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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    RIVA --- ---
    Paradni kratke konceptualni video cca z roku 2011 od thinktanku "Forum for the Future" o zivote v "chytrem meste" budoucnosti. V podstate to hezky shrnuje proc by se nam mela zamlouvat predstava zivota v digitalnim gulagu ala Brave New World.

    Megacities on the Move - Plannedopolis
    MTO --- ---
    BlackRock Corporate Website | BlackRock

    „Jsme v novém světovém řádu geopolitické fragmentace,“ řekl Tom Donilon, předseda BlackRock’s Investment Institute, v BlackRock Global Outlook 2023 zveřejněném před dvěma týdny.
    KAJJAK --- ---

    pekny, brave sem neznal...
    ICE --- ---
    KAJJAK: nepouzivej seznam.cz ;D ne vazne :) a jestli veris googlu tak jen v otazkach technickych.
    Porovnani vysledku hledani retezce "Akta Ursuly von der Leyenové" google vs brave

    Akta Ursuly von der Leyenové - Hledat Googlem

    Akta Ursuly von der Leyenové - Brave Search
    KAJJAK --- ---

    to me zajima, jak si ten original hledal? Me internet zivi, takze nejsem uplny laik, muzes klidne do posty dat nejaky navod jak dohledat originalni zdroj?
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    // dohledat originalni zdroj byla prace na 90 vterin.
    naucte se s tim internetem aspon trochu.

    Akta Ursuly von der Leyenové – PŘEDSEDKYNĚ EVROPSKÉ KOMISE - Čeština | Medien-Klagemauer.TV

    Akta Ursuly von der Leyenové – PŘEDSEDKYNĚ EVROPSKÉ KOMISE
    Poslanci EU požadují odstoupení předsedkyně Komise Ursuly von der Leyenové. Důvod: je součástí obrovského vědeckého podvodu Covid 19 a propagandistické kampaně. Kvůli svým aktivitám a obrovskému střetu zájmů by podle ní měla odstoupit. Kla.tv se blíže zabývá aktivitami Ursuly von der Leyenové a dochází k závěrům, které patří na titulní stranu všech novin!
    KAJJAK --- ---

    preposlal mi to tchan, je to video o Ursule von der Leyen, jak ten odkaz predelat abys to video videl nemam sajn
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    KAJJAK: myslim si o tom, ze to je link na naprosty peklo celyho internetu. link je bez popisku (jaka by to byla strasna prace!) a ma v sobe zahashovany argumenty ve kterych je nevim kolik trackingu. smaz to a napastuj sem obsah, at na to nemusim klikat.
    ADM --- ---
    ARRAKIS: presne tak, naprosto presne a srozumitelne vysvetleno, zasadni video ktery by mel videt kazdej.

    k tomu jeste doplnim:


    ARRAKIS --- ---
    pekne a kompaktni shrnuti digitalniho totace, do kteryho se ritime.

    digital id + cbdc

    Digital IDs Are HERE!! Why You Should Be WORRIED!!
    RIVA --- ---
    Is Something Strange Happening to the Power Grid?
    XMEDA --- ---
    GORG: Tak to bude idealni, zacnes psat nejake komentare v drobnem nesouladu s vladni politikou a budes bez elektriny.

    Jinak k energiim:

    V Polsku bují nelegální těžba uhlí | iUHLI.cz
    GORG --- ---
    Electric car journeys could be restricted in Switzerland under plan to deal with energy shortages
    Each stage will be triggered according to the level of supplies available, in a similar way to coronavirus lockdown measures, which were based on cases and infection rates.


    Plans for Home Appliances
    The lowest level will see public buildings heated to no more than 20 degrees Celsius, with people asked to limit their washing machines to a maximum of 40 degrees Celsius.

    Under the next level, temperatures will be lowered to 19 degrees Celsius and streaming services asked to lower the resolution of videos from HD quality to standard.

    If the situation worsens, shops will be asked to close two hours early and electric vehicles limited to essential journeys.
    Cryptocurrency mining would then be banned if supplies keep dropping, along with swimming pools closed and lights in sports stadiums turned off.

    If the most extreme shortages hit, sports matches, concerts and theatre performances will be cancelled, and all leisure businesses forced to close.

    Power off from 4-7pm to save £240 this winter | Daily Mail Online
    Millions of Britons could get up to £240 off their energy bills this winter if they use their appliances at night after a scheme designed to help avoid blackouts was made more generous, MailOnline can reveal today.

    Households could receive payments of up to £20-a-day if they don't use washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers and even games consoles between 4pm and 7pm.

    Households will be encouraged to sign up to a 'demand flexibility service' that rewards them for using off-peak electricity. They could be paid for taking measures such as running appliances at night - but they must have a smart meter

    // aaa .. chytre :-) jak donutit lidi mit ty smart meter.. zas nejakymi ulevami pro zacatek ,)
    jak to chapu ja, je smart meater asi to posledni , co by si clovek mel porizovat.... pak mu muzou snadno na dalku regulovat tyhle veci
    RIVA --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    TR-069 with Routers – Informing Isn't Always Best | linkcabin

    Jeste k tomu RS-069 resp. serverum ACS poskytovatelu internetu

    NZ Herald - Internet providers have backdoor access to customers' modems

    debata na Geekzone , kde tomu oponuji sebezvani "dlouholeti experti", co uz prej roky instalujou ACS , a tyhle clanky v mediich a sebezvani "bezpecnostni experti" jsou __kompletni__ bullshit.

    trochu mi ty jejich posty pripominaji nyx.. kafemlejnek a ignorace toho podstatneho (okolo 70% ACS serveru podle statistiky pouziva HTTP namisto HTTPS) ci ze bezpecnost je ohrozena. oni tvrdi, ze narozdil od vsech oblasti IT, tenhle single point of failure zvany ACS pry neni zadne riziko. To zni samo o sobe jako bullshit, kdyz si tohle odvazi nekdo tvrdit, ze neni zadne.

    Prumysl se mel chytit za nos, byt vic transparentni, jak je to zabezpecene, ne strikat ad hominem a demagogii

    Nevim, co si o tomhle presne myslet, ale jiste ACS muze pomoct ISP rychle reagovat a uploadnout vsem lidem novy firmware se zaplatou....

    ... ale snaha zakryt pred uzivatelem routeru, ze tam neco takoveho vubec je.. je pro me varovny signal.. proc se to snazi zakryt?

    TLDR: pri uspesne infiltraci onoho ACS serveru mohou byt zaroven infikovane vsichni klienti daneho poskytovatele internetu

    Penetracni testy firmy Check Point ukazaly, ze 100% testovanych ACS serveru poskytovatelu internetu uspesne nabourali.

    Nabizi se otazka.. je tohle pripravena na nejaky kolektivni utok na internet vetsiny populace? Netransparentni chovani ten dojem vyvolava


    Pro predstavu ten "bezpecnostni expert" ve skutecnosti je sef tohodle bezpecnostnich testovani v korporaci Check point...

    Kdyz penetracni tester dela prednasky o tom, kde se snazi nejen odborniky ale bezne laiky varovat pred touto dirou, ziskal mou pozornost. Malokdy tihle ruzni penetracni hackeri tvrdi, ze neco ma vedet laicka verejnost.. krom apelu na dobra hesla.

    Nevim.. mozna zbytecna panika... a ano.. bez ACS nedojde k automatickem upgradu firmwaru, takze ma to svuj ucel. Hlavne pro laiky. Ale proste mi to nejak smrdi

    Pro predstavu o kredibilite ono Shahara Tala uvedu nejake linky:

    Check Point odhalil podrobnosti o celosvětové kyberšpionážní kampani, přichází z Íránu | Hospodářské noviny (HN.cz)

    „Tato analýza poskytuje cenný pohled na povahu a cíle globální kyberšpionážní skupiny,“ říká Shahar Tal, Research Group Manager, Check Point

    O CheckPoint slychame v mediich jako seriozni zdroj a Shahar Tal, je skutecne tim, kdo tvrdi, ze je..


    jeho linkedIn

    Pro pochopeni, ze se tu zjevne nejedna o nejakeho potulneho hackera, co si vybral par nejakych slabsich ISP, a dela velky vlny, ze tam meli diru.

    Check Point - Wikipedia
    Check Point is an American-Israeli multinational provider of software and combined hardware and software products for IT security, including network security, endpoint security, cloud security, mobile security, data security and security management.

    As of 2021, the company has approximately 6,000 employees worldwide.[5] Headquartered in Tel Aviv, Israel and San Carlos, California, the company has development centers in Israel and Belarus and previously held in United States (ZoneAlarm), Sweden (former Protect Data development centre) following acquisitions of companies who owned these centers. The company has offices in over 70 locations worldwide including main offices in North America, 10 in the United States (including in San Carlos, California and Dallas, Texas), 4 in Canada (including Ottawa, Ontario) as well as in Europe (London, Paris, Munich, Madrid) and in Asia Pacific (Singapore, Japan, Bengaluru, Sydney) .

    Check Point was established in Ramat Gan, Israel in 1993, by Gil Shwed (CEO as of 2016), Marius Nacht (Chairman as of 2016) and Shlomo Kramer (who left Check Point in 2003).[6] Shwed had the initial idea for the company's core technology known as stateful inspection, which became the foundation for the company's first product, FireWall-1; soon afterwards they also developed one of the world's first VPN products, VPN-1.[7] Shwed developed the idea while serving in the Unit 8200 of the Israel Defense Forces, where he worked on securing classified networks.[8][9]

    Initial funding of US$250,000 was provided by venture capital fund BRM Group.[10]

    In 1994 Check Point signed an OEM agreement with Sun Microsystems,[7] followed by a distribution agreement with HP in 1995.[11] The same year, the U.S. head office was established in Redwood City, California.

    By February 1996, the company was named worldwide firewall market leader by IDC, with a market share of 40 percent.[12] In June 1996 Check Point raised $67 million from its initial public offering on NASDAQ.[13]

    In 1998, Check Point established a partnership with Nokia, which bundled Check Point's Software with Nokia's computer Network Security Appliances.[13]

    In 2003, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Check Point over violation of the Securities Exchange Act by failing to disclose major financial information.[14]

    On 14 August 2003 Check Point opened its branch in India's capital, Delhi (with the legal name Check Point Software Technologies India Pvt. Ltd.). Eyal Desheh was the first director appointed in India.

    During the first decade of the 21st century Check Point started acquiring other IT security companies, including Nokia's network security business unit in 2009.[15]

    In 2019, researchers at Check Point found a security breach in Xiaomi phone apps.[16] The security flaw was reported preinstalled.[17]

    Check Point is presently focused on what it calls "fifth generation cyber security," or “Gen V.” It identifies the fifth generation as focused on large-scale and fast moving attacks across mobile, cloud and on-premise networks that easily bypass the conventional, static detection-based defenses being used by most organizations today.[18][19][20][21][22]

    Over the years many employees who worked at Check Point have left to start their own software companies. These include Shlomo Kremer, who started Imperva; Nir Zuk, who founded Palo Alto Networks; Ruvi Kitov and Reuven Harrison of Tufin; Yonadav Leitersdorf, who founded Indeni; and Avi Shua, who founded Orca Security;

    On 23 July 2020, Aryaka confirmed an alliance with Check Point Software Technologies to optimize the SD-WAN system operated by Aryaka Cloud-First, and Check Point CloudGuard Link and CloudGuard Edge to provide optimized protection and SD-WAN as-a-Service.[23]

    Check Point offers the following primary products:

    Network Security
    Software Defined Protection
    Public and Private Cloud Security
    Zero Trust Remote Access
    Data Security
    IoT Security
    ThreatCloud IntelliStore
    Virtual Systems
    Endpoint Security
    Mobile Security
    Security Management
    Document Security (Capsule Docs product line)[24]
    Zero-day Protection (SandBlast appliance product line)[25]
    Mobile Security (Mobile Threat Prevention product line)[26]

    Check Point offices, Tel Aviv
    Zone Labs, makers of the ZoneAlarm personal firewall software, in 2003, for $205 million in cash and shares.[27]
    Protect Data, the holding company for PointSec Mobile Technologies, in a cash deal valued at $586m in late 2006.[28] Prior to their acquisition by Check Point, Protect Data acquired Reflex Software.[29]
    NFR security, an intrusion prevention system developer, for $20 million in late 2006, following its failed plan to acquire the larger IPS vendor Sourcefire.[30]
    Nokia Security Appliances division was acquired in April 2009.[15]
    Liquid Machines, a data security startup company based in Boston, was acquired in June 2010.[31]
    Dynasec, a provider of enterprise governance, risk management, and compliance products, was acquired in November 2011. Dynasec offers a Web-based enterprise application, branded as Easy2comply, for Sarbanes-Oxley compliance, Basel II compliance, operational risk management, information security management, HIPAA compliance, and internal audit management.[32]
    Hyperwise, an early-stage startup focused on CPU level threat prevention, was acquired Feb 2015.[33]
    Lacoon Mobile Security was acquired in April 2015.[34]
    Dome9 was acquired in October 2018.[35]
    ForceNock was acquired in January 2019[36]
    Cymplify was acquired in Dec. 2019 [37]
    Protego Labs was acquired in Dec. 2019[38]
    Odo Security was acquired in Sep. 2020[39]
    Avanan was acquired in August 2021[40]
    Spectral was acquired in February 2022[41]
    In 2005, Check Point tried to acquire intrusion prevention system developers Sourcefire for $225 million,[42] but later withdrew its offer after it became clear US authorities (specifically, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States ) would try to block the acquisition.[43]

    je to asi relevantni (ze CheckPoint nejsou zjevne zadna orezavatka, jejich nazor by nemel byt relevantni), protoze mi kamos rekl, ze ho nezajima, co rika nejaky "nymand", zatimco ISP (jako Vodafone, T-Mobile,...) jsou prej ohromne korporace, ktere urcite vedi, co delaji.

    Duverujeme Microsoftu, Apple.. ok.. ale duverovat ruznorodym ISP, ze maji nakonfigurovane bezpecne, je uplne jina vec, jak rika i pan Shakar Tal. Vola po vetsim zamereni se na bezpecnost. Neni apriori proti.

    Opet.. tahle technologie ACS ma jiste sve nepopiratelne vyhody, ale chybi mi transparence. Jakym zpusobem je to zabezpecene, testovane na bezpecnost atd.
    Namisto snahy to zakryt nebo i branit normalne volne diskuzi, kritice.. Jak vidim tenhle pattern, uz to samo o sobe smrdi

    Takze si to tu odlozim, pokud mi to bohove dovoli :-)

    Ja na to natrefil fakt ve snaze o ACS najit informace pri konfiguraci vlastniho routeru..

    (Disclaimer: Jinak ty moje komentare k tomu.. cilem je slozitejsi pomoct priblizit, zestrucnit do zakladnich bodu... ta prednaska ma pres 1 hodinu.... v IT networkingu jsem laik. ACS jsem nikdy nekonfiguroval, ale nelibi se mi arogantni reakce onech expertu.. na takove rovine "je to v pohode, nerozumis tomu, drz hubu" by bezpecnost milionu pocitacu po svete fungovat nemela. 100% ACS serveru, ktere Check Point testovali, mely diru. Vsechny ktere testovali. Pry uplne vsechny.)
    KAJJAK --- ---
    Treba diskuze kolem blackrocku nize vsechny zucastnene nejak obohatila, proste video ze jsou to nejaci koncpiracni vladci sveta samo o sobe bylo hodne desinformacni a diskuze to vysvetlila tomu kdo chtel poslouchat...

    pokud na nyxu existuje nejaky jiny klub kde se desinformace kriticky probiraji a majitel klubu nerozdava RO prosim o odkaz, nevim o takove...
    KAJJAK --- ---

    ale vsak ja sbiram a premyslim o datech s odstupem, ale pomaha mi si to zaradit i to, ze tu nekdo argumentuje nejak vecne proti tem myslenkam a treba uhlem pohledu, ktery me nenapadl, nerozumim tomu, proc ti to vadi... I tebe samotneho to posune nekam dal v diskuzi a to co jsou cenne informace casto byva prave az ta reakce...

    Ten zdroj co postujes je malo prezvykany, aby to nekdo studoval podrobne, ta reakce uz je ale daleko vic zajimava, aspon za mne... A nese i daleko vic zajimavych informaci...

    Treba tohle GORG: jsou za mne daleko lepsi informace, nez puvodni zdroje co jsi postoval... A kdyby tu nebyla diskuze ten prispevek ani nevznikne...
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: Ale tady to JE pouze feed pro "dezinformacni" zdroje :)

    Asi jen nejses cilovka no..

    Ja kdyz jdu na CT24 nebo BBC ci Scientific American, BMJ, tak se ani tak nejdu podivat na "druhou stranu barikady". Jdu se podivat na informace. Co kdo tvrdi. A archivujeme si to tu.

    Delam to tak u tak od roku 2000, a podobne jsem koncipoval i svuj web..

    A pokud neco rika nekdo, kdo veri, ze planetu ridi nejaci jesteri.. i to si treba necim archivuju, pokud me to zaujme..
    Je dobre si to ulozit.. lip se to najde pak zpetne + samozrejme crowdsourced OSINT


    Nevim no, zrejme jsou lide, kteri to nikdy nepotrebovali, sbirat data.. premyslet o nich s odstupem..

    Ze jim staci "overene zdroje", tak se podivaji na manipulatori.cz, nebo nejaky media, neco si z toho vezmou a jdou dal.
    Jako bez urazky to jako mit prezvejkane.

    Navic vetsina toho tu jsou zdroje z mainstream medii.. od nejserioznejsich nejuznavenejsich vsemi tzv. "ovcemi" po ruzny bulvar
    Takze jake dezinformace? Jsou to informace.

    Takze kdo tu dezinformuje, kdyz se to tady opakokvane oznacuje jako lihen "dezinformacnich webu"? :-) To jsou linky ma masmedia. Armadu, pripadne archive.org , kde uz na normalni webu je to smazane do pametove diry.

    V nekterych pripadech jsou mista jako tato jedine misto, kde tu informaci jeste najdes, protoze treba ten clanek BBC smazali, a na archive.org to rekneme neni zaarchivovane.

    Nevidim vyznam tu rusit tento sber informaci.. a menit to v nejaky klub na pokec... Na to je spoustu jinych mist

    Opakuju tedy ted uz po asi 10x .. ze tohle je ucelem uz velkou radku let tohodle klubiste.. a rikat neco o cenzure, kdyz to navstevnik nerespektuje, mi prijde fakt komicke. Nejake povidani pokracujte treba do posty. Tyhle tvrzeni, ze jsem proti jinymu nazoru... ja nevim, jestli to vubec komentovat. To je tak pokrytecke... ze uff.
    RIVA --- ---
    KAJJAK: Jen tak pro zajímavost, co bys řekl že je erm... na tvojí straně barikády? Zdravý rozum, věda, normalita...?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam