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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
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    Diskuze tu bude mazána. Na to tu není prostor.

    We cannot trust solutions that are offered by the people who created the problem in the first place.

    Principles for evaluating websites * How to Identify Misinformation

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer. Whatever must be done, we can do it ourselves. We do not need them; we need each other. All else is distraction and delusion.

  • Demokracie se nejlépe prosazuje v ignorantské společnosti, kterou je možno burcovat, jinými slovy ovládat, nacionalismem a náboženstvím.
  • Taková míra nacionalismu předpokládá existenci permanentní vnější hrozby. Když taková hrozba není, je nutno ji vytvořit.
  • Pravda musí být přísně střežena a tedy známa jen elitě několika vyvolených, kteří společnost řídí.
  • Tato elita musí být připravena říkat nechápavé mase "vznešené lži".

  • General: The Scientific Principles of Spiritual Enslavement (2002), Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
    The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile
    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (EN) :: Tiché zbraně pro klidné války (CZ)
    Blátivé stíny
    Financial: Murray N. Rothbard - What has government done to our money
    Fractional Reserve Banking as Economic Parasitism - Scientific, Mathematical & Historical Expose, Critique and Manifesto - Vladimir Z. Nuri, 62 pg.
    Chcem celú Zem + 5% navyše!
    Michael Rowbotham: Smrteľné zovretie
    Media: Who owns the media
    How To Deal With The Media, The Internet And The New World Order
    new world order in the news...
    Realita - paranoia - dystopie - (fnorDU4ever) * od 1984 do 2012?
    U nas v Kocourkove (und Eine Kleine Mafia) - jak hluboko lze jeste klesnout? - Klub pratel pro znovuoziveni defenstrace
    documents @ conspiracy central :: mvgroup.org :: p2p docs forum :: :: chomskytorrents.org :: indypeer.org

    Jsme zvyklí spojovat slovo teorie se slovem konspirace, protože konec konců žádná konspirace nemůže být reálná, všechno jsou to jen „teorie“, že ano? Nicméně ve spojení „konspirační teorie“ jsou dvě slova, prvním je slovo „konspirace“, druhým slovem je „teorie“. Dle definice je teorie předpoklad, myšlenka, koncept, hypotéza. Dám vám příklad. Teoreticky, pokud si koupím lístek do loterie, mohu vyhrát cenu. Dokud si lístek nekoupím, je má výhra pouze teoretická. Ale jakmile si jej koupím, výhra už není teorií, stává se možností. A čím více lístků si koupíte, tím je zde větší možnost, a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se výhra dostaví. Stejně je tomu v případě konspirační teorie. Dokud neexistují důkazy, neexistuje konspirační teorie. Jakmile však máte část důkazního materiálu, a nezáleží na tom, jak je chatrný či podružný, stává se z teorie možnost. A čím více důkazního materiálu je shromážděno, tím zde existuje větší možnost a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se jedná o konspiraci.
    V tomto klubu budete sledovat důkazy. A bude na Vás, abyste rozhodli, zda se jedná o konspirační teorii, nebo skutečně o konspiraci.
    Clifford Hugh Douglas, jeden z hlavných reformátorov monetárneho systému tridsiatych rokov 20. storočia:
    Jadrom tohto podvodu je tvrdenie, že peniaze, ktoré tvoria, sú ich vlastné, pričom sa od falšovania peňazí nelíši kvalitou, ale iba svojím obrovským rozsahom... Môžem to dokázať mimo akúkoľvek pochybnosť? Podstatou celej záložitosti je nárokovanie si vlastníctva peňazí. Akákoľvek osoba alebo organizácia, ktorá môže podľa ľubovôle tvoriť peniaze ekvivalentné cenám tovarov produkovaných komunitou, je skutočným vlastníkom týchto tovarov a preto nárokovanie si týchto peňazí bankovým systémom je nárokovaním si vlastníctva krajiny.

    Meyer Amstel Rothschild:
    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws."

    Lord Josiah Stamp, bývalý riaditeľ Bank of England:
    Moderný bankový systém vyrába peniaze z ničoho. Tento proces je azda tým najchytrejším kúzelníckym trikom, aký bol kedy vymyslený. Bankovníctvo bolo počaté v nečistote a zrodené v hriechu. Bankári vlastnia zem. Vezmite im ju, ale keď im ponecháte moc poskytovať úvery, ťahom pera dokážu vytvoriť dosť peňazí na to, aby si ju kúpili naspäť... Ak chcete byť otrokmi bankárov a platiť náklady vášho otroctva, potom nechajte, nech si banky tvoria peniaze.
    Thomas Jefferson:
    Keď americký ľud dovolí bankám, aby mali pod kontrolou vydávanie ich vlastnej meny, najprv formou inflácie a potom defláciou, banky a korporácie, ktoré okolo nich vyrastú, zbavia ľudí všetkého vlastníctva až sa ich deti zobudia a zistia, že na kontinente, ktorý ich otcovia obývali, sú bez domov. Moc vydávať peniaze by mala byť odňatá bankám a navrátená kongresu a ľuďom, ktorým patrí. Som úprimne presvedčený, že bankové inštitúcie vydávajúce peniaze predstavujú pre slobodu väčšie nebezpečenstvo než armády.

    "It (Central Bank) gives the National Bank almost complete control of national finance. The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their best interests."
    A Rothschild family communique to associates in New York, 1863

    There are only three types of people in the world:
    1. People who make things happen. 4%
    2. People who watch things happen. 6 %
    3. Sheeple who say, What happened? 90% ->

    >> part 2 >>   *   >> part 3 >> (zde v zahlavi puvodni 'elite search engine')   *   >> part 4 >>

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer.
    We shall be slaves as long as we
    rozbalit záhlaví
    RIVA --- ---
    Moje (zrovna ted) nejoblibenejsi konspiracni teorie, naznacujici ze ty tisice chlapu ve veku mezi 18ti a 30ti lety, ktere velka britanie oznacuje za "uprchliky a zadatele o azyl" a misto uteceneckych taboru je poslednich par let shromazduje v komercnich hotelech na predmestich a vojenskych zakladnach, jsou ve skutecnosti vojaci kteri umozni vojensky puc.

    Always look a Trojan horse in the mouth

    The problem with being a conspiracy theorist these days - well, apart from the societal-wide ridicule, the tyrannical state harassment, and the propensity to run out of tin foil - is that you can't take a single day off without coming back to literal World War Three...

    I took a day trip to nearby York on Saturday, which was very pleasant (apart from the shocking, scandalous, daylight-robbery car parking costs - you can see why the native Guy Fawkes felt the way he did about the government), but when I returned home, I learned a major event had taken place in the Middle East suggesting the widely-promoted battle epic, World War Three, was about to make its world stage debut.

    We have been cautioned for months that "if" (when) Iran got involved with the Israel-Palestine conflict, that would be the torch paper that would ignite the tinder box of tensions into all out global war.

    Iran has now attacked Israel, but - as we must expect with all such coordinated, stage-managed events - it was a very peculiar attempt at "attack", as nobody was hurt and it was very short-lived.

    As a native Israeli, highly sceptical of his government, said on Twitter in the aftermath of the assault:

    "I don't think anyone got hurt or injured in Israel.

    I actually think that there was a big media propaganda... to instil fear in people.

    I'm not saying the attack didn’t happen, but last night, the entire Middle East, including Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq, shut down their airspace.

    And guess what? This morning, they all reopened it again.

    ... If Israel did not know that there were no more attacks, they would never have opened the airspace.

    I don’t know about you, but it seems like a big show, a circus, a clown f***ing world."

    This fits the scripting of this staged psy-op: that, right from the start, it has been meticulously planned and organised to give the ruling classes "justification" to do what they wanted to do anyway, but had no public mandate for.

    The October 7th attacks were staged by the Israeli-funded Hamas to give Israel the excuse to retaliate and attack Palestine (what they wanted to do anyway, but without a preliminary exculpating event, would have lacked any public support for).

    Ditto this latest Iranian staged "attack". Israel wants to attack Iran and now they have the excuse, and the backing, to do so.

    And when I say an attack is "staged", I don't mean it didn't really happen, or that people didn't really get hurt, because people really do get hurt on movie sets (see the recent Alec Baldwin scandal, where Baldwin "accidentally" shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the set of a film).

    What I am saying is, just like a movie, this has all been scripted and pre-produced well in advance. Therefore, Israel knew the Iranian attack was coming, and allowed it to happen, but has already reopened its air space as it knows there won't be any more surprise attacks, as nothing about this conflict is coming as a surprise - because it's all planned.

    It has been "predicted" for decades that there will be one immense final world war, involving the East vs. West, and the reason these predictions exist and appear to be proving accurate, is that it is in fact scripting, not predicting.

    If the screenwriters for your favourite drama show tell you what's going to happen next season, you don't think it's because they have masterful powers of prophecy - rather, they know what's going to happen because they are the ones writing it. And that's how the world stage works, too (hence why TV shows like The Simpsons are able to "predict" major future events - The Simpsons' creator is a high-level social architect who's seen the blueprints and knows the plans).

    Now that Iran has attacked Israel, the stage has been set for the big, bombastic war epic of World War Three, because if Israel retaliates - as of course they will - Iranian leaders have already promised to strike back harder, warning the US, the UK, France and Germany to stop supporting Israel.

    The official Iranian state news agency IRNA reports that Brig Gen Abolfazl Shekarchi said:

    We remind the heads of state of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany to stop supporting the declining child-killing terrorist regime of Israel. The Islamic Republic of Iran has proven that it is not a warmonger and does not seek to spread the war. The response will be stronger if the regime carries out more severe aggressive act.

    Meanwhile, Joe Biden in the US has reaffirmed US' "ironclad" support of Israel, with US planes reportedly downing Iranian drones over northern Syria. The UK response is equally staunch, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stating Israel has UK's full support.

    While Biden and Sunak have paid lip service to the idea of restraint and de-escalation on both sides, there's no doubt what their response will be if (when) Iran attacks again.

    At that point, battle lines would be well and truly drawn, with the West - Israel, the US, UK, and other European countries - taking on the East: Iran, Syria, Russia and China.

    There is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to who would win in such a conflict, and, indeed, who is scripted to win.

    We are at the end of a sociological cycle here in the West, with the liberal, progressive trends that began in the aftermath of World War Two, having reached their peak - and quite rapidly, peak insanity - and now have nowhere else to go but collapse.

    The West has become far too ideologically incoherent to represent a durable challenge to the far more ordered and disciplined regimes of the East, not to mention their superior military capacities. The UK armed forces, for instance, are currently facing a "crisis", with the latest Ministry of Defence figures showing that last year, 5,800 more people left the forces than joined, and that the British army would exhaust its capabilities after just two months of war.

    Iran's military, on the other hand, is viewed as one of strongest in West Asia, with approximately 580,000 active-duty personnel and 200,000 trained reserve personnel.

    In any global conflict, Iran would also likely be backed by Russia and China, who possess the second and third strongest militaries in the world.

    There is another, often overlooked but highly significant, angle to this situation, too. As ominous and daunting as the military might of countries like Iran might be, at least they are confined to Iran for the time being, e.g., we don't have hordes of Iranian troops stationed within our country awaiting orders.

    ... Right?

    We currently have tens of thousands of single, military-aged males from overseas strategically placed in locations up and down the country including military bases, and one of the top countries of origin for these males is Iran. Other highly represented countries include Iranian ally, Syria, and next-door-neighbour, Afghanistan.

    The men comprising this cohort are called "asylum seekers" and yet, they demographically do not remotely resemble them - traditionally, and for obvious reasons, it has been the strong young men who stay behind in conflict-ridden countries, whilst the more vulnerable and those who cannot fight - women, children, and the elderly - seek asylum in safe countries.

    Indeed, it has been the case in the Ukrainian conflict that men under 60 were banned from leaving the country, whilst refugees overwhelmingly comprised women and children.

    A war-torn country that sends hordes of its fighting-aged men away wouldn't have much chance of winning the war, after all, would it... unless it was sending them to invade another country where the war is soon to spread to.

    Quite frankly, you would have to be a complete idiot (or a reader of the legacy press, but I repeat myself) to believe that these men are actually "asylum seekers", for the reasons outlined above, and also because of the way the government treats them - putting them up in luxury, no expense spared, and overriding the rational objectives of local councils, who have offered the government much more suitable and economical alternatives for actual asylum seekers. Wholly rejecting these proposals, the government has opted to dismiss the councils (sometimes taking them to court to override them) and instead significantly increase the amount of (already exorbitant) money it is spending.

    So how to interpret this? The UK government routinely and ruthlessly ignores and oppresses its own vulnerable citizens, including children, leaving them living in desperate poverty and fatally dangerous environments, but we are to believe it cares so much about random foreign nationals, it spends millions of pounds a day on accommodating them in luxury, simply out of the goodness of its heart?

    There's only one thing the UK government, or any government, has such a lavish and seemingly unlimited budget for, and that's war.

    In my own town, Huddersfield, local residents and councillors alike were stunned when, last August, just days before they were set to move in, students due to arrive at a large, luxury development on Chapel Hill were told they could not move in after all, as the Home Office had requisitioned this accommodation for "asylum seekers". Please note that these are no ordinary, no-frills student halls. This is brand new, top-tier opulent living, with the complex including its own gym and cinema, and being able to house a staggering 670 people. As of next month, the local paper reports, it will be inhabited entirely by single male "asylum seekers".

    Huddersfield is not a huge place - it's not even a city - and to put into context just how many of these men it will be accommodating, I have filmed the enormous monolith that they will be moving into, please see below:


    In just a few weeks, this gargantuan structure will be full of single men of military age, many of them from Iran and countries that support Iran, just as the UK is on the precipice of going to war with Iran, and when its own military is exceptionally weak.

    I mean, just imagine the idea, in 1939, of the UK government shipping in tens of thousands of fit young men from Germany, placing them in military bases and other facilities with the on-site resources to allow them to maintain fighting fitness (note that these men are routinely moved into residences that possess gyms) - and then telling the populace these are - not soldiers sent by Hitler to conquer the UK, but rather, poor, vulnerable "asylum seekers" and any objection to their presence is nothing but callous, prejudiced racism...

    There is very little difference between that imagined scenario and what is actually happening now, except now, the social controllers and mainstream media are able to weaponise accusations of racism and xenophobia far more powerfully and successfully than they could have in 1939. Now, people up and down the country - self-styled "good people" - are far too terrified to point out the bleedin' obvious (that fighting-aged single males stationed in military bases on the precipice of a world war, are probably soldiers) lest they might get accused of isms and phobias.

    So, they meekly go along with it instead, even staging ostentatious demonstrations to welcome these invaders to their communities. Imagine that happening in 1939. It wouldn't have, of course, so we're in a far weaker position and far more ripe for successful invasion now than we were then.

    One may question why the UK government would be allowing and coordinating this, the extensive, expensive accommodation of all these Iranian fighting-age men, when ostensibly it is a foe of Iran, and that is because that - the idea of clearly defined "sides" in a global conflict - is all a performative facade: in reality, the concept of national sovereignty and countries being in control of their own destinies is a veneer. At the highest levels, countries are all controlled by the same people with the same allegiances and the same end goals. Those people have long since desired a third global conflict and the decimation of the West, and that is what they're now setting the stage for.

    By "decimation", I don't necessary mean a huge civilian death toll - if, after all, they were planning to annihilate us all in war, why bother having spent such an enormous amount of money on vaccines to sterilise and depopulate?

    The problem with conventional guns and bombs warfare as a depopulation tool is that it is too destructive to the infrastructure of countries, which the ruling classes then have to rebuild at huge expense, so for population control, biological warfare is by far their preferred method, whilst conventional war is more about invoking fear to coerce compliance to the new regime.

    So I don't think we need to worry about being bombed to death any time soon, but we should pay attention to the ideological reasons for this conflict and what the social architects want to bring in next.

    We have discussed at this site many times the inevitability of a pendulum shift to a more conservative regime, after decades of liberalism which has now gone much too far: drag Queen story time; children identifying as cats (and so on).

    Well, the deeply religious and orthodox East has no truck with any of that, and we in the West are being primed by the increasing rise of conservative voices such as Tucker Carlson, Candace Owens, Jordan Peterson, et al, for the degeneracy of Western culture to take a dramatic (and inevitably violent) swing in the opposite direction.

    There is a reason that The Handmaid's Tale has been such a high-profile talking point in recent years: it's because what is depicted in that show, the violent uprising of extremist conservative faction overthrowing the liberal, libertine West, is exactly what is intended to occur.

    Not via a twisted version of Christianity, though, but via Islam.

    As I have observed several times, it's not a coincidence that one of the most famous and influential men in the Western world, beloved of the youth and especially teenage boys, is a fundamentalist Muslim.

    Andrew Tate famously "reverted" to Islam, and not the moderate, Westernised form we might recognise, but all out extremism, where he has not only declared that "ISIS are the real Muslims", but he also possesses what he describes as a "harem of females" who have produced "at least ten" children for him (indeed, in a particularly exercised recent rant, he declared the white race would go extinct because "all you white boys lost control of you’re (sic) women and now they won’t accept multiple wives anymore... 30 children minimum").

    Tate is always professing, to his huge audience of millions, the benefits of Islam and his own extremist interpretation of it, so were there to be a cultural clash where Islamic Iran and its allies triumph over the West, Tate would inevitably frame this as a good thing, bringing to the degenerate and decaying UK some proper values and a moral compass etc. Many of his legions of disciples would believe him, as clearly, given the popularity of his brand, many already do.

    The prospect of such a revolution in the UK might sound outlandish and impossible, but many citizens of Iran itself thought that too, as recently as the 1970s, when an extremist religious revolution took place, plunging the formerly fairly liberal and progressive country into a state of sinister oppression in which it remains today.

    Women in Iran, for instance, whom in the 1970s could freely work and study and dress as they pleased, since the revolution, live in a Handmaid's Tale-style dystopia, where they are not only forced to veil, but are made to travel at the back of the bus, can only travel abroad with their husband's permission, and are prohibited from a whole host of everyday activities including attending sports matches, singing and dancing in public, and even riding bicycles.

    What's more, one of the first acts of the revolution’s leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, when he took power in 1979, was to reverse women’s rights in marriage, child custody and divorce. This included lowering the legal age of marriage for women from 18 to 9, and girls this young can still be married in Iran today.

    So, anyone tempted to celebrate Iran's attacks on Israel and declare they "stand with Iran" as this conflict inevitably escalates, may want to rethink that endorsement...

    It is of note to also consider that part of Iran's revolution involved overthrowing the monarchy, and as we have explored here before, it would appear our own monarchy is on the brink of being dismantled.

    Could a hostile invasion backed by Iran, Russia, and China (all countries that have disposed of their own monarchies) be the decisive blow that finishes off our monarchy for good?

    Revolutionary forces with "one world government" ideals have always opposed monarchies for the simple reason that monarchies are an obvious obstacle to all-powerful global government goals, so they're definitely for the chopping block, and another worldwide obstacle the overlords are diligently working on getting rid of, is religion.

    "But wait a minute," you may reasonably object. "Didn't you just suggest we were going to have an Islamic revolution and be plunged into arch religiosity?"

    Yes, but I believe this is only meant as a strategic, and relatively short-lived, 'stepping-stone' stage.

    The ruling classes want to get rid of religions - because like monarchies, they are an obstacle to all-powerful governments - and social engineers been quite successful with dramatically undermining and neutralising Christianity, especially in Western countries, with the UK officially no longer a Christian country.

    They have so far not had the same success, however, with Islam. So how could they achieve this? How about by forcing people into an ultra-extremist interpretation of the religion, just like the Republic of Gilead did with Christianity in The Handmaid's Tale, so they inevitably rebel against it, and clamour for a secular authority to take over?

    We know the ultimate goal for the "one world" dystopia is no countries, no possessions, and no religions (see John Lennon's 'Imagine' blueprint), but at the moment, Islam is too strong a global force, so a mammoth worldwide operation will need to be undertaken to definitively undermine it and turn people against it for good.

    That is already happening in Iran, where the "overwhelming majority" of the populace reject the harsh theocracy of the republic and want a secular government.

    That's what I believe was always the endgame of the 1979 revolution: it's classic problem-reaction-solution to get the public clamouring for what the ruling classes ultimately want - and I believe said ruling classes are very likely intending to use the same strategies on the West.

    The reason that the poster boy in the West for extremist Islamism, Andrew Tate, is so ridiculous and over-the-top in his proselytising is to give people a ludicrously exaggerated caricature to ultimately push back against. Just as in The Handmaid's Tale, the "Christians" practice an absurdly distorted and extremist interpretation of the religion driving people to reject Christianity in its entirety and to demand secularism, Andrew Tate and other "Islamic extremists" are all designed to do the same thing.

    Islamic extremist factions like Hamas and ISIS all inevitably have their roots in Western intelligence agencies, primarily Mossad, MI6, and the CIA, as they are simply ruling class proxies there to manipulate certain reactions in people, e.g., Hamas were used to gain public support for an Israeli attack on Palestine, ISIS are used to justify further military aggression elsewhere, and the overarching effect all these "Islamic terror" groups have is to turn more and more people against Islam, which is the ultimate ruling class goal - as it is to turn them against all religions.

    But to get to that stage, I believe we will have to go through something more immersive and dramatic than a few isolated "terror attacks", and that is what it appears is up next.

    Note that the fake pandemic has set the stage for this in many ways, by accustoming the UK population to such things as no pubs.

    Alcohol is haram (forbidden) in Islam, and the UK's pub sector is collapsing as a direct (and predictable) consequence of the harsh measures deployed in "the pandemic". It's a controlled demolition, and it paves the way for the UK becoming a dry country, just as Islamic countries are.

    Covid was also effective in conditioning many to accept extraordinarily draconian directives from the state about the minutiae of their lives, just as happens in austere theocracies like Iran. While it may sound like insane, ultra-authoritarian overreach for the government to tell women they can't ride bicycles, as the Iranian government does, bear in mind that our own government told us we couldn't have a coffee in the park with a friend, so there has already been a beta test to see if the UK populace would accept similar levels of tyranny and oppression to those imposed by ultra-religious regimes, and the answer, in general, appears to be "yes". Most people did go along with the Covid measures.

    Equally, as outraged as many of the ostensibly liberal UK citizenry have claimed to be about women in Islamic countries being forced to cover their faces to leave the house, they were only too quick to comply when their own governments demanded the same of them.

    So what I am proposing as a possible future scenario really isn't that far-fetched, implausible, or without historical precedent. Dramatic revolutions and regime changes, often involving war and religion, do happen, and all the hallmarks at the current time suggest we are on the precipice of one. I do not make these predictions to alarm anyone, but rather, to forewarn them, as to be forewarned is to be forearmed and to have a far better chance of successfully responding to challenging times.

    That said, though, I don't think I'll be taking any more day trips in the near future, as I really can't imagine what I might come back to the next time...

    Always look a Trojan horse in the mouth - Miri AF
    GORG --- ---
    Audio Leaked from AstraZeneca: Covid was classified as a National Security Threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020.

    Recorded at an internal executive meeting at the end of 2020. This recording has not been published previously anywhere.

    FEB 7, 2024
    On Feb 4, 2020 - AstraZeneca and other pharma companies participating in the DOD Pandemic Preparedness consortium received a phone call from the DOD saying that “novel covid virus posed national security threat”. This explains why PREP Act declaration in the US was made retroactive to Feb 4. The US Government organized itself for war, but lied to the public that it was a zoonotic virus and a healthcare event. Anyone who suggested otherwise was heavily censored and surveilled online, including me. They continue to pretend it was/is a natural virus evolution to this day. It appears that the DOD initiated the covid plandemic and did not tell Trump until after. Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone has a very good hypothesis on how that likely occurred. Trump made a U-turn on his position on lock down between March 9 and 11. However, he is on video getting surprised by Mike Pompeo’s “live exercise” comment on March 20, 2020. It is likely that he was “convinced” to lock down by a concocted story, a lucrative deal or blackmail, or all of the above.

    Also of interest: the audio confirms that the DOD pandemic pharma consortium was established in 2017 and the DOD, (not pharmas) was, and remains in charge of it. I knew this based on the covid contracts analysis, but it’s good to have a definitive confirmation. The AZ execs are musing that at the time they thought the DOD’s pandemic preparedness plan - from “discovering” new viruses to making new drugs for them in 60 days - sounded like science fiction. That’s because it is science fiction, even though I am sure most people involved in it believe their own insane delusions. It appears that the DOD money was very green and quickly dulled the skepticism of AZ execs. The CEO of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soirot is on record stating that millions of people in the world cannot be vaccinated by mRNA shots because they have autoimmune conditions and other vulnerabilities. They always knew.

    The recording contains both video and audio, but I am releasing the audio portion for now. The video does not add much additional information, and this is an extra precaution on my part to protect the whistleblowers (transcript below).


    Related: my post about Col Matt Hepburn, who is mentioned in this conversation and is one of the key figures in the US DOD Pandemic Preparedness Racket:

    "Pandemic Preparedness" - a Government Protection Racket
    FEBRUARY 15, 2023
    Read full story
    Related from Katherine Watt’s 2022 collection. DOD funds and manufactures biological and chemical weapons by simply renaming them into “biomedical research”, “drug delivery technologies”, “vaccines”, and “pandemic preparedness”:

    Transcript of the AstraZeneca meeting audio, notes added:
    Pascal Soriot (CEO of AstraZeneca): …[Mark] Esser [1] who has been the architect of the long-acting antibody against Covid-19. Mark, back to you. [not sure if there are two men called Mark in the meeting]

    Speaker 2 [I believe that’s Mark Esser]: Excellent! So, thank you for the introduction, Mark, and it’s really a pleasure to share with all of you a little bit of the journey that the “long-acting antibody” team has taken in 2020, but actually our story begins back in 2017 in the basement of a Quality Inn in Tysons Corner VA at the Defense Department Industry Day [BARDA runs “industry days” on regular basis]. There, I met Col. Matt Hepburn, who is actually the architect of the Pandemic Prevention Program or P3, and the goal of P3 was going from the discovering a novel virus to producing drugs in less than 60 days – something that would normally take 6 years at best. To me that sounded more like science fiction than science, but we signed up in a small and committed team of virologists and molecular biologists and engineers and started working in 2018 on new technologies to discover and manufacture antibodies against viruses. The team has actually been pretty successful on the early discovery engine piece and had won a biopharma R&D award about this time last year. So, in January we were all anxiously following the emerging news from China about the new disease. It wasn’t a surprise to me when I got a call on February 4th from the Defense Department here in the US saying that the newly discovered Sars-2 virus posed a national security threat. We needed to stop everything we were doing on our model system influenza, and put everything onto Sars-2. Fortunately, our top 2 virologists, Patrick [?] were already a step ahead, having cloned and expressed the virus protein soon after the virus sequence was published on January 21st. Of course, the task was formidable: we had to learn everything we could about the new virus, the immune response to the virus, and the disease called “Covid-19”. What we and others quickly learned was that the critical protein on the virus is called the “spike protein” and this is the protein on the virus that allows the virus to infect cells by binding to the ACE-2 receptor, and what we also learned was that it could exist in active and an inactive form. In the active form it expressed a special domain called a Receptor Binding Domain, or the RBD, and what we quickly figured out was that RBD was going to be the “Achilles’ heel” of the virus. So, we decided that our best strategy was to come up with two antibodies against this Receptor Binding Domain, and we set out with a three-pronged approach to discover those antibodies. First, we tried to isolate these B-cells from the blood taken from Covid-19 patients. Second, we immunized humanized mice with different constructs of spike protein to elicit those magical B-cells, and third, we ran a huge screen using our traditional Cambridge antibody technology phage display library. All in all, we screened tens of thousands of antibodies, and then discovered about 1500 that bound the spike protein and whittled it down to our top 100 by the end of March. The team worked late into the night, weekends – their commitment was inspiring, and they surprised me with their “top 12” neutralizing antibodies on my birthday, April 10th. The next challenge was to down-select from these 12 neutralizing antibodies to our “top 2”. The best way I can describe this is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle while blindfolded, but at the end the team selected two very distinct, two very potent antibodies that showed synergistic activity. When I say, “synergistic activity”, it was 1% + 1% actually equaled 93% neutralization. At the same time, our protein engineers, who are in my mind are some of the best in the world, made key enhancements to the antibodies to extend their half-lives so that a single dose could afford up to 6 to 12 months of protection, ensure high yield production in 15,000 liter bioreactors, and be stable up to 1 year in a refrigerator. So, all in all, all this was done in just 99 days - 1 day ahead of schedule. So, our last hurdle to overcome was to accelerate that normal kind of 2 to 3 year early development timeline into 2 months, and we basically did that by running everything in parallel, and making significant investments at risk. Two notable examples were manufacturing of the Cho-cell pools and starting out tech transfer to our tech transfers to our manufacturing partners before we had even selected our top clones. Our clinical and regulatory teams worked around the clock, and we dosed our first patient on August 21st [2020], and I am happy to report that we started our two Phase 3 studies: PROVENT last week, and yesterday we dosed first patient in my favorite study, “Storm Chaser” yesterday. It’s really been astonishing to see how everyone in the company has pulled together and risen to the challenge, and I’ve had the good fortune working with everyone in Biopharma R&D, Precision Medicine, Legal, Business Development, Procurement, Project Management, Ops [Operations], IT [information technology], Commercial and the all-important Government Affairs, and I’d like to take this moment to thank everyone. So, clearly, fighting a virus like Sars-2 in a worldwide pandemic is not for the faint of heart, but clearly, we are all in this fight to the finish. Also, very grateful to Pascal [Soriot, the CEO], Manny and Nesset (sp) for their leadership, and I am very proud to be part of the company that not only follow the science but is putting patients first and doing what is right thing for the whole world. Just like the antibody we are “better together” and I look forward to being with many of you in a healthier and happier 2021. So, thank you and over to you, Pascal.

    Pascal Soriot: Thank you, Mark, and congratulations again to you and the team. This long-acting antibodies are quite unique because this is the only combination that potentially will last more than 6 months, up to potentially 12 months and protect people for a long period of time. And for those of you who may not be totally familiar with antibodies, you know, you have to know a number of people cannot be vaccinated, like if you have an immune disease, lupus or some other immune condition… or multiple sclerosis, you cannot be vaccinated. So, there are millions of people in the world that will need the protection that cannot be coming from a vaccine, so the long-acting antibody has the enormous potential.

    Additional Information:
    About LAAB:

    COVID-19 Long-Acting AntiBody (LAAB) combination AZD7442 rapidly advances into Phase III clinical trials

    9 October 2020 21:30 BST

    Two trials of AZD7442 will enroll over 6,000 adults for the prevention of COVID-19 with additional trials enrolling ~4,000 adults for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections

    US Government to invest ~$486m for development and supply of up to 100,000 doses and can acquire another one million doses

    AstraZeneca’s long-acting antibody (LAAB) combination, AZD7442, will advance into two Phase III clinical trials in more than 6,000 participants at sites in and outside the US that are due to begin in the next weeks. The LAABs have been engineered with AstraZeneca’s proprietary half-life extension technology to increase the durability of the therapy for six to 12 months following a single administration. The combination of two LAABs is also designed to reduce the risk of resistance developed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

    The Company has received support of around $486m from the US Government for the development and supply of AZD7442 under an agreement with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Defense Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense.

    [1] Mark T. Esser, VP and Head of Microbial Sciences, AZD7442, Global Product Development Leader

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    GORG --- ---
    A threatening phone call

    In the end, the AstraZeneca vaccine just wasn’t as good as its rivals
    8th November 2023

    In March 2021, The Telegraph was one of the first newspapers to imply a causal link between the jab and blood clots after Norwegian scientists suggested a possible mechanism.

    On the day we published the story we received a threatening phone call from a senior official at the MHRA warning that The Telegraph would be banned from future briefings and press notices if we did not soften the news.

    Another well-known Cambridge academic got in touch to complain about our “disgraceful fear-mongering headline” on the story, claiming that it would discourage vaccine uptake and cost lives.

    We politely pointed out that hiding the facts from people was not helpful and could also cost lives. The academic did not respond.

    In February this year, TikTok removed an audio clip in which I discussed whether the benefit of vaccination was worth the risks for young people, claiming it had breached community guidelines.

    After we showed that the Government’s own website acknowledges the link, the clip was reinstated.

    All of this shows a troubling paternalism in government, academia and some media outlets who believe that the public is not capable of weighing up the pros and cons of medical interventions and so must be shielded from the truth.

    From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire? | The BMJ

    June 2022

    Industry money saturates the globe’s leading regulators.

    The BMJ found that the majority of regulators’ budget—particularly the portion focused on drugs—is derived from industry fees

    In Europe, industry fees funded 20% of the new EU-wide regulator, the European Medicines Agency (EMA), in 1995. By 2010 that had risen to 75%; today it is 89%.2


    While historical drug disasters like sulfanilamide and thalidomide raised the stature of regulatory agencies, Light argues regulators now need their own watchdog and is calling for a drug and vaccine safety board, independent of the drug regulator, with the authority, staffing, and funds to investigate incidents of patient harm. “Countries have independent safety boards for airlines and their passengers. Why not for drugs and patients too?” says Light.
    PLAYER --- ---
    Zpet k letadlum:

    A rabbit is pulled from a hat, a woman is sawed in half, a bird materializes under a handkerchief... How do you know that these are illusions created by trickery, and not things that really could happen? Because the science of the real world precludes these things from happening for real, so you know they have got to be tricks. The lady sawed in half does not leave a pool of blood on the floor, as she must if really cut in two. That exposes it as an illusion. So, circumstantial evidence of planes, without any physical evidence of them, tells you that it is an illusion. If you are able to believe that some 400 tons of aircraft, each with 2 million parts, could vaporize, disappear or otherwise be absent at the scene of 4 crash sites, then you are thinking like a child with little real world experience. Sweeping away what could not possibly have happened, reveals that what's being presented is the result of trickery.
    Let's try to think like the planners. They knew the results of this plan would be a high profile event. Meaning that it would be seen by lots of people from many different angles. While that doesn't mean that they cannot fudge some parts of it, any fudging would have to be so small and go by so quickly, that the artifact(s) it presented would be easy to either dismiss or confuse.
    On the side of the planners is the trauma and grief the masses will experience, which will almost totally consume them and prevent them from being willing to even look at any evidence or critically analyze any theory. Thus you will be stuck and will stay with the more "comfortable" story that outsiders (terrorist) did this, rather than people inside the gov't or that it might be the covert operation of an ally. That grief and trauma makes it easier to dismiss claims of culpability by anyone other than the accused terrorists, than to accept that you are being tricked by some carefully crafted plan by "insiders".
    Okay, so with the above in mind, let's look at the elements the planners needed to cover. First, since they plan to claim that the towers collapsed as a result of planes crashing into them, they need to know if planes, crashing into buildings can do such a thing. Any physicist, worth his/her salt, will look at the strengths of the materials involved and the energies available to easily figure out that the plane crashes would do minimal damage to the buildings, let alone fail to bring them down. Didn't the people who designed the building say that planes would cause minimal damage? Then that would have been the best information the planners had go go with.
    Thus, the planners quickly realize that, to achieve the results they desire -- that crashing planes did massive damage to the buildings and started large internal fires, they would have to plant explosives inside the buildings, otherwise the mission would fail. But then there are four problems that come with planting explosives inside the buildings.
    1. You've got select an impact site for each building.
    2. You've got to use explosives to augment these impact sites.
    3. The buildings collapse initiation has to align with the aircraft impact sites.
    4. Timing: If the impacts come too early or late, again the use of explosive charges is exposed.
    If they fail to cover these four points the event fails to be believable. If the impact creates too little damage, the event will not be believable. If the aircraft do not hit the augmentation points exactly, the use of explosives inside the buildings becomes apparent and finally if the collapse initiation does not begin at the impact level, the use of explosives is exhibited again.
    Now let's have a look at the "weapons of choice". The first choice would be to use real aircraft. But using real aircraft has too many uncontrollable problems. You cannot guarantee they will take off in time to meet any schedule, thus an operator would have to be assigned and trained to trigger the explosives at the exact time of the impact. But real people are unreliable, they itch, they sneeze, they have spasms. They get distracted and are sometimes slower or quicker to react than they should be. Could anyone really trust such a sensitive situation to the ministrations of a real person? Where even a split second too soon or too late would create massive, unmask-able problems.
    The aircraft too have idiosyncratic and phenomometric problems beyond the control of the pilots. Equipment can fail and scrub the flight, the vagaries of atmospheric anomalies, wind gusts, barometric inconsistencies tend to make flight times and target acquisition unpredictable, not to mention bird strikes.

    Then there's the human factor. Even people avowedly disposed to commit suicide in theory cannot always be relied upon to follow through in real life. A moment of indecision would be all it takes to ruin the entire plan. Worse yet, you have a goodly number of people on board the aircraft, hijackers included, anyone of whom could either intentionally or inadvertently interfere with the plan.

    The problem of accurately hitting a targeted point on a building with either a missile or drone is off the scales, since their accuracy, under the best of conditions would be 50 feet plus or minus, far too wide a margin for an exercise of this type. While drones can be controlled precisely enough for take offs and landings, you have to remember that these occur at very low speeds, not at 400 and 500 mph.

    So the planners face the problem of using a cgi, which can meet all of the above required criteria. So there's only one problem left: The eyewitnesses. To deal with the eyewitnesses who may say they did not see any planes, you simply get your cgi film on tv, by having a switch thrown in the stations control rooms. The newscasters are not going to question what is being shown on their own stations monitors. So, while there are a few people who did not see planes while standing there on the streets, they have no one to talk to, while the media is "informing" millions of people in the seconds and hours after the events. Having planted "eyewitnesses" out on the street goes a long way towards confusing and drowning out anyone who says they did not see a plane, because most people will feel they must be mistaken or otherwise in error.

    To be sure, if there were planes, people on the street would not say "I didn't see any plane", they would say "I didn't see THE PLANE", there's a big difference. One says that they believe there was a plane that they didn't see, while the other statement says that they were looking and did not see one. Finally, if there were real planes then nobody would say there were none, only that they didn't see any, but not that there weren't any. Many of the people who claimed to have seen the aircraft were discovered on later questioning, to have had no vantage point from which they could have seen the aircraft.
    Then there's the matter of sounds that jet aircraft make, with the engines open full bore, there should have been a deafening sound reverberating through the area, and unmistakable earsplitting roar of a jet at less than 1,000 feet above ground. The sounds heard in the amateur videos is inconsistent with the capture of a real jet aircraft, from video to video the sounds are different. That should not be the case. As they are all supposedly recording the same event.

    So, the only way we have to sort through the confusion is, to look at the video of the impacts. We see the aircraft slicing it's way completely into the building from wing tip to wing tip, with nothing breaking off and no damage being done to the facade of the building. Wings, carrying fuel, in real crashes, explode immediately on impact, yet we don't see that in the videos. There are no wake vortexes in the smoke and fire of the impacts, which shows that no aircraft has moved through that airspace.
    So, even while there are people claiming to have seen planes, the hard evidence of there having been planes is absent. The hard evidence of there having been hijackers is absent. Instead there is only highly questionable "evidence" of passengers, crew, planes and skyjackers. Cell phone calls that could not have been made. Black box data that does not support the official narrative of the events. Before flight 77 took off, as shown on the data recorder, Pilots for 911 Truth, who analyzed the data, discovered that the cockpit door was closed and never opened again. So, how could hijackers have entered the cockpit? If the door detection switch had failed the error would have either shown the error or shown the door opened. It remained closed from takeoff to impact.
    The only conclusion that sufficiently and credibly answers all of these anomalies is that there were no plane crashed on 911.
    GORG --- ---
    18+ 2 Teachers Killed In Shelling Of School. The blame goes to Ukraine. (My Investigation)

    Children Found Hiding In Basement After Artillery Hit Their Apartment

    Ukraine Preparing "Offensive Operations In The Donbass" - Anti Government DPR Forces

    leden 2022

    "The defence departments of the Czech Republic and Ukraine are discussing the issue of providing the Armed Forces of Ukraine with 152-mm artillery shells.
    We believe that the transfer of any type of ammunition and other lethal weapons to Ukraine will contribute to the escalation of the conflict.
    We call on the governments of countries and international organizations that support peaceful initiatives to resolve the conflict in Donbass."

    Česká republika daruje Ukrajině dělostřeleckou munici za 36,6 mil. Kč | CZDEFENCE - czech army and defence magazine
    GORG --- ---
    Morire di Zastava / Serbia / Areas / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

    An image of the factory after the bombing

    Following the bombing of NATO in 1999, numerous workers from Zastava were employed in the rehabilitation of the Kragujevac factory. Five years later, those workers are dying silently. From Kaziprst, B92

    11/05/2004 - Editorial staff
    During the bombing campaign conducted by NATO in 1999 on the then Federation of Yugoslavia, Zastava, the Kragujevac factory, was hit twice in a devastating way. The first missile attack was launched on April 9, 1999 and destroyed much of the factory, while the second, 14 missiles that gave the coup de grace to the industrial complex causing 36 wounded, it happened on the night between 11 and 12 April.

    Founded in 1853, already a symbol of the Yugoslav industry for having produced several million vehicles in its history, the Zastava comes out destroyed by the bombing of the '99 which caused in addition to the enormous damage a 70% reduction of the 36,000 workers once employed in the factory. However, the tenacity, the sense of union or more simply the lack of alternative and the pressure of the administration have prompted many workers to engage in the rehabilitation of the Kragujevac factory. A few months after the bombing ended, the Serbian government drew up a plan for its recovery. If on the one hand the effort and sense of duty that committed the workers of Kragujevac made sure that production started again, on the other hand, he exposed them to very serious health problems.Indeed, representatives of the workers of Zastava say that during the factory renovation works many would have fallen ill with carcinoma or leukemia. Many of them later died. The exact number of sick and deceased is not confirmed, but systematic medical examinations of the workers who participated in the cleaning of the structures damaged by the bombing have not even been organized.

    The following is the transcription of the Kaziprst transmission aired on the B92 broadcaster on April 15, during which some of the workers who participated in the Zastava rehabilitation were interviewed.

    By Tamara Sretenovic

    Translation of Nicole Corritore

    B92:Five years have passed since the first NATO bombs fell on the Zastava plants in Kragujevac. The workers who participated in the cleaning of the damaged factory structures became seriously ill and linked their health to the work of renovating these structures. They believe that these works were done without any precautionary measures and that they had not been informed by the competent offices of the possible serious consequences. Participation in the reconstruction of what was once a giant in the automobile industry today, workers say, is costing a tribute in lives. Photos of carcinoma patients and funeral announcements on the bulletin board at the entrance of the company have become everyday. Dragan Stojanovic,responsible for one of the teams that participated in the structural improvement of the company, he tells how the rubble removal work was done without any precaution and thinks that this could pose a health hazard.

    Stojanovic: "The recovery was done without gloves, without any kind of precaution. We thought there was no danger. Only at the end was it found that the remediation work was very dangerous, we didn't know what we were exposed to and we knew that colleagues died from various carcinogenic diseases, without knowing which ones. We only know that they are gone today. They disappear within seven days, or galloping leukemia ... or catch a cold, get sick, and disappear. I saw the ads posted on the bulletin board.

    B92: You told me that six funerals were held a month ago, and all colleagues in his section.

    Stojanovic: Yup. They are colleagues who participated in the cleaning work from the rubble. Some worked with us, some at the OUR in Kovacnica as electricians in the renovation of the electrical system. One died very quickly - in two months, of galloping leukemia. The second died after three days, worked with us. He died of galloping leukemia at the Clinic of the Medical-Military Academy ( VMA ) in Belgrade. Two other colleagues died, but it is not known what, but very quickly. They are no longer among us.

    B92:Due to a tumor, a lung was removed; Dragan Paunovic, who participated in the reconstruction of Zastava for six months. Today with 4,500 dinars ( 1 euro about 65 dinars ) tries to get expensive medicines and to feed the family of five.

    Paunovic: I have been operated on for lung cancer. At the VMA on December 6, 2002. Now I'm a little better. I am no longer under therapy and continue with a drug treatment. The union practically gets the drugs. It is thanks to them that I survived. They also paid me for the operation at the VMA. All thanks to them, the independent union. Zastava administrators probably don't even know I'm alive. They never even asked me. Except for only one person in the management of the company, Vladan Kostic, my plant manager, who is the only one I still talk to.

    B92: Paunovic points out that none of the corporate management had informed him that working in such conditions could be dangerous and lead to health consequences.

    Paunovic: We have been pushed and victims at the same time, at least a number of workers. The factory had to be lifted. All right. And then that we die. But what is the most terrible thing about all this? The fact that the company's directors did not grant us a single dinar for treatment. I know we had to do this job, renovate the factory. But at least give us the opportunity so that our children don't have to suffer or that we don't have to suffer from the lack of medicines. For a while I couldn't afford to buy pressure pills and treated myself with garlic. I don't have the money to buy them. I don't know how to get them.

    B92: A long period of work in inhuman conditions, characteristic of the Lakirnica plant, has weakened the defenses of our immune system. In fact, these are the workers who most often get sick with cancer, says Paunovic.

    Paunovic: The speed with which Lakirnica's colleagues die and what happens to us are convinced that they depend on the heavy working conditions that have lasted over the years, more than the specific working conditions of Lakirnica. Our body was already weak, especially organs such as lungs, liver, heart, due to the conditions in which we worked. Radiation only gave us the coup de grace. But you have to find the funds for these people who get sick so quickly... company managers must one day get to take care of these workers and at least allow them the opportunity to take care of themselves. Because these people don't die like beasts. It is not possible - one day he was a man, then he died and nobody does anything.

    B92: Is it true that new mortuary announcements appear every day at the various plants of Zastava?

    Paunovic: I rarely go to Zastava. Only when I have to present certificates, and then I see the ads on the doors. This is where they usually hang. It is sad just to watch. They are not elderly people, they are between 30 and 50 years old.

    B92: Do you think you have been sacrificed?

    Paunovic: Yes I think so. I think we sacrificed ourselves conscious of this and now they avoid us. They look at us as if we were lepers.

    B92: Sure he was exposed to radiation in the workplace, at Zastava, Paunovic asked some of the factory administrators for financial support for medical treatment, but he was told that his claims are incorrect.

    Paunovic: Let both the government and the administration of Zastava be clarified: if we have been hit by firecrackers - that they are firecrackers. I will apologize. If uranium can be drunk as if it were lemonade, I will apologize again. I will say that I am healthy and that I got sick at the spa. They must clarify, both. So that it is not always that when the state is needed, nothing is taken, when instead the worker has to take from the state. We are not looking for anything. We don't want a new car, an apartment. We want the money to treat ourselves like people, and not to die like beasts. Just this.

    B92: Milovan Matic, also employed in the company's recovery, was removed from his thyroid because of a tumor. His health conditions, even after surgery, constantly deteriorate. For this reason he is obliged to go to the doctor every day, where he has the opportunity to meet other sick colleagues.

    Matic: Yes, colleagues, colleagues. We only meet in the hospital. Two women, one has lung cancer, the other a jaw cancer, with the thyroid already partially removed. All from the same workplace.

    B92: Were you all in the same department?

    Matic: Yes, yes. In the same workplace, in the plant.

    B92: With the wages he receives while he is sick, Matic is unable to secure family support, and is unable to buy medicine.

    Matic: Hold on. Half of you hang on, half of my parents helped me. Right now nobody. A medicine that I have to take now, "novotirol" is German-made ... it can be bought in Switzerland, Italy or Germany. It costs 25-30 Euros, it depends on where you buy it.

    B92: And what is your pay today that you are sick?

    Matic: My wages are 5,600 dinars.

    B92: Matic and Paunovic have listed the names of about twenty colleagues whose carcinoma they know are certainly sick with. But they say that without their permission they cannot make names public. No comment can be obtained from the representatives of Zastava, and when it is obtained they declare that the situation is not alarming. At the beginning of the recovery of Zastava, employees had been assured that every six months they would undergo systematic health checks, to follow a possible deterioration in their health. But instead in the last five years these workers have not been subjected to any checks. We learned that Zastava has no funds to finance systematic checks of the over 600 workers who pulled the factory out of the ash.
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: Nejlepsii je o tematu si nenco zjistit. Dohledat si vedecke publikace, statistiky, nez jen si neco spekulovat.
    Zacal bych treba tim, co ti tu linkujou.

    Konkretne co se tyce rakoviny ta Dr. Devra Davis hovori tom, jak je to komplikovana problematika.

    Upozornuje, ze po explozi atomove bomby v Hirosime, se nejvice rakoviny objevilo az po 40 letech.

    Dohledal jsem si nejaka data


    Rakovina se rozviji roky.

    Upozornuje na mozny problem, ze zvysena incidence rakoviny muze prijiit az po letech, a do te doby nejevit zmenu.

    Jak dlouho pouzivame mobily? Ja cca 20 let.

    Dalsim faktorem je, ze se postupem casu zmenilo uzivani telefonu.

    Napriklad zvetsilo mnozstvi casu, ktery clovek stravi s telefonem.
    Pribylo do toho pozdeji pak rozsireni Wi-fi, kterymi jsme v poslednich letech skoro vsude obklopeni. To je relativne nova vec.
    V dnesni dobe taky s mobily operuji uz i male deti. Nebo tablety, ktere si daji do klina.

    Ukazovala i reklamu na iPotty. normalne vyrobili zachudky s drzakem na tablet.

    Amazon.com: Customer reviews: CTA Digital 2-in-1 iPotty with Activity Seat for iPad

    Vsechny tyhle zmeny uzivani lze ocekavat, ze se nejspis muzou projevit zas s dalsim zpozdenim. Resp. kumulativni efekt.

    Do toho se zavadi 5G, o kterych mame studii nejmin.

    Nejvyrazneji se 5G zavadelo v roce 2020 behem COVIDu... v casech zakazu vychazeni se zbesile instalovaly v UK ruzne 5G veze.
    Soubeznost s COVIDem znemozni i videt pripadne korelaci zdravotnich problemu, kdyz ted se COVID stal skoro jedinou metrikouo zdravi

    U milimetrovych vln lze uvazovat, ze by zmensila vzdalenost od telefonu, kded by to melo primo vyhrivaci efekt, a ani ten by nemel byt jedinou metrikou. Je tam i frekvence, struktura pripadne tech vlnovych patternu, kdyz telefon treba hleda BTS zesili signal, nebo pri hovoru.. kazdopadne tten handshake zname nekdy , kdyz se to nekdy nechtene namontuje do sluchatek nebo repraku to zname modemove chrochtani.


    Spousta profesi byla zakazana kvuli lockdownu, ale technici instalujici 5G veze byli povoleni..... protoze 5G bylo pry potreba, aby se dal resit COVID. Proc by nestacily ty starsi site se nikdo ani vysvetlit nepokusil.

    Zavadime tedy v domneni, ze predchozi site 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, Wifi zadne dopady na zdravi nemely, sit novou, protoze masove lidi neumiiraj.

    Misto inttenzivniho vyzkumu se spis setkavame s posmechem, ze je to uplne sabla myslenka, ze by to mohlo jakkoliv skodit. Vzdyt ten vyzareny vykon je prece prilis slaby na to, aby to teoreticky mohlo nekomu uskodit, a protoze tedy vime, ze mobilni site nejsou zdravi skodliive, ani nedelame studie, ktere by to ale i prokazaly na datech. Zvlastni logicka smycka. :)

    Ad Smart ciities teda nevim, kdy si vlastne vzal tu souvislost s elektromagnetickym zarenim... ja v tom topicu vnimam hlavne temata jina... IoT, smart semafory, smart meraky.. logistika, finnancni transakce, sledovaci system, AR 3D skenery a samozrejme oblibeny zivot na socialni kredit v mobilni apce.

    Mozna neco j ako v te hre Cyberpunk 2077 ... Ja byl vzdycky hodne do sci-fi, ale v poslednich letech zacinam nevnimat tyhle metaverse svety ani augmenty tela nebo mozku jakoo neco neprilis odlisne od "soucasneho mesta".

    A jednu takovou Cyberpunk like strukturu uz stavi tusim v Saudske Arabii..

    Dlouhou... mega dlouhou linku vysoke steny.. totalni obludnost, i kdyz jiste sci-fi srdcicko trochu povzdechne :)

    Saudi Crown Prince: THE LINE vertical design communities to house 9 mln residents | Al Arabiya English

    Pri hrani te hry, co jsem o vanocich s nove koupenou 3090 RTX kartou uz musel rozparit, jsem si vsiml, jaky by takovy svet byl cisty peklo. Chladne prostori kovu, betonu, AR reklam, augmentace a dekadence totalnii post modernity.

    Zadna priroda, zvirata... jen displaye, hologramy, augmentovana realiita, a velky struktury. Zadne lesy, priroda. Pouze obloha.

    Kdysi bych i pro oblibu technologii by me asi i takovy sci-fi lakalo, ale to co uz prislo v soucasne dobe mi ukazuje, jak vlasatne by to totalne vykoreiloo cloveka.
    Uz tak dost vykoreneho se soucasnymi jen mobily a Web2.0.. .lidi prevazne zavreny v baracich s mobily, tablety v ruce nebo za kompem. A v okoli aspon 10 wifin od sousedu a vsude po meste.

    A ted s 5G kvuli vyssi rychlosti pujde udelat bryle, ktery nebudou potrebovat pocitac... muzou to renderovat v cloudu. Uz pred rokem nejpozdejs byly prototypy AR her, kde ty bryle zakomponuji do sceny vas vlastni dum, a na predmety promitaji augmentovanou realitu. Teda ty bryle uz existujou :)
    Diky 5G lze zajistit dostatecnou rychlost, aby to uzivilo. Tohle imho bude mit opravdu masakr dopady na podobu tech smart cities.
    Hodne slusne uz je to rozvinute v Cine. Sanitce automaticky nastavuje zelenou na semaforech. Otvirani dveri domu pomoci face scanu.

    Future of 5G Ep. 4: Augmented Reality and 5G in Gaming | T-Mobile for Business

    Verizon announces interactive AR game for 5G


    tady uz nejses v Texasu :-)

    Codename: Urban Legends

    New details on Qualcomm's 5G VR prototypes: Cloud rendering, eye tracking, high-res displays - CNET

    Snapdragon powers the future of Wireless XR

    Jinak ja osobne doma VR mam.. ale nasadim to na hlavu tak max 1, 2x do roka.. je to trochu nepohodlny.. ale takovy brylky uz mensi asi fakt udelaj boom, jak je to pristupnejsi. A certifikace Qualcomm usnadni i kompatibilitu softwaru., takze se snadno vynori mraky aplikaci.
    GORG --- ---
    How to Control What People Do | Propaganda - EDWARD BERNAYS | Animated Book Summary

    jeste zajimava souvislost s Edwardem Bernaysem

    nasi spojenci (USA) tam svrhli demokraticky zvolenou vladu.

    nelibilo se nam mimo jine, ze tamni firma "United Fruit Company" , co vykoristovala zemi jako takovou, s nove demokratickym zvolenym prezidentem a jeho dekrety, uz nemohla vykoristovat.. proste nevyhovoval demokraticky zvoleny prezident

    tak si najala E. Bernayse, aby rozjel propagandu proti vlade. na tom samem spolupracovala CIA. propaganda cilala jak Guatemalu, tak i americke politiky a americkou verejnost

    nakonec se nam uspesne podarilo dosadit na Guatemale diktatora.. mnoho mrtych lidi v dusledku.. desitky let pak obcanske valky

    V roce 1954 byl pučem za podpory CIA svržen ve svobodných volbách zvolený Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, kterého nahradil Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes, který povolil trénink anti-castrovských bojovníků pro invazi v Zátoce sviní. Konflikt mezi vládou a opozicí přerostl v roce 1960 v občanskou válku, trvala až do roku 1996. Během války vláda vycvičila eskadry smrti, které měly za úkol likvidovat protivládní guerilly. Volená vláda stát spravuje od roku 1986.

    1954 Guatemalan coup d'état - Wikipedia
    The UFC also began a public relations campaign to discredit the Guatemalan government; it hired Edward Bernays, who mounted a concerted misinformation campaign for several years which portrayed the company as the victim of a communist Guatemalan government.[56] The company stepped up its efforts after Dwight Eisenhower was elected U.S. president in 1952. These included commissioning a research study from a firm known to be hostile to social reform, which produced a 235-page report that was highly critical of the Guatemalan government. Historians have stated that the report was full of "exaggerations, scurrilous descriptions and bizarre historical theories" but it nonetheless had a significant impact on the members of Congress who read it.[57] Overall, the company spent over half a million dollars to convince lawmakers and the American public that the Guatemalan government needed to be overthrown.[57]


    Political legacy
    The 1954 coup had significant political fallout both inside and outside Guatemala. The relatively easy overthrow of Árbenz, coming soon after the similar overthrow of the democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister in 1953, made the CIA overconfident in its abilities, which led to the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion to overthrow the Cuban government in 1961.[178][179] Throughout the years of the Guatemalan Revolution, both United States policy makers and the U.S. media had tended to believe the theory of a communist threat. When Árbenz had announced that he had evidence of U.S. complicity in the Salamá incident, it had been dismissed, and virtually the entire U.S. press portrayed Castillo Armas' invasion as a dramatic victory against communism.[180] The press in Latin America were less restrained in their criticism of the U.S., and the coup resulted in lasting anti-United States sentiment in the region.[181][


    U.S. President Bill Clinton apologized to the nation of Guatemala in March 1999 for the atrocities committed by the U.S.-backed dictatorships

    Edward Bernays - Wikipedia
    Edward Louis Bernays (/bɜːrˈneɪz/ bur-NAYZ, German: [bɛʁˈnaɪs]; November 22, 1891 − March 9, 1995) was an American theorist, considered a pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, and referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations".[3] His best-known campaigns include a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist "Torches of Freedom", and his work for the United Fruit Company in the 1950s, connected with the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan government in 1954. He worked for dozens of major American corporations including Procter & Gamble and General Electric, and for government agencies, politicians, and nonprofit organizations.


    United Fruit and Guatemala


    He recommended a campaign in which universities, lawyers, and the U.S. government would all condemn expropriation as immoral and illegal; the company should use media pressure "to induce the President and State Department to issue a policy pronouncement comparable to the Monroe Doctrine concerning expropriation." In the following months, The New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, Time, Newsweek, and the Atlantic Monthly had all published articles describing the threat of Communism in Guatemala. A Bernays memo in July 1951 recommended that this wave of media attention should be translated into action by promoting:

    (a) a change in present U.S. ambassadorial and consular representation, (b) the imposition of congressional sanctions in this country against government aid to pro-Communist regimes, (c) U.S. government subsidizing of research by disinterested groups like the Brookings Institution into various phases of the problem.


    Per Bernays's strategy, United Fruit distributed favorable articles and an anonymous Report on Guatemala to every member of Congress and to national "opinion molders".[57][58] They also published a weekly Guatemala Newsletter and sent it to 250 journalists, some of whom used it as a source for their reporting.[58] Bernays formed close relationships with journalists including The New York Times reporter Will Lissner and columnist Walter Winchell.[55][56] In January 1952 he brought a cohort of journalists from various notable newspapers on a tour of Guatemala, sponsored by the company. This technique proved highly effective and was repeated four more times.[58] In June, 1954, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency effected a coup d'état code-named Operation PBSuccess. The CIA backed a minimal military force, fronted by Carlos Castillo Armas, with a psychological warfare campaign to portray military defeat as a foregone conclusion. During the coup itself, Bernays was the primary supplier of information for the international newswires Associated Press, United Press International, and the International News Service.[59][60]

    Following the coup, Bernays built up the image of Guatemala's new president Carlos Castillo Armas, giving advice for his public appearances both in Guatemala and in the U.S. In 1956, Bernays produced a pamphlet comparing the Communist way and the Christian way.[61]


    Third parties
    Bernays argued that the covert use of third parties was morally legitimate because those parties were morally autonomous actors


    He arranged for this finding to be published in newspapers throughout the country with headlines like '4,500 physicians urge bigger breakfast' while other articles stated that bacon and eggs should be a central part of breakfast and, as a result of these actions, the sale of bacon went up

    Scientific approach
    See also: Social engineering (political science)
    Bernays pioneered the public relations industry's use of mass psychology and other social sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns: "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits."[67] He later called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the engineering of consent.[68]

    Bernays expanded on Walter Lippmann's concept of stereotype, arguing that predictable elements could be manipulated for mass effects:

    But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given [the common man] a rubber stamp, a rubber stamp inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of tabloids and the profundities of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man's rubber stamp is the twin of millions of others, so that when these millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all receive identical imprints. [...] The amazing readiness with which large masses accept this process is probably accounted for by the fact that no attempt is made to convince them that black is white. Instead, their preconceived hazy ideas that a certain gray is almost black or almost white are brought into sharper focus. Their prejudices, notions, and convictions are used as a starting point, with the result that they are drawn by a thread into passionate adherence to a given mental picture.[

    clovek by cekal, ze Bernayse nase demokraticka spolecnost lepsolidi odsoudi , ze delal velmi spatne veci
    ale naopak, tleskali mu, kdyz byl host u Lettermana:

    Edward Bernays on Letterman, April 4, 1985

    The Wires that Control the Public Mind

    tohle neni o tom, jestli ja koukam na televizi.. navic koukat/nekoukat na televizi je takove klise .. jakehosi odporu ke konzumni spolecnosti, ale cela vec je mnohem hlubsi... jak je nnase spolecnost posedla manipulovanim jinych lidi..

    snaha regulovat "dezinformace" do toho zapada jako prdel na hrnec.. a kampan Tecka za COVIDem.. a dalsi jen ukazkove predvadi odkaz E. Bernayse v dnesni dobe. cista manipulace. lidmi jako byl on. vyuzivajici spousty novych informaci o lidske psychice.
    ale i prave provazanosti s masmedii.. ruznymi "studiemi"..
    ze vsech stran utok na psychiku... i reklamy na produkty soubezne podporovaly COVID narativ. ale i ovlivnovani lidi, aby oni sami tu propagandu sirili ad pouzivani tretich stran.

    Nakonec Babise nam tu taky zaridil nyxak Marek Prchal, zejo :-) Od nej dostal ten polibek smrti, protoze mu za vitezstvi fakt vdecil..
    GORG --- ---


    In the first place, the Czechoslovakian armymay have had the ability to defend itself from Germany on its own without the need of immediate support from France or Britain. Moreover, there were inconsistent reportsas to the size and strength of Germany’s military force. Lastly and most importantly,Britain was aware that various German generals were not supportive of Hitler andwere willing to stage a coup if Czechoslovakia was invaded. Accordingly, thismindset may have also signaled a broader lack of support from the German peopleas a whole.
    To illustrate, a British official wrote to Chamberlain’s office in September 11 about the German people’s lack of interest of war by stating:
    “Public opinion is much alarmed at Germany military measures which as theyincreases in scope, are becoming more widely known. There is a general fear that an attack of Czechoslovakia may lead to a European war, which Germany would be likely to lose.

    Fisher pg. 2
    On a separate occasion, Hitler’s lack of public support was again reinforced onSeptember 27 when Henderson observed during Hitler’s military parade in Berlin that“not a single individual in the streets applauded.”
    Given those circumstances, anexamination of the three factors raises the essential question: Should the Munich Agreement have been signed?Prior to the signing of the Munich Agreement, Western Europe 1938 wasengulfed with fear of war with Hitler’s Germany. Nearly two decades earlier, theTreaty of Versailles was signed, signaling the end of World War I, forcing Germany torelinquish part of its European territories. Post World War I, British diplomacy wasbest described by the British Foreign Office in 1926 as: “We have got all that we want – perhaps more. Our sole objective is to keep what we have and to live in peace.”
    When Adolf Hitler obtained power of Germany in 1933, Western Europe was mostlyaccepting of Hitler’s ideas that Germany was treated unfairly during Versailles.
    For this reason, Britain’s foreign policy agenda by 1936 was to “avoid exclusive alliancesin favor of a policy that would allow Germany to play the part of a good European.”

    When he successfully defeated a group of communists from gaining power inGermany, Hitler provided some comfort to Western Europe.
    Certainly, this actionpleased Western Europe as they viewed communism to be the real threat, not Hitler.

    On March 7, 1936, sensing that Britain and France would not take action tostop him, Hitler moved military forces back into the Rhineland, a part of Germany thatwas to remain without any German military forces, according to the Treaty of Versailles. Hitler’s belief was proven correct as neither Britain nor France preventedhim from building up Germany’s military in this de-militarized zone. In essence,German’s re-occupation of the Rhineland marked a turning point in Hitler’s rise topower that would eventually lead to an inevitable war. As Britain and France sat backand watched, Hitler began to improve Germany’s military strength; he set out a planto re-gain control over other parts of Europe that were populated mostly by Germans

    Fisher pg. 3
    but no longer within its borders.
    In his policy of expansion, Hitler first targeted Austria. In 1938, he successfully reached agreement with Austria’s government. Ineffect, this agreement allowed Hitler to annex Austria without a single gunshot. WithGermany showing off its military strength on the border with Austria, Hitler was ableto convince Austria to vote for the annexation by Germany. In March 1938, Hitler ledthe march into Austria without any bloodshed.
    Choosing to ignore this, Britain continued to support Hitler’s actions;Chamberlain continued to express willingnessto improve relations with Berlin “in order to secure the kind of European pacificationthat had been dreamt of by British governments goal since 1919.”
    Shortly after Austria was annexed, Hitler next turned his efforts to reclaimparts of Czechoslovakia. In May 1938, Hitler put in place a plan to invadeCzechoslovakia. According to a letter from General Keitel, the Chief of the German Armed Forces, a detailed plan stated the “preparations for war” and clarified that “itsexecution must be assured by October 1, 1938, at the latest.”
    WithinCzechoslovakia there was a Sudeten German Party that represented the borderinglands with Germany that were still populated by mostly German decent. Under theadvice of Hitler, the leader of the Sudeten German Party negotiated with theCzechoslovakian Government on disputes it had and further discussed the possibilityof breaking away to join with Germany. Hitler advised the Sudeten German Party tokeep demanding for more, even though the Czechoslovakian Government gave in onnearly all of the original issues.
    By July 1938, the negotiations were breaking downand Germany made it clear that it would not back down. As a precaution, NevilleHenderson, British ambassador to Germany, advised Chamberlain not to take anaggressive position against Hitler because a “blow to Hitler’s prestige might well havecontrary effect and drive him over the edge.”


    Not to mention, the language used between governments grew more direct, and inSeptember 1938, Hitler stated with regards to the Sudetenland, “I am determined tosettle it. I do not care whether there is a world war or not.”
    At the same time,Neville Henderson, British foreign minister, communicated about Germany toChamberlain on September 3, 1938 that a German official said there was a
    “lack of enthusiasm in the country for war and went so far as to observe thatthis lack of enthusiasm in the back areas would be a serious handicap after thefirst few months of war, if it occurred. Nor were the generals themselvesenthusiastic. Their instructions were to be 100 percent ready for alleventualities as from a certain date, but, so far as he could discover, they hadno other instructions and no information as to the Chancellor’s [Hitler] real intentions.”

    In spite of this, German troops were moving to the border and Czechoslovakiantroops were actively preparing. Chamberlain, nevertheless, still remained confident...

    II. Coup Discussions Against Hitler: A Credible Threat
    In his desperate attempts to avoid war, Chamberlain rushed into signing theMunich Agreement without considering other credible policies to oppose Hitler.Despite Hitler’s successes and ambitions in building the German army and hisaspirations to invade parts of Europe, not all of Hitler’ generals were supportive of hisintentions.
    In fact,his generals were willing to stage a coup against him becausethey did not want to go to war . Incidentally, before his trip to London, GermanGeneral Beck ordered to an official: “Bring me certain proof that Britain will fight if Czechoslovakia is attacked and I will make an end of this régime.”
    Between Augustand September 1938, German generals contacted senior British government officialson several occasions to seek their assistance.
    Furthermore, Beck’s attitude wasshared directly with the British on August 13
    in a meeting between a British and aGerman official where the German official made it clear that all German generalswere “dead against war but they will not have the power to stop it unless they get encouragement and help from outside.”

    Namely, the help that the German conspirators were seeking focused on two areas. First, they wanted the Britishgovernment to make strong public statements that opposed Hitler’s actions and thatHitler’s actions would lead to war as Britain would not stand by and watch him invadea sovereign country. Second, the German conspirators wanted assurance that if Hitler did order an invasion of Czechoslovakia, Britain would support Czechoslovakia.However, each of these requests was counter to Chamberlain’s policy of appeasingHitler in the hope of obtaining peace. In the same meeting, the German officialindicated that the views of the German generals were consistent with the views of thepeople who were “terribly alarmed at the prospect of war.

    Additional contacts were made in September to Lord Halifax in which British assistance was asked for again in the form of a public statement declaring that the British government was not supportive of Germany attacking Czechoslovakia.Moreover, Lord Halifax was also told that the German army was ready to take action against Hitler if necessary but only if the Britain opposed Hitler.
    Chamberlain,however, remained very skeptical on the German approach of overthrowing Hitler,and in reference to the August 11 meeting Chamberlain said that he viewed theGerman official as:
    “very anti-Hitler and is extremely anxious to stir up his friends in Germany tomake an attempt at its overthrown. He reminds me of the Jacobites at theCourt of France in King William’s time and I think we must discount a gooddeal of what he says.”


    III. The Relative Military Strengths of Germany
    In addition to the lack of support from Hitler’s own army, an important pointthat was overlooked was the actual the strength of the German army. In the decadesfollowing the war, the facts were clear: the German army was not nearly as strong aspublicly advertised;


    IV. The Relative Military Strengths of Czechoslovakia
    Notwithstanding the contradictions of the size of the German army, what reallymattered in this analysis is how the German army compared to the strength of theCzechoslovakian military. In 1938, the Czechoslovak army “comprised 17 infantry


    and 4 mobile divisions. Full mobilizations yielded a further 17 reserve divisions,giving a field army of 38 divisions.”
    In addition, there were approximately another 15 divisions along its borders. While Czechoslovakia had a much larger infantry,Germany was more superior in the air. However, in September, the weather waspoor and it was not likely that there was good visibility,
    giving the Czechs theadvantage. Even within the British military, the view was that the Czechoslovakianmilitary was not only prepared to fight but that they also wanted to fight. InSeptember 1938, Lieutenant Colonel Stronge, British Military Attache, provided abriefing of the Czechoslovakian military readiness:
    “The Czech General Staff undoubtedly have a capacity for organization, and Ido not expect any serious hitch in the process of rapid mobilization

    For anarmy which is not absolutely of the front rank the equipment, especially asregards arms, is surprisingly good. The country has the advantage of possessing an arms industry which can vie with any other in the world

    Mypersonal opinion is that the morale of the Czech army and nation is high

    Tosum it up, there are no shortcomings in the Czech army.”

    Despite the overwhelming evidence of Czechoslovakia’s ability to defend itself if the dispute came to war, Britain’s diplomat in Berlin, Neville Henderson himself asserted that he thought “the Czechs would collapse much quicker than people think,after the first week or two.”


    Hitler occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia that “Bohemia and Moravia, with some 3.5billion Reichsmarks’ worth of gold, foreign currency and stockpiled raw material andfinished goods saved Hitler’s Reich from speedy economic collapse,” further implyingthat perhaps Britain did not seriously consider the causes and effects of its decisions.In Addition to this point, Ferguson concluded:
    “Hitler gained immediately from Munich. With Czechoslovakia emasculated,Germany’s eastern frontier was significantly less venerable. In occupying theSudetenland, the Germans acquired at a stroke 1.5 million rifles, 750 aircraft,600 tanks, and 2,000 field guns, all of which were to prove useful in they yearsto come. Indeed, more than one in ten of the tanks used by the Germans intheir western offensive of 1940 were Czech-built

    To put it another way: itwould prove much harder to fight Germany in 1939 than it would have provedto fight Germany in 1938.”


    But one can’thelp but wonder if the policies that led to the Munich Agreement were driven more simply on the personal attitudes of Chamberlain towards Hitler. As summarized inRobert Beck’s Munich’s Lessons Reconsidered , Chamberlain thought that Hitler “meant what he said” and that he had come to believe that Hitler “was telling thetruth” and that he had “formed the opinion that Hitler’s objectives were strictly limited.”
    As history dictates, Chamberlain was wrong

    // opravdu lze jeste verit, ze Mnichovska dohoda byl jen nejaky omyl? i nemecti generalove chteli bojovat proti Hitlerovi.. ale Britanie se rozhodla pomahat Hitlerovi a duverovat mu, odvratli se od spojencu i od opakovanych nabidek z nemecke armady, ze jsou ready Hitlera svrhnout, a ze chteji jen ujisteni od Britu, ze by v tom nezustali sami... a aby Britanie rekla verejne neco oskliveho o Hitlerovi..
    Vetsina Nemcu byla podle tehle informaci proti Hitlerovi.. vojensky na tom nebylo Nemecky dobre ani ekonomicky, aby byl k ustupkum duvod. podle informaci, ktere byly zname uz v te dobe dle zachovalych zaznamu.

    misto pomoci od nemecke armady s ni nakonec museli bojovat. a s ceskymi zbranemi, ktery tu nacisti pak ziskali. ceskym prumyslem na sve strane

    konspiracni teorie, ze nekteri vysoce postaveni Britove byli na strane Hitlera pusobi celkem duveryhodne. oficialni verze chybneho usudku uz moc ne.
    GORG --- ---
    jakoze ze zakona musi media sirit tyhle alerty , ale ten framing, ze jakoze easily check your alerts v mobilu...krasa :) asi nepocitaji s tim, ze jeste nekdo kouka na televizi, tak aby jim neco neuniklo

    ted jsem cetl v novinach, ze v Cine se objevil virus nebezpecnejsi mozna nez koronavirus... prej uz maji 5 nakazenych! to je i na Cinu hodne.

    Čína hlásí desítky případů nákazy nově objeveným virem - Seznam Zprávy

    tak uz desitky... pozor na symptomy unavy a kasle.. jaka to nahoda ze? zrovna nedavno jsme uz jeden virus docela resili
    Vědci v Číně pozorně sledují nově identifikovaný virus Lang-ja. Dosud zaznamenali desítky případů nákazy. Předpokládá se, že virus, mezi jehož příznaky patří horečka, únava, kašel a bolesti svalů, se přenesl na lidi ze zvířat.

    #Believe #Science
    GORG --- ---
    RIVA: "easily check your alerts"... jak ta zenska muze spat v klidu tohle rict? i robot by se stydel za jakyho kokota je :)
    jakej idiot by si takovou apku instaloval? kdo nosi tri rousky na plavani?

    Varovani! Jezis se vraci do vasi lokace! :)

    #Believe #Science

    Křik a panika. Číňané prchali z Ikey, kde by je zavřeli kvůli covidové karanténě - iDNES.cz
    GORG --- ---
    podobna bandicka.. .na opacko

    Hillary Clinton admits that the CFR runs the Government

    neni snad ani divu, ze World Economic Forum a CFR jsou osazenstvem propojene bandicky think tankistu.

    sefove The Washington Post, BlackRock, politici, bankeri , Zuckenbergove, sefove Googlu, Applu.. .. proste nase usuall suspect jelita


    Foreign Affairs and the World Economic Forum Collaborate on The Fourth Industrial Revolution for Davos 2016 | Foreign Affairs
    From Innovation to Revolution | Foreign Affairs

    Cisco’s John Chambers and Wim Elfrink on the Internet of Things

    The Future of Cities | Foreign Affairs

    The Council on Foreign Relations’ Laurie Garrett on the promises and perils of synthetic biology


    The Economist’s Kenneth Cukier and the Oxford Internet Institute’s Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger on the rise and effects of big data

    Why Big Data Is on the Rise | Foreign Affairs


    The Fourth Industrial Revolutionwill be published on ForeignAffairs.com as part of the magazine’s bimonthly anthology series


    hmm koho to tam mame.. jo jasne typka z CFR... hmm ze je hodne do sytenticke biologie rikate? jo to je celkem fajn tema

    hmm na odkazu je koukam toto

    Biology's Brave New World | Foreign Affairs
    The Promise and Perils of the Synbio Revolution
    By Laurie Garrett
    November/December 2013
    Germs 2.0: the first self-replicating bacteria made in a lab, May 2010.
    Corbis / Thomas J. Deerinck / Science Photo Library

    In May 2010, the richest, most powerful man in biotechnology made a new creature. J. Craig Venter and his private-company team started with DNA and constructed a novel genetic sequence of more than one million coded bits of information known as nucleotides. Seven years earlier, Venter had been the first person in history to make a functioning creature from information. Looking at the strings of letters representing the DNA sequence for a virus called phi X174, which infects bacteria, he thought to himself, “I can assemble real DNA based on that computer information.” And so he did, creating a virus based

    [... zbytek je za paywall,,, ale zacina to dobre :D ]

    No, je z toho videt, ze kuci maji nejake sve zajmy.. a navzajem se "myslenkove oplodnuji", jak popsal Bilderberg polititolog Pehe... jeden z ceskych hostu Bilderbergu novinarum iDNESu.

    The Future of Cities | Foreign Affairs
    The Internet of Everything will Change How We Live
    By John Chambers and Wim Elfrink
    October 31, 2014

    As much as the Internet has already changed the world, it is the Web’s next phase that will bring the biggest opportunities, revolutionizing the way we live, work, play, and learn.

    Klaus Schwab 2016 implant microchip, french with engl. translation

    Unequal opportunities, microchip implants and other top stories of the week | World Economic Forum
    When your mobile phone isn’t mobile enough. Try an implanted microchip.

    These Workers Have Got a Microchip Implanted in Their Hand From Their Employer | World Economic Forum

    Thousands of Swedish people are swapping ID cards for microchips | World Economic Forum
    Thousands of Swedes are having microchips implanted into their bodies so that they don't need to carry key cards, IDs, and even train tickets.

    About 3,000 people in Sweden have inserted a microchip — which is as tiny as a grain of rice — under their skin over the past three years, Agence France-Presse reported. The technology was first used in the country in 2015.

    The implants have already helped replace the need for a host of daily necessities. Ulrika Celsing's microchip, which is in her hand, has replaced her gym card and office key card. When she enters her workplace, the 28-year-old simply waves her hand near a small box and types in a code before the doors open, AFP said.

    Last year, the state-owned SJ rail line started scanning the hands of passengers with biometric chips to collect their train fare while on board.

    Passengers on Swedish railway company SJ have started using microchips as tickets. Image: SJ
    There is no technological reason the chips couldn't also be used to buy things just like a contactless credit card, but nobody appears to have started testing that yet.

    'A slight sting'

    The procedure is similar to that of a piercing and involves a syringe injecting the chip into the person's hand. Celsing, who obtained her injection at a work event, told AFP she felt just a slight sting.

    But the chip implants could cause infections or reactions in the body's immune system, Ben Libberton, a microbiologist at MAX IV Laboratory in southern Sweden, told AFP.

    This clip from 2015 shows a microchip being inserted into a person's hand:

    via GIPHY

    The rise of 'biohacking'

    Biohacking — the modification of bodies with technology — is on the rise as more and more people start using tech wearables such as Apple Watches and FitBits.

    About four years ago, Swedish biohacking group Bionyfiken started organising "implant parties" — where groups of people insert chips into their hands en masse — in countries including the US, UK, France, Germany, and Mexico.

    Some 50 employees at Wisconsin vending-machine company Three Square Market voluntarily agreed to insert microchips into their hands, which they could then use to buy snacks, log in to computers, or use the photocopier.

    An X-ray of a hand with a microchip between the person's thumb and index finger.
    Swedes seem more willing to try the technology than most other nations.

    The country's 10 million-strong population is generally more willing to share personal details, which are already recorded by the country's social-security system and readily available. According to AFP, people can find each others' salaries by simply calling public tax authorities.

    Many of them also don't believe the microchip technology is advanced enough to be hacked. Libberton, the microbiologist, also said the data collected and shared by implants are too limited for users to fear hacking or surveillance.

    Bionyfiken founder Hannes Sjöblad told Tech Insider in 2015:

    "The human body is the next big platform. The connected body is already a phenomena. And this implant is just a part of it. [...]

    "We are updating our bodies with technology on a large scale already with wearables. But all of the wearables we wear today will be implantable in five to 10 years.

    "Who wants to carry a clumsy smartphone or smartwatch when you can have it in your fingernail? I think that is the direction where it is heading."

    Podcast: Beyond Human? | World Economic Forum
    This is episode 6 in a 10-part podcast series that will introduce listeners to the thinkers, entrepreneurs, and innovators who are already spotting the risks ahead, and seeking to guide humanity towards the land of ease and plenty that some believe is now within reach.

    Episode 1 - What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution?

    Episode 2 - Artificial Intelligence and you

    Episode 3 - A Revolution for the Environment?

    Episode 4 - Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

    Episode 5 - Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution

    New episodes will be published every Tuesday from January 23, 2018 through March 6 on iTunes, Spotify and SoundCloud.

    With advances in genetic engineering, neuroscience, pharmaceuticals and prosthetics, are we poised to enter a ‘post-human’ era? Will we jettison the limits nature imposed, even up to mortality itself? If so, to what end? Who will have access to these powerful tools, and what will become of those that do not?

    For episode 6 of ‘Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, we enter an ethical minefield with Rob Sparrow of Monash University, Melbourne; James Hughes, Executive Director of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies; Nita Farahany, Professor of Law and Philosophy at Duke University; Aldo Faisal, Senior Lecturer in Neurotechnology at Imperial College London; Lord Martin Rees, United Kingdom Astronomer Royal and founder of the Centre for the Study of Existential Risk; and Meghan O’Gieblyn, a writer and journalist.

    In the robot age, are you sure you're a human? | World Economic Forum
    To embrace this opportunity, however, we need to change our perspective. We need to understand why this world feels so upside-down, what we can do about it and how, as leaders, we can help others thrive in a world where relentless change is the new norm. We need to take back control, reframe the argument and start putting humans – not technology – first. We need to be more human


    The power of purpose
    Something I’ve noticed about change is that it makes people feel adrift: they lose sight of who they are, what they stand for and where they’re going in life. Yet, when they find their purpose, they feel anchored.

    Purpose acts as a reassuring compass that helps us thrive in the storm of change. It connects us to something bigger than ourselves – a core set of values that defines who we are. It also fosters a sense of community and human-to-human collaboration. Research shows that having a purpose even helps us live longer.


    Just imagine what we can achieve together when we scale this effect. We know that purposeful people work on purposeful brands. We also know that consumers are increasingly drawn to brands and products with an evident sense of social or environmental purpose. And we know that purpose-driven companies are valued more highly on the stock market. So, purpose not only drives us as humans, but it drives business too. Companies with purpose last, brands with purpose grow, and people with purpose thrive.

    Tohle uz se cte jak Hvezdne valky :) Nebo od nekoho pobozneho ci velice silne ideologicky zamereneho. Ucel. My leadri neseme kompas pro lidstvo. Pomuzeme koeexistenci robotu i lidi v miru.

    Why robots could replace teachers as soon as 2027 | World Economic Forum
    Tomorrow’s Teachers

    Robots will replace teachers by 2027.

    That’s the bold claim that Anthony Seldon, a British education expert, made at the British Science Festival in September.

    // no nic .. ty jejich related linky me nejak zasekly.. takze pro dnesek koncim.. imho obrazek z toho je celkem zretelny, kam to smeruje.. a o cem se nikde a nikdy vlastne skoro nemluvi.

    o smerovani k technokracii, ale i transformaci lidstva na vsech urovnich.. .biologicke, digitalni, mentalni, umele, virtualni...

    Průmysl 4.0 – Wikipedie

    V ČR taktez... tise se dejici zatimco vetsina populace resi Ukrajinu a ted i nedostatek a vysoka cena energii..

    Prumysl 4.0 , Velky reset jede navzdory vysledkum voleb vzdy nejakym tempem vpred..

    Takže běžný člověk ani neví, že Min. hospodářství ČR už má zpracovaný koncept Průmyslu 4.0 (Jak tomu tady v ČR říkáme) už od roku 2016.


    Převážně se to týká zejména té stranky automatizace v průmyslu a uplatnění AI a já nevim i VR/AR při práci..

    Ale i v tom českém dokumentu ministerstva o Průmyslu 4.0 najdeme i tyhle extrémní transhumanistické přesahy - augmentace, propojení s počítačem přes mozek, genetické modifikace, VR/AR ... a explicitně napsané znovu, že jde o kompletní změnu fungování lidské společnosti na všech úrovních.

    Je divu, že o kompletní změně fungování celé lidské společnosti není žádná veřejná debata? Jen nn Bilderbergech a jiných, kterým svěřujeme důvěru?
    GORG --- ---
    When it comes to meetings that determine the trajectory of global development, the first half of June was a busy time. The G7 Summit was held in Bavaria, and the Bilderberg Club conducted its annual meeting next door in Austria on June 14. Many of the participants in that club’s meetings carry more weight than the presidents and prime ministers from the Group of Seven. We know that each year, the presidents and chairmen of the boards of directors of banks and corporations with impressive brand names like JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Deutsche Bank, Lizard, Banco Santander, HSBC, Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, Alcoa, Google, etc. all meet as part of that club. Those brands are household names, and there is no denying the economic and political influence these banks and corporations wield all over the world.

    But some attendees of Bilderberg Club meetings represent organizations whose names mean little to the public. But that’s not because those organizations are less influential than Goldman Sachs, HSBC, or Royal Dutch Shell. On the contrary, their impact is often even greater, although they avoid the limelight. And that’s true, not only during meetings of the club, but also in everyday life. Organizations like this are rightly known for working «behind the scenes».

    In particular, Philipp Hildebrand, a vice chairman at BlackRock, made his appearance as one of the 140 participants at the meeting in Austria. Philipp Hildebrand is a man «widely known in narrow circles». A glance at his track record shows that in the past he has held positions such as IMF director for Switzerland, chairman of the Governing Board of the Swiss National Bank (SNB), director of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), and so on. And now he is a vice chairman at this little-known organization called BlackRock. But I would suggest that Blackrock’s influence is every bit as significant as JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley put together. In the past I have written that BlackRock is one of the Big Four – a group of huge financial holding companies that control many sectors of the economy in the US and abroad. Other members of the Big Four also include: the Vanguard Group; State Street Corporation; and FMR Corporation (Fidelity). Here is a brief sketch of BlackRock.

    The company’s very name, «black rock», is probably intended to convey an image of strength and solidity. In a recent article titled «The Wars of Wall Street» (May 13, 2015), Russian strategic analyst Elena Larina wrote: «…behind every well-known bank on Wall Street stand even more powerful and unregulated institutions. Those are asset management companies. The biggest and most mysterious of them is the BlackRock corporation headed by Larry Fink. Currently it manages assets – the vast majority of which are stocks – worth more than $4.5 trillion. Just one figure – $36.5 trillion – gives an idea of the extent of the firm’s predominance, and that number is slightly less than the capitalization of this company that is included in the S&P 500, meaning that BlackRock controls a significant part of corporate America».

    BlackRock (BR) is an international investment company headquartered in New York (USA). At the end of 2013 it had $4.57 trillion in assets under management. By mid-2014, those assets had grown to $4.77 trillion. Some experts believe that BlackRock controls more assets than any of the other Big Four firms.

    BlackRock is the youngest of the Big Four, founded in 1988. It has literally only been in the market for a quarter century, but has soared to heights beyond the reach of other companies. The company has a global presence, with 21 investment centers and 70 offices in 30 countries and with clients in 100 countries.

    And unlike the family-owned FMR, BlackRock is a public corporation with shares traded on the stock exchange. The principal owners of BR, if one can trust Wikipedia, are Bank of America (34.1 %), PNC Financial Services (24.6 %), and Barclays PLC (19.9 %). But that information is likely out of date. NASDAQ claims that as of Dec. 31, 2014, BR’s biggest shareholders (share capital, %) were: PNC Financial Services – 20.98; Norges Bank Investment Management – 7.15; Wellington Management Co. – 6.38; FMR – 4.16; Vanguard – 3.89; State Street – 3.43; and BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (BRITC) – 1.98. In additional to institutional investors, mutual funds also hold shares of BlackRock, as is typical. Almost every member of the pantheon of the Big Four is included in the top ten of these funds (six from the coterie of Vanguard, two from FMR, and another two have to be looked at separately).

    The biggest institutional shareholder is PNC Financial Services – an American financial company with $345 billion in assets at the end of 2014 and headquartered in Pittsburgh. But when we look at who owns PNC Financial Services, it appears that its five largest institutional investors include three of the Big Four. That would be Vanguard, State Street, and BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (BRITC). The last of these companies is a division of BlackRock – part of its empire.

    And the third largest institutional investor – Wellington Management Co. – is very closely linked to another member of the Big Four, the financial company Vanguard. Perhaps the only one of BR’s institutional investors that is relatively independent of the Big Four is the company Norges Bank Investment Management – a specialized division of the Norwegian central bank, which is responsible for investing the Pension Fund of Norway in the financial markets.

    Individual shareholders, primarily those who serve as the company’s senior managers, also invest in BlackRock. The five biggest individual investors own shares equal to 1.16% of the company’s capital (as of April 2015).6 The key figures in BlackRock’s management are: Laurence D. Fink – founder, chairman, and CEO; Robert S. Kapito – founder and co-president; Charles Hallac – co-president; and Susan Wagner – founder and member of the board of directors.

    It is worth noting that BlackRock has the smallest staff of any of the Big Four companies – numbering only 11,500 (in 2013). That works out to over $400 million in managed assets per BlackRock employee. That figure is beyond the reach of other companies and organizations in the American financial sector.

    Like the other Big Four companies, BlackRock owns a capital stake in the leading banks on Wall Street. But the company also has an appetite for European banks. In December 2009, BlackRock purchased Barclays Global Investors for $13.5 billion. As we see, BlackRock has a very intimate relationship with Barclays bank. That bank, by the way, took first place in a ranking created by the Institute of Technology in Zurich. The Rothschild-led Barclays Bank also held some staggering positions during the global financial crisis.

    Suffice it to say that in 2007, Barclays was the biggest institutional investor in some key Wall Street banks, such as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, and Bank of New York Mellon. Plus, Barclays was the second largest institutional investor in the US bank Wells Fargo. Incidentally, Barclays also held strong positions in many non-US banks. It is worth noting that BlackRock was as a major shareholder in those same banks as well (although not as significant a figure as Barclays). It could also be seen that BlackRock and Barclays seemed to work in tandem, but their codependence was not easy to establish.

    It can be difficult to figure out which end is the dog and which end is her tail and who is controlling whom. Is Barclays directing BlackRock or is BlackRock running the bank? But most experts are inclined to believe that it is BlackRock that is dominating the famous Barclays bank, which has always been associated with the Rothschild family. Therefore, a correction can be made to the Swiss rankings, in order to take into account BlackRock’s purchase of Barclays. The Swiss list of top ten companies did not previously include BlackRock, but now it can be added with confidence. If BlackRock assumes Barclays’ place, that will put it right at the top. The company is very influential, publishing the credit ratings of countries all over the world. According to its January 2013 rating, the most creditworthy country is Norway, followed by Singapore, Switzerland, Sweden, and Finland. BlackRock awarded the United States only 15th place.

    Of course BlackRock’s interests are not limited to banks. It buys shares in a wide spectrum of industries in different parts of the world. We have talked about how Fidelity owns a 7% stake in the world-famous company Google. And the second largest investor is BlackRock with 5.7%. NASDAQ provides information about the investment activity of several major divisions within the BlackRock financial holding company: BlackRock Group Ltd. (BRG), BlackRock Institutional Trust Company (BRITC); and BlackRock Fund Advisors (BRFA). See table 1.


    And so, many banks and companies that are represented at the annual meetings of the Bilderberg Club, are, to a greater or lesser extent, dependent on BlackRock. If Philipp Hildebrand spoke at the current conference, then I am sure the other attendees listened to him with particular attention and respect. For this reason, one of the best-informed people in the world, former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, once called BlackRock the most powerful financial corporation in the world.
    GORG --- ---
    Fact Check-Video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard ‘own all the biggest corporations in the world’ is missing context | Reuters
    However, spokespeople for both firms told Reuters that, while they do appear to own significant shares in the world’s biggest businesses, those shares are purchased using money belonging to their clients – and therefore the shareholders are ultimately their clients.


    Both Professor Edmans and Franklin Allen, a professor of finance and economics at Imperial College London (here), told Reuters they did not believe people should be concerned about Vanguard and BlackRock having significant shares in large companies.

    Meanwhile, Professor Pavlova said a concern could be that the two companies “may not accurately represent client preferences” when voting in invested companies on their behalf. She also acknowledged that both “try to be transparent in how they vote (by) publishing this information”.

    As company shareholders, BlackRock and Vanguard can vote on behalf of their clients at company shareholder meetings. Both firms also have “investment stewardship” functions, which enables the proxy votes.

    BlackRock’s spokesperson said the votes can also be carried out by a portfolio manager – and in some cases at BlackRock, can be carried out by the clients themselves (here).

    (V podstate tu opakuji ten argument, ze "klienti vlastni ty akcie, ne my", coz je samozrejme blbost. Investori jim dali penize, oni jim za ne poskytuji nejake sluzby.

    Pokud by financni system a BlackRock/Vanguard zbankrovtoval, muzou byt investice klientu pouzity na umoreni dluhu fondu.. Podobne plati pro penize, ktere mame v bankach.)

    Tady uvadi odkaz na

    Fact Check-Video claiming BlackRock and Vanguard ‘own all the biggest corporations in the world’ is missing context | Reuters

    // zajimave , ze v dobe psani tohodle jejich textu , kdyz koluji hodne ta videa o Vanguardu a BlackRock, tak BlackRock vydelai tenhle statement, ze chystaji "rozsirit" moznosti investoru, aby se podileli na volbach valne hromady stakeholderu.

    Tam popisuji, jak je ted v roce 2022 napadlo chystat nabidnout nejake "vetsi" moznosti v pristupu k hlasovani v ramci jejich BIS(BlackRock Investment Shareholder) . Nejakou formu tam zrejme uz meli, ale co je to "vetsi"? Evidente ne ve stejne roli jako u skutecneho vlastnika, coz jsou oni.

    Za me tyhle lidi z podobnych spolecnosti jsou jedni z nejneduverihodnejsich lidi na tehle planete a neveril bych jim ani dobry den.. Ale tyhle lidi umi rikat ty spravne kecy jak jejich "cilem je aby investori meli ohromnou moznost podilet se na blablablabla".

    Ale jake jsou moznosti podilet se na hlasovani stakeholderu a jak se to ma lisit v tom, co shodou okolnosti ted teprve chystaji, se tam nikde nevysvetluje. Jen spousta tech klasickych fluffy PR kecu.

    Vsiml jsem si, ze sice Reuters clanek nasledujici popisuje jako, ze klienti maji takovou moznost, ve skutecnosti se tam mluvi v budoucim case
    Working to expand proxy voting choice for our clients

    BlackRock’s role is to help our clients achieve their long-term financial goals. Core to this is the fact that the money we manage is not our own; it belongs to our clients. We work hard to stay ahead of our clients’ needs by delivering them the widest set of choices across everything we do so they can choose what works best for them.

    Our view is the choices we make available to clients should also extend to proxy voting. We believe clients should, where possible, have more choices as to how they participate in voting their index holdings.

    Beginning in 2022, BlackRock is taking the first in a series of steps to expand the opportunity for clients to participate in proxy voting decisions where legally and operationally viable. To do this, BlackRock has been developing new technology and working with industry partners over the past several years to enable a significant expansion in proxy voting choices for more clients.

    Much like asset allocation and portfolio construction, where some clients take an active role while others outsource these decisions to us, more of our clients are interested in having a say in how their index holdings are voted. We want to provide choice to these clients while continuing to support those who have selected BlackRock’s industry-leading investment stewardship team to vote on their behalf.

    These voting choice options will first be available to institutional clients invested in index strategies – within institutional separate accounts globally and certain pooled funds managed by BlackRock in the U.S. and UK. Approximately 40% of the $4.8 trillion index equity assets we manage1 for our clients will be eligible for these new voting options.

    While we are offering clients more choice in how their index holdings are voted, BlackRock Investment Stewardship (BIS), our independent investment stewardship team, remains central to BlackRock’s fiduciary approach. In seeking client feedback to develop this capability, we heard that many clients want BIS to continue voting on their behalf, while we also heard from clients interested in greater participation in proxy voting.

    Since its inception two decades ago, BIS has grown to be one of the largest investment stewardship teams in the asset management industry. This reflects the importance we place on engaging with the boards and management of the companies that we invest in on behalf of clients, advocating for sound corporate governance and sustainable business models to support long-term financial returns. BIS is also an industry leader in providing transparency regarding our stewardship efforts. Learn more about BlackRock’s commitment to Investment Stewardship and find information on BIS policies, corporate engagement, and proxy votes.

    BlackRock is committed to exploring all options to expand proxy voting choice to even more investors, including those invested in ETFs, index mutual funds and other products. This initiative will require the cooperation of additional partners across the investment and proxy voting ecosystem. In certain instances, it will also require regulatory and operational system change.

    // jak to tak ctu, tak clanek Reuters dosti mystifukuje o tom, jaky rozsah moznosti zasahovat do voleb predstavenstva momentalni maji. Tady se zcela evidentne mluvi o nejakych budoucich zmenach.
    Ze budou mit "vetsi" moznost o necem rozhodovat.
    GORG --- ---
    heh u yt commentu Have long grass.. this is what the Police State you live under's response is. Probably the Long Grass SWAT team unit

    What is a Code Case? | Austin Code Department

    jakoze oni to promotuji jakoze jo v duchu, ze by na nekoho mohl spadnout barak.
    takhle jdou imho vzdy na lidi... pres neco rozumnyho... no jasne... prece nechceme aby nekoho zabila omitka... nebo dvere.. kdyby treba dvere mely rozbitou kliku nebo okno neslo otevrit, people can die!

    takze inspektori kodu musi prosetrit , jestli je vsechno v cajku. a pokud chcete, muzete nekoho udat.

    podobnou vec protlacili v CR pred par lety pod rouskou , ze musi urad (bez soudniho povoleni ke vstupu) mit moznost proverit, ze tam nepalite v krbu neco nevhodneho. opet jakoby rozumna vec, ale a) tohle muze zjistit klidne dron se senzory z komina b) tohle je zasadni naruseni ustavnich prav na vlastni pozemku..... to, co maji v Austinu, je zjevne o tri prdele dal...


    jinak ad tu lure pointy... velky reset je hodne promotovanej, jakoze lidem da nove koncetiny, hluchy budou moct slyset, implantovane cipy vam budou otvirat dvere, muzete platit.. nemusite cekat ve fronte
    ale tu druhou stranu v promotion clovek neuvidi.. co to bude znamenat do dusledku, kdyz se to pojme jako vzdy. nastroj k zotroceni.. k nejdokonalejsimu , ktere kdy lidstvo vynalezlo. pritom stacila jen troska fanatismu.

    Rict si predpripravenou otazku "Nektere domy prece ale opravdu ohrozuji kolemjdouci!" nebo "Ty jsi proti tomu, aby invalidi mohli chodit!"

    U COVID vakciny je to i ten spor s neskonalou snahou lidstva vyresit vsechny nemoci... mRNA technologie, co muze lecit i rakovinu. a celou radu dalsich nemoci... "ON je proti mRNA!" zneuctil tim samotneho Boha vedy a ten nas mozna ztresta nejaky tornadem nebo hurikanem. Na tehle urovni je soucasna veda :)
    Celej ten koncept Gaia je od zacatku propagovanej soubezne

    Beyond Anthropocentrism: UN General Assembly acknowledges Earth Jurisprudence - Gaia Foundation
    Called for by the UN General Assembly itself, the dialogue is an important recognition from the UN that the anthropocentric worldview that underpins our exploitative, injust economic, legal and governance systems, is the ultimate source of the multiple ecological, social and economic crises we now face.

    James Lovelock talks about his Gaia hypothesis and climate change in 2014 interview – video | Environment | The Guardian

    James Lovelock: Gaia theory creator on coronavirus and turning 101 - BBC News
    British scientist James Lovelock says population growth means something like the virus is "almost inevitable".

    Gaia evolves through a cybernetic feedback system operated unconsciously by the biota, leading to broad
    stabilization of the conditions of habitability in a full homeostasis. Many processes in the Earth's surface essential for
    the conditions of life depend on the interaction of living forms, especially microorganisms, with inorganic elements.
    These processes establish a global control system that regulates Earth's surface temperature, atmosphere composition
    and ocean salinity, powered by the global thermodynamic desequilibrium state of the Earth system

    Gaia hypothesis - Wikipedia
    After initially receiving little attention from scientists (from 1969 until 1977), thereafter for a period the initial Gaia hypothesis was criticized by a number of scientists, including Ford Doolittle,[54] Richard Dawkins[55] and Stephen Jay Gould.[48] Lovelock has said that because his hypothesis is named after a Greek goddess, and championed by many non-scientists,[42] the Gaia hypothesis was interpreted as a neo-Pagan religion. Many scientists in particular also criticized the approach taken in his popular book Gaia, a New Look at Life on Earth for being teleological—a belief that things are purposeful and aimed towards a goal. Responding to this critique in 1990, Lovelock stated, "Nowhere in our writings do we express the idea that planetary self-regulation is purposeful, or involves foresight or planning by the biota".

    Stephen Jay Gould criticized Gaia as being "a metaphor, not a mechanism."[56] He wanted to know the actual mechanisms by which self-regulating homeostasis was achieved. In his defense of Gaia, David Abram argues that Gould overlooked the fact that "mechanism", itself, is a metaphor — albeit an exceedingly common and often unrecognized metaphor — one which leads us to consider natural and living systems as though they were machines organized and built from outside (rather than as autopoietic or self-organizing phenomena). Mechanical metaphors, according to Abram, lead us to overlook the active or agent quality of living entities, while the organismic metaphors of the Gaia hypothesis accentuate the active agency of both the biota and the biosphere as a whole.[57][58] With regard to causality in Gaia, Lovelock argues that no single mechanism is responsible, that the connections between the various known mechanisms may never be known, that this is accepted in other fields of biology and ecology as a matter of course, and that specific hostility is reserved for his own hypothesis for other reasons.[59]

    Aside from clarifying his language and understanding of what is meant by a life form, Lovelock himself ascribes most of the criticism to a lack of understanding of non-linear mathematics by his critics, and a linearizing form of greedy reductionism in which all events have to be immediately ascribed to specific causes before the fact. He also states that most of his critics are biologists but that his hypothesis includes experiments in fields outside biology, and that some self-regulating phenomena may not be mathematically explainable.[59]

    Natural selection and evolution
    Lovelock has suggested that global biological feedback mechanisms could evolve by natural selection, stating that organisms that improve their environment for their survival do better than those that damage their environment. However, in the early 1980s, W. Ford Doolittle and Richard Dawkins separately argued against this aspect of Gaia. Doolittle argued that nothing in the genome of individual organisms could provide the feedback mechanisms proposed by Lovelock, and therefore the Gaia hypothesis proposed no plausible mechanism and was unscientific.[54] Dawkins meanwhile stated that for organisms to act in concert would require foresight and planning, which is contrary to the current scientific understanding of evolution.[55] Like Doolittle, he also rejected the possibility that feedback loops could stabilize the system.

    Lynn Margulis, a microbiologist who collaborated with Lovelock in supporting the Gaia hypothesis, argued in 1999 that "Darwin's grand vision was not wrong, only incomplete. In accentuating the direct competition between individuals for resources as the primary selection mechanism, Darwin (and especially his followers) created the impression that the environment was simply a static arena". She wrote that the composition of the Earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere are regulated around "set points" as in homeostasis, but those set points change with time.[60]

    Evolutionary biologist W. D. Hamilton called the concept of Gaia Copernican, adding that it would take another Newton to explain how Gaian self-regulation takes place through Darwinian natural selection.[33][better source needed] More recently Ford Doolittle building on his and Inkpen's ITSNTS (It's The Song Not The Singer) proposal[61] proposed that differential persistence can play a similar role to differential reproduction in evolution by natural selections, thereby providing a possible reconciliation between the theory of natural selection and the Gaia hypothesis.[62]

    Criticism in the 21st century
    The Gaia hypothesis continues to be broadly skeptically received by the scientific community. For instance, arguments both for and against it were laid out in the journal Climatic Change in 2002 and 2003. A significant argument raised against it are the many examples where life has had a detrimental or destabilising effect on the environment rather than acting to regulate it.[7][8] Several recent books have criticised the Gaia hypothesis, expressing views ranging from "... the Gaia hypothesis lacks unambiguous observational support and has significant theoretical difficulties"[63] to "Suspended uncomfortably between tainted metaphor, fact, and false science, I prefer to leave Gaia firmly in the background"[9] to "The Gaia hypothesis is supported neither by evolutionary theory nor by the empirical evidence of the geological record".[64] The CLAW hypothesis,[18] initially suggested as a potential example of direct Gaian feedback, has subsequently been found to be less credible as understanding of cloud condensation nuclei has improved.[65] In 2009 the Medea hypothesis was proposed: that life has highly detrimental (biocidal) impacts on planetary conditions, in direct opposition to the Gaia hypothesis.[66]

    In a 2013 book-length evaluation of the Gaia hypothesis considering modern evidence from across the various relevant disciplines, Toby Tyrrell concluded that: "I believe Gaia is a dead end*. Its study has, however, generated many new and thought provoking questions. While rejecting Gaia, we can at the same time appreciate Lovelock's originality and breadth of vision, and recognize that his audacious concept has helped to stimulate many new ideas about the Earth, and to champion a holistic approach to studying it".[67] Elsewhere he presents his conclusion "The Gaia hypothesis is not an accurate picture of how our world works".[68] This statement needs to be understood as referring to the "strong" and "moderate" forms of Gaia—that the biota obeys a principle that works to make Earth optimal (strength 5) or favourable for life (strength 4) or that it works as a homeostatic mechanism (strength 3). The latter is the "weakest" form of Gaia that Lovelock has advocated. Tyrrell rejects it. However, he finds that the two weaker forms of Gaia—Coeveolutionary Gaia and Influential Gaia, which assert that there are close links between the evolution of life and the environment and that biology affects the physical and chemical environment—are both credible, but that it is not useful to use the term "Gaia" in this sense and that those two forms were already accepted and explained by the processes of natural selection and adaptation.[69]

    // jake to bude prekvapeni, az zjistime, ze pohanska stara okultni vira je v samotnem ustredi vedeckeho konsensu?
    GORG --- ---
    Ono totiz se furt resi ruska propaganda a jak je rafinovana, ale rafinovanou muze mit i Zapad.

    Neni pritom nijak slozity vytvorit si nejaky fake account a hazet tam svou jakoze ruskou propagandu a frejmovat tak ten narrativ , aniz by k tomu bylo Rusko potreba.

    Je na tom ted ukazkove videt s jakou automatikou je zdroj te informace prisouzen Rusku, prestoze ani neexistuje zadny fakticky duvod si to myslet. Ale pritom takhle uvazovat je vitano. a brano jako takove to seriozni uvazovani. Nejen tu na diskuzacich ale i v samotnych mediich.

    Controlling the narrative - Wikispooks
    Seeding the narrative
    Quickly providing people with something to believe in is an important part of controlling the narrative, to prevent people from exercising their curiosity and potentially reaching unwanted conclusions as a result.

    Within 10 minutes of the second twin tower being hit in the World Trade Center ... CNN said Osama bin Laden had done it. That was a planned piece of disinformation by the real perpetrators. It created an instant mindset and put public opinion into a trance, which prevented even intelligent people from thinking for themselves. - Hamid Gul interview (September 26 2001)[1]

    Controlled opposition
    The use of controlled opposition, such as official opposition narrative allows for an easy way to frame the debate. As long as discussion centres on two alternatives, both of which have been pre-selected (like in the case of party politics) allows for confidence that its conclusion will not stray into unwanted areas.

    Quick response
    When an alternative narrative emerges, the speed of the response id often more important than its quality. For example, on 3 June 2020 the Telegraph broke the news that Richard Dearlove believed that COVID-19's origins were artificial, i.e. that the virus was the result of genetic modification.[2] On 9 June the Guardian carried a story by Peter Daszak entitled Ignore the conspiracy theories: Scientists know Covid-19 wasn't created in a lab, which initially made no mention of Daszak's long term working relationship with Zhengli Shi and the Wuhan Institute of Virology BSL-4 lab.[3]

    Jinak jako hodne zradne vidim i tvrzeni, ze samotne pochyby o cemkoliv, jsou ruska propaganda. Mit pochyby, ze je vlastne nechtena vlasnost, kdyz ma clovek, o nekterych vecech proste nikdy ani nepochybovat.. nemit kriticke mysleni.

    A to prestoze casto o kritickem mysleni mluvi, ale jindy kriticke mysleni oznaci za techniku ruske propagandy :-)

    Frejmujou to tak, ze ruska propagaenda se snazi vytvorit chaos v informaci, aby clovek uz nevedel, cemu verit, a o vsem pochyboval.
    To je klidne mozny, ale pokud si nekdo zakaze mit pochyby, tak je to kluzka plocha, aby fakt uz rade vecem jen veril.... protoze Putin chce, abychom o vsem pochybovali.
    GORG --- ---
    Fact check: Kary Mullis quote on PCR tests is outdated, lacks context
    Mullis on PCR testing
    The quote in question stems from a July 1997 meeting in Santa Monica, California, where Mullis spoke about the high sensitivity levels of PCR tests and how results can be misinterpreted.

    In response to a question from an audience member about how PCR tests can be misused, Mullis says the test itself can’t be misused, but rather the interpretations of it can, because the test creates “a whole lot of something from something.”

    “If they could find this virus in you at all, and with the PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody,” Mullis said. “It starts to get you to believe in some kind of Buddhist notion, where everything is contained there and everything in between.”

    Mullis added that someone with HIV is generally going to have “almost anything that you can test for” and “there’s a good chance you’ve also got a lot of other ones.”

    His comments were related to his argument that PCR tests shouldn't be used to diagnose AIDS. For years, Mullis denied that HIV was the cause of AIDS.

    The post cites Mullis's quote – in the midst of a pandemic where PCR tests are frequently used to diagnose COVID-19 – without clarifying his comments were tied to HIV, not the coronavirus. Health experts say the tests are the most accurate and reliable tests available for diagnosing . PCR technology has also advanced since Mullis made the comments in the 1990s.


    Our rating: Missing context
    Based on our research, we rate MISSING CONTEXT the claim that Mullis said PCR tests can detect "anything in anybody" and can't tell you if you're sick, because it can be misleading without additional information. The quote included in the post is from 1997, and Mullis was speaking about how he opposed using PCR tests to detect the HIV virus. The comment is not related to COVID-19, and health experts say PCR tests are accurate and reliable in detecting COVID-19.

    // zajimave... TL,DR debunku je, ze on tehdy mluvil o viru HIV. coz je pritom irelevantni.

    clanek se snazi vytvorit mylny dojem, ze tohle nikdo nevi, ze mluvil o HIV.

    jinde debunky se zas toci kolem toho, ze Mullis zemrel v rijnu 2019, coz je pry "dlouho" pred epidemii korony. No nevim jestli ty tri mesice je zrovna "dlouha doba", ale vtip je opet v tom, ze se snazi manipulativne vytvaret dojem, ze snad nekdo tvrdi, ze se Mullis vyjadroval k testum na COVID.

    opet se klasicky debunkuji strawmany.. tedy neco, co nikdo netvrdi, nebo nekde vyskrabali na facebooku od nekoho, aby potopili debatu o vyhradach Mullise k diagnostice viru

    __ k tomu se naopak nevyjadrujou __... a jen se odkazujou na nazory odborniku, ze PCR testy na COVID jsou uznavanym zlatym standartem.

    podobne tu

    The inventor of PCR never said it wasn’t designed to detect infectious diseases - Full Fact

    tam jakob vyvraci tvrzeni, ze PCR test neni schopny detekovat virus.

    opet tohle nikdo prece netvrdi. PCR test umi detekovat geneticky material viru. to nikdo nerozporuje.

    Mullis mluvil o tom, ze PCR technologie neni vhodna na diagnostiku, kdy nevime, co tam hledame.

    Je vhodna na vyzkum ale na diagnostiku jakehokoliv viru. Muze byt vhodna jako doplnkovy test u pacienta, u ktereho vime, ze je nemocny virem X, a tak muzeme sledovat jeho pritomnost a i pomoci mnozstvi pouzitych cT cyklu i treba urcit mnozstvi genetickeho materialu.... tedy rekneme ustup nebo progres nemoci.... ale ne na detekci lidi bez uvazeni amamnezy pacienta.

    proste neco, co uz proste je 3 roky tezke tabu. a kdyz uz to odkazovani na Mulise nekdo debunkuje, tak ze zasady ignoruje ten jeho podstatny point a odkazuji se na duveru v autority ("Dnesni PCR testy jsou modernejsi a uznavane zdravotni autority je povazuji za velice dobry nastroj na detekci viru Sars-Cov2")

    Debunk clanky tuhle hlavni problematiku PCR , o ktere mluvil vynalezce Mulis, pretaci na malovani tech, co ho cituji, jako blbce co si ani neumi zjistit, ze zemrel jeste pred vypuknutim Covidu, resp. ze mluvil o HIV, coz pry neni koronavirus.. .proste delaji z lidi uplny idioty, a zaroven ignoruji tu hlavni namitku , jak je nevhodne a zneuzitelne pri nevhodnem pouziti takhle mnozit geneticky material nejakych fragmentu pro ucely diagnostiky.
    RIVA --- ---
    Forwarded from Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar

    A friend was recently in receipt of a letter asking “how she planned to align her small medical devices company with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030?”

    This is appalling. Nobody died & left this unelected body in charge.

    Her response is below. Please feel free to use any of it if you receive the same enquiry.

    Best wishes

    From: Alexandra Latypova
    Sent: Monday, July 11, 2022 8:51 PM
    Subject: Regarding UN Sustainable Development Goals

    UN is an unelected, unaccountable organization whose pronouncements have no bearing on our company's bylaws, management principles and corporate governance. We resent the implication that they do. We do not support UN's "Sustainable Development Goals" and related ideology as we believe it is vague, self-contradictory, unimplementable and overall damaging framework designed to promote the interests of wealthy and powerful individuals and corporations at the expense of the working people globally. "Sustainability" is a purposefully undefined but pleasantly sounding nonsense. The 17 "goals" made up by overpaid bureaucrats are designed to obfuscate the reality - the monopolizing of control over the world's resources and subjugation of the people who never consented to be governed in this manner.

    As an example of absurdity, the core of the SDG program for development and poverty reduction relies on industrial growth — ever-increasing levels of extraction, production, and consumption. Goal 8 calls for 7% annual GDP growth in the least developed countries and higher levels of economic productivity across the board, calling for less and more at the same time. The most recent example of SDG in action is the devastating collapse of the entire country of Sri Lanka precipitated by capricious "sustainability" burdens such as bans on fertilizer and ban on non-organic farming which led to widespread hardship and civil unrest. Widespread protests of farmers are currently ongoing in the Netherlands and other European countries. The hardworking people are pushed to the brink of despair by the SDG inspired "green" nonsense while UN's corporate sponsors like Bill Gates are simultaneously purchasing all arable land in sight. "Sustainable water" agenda comes with Nestle's sponsorship which aims to have all freshwater on Earth owned by corporations. "Health" goals are sponsored by the global pharmaceutical companies and, unsurprisingly, aim at increasing government purchases of drugs, elimination of individual health choices and informed consent as already demonstrated by the global covid-19 policies to date.

    In summary, we do not support UN and its agenda 2030. We think nobody should. Collectivist utopias have led to devastation both human and environmental every single time they were attempted, and UN's SDG is yet another attempt. We strongly believe in the individual rights to free thought, expression and self-determination, as only truly free individuals can build a just, moral, non-fraudulent society for common good.
    GORG --- ---
    Nazi "Ecology"
    Nazi "Ecology"

    Frank Furedi:

    "What we today call 'environmentalism' is ... based on a fear of change. It's based upon a fear of the outcome of human action. And therefore it's not surprising that when you look at the more xenophobic right-wing movements in Europe in the 19th century, including German fascism, it quite often had a very strong environmentalist dynamic to it. The most notorious environmentalists in history were the German Nazis. The Nazis ordered soldiers to plant more trees. They were the first Europeans to establish nature reserves and order the protection of hedgerows and other wildlife habitats. And they were horrified at the idea of hydroelectric dams on the Rhine. Adolf Hitler and other leading Nazis were vegetarian and they passed numerous laws on animal rights."

    (The above paragraph is from the transcript of the British channel 4 documentary "Against Nature," whose political direction came from Furedi's libertarian magazine, now out of business. I extracted this passage from Ron Arnold's Committee in Defense of Free Enterprise web-page, where the transcript is featured as a "guest editorial." Arnold is best known as the leader of the "Wise Use" movement, a right-wing anti-environmentalist group.)

    The fundamental mistake that capitalist apologist Frank Furedi makes is to assume that the Nazi party introduced nature worship into German society. Nature worship in Germany goes back to the origins of modern romanticism. It was felt almost everywhere, from the writings of Goethe to the symphonies of Mahler. Students at the University of Heidelberg had hiking clubs through the entire 19th century. The Social Democracy had such clubs as well and they were viewed as an integral part of the character development of young Marxists. A recent biography of Walter Benjamin points out how important such nature hikes were to him. It was part of the general German culture, which influenced the both socialist and ultraright parties, including Hitler's.

    It is important to understand that the feeling of loss that the industrial revolution brought on was very widespread throughout Europe and was not peculiar to Germany. Thomas Carlyle articulated this feeling of loss and the pre-Raphaelite school was a movement based on such a desire to return to pre-industrial roots. Carlyle influenced John Ruskin and William Morris, two important anti-capitalist thinkers. He also strongly influenced Frederic Engels' "Condition of the Working Class in England" and is cited frequently.

    It is much more profitable for those of us in the Marxist tradition to concentrate on historical and social phenomena. In that context, there are some interesting developments that took place in the first year or so of Nazi rule that might be interpreted as having a greenish tinge. I speak now of their call for social transformation through a synthesis of urban and rural life, which was called "rurban" values by Arthur Schweitzer in his "Big Business and the Third Reich." The Nazis promoted the view that the class-struggle in the city could be overcome by returning to the villages and developing artisan and agricultural economies based on cooperation. Ayrans needed to get back to the soil and simple life.

    The core of Nazi rural socialism was the idea that land-use must be planned. Gottfried Feder was a leading Nazi charged with the duty of formulating such policy. He made a speech in Berlin in 1934 in which he stated that the right to build homes or factories or to use land according to the personal interests of owners was to be abolished. The government instead would dictate how land was to be used and what would be constructed on it. Feder next began to build up elaborate administrative machinery to carry out his plans.

    Not surprisingly, Feder earned the wrath of the construction industry. This segment of heavy industry had no tolerance for any kind of socialism, even if it was of the fake, nutty Nazi variety. Hitler had promised the captains of heavy industry that the "rabble-rousers" in his party would be curbed and Feder certainly fell into that category.

    Hjalmar Schacht was a more reliable Nazi functionary who agreed with the need to curb Feder's excesses. After Hitler named Schacht Minister of Economics on November 26, 1934, he gave Feder the boot and assured the construction magnates that business would be run as usual.

    Consider also Walter Schoenichen, an aide to Herman Goering who in his capacity as Minister of the German Forests supervised the "Germanization" of forests in conquered territories. In 1941, the Nazis took control of the Bialowieza forest in Lithuania and they resolved to turn it into a hunting reserve for top officers. Open season was declared on the Jews, who made up 12 percent of the population in this region and who violated the ethnic purity of the proposed game farm. Five hundred and fifty Jews were rounded up and shot in the courtyard of a hunting palace operated by Battalion 332 of Von Bock's army division. Goring decided that the purified forest should be altered into an extension of the East Prussian forests. An SS team led by Konrad Mayer, who had been Minister of Agriculture at Berlin University, planned a colonization program that would "Germanize" the forest. Poles, and any remaining Jews, were reduced to the status of barnyard animals to be penned up or slaughtered.

    Schoenichen jumped at the opportunity to administer this program. This "total landscape plan" would first empty villages and then the unpopulated forest would be stocked with purely "Teutonic" species, including eagles, elk, and wolves. Since there was a painting of a bison on Goring's wall, it was crucial to include this beast in the menagerie.

    Any reasonable person would understand that the gangsters terrorizing Jews and Poles in order to set up a "Teutonic" zoo have nothing in common with today's greens, even those who embrace some of the more reactionary aspects of deep ecology. Nazi "ecology" is a contradiction in terms. The Nazis did not want to protect nature, but to transform large swaths of it into something resembling Wagnerian opera backdrops. Furthermore, the murderous assault on peasants who had the misfortune to live in these vicinities is just the opposite of what groups such as Greenpeace or Survival International fight for today. They seek the right of indigenous peoples to live in peace in their natural surroundings. While some conservative, well-financed environmentalist groups have unfortunately neglected the rights of indigenous peoples in campaigns to protect endangered species, the more radical groups have a relatively spotless record.

    Furthermore, the notion of importing "Teutonic" animals into the Lithuanian forest is antithetical to genuine ecology, which attempts to preserve the natural balance between indigenous species and their environments.

    The first radical environmentalists in charge of a state were actually the Soviet Communists. Douglas R. Weiner's "Models of Nature: Ecology, Conservation, and Cultural Revolution in Soviet Union" (Indiana Univ., 1988) is, as far as I know, the most detailed account of the efforts of the Russian government to implement a "green" policy.

    The Communist Party issued a decree "On Land" in 1918. It declared all forests, waters, and minerals to be the property of the state, a prerequisite to rational use. When the journal "Forests of the Republic" complained that trees were being chopped down wantonly, the Soviet government issued a stern decree "On Forests" at a meeting chaired by Lenin in May of 1918. From then on, forests would be divided into an exploitable sector and a protected one. The purpose of the protected zones would specifically be to control erosion, protect water basins and the "preservation of monuments of nature." This last stipulation is very interesting when you compare it to the damage that is about to take place in China as a result of the Yangtze dam. The beautiful landscapes which inspired Chinese artists and poets for millennia is about to disappear, all in the name of heightened "productiveness."

    What's surprising is that the Soviet government was just as protective of game animals as the forests, this despite the revenue-earning possibilities of fur. The decree "On Hunting Seasons and the Right to Possess Hunting Weapons" was approved by Lenin in May 1919. It banned the hunting of moose and wild goats and brought the open seasons in spring and summer to an end. These were some of the main demands of the conservationists prior to the revolution and the Communists satisfied them completely. The rules over hunting were considered so important to Lenin that he took time out from deliberations over how to stop the White Armies in order to meet with the agronomist Podiapolski.

    Podialpolski urged the creation of "zapovedniki", roughly translatable as "nature preserves." Russian conservationists had pressed this long before the revolution. In such places, there would be no shooting, clearing, harvesting, mowing, sowing or even the gathering of fruit. The argument was that nature must be left alone. These were not even intended to be tourist meccas. They were intended as ecological havens where all species, flora and fauna would maintain the "natural equilibrium [that] is a crucial factor in the life of nature."

    Podiapolski recalls the outcome of the meeting with Lenin:

    "Having asked me some questions about the military and political situation in the Astrakhan' region, Vladimir Ilich expressed his approval for all of our initiatives and in particular the one concerning the project for the zapovednik. He stated that the cause of conservation was important not only for the Astrakhan krai [region], but for the whole republic as well."

    Podiapolski sat down and drafted a resolution that eventually was approved by the Soviet government in September 1921 with the title "On the Protection of Nature, Gardens, and Parks." A commission was established to oversee implementation of the new laws. It included a geographer-anthropologist, a mineralogist, two zoologists, an ecologist. Heading it was Vagran Ter-Oganesov, a Bolshevik astronomer who enjoyed great prestige.

    The commission first established a forest zapovednik in Astrakhan, according to Podiapolski's desires Next it created the Ilmenski zapovednik, a region which included precious minerals. Despite this, the Soviet government thought that Miass deposits located there were much more valuable for what they could teach scientists about geological processes. Scientific understanding took priority over the accumulation of capital. The proposal was endorsed by Lenin himself who thought that pure scientific research had to be encouraged. And this was at a time when the Soviet Union was desperate for foreign currency.

    Under Lenin, the USSR stood for the most audacious approach to nature conservancy in the 20th century. Soviet agencies set aside vast portions of the country where commercial development, including tourism, would be banned. These "zapovedniki", or natural preserves, were intended for nothing but ecological study. Scientists sought to understand natural biological processes better through these living laboratories. This would serve pure science and it would also have some ultimate value for Soviet society's ability to interact with nature in a rational manner. For example, natural pest elimination processes could be adapted to agriculture.

    After Lenin's death, there were all sorts of pressures on the Soviet Union to adapt to the norms of the capitalist system that surrounded and hounded it and produce for profit rather than human need. This would have included measures to remove the protected status of the zapovedniki. Surprisingly, the Soviet agencies responsible for them withstood such pressures and even extended their acreage through the 1920s.

    One of the crown jewels was the Askania-Nova zapovednik in the Ukranian steppes. The scientists in charge successfully resisted repeated bids by local commissars to extend agriculture into the area through the end of the 1920s. Scientists still enjoyed a lot of prestige in the Soviet republic, despite a growing move to make science cost-justify itself. Although pure science would eventually be considered "bourgeois", the way it was in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, it could stand on its own for the time being.

    The head administrator of Askania-Nova was Vladimir Stanchinksi, a biologist who sought to make the study of ecology an exact science through the use of quantitative methods, including mathematics and statistics. He identified with scientists in the West who had been studying predator-prey and parasite-host relationships with laws drawn from physics and chemistry. (In this he was actually displaying an affinity with Karl Marx, who also devoted a number of years to the study of agriculture using the latest theoretical breakthroughs in the physical sciences and agronomy. Marx's study led him to believe that capitalist agriculture is detrimental to sound agricultural practices.)

    Stanchinski adopted a novel approach to ecology. He thought that "the quantity of living matter in the biosphere is directly dependent on the amount of solar energy that is transformed by autotrophic plants." Such plants were the "economic base of the living world." He invoked the Second Law of Thermodynamics to explain the variations in mass between flora and fauna at the top, middle and bottom of the biosphere. Energy was lost as each rung in the ladder was scaled, since more and more work was necessary to procure food.

    We recognize that separating humanity from nature, from the
    whole of life, leads to humankind's own destruction and to the
    death of nations. Only through a re-integration of humanity
    into the whole of nature can our people be made stronger.
    That is the fundamental point of the biological tasks of our
    age. Humankind alone is no longer the focus of thought, but
    rather life as a whole . . . This striving toward connectedness
    with the totality of life, with nature itself, a nature into which
    we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of
    National Socialist thought
    :' 1

    As we celebrate Earth Week, it might seem obvious that ecological thinking and aims are always aligned with moral behavior and compassion. But that isn’t always the case, and it certainly wasn’t the case in Weimar and Nazi Germany where the field of modern ecology emerged.
    Surprisingly, Nazi leadership ardently championed renewable energy, and institutionalized organic farming and land use planning on a level unmatched by any nation past or present. These environmental policies might seem like a welcome departure from the rest of the Nazi program, but their environmentalism was actually grounded in the same racist worldview that shaped the Holocaust.

    Despite the racist underpinnings of Nazi environmentalism, the desire to live in better partnership with the planet and participate in contemporary environmental activism does not make one a Nazi. Exploring how to live well with one another and nonhuman life on this planet is, undoubtedly, a vital task of this generation. But this task demands that we understand the origins of our modern ecological science and some of the devastating ways that those ideas can be operationalized.

    In the latter half of the nineteenth century in Germany, the volkisch movement emerged—a vision of social change that united profoundly racist and, specifically, antisemitic thinking with nature mysticism. As historian Peter Staudenmaier writes in “Fascist Ecology: The ‘Green Wing’ of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents,” “[i]n the face of the very real dislocations brought on by the triumph of industrial capitalism and national unification, volkisch thinkers preached a return to the land, to the simplicity and wholeness of a life attuned to nature’s purity.” He explains that this movement “refused to locate the sources of alienation, rootlessness and environmental destruction in social structures, laying the blame instead to rationalism, cosmopolitanism, and urban civilization. The stand-in for all of these was the age-old object of peasant hatred and middle-class resentment: the Jews.”

    In 1867, German zoologist Ernst Haeckel coined the term “ecology” and began to develop it as a scientific discipline—one “concerned with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments.” He was also an avowed supporter of racial eugenics and was one of the primary proponents of Charles Darwin’s evolutionary theories in the German-speaking world—theories used to legitimize the notion of nordic racial superiority as scientific fact rather than mere opinion. These ideals would have a significant impact on the thought and political aspirations of the leaders of the National Socialist German Workers Party, known in the English-speaking world as the Nazi Party. And, as Staudenmaier argues, the emergence of modern ecology was a key ingredient that helped to give the volkisch movement’s racism scientific credibility and, thus, scalability at the level of government.

    Lebensraum—the plan for securing “living space” for the German people through conquest—became a primary justification for invading Poland and orchestrating mass violence against Jews and other groups of people. This horrifying program was bolstered by the Darwinian notion that species must compete for dominance in a world of finite natural resources such as food. In keeping with this emphasis on maximizing space and optimizing Germans’ access to nourishment, the Nazis would also establish the first nature preserves in Europe and an unprecedented level of government support for ecologically sound farming methods. Though such activities might appear remarkably forward thinking when taken out of context, this ecological program was undertaken with the goal of dominating, displacing, and destroying millions of human beings. The Nazi Party’s environmentalism thus reveals the harrowing range of ends for which ecological ideas can be appropriated, and the political agendas that shaped the ecological science we still use today.

    One of the most striking aspects of this history is the role that young, ecologically minded Germans played in the success of the Nazi Party. As Staudenmaier writes, the German youth movement in this period was the key cultural force that popularized volkisch ideas amongst the general public. The youth culture rejected civic engagement outright and embraced a communal, back-to-the-land lifestyle instead. They perceived the social and ecological challenges of the day as too great to be resolved through the political process. As Staudenmaier points out, however, this passive attitude predisposed them to fascist zealotry and the youth movement was “actively realigned” when many thousands of them later joined the Nazi Party. Staudenmaier suggests that this mass transition from political passivity to Nazism is unsurprising, however. The youth movement’s total rejection of the emerging social landscape did not accompany a willingness to examine it critically or transform it through the political process. And as a result, Nazi propaganda and promises of irrational “quick fixes” to social problems struck a deafening chord.

    This story offers us a cautionary tale for the contemporary moment—a tale that speaks to the importance of forging learning environments for young people in which feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness about the state of society can be met with empathy; transformed through critical thinking and dialogue; and channeled through civic engagement. It is also a tale about the importance of examining the motivations of some parties calling for ecological sustainability today, as well as who is included in the sustainable worlds they envision.

    We are confronted daily by social and ecological challenges that seem too immense to address. Whether we are exploring complex questions about the equitable distribution of resources, population density, or global migration—all on a warming planet; it is imperative that we navigate these conversations with empathy, critical thinking, and an awareness of the historical record. As we parse contemporary policy proposals and opinion, we must do so with an awareness of the horrifying applications of ecological thinking that can emerge when we are not vigilant. And as we consider how we can all continue to live on this planet together—in the face of challenges that may seem insurmountable—we must commit to engaging in dialogues grounded in a belief in the worth and dignity of all human communities.

    Animal welfare in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia

    "Lab animals giving the Nazi salute to Hermann Göring for his order to ban vivisection. Caricature from Kladderadatsch, a satirical journal, September 1933. Göring prohibited vivisection and said that those who "still think they can continue to treat animals as inanimate property" would be sent to concentration camps."

    There was widespread support for animal welfare in Nazi Germany[1] (German: Tierschutz im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland) among the country's leadership. Adolf Hitler and his top officials took a variety of measures to ensure animals were protected.[2]

    Several Nazis were environmentalists, and species protection and animal welfare were significant issues in the Nazi regime.[3] Heinrich Himmler made an effort to ban the hunting of animals.[4] Hermann Göring was a professed animal lover and conservationist,[5] who, on instructions from Hitler, committed Germans who violated Nazi animal welfare laws to concentration camps. In his private diaries, Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels described Hitler as a vegetarian whose hatred of the Jewish religion in large part stemmed from the ethical distinction this faith drew between the value of humans and the value of other animals; Goebbels also mentions that Hitler planned to ban slaughterhouses in the German Reich following the conclusion of World War II.[6] Nevertheless, animal testing was common in Nazi Germany.[7][8][9]

    The current animal welfare laws in Germany were initially introduced by the Nazis.

    // to vypada na nejakyho pohodovyho chlapika :)

    // taky s pejskem.. vypada, ze meli hodne radi pejsky obzvlast... nejlepsiho pritele kazdeho cloveka

    tyjo ti byli fakt nejaci pejskari

    vic related fotek tu

    (C) Mourning the Ancient

    // ti, co berou ekologii u nacistu jako unrelated zalezitost k holokaustu, imho prehlizi, ze ono to zjevne bylo opravdu ustredni k cele nacisticke ideologii. ta nebyla nejaka nahodila averze vuci Zidum, jak se mylne lidi uci. oni meli hlubokou filozofii. a dolozitelne koukam stali u samotnych zakladu dnesni ekologie. uz i tim, ze vytvorili samotny termin "ekologie".
    imho kazdej, kdo se ujme zachranovat svet, celi velkemu riziku, ze rozjede nejaky tezky teror. jak se rika.. cesta do pekla je dlazdena dobrymi umysly.

    on ten mainstream pohled na nacky je przni do dost simplisticke predstavy, ze to byli rasisti. ale oni zabijeli i zejo homosexualy, nemocne lidi, undermench. verili, ze lidstvo vymre, pokud se nevratime k prirode a cistote rasy v duchu socialniho darwinismu.. ideje ktere nebyly vlastni jen pro Nemecko

    a kdyz se treba podivame na zcela zrudnou cinnost WWF... Svetovy fond na ochranu zivocisnych druhu, tak ta paralela k nacismu je tam videt i dnes... zabiji a muci lidi. i maly deti.. domlati je do krve, pokud si v lese ulovi nejakou potravu.
    GORG --- ---
    Já nevím, tohle poslouchám od toho 11/9, to už tu měl bejt ten 1984 aspoň třikrát a furt kde jic, tu nic.

    To je samozřejmě LEŽ. Asi je lhát tvůj sport nebo nevím? :-) Nikdo 1984 už aspoň třikrát nesliboval... případně linkem dolož.

    Nevybavuju si, že by někdo říkal, že ten NWO přijde hned. Naopak ty globální jelita jsou považovaný za poměrně dost moudrá... oni cílí na lidskost blbost a lenost se hlouběji zajímat, uvažovat dopředu... Proto narozdíl od davů vědí, že lidi je potřeba desítky let na jejich big plán mentálně připravovat. Stejně jako na tuhle studenou válku s Ruskem se vztahy s Ruskem posledních 20 let pozvolna poškozovaly a štvavé kampaně vůči Rusku ... takže pak různě Vrbětice a Novičoky už pak ještě lépe padly na úrodnou půdu už existujících obav z Ruska. A proto i pak Ukrajina padla na krásné podhoubí..

    Někteří si ty konspiraec představují jako Hurvínek holokaust.. vychází z toho, jak by spiknutí dělali oni.. jenže oni nejsou tak chytří jako ty jelita, takže jejich konspirace by dávno odhalili. Asi je to navyklostí konzumovat události STIMUL - REAKCE... ale šachisti umí uvažovat víc kroků zároveň. A mají trpělivost. Vědí, že žábu je potřeba vařit pozvolna. Když si lidé navyknou na COVID pass přijde po nějaké době nějaká další apka.

    Oni by už snad v roce 2002 asi všem vnutili čipové implantáty... lidi by se jim na to vysrali, a jen by se ztrapnili.. byli by svrženi, policie by je vystopovala jako spiknutí , a šli by sedět.
    Ty spiknutí jsou popisovaný naopak jako vychytralé dlouhodobé manipulace s lidskou myslí, protože ta je hlavním dějištěm toho všeho. Pokud chcete věrné otroky, musí skutečně věřit, že jsou svobodní, a že to vlastně sami chtějí.
    Úplatkama apod. se pomocí peněz dá dojít daleko, ale takovou tu fašistickou oddanost je potřeba pěstovat.. Kdy už ty myšlenky a zlé plány pak lidé sami nevědomky realizují. .. Nebo tak to teda vidím já..


    Co ale BYLO slibováno, byly různé konce světa ekologickými alarmisty. Vše vycházelo z vědy. #Believe #InScience

    Na základě počítačového modelu měly dojít zdroje. Přestat existovat sníh už v roce 2000 v UK atd.

    Ono je fascinující, že nás chcete přesvědčovat pomocí lží a vynucování jakože násilným. Ta kombinace jakože v minulosti vždy zatím byla dost krutá. Proč používáte lži jako argument? Mně to právě naopak odrazuje, když někdo lže. Než že by mě to nějak přesvědčilo, nalákalo. Lži a nepravdy. Jako nechci do toho kecat.. nebo vlastně chci :) Ale jako proč si zvolit lhaní jako způsob fungování? Nevyvolává to prostě důvěru.


    The biggest apocalyptic claims around the first Earth Day related to overpopulation and food shortages. "Population will inevitably and completely outstrip whatever small increases in food supplies we make," Ehrlich said in an often-quoted 1970 Mademoiselle interview. “The death rate will increase until at least 100-200 million people per year will be starving to death during the next ten years.”

    jenze to byla dezinformacni teorie/hoax

    The World Counts
    Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases.

    Ve skutečnosti je teď ve světě nejvíc jídla v historii.. Jejich modely totiž vůbec nepočítaly s tím, že svět je dynamický. (ale to už od dob počátků malthuzianismu)
    Stejně tak model World One z roku 1973 predikoval rapidní pokles kvality života už v roce 2000... místo toho kvalita života stoupá.. teď do toho teda zarazili klín těmi COVID lockdowny, a Green věcmi, takže to možná nakonec fakt ještě doženou... a pokud pololží i elektriku, a nebudou fungovat čističky vody, hygiena klesne a rozjedou se nemoce... skoro jakoby se snažili ty svý proroctví naplnit

    Computer predicts the end of civilisation (1973) | RetroFocus

    On ten alarmismus funguje, když si člověk selektivně vybírá informace. A hlavně musí hodně podléhat emocím. Dojmům. Takže klima se nám mění, ergo to musí znamenat konec světa, pokud něco neuděláme.

    Jinak já nejsem nějaký snad fanda kapitalismu nebo čmoudění.. planetu devastujeme imho slušným tempem, ale ty teorie konce světa mají slušné trhliny, a spíš to právě vypadá na spiknutí, jak to téma využít pro nastolení globální technokratický diktatury. Ostatně viz "Při hledání nového nepřítele nás napadlo..." v publikaci Club of Rome.

    Hunger and Undernourishment - Our World in Data

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