idea that they can say just ‘trust us’ engaging with these companies and not provide evidence it is yielding any change ... it is fair to say we are disappointed with the lack of tangible, specific disclosure from Vanguard and BlackRock.”

    Facts to Know About BlackRock, the World's Largest Asset Manager
    BlackRock, the world's largest investment manager, has become an increasingly influential Wall Street player in Washington, DC. The firm has hired notable policy-makers over the years, and at least three leaders with the New York-based asset manager on their resumes now hold prominent roles in President Joe Biden's cabinet.

    Former BlackRock investment executive Brian Deese leads Biden's National Economic Council, effectively serving as his top advisor on economic matters. Biden also tapped Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo, a former chief of staff to BlackRock chief executive and longtime Democrat Larry Fink, to serve as a top official at the Treasury Department.

    Meanwhile Michael Pyle, BlackRock's former global chief investment strategist who had worked in the Obama administration before joining the firm, serves as chief economic advisor to Vice President Kamala Harris.
    GORG --- ---
    kua ten druhy odkaz mel byt

    Proxy voting choice for our clients | BlackRock
    GORG --- ---
    Fact Check-Video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard ‘own all the biggest corporations in the world’ is missing context | Reuters
    However, spokespeople for both firms told Reuters that, while they do appear to own significant shares in the world’s biggest businesses, those shares are purchased using money belonging to their clients – and therefore the shareholders are ultimately their clients.


    Both Professor Edmans and Franklin Allen, a professor of finance and economics at Imperial College London (here), told Reuters they did not believe people should be concerned about Vanguard and BlackRock having significant shares in large companies.

    Meanwhile, Professor Pavlova said a concern could be that the two companies “may not accurately represent client preferences” when voting in invested companies on their behalf. She also acknowledged that both “try to be transparent in how they vote (by) publishing this information”.

    As company shareholders, BlackRock and Vanguard can vote on behalf of their clients at company shareholder meetings. Both firms also have “investment stewardship” functions, which enables the proxy votes.

    BlackRock’s spokesperson said the votes can also be carried out by a portfolio manager – and in some cases at BlackRock, can be carried out by the clients themselves (here).

    (V podstate tu opakuji ten argument, ze "klienti vlastni ty akcie, ne my", coz je samozrejme blbost. Investori jim dali penize, oni jim za ne poskytuji nejake sluzby.

    Pokud by financni system a BlackRock/Vanguard zbankrovtoval, muzou byt investice klientu pouzity na umoreni dluhu fondu.. Podobne plati pro penize, ktere mame v bankach.)

    Tady uvadi odkaz na

    Fact Check-Video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard ‘own all the biggest corporations in the world’ is missing context | Reuters

    // zajimave , ze v dobe psani tohodle jejich textu , kdyz koluji hodne ta videa o Vanguardu a BlackRock, tak BlackRock vydelai tenhle statement, ze chystaji "rozsirit" moznosti investoru, aby se podileli na volbach valne hromady stakeholderu.

    Tam popisuji, jak je ted v roce 2022 napadlo chystat nabidnout nejake "vetsi" moznosti v pristupu k hlasovani v ramci jejich BIS(BlackRock Investment Shareholder) . Nejakou formu tam zrejme uz meli, ale co je to "vetsi"? Evidente ne ve stejne roli jako u skutecneho vlastnika, coz jsou oni.

    Za me tyhle lidi z podobnych spolecnosti jsou jedni z nejneduverihodnejsich lidi na tehle planete a neveril bych jim ani dobry den.. Ale tyhle lidi umi rikat ty spravne kecy jak jejich "cilem je aby investori meli ohromnou moznost podilet se na blablablabla".

    Ale jake jsou moznosti podilet se na hlasovani stakeholderu a jak se to ma lisit v tom, co shodou okolnosti ted teprve chystaji, se tam nikde nevysvetluje. Jen spousta tech klasickych fluffy PR kecu.

    Vsiml jsem si, ze sice Reuters clanek nasledujici popisuje jako, ze klienti maji takovou moznost, ve skutecnosti se tam mluvi v budoucim case
    Working to expand proxy voting choice for our clients

    BlackRock’s role is to help our clients achieve their long-term financial goals. Core to this is the fact that the money we manage is not our own; it belongs to our clients. We work hard to stay ahead of our clients’ needs by delivering them the widest set of choices across everything we do so they can choose what works best for them.

    Our view is the choices we make available to clients should also extend to proxy voting. We believe clients should, where possible, have more choices as to how they participate in voting their index holdings.

    Beginning in 2022, BlackRock is taking the first in a series of steps to expand the opportunity for clients to participate in proxy voting decisions where legally and operationally viable. To do this, BlackRock has been developing new technology and working with industry partners over the past several years to enable a significant expansion in proxy voting choices for more clients.

    Much like asset allocation and portfolio construction, where some clients take an active role while others outsource these decisions to us, more of our clients are interested in having a say in how their index holdings are voted. We want to provide choice to these clients while continuing to support those who have selected BlackRock’s industry-leading investment stewardship team to vote on their behalf.

    These voting choice options will first be available to institutional clients invested in index strategies – within institutional separate accounts globally and certain pooled funds managed by BlackRock in the U.S. and UK. Approximately 40% of the $4.8 trillion index equity assets we manage1 for our clients will be eligible for these new voting options.

    While we are offering clients more choice in how their index holdings are voted, BlackRock Investment Stewardship (BIS), our independent investment stewardship team, remains central to BlackRock’s fiduciary approach. In seeking client feedback to develop this capability, we heard that many clients want BIS to continue voting on their behalf, while we also heard from clients interested in greater participation in proxy voting.

    Since its inception two decades ago, BIS has grown to be one of the largest investment stewardship teams in the asset management industry. This reflects the importance we place on engaging with the boards and management of the companies that we invest in on behalf of clients, advocating for sound corporate governance and sustainable business models to support long-term financial returns. BIS is also an industry leader in providing transparency regarding our stewardship efforts. Learn more about BlackRock’s commitment to Investment Stewardship and find information on BIS policies, corporate engagement, and proxy votes.

    BlackRock is committed to exploring all options to expand proxy voting choice to even more investors, including those invested in ETFs, index mutual funds and other products. This initiative will require the cooperation of additional partners across the investment and proxy voting ecosystem. In certain instances, it will also require regulatory and operational system change.

    // jak to tak ctu, tak clanek Reuters dosti mystifukuje o tom, jaky rozsah moznosti zasahovat do voleb predstavenstva momentalni maji. Tady se zcela evidentne mluvi o nejakych budoucich zmenach.
    Ze budou mit "vetsi" moznost o necem rozhodovat.
    RIVA --- ---
    Depopulation, Transhumanism and Rediscovering Humanity (With Max Igan)
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: aha.. tak ja tu pasaz sem hodim sam
    Mnoho lidí nechápe, proč u nás levně vyrobíme elektřinu, vyvezeme ji na energetickou burzu do Lipska a pak si ji zpátky kupujeme na evropském trhu za mnohonásobně vyšší cenu. Francouzi, kteří také mají polostátní energetickou firmu EDF, jakousi obdobu našeho podniku ČEZ, rozhodli, že část vyrobené elektřiny zůstane za levno pro domácí trh, a teprve zbytek se může vyvézt. Proč to nejde u nás?
    Jestliže to jde v rámci EU ve Francii, pak to samozřejmě podle mě může u nás jít taky. To je pouze otázka politické vůle. Francouzský stát prostřednictvím vlády drží v EDF 84 procent. A nařídil EDF zhruba čtvrtinu výkonu z jeho jaderných zdrojů dát domácím alternativním dodavatelům za předem stanovenou cenu, která byla už v lednu nižší než cena tržní. To je mimochodem klíčový důvod, proč Francouzům zdražuje energie za poslední rok pětkrát pomaleji než Čechům. Bavím se tedy o koncových cenách pro domácnosti.

    Údajně to nemůžeme udělat kvůli tomu, že bychom potopili Německo, jež na společném trhu „naši elektřinu“ odebírá. Přišlo mi fascinující, když český politik brání německé koncové uživatele.
    Oni samozřejmě hovoří o jednotném trhu. Ale on zase tak jednotný není.Tedy ve smyslu, že by tam byla celá Evropská unie. Právě Francouzi jsou tam tak napůl. Proto si myslím, že můžeme minimálně udělat to, co oni. Samozřejmě by s tím museli souhlasit minoritní akcionáři, kteří by tím přicházeli o zisky. I když ve Francii se těch minoritních vlastníků nikdo moc neptal. Akcie firmy spadly, ale nakonec to funguje.

    Stale mi chybi odpoved na otazku, proc by na tom meli tratit minoritni akcionari? Nejake prirovnani k pronajmu nemovitosti me nezajimaji. Co v tomhle konkretnim pripade? :) Ten me prave zajima. Ani ten Kovanda to nevysvetlil. Jakym zpusobem na tom CEZ vydelava? Kdo tu elektriku kupuje na burze?
    KAJJAK --- ---

    Jinak a polopatisticky, koupite si s kamaradem byt na pronajem a na hypoteku. Ty davas 1/3 ceny a kamarad 2/3 ceny hypotecni splatky. Kamarad ho pak pronajme zname z ukrarajiny za netrzni najemne, protoze je znama v nouzi, tobe samozrejme da o to mensi podil na najemnem a musite tim padem zbytek ceny na hypotecni splatku oba doplacet .

    Myslel sis ze svou investici vydelas, ale misto toho doplacis z vlastnich penez zbytek splatky hypoteky. To je jinymi slovy to co se stalo ve francii s tou energetickou spolecnosti. Proti rustu cen v energetice ses chtel logicky chranit nakupem akcii energetickych spolecnosti, tim ze se tam majoritni vlastnik zachoval jak se zachoval si vsak prisel o cast investovanych penez i cast dividendy, pritom si neudelal nic spatne, jen si veril spolecnikovi ve spolecnem businessu ze se zachova trzne a ekonomicky.
    KAJJAK --- ---
    GORG: poslal sem odemceny clanek, staci kliknout na "docist clanek zdarma"...
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: clanek je za paywallem, posilej konkretni citace.

    no ja teda ani nechapu, proc by nakonec meli minoritni akcionari tratit.. kazdopadne prodavat levne a nakupovat draze mi prijde jako nesmysl. (jak s tim souvisi minoritni akcionari a proc jsou jedinym dulezitym faktorem ve vsem, nikdo nevysvetluje. a resi se to uz nekolik let.. )

    a pokud ti klesne cena akcii, tak to se holt stava denne.nekdy dokonce muzes nakupem akcii prodelat.

    co ale slysim prvne, ze se akcie kupujou, aby se lidi chranili proti rustu cen nejakeho produktu te firmy.

    mlati dverma ale ta chystana dan z neocekavaneho zisku

    pokud mas zisk, ktery si neocekaval, a je zpusobeny nejakym eventem, tak to chtej danit. a jak jako chteji prokazovat, ze je zisk neocekavany?

    to uz trochu pripomina Zaklinace. Zakon prekvapeni :-)

    Prastaré právo zaklínačů požádat člověka v nouzi (obvykle otec rodiny mimo domov), který potřeboval pomoci, o "věc, která mu (t.j. otci) patří a o které dosud neví, že mu patří".
    KAJJAK --- ---

    tak podle tohodle clanku se na minoritni akcionare a pad ceny akcii ve francii vykaslali a zafungovalo to to dobre pro ceny elektriny domacnosti a naopak spatne pro vsechny co se chteli ochranit proti rustu cen nakupem dane polostatni energeticke spolecnosti...

    Smršť drahoty na podzim bude šílená. Brutálně zdraží všechno, říká ekonom - iDNES.cz
    GORG --- ---
    Covid Face Masks Are Damaging to Young Children | by Richard Bruschi | ILLUMINATION | Medium

    Science says impairments in development and learning will happen

    Photo by Nenad Stojkovic.
    I was travelling on a train from Brighton to London last spring. A young mother had her baby on her lap, playing with her. The mother had a face mask on, as per Covid-19 government regulations.

    “It’s strange for the kid to see half the faces, isn’t it?” I asked, pensive.

    “She’s very young, she doesn’t know any different.” the woman replied.

    My heart sank. The realization that for a generation of kids it was normal to see only half the face of people, even parents, for many hours a day, struck me. I wondered what were the consequences on kids’ development.

    It is intuitive to think that if an infant can only see half a parent, teacher, or person’s face, then the assimilation of the information is impaired, causing negative consequences on learning and development of emotions, speech, and probably something else. Nevertheless, I wanted to read the scientific literature about these topics.

    What I found from scientific research and studies, as well as from articles interviewing scientists researching the topics, is worrisome and disconcerting.

    Newborns, babies, and toddlers should be in a facemask-free environment, to ensure their natural developmental process. Their healthy formation and development should have the right of way, as adults can protect themselves in many other ways, and don’t have this high-stakes situation.

    Here is why.

    Follow the science.

    I started by checking something I was told: a clear view of the parents’ faces is essential for infants’ development. It is fundamental that they see the nuances of face movements and color change, of all the parts of the face, from different emotions, and different changes for the same emotion.

    From this topic, ‘facial expressions for infants’ development’, I gradually expanded to anything directly related but detached from Covid, such as ‘faces and infants learning’, ‘facial expressions for children speech development’, and more.

    Then I researched those topics but related to the current Covid-19 situation, so for example ‘parents’ facemasks impact on infants development’, ‘natal care during Covid-19’, and more.

    Basically, I was looking for research regarding the importance of the full visual of the face for an infant, toddler, and kid in their development and learning, and then what happened if that visual was impaired, especially in this case by a facemask.

    Scientific results show problems ahead.

    Photo by educatormarcossv.
    The basic, intuitive principle (confirmed by science) is that from birth, children need to see full faces for proper development in learning, speech, social aspects, and more.

    First of all, there is the precedent of the SARS pandemic of 2003. A study of thousands of children across China who had been exposed to the SARS pandemic of 2003 states that “results showed that the SARS pandemic was associated with delayed child development.” [1] Not a great start, then.

    The WHO and UNICEF themselves discouraged the “exposure to the use of facemasks when dealing with children aged up to five years old” [2], and even for older children they warned about any possible benefits against the huge “potential damage that could include social and psychological problems, and difficulties in communication and learning.” [2]

    Since the moment they are born, children focus on the face, especially of parents and especially of the mother, to gather information and learn: “During the first year after birth, infants begin to extract a large amount of information from faces” [3], and that they “observed a dramatic increase in looking toward faces across development.” [3]

    This is because they learn so many things from it, such as emotions. If even for adults it is significantly harder to recognize emotions with a “standard” surgical face mask (the ubiquitous medical blue ones which cover everything from the nose to the chin and from cheek to cheek) [4], for a young child it is not going to be any better.

    True enough, it is important to know that “young children take years to master this skill [of recognizing faces].” [5] and for example something as little as a “fake noses, false beards, wigs and elaborate makeup present special challenges” [5], said Kang Lee, a University of Toronto professor of applied psychology and human development.

    Regarding speech, kids learn by focusing on the speaker’s mouth. Starting from about eight months old [6], a baby specifically focuses on the mouth when learning speech: it is “essential for the continuing acquisition of multisensory perceptual skills and speech production abilities in infancy” [7] also because “visible articulations that babies normally see when others are talking play a key role in their acquisition of communication skills.” [7]

    Social skills would be impacted too, as of course they heavily rely on recognizing faces and interpreting emotional reactions.

    Unfortunately, there is no way around it: “a mask obstructing a face limits the ability of people of all ages to infer emotions expressed by facial features, but the difficulties associated with the mask’s use are significantly pronounced in children aged between 3 and 5 years old.” [8]

    Something else that might happen concerns mothers with newborns, infants, and babies: “insensitive behaviours may constitute a source of stress for the infant and activate stress responses. The subsequent elevation of cortisol may negatively influence brain connectivity and growth. Mask-wearing during this sensitive period then raises questions regarding mother-infant interactions and whether this could negatively impact on brain connectivity and growth.” simply because “Specific facial features are obliterated causing the global structure of a whole face to be incomplete.” [9]

    The studies and research are there. They clearly point at big problems ahead.

    Is this damage irreversible? Hopefully not. The infants, babies, and toddlers of the highly-masked societies of 2020 and 2021 would have to, and perhaps should, be assessed again in the next few years to check the initial findings.

    There is a chance there won’t be any major or lingering problem. But are you ready to bet your infant, baby, or toddler development on it? The development of millions of children? Their ability to speak properly? Their learning abilities? Their social skills? Any other life-long negative impact? It is not worth taking that chance.

    They are innocent. These are the next generations. They are our future. Adults need to plan around the young children. A society that has its priorities right puts the wellbeing of children first and foremost. It does not put them at risk.

    Children should be in a facemask-free environment at all times. As that might be unrealistic for some parents, they should still be aware of the issues and do as much as they can, no matter how uncomfortable (just as any other parenting responsibility), to ensure the wellbeing of their children.

    After more than a year and a half, is it not about time we started paying attention to long term effects with as much focus as we do on precautionary measures? Is it not about time we start looking for better solutions for our children?

    Photo by Tamer_Soliman.
    I imagine some of you might be thinking “But what about their own health” or “They can infect others.”

    I am not advocating to not take precautions. Last year I personally was buying groceries wearing gloves, besides the mask, and cleaning what I had bought before putting it away. I still clean my hands with a hospital-grade hand-spray, which has been specifically tested for anti-Covid-19 efficacy.

    Masking young children is of course wrong and harmful too, for many reasons (ethical, developmental, psychological, etc.). Even the WHO and UNICEF adise not to. [10]

    The death of a child from Covid-19 is heartbreaking, and thankfully extremely rare. In the United Kingdom “Deaths in children and young people (CYP) following SARS-CoV-2 infection are rare.” [11] Between March 2020 to February 2021 “25 CYP died of SARS-CoV-2 infection” [11]. Survival rate is 99.995% (mortality rate is 0.0002%).

    In the USA, from January 2020 to October 2021 deaths of 0–4 years old were 195 [12]. In Italy, 15 as of today among 0–9 years [13].

    Most of these children also, and unfortunately, had preconditions, such as in England where 16 of them, or 64%, had at least one comorbidity (i.e.: preconditions). [11]

    As all children must be protected, societies, governments, administrations, and people are then able to prepare in a targeted way and pinpoint preventive solutions, while ensuring that millions of other kids’ wellbeing is protected too.

    Second, and simply, it is us adults who must bear the burden of our own protection. This is what spurred me to write this report: the priorities are off. Administrations, adults, and parents need to come up with better solutions for the children’s wellbeing. We alone need to deal with this uneasy situation, to ensure that millions of children will not be (too) affected. Loading this struggle onto them is selfish and lacks long-term perspective.

    Lastly, it is important to go straight to the source of scientific data. In some articles I have read, journalists say that scientists state such things as ‘kids are adaptable’ and ‘we’ll find other ways’, yet neither quote numerous data or studies — and this is because there does not seem to be any. Meanwhile, they still point out how parents, teachers, and relatives need to compensate for the facemasks’ learning and developmental negative effects on kids, by using other gestures and behaviours that should help. It can not be both ways: “It’s not a problem” but also “you need to correct for losses’ ”. [14] It’s too risky and irresponsible on the society-level scale we are dealing with. Superficiality is absolutely not accepted. Either the problem is there or not. From current and latest studies and some of these scientists’ own previous statements [5][14], the problem is there. Supported by established scientific research both past and contemporary.


    [1] SARS pandemic exposure impaired early childhood development: A lesson for COVID-19, Y. Fan, H. Wang, Q. Wu, X. Zhou, Y. Zhou, B. Wang, Y. Han, T. Xue, T. Zhu. 12th may 2020. MedRxiv.

    [2] Facemasks impair children’s ability to read people’s emotions, E. Henderson. 10th june 2021. News Medical Life Sciences.

    [3] Development of infants’ attention to faces during the first year, M. C. Frank, E. Vul, and S. P. Johnson. 27th december 2008. US National Library of Medicine (NCBI).

    [4] The impact of facemasks on emotion recognition, trust attribution and re-identification, M. Marini, A. Ansani, F. Paglieri, F. Caruana & M. Viola. 10th march 2021. Scientific Report (Nature Research).

    [5] How Children Learn to Recognize Faces, P. Klass. 29th october 2018. The New York Times.

    [6] Infants deploy selective attention to the mouth of a talking face when learning speech, D. J. Lewkowicz and A. M. Hansen-Tift. 31th january 2012. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    [7] Masks Can Be Detrimental to Babies’ Speech and Language Development, D. J. Lewkowicz. 11th February 2021. Scientific American.

    [8] Masking Emotions: Face Masks Impair How We Read Emotions, M. Gori, L. Schiatti and M. B. Amadeo. 25th may 2021. Frontiers in Psychology.

    [9] The implications of face masks for babies and families during the COVID-19 pandemic: A discussion paper, J. Green, L. Staff, P. Bromley, L. Jones, and J. Petty. 29th october 2020. US National Library of Medicine (NCBI).

    [10] Coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Children and masks. 21th august 2020. Word Health Organization.

    [11] https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57766717, C. Smith, D. Odd, R. Harwood, J. Ward, M. Linney, M. Clark, D. Hargreaves, S. Ladhani, E. Draper, P. Davis, S. Kenny, E. Whittaker, K. Luyt, R. Viner, L. Fraser. 7th july 2021. Research Square.

    [12] Provisional COVID-19 Deaths: Focus on Ages 0–18 Years. 20th october 2021. National Center for Health Statistics, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    [13] Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths in Italy as of October 13, 2021, by age group, C. Stewart. 22nd october 2021. Statista.

    [14] Do Masks Impede Children’s Development?, P. Klass. 14th september 2020. The New York Times.
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: kde se objevily hlasy? :-)
    ja nejak nechapu, jak to souvisi s tou debatou tady. Proc by ji mel zlevnovat? Jen aby ji proste neprodaval za levno do zahranici a nekupoval si ji zpet x-krat drazsi.

    Misto toho se vymysli veci jako

    Debata o zvyšování daní už pro vládu Petra Fialy není tabu. A zdaněním energetiky zdaleka nekončí. Mimořádná daň se může týkat i bank a řady dalších sektorů, připustil ministr financí Zbyněk Stanjura. Do konce srpna má být jasno.

    „Nejsou žádné limity a žádný sektor z té debaty vyjmut není. Nikdo si nemůže být jist,“ řekl SZ Byznys ministr Zbyněk Stanjura (ODS). Pojítkem pro zvažované zvláštní zdanění by mohlo být měřítko neočekávaného zisku, který firmě či sektoru přihrály okolnosti.

    Tento koncept je známý jako tzv. windfall tax a řeší ho momentálně i ve Velké Británii. „Ten anglický název přesně popisuje stav, který v některých odvětvích nastává. Firmy dosahují mnohem vyšších zisků díky změně vnějších okolnosti, ne díky tomu, že mají lepší produkt, lepší službu, více zákazníků,“ vysvětluje Stanjura.
    KAJJAK --- ---

    objevily se hlasy ze kdyz je stat hlavni akcionar, nemel by na te elektrine takove miliardy vydelavat, ale mel by svuj produkt pro sve obcany zlevnit... To se snazim rict ze je nesmysl, nezavisle na tom kdo je majoritni akcionar...
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: jakou plnou palbu do zahranici? bohate postaci kdyz nam to proda za tu samou cenu, kterou to prodava do zahranici. o zadny sanaci tu prece rec neni. nebo CEZ nejak na tom vydelava, ze to kupuje CR draze z burzy? nejak selskym rozumem mi smysl nedava.
    KAJJAK --- ---

    to tam selskym rozumem nevidis? Firma ma takovou hodnotu jake maji investori ocekavani, proto je tesla valuovana tam kde valuovana je... Pokud budou investori ocekavat u CEZu ze jej stat pouzije aby sanoval neutesenou situaci svych volicu, jaka asi budou ocekavani investoru vuci situaci, ze bude CEZ svou elektrinu prodavat za plnou palbu do zahranici?
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: Tohle je lepsi ale idealne i konkretni pasaz vytipnout. Ja chapu, ze by primo zamerny zasah s cilem snizit hodnotu firmy, mohl byt nejakou formou podvodu.

    Jinak stale nevim, o cem se tu bavime, a proc s eo tom bavime tady. Resil se tu CEZ a ze jako stat by jako majoritni vlastnik mohl rozhodnout, at levnou energii neprodavame do zahranici ale nam. A prebytky ven...

    Takze kde se vzalo, ze by stat tim CEZu snizil jeho hodnotu?

    Naopak zrovna v tomhle pripade by CR i CEZ mohli na nasi dobre situaci s energiemi dokonce vydelat, a prodavat energii do zahranici draz. Tam je nedostatkova, u nas prebytkova... Ale minimalne ji neprodavat draze doma nakupovanim z drahe burzy zpet.

    Jako my doma treba platili doted 120 tisic Kc rocne za elektriku. A ted budeme platit 200 tisic Kc rocne. A zrejme se to bude jeste zvedat. Spousta domacnosti se takove zdrazovani proste nemuze dovolit a proste normalne zemrou. Nechapu ted tu obhajobu, ze se to dela takhle, protoze kapitalismu, takze nechame cely pochcipat zimou a hladem?

    Stat by mohl i vyhlasit nouzovy stav kolem energii a tohle primo prikazat stejne jako to udelal kolem uprchliku... tim prisli doslova cesti obcane o majetkova prava. A behem COVIDovych opatrani to same... spousta lidi prisla o celozivotni investice do vlastniho podniku.

    TL,DR; proste my jako CR mame spoustu elektriny navic... a tedy jsme v pozici ji mit levnou doma a prodavat ji draze venku. Nebo prodavat draze vsem. Nechapu, proc mluvis o tom, ze by na tom mela cena akcii CEZu tratit. Nebo mi neco unika?


    Jinak ad obecne co se tyce toho BlackRock a jestli je tam potencial na protlacovani svych veci.

    Ale jak by takove zamerne snizovani ceny akcii melo vypadat? Jak rikam.. delal jsem ve velke korporaci, kde nemeli problem, aby nase dcerina spolecnost mela dlouhodobe zaporny zisk. Ty rozhodnuti vychazely z toho, ze si taky chteji chranit brand... nebo rekneme jedou taky v zelene filozofii , a to jestli propagace LGBT a zachrany klimatu korporaci nejak ublizi nebo financne prospeje, to neni nejak jasne ani predikovatelny.

    To by se musel prokazat zamer, ze nekdo treba v ramci insider tradingu si proste haze klacky pod nohy.

    Nebo treba Netflix? Udelal neco ilegalniho, ze jejich rozhodnuti v minulosti kolem produkce propagovat LGBT+- zrejme vedlo k propadu zisku a padu jejich ceny na burze? Rada tech rozhodnuti je proste ideologickych.. a ma je vetsina korporaci na svete dost podobne... tam se neda mluvit o tom, ze by treba dosazeni konkretniho CEO melo nejaky zamer polozit cenu akcii. Treba muze, ale predstava, ze dosadit si CEO nemuze majoritni akcionar ovlivnit.... kdo teda jmenuje generalni reditele?

    KAJJAK: Jo pravda ja jsem v tom dokument Monopol, ani jinde zatim nevidel, ze by kolem toho primo neco zleho delali

    Jinak hazejte ty prispevky do jednoho ... proste v auditku se vejde 4000 prispevku, pak se automaticky promazavaji.
    KAJJAK --- ---

    nejake nebezpeci tam samozrejme vidim, nicmene to video monopol je hrozne tendencne natoceno, prijde mi ze hraje na notu neznalosti svych sledujicich ovecek a malo na notu ze by ses dozvedel o nejakych tajemnych manipulacich v dozorcich radach nebo cokoliv jineho...
    KAJJAK --- ---

    hele ja sice vystudoval ekonomickou vysku, ale v oboru jsem nikdy nedelal a zadne velke zkusenosti z praxe taky nemam. Mam jen nejaky mensi vseobecny prehled, ktery jsem si udelal v ramci investic svych uspor, protoze si myslim, ze pokud nechci ve stari paberkovat, musim si na duchod setrit sam, stat mi za 20 let da kulovy...
    KAJJAK --- ---

    ja se bavim o tom, ze majoritni akcionar nesmi svymi ciny a rozhodnutimi zamerne snizovat cenu akcii...

    Je to celkem pekne ale obsirne tema, hezkya polopaticky vysvetleno treba v teto bakalarce https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwju8uzQx6D5AhVSXfEDHZn0CUQ4ChAWegQIARAB&;url=https%3A%2F%2Fies.fsv.cuni.cz%2Fdefault%2Ffile%2Fdownload%2Fid%2F2281&usg=AOvVaw3pOwAl66FIeitPW8FcBIrS
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