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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
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    Existují důkazy pro existenci viru H5N1? - Resetheus z.s.
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    Dobré by bylo si ujasnit, jak to s tou údajnou ptačí chřipkou, kvůli které se hubí i u nás mraky zvířat, ve skutečnosti je:

    Jaké důkazy pro původce ptačí chřipky má Státní veterinární ústav Praha? - Resetheus z.s.
    RIVA --- ---
    It looks as though H5N1, also known as "bird flu," might just be the next "pandemic" the globalists are planning to unleash – thanks, in part, to a $9.5 million grant the Gates Foundation awarded to the University of Wisconsin - Madison to make H5N1 transmissible to humans and other mammals.
    The McCullough Foundation, a project of Dr. Peter McCullough, tweeted that the Gates Foundation gave the $9.5 million to UW-Madison and principal investigator Yoshihiro Kawaoka to modify, possibly through gain-of-function tampering, H5N1 so it will "preferentially recognize human-type receptors and transmit efficiently in mammals."

    Much like bat coronaviruses, which we now know were modified in a lab to jump from bats to humans, H5N1 infects birds in its natural state. Building upon the research of Ron Fouchier, who previously modified H5N1 to become airborne transmissible in ferrets, UW-Madison and Kawaoka's research provides two additional mutations that are needed to make Egyptian H5N1 produce "variants" that have mammalian "transmissibility features."

    "This indicates that the @gatesfoundation
    funded bioterrorist-like activities involving H5N1, providing blueprints for other bad actors who may want to create a bioweapon," tweeted the McCullough Foundation about these disturbing new revelations.

    RIVA --- ---
    Was "Dr" Michael Mosley a spook who faked his own death?
    RIVA --- ---
    From Mark Stoneweapon's Telegram:

    “In "Dreamworlds of Race," by Duncan Bell, he documents how British tycoon Cecil Rhodes left in his will in 1877 that a "secret society based on the Jesuits" be created to collapse the United States and reincorporate it into the British Empire. That "secret society" is the CIA.

    E. Michael Jones talks about 3 power cartels in the U.S.: The Anglos, the Jews & the Catholics. (You mentioned the Chinese, but I think in the end we'll find out they're puppets for the British Empire).

    NATO was created by Englishman Ernest Bevins from a plan the Fabian socialists had in the 1870s. They said the British Empire could reabsorb the United States via treaty. They finally got their wish with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Neocons are NATO shills.

    Jews are irrelevant to the existence of Israel. It was largely a British creation. (Cecil Rhodes called for the British Empire to annex "The Holy Land" in 1877, for British imperial ambitions.) It's a glorified air strip for the empire, to keep a watch over a crucial oil region.

    So long as we're signed up to NATO (hence stitched to the British Empire by treaty) it doesn't matter who we pretend to "elect". It will be NATO running the country with classic NATO-style rigged elections. We'll be told how nationalism is evil and "interdependence" is good.

    We have a NATO-run news media. It's the media you get under an Occupation Government. Ever since America signed away its sovereignty in 1949 (with the creation of NATO and the stitching of the United States to the British Empire) we get propaganda, stigmatizing nationalism.

    It's the British Empire. H.G. Wells called the British and the Jews "the world's two great mercantile peoples". Mercantilists have always been against strong national borders and tariffs. They see these as trade barriers. Hence they're always agitating to dissolve borders.

    The United States, with a massive ethnic-German population, was more sympathetic to Germany than to the British Empire that burned down the White House in 1812. So strange that Americans hated Red Coats and sided with nations over empires.

    In 1903 when Andrew Carnegie was conceptualizing the British Empire reabsorbing the U.S., he said a big barrier was the American antipathy to the British. This, he said, had to be changed. Hence the rollout of the Beatles and every TV show being a British import. It was a psyop.

    Trump fundamentally doesn't understand what NATO is. He thinks it's an alliance to fight the no-longer-existing USSR—because that's what the world was told after WWII. In fact, NATO was conceptualized in the 1870s for the British Empire to reabsorb the U.S.

    We will never get our freedom back until 3 conditions are met: 1) We cut ties to the British Empire by dissolving NATO, 2) We withdraw from the U.N., and 3) We abolish the federal layer of government (which was installed by the British to short-circuit the states). It serves THEM.”

    —Daniel Natal


    Suspicious or metamorphosed?... but to nuance the historical elite power structures into what they have become today; the military order of our modern day Jesuits is the Intelligence Communities, and the Vatican holds the deepest global network in education and publishing soon to be replaced by AI, and the banks are clearly run by the Mercantilists.

    I’m surprised more people aren’t questioning why the ‘Jewish Khazarian Mafia’ and ‘Israel will be last’ narrative that was launched with Q, has gone mainstream on social media platforms after years of running Jewry psyops throughout the plandemic. It couldn’t be more obvious to me that the Intelligence Community is social engineering the framework that will dismantle the Israeli Lobby while they use them to capture Israel before installing a neo-secular order.

    Are there any contrarians out there?


    It’s too bad that Massie is being used here by US/UK Intelligence and he doesn’t realize it. I suspect Tucker is party to an official propaganda campaign by the US IC to frame a narrative that the Jews have colonized the Anglo-Americans and are the primary culprits of the war against Palestinians.

    The pressing truth is the Anglo-American Establishment needs to fortify their 263 mile aircraft carrier in the ME to prevent forfeiting US hegemony of the dollar complex, hundreds of trillions in debt traps are at stake here if they lose Israel. The US already lost 20% of commodities traded in dollars since Russia invaded Ukraine and losing Israel would literally tip the balance of commodities traded in dollars into Russia and China’s axis. Commoditizing resources is the Achilles heel that undergirds dollar hegemony.

    It’s like we are living a rerun in the making from Richard Poe’s recent book: “How the British Invented Communism (And Blamed It on the Jews)” when the sequel should be titled: “How the Anglo-American Establishment’s master plan turned Palestine to dust (And Blamed It on the Jews).

    Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid
    XMEDA --- ---
    Falling Down Tried To Warn You
    KAJJAK --- ---
    pokud by tam byla take kontrola tech uredniku co by to mohli zneuzivat, stejne jako je to treba u nahlizeni do registru nebo u policistu co nekoho proveruji tak mi to pro slusneho cloveka neprijde nebezpecne... Samozrejme ze by k tomu nemeli mit jakykoliv pristup politici, muselo by se to stejne jako treba moc soudni uplne oddelit od vlady jako takove...
    KAJJAK --- ---

    to mi prijde naprosto v pohode, slusny clovek se nema ceho bat, vrah a kriminalnik at se desi, ze se na nej prijde...
    GORG --- ---
    R U Ready 4 Ze New World Order? (Klaus Schwab Deepfake Music Video w/lyrics)
    GORG --- ---
    Schwab: THIS Is Your Future 🤨
    PRAASHEK --- ---
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    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA --- ---
    LOOKASH_II: To zní jak okopírované že stránek WEF/OSN...?
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Pojdme si to skontrolovat za 6 let tag: "wayback machine"

    Q: Act as Nostradamus and tell me what world will look like in 2030

    A: Predicting the exact state of the world in 2030 is beyond the capabilities of even the most astute prognosticators, but here's a speculative glimpse into some potential trends and developments:

    1. **Technological Advancements:** By 2030, we can expect further exponential growth in technology, with advancements in artificial intelligence, quantum computing, biotechnology, and renewable energy. These innovations could revolutionize various aspects of society, including healthcare, transportation, communication, and energy production.

    2. **Climate Change Impact:** The effects of climate change will likely become more pronounced by 2030, leading to increased extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions to ecosystems and agriculture. Efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change will become even more urgent, with a greater emphasis on renewable energy sources and sustainable practices.

    3. **Geopolitical Shifts:** The geopolitical landscape may witness significant shifts by 2030, with emerging powers such as China and India exerting greater influence on the global stage. The balance of power could continue to evolve, leading to new alliances, rivalries, and geopolitical tensions. Additionally, geopolitical competition over resources, trade routes, and strategic interests may intensify.

    4. **Demographic Changes:** Demographic trends, including population growth, urbanization, and aging populations, will continue to shape societies worldwide. The rise of megacities and the increasing interconnectedness of global populations through migration and digital communication will have profound social, economic, and cultural implications.

    5. **Global Challenges:** Complex global challenges such as pandemics, terrorism, cybersecurity threats, and economic inequality will persist, requiring coordinated international efforts to address them effectively. Multilateral institutions and cooperation will play a crucial role in tackling these interconnected issues and promoting global stability and prosperity.

    6. **Ethical and Moral Dilemmas:** As technology advances, ethical and moral dilemmas surrounding privacy, data security, genetic engineering, and autonomous weapons will become more prominent. Society will grapple with questions of regulation, accountability, and the ethical use of emerging technologies to ensure they benefit humanity without causing harm.

    7. **Cultural Evolution:** Cultural norms, values, and identities will continue to evolve in response to globalization, technological change, and shifting social dynamics. Cultural exchange and diversity will thrive, leading to new forms of expression, creativity, and collaboration across borders.

    8. **Resilience and Adaptation:** Despite the uncertainties and challenges ahead, human resilience and adaptability will remain fundamental strengths. Innovations in education, healthcare, and governance will empower individuals and communities to navigate and thrive in an increasingly complex and interconnected world.

    While the specifics of the future remain uncertain, embracing change, fostering cooperation, and striving for a sustainable and equitable future will be essential for navigating the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in 2030 and beyond.
    GORG --- ---
    RIVA: What I am saying is, just like a movie, this has all been scripted and pre-produced well in advance. Therefore, Israel knew the Iranian attack was coming, and allowed it to happen

    No ten den mě zaujala zmínka v médiích, že jde o odplatu za zabití nějakýho iránskýho velitele v bombovém útoku na konzulát v Damašku, či tak něco..

    V článku bylo, že Izrael už týden útok očekával a připravoval se na něj. To mě zaujalo, že se tam doslova psalo, že Izrael se na útok připravoval (to mi hned startujou kontrolky v hlavě)

    Když jsem si tehdy dohledal zprávy, tak často přímo titulky i v CZ médiích byly o tom, že se čeká, kdy Irán něco podnikne na odplatu.

    Ne že by neprokázaný izraelský bombový útok na Iránce nutně Irán opravňoval terorizovat dronama Izrael, ale dobré si asi opět zasadit do kontextu, protože zprvu se ta krize jevila jako z čistého nebe.. a komentátory to bylo dáváno převážně jen do souvislosti s prosincovým útokem Hamasu.

    Izraelský útok na íránský konzulát v Damašku – Wikipedie

    Izrael zaútočil na náš konzulát, tvrdí Íránci. Zemřeli velitelé jejich gard - iDNES.cz

    Izrael zasadil Íránu tvrdou ránu. Analytik říká, co vyvolá útok v Damašku - Seznam Zprávy

    Útok na Izrael přijde brzy. Írán zuří po zabití elitního velitele a bude se mstít - Aktuálně.cz

    Izraelský útok v Damašku zabil dva generály a pět důstojníků, tvrdí íránské revoluční gardy - Novinky

    Útok Izraele na Írán mohl být vykalkulovaný, říká expert | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Izraelský úder na íránské velvyslanectví v Sýrii? Nelze vyloučit odvetné útoky na židy, říká expert | Svět | Lidovky.cz

    Konflikt na Blízkém východě: Co vše předcházelo otevřenému útoku Íránu na Izrael - Deník.cz

    Írán hrozí útokem na Izrael. Německo a Rusko žádají zdrženlivost - Seznam Zprávy

    Bezprecedentní útok Íránu. Izrael byl připravený, ale v regionu hrozí spirála násilí - Aktuálně.cz

    Při úderu na íránský konzulát v Damašku zemřeli dva generálové revolučních gard — ČT24 — Česká televize
    RIVA --- ---
    Pandas, 🐼 WWF symbol, vegetarian, eat bamboo for 16 hours a day, sleep the rest, shit 40 times a day, ovulate a mere 3 days a year!. Sounds like the ideal resident of a great reset district...
    RIVA --- ---
    Also, Pandas don't exist...

    Owen Benjamin | #1931 It's Pandemonium! Panda Truth Goes Mainstream
    RIVA --- ---
    The End Game - all the way from Dubai!
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