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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    I Hunt TR-069 Admins: Pwning ISPs Like a Boss - Presented By Shahar Tal

    nahodou jsem natrefil, kdyz jsem na netu hledal, co je to ACS, TR-069
    Management - TR-069 client

    WAN Management Protocol (TR-069) allows a Auto-Configuration Server (ACS) to perform auto-configuration, provision, collection, and diagnostics to this device.


    hledal jsem na routeru, ktere nastaveni by mohla byt nejaka bezpecnostni dira. najit neco o ACS nebylo uplne jednoduchy, ale jak koukam na tohle video, jeste na tom mem routeru aspon dobry, ze to jde vypnout.

    a tohle

    Many home routers supplied by ISPs can be compromised en masse, researchers say | PCWorld
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    RAGAMUFF: pečlivou přípravou a následnou selekcí, Dejve. Před zářením nebyly chráněný ani lety na oběžnou dráhu, a taky ty fotky zvládli vyvolat, ostatně špionážní fotografie byl jeden z primárních důvodů rozvoje kosmonautiky dávno předtím, než někdo začal smysluplně uvažovat o letu na Měsíc. Když vyfotíš 5000 fotek plus, tak se v nich deset použitelnejch najde stoprocentně.
    RAGAMUFF --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Mě jen není jasné jak dostali tak hezké fotky na zem když nebyli chránění před zářením, fotoaparát byl běžný z krámu, a film je na tyhle věci extrémně citlivý...
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA: TL;DR It wasn't...
    RIVA --- ---
    Bitcoin Compromised By The Fed and The Bilderberg Group?
    RIVA --- ---
    PRAASHEK --- ---
    OMNIHASH: ty reflektory tam dali mimosemšťani
    KAJJAK --- ---

    ted z nej urcite vypadne, ze reflektory tam dali az zpetne, az robotika dospela do faze, kdy to tam mohli instalovat bez lidske posadky :D
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    VOYAGER: speciálně pro takovýhle experty, jako seš ty, tam nechali reflektory, aby si každej nevěřící jouda s dostatečnýma znalostma zvládnul ověřit, že tam opravdu byli. Ten pokus tak náročnej není, a zvládne ho replikovat snad každá veřejná hvězdárna s laserem, bejvaly na to exkurze minimálně v pražský.

    List of retroreflectors on the Moon - Wikipedia
    KAJJAK --- ---

    takze ten objekt na mesici je kulisa? Nebo pro jistotu i tyto fotky jsou podvrh?
    RIVA --- ---
    MTO: Je to prostě frajer...
    MTO --- ---
    Klaus Schwab se v čínské státní televizi zasnil

    Schwab: "Čína je vzorem pro mnoho zemí. Čínský model je pro spoustu zemí velmi atraktivní." Klaus Schwab volá po systémové proměně světa.
    KAJJAK --- ---

    dyt jsou primo fotky lunarniho modulu na mesici http://www.lroc.asu.edu/featured_sites/#ApolloLandingSites
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    VOYAGER: jedinou možnou reakci na tyhle lunární lunatiky předved Buzz

    Buzz Aldrin Punches Guy - NEW - HD - READ BELOW
    GORG --- ---
    ARRAKIS: jj .. ono je to vzdy o krok za dvermi

    v 2006 se tohle schvalovalo (a zamitlo) jako novy UK zakon

    Miliband plans carbon trading 'credit cards' for everyone | Politics | The Guardian
    Every citizen would be issued with a carbon "credit card" - to be swiped every time they bought petrol, paid an energy utility bill or booked an airline ticket - under a nationwide carbon rationing scheme that could come into operation within five years, according to a feasibility study commissioned by the environment secretary, David Miliband, and published today.

    In an interview with the Guardian Mr Miliband said the idea of individual carbon allowances had "a simplicity and beauty that would reward carbon thrift".

    He acknowledged the proposal faced technical difficulties, but said ministers needed to seek ways of overcoming them.

    The idea was floated in a speech in the summer, but the detailed proposals show Mr Miliband is serious about trying to press ahead with the radical idea as a central part of his climate change strategy.

    Under the scheme, everybody would be given an annual allowance of the carbon they could expend on a range of products, probably food, energy and travel. If they wanted to use more carbon, they would be able to buy it from somebody else. And they could sell any surplus.

    The study was prepared by the Centre for Sustainable Energy for the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. It argues that firms like Tesco have shown that complex computer schemes logging billions of transactions are feasible. "Tesco Clubcard is collecting, storing and analysing some 50bn pieces of data a year," it says.

    The study also claims that individual carbon trading is less regressive than carbon taxes, as the poor emit less than the rich. Instead of flat "green" taxes it proposes a hybrid system using permits and taxes, with the permits possibly issued, tracked and traded through the existing banking system using pin and chip technology. Carbon allowances could be treated as bank accounts.

    The report admits huge questions would have to be resolved, including the risk of fraud, the relationship to ID cards, and costs. However Mr Miliband said "bold thinking is required because the world is in a dangerous place".

    He said: "It is a way of pricing carbon emissions into individual behaviour and it would recognise carbon thrift, as well as economic thrift. Twenty years ago if I had said 8 million people would have a Tesco loyalty card, no one would have believed me." The scheme will be discussed at a special cabinet committee on the future role of the state convened for today.

    no theory
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    // dalsi konspiracni teorie muze mit funus, stala se praxi.

    Canadian Bank Launches Credit Card Linked To Carbon Emissions | ZeroHedge
    GORG --- ---
    The New World Order: I Thought that Was Just a Conspiracy Theory?

    vidim to asi tak, ze od konspiracni teorie ... pritom nikdo v planu svetovou vladu nema
    se volne prejde "A co ti vadi na svetove vlade? Uz K.H. Borovsky se zastaval myslenky sjednocovani Evropy"

    s temi konspiracemi to tak byva. nejdriv je to vehementne popirano.. a pak najednou davano jako samozrejmost. a jako kontrast k nacionalismu.

    to same samozrejme s cipovymi implantaty .. tam to imho bude nejmarkatnejsi... jen zpatecnici a jini neandrtalci je budou odmitat :)
    RIVA --- ---
    The Ripple Effect: Aesthetics, Culture Wars and Political Freedom
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Evidence FTX Was a Deep State Plan to Capture Crypto
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