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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    // carbon credit score coming soon.

    21. ledna 2023

    Emisní povolenky už i pro každého z nás. Klimatolog žádá omezení CO2 na osobu. Chudí mohou prodávat bohatým - Echo24.cz

    „Nejznámější německý klimatolog“ Hans-Joachim Schellnhuber navrhuje, aby každému občanovi byla přidělena omezená spotřeba CO2 na rok kvůli údajné ochraně klimatu. Emisní povolenky, jejichž dosah v EU zahrnuje další a další hospodářská odvětví, by se tak rozšířily i na jednotlivce. Například chudý člověk, který nemá auto, chodí jen pěšky a moc netopí, by povolenky mohl prodat na burze boháčům, aby mohli létat soukromými tryskáči. Vlivný představitel německé klimatologické lobby nápad prezentoval minulý týden pro časopis ARD Panorama. Podle ministra hospodářství a ochrany klimatu Roberta Habecka to "nyní" není na pořadu dne. Deník Die Welt návrh označil v komentáři nejen za omezování blahobytu, ale i svobody.

    Schellnhuber vyzval k zavedení individuálního limitu CO2 pro osoby a zároveň, aby se umožnilo těmto soukromým osobám s takto přidělenými povolenkami obchodovat. "Každý dostane tři tuny CO2 ročně, ale pokud potřebujete více, musíte si koupit od ostatních, kteří spotřebují méně," vysvětluje klimatolog z Postupimského institutu pro výzkum dopadu klimatu.

    Aby se předešlo nejhorším následkům údajné klimatické krize, zavázala se řada zemí zastavit globální oteplování v nárůstu pod dva stupně Celsia. S hranicí dvou stupňů Celsia přišel přitom sám Schellnhuber již v roce 1995 a postupně si ho osvojila nejprve německá vláda, pak Evropská unie a po kodaňské klimatické konferenci v roce 2009 se to stalo cílem řady vlád po celém světě.

    Podle některých klimatologů, aby bylo tohoto cíle dosaženo, může být v příštích desetiletích do atmosféry celosvětově vypuštěno pouze omezené množství skleníkového plynu CO2. V současné době každý jedinec údajně způsobí, že do atmosféry se vypustí asi deset tun CO2 ročně. Lidé s vyššími příjmy vypouštějí výrazně větší množství skleníkových plynů. Jak píše server Tagesschau, podle údajů pařížské World Inequality Lab, organizace, která o sobě tvrdí, že studuje nerovnosti po celém světě, vypouští mnoho milionářů v Německu více než 100 tun CO2 na osobu za rok. Na celém světě několik set tisíc superbohatých prý způsobí, že do atmosféry se dostane ročně dokonce více než 2000 tun CO2, počítáno na jejich osobu.

    Naproti tomu zřejmě "zodpovědný," často také chudý člověk, který chodí jen pěšky a spotřebovává výrobky, jejichž produkce údajně způsobuje minimální exhalace CO2, by mohl se svými povolenkami obchodovat a prodávat je tak bohatým, kterým jejich přidělené povolenky na běžný život nestačí.

    Ale u tří tun CO2 by nezůstalo, emise by musely začít rychle klesat. Hranici tří tun naplánoval Schellnhuber přibližně na rok 2030, na nulu by se měl systém dostat do poloviny století. Schellnhuber se ale nezmiňuje, co se bude dělat s vydechovaným CO2, které tvoří asi 4-5 procent vzduchu vydechovaného lidmi.

    Spolkový ministr hospodářství a ochrany klimatu Robert Habeck (Zelení) horní hranici tří tun CO2 pro každého jednotlivce odmítá. "Nyní se nesoustředím na otázku individuální regulace," vysvětluje Habeck v rozhovoru pro Panorama. Ministr by chtěl množství skleníkových plynů snížit již zavedenými opatřeními, jako je rozšiřování obnovitelných zdrojů energie nebo rekonstrukcí budov. Navíc by se podle Habecka musely zdražit nebo případně zakázat produkty, které jsou vyráběny způsobem, který škodí klimatu. Zastává názor, že cílů ochrany klimatu lze lépe dosáhnout bez „individuální regulace klimatu“.

    Týdeník Panorama nicméně přidává, že Schellnhuber není s takovými nápady mezi německými klimatology osamocen. Odborná rada pro otázky klimatu zřízená spolkovou vládou dochází k závěru, že současná opatření nejsou dostatečná. Emise skleníkových plynů klesají podle rady příliš pomalu a cíle pro rok 2030 budou pravděpodobně „výrazně nedodrženy“. Rada proto doporučuje již neformulovat pouze měkké redukční cíle, ale zavést „tvrdý limit povolených emisí“.

    Nápadu „nejznámějšího německého klimatologa“ si v deníku Die Welt všímá také komentátorka Kristina Schroederová, která upozorňuje, že se zavedením podobných opatření by upadl nejen blahobyt lidí, ale ještě více i svoboda.
    GORG --- ---
    N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count - The New York Times
    New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.

    The new figures, released by the city’s Health Department, drove up the number of people killed in New York City to more than 10,000, and appeared to increase the overall United States death count by 17 percent to more than 26,000.

    New York City posts sharp spike in coronavirus deaths after untested victims added | Reuters
    WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City, the hardest hit U.S. city in the coronavirus pandemic, revised its official COVID-19 death toll sharply higher to more than 10,000 on Tuesday, to include victims presumed to have perished from the lung disease but never tested.

    The new cumulative figure for “confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths” released by the New York City Health Department marked a staggering increase of over 3,700 deaths formally attributed to the highly contagious illness since March 11.


    U.S. public health authorities have generally only attributed deaths to COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus, when patients tested positive for the virus.

    New York City’s Health Department said it will now also count any fatality deemed a “probable” coronavirus death, defined as a victim whose “death certificate lists as a cause of death ‘COVID-19’ or an equivalent.”

    March 11 was used as the starting pointbecause that was the date of the first confirmed coronavirus death, the city said.

    How COVID-19 Deaths Are Counted - Scientific American
    As coronavirus has swept through the United States, finding the true number of people who have been infected has been stymied due to lack of testing. Now, official counts of coronavirus deaths are being challenged, too.

    In Colorado, for example, a Republican state legislator has accused the state’s public health department of falsely inflating COVID-19 deaths; in Florida, local media have objected to the State Department of Health’s refusal to release medical examiner data to the public, alleging that the state may be underreporting deaths.

    The reality is that assigning a cause of death is not always straightforward, even pre-pandemic, and a patchwork of local rules and regulations makes getting valid national data challenging. However, data on excess deaths in the United States over the past several months suggest that COVID-19 deaths are probably being undercounted rather than overcounted.

    Death certificates can be signed by a physician who was responsible for a patient who died in a hospital, which accounts for many COVID-19 deaths. They can also be signed by medical examiners or coroners, who are independent officials who work for individual counties or cities. Many COVID-19 death certificates are being handled by physicians unless the death occurred outside of the hospital, in which case a medical examiner or coroner would step in, said Dr. Sally Aiken, the president of the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME). In some jurisdictions, including cities such as Chicago and Milwaukee, medical examiners are involved in determining the cause of death for every suspected COVID-19 case. In those jurisdictions, medical examiners review medical records even of patients who die in hospitals to ensure that the symptoms and any testing indicate that the patient did indeed die of COVID-19.

    Having medical examiners confirm COVID-19 deaths can create more uniformity and clearer documentation, Aiken told Live Science. On a death certificate, there are spaces to list an immediate cause of death, as well as the chain of events that led to that final disease or incident. There are also spaces for adding contributing factors.

    For COVID-19, the immediate cause of death might be listed as respiratory distress, with the second line reading “due to COVID-19.” Contributing factors such as heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure would then be listed further down. This has led to some confusion by people arguing that the “real” cause of death was heart disease or diabetes, Aiken said, but that’s not the case.

    “Without the COVID19 being the last straw or the thing that led to the chain of events that led to death, they probably wouldn’t have died,” she said.

    How hard it is to accurately determine whether COVID-19 was truly that last straw depends on the situation. Most COVID-19 deaths seen at Mount Sinai Health System in New York are in people who have comorbid (or co-occurring) conditions such as coronary artery disease or kidney disease, said Dr. Mary Fowkes, the chief of autopsy services at Mount Sinai. But it’s not typically difficult to tell what killed them.

    “Most of the cases are pretty straightforward,” Fowkes told Live Science. “The lungs are usually so severely involved with pathology, so they are two to three times or more the normal weight of a normal lung.”

    (The excess weight is due to fluid and cell detritus from damaged lung tissues.)

    In some cases, particularly those where someone dies at home or quickly perishes after entering an emergency room, the determination can be a little more fuzzy, said Dr. Jeremy Faust, an emergency physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts.

    Autopsies can help answer that question, but autopsy rates were low even pre-pandemic, Fowkes said. Even at Mount Sinai, a rare medical system that offers every family a chance to have their loved one autopsied for free, the rate of autopsy was only about 20% prior to the pandemic. According to NAME, there is an ongoing shortage of forensic pathologists working in the United States, with about 500 currently employed and a need for 1,200. Autopsies for COVID-19 can also be dangerous due to the infectious nature of the disease and ongoing shortages of personal protective equipment for pathologists.

    Another complication for assigning a cause of death for COVID-19 is that some younger people have died of strokes and heart attacks and then tested positive for COVID-19 without any history of respiratory symptoms. The virus is now known to cause blood clots, suggesting that COVID-19 was the killer in these cases, too. Fowkes and her colleagues conducted a microscopic inspection of the brains of 20 COVID-19 victims in her hospital system and found that six of them contained tiny blood clots that had caused small strokes before death.

    “We’re seeing it in younger patients than you would expect, and we’re seeing it in a distribution that you wouldn’t expect, so we think it’s related to the COVID,” Fowkes said.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidelines for how to attribute a death to COVID-19. The guidelines urge using information from COVID-19 testing, where possible, but also allow for deaths to be listed as “presumed” or “probable” COVID-19 based on symptoms and the best clinical judgment of the person filling out the death certificate. A medical examiner trying to determine a cause of death in the absence of testing would comb medical records and query family and loved ones about the person’s symptoms before they died, Aiken said. Postmortem COVID-19 tests may be possible, depending on the jurisdiction.

    All of the inconsistencies of cause-of-death reporting precede the COVID-19 pandemic, says Jay Wolfson, a professor of public health at the University of South Florida (USF). But getting good data about deaths is now extremely pressing, he told Live Science. Death certificates are often used by epidemiologists and public health officials to detect strange clusters of deaths or to link certain risk factors to certain causes of death. But because different states and localities have different rules about recording and reporting causes of death, the cumulative data is always messy.

    “I think some states are reluctant to open their databases up, knowing they have validity problems or knowing the data might be misused,” Wolfson said. But public health officials need access, he said, and they need to figure out ways to dig into the data and standardize them. Wolfson and other researchers at USF are already working with state officials to see what kind of data the state can legally release, he said.

    Meanwhile, as the political debate over the response to the virus heats up, some have argued that death reports are being deliberately skewed. Aiken rejected the notion of a vast conspiracy by medical examiners; medical examiners are designed to be independent entities, she said, and they run the political gamut from conservative to liberal.

    “It always cracks me up,” she said. “Medical examiners and coroners aren’t organized enough to have a conspiracy.”

    In Colorado, the discrepancy over people dying with COVID-19 versus of COVID-19 is due to federal reporting guidelines requiring the health department to report any COVID-positive death to the CDC, even if COVID-19 wasn’t thought to cause the death, Gov. Jared Polis said in a news conference Friday (May 15). The health department has been instructed not to report those deaths as being caused by COVID-19 to the public, Polis said.

    In Florida, state law prevents the release of death certificate data, Wolfson said, but it may be possible to get public release of death certificates with identifying information removed, or of cumulative datasets.

    Both undercounts and overcounts of COVID-19 deaths are possible, Wolfson said, but it’s not yet clear which is more likely, or whether they might simply balance each other out. Fowkes said that based on her experience, it’s more likely that COVID-19 deaths are being missed than overcounted. That’s because New York is among several cities that show spikes in deaths at home, and these anomalous spikes could be due to untested, untreated COVID-19.

    Perhaps, the best clue as to whether COVID-19 deaths have been undercounted or overcounted is excess mortality data. Excess mortality is deaths above and beyond what would normally be expected in a given population in a given year. CDC data shows a spike of excess mortality in early 2020, adding up to tens of thousands of deaths.

    Some argue that many of these excess deaths are related to COVID-19 lockdowns, not COVID-19 themselves, Faust said, because people fear catching the disease if they go to the hospital for other reasons. A study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology did find that nine major hospitals saw a 38% drop in emergency visits for a particular kind of heart attack in March. That suggests that people really are delaying or avoiding medical care, which could mean that some of them die of preventable causes.

    But non-COVID conditions probably don’t explain most excess deaths, Faust said. Only a portion of heart attack visits would have represented lives saved, he said, because doctors must treat perhaps 10 patients to save one life. And other causes of death—such as motor vehicle accidents—are down.

    This could change with time, Faust cautioned. For example, if cancer patients forego their treatments for a year, rather than a few months, the impact on their death rates is much more likely to be noticeable in the population-wide data. But for now, he said, “it’s unlikely that the coronavirus deaths are being overcounted by a magnitude that explains our observation that something very unusual is going on.”

    // Líbí se mi tam ta věta, že ten počet možná byl v nějakém směru podhodnocen , a v jiném nadhodnocen, a že se ty odchylky možná i vzájemně vyruší :-)))
    Jak relevantní data jsme vůbec měli, když tam připouštíme tak velký rozptyl?
    Tahle čísla byly a jsou barometrem toho, jak zlá je situace.

    Ještě to pak narušil dezolát Blatný s tvrzením, že se do statistiky mrtvých na COVID počítají taky například autonehody.
    Všichni na něj začali syčet "dezinformátor".. a hodně i Moravec na ČT24 ho sjížděl, že by se za ten výrok měl prý omluvit.

    Blatný není dezinformátor, základní fakta má správně. Interpretace dat se ale s realitou míjí | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Ale zmiňují tam taky, že ÚZIS měl následně data začisťovat, a právě autonehody za COVID nepovažovat.
    Za něj si od moderátora televizní debaty Václava Moravce vysloužil ostrý výrok: „Bagatelizace a zpochybňování statistik z vás může činit dezinformátora.“ Blatný se korektně, ale důrazně ohradil.


    Teprve v „pomalých“ datech o příčinách úmrtí se zohlední takzvaná základní příčina úmrtí.


    Při vytváření těchto dat se má uplatnit expertní komise pod vedením náměstka ministra zdravotnictví Vladimíra Černého, kterou opakovaně zmiňuje ministr Blatný. Podrobně vytváření obou datových sad – „rychlé“ i „pomalé“ – popisuje prezentace Šárky Daňkové z ÚZIS, která se věnuje agendě příčin úmrtí.

    Zkoušel jsem na stránkách ÚZIS nebo jinde najít teda ty "pomalá" data

    Tady se na ně někdo ptá na základě zákona o svobodných informacích, ale ÚZIS je odmítl poskytnout.


    Koukám jsou tam i odpovědi na podobné dotazy na statistiky úmrtí po očkování. Se stejnou odpovědí, že můžou v odpovědi poskytnout pouze datovou strukturu, ne data, ale že když se někdo pro statistické nebo akademické účely hecne, tak že je při uhrazení nákladů mu nasypou raw data...
    A vypadá to, že i na každý další dotaz, co jsem tam rozklikl, je to podobně.

    Nevím.. neměly by být někde viditelně? My jeli asi doteď jen teda na ty "rychlá" data?

    Když hledám v sekci COVID-19

    COVID-19 - ÚZIS ČR

    poslední prezentace je tu z 29.1.2021 a od té doby nic .. nějak brzo je přestalo bavit o tom něco prezentovat :)

    Podařilo se mi tam ale najít , že už tam je statistika úmrtí za rok 2020, kde už jsou předpokládám tedy ta "pomalá" začištěná data?

    Ta ovšem postrádá onu takovou tu jednoduchost čísel a grafů, která jsme viděli v médiích anebo i celkem přehledné grafy na stránkách ministerstva (které jsou ovšem ale ona "rychlá" data)

    "220 XXII. Kódy pro speciální účely"
    Pozn. Kapitola XXII. představuje úmrtnost na COVID–19 (U07.1–U07.2)

    Tedy kódy 220 .. U07.1 a U07.2 mají být , co tam počítali za COVID

    MKN-10 - Databáze léčiv
    - U07.1 COVID-19, virus identifikován

    - U07.2 COVID-19, virus neidentifikován
    Klinicky a epidemiologicky diagnostikovaný COVID-19; Pravděpodobný COVID-19; Suspektní COVID-19

    Tedy z toho mi vyplývá, že tam taky zahrnovali lidi, kteří ani pozitivní test neměli.
    Pro jistotu tam U07.1 i U07.2 uvádí jen dohromady oboje jako jedno číslo.
    On tam ten COVID vlastně v té tabulce chybí, ostatní kategorie tam mají i čísla k jednotlivým kódům
    Akorát ta poznámka to zmiňuje pod čarou, že tím má být tajemná sekce 220 XXII. Kódy pro speciální účely, kde je to jen pro celou kategorii dohromady

    Jistě by taky nebylo špatné mít anonymizovaná data, kde si půjde konkrétní případy ověřit. A určitě by bodlo bývalo aspoň nějaké shrnutí, jaké diagnózy tam byly nejčastěji. Kolik z těch U07.1 a U07.2 třeba bylo selhání plic.
    Zjevně ale víme, že za rok 2020 zemřelo asi o 10 tisíc víc lidí než je průměrně běžné.
    Tak si tu odložím tenhle pokus to nějak sesumarizovat...

    Detailní statistiky o koronaviru jsou tajné kvůli podivné výjimce v zákoně - iDNES.cz
    GORG --- ---
    30.rijen 2020

    Debunking the False Claim That COVID Death Counts Are Inflated - Scientific American
    President Trump and other conspiracy fantasists touted the fake claim that COVID death counts are exaggerated. But three kinds of evidence point to more than 350,000 deaths*


    13. leden 2023

    'We are overcounting COVID deaths and hospitalizations. That's a problem"

    V BMJ publikovano 20. brezna 2020 (!) (to je kdyz to teprve vsechno zacinalo a uz se to clovek mohl docist z normalnich taky serioznich zdroju):

    Sources of bias for the estimation of case fatality rate in Covid-19 outbreak - One, No One, and One Hundred Thousand? | The BMJ
    In most countries, because of the lack of validated criteria, COVID-19-related deaths are defined as those occurring in subjects with a positive PCR test for SARS-CoV-2, irrespective of other causes of death (18). This definition includes patients who died because of concomitant severe conditions, in whom the role of Covid-19 may even be minimal or absent (e.g. subjects with end-stage heart failure or terminal cancer, and concomitant asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection) (19

    // BJM clanek je v tomhle kontextu zmen pravidel mirne unrelated, i kdyz narazi jeste na dalsi nemene podstatnou vec, ze pochybne bylo uz pocitani umrti lidi s pozitivnim testem..... natoz teda ze se tam pak zapocetli i lidi bez testu.. zprvu v New Yorku.... ten se tu skutecne hodne resil jako odstasujici priklad spolu s Italii..

    Dr. Brufsky on Case Ascertainment Bias With COVID-19

    Jak je mozne, ze nebyl jasny jeden vedecky zalozeny zpusob, jak to pocitat, kdyz tedy #TrustInScience tolik fičel?
    Každý stát to počítal jinak. Řada to napočítávání v průběhu času i měnila.
    Do toho ještě hlasy, že je ten počet naopak podhodnocen. I ten který počítal i lidi bez pozitivního testu
    GORG --- ---
    Mně to ještě nedá to tu trochu pomocí stroje času starých novinových článků rozanalyzovat, jak je to vlastně s tím počítáním úmrtí na COVID-19.
    Už i proto jak je to za mě takový ukazkový příklad covidismu..
    Kde se věda kombinuje s politikou... ale tenhle technokratismus postrádá dodžování vědeckých principů.
    Rozhodují politici a úředníci, jak počítat....

    Přesto vývody jsou pak v médiích konzumovány jako fast food věda. Články plné čísel a různých odborných tvrzení. Kromě samotných následných politických rozhodnutí to ovlivňuje i povědomí veřejnosti, na které mají ta různá "rozhodnutí" o vědeckých datech přímý dopad na životy opatřeními ale i strachem., pokud je například počet obětí nadsazen rozhodnutím nějakého politika.

    TL,DR: Jde o počítání smrti na COVID jak u těch, kteří měli pozitivní test, tak i těch, kteří měli "pravděpodobně COVID" - ted i těch, co neměli ani pozitivní test.
    - Je obtížné se dopátrat podrobností, ale podařilo se mi zmapovat, že už od počátku počítání COVID úmrtí federální úřady chtěly, aby se to takhle počítalo v celé USA.
    - Jenže ve skutečnosti to každý stát i města počítaly každej jinak.
    - Někde pravděpodobné COVIDy nezahrnovali do statistiky, někde jo.

    14. dubna 2020 různá média oznamují, že to začali v New Yorku počítat jinak, a snad že časem i ostatní americké státy přejdou jednotně na stejný způsob počítání.
    U všech článků jsem našel datum 14. dubna, i když nikde nezmiňují kdy konkrétně to takhle začali počítat? Ani nelze asi najít čísla před touto korekcí.

    Přitom ten datum je dost podtatný...
    Když už si tu hrajem na čísla a jejich veledůležitost, tak je podstatný, kdy si jen tak změnili , jak to počítají.

    Trechnokracie.. žádná věda.

    Kupodivu klasicky když si kliknete všechny ty různé seriozní univerzity.. nebo vládní zdroje, média... musíte hodně klikat a refinovat dotaz na Google, aby jste našli vůbec tu zmínku, že k té úpravě reality došlo.
    Jakoby to ani nestálo za zmínku tak podstatná věc?

    Ostatně ještě by někdo mohl nařknout, že jsem si to vymyslel, žejo... Známe svý lidi.. :)

    Tohle my viděli o NY tehdy... katastrofa v New Yorku

    Stát New York registruje rekordní nárůst nemocných i obětí. Vrchol pandemie podle guvernéra teprve přijde | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy
    ...U obou údajů se jedná o zatím největší přírůstek za 24 hodin.... [fear porno continues...]

    Takže pro nostalgiky a zvídavé:

    Coronavirus: Why is NYC reporting surge in virus deaths? - BBC News
    New York City's death count has spiked to more than 10,000 after it reported 3,778 people who likely had Covid-19, but died without being tested.

    Firefighters and paramedics had been recording drastic increases in deaths at home around the city, assumed to be caused by the virus.

    The new figures, from the city's Health Department, mark a 60% rise in deaths.

    In terms of per-capita death rate, New York City has now outpaced Italy - home to the highest death toll in Europe.

    "Behind every death is a friend, a family member, a loved one. We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of Covid-19 gets counted," said the city's health commissioner, Dr Oxiris Barbot.

    New York City's Grand Central Station is seen abandoned at rush hour as the city is pummelled by the virus outbreak.
    The revised count brings New York's total virus fatalities to 10,367.

    Why has this happened?
    New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday said that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had changed guidelines for how coronavirus deaths were to be recorded.

    "They want deaths, and then another category of probable deaths," Mr Cuomo said, to be administered by local health departments or coroners. He added that people who passed away outside of a hospital or nursing home may have been missed in previous counts.

    Mark Levine, chair of the city's Heath Council that even these adjusted numbers were likely an undercount.

    "There were an additional 3,017 deaths above normal levels in past month, not known to be connected to covid," he wrote on Twitter. "There is only one explanation for this increase: direct & indirect victims of the pandemic."

    How does this affect the official death toll?
    It's unclear. Mr Cuomo said the state will work with local agencies to publish revised numbers "as soon as we can".

    As of yet, the coronavirus database from Johns Hopkins University - used as the definitive count by many US states and news outlets, including the BBC - has not changed its tally to include "presumed" deaths.

    "While these data reflect the tragic impact that the virus has had on our city, they will also help us to determine the scale and scope of the epidemic and guide us in our decisions," Dr Barbot said.

    What are other states doing?
    Since the start of March - before New York City reported its first death - the CDC asked local governments to record "assumed" coronavirus infections on death certificates.

    But so far, the application has been inconsistent.

    Municipalities in Connecticut, Ohio and Delaware have begun to recorded cases where the infection is assumed but not confirmed with a test, Dr Barbot told the New York Times, while officials in California and Seattle only count virus deaths if proven with a positive test.
    RIVA --- ---
    Edward Dowd

    Edward Dowd has worked for most of his career on Wall Street, spanning both credit markets and equity markets. Most notably, he worked at Blackrock as a portfolio manager where he managed a $14 billion Growth equity portfolio for ten years. After BlackRock, he founded OceanSquare Asset Management with two former BlackRock colleagues.
    He is also an author – his book: "Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022." And he is a founding partner of Pinnacle Technologies
    MTO --- ---
    Davos Attendee Says Agenda Is To Create A "New World Order"

    “Here at WEF…there’s a lot of discussion about what the new world order will be…how do we work towards that new normative international order that allows us to address our differences and disputes as the civilized world,” said Zardari.
    RIVA --- ---
    This never gets old...

    The TRUTH about the Gates Family
    GORG --- ---
    More Evidence Points to US-NATO Sabotage of Nordstream

    zajimave, co se zas do medii neveslo.

    ani ze v minulosti uz tu trubku nasli olepenou vybusninami (2015)

    Explosive-Laden Drone Found Near Nord Stream Pipeline | Pipeline Technology Journal

    a ze nedlouho predtim v tom samem mori .. v te same oblasti more delaly staty NATO vcetne USA vojenske cviceni s podmorskymi drony... to cele cviceni bylo o tech vzdalene rizenych ponorkach.

    STRIKFORNATO | BALTOPS 22: A perfect opportunity for research and testing new technology
    BALTIC SEA – A significant focus of BALTOPS every year is the demonstration of NATO mine hunting capabilities, and this year the U.S. Navy continues to use the exercise as an opportunity to test emerging technology.
    In support of BALTOPS, U.S. Navy Sixth Fleet partnered with U.S. Navy research and warfare centers to bring the latest advancements in Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) mine hunting technology to the Baltic Sea to demonstrate the vehicle’s effectiveness in operational scenarios.

    Experimentation was conducted off the coast of Bornholm, Denmark

    Opet je dobre si vsimnou, proc maji masmedia zjevne zakazano tuto informaci o cviceni NATO v tom kontextu zminit, ze se tam predtim s podmorskymi drony shodou okolnosti motali. Zakazano to mit museli, protoze tyhle informace najde s trochou snahy kazdy vcetne me.. akorat jsem musel cist nejaky dezolatni medium, ne "v duveryhodnych" mediich.

    ČESKÁ TELEVIZE - Vyhledávání

    Dle ocekavani.. Nezminili.


    Tady uz se trochu WP chytali za nos, ze to s tim automatickym obvinovanim Ruska asi prehnali.

    Hmm ale kde se brala ta jistota, ze to udelalo Rusko? Nemeli ani motiv ani zadne dukazy nesmerovaly k nim. Narozdil treba od USA, kteri zcela prokazatelne v te same oblasti delali cviceni s podmorskymi drony

    Ovsem pak mame zdroj CNN, ktery v te dobe se pozastavil nad udajnou pritomnosti nejakych "ruskych lodi" v oblasti

    European security officials on Monday and Tuesday observed Russian Navy support ships in the vicinity of leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines likely caused by underwater explosions, according two Western intelligence officials and one other source familiar with the matter.

    It’s unclear whether the ships had anything to do with those explosions, these sources and others said – but it’s one of the many factors that investigators will be looking into.

    Takze takove zminky moznych souvislosti nejsou samozrejme vubec netypicke pro normalni media. Obzvlast v takovych detektivkach.
    Sic teda i ten zdroj samotny CNN se odkazuje nna "two Western intelligence officials" a "one source familiar with the matter" :D

    Pravdepodobne se ale nikdy nedozvime pravdu. Leda ze by to nektery z akteru na sebe vytahl.. zverejnenim nejakeho dokumentu, kdyby slo o statni operaci. Z dukazu se vi akorat, ze slo opravdu o vybusninu, ne nehodu.

    Casem uz to bude jedno. Infotainment zije novinkami... jinak by se to nejmenovalo news ale olds.
    GORG --- ---
    Jaroslav Grűnwald na Zprávách z Galaxie

    v kontextu zprav z galaxie.. osobni zkusenost detske prostituce v Cesku... a jak v tom byli zapojeni i policajti, soudci

    Human trafficking in Kosovo - Wikipedia
    Since the establishment of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in 1999, it has been known to the international community that Kosovo is a major destination territory for human trafficking, women and young girls trafficked into forced prostitution. According to Amnesty International, most of women are trafficked from Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine.[1]

    In the 2010 Trafficking in Persons Report, Kosovo was identified[2] as transit and destination country for woman and children, victims of the human trafficking, especially the forced prostitution.

    Origins of Demand
    Human trafficking in Kosovo has seen "a steep rise" since NATO troops and UN administrators took over Kosovo. According to Amnesty International, NATO servicemen and UN staff "generate 80% of the income" for pimps and human traffickers. UN Department of peacekeeping claimed that "peacekeepers have come to be seen as part of the problem in trafficking rather than the solution". Amnesty found no evidence of criminal proceedings against NATO military personnel in their home countries.[3]

    Source countries
    Amnesty International reports that, "Some 406 foreign women were assisted by the IOM in Kosovo between December 2000 and December 2003. According to the IOM, 48 per cent of women who have entered its repatriation program - enabling them to return to their home country - originated from Moldova. Of the remainder, 21 per cent came from Romania, 14 per cent from Ukraine, six per cent from Bulgaria, three per cent from Albania and the remainder from Russia and Serbia proper."[3]

    Reluctance of Kosovo administration
    2010 Trafficking in Persons Report said "the Kosovo government did not follow the minimal measures to eliminate for the trafficking elimination". This regards to both forced prostitution, and forced begging.[4]

    Carla Del Ponte, the former chief U.N. war crimes prosecutor, claimed in her memoirs, that at least 300 ethnic Serbs were murdered and their organs stolen by the Kosovo Liberation Army during and after the Kosovo War in 1999.[5] These claims were met with criticism in Albania and abroad.[6]

    In 2009, Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević claimed there was significant progress in investigation of the case of the yellow house, located in Northern Albania, where organs were harvested from kidnapped Serbs, non-Albanians from Kosovo, Czech and Russian citizens. Organs were later sold in the black market.[7] The Albanian administration of Kosovo refused to cooperate with Serbian and international investigators on the case, but several arrests of medics practicing illegal surgery were made in Kosovo, allegedly in connection to the case.[8][9]

    In February 2011, the news website France 24 obtained classified documents[10] showing that the UN had heard allegations in 2003 regarding the trafficking of human organs, with some named victims and testimonials from involved Albanians. A 2003 report about this matter describes the criminal involvement of senior commanders of the KLA.[citation needed]
    GORG --- ---
    NATO and the Trafficking of Women | War Resisters' International

    30 SEP 2014
    Article in The Broken Rifle No 81, February 2009 as part of the Shut Down NATO issue.

    Sian Jones

    Women have a multitude of relationships to the military: they command regiments, enlist as soldiers, work in the arms industry, clean the kitchens and toilets of military bases… or oppose the military in protests and peace camps. Some women have little choice about their relationship with the military: they are killed, injured, forced from their homes, and bereaved by armed conflict. Others are recruited, sometimes ‘voluntarily’, but very often forcibly, to provide sexual services to male military personnel. Many of these are women and girls trafficked for the purposes of forced prostitution.

    The conflict in the former Yugoslavia resulted in the presence of around 30,000 NATO personnel in Bosnia Herzegovina in 1995, and a few years later there would be 40,000 in Kosovo. To serve the men, an extensive sex industry based on forcible trafficking was brought into existence in these countries and in Macedonia, the site of NATO’s R&R facility.

    Where there are devastated infrastructures, massive unemployment and barely functioning economies, trafficking provides both organised crime and “entrepreneurial individuals” with an easy way of entering the “free market economy”. NATO creates the demand: it's estimated that members of NATO forces spent over $40 million a month in purchases in the Balkans between 24 March and 10 June 1999 alone. Post-communist countries of nearby eastern Europe experiencing economic hardship, such as Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Romania and Moldova, provided the commodity – the women and girls.

    Some were only too willing to travel to the “west”, promised good job prospects as waitresses, bar staff or dancers, at wages they could only dream of at home. While some understood that they had to be illegally smuggled into the Balkans, none was prepared for the violence and sexual exploitation that awaited them there. During the trafficking process women are coerced, threatened, beaten and raped by their traffickers, to keep them compliant. Their documents are taken away, their movement is controlled, they are often imprisoned. The promised wages often never materialise. They are withheld by the traffickers supposedly to repay the woman's “debt” (for clothes and make-up, for instance) or simply to prevent them from escaping.

    In both Bosnia and Kosovo some individual soldiers, along with NATO contractors and UN police, were actively involved in the trafficking process, receiving trafficked women and girls at borders, smuggling them into military bases and acting as pimps. For years NATO ignored what was going on, suggesting the wrongdoers were merely a few “bad apples”. This complicity extended in 2002 to shutting down an investigation in Kosovo by NATO personnel into the abuse of Ukrainian and Russian women by Russian soldiers, who were also suspected of being involved in trafficking. The investigation stopped so as not to threaten NATO's relationship with Russia.

    Perhaps because of their record of sexual exploitation elsewhere, the US attempted to prevent the involvement of their forces in trafficking and exploitation of trafficked women and girls in Bosnia and Kosovo. Their personnel were prohibited from going off-base except on official duty. However, this didn’t stop women being smuggled into bases, nor the development of a sex industry based on trafficking in the Kosovo town of Ferizaj, just down the road from Bondsteel, then the largest US base in eastern Europe.

    At the 2004 Istanbul Summit, NATO adopted a Policy Against Human Trafficking, which described human trafficking as a crime, a violation of human rights and a "modern day slave trade that fuels corruption and organised crime". However for NATO trafficking is mainly a security issue. Thus the policy went on to suggest that it has the potential to "destabilise fragile governments". So, while the policy recognises that NATO forces are part of the problem, and provides for “securing standards of individual behaviour”, it does not explicitly prohibit NATO forces from engaging in or facilitating trafficking, or from having sex with trafficked women. Private contractors employed by NATO can be penalised for involvement in trafficking - but in the few instances reported they have merely been repatriated.

    In theory all NATO forces receive awareness training on “the problem of trafficking and how this modern day slave trade impacts on human rights, stability and security”. They are given guidelines that prohibit involvement in trafficking, and in Kosovo they were prohibited visiting clubs and bars where trafficked women worked. In practice, however, the policy has failed because each NATO member state is free to decide how to interpret it. While one or two NATO have disciplined soldiers involved in trafficking, immunity from prosecution afforded to NATO forces means that no suspected NATO traffickers have ever been prosecuted.

    For feminist anti-militarists, opposition to NATO includes proposing alternatives to military security. Real security means that women and girls may live without violence, without coercion, and free of the poverty that drives them into the hands of traffickers. NATO should start taking its anti-trafficking policy seriously and start acting to provide women with real security.

    Sian Jones is a member of Women in Black London
    GORG --- ---
    BUMBAR: Já jedinej? A oni tu nehlásí názory? :-) Tahle psychóza je úplně úžasná.. Jo jasně OMNIHASH píše fakta, takže sice žádné reference a nic, ale nejsou to názory ,)

    Já tu píšu sice taky nějaký syntézy .. referencí, které tu ale dokládám, abych ušetřil čas čtenáři. Píšu jen to, co tam čtu, plus příhodím i nějaký názor. (Ten bývá ohraničen slovy jako "já si myslím".. tyhle slova nemůžete znát, protože ty a OMNIHASH patříte mezi ty, kteří mají rádi fatalistická vyjádření jako "JE", "JSI")
    Samozřejmě můžou postnout něco to vyvracející patřičně s rerencemi. To se dosud nestalo
    (kupříkladu rozsah s jakým se podařilo pachatele těch znásilnění ve válečných misích hnát k trestní odpovědnosti, pokud jde o tu otázku beztrestnosti)

    Jinak to obvinění, že si pletu OSN a NATO... to je tak směšné, že to ani nepoctím jinou reakcí než RO pro BUMBAR.

    Příspěvky jako ten tvůj piš do pošty nebo někam jinam, ale ne do klubu, kde si chceme udržet kompilace různých referencí hlavně na různá fakta.. co kdo řekl.. na data. Ban je pro udržení kvality klubu.

    Ostatně píšou mi i lidi, že je sere, že ten klub přestává být jako dřív, kdy tu byly jen ty reference.
    JAXXE by to tu už dávno promazal, ale já jsem takový ještě moc liberální.. a není mi blízký nějakoho blokovat, ale tohle fakt nejde, a budu muset být tvrdší.

    A prosím i ostatní, ať nepíšou nějaké krátké svoje poznatky k něčemu, ale držet se externích zdrojů. Nemám problém, když u toho něco vlastního, sám to dělám, protože jinde na nyxu psát volně nemohu.
    GORG --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Kdyby sis to precetl, ttak tam máš

    1) Týká se to i explicitně NATO
    2) Viníci nebyli skoro nikdy potrestáni a vedení reportované případy přehlíželo.. takříkajíc zapadávaly za stůl... nebo jak říkáš "zametali pod koberec". V lepším případě dostali vyhazov z armády.
    3) Rozdíl? I pokud by to Západ nnějak extensivně stíhal, tak je to úplně to samé. Co nám to možná říká o vojácích obecně?

    To nejsou jen případy znásilnění namátkové ale i provozování únosů, mučení, dětských sítí prostituce.. to není nahodilé. Nijak se to neliší od těch allegations o Rusku teď.

    Ale je hezké, jak se to snažíš obhajovat. Jo je tam naše vlaječka a pojďme řešit něco jiného..Já si tohle ani nevzpomínám, že by někdy bylo v českých zprávách.

    Schválně namátkově

    ČESKÁ TELEVIZE - Vyhledávání


    Na tom je nejlepší, že se to ani neřeší , a z té statistiky TheConversation.com to vypadá, že se to dělo i v roce 2022.

    UN peacekeeper-perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse allegations in DRC, compared with the rest of the world.

    Ne nutně jen ty extrémní případy.. jsou tam i případy prostě sexu s místními , který byl třeba "jen" výměnou za jídlo, ale dle článku stále i ty extrémnosti

    Pokud jde specificky o NATO, tak
    1) Nevím, proč jako řešíš "Aááh , OSN není NATO". No OSN a NATO jsou spojenci, druhak proč zrovna NATO... protože generál Pavel Pavel? Prostě Západ hele. Ti hodní demokrati
    2) NATO se to týká specificky taky. Takže si napsal konspirační dezinformaci. NATO se týká taky. Ostatně v tom už postovaném to tu bylo.

    Nato force 'feeds Kosovo sex trade' | World news | The Guardian
    Western troops, policemen, and civilians are largely to blame for the rapid growth of the sex slavery industry in Kosovo over the past five years, a mushrooming trade in which hundreds of women, many of them under-age girls, are tortured, raped, abused and then criminalised, Amnesty International said yesterday.

    In a report on the Mb, Amnesty said Nato soldiers, UN police, and western aid workers operated with near impunity in exploiting the victims of the sex traffickers.

    As a result of the influx of thousands of Nato-led peacekeepers, "Kosovo soon became a major destination country for women trafficked into forced prostitution. A small-scale local market for prostitution was transformed into a large-scale industry based on trafficking, predominantly run by criminal networks."

    The international presence in Kosovo continues to generate 80% of the income for the pimps, brothel-owners, and mafiosi who abduct local girls or traffic women mainly from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, and Russia to Kosovo via Serbia, the report said, although the international "client base" for the sex trade has fallen to 20% last year from 80% four years ago.

    Up to 2,000 women are estimated to have been coerced into sex slavery in Kosovo, which had seen "an unprecedented escalation in trafficking" in recent years. The number of premises in Kosovo listed by a special UN police unit as being involved in the rackets has swollen from 18 in 1999 to 200 this year.

    A few weeks ago the UN's department of peacekeeping in New York acknowledged that "peacekeepers have come to be seen as part of the problem in trafficking rather than the solution".

    The sex slavery in Kosovo parallels similar phenomena next door in Bosnia, where the arrival of thousands of Nato peacekeepers in 1995 fuelled a thriving forced prostitution industry.

    International personnel in Kosovo enjoy immunity from prosecution unless this is waived by the UN in New York for UN employees or by national military chiefs for Nato-led troops.

    One police officer last year and another the year before had their immunity waived, enabling criminal prosecutions.

    "Amnesty International has been unable to find any evidence of any criminal proceedings related to trafficking against any military personnel in their home countries," the 80-page report said.

    The report said that US, French, German and Italian soldiers were known to have been involved in the rackets.

    Criticism of the international troops in Kosovo follows a recent broader indictment of the Kosovo mission by the International Crisis Group thinktank, which called for the mission to be overhauled.

    Women were bought and sold for up to £2,000 and then kept in appalling conditions as slaves by their "owners", Amnesty said. They were routinely raped "as a means of control and coercion", beaten, held at gunpoint, robbed, and kept in darkened rooms unable to go out.

    Apart from women trafficked into Kosovo, there is a worsening problem with girls abducted locally. A Kosovo support group working with victims reported that a third of these locals were under 14, and 80% were under 18.

    The UN admission in March that its peacekeepers were part of the problem was welcome, said Amnesty.

    "US, French, German and Italian soldiers"

    "NATO" :) tyve.. kde je najednou ta generalizace Americanu, Francouzu, Nemcu, Italu?? Nebo Pakistancu? V nekterych pripadech slo o Pakistance.
    Kam se podela ta zdrava generalizace celyho statu na zaklade cinu nejakych jednotlivcu?

    UN peacekeepers in Congo hold record for rape, sex abuse | AP News
    September 23, 2017
    BUNIA, Congo (AP) — She had been orphaned by a brutal conflict, but the 14-year-old Congolese girl found refuge in a camp protected by United Nations peacekeepers.

    The camp should have been safe the day she was raped. A delegation from the U.N. was paying a visit, and her grandmother had left her in charge of her siblings. That was the day, the girl says, that a Pakistani peacekeeper slipped inside their home and assaulted her in front of the other children.

    But that was not the end of her story. Even though she reported the rape, the girl never got any help from the U.N. She did become pregnant, however, and had a baby.


    The raped teenager’s experience is grimly emblematic of the underbelly of U.N. peacekeeping, and the organization as a whole. During a yearlong investigation, the AP found that despite promising reform for more than a decade, the U.N. failed to meet many of its pledges to stop the abuse or help victims, some of whom have been lost to a sprawling bureaucracy. Cases have disappeared or been handed off to the peacekeepers’ home countries — which often do nothing with them.

    The attack on the 14-year-old was so brazen it still haunts the U.N.’s top human rights official more than a decade after hearing the girl’s story.

    “What on earth would it take for this soldier not to do it — to have all the heads of the U.N. together, and he still does it?” asked Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein, a member of the delegation that heard the girl’s testimony in 2004. One year later, he helped write a landmark report intended to curb sexual abuse and exploitation within the U.N. system.

    With rare exceptions, victims interviewed by the AP received no help. Instead, many were banished from their families for having mixed-race children, who also are shunned, becoming a second generation of victims.

    The AP even found a girl who was raped by two peacekeepers; she gave birth to two babies by the time she was 14.

    To this day, the sexual violence by U.N. peacekeepers and personnel continues: Congo already accounts for nearly one-third of the 43 allegations made worldwide in 2017.

    William L. Swing was in charge of the Congo mission between May 2003 and January 2008, a period when abuse allegations swelled in a country that has been torn by dictatorship, civil war and unrest for the last half-century.

    “I take full responsibility for what happened,” Swing told the AP. “I knew at the time the buck stopped with me.”

    Swing said the U.N. at times made it clear he should be relieved of his duties. Instead, he was named the head of the U.N.’s International Organization for Migration. Now, he sits on a new task force appointed to tackle the problem yet again. Swing insists the mistakes made during the early years of the Congo mission provided lessons that could shape new reforms.


    Ja si teda osobne myslim, ze potrestany viniku padalo na tom, ze hodne vysoce postavenych lidi se takovych cinnosti ucastni. Ale to jsou komprimacni teorie ok.. Ale ciste pro relativitu.. Tahle obvineni ze sexualniho nasili neni ojedinela pro snad vsechny vojenske konflikty. ... Ramovat to jako nejake ruske specifikum pro ucely rinceni valecnych zbrani, se jevi byt jako cista propaganda.

    Fakta rikaji neco jineho ... a ten nezajem o to tema z nasi zapadni strany vcetne Tebe je vsevypovidajici.
    Ja ani nemam cas a chut to cele vsechno procitat. Zdroju je mraky.. sic ne vetsinou v mediich.
    A ano tady na Zapade umime dobre vytvaret dojem, ze se neco resi.

    NATO Tells Troops to Stay Away from Sex Traffickers - 2004-07-08

    Z ruznych zdroju se muzes docist, ze pokracuje do dnesniho dne.

    Tedy zapadni humanitarni vojaci ted prave ted zrejme nekde drzi v nejaky kleci nebo nnejaky studeny kopce nejaky deti a znasilnuji je tam. Nejen ti vojaci a pak uz j sou nekde na trhu site detske prostituce.
    Women were bought and sold for up to £2,000 and then kept in appalling conditions as slaves by their "owners", Amnesty said. They were routinely raped "as a means of control and coercion", beaten, held at gunpoint, robbed, and kept in darkened rooms unable to go out.

    Budeme se tomu furt smat.. nebo dal delat, ze nas to nezajima? Jak to vyzniva v kontextu pohorseni nad Ruskem? Mirne receno.. pokrytecky.

    Přitom další stránkou věci jsou ty pak narozené děti... které jsou často chudé, aby se staraly o sebe natož o dítě.. Ani žádná finanční pomoc nenásleduje. Jen čístý fuck off .. zachraňujeme svět, tak si můžeme dělat, co chceme. Tvářit se, že to řešíme, aby to nadále přitom p o kračovalo.

    Kdyby sis to přečetl, tam bys měl i jak je to těžké mít v takovém prostředí bílé dítě, takže oni tu holku pak i pokud není přímo unesená do otroctví, tak ji stejně místní vyštvou z komunity. I když jen bílý může být prý rasista?

    Misto toho se resi nejakej Dominik Feri a #MeToo

    No nic .. rant off
    GORG --- ---
    Nato sex ring | The Independent | The Independent

    Nato force 'feeds Kosovo sex trade' | World news | The Guardian
    The sex slavery in Kosovo parallels similar phenomena next door in Bosnia, where the arrival of thousands of Nato peacekeepers in 1995 fuelled a thriving forced prostitution industry.

    Peace at What Price?: U.N. Sex Crimes in Congo - ABC News

    UN peacekeepers in Congo hold record for rape, sex abuse | AP News

    Here's why sexual violence by humanitarians and peacekeepers keeps happening

    Sexual Abuse in UN Peacekeeping: The Problem of Viewing Women as a ‘Quick Fix’
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: ten rozdíl je celkem jednoduchej, OSN tyhle excesy vyšetřuje a odsuzuje a jejich pachatele posílá za mříže, Rusko přehlíží a zametá pod koberec a jejich pachatele posílá na Ukrajinu... nehledě na to, že UN není NATO.
    GORG --- ---
    Kolem Ukrajiny se hodne resilo, ze Rusko je teroristicky stat kvuli vecem jako znasilnovani deti ruskymi vojaky.
    Tyto pripady , ktere ani nebyly ijak dolozeny, jen jako takove ty jimave titulky, ze to nekdo tvrdi.
    Ale budiz.. tohle uz jak zname treba ve valce ve Vietnamu asi tak nejak jde ruku v ruce s valkou a vojaky jako takovymi.
    A at uz se to stalo ted na Ukrajine nebo ne, nijak nevybocuje ani od toho, co se doted resp. jeste i v nedavne dobe deje jinde na svete. Ruzne krutosti a valecne zlociny.

    Tedy oznacit Rusko jako "tereoristicky stat" resp. vv horsim pripade jako novodobe nacisty, za me jen eskaluje konflikt, ktery neni mozny vyhrat... bez masivnich ztrat na zivotech na obou stranach.. takze jestli je k tomu nejaky duvod, mozna dobre si ho skutecne jasne popsat.. Ne jen dramaticky znejicimi titulky masmedii. Nebo narativy typu "Jo to je v ruskych genech", protoze to jen moralne povysena xenofobie.
    Dehumanizuje Rusko, abychom se mohli radovat nad zabijenim Rusu. Kteri v tom konfliktu jsou asi tak stejne z vlastni vule jako ukrajinsti vojaci.

    Kazdopadne jsem si nedavno vybavil obdobne, co je docela v tichosti opomijeno ze strany Zapadu..
    co uz ted zminovat je vnimano jako podpora Ruska
    ale za me je to snaha o objektivni vnimani situace

    jestli je tedy kvuli tomuhle Rusko "teroristicky stat", pak bychom stejne hodnoceni meli aplikovat i na sebe. Na NATO, "mirove jednotky" OSN, nebo USA.

    NATO kritizuji pry j en dezolati.

    Tak dobra lesni seznamka o zneuzivani deti nasimi mirotvuci... 9 letych deti i mladsich.

    Vim, ze relattivizace je dnes uz skoro trestna, ale dobry si uvedomit, co my tu naopak vubec neresime.. a evidentne se to z dostupnych innformaci deje do dnesniho dne..

    A takze ze tato znasilneni nebyl nikdo ani potrestan. Akorat dostali "vypoved".. proste je zbavili sluzby.

    Child sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers - Wikipedia
    An Associated Press (AP) investigation revealed in 2017 that more than 100 United Nations (UN) peacekeepers ran a child sex ring in Haiti over a 10-year period and none were ever jailed. The report further found that over the previous 12 years, there had been almost 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other UN personnel around the world. AP found the abuse to be much greater than originally thought. After the AP report, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, urged all countries to hold UN peacekeepers accountable for any sexual abuse and exploitation. As early as 2004, Amnesty International reported that underage girls were being kidnapped, tortured and forced into prostitution in Kosovo with UN and NATO personnel being the customers driving the demand for the sex slaves. The UN's department of peacekeeping in New York acknowledged at that time that "peacekeepers have come to be seen as part of the problem in trafficking rather than the solution"

    Sexual exploitation by UN peacekeepers in DRC: fatherless children speak for first time about the pain of being abandoned

    tady je statistika sexualniho zneuzivani deti mirovymi jednotkami OSN, kde vidime i rok 2022
    nutno dodat, ze je zdokumentovane (viz linky nize), ze interne reportorvane zneuzivani deti bylo v rade pripadu ignorovano.. hlaseni zapadala takrikajic "pod stul".

    The presence of peacekeepers has repeatedly been associated with a rapid increase in sex trafficking and brothels near military bases, child prostitution, the exchange of sex for goods or food, the creation and distribution of pornographic films, growing harassment and catcalling in the streets, and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.

    There needs to be a systematic change. I want to see prosecutions by police and the current wilful blind eye become an illegal act of aiding and abetting by negligence

    Professor Andrew MacLeod

    UN officials 'force children to perform oral sex for food' in warzones | World | News | Express.co.uk

    Victims U.N. fails to stem rapes by peacekeepers in Central African Republic

    U.N. peacekeepers who commit these crimes are seldom held accountable.

    A farmer and mother of seven in the Central African Republic said it better than I can when she told a reporter, “We were told that the peacekeepers came to protect us. Instead, we see that it is the peacekeepers who cause the rapes. It makes me sick.”

    Aneb co nas strasne humanisticke demokraticke vubec ale absolutne vubec nezajima do dnesniho dne.
    Uplne ta sama vec - znasilnovani, unaseni deti za hranice do siti detske prostituce.
    To se deje cele roky... v kazdem zasranem konfliktu ale i humanitarni pomoci pri treba prirodni katastrofe.

    Takze si rekneme... znamena to, ze mirove mise OSN jsou logically pouze o systematickem znasilnovani deti vsude ve svete.. ?
    Anebo jsou to ony negativni deviace, co se dejou leckde.. obzvlast pokud jde o vojaky?
    Ja o tehle vecech psal u z pred lety, ale samozrejme me oznacovali za antiamerikanistu.. njn..

    Ale jak je mozne, ze to same pusobi jinak u Ruska? Jde imho o kontext.. spin.

    Stejne jako video s ukrajinskou hereckou, kde v ukrajinskem narodnim kroji podrezava srpem hrdlo ruskemu vojakovi


    Skoro identicke video onehda postovali islamisti. Pravdepodobne realne. To jsme byli zdeseni.

    Putin’s Puppets Go Ballistic Over Fake Russian Slashing Video

    A najednou se spravnym spinem se nad tim samym vubec pozastavovat znamena byt "loutkou Putina"

    Takze asi znasilnovani deti z nasi strany je jakesi "nutne zlo" zatimco u RuSSaku je to ciste zlo. Ta sama vec. Jenom ramovanim.

    Nutno asi dodat, ze vyjadreni ruskych autorit, ze si na Ukrajine tu herecku najdou, zni taky prestrelene.
    Ale precejen natocit takove video, tak ani divu, ze lecjaky Rus ma dojem, ze Ukrajina je lihen teroristu a nacistu. Jeste jim dodali Rusum vodu na mlyn, kteri pak dodali, ze to zpetne doklada, jak denacifikace Ukrajiny byla nutna.

    Takhle imho vvznikaji vsechny konflikty a krutosti.. kdy skutecne ci udajne zlociny a krivdy obhajuji ztratu v lidstvi nas samotnych.
    Oko za oko.. zub za zub... Nacisti delali zverstva, tak jsme se k Nemcum chovali v Sudetech taky nelidsky.
    Nebo bratri Masinove, kteri uplne zbytecne zabili nejakeho toho svazaneho hlidace. Mrtvy komunista, dobry komunista. Jiste mel rodinu a tak..
    GORG --- ---
    KUKIDE: Slysel, takze nevim o cem to mluvis. Predpokladam trolling na vdecny captain obvious argument, ze pismeno G tam znaci "geeraci", a ze jde "jen" o novou generaci tehoz.

    Mas taky RO na 30 dni.


    K 6G doplnim nejake inffo

    5G je staré, připravte se na 6G | Komora Plus
    Není důvod se 6G sítí bát, zdravotní riziko technologové nepředpokládají. Odkud takovou jistotu berou? Uslyšíte v naší zvukové reportáži.

    TL;DL; venoval tam tomu 1 vetu - protoze se tam snazi pry o efektivni praci s energii ,tak ocekavaji pouzity mensi energeticky vykon

    Dale zasadni zmena prime komunikace mezi zarizenimi bez nejake centralni site.. ocekavane velke uplatneni v Internet of Things...
    Rychlost 1TB/s a nizka latence vhodna i na prenos pry hologramu a jinych zalezitosti metaversa.

    Zdeněk Bečvář (6Gmobile Lab): 6G sítě budou decentralizované, z každého zařízení bude i vysílač. A nebo taky ne - Lupa.cz

    6G bude duplikovat lidi. Virtuální klony se mají osahávat - Seznam Zprávy

    Češi chtějí vyšší bezpečnost, Jihokorejci klony
    Zatímco Češi chtějí rychlosti 5G sítí kolem 600 Mbit za sekundu využít třeba při testování letů dronů za hranicí viditelnosti, videospojení v krizi nebo zapojení do složek IZS (Integrovaného záchranného systému) a bezpečnosti obyvatel, jihokorejský výrobce smartphonů si už vykresluje, jak se lidé budou s 6G sítěmi digitálně klonovat.

    „S pomocí pokročilých senzorů, umělé inteligence a komunikačních technologií bude možné replikovat fyzické entity včetně lidí, zařízení, objektů, systémů, a dokonce i celých míst, ve virtuálním světě,“ uvádí společnost v oficiálním dokumentu.

    6G: příchod cyberpunku? - Svět Průmyslu

    Konec 5G přijde brzo. Příští rok nastupuje 6G, které bude do 2030 pohánět virtuální vesmír - IT pro Tebe

    Naprostou novinkou, kterou společnost Samsung chystá, a která by měla přijít spolu s 6G je tzv. imerzivní rozšířená realita (XR), což jsou v podstatě věrohodné mobilní hologramy či digitální repliky.

    Pomocí těchto technologií pak budou moci lidé také lépe provozovat své digitální dvojče ve virtuálním světě. I když toto všechno zní lákavě a neuvěřitelně, hlavními uživateli této sítě nové generace budou především stroje. Ty totiž využijí její potenciál na plno.

    // hmm to potvrzuje moje slova, kam to smeruje
    KUKIDE --- ---
    GORG: a o 6G jsi slyšel???
    sami lidi budou vysílat sygnál ;)
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA: Fakt hodně dobré toto...
    RIVA --- ---
    The Transhumanist Assault on the Human Spirit | Thomas Sheridan and John Waters |
    ADM --- ---
    kdyz se tady zminoval ten inkvizitorsky spolek sysifos, tak docela zajimave info o nem jsou v tomhle clanku
    Čeští elfové, lovci "dezinformátorů" a jiná komanda myšlenkové policie: Státem najatí špiclové, monitorující svobodnou diskusi s cílem vytipovat závadové osoby za účelem jejich likvidace? :: KORONAPŘE...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam