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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    Prosím dodržujte formát klubu - posílejte pouze reference (ideálně s copy paste relevantním obsahu) na věci related k topicu.
    Diskuze tu bude mazána. Na to tu není prostor.

    We cannot trust solutions that are offered by the people who created the problem in the first place.

    Principles for evaluating websites * How to Identify Misinformation

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer. Whatever must be done, we can do it ourselves. We do not need them; we need each other. All else is distraction and delusion.

  • Demokracie se nejlépe prosazuje v ignorantské společnosti, kterou je možno burcovat, jinými slovy ovládat, nacionalismem a náboženstvím.
  • Taková míra nacionalismu předpokládá existenci permanentní vnější hrozby. Když taková hrozba není, je nutno ji vytvořit.
  • Pravda musí být přísně střežena a tedy známa jen elitě několika vyvolených, kteří společnost řídí.
  • Tato elita musí být připravena říkat nechápavé mase "vznešené lži".

  • General: The Scientific Principles of Spiritual Enslavement (2002), Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
    The Educational System Was Designed to Keep Us Uneducated and Docile
    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars (EN) :: Tiché zbraně pro klidné války (CZ)
    Blátivé stíny
    Financial: Murray N. Rothbard - What has government done to our money
    Fractional Reserve Banking as Economic Parasitism - Scientific, Mathematical & Historical Expose, Critique and Manifesto - Vladimir Z. Nuri, 62 pg.
    Chcem celú Zem + 5% navyše!
    Michael Rowbotham: Smrteľné zovretie
    Media: Who owns the media
    How To Deal With The Media, The Internet And The New World Order
    new world order in the news...
    Realita - paranoia - dystopie - (fnorDU4ever) * od 1984 do 2012?
    U nas v Kocourkove (und Eine Kleine Mafia) - jak hluboko lze jeste klesnout? - Klub pratel pro znovuoziveni defenstrace
    documents @ conspiracy central :: mvgroup.org :: p2p docs forum :: :: chomskytorrents.org :: indypeer.org

    Jsme zvyklí spojovat slovo teorie se slovem konspirace, protože konec konců žádná konspirace nemůže být reálná, všechno jsou to jen „teorie“, že ano? Nicméně ve spojení „konspirační teorie“ jsou dvě slova, prvním je slovo „konspirace“, druhým slovem je „teorie“. Dle definice je teorie předpoklad, myšlenka, koncept, hypotéza. Dám vám příklad. Teoreticky, pokud si koupím lístek do loterie, mohu vyhrát cenu. Dokud si lístek nekoupím, je má výhra pouze teoretická. Ale jakmile si jej koupím, výhra už není teorií, stává se možností. A čím více lístků si koupíte, tím je zde větší možnost, a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se výhra dostaví. Stejně je tomu v případě konspirační teorie. Dokud neexistují důkazy, neexistuje konspirační teorie. Jakmile však máte část důkazního materiálu, a nezáleží na tom, jak je chatrný či podružný, stává se z teorie možnost. A čím více důkazního materiálu je shromážděno, tím zde existuje větší možnost a eventuálně pravděpodobnost, že se jedná o konspiraci.
    V tomto klubu budete sledovat důkazy. A bude na Vás, abyste rozhodli, zda se jedná o konspirační teorii, nebo skutečně o konspiraci.
    Clifford Hugh Douglas, jeden z hlavných reformátorov monetárneho systému tridsiatych rokov 20. storočia:
    Jadrom tohto podvodu je tvrdenie, že peniaze, ktoré tvoria, sú ich vlastné, pričom sa od falšovania peňazí nelíši kvalitou, ale iba svojím obrovským rozsahom... Môžem to dokázať mimo akúkoľvek pochybnosť? Podstatou celej záložitosti je nárokovanie si vlastníctva peňazí. Akákoľvek osoba alebo organizácia, ktorá môže podľa ľubovôle tvoriť peniaze ekvivalentné cenám tovarov produkovaných komunitou, je skutočným vlastníkom týchto tovarov a preto nárokovanie si týchto peňazí bankovým systémom je nárokovaním si vlastníctva krajiny.

    Meyer Amstel Rothschild:
    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws."

    Lord Josiah Stamp, bývalý riaditeľ Bank of England:
    Moderný bankový systém vyrába peniaze z ničoho. Tento proces je azda tým najchytrejším kúzelníckym trikom, aký bol kedy vymyslený. Bankovníctvo bolo počaté v nečistote a zrodené v hriechu. Bankári vlastnia zem. Vezmite im ju, ale keď im ponecháte moc poskytovať úvery, ťahom pera dokážu vytvoriť dosť peňazí na to, aby si ju kúpili naspäť... Ak chcete byť otrokmi bankárov a platiť náklady vášho otroctva, potom nechajte, nech si banky tvoria peniaze.
    Thomas Jefferson:
    Keď americký ľud dovolí bankám, aby mali pod kontrolou vydávanie ich vlastnej meny, najprv formou inflácie a potom defláciou, banky a korporácie, ktoré okolo nich vyrastú, zbavia ľudí všetkého vlastníctva až sa ich deti zobudia a zistia, že na kontinente, ktorý ich otcovia obývali, sú bez domov. Moc vydávať peniaze by mala byť odňatá bankám a navrátená kongresu a ľuďom, ktorým patrí. Som úprimne presvedčený, že bankové inštitúcie vydávajúce peniaze predstavujú pre slobodu väčšie nebezpečenstvo než armády.

    "It (Central Bank) gives the National Bank almost complete control of national finance. The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favours, that there will be no opposition from that class... The great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending, will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical (contrary) to their best interests."
    A Rothschild family communique to associates in New York, 1863

    There are only three types of people in the world:
    1. People who make things happen. 4%
    2. People who watch things happen. 6 %
    3. Sheeple who say, What happened? 90% ->

    >> part 2 >>   *   >> part 3 >> (zde v zahlavi puvodni 'elite search engine')   *   >> part 4 >>

    We shall be slaves as long as we’re convinced that we have masters, and not one moment longer.
    We shall be slaves as long as we
    rozbalit záhlaví
    GORG --- ---
    Audio Leaked from AstraZeneca: Covid was classified as a National Security Threat by the US Government/DOD on February 4, 2020.

    Recorded at an internal executive meeting at the end of 2020. This recording has not been published previously anywhere.

    FEB 7, 2024
    On Feb 4, 2020 - AstraZeneca and other pharma companies participating in the DOD Pandemic Preparedness consortium received a phone call from the DOD saying that “novel covid virus posed national security threat”. This explains why PREP Act declaration in the US was made retroactive to Feb 4. The US Government organized itself for war, but lied to the public that it was a zoonotic virus and a healthcare event. Anyone who suggested otherwise was heavily censored and surveilled online, including me. They continue to pretend it was/is a natural virus evolution to this day. It appears that the DOD initiated the covid plandemic and did not tell Trump until after. Jeffrey Tucker at Brownstone has a very good hypothesis on how that likely occurred. Trump made a U-turn on his position on lock down between March 9 and 11. However, he is on video getting surprised by Mike Pompeo’s “live exercise” comment on March 20, 2020. It is likely that he was “convinced” to lock down by a concocted story, a lucrative deal or blackmail, or all of the above.

    Also of interest: the audio confirms that the DOD pandemic pharma consortium was established in 2017 and the DOD, (not pharmas) was, and remains in charge of it. I knew this based on the covid contracts analysis, but it’s good to have a definitive confirmation. The AZ execs are musing that at the time they thought the DOD’s pandemic preparedness plan - from “discovering” new viruses to making new drugs for them in 60 days - sounded like science fiction. That’s because it is science fiction, even though I am sure most people involved in it believe their own insane delusions. It appears that the DOD money was very green and quickly dulled the skepticism of AZ execs. The CEO of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soirot is on record stating that millions of people in the world cannot be vaccinated by mRNA shots because they have autoimmune conditions and other vulnerabilities. They always knew.

    The recording contains both video and audio, but I am releasing the audio portion for now. The video does not add much additional information, and this is an extra precaution on my part to protect the whistleblowers (transcript below).


    Related: my post about Col Matt Hepburn, who is mentioned in this conversation and is one of the key figures in the US DOD Pandemic Preparedness Racket:

    "Pandemic Preparedness" - a Government Protection Racket
    FEBRUARY 15, 2023
    Read full story
    Related from Katherine Watt’s 2022 collection. DOD funds and manufactures biological and chemical weapons by simply renaming them into “biomedical research”, “drug delivery technologies”, “vaccines”, and “pandemic preparedness”:

    Transcript of the AstraZeneca meeting audio, notes added:
    Pascal Soriot (CEO of AstraZeneca): …[Mark] Esser [1] who has been the architect of the long-acting antibody against Covid-19. Mark, back to you. [not sure if there are two men called Mark in the meeting]

    Speaker 2 [I believe that’s Mark Esser]: Excellent! So, thank you for the introduction, Mark, and it’s really a pleasure to share with all of you a little bit of the journey that the “long-acting antibody” team has taken in 2020, but actually our story begins back in 2017 in the basement of a Quality Inn in Tysons Corner VA at the Defense Department Industry Day [BARDA runs “industry days” on regular basis]. There, I met Col. Matt Hepburn, who is actually the architect of the Pandemic Prevention Program or P3, and the goal of P3 was going from the discovering a novel virus to producing drugs in less than 60 days – something that would normally take 6 years at best. To me that sounded more like science fiction than science, but we signed up in a small and committed team of virologists and molecular biologists and engineers and started working in 2018 on new technologies to discover and manufacture antibodies against viruses. The team has actually been pretty successful on the early discovery engine piece and had won a biopharma R&D award about this time last year. So, in January we were all anxiously following the emerging news from China about the new disease. It wasn’t a surprise to me when I got a call on February 4th from the Defense Department here in the US saying that the newly discovered Sars-2 virus posed a national security threat. We needed to stop everything we were doing on our model system influenza, and put everything onto Sars-2. Fortunately, our top 2 virologists, Patrick [?] were already a step ahead, having cloned and expressed the virus protein soon after the virus sequence was published on January 21st. Of course, the task was formidable: we had to learn everything we could about the new virus, the immune response to the virus, and the disease called “Covid-19”. What we and others quickly learned was that the critical protein on the virus is called the “spike protein” and this is the protein on the virus that allows the virus to infect cells by binding to the ACE-2 receptor, and what we also learned was that it could exist in active and an inactive form. In the active form it expressed a special domain called a Receptor Binding Domain, or the RBD, and what we quickly figured out was that RBD was going to be the “Achilles’ heel” of the virus. So, we decided that our best strategy was to come up with two antibodies against this Receptor Binding Domain, and we set out with a three-pronged approach to discover those antibodies. First, we tried to isolate these B-cells from the blood taken from Covid-19 patients. Second, we immunized humanized mice with different constructs of spike protein to elicit those magical B-cells, and third, we ran a huge screen using our traditional Cambridge antibody technology phage display library. All in all, we screened tens of thousands of antibodies, and then discovered about 1500 that bound the spike protein and whittled it down to our top 100 by the end of March. The team worked late into the night, weekends – their commitment was inspiring, and they surprised me with their “top 12” neutralizing antibodies on my birthday, April 10th. The next challenge was to down-select from these 12 neutralizing antibodies to our “top 2”. The best way I can describe this is like trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle while blindfolded, but at the end the team selected two very distinct, two very potent antibodies that showed synergistic activity. When I say, “synergistic activity”, it was 1% + 1% actually equaled 93% neutralization. At the same time, our protein engineers, who are in my mind are some of the best in the world, made key enhancements to the antibodies to extend their half-lives so that a single dose could afford up to 6 to 12 months of protection, ensure high yield production in 15,000 liter bioreactors, and be stable up to 1 year in a refrigerator. So, all in all, all this was done in just 99 days - 1 day ahead of schedule. So, our last hurdle to overcome was to accelerate that normal kind of 2 to 3 year early development timeline into 2 months, and we basically did that by running everything in parallel, and making significant investments at risk. Two notable examples were manufacturing of the Cho-cell pools and starting out tech transfer to our tech transfers to our manufacturing partners before we had even selected our top clones. Our clinical and regulatory teams worked around the clock, and we dosed our first patient on August 21st [2020], and I am happy to report that we started our two Phase 3 studies: PROVENT last week, and yesterday we dosed first patient in my favorite study, “Storm Chaser” yesterday. It’s really been astonishing to see how everyone in the company has pulled together and risen to the challenge, and I’ve had the good fortune working with everyone in Biopharma R&D, Precision Medicine, Legal, Business Development, Procurement, Project Management, Ops [Operations], IT [information technology], Commercial and the all-important Government Affairs, and I’d like to take this moment to thank everyone. So, clearly, fighting a virus like Sars-2 in a worldwide pandemic is not for the faint of heart, but clearly, we are all in this fight to the finish. Also, very grateful to Pascal [Soriot, the CEO], Manny and Nesset (sp) for their leadership, and I am very proud to be part of the company that not only follow the science but is putting patients first and doing what is right thing for the whole world. Just like the antibody we are “better together” and I look forward to being with many of you in a healthier and happier 2021. So, thank you and over to you, Pascal.

    Pascal Soriot: Thank you, Mark, and congratulations again to you and the team. This long-acting antibodies are quite unique because this is the only combination that potentially will last more than 6 months, up to potentially 12 months and protect people for a long period of time. And for those of you who may not be totally familiar with antibodies, you know, you have to know a number of people cannot be vaccinated, like if you have an immune disease, lupus or some other immune condition… or multiple sclerosis, you cannot be vaccinated. So, there are millions of people in the world that will need the protection that cannot be coming from a vaccine, so the long-acting antibody has the enormous potential.

    Additional Information:
    About LAAB:

    COVID-19 Long-Acting AntiBody (LAAB) combination AZD7442 rapidly advances into Phase III clinical trials

    9 October 2020 21:30 BST

    Two trials of AZD7442 will enroll over 6,000 adults for the prevention of COVID-19 with additional trials enrolling ~4,000 adults for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections

    US Government to invest ~$486m for development and supply of up to 100,000 doses and can acquire another one million doses

    AstraZeneca’s long-acting antibody (LAAB) combination, AZD7442, will advance into two Phase III clinical trials in more than 6,000 participants at sites in and outside the US that are due to begin in the next weeks. The LAABs have been engineered with AstraZeneca’s proprietary half-life extension technology to increase the durability of the therapy for six to 12 months following a single administration. The combination of two LAABs is also designed to reduce the risk of resistance developed by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

    The Company has received support of around $486m from the US Government for the development and supply of AZD7442 under an agreement with the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response at the US Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Defense Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense.

    [1] Mark T. Esser, VP and Head of Microbial Sciences, AZD7442, Global Product Development Leader

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    GORG --- ---
    Covid disinformation unit made 'hourly contact' with tech firms to flag dissent, says Sarah Connolly

    Sarah Connolly can today be revealed as head of the secretive government unit that flagged critics of lockdown and pandemic policy

    Investigations team
    9 June 2023 • 9:00pm
    Phone with censorship marks
    A secretive government Covid unit accused of seeking to suppress free speech during the pandemic was in “hourly” contact with social media firms, the official in charge of the operation has disclosed.

    The civil servant – who can today be named as Sarah Connolly – said that one of the Counter Disinformation Unit’s (CDU’s) main functions was “passing information over” to companies such as Facebook and Twitter to “encourage… the swift takedown” of posts.

    The Telegraph revealed earlier this month that the CDU worked with social media companies in an attempt to curtail discussion of controversial lockdown policies during the pandemic.

    Last night David Davis, the former Conservative Cabinet minister whose comments were logged by the unit, called for the CDU to be shut down and for a parliamentary committee to investigate it.

    He said the “most paranoid wing of Government is interfering in the democratic process”, and a parliamentary inquiry with the “biggest combination of power, access and speed” was required.

    Separately, the BBC – who attended government meetings at which so-called misinformation was discussed – was accused of acting as “the broadcast arm of the Government” during the pandemic, as journalists described being mocked if they tried to give a voice to lockdown sceptics.

    Head of CDU revealed
    The identity of the head of the CDU was a mystery, but it can now be disclosed that Ms Connolly, a career civil servant, led it throughout the pandemic and remains in charge.

    She previously worked on anti-terror policies for the Home Office, but had already joined the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) when it started monitoring Covid disinformation under Oliver Dowden’s leadership.

    It is unclear if other, more senior ministers were involved in the CDU. There is growing speculation that the unit may have links to the intelligence services, but the Government has repeatedly refused to give certain details about it for “national security” reasons.

    In remarks to MPs, unearthed by the Telegraph, Ms Connolly laid bare the extent of the Government’s influence over social media.

    Ms Connolly told MPs that the CDU was in contact with “almost all” social media platforms, and that discussions were “daily, sometimes hourly”.

    When asked about the CDU’s process for having posts removed, Ms Connolly said: “If somebody from the cell says: ‘We are worried about this,’ that goes immediately to the top of the pile. Whoever it is in whatever company.”

    The Government confirmed last night that social media firms had taken action on more than 90 per cent of the posts referred to them by the CDU during the pandemic, often by deleting them or using algorithms to ensure they were not seen as widely.

    Ms Connolly described the CDU as a “cell” within Government, using the same systems as those in place to stop terrorist content spreading online.

    She said one of its “big” functions was “talking to social media platforms and passing information over. It gets information back from them, and encourages that swift takedown – the swift dealing with the platforms. The cell has daily interactions with almost all the platforms”.

    She is also named on documents obtained by this newspaper as the chair of the Counter-Disinformation Policy Forum – a group that operated for six months during the pandemic, which included a member of BBC staff, alongside tech companies, academics and lobby groups.

    Ms Connolly told MPs that the forum was designed to take the “sometimes hourly” contact of the CDU with tech companies and “raise it to the next level”.

    ‘Climate of fear’ over anti-Government reporting at BBC
    Current and former BBC staff have told the Telegraph that, during the pandemic, a “climate of fear” existed within the corporation among those who argued that its reporting lacked balance, saying they were branded “dissenters”.

    Three journalists who gave evidence to a parliamentary group in private last year told the Telegraph they were ignored when they raised their concerns about impartiality with senior managers.

    One senior BBC editor tried to organise, via a secret WhatsApp group, a “pushback” to stop its journalists backing Government policy, but they were too fearful of losing their jobs to join the proposed rebellion.

    Today’s revelations raise questions about Ms Connolly’s influence, as both chair of the policy forum and leader of the CDU inside Government.

    Her comments – made just as the vaccine rollout was beginning – also call into question what criteria the CDU use to make its judgments.

    Her testimony suggests that the CDU takes a broad view of what qualifies as disinformation.

    Addressing MPs, she said that the most concerning types of anti-vaccine material included discussions about side-effects and the speed with which it was produced.

    “‘The vaccine was done too quickly’, ‘it is not safe’, those kind of narratives,” she said.

    While the vaccines were safe for most people, coroners have ruled that a small number of people died from rare reactions to the AstraZeneca jab.

    Academics have also expressed concerns about the speed of some vaccine trials.

    Connolly took control like a ‘puppeteer’
    Last night, sources said the CDU had been allowed to expand its reach under Ms Connolly, who took on the role of director of security and online harms in 2017.

    One blamed a revolving door of culture secretaries, and said a rapid succession of ministers with little experience of the sector or ambition to stay in the DCMS had allowed Ms Connolly to take control like a “puppeteer”.

    The CDU moved from the DCMS to become the responsibility of the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology earlier this year, but the source said her control of the unit appeared unlikely to change because there was a lack of oversight from No 10.

    “This is an abject failure of the centre [of Government],” they said.

    Last night, government sources praised Ms Connolly’s work ethic and professionalism. “As a hard-working civil servant, she’s an impartial adviser – not a puppeteer,” one said.

    Social media posts monitored by the CDU and the Cabinet Office’s now-defunct Rapid Response Unit include comments by respected scientists such as Dr Alexandre de Figueiredo from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, who argued against the mass vaccination of children against Covid-19. The units also flagged discussions questioning lockdown and vaccine passports.

    Government tight-lipped about disinformation unit
    The Government has repeatedly refused to give details about the CDU’s budget or the number of staff it employs, but it is known that during the pandemic it used an external AI firm to trawl through posts.

    A Government spokesman said: “As we have repeatedly made clear, the primary purpose of the unit was to track narratives, not individuals. It does not have, and has never had, the power to remove online content – on occasions where it encountered content considered to be in breach of social media platforms’ own terms of service, it was referred to them for consideration.

    “When referrals were made during Covid, over 90 per cent of them were ultimately found to be in breach of terms of service. It is important to remember that this engagement with social media platforms was undertaken at the height of an unprecedented pandemic when the government’s overriding concern was to protect public health.”

    Twitter could not be reached for comment, although it is understood that it did not act on CDU referrals at the same rate as other social media firms.

    Facebook owner Meta has previously said it does not “allow false claims about the vaccines or vaccination programmes which public health experts have advised us could lead to Covid-19 vaccine rejection. This includes false claims about the safety, efficacy, ingredients, development, existence or conspiracies related to the vaccine or vaccination programme”.

    The BBC said that it rejected the characterisation of its Covid coverage and said it featured a range of voices. The broadcaster said it attended the Counter Disinformation Policy Forum in an observer-only capacity.
    A spokesman for the broadcaster said: “We totally reject this characterisation of our Covid coverage; we featured a range of voices during the pandemic, including those sceptical of lockdowns, in line with our duty of due impartiality.

    “We do not recognise this description of our working environment. Like other news organisations the stories we cover are the subject of robust editorial discussion and debate.

    “As we’ve already made clear, the BBC attended the Counter Disinformation Policy Forum in an observer-only capacity. The person who attended was not a BBC News executive and played absolutely no role in editorial decision making.”
    RIVA --- ---
    Meet Nathan Wolfe

    Nathan Wolfe & Metabiota

    Nathan Wolfe is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and the founder of Metabiota.

    Metabiota are directly linked to EcoHealth Alliance, which is unsurprising given that their stated objectives of zoonotic virus surveillance run along similar lines. In fact, Nathan Wolfe sat on the editorial board of EcoHealth Alliance, as well as DARPA’s now-defunct Defense Science Research Council.

    However, it gets even worse.

    Nathan Wolfe is also directly linked to Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, and was one of the Founding Citizens of Ghislaine Maxwell’s fake philanthropic organization, TerraMar.

    Naturally, anyone linked to TerraMar, Epstein, or Maxwell must be exposed to the utmost of scrutiny. It immediately calls their character and their intentions into question. In light of this, why are these incredibly shady people involved in US DOD and DTRA-funded virus research across the entire globe?

    COVID-19 Deep Dive Part V: Human Traffickers - by Spartacus
    GORG --- ---
    a je to tu

    Now scientists say BREATHING is bad for the environment: Gases we exhale contribute to 0.1% of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions | Daily Mail Online

    Whether it's eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change.

    Unfortunately, breathing less isn't one of them.

    That might be a problem, as a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

    Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.

    And that's not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing.

    Whether it's eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change. Unfortunately, breathing less isn't one of them (stock image)

    Composition of exhaled human breath
    - Nitrogen (N) - 78%

    - Oxygen (O2)* - 17%

    - Carbon dioxide (CO2) - 4%

    - Other gases including methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) – 1%

    *Exhaled human breath contains oxygen, but just less oxygen than the air we inhaled

    The new study was led by Dr Nicholas Cowan, an atmospheric physicist at the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Edinburgh.

    'Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,' Dr Cowan and colleagues say.

    'We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.'

    As most of us remember from science classes at school, humans breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide.

    When we inhale, air enters the lungs, and oxygen from that air moves to the blood, while carbon dioxide (CO2), a waste gas, moves from the blood to the lungs and is breathed out.

    With plants, it is the other way round; plants use CO2 to create oxygen as a by-product (the process known as photosynthesis).

    Every person breathes out CO2 when they exhale, but in their new study, the researchers focused on methane and nitrous oxide.

    These two are both powerful greenhouse gases, but because they're breathed out in much smaller quantities, their contribution to global warming may have been overlooked.

    When we inhale, air enters the lungs, and oxygen from that air moves to the blood, while CO2, a waste gas, moves from the blood to the lungs and is breathed out

    What's more, plants essentially soak up all the CO2 that's emitted in human breath, so 'CO2 contribution in human breath to climate change is essentially zero,' Dr Cowan told MailOnline.

    The same cannot be said for methane and nitrous oxide, as plants don't use these gases in photosynthesis.

    For the study, the researchers investigated emissions of methane and nitrous oxide in human breath from 104 adult volunteers from the UK population.

    Participants were required to take in a deep breath and hold it for five seconds, then exhale into a sealable plastic bag.

    A total of 328 breath samples were collected and every participant had details recorded such as age, sex and dietary preference.

    After analysing the samples, researchers found nitrous oxide was emitted by every participant, but methane was found in the breath of only 31 per cent of participants.

    Researchers say those who do not exhale methane in their breath are still likely to 'release the gas in flatus' – in other words, by farting.

    Interestingly, people with methane in their exhaled breath were more likely to be female and above the age of 30, but researchers aren't sure why.

    Concentrations of the two gases in the overall samples let the researchers estimate the proportion of the UK's emissions are from our breath – 0.05 per cent for methane and 0.1 per cent for nitrous oxide.

    Dr Cowan stresses that each of these percentages relate specifically to these respective gases, not all of the UK's greenhouse gas emissions as a whole.

    Researchers didn't manage to find any link between gases in the breath and diets – although meat eaters are known to fuel the climate crisis in other ways.

    The experts stress that their study only looked at greenhouse gases in breath, and so it does not provide an overall estimate of a person's emissions footprint.

    In experiments, all participants breathed out carbon dioxide (left). Nitrous oxide (right) was also emitted by every participant, but methane (centre) was found in the breath of only 31 per cent of participants

    According to the authors, emissions of methane and nitrous oxide are 'generally ignored in most environmental monitoring' as they're considered negligible.

    However, further study of human emissions of these gases - not just from our breath - could reveal more about 'the impacts of an ageing population and shifting diets,' the team say.

    Inside the human body, methane gas is produced by microorganisms called methanogens, which colonise our digestive tract.

    The methane crosses into the blood and is carried to the lungs where it can be exhaled in breath.

    Meanwhile, bacteria in the gut and oral cavity turns nitrates in food and water to nitrous oxide, which also escapes in human breath.

    The study has been published in the journal PLOS One.

    Measurements of methane and nitrous oxide in human breath and the development of UK scale emissions | PLOS ONE

    The factors that affect human emissions of CH4 and N2O are not well understood and the impacts of an aging population and shifting diets is still relatively uncertain. Converting from high meat and protein content diets to higher fibre vegetarian options to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases from meat production potentially results in higher production of gases in the human gut [24],
    PLAYER --- ---
    Zpet k letadlum:

    A rabbit is pulled from a hat, a woman is sawed in half, a bird materializes under a handkerchief... How do you know that these are illusions created by trickery, and not things that really could happen? Because the science of the real world precludes these things from happening for real, so you know they have got to be tricks. The lady sawed in half does not leave a pool of blood on the floor, as she must if really cut in two. That exposes it as an illusion. So, circumstantial evidence of planes, without any physical evidence of them, tells you that it is an illusion. If you are able to believe that some 400 tons of aircraft, each with 2 million parts, could vaporize, disappear or otherwise be absent at the scene of 4 crash sites, then you are thinking like a child with little real world experience. Sweeping away what could not possibly have happened, reveals that what's being presented is the result of trickery.
    Let's try to think like the planners. They knew the results of this plan would be a high profile event. Meaning that it would be seen by lots of people from many different angles. While that doesn't mean that they cannot fudge some parts of it, any fudging would have to be so small and go by so quickly, that the artifact(s) it presented would be easy to either dismiss or confuse.
    On the side of the planners is the trauma and grief the masses will experience, which will almost totally consume them and prevent them from being willing to even look at any evidence or critically analyze any theory. Thus you will be stuck and will stay with the more "comfortable" story that outsiders (terrorist) did this, rather than people inside the gov't or that it might be the covert operation of an ally. That grief and trauma makes it easier to dismiss claims of culpability by anyone other than the accused terrorists, than to accept that you are being tricked by some carefully crafted plan by "insiders".
    Okay, so with the above in mind, let's look at the elements the planners needed to cover. First, since they plan to claim that the towers collapsed as a result of planes crashing into them, they need to know if planes, crashing into buildings can do such a thing. Any physicist, worth his/her salt, will look at the strengths of the materials involved and the energies available to easily figure out that the plane crashes would do minimal damage to the buildings, let alone fail to bring them down. Didn't the people who designed the building say that planes would cause minimal damage? Then that would have been the best information the planners had go go with.
    Thus, the planners quickly realize that, to achieve the results they desire -- that crashing planes did massive damage to the buildings and started large internal fires, they would have to plant explosives inside the buildings, otherwise the mission would fail. But then there are four problems that come with planting explosives inside the buildings.
    1. You've got select an impact site for each building.
    2. You've got to use explosives to augment these impact sites.
    3. The buildings collapse initiation has to align with the aircraft impact sites.
    4. Timing: If the impacts come too early or late, again the use of explosive charges is exposed.
    If they fail to cover these four points the event fails to be believable. If the impact creates too little damage, the event will not be believable. If the aircraft do not hit the augmentation points exactly, the use of explosives inside the buildings becomes apparent and finally if the collapse initiation does not begin at the impact level, the use of explosives is exhibited again.
    Now let's have a look at the "weapons of choice". The first choice would be to use real aircraft. But using real aircraft has too many uncontrollable problems. You cannot guarantee they will take off in time to meet any schedule, thus an operator would have to be assigned and trained to trigger the explosives at the exact time of the impact. But real people are unreliable, they itch, they sneeze, they have spasms. They get distracted and are sometimes slower or quicker to react than they should be. Could anyone really trust such a sensitive situation to the ministrations of a real person? Where even a split second too soon or too late would create massive, unmask-able problems.
    The aircraft too have idiosyncratic and phenomometric problems beyond the control of the pilots. Equipment can fail and scrub the flight, the vagaries of atmospheric anomalies, wind gusts, barometric inconsistencies tend to make flight times and target acquisition unpredictable, not to mention bird strikes.

    Then there's the human factor. Even people avowedly disposed to commit suicide in theory cannot always be relied upon to follow through in real life. A moment of indecision would be all it takes to ruin the entire plan. Worse yet, you have a goodly number of people on board the aircraft, hijackers included, anyone of whom could either intentionally or inadvertently interfere with the plan.

    The problem of accurately hitting a targeted point on a building with either a missile or drone is off the scales, since their accuracy, under the best of conditions would be 50 feet plus or minus, far too wide a margin for an exercise of this type. While drones can be controlled precisely enough for take offs and landings, you have to remember that these occur at very low speeds, not at 400 and 500 mph.

    So the planners face the problem of using a cgi, which can meet all of the above required criteria. So there's only one problem left: The eyewitnesses. To deal with the eyewitnesses who may say they did not see any planes, you simply get your cgi film on tv, by having a switch thrown in the stations control rooms. The newscasters are not going to question what is being shown on their own stations monitors. So, while there are a few people who did not see planes while standing there on the streets, they have no one to talk to, while the media is "informing" millions of people in the seconds and hours after the events. Having planted "eyewitnesses" out on the street goes a long way towards confusing and drowning out anyone who says they did not see a plane, because most people will feel they must be mistaken or otherwise in error.

    To be sure, if there were planes, people on the street would not say "I didn't see any plane", they would say "I didn't see THE PLANE", there's a big difference. One says that they believe there was a plane that they didn't see, while the other statement says that they were looking and did not see one. Finally, if there were real planes then nobody would say there were none, only that they didn't see any, but not that there weren't any. Many of the people who claimed to have seen the aircraft were discovered on later questioning, to have had no vantage point from which they could have seen the aircraft.
    Then there's the matter of sounds that jet aircraft make, with the engines open full bore, there should have been a deafening sound reverberating through the area, and unmistakable earsplitting roar of a jet at less than 1,000 feet above ground. The sounds heard in the amateur videos is inconsistent with the capture of a real jet aircraft, from video to video the sounds are different. That should not be the case. As they are all supposedly recording the same event.

    So, the only way we have to sort through the confusion is, to look at the video of the impacts. We see the aircraft slicing it's way completely into the building from wing tip to wing tip, with nothing breaking off and no damage being done to the facade of the building. Wings, carrying fuel, in real crashes, explode immediately on impact, yet we don't see that in the videos. There are no wake vortexes in the smoke and fire of the impacts, which shows that no aircraft has moved through that airspace.
    So, even while there are people claiming to have seen planes, the hard evidence of there having been planes is absent. The hard evidence of there having been hijackers is absent. Instead there is only highly questionable "evidence" of passengers, crew, planes and skyjackers. Cell phone calls that could not have been made. Black box data that does not support the official narrative of the events. Before flight 77 took off, as shown on the data recorder, Pilots for 911 Truth, who analyzed the data, discovered that the cockpit door was closed and never opened again. So, how could hijackers have entered the cockpit? If the door detection switch had failed the error would have either shown the error or shown the door opened. It remained closed from takeoff to impact.
    The only conclusion that sufficiently and credibly answers all of these anomalies is that there were no plane crashed on 911.
    GORG --- ---
    WHO těsně před vyhlášením pandemie chřipky zmírnila potřebná kritéria - Novinky

    Britská viroložka Wendy Barclayová, která se účastnila množství jednání o změně definice pandemie, Wodargova nařčení odmítá. „Ta souběžnost je náhodná. WHO o změně uvažovala dlouho před příchodem prasečí chřipky,“ citoval její slova list The Daily Telegraph.

    Prasečí chřipka? Jen velký podvod a panika, tvrdí expert | Zdraví | Lidovky.cz

    PRAHA - Vyhlášení pandemie prasečí chřipky byl jeden velký podvod tvrdí vysoký představitel Rady Evropy Wolfgang Wodarg. Tím Světová zdravotnická organizace (WHO) přišla o své renomé. Reakce veřejnosti na prasečí chřipku byla inteligentnější než reakce příslušných úřadů, říká šéf zdravotnické sekce Rady Evropy Wolfgang Wodarg. A to prý je trapná situace.

    Německý epidemiolog Wolfgang Wodarg.
    LN Tvrdíte, že prasečí chřipka je jenom panika. Proč jste ještě chvilku nepočkal? Experti nám na konec ledna předpověděli další, už třetí vlnu.

    Takových expertů se je třeba zeptat, čím mohou svá tvrzení doložit. Když vám pak pouze řeknou, že není jisté, co se ještě může stát, vidíte, že nemají žádné vědecky podložené argumenty.

    Kdy jste si začal říkat, že s prasečí chřipkou něco nehraje?

    Hned jak jsme v dubnu dostali první čísla z Mexika. Nejdřív totiž chodily zprávy, že tam na prasečí chřipku onemocněla spousta lidí, jenže čísla, která jsme dostali, moc vysoká nebyla.

    Od jaké hranice jsou podle vás počty nakažených dostatečně vysoké?

    Já jsem v severním Německu pracoval jako ředitel Ústavu pro veřejné zdraví, kde jsem byl odpovědný za oblast se 120 tisíci obyvatel. Když uhodila chřipka, onemocněl tak každý dvacátý, maximálně každý desátý člověk. Takže jsme měli jednou pět tisíc, jednou deset tisíc nemocných. Po této zkušenosti pro mě bylo nepochopitelné, když se už po několika málo tisících případů ve dvacetimilionové oblasti Mexica City mluvilo o možné pandemii. Když se navíc později ukázalo, že z těch několika desítek mrtvých v Mexiku jen malá část zemřela opravdu na virus prasečí chřipky. . Takže jsem se u Světové zdravotnické organizace WHO začal pídit po tom, jak potom mohli v červnu vyhlásit pandemii při tak malých číslech.

    Prý se báli, že se virus bude roznášet letadly. Žijeme v globalizovaném světě.

    To se jistě přenášel, takhle to ale bylo vždycky. Dřív se tomu říkalo cestovní chřipka: lidi přiletěli zpátky z dovolené a cítili příznaky chřipky. Akorát se to tehdy přičítalo klimatizaci v letadle.

    Zpátky k loňské pandemii. Dopídil jste se nějakých podezřelých okolností?

    Pár vědců mě upozornilo na zajímavou věc: že WHO změnila definici pandemie. Ještě v roce 2005 jste se na internetových stránkách WHO mohli dočíst, že pandemie je nemoc, která se rychle šíří do různých zemí, způsobuje těžké nemoci a často končí smrtí. Obě tyto podmínky – tedy vysoká morbidita, respektive chorobnost, a vysoká mortalita, respektive úmrtnost – byly posléze vyškrtnuty. A upravenou definici pandemie WHO potom členské státy zapracovávaly do svých pandemických plánů. Kdyby tato změkčená definice platila už dřív, musela by se pandemie vyhlašovat každý rok.

    Jak WHO změkčení definice vysvětluje?

    Pořádné vysvětlení dodnes chybí. Oni především popírají, že by definici změnili. Prý se předtím takové národní pandemické plány nepřipravovaly, oficiální definici prý vydali teprve teď. Jenže ve starších materiálech WHO se pojem pandemie definuje – a najdete tam ovšem tu starou definici.

    Kdo vlastně má pravomoc definici pozměnit?

    Poradní sbor WHO. Jak přesně se o změně definice rozhodlo, to teď chceme prošetřit. Nicméně už na podzim normálně mohli dojít k závěru, že vývoj té takzvané pandemie je mírný, určitě mírnější, než se očekávalo. V Austrálii, jak známo, mají zimu v našem létě a Australané už v pozdním létě konstatovali, že prasečí chřipka je mírná a že po ní nepřichází nějaká druhá, horší vlna. Přesto nás WHO v listopadu před druhou, mnohem vážnější vlnou varovala.

    Je důležitý samotný akt vyhlášení pandemie?

    Jistě. Už po té údajné ptačí chřipce v roce 2005 WHO tlačila na vlády, aby vypracovaly svoje národní pandemické plány. U těchto konzultací sedí zástupci farmaceutických firem. Firmy se vládám nabídnou, že by dokázaly vyrobit tolik a tolik vakcín. Pak s nimi podepíšou předběžné smlouvy, v nichž stojí: smlouva platí od chvíle, kdy WHO vyhlásí pandemii. Takže role Světové zdravotnické organizace je naprosto klíčová, ona vlastně ty smlouvy národních států uvádí v platnost a ministři zdravotnictví potom předjednané vakcíny koupit musejí. Přesně to se stalo.

    Kdy jste vůči WHO pojal první podezření?

    Poprvé? Tak to se musíme vrátit právě do roku 2005, do doby ptačí chřipky. Ptačí chřipka je zvířecí nemoc. Nikdy tu nebyl zaznamenán přenos viru z člověka na člověka. Že občas přeskočí virus ze zvířete na člověka, to známe i u jiných nemocí. To se může stát člověku, když je hodně oslaben nebo je v těsném styku se zvířaty, to jest při masovém chovu. Přesto WHO v letech 2005 a 2006 po několika hlášených případech spustila ohromný poplach, mnoho států nakoupilo nevyzkoušené léky. A na základě pouhé hypotézy se ve velkém nakupovaly nevyzkoušené preparáty.

    Zkoušel jste s tím něco dělat?

    Hned jsem jel do Ženevy navštívit Klause Stöhra, který ve WHO vedl program pro sledování chřipky ve světě. Stöhr je ten, který tehdy vystupoval v televizi a vyprávěl, jak je lidstvo ohroženo.

    Prorokoval tehdy sedm milionů mrtvých.

    A já, protože jsem taky epidemiolog, jsem se ho ptal: Jaké máte vědecké důkazy? Proč tak prosazujete tamiflu? A musím vám říct, že jeho odpověď mě velice zklamala. Nedokázal říct nic chytřejšího, než že tamiflu dokázalo oslabit účinek viru při pokusech na zvířatech. To bylo všechno, nic víc neměl. A přesto jen v Německu spolková vláda nakoupila tamiflu za 200 milionů eur.

    Vy jste proti těm nákupům vystupoval?

    Jistě, vystupoval jsem, psal jsem kritické články, tenkrát to ale nemělo valný ohlas. No a pak mi za několik měsíců od Klause Stöhra přijde poštou barevný pohled, který rozesílal všem svým kamarádům a bývalým kolegům. Stálo na něm, že se rozhodl přijmout nové výzvy, že se stěhuje do Londýna a bude pracovat pro farmaceutický koncern Novartis.

    Vzbudil Stöhrův přestup z WHO k Novartisu pozornost?

    V podstatě ne. Bohužel.

    Jak to? Byl to přece krystalický střet zájmů.

    Opravdu nevím. Vy byste měl vědět líp než já, kdy novináři reagují a kdy nereagují, a proč to tak je.

    Znáte případů exponentů farmaceutického průmyslu v politice víc?

    Určitě. Kolem tamiflu se pohyboval Bushův ministr obrany Donald Rumsfeld, bývalý člen představenstva a akcionář firmy Gilead, která k tamiflu držela patent. Asi vás nepřekvapí, že ve chvíli, kdy Bushova administrativa začala vykupovat tamiflu, vylétly akcie Gileadu nahoru. V Británii zase vládě s prasečí chřipkou radí Roy Anderson, který ovšem kromě toho sedí i v koncernu GlaxoSmithKline a pobírá tam desetitisíce liber. Anderson byl mimochodem první, kdo v souvislosti s Mexikem použil slovo pandemie.

    Máte v ruce nějaké tvrdé důkazy, že by farmaceutické firmy politiku WHO přímo ovlivňovaly?

    Máme svoje whistleblowery, lidi, kteří ve WHO pracovali, znají situaci a poskytli nám informace. Všechno obezřetně a férově prozkoumáme, chceme, aby se ukázala pravda.

    Čím to, že poslední dobou tak ztrácejí důvěryhodnost různí odborníci, které předtím laická veřejnost považovala za nestranné a spolehlivé vědce?

    To je také smyslem naší rezoluce v Radě Evropy, aby se podařilo obnovit důvěryhodnost tak důležité instituce, jakou WHO nepochybně je. Ale nejde jen o WHO. Nekriticky se chovaly i mnohé úřady v národních státech, i tady je třeba se ptát. Každopádně se ocitáme v trapné situaci. Takzvaní obyčejní lidé, tedy široké vrstvy obyvatelstva, reagují s větším rozumem než úřady a ministerstva zdravotnictví. Samozřejmě tohle neplatí pro všechny státy, někde se úřady vůči zprávám o prasečí chřipce stavěly kriticky. Lucemburský ministr zdravotnictví hned prohlásil, že to je panikářství – i když lucemburská vláda byla rozpolcená a očkování nakonec taky nabízela. Ale skepsi si zachovaly i některé další země, napadá mě třeba Polsko.

    Jakou roli sehráli novináři?

    Média vyráběla velký tlak. Média mají v povaze popisovat příběhy. Vždycky, když někdo zemře na infekci – a měli jsme smrtelné případy i u prasečí chřipky –, je smrt dramatická událost. Na normální chřipku ovšem každý rok zemře lidí daleko víc. V životě na člověka číhá řada nebezpečí. Když je budeme nafukovat, můžeme lidem život hodně ztížit. život občanů doslova svázat do nejrůznějších pravidel chování.

    Vy u prasečí chřipky žádné riziko nepřipouštíte?

    Ale nám se s prasečí chřipkou stalo to, že se ve jménu vyloučení zanedbatelného rizika očkovalo. Jenže i každé očkování je riziko, můžete mít alergii nebo ve vás vakcína vyvolá nežádoucí vedlejší účinky. U každého rizika je třeba vážit přínosy a náklady. A v tomto případě byly očkovány miliony zdravých lidí, kteří předtím neměli vůbec žádné potíže. Za normálních okolností lékař nesmí bezdůvodně narušit vaši tělesnou nedotknutelnost. Hrozil by mu trest.

    Říkáte, že kromě mediálního rozruchu nebylo na prasečí chřipce nic moc zvláštního. Proč se virus soustředil na mladší ročníky, proč si nevšímal starších lidí?

    On ten virus není tak úplně nový. Vědecky je prokázáno, že asi třetina lidí nad 60 let má imunitu, to znamená, že se s tímto virem už setkala, a je tudíž odolnější. WHO a příslušné národní úřady celou věc otočily s tím, že prasečí chřipka napadá mladé a těhotné. Je ale úplně logické, že pokud se viru vyhnou starší, relativní podíl mladších pacientů stoupá.

    Jak to, že se západní společnost nechá tak lehce vystrašit?

    Abych zůstal u příkladu prasečí chřipky – musím říct, že výrobci farmak a vakcín se naučili lobbovat, zjednat si přístup do médií, dokážou se prosadit. Asi jste slyšel o různých kurzech a seminářích typu: Jak ostatním vnutím svou agendu? Jak spustím módu? Jak vyvolám vlnu, ze které pak budu ekonomicky profitovat? Strach je neskutečně velká vlna a na strachu se dá vydělat hodně peněz

    Dnes je ale společnost mnohem vyplašenější než před dvaceti nebo třiceti lety.

    A odkud si lidé dělají obrázek o tom, co se děje? Z televize, z bulvárních novin, kde se nepíše příliš do hloubky, zato v nich zůstane hodně místa na obrázky. Obrázky dělají největší dojem.

    WHO patří pod Organizaci spojených národů. Nepodléhá kontrole poslanců a vlády skrze tuto nadnárodní organizaci mohou dělat kroky, za které je nelze volat k odpovědnosti. Vadí vám to?

    Vadí. Potřebujeme víc transparentnosti a demokratické kontroly.

    Rada Evropy ale nemá žádné důležité pravomoci.

    Možná si vzpomenete na vyšetřování tajných vězení CIA v Evropě, které organizoval můj kolega ze Švýcarska Dick Marty. No a podle Martyho vzoru si potom v mnoha zemích Evropy zorganizovali vlastní národní šetření. Doufám, že podobně inspirujeme národní parlamenty i teď.

    Říkal jste, že po ptačí chřipce ani po první vlně prasečí chřipky jste svou kritikou moc nezaujal. Čím to, že teď si vašich námitek všimli nejen v Německu, ale skoro po celém světě?

    To si vysvětluji váhovým rozdílem mezi jedním poslancem národního parlamentu a Parlamentním shromážděním Rady Evropy, ve kterém jsou poslanci z 47 členských států.

    Pandemie prasečí chřipky je podvod výrobců léků, tvrdí expert Rady Evropy - iDNES.cz


    Vedoucí britské vládní sekce imunizace uvedl, že Wodarg nemá pro svá tvrzení žádné argumenty. "Lidé, u kterých by mohl nastat střet zájmů, byli z rozhodovacího procesu vyloučeni," uvedl David Salisbury.

    Za nepodložené považuje obvinění i jeden z výrobců vakcíny GlaxoSmithKline. "Tato obvinění jsou nepatřičná, zavádějící a nepodložená. Světová zdravotnická organizace deklarovala, že byla splněna všechna kritéria pro vyhlášení pandemie," dodal mluvčí společnosti.

    Za neoprávněné považuje Wodargovo tvrzení i předseda České vakcinologické společnosti Roman Prymula.

    "WHO měla nastavená nějaká kritéria, na základě kterých pandemii vyhlásila. Komerční subjekty do tohoto rozhodování nijak nezasahovaly. Je pravdou, že kritéria nebyla nastavena nejpřesněji, podle všeho se ale budou měnit," míní Prymula.


    Očkování zbrzdily poplašné zprávy
    Ani v Česku ale není o očkování proti prasečí chřipce velký zájem. Podle Prymuly za to mohou poplašné zprávy o škodlivosti vakcíny. "Situace se pokazila již na začátku zprávami o škodlivých vedlejších účincích vakcíny. Přestože je bezpečná a přestože jsou tyto informace zveřejněny na zdravotnických webech, nedá se situace již zcela napravit."

    Připustil, že pokles zájmu o očkování způsobil i mírný průběh nemoci. Očkování má ale podle něj stále smysl. "Už za několik týdnů mohou přijít další vlny prasečí chřipky, proto má význam," uzavřel.

    Narcolepsy Following 2009 Pandemrix Influenza Vaccination in Europe | Vaccine Safety | CDC

    An increased risk of narcolepsy was found following vaccination with Pandemrix, a monovalent 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine that was used in several European countries during the H1N1 influenza pandemic. This risk was initially found in Finland, and then other European countries also detected an association.

    Pandemrix-induced narcolepsy is associated with genes related to immunity and neuronal survival - PMC

    The incidence of narcolepsy rose sharply after the swine influenza A (H1N1) vaccination campaign with Pandemrix. Narcolepsy is an immune-related disorder with excessive daytime sleepiness. The most frequent form is strongly associated with HLA-DQB1*06:02, but only a minority of carriers develop narcolepsy. We aimed to identify genetic markers that predispose to Pandemrix-induced narcolepsy

    Science | AAAS

    More than 1300 people who received a vaccine to prevent the flu developed narcolepsy, an incurable, debilitating condition that causes overpowering daytime sleepiness, sometimes accompanied by a sudden muscle weakness in response to strong emotions such as laughter or anger. The manufacturer, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), has acknowledged the link, and some patients and their families have already been awarded cpmpensation. But how the vaccine might have triggered the condition has been unclear.

    In a paper in Science Translational Medicine (STM) this week, researchers offer a possible explanation. They show that the vaccine, called Pandemrix, triggers antibodies that can also bind to a receptor in brain cells that help regulate sleepiness. The work strongly suggests that Pandemrix, which was given to more than 30 million Europeans, triggered an autoimmune re action that led to narcolepsy in some people who are genetically at risk.

    "They put together quite a convincing picture and provide a plausible explanation for what has happened," says Pasi Penttinen, who heads the influenza program at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control in Stockholm. "It's really the kind of work we've been waiting for for 5 years." But the results still need to be confirmed in a larger study, the authors and other narcolepsy researchers say. A 2013 paper in STM by another group, documenting a different type of vaccine-triggered autoimmune re action, was retracted after the results proved irreproducible (Science, 1 August 2014, p. 498).


    V. Conclusions
    44. The recent debate on H1N1, notably at a European level, has shown that the situation relating to this
    influenza is characterised by a high degree of uncertainty. The rapporteur is convinced that the way in which
    the H1N1 crisis has been handled is lacking in transparency. Certain facts have never been communicated
    to the European public; others have not been presented clearly enough. Even in this advanced stage of
    debate, and notwithstanding the lack of transparency has been pointed out on various occasions, some
    stakeholders are still not ready to react fully to allegations made and make all possible information available.
    45. Concluding this first round of reflection on the way in which the H1N1 pandemic was handled, the
    rapporteur notes that WHO and other public health institutions involved in public decisions on the pandemic,
    have ‘gambled away’ some of the confidence that the European public has in these highly reputed
    organisations. This decline in confidence could be risky in the future. When the next pandemic arises many
    persons may not give full credibility to recommendations put forward by WHO and other bodies. They may
    refuse to be vaccinated and may put their own health and lives at risk.
    46. The rapporteur considers that any further investigation should focus on the question of how to
    strengthen and render irreproachable the surveillance mechanisms in place within and around WHO. It is
    essential in this respect to ensure the Organisation’s democratic accountability and transparency of decisionmaking in relation to its work, and finally to re-increase public confidence in WHO’s recommendations. There
    are important lessons to be learned for the future from the current H1N1 pandemic and the way in which it
    has been dealt with.


    48. In parallel, national public health authorities of Council of Europe member states should also
    contribute to rendering public health decisions more transparent and accountable. This they should do by
    addressing some of these highly sensitive issues at national level, and by participating in relevant exchanges
    at the European level. One of the issues to be examined is the democratic control of international
    organisations such as WHO through relevant bodies (World Health Assembly, Regional Committees of
    WHO, etc.).

    Pandemie chřipky byla podle Rady Evropy podvod | Týden.cz
    GORG --- ---
    swine flu scam? | Journal of Public Health | Oxford Academic

    Journal of Public Health, Volume 32, Issue 3, September 2010, Pages 296–297, https://doi.org/10.1093/pubmed/fdq059
    Published: 04 August 2010

    Issue Section: Editorials
    There is a conspiracy theory about nearly everything. So claims that swine flu was a scam come as no surprise. ‘This was a pandemic that never really was’ according to Paul Flynn, MP who prepared a recent report on the flu pandemic for the Council of Europe.1 The report expresses alarm about the way the pandemic was handled. It criticizes the proportionality of the response and argues that over reaction led to waste of public money, distortion of public health priorities and unjustified fears about health risks. It identifies ‘grave shortcomings’ in the transparency of decision-making processes and concerns about the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. The World Health Organization (WHO) comes in for particular criticism for failing to publish the declarations of interest of members of its Emergency Committee, the group advising director general Dr Margaret Chan on the pandemic response.

    These themes are taken up by Cohen and Carter2 in the British Medical Journal. They found that key scientists had done paid work for pharmaceutical firms that stood to gain from advice they gave to WHO. However, declarations made by members of the Emergency Committee, and of other WHO committees that helped produce influenza preparedness plans, have never been disclosed by WHO. Even the identities of the 16 member Emergency Committee remain a closely guarded secret.

    Conflicts of interest have been defined by the US National Academies as: ‘any financial or other interest which conflicts with the service of the individual because it could significantly impair the individual's objectivity, or could create an unfair competitive advantage for any person or organization’.3 There are many ways in which conflicts of interest can influence professional behaviour. The General Medical Council in its guidance for doctors focuses almost exclusively on the doctor–patient relationship.4 But conflicts of interest can equally arise in postgraduate education, guideline development, research conduct, programme evaluation and public policy formulation.

    When it comes to policies on pandemic flu, there is an inherent conflict between the pharmaceutical industry, WHO and the global health system. Almost inevitably, they all draw on the same pool of experts. The issue is therefore not so much about avoiding conflicts of interest but about properly dealing with them. As Friedman points out, ‘there is no moral or ethical failing in having a conflict of interest; the problem occurs when conflicts are not disclosed appropriately and when conflicts are allowed to bias research, teaching or practice’.5 There are several possible strategies. At the very least, public disclosure of conflicts of interest is essential to maintain transparency. The US National Academies have gone further and ruled that no individual can be appointed to serve on one of its committees if that individual has a conflict of interest that is relevant to the functions of the committee.3 However, such an approach may bar experts who have important information to contribute. Another option is to consult the relevant experts, but exclude them from decision-making. For example, the American College of Chest Physicians has developed a three-point plan to address this tension when developing practice guidelines.6 First, equal emphasis is placed on intellectual and financial conflicts with explicit criteria for both. Second, a person without conflicts of interest is given primary responsibility for each guideline chapter. Thirdly, experts with conflicts of interest can collect and interpret evidence, but only panel members without conflicts of interest can be involved in developing guideline recommendations. Drug regulation agencies often have very formalized procedures for dealing with conflicts of interest. For example, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) maintains a database of members' conflicts of interest. These are evaluated to determine ‘level of risk’, and information on individuals deemed ‘high risk’ is referred to an assessment group who may restrict the individual from taking part in specific activities. However, even such apparently stringent procedures have been criticized in favour of following a precautionary principle that completely prohibits any involvement of individuals with conflicts of interest.7

    So was swine flu a scam? Did the pharmaceutical industry manipulate a fake pandemic? Were the scientific experts, consciously or unconsciously, part of a conspiracy to promote anti-viral stockpiles and boost vaccine sales? Corporate influences on epidemiology have a long history.8 The tobacco industry has undertaken elaborate campaigns to undermine WHO activities on tobacco control in the past.9 More recently, the alcohol beverage industry and the food industry have come under scrutiny for possible attempts to influence public opinion, regulation and the conduct of science.10,11 But the swine flu affair smells more of cock-up than conspiracy.

    Ultimately, the issue boils down to a problem of confidence in public policy-makers. There is a great deal at stake financially. Decisions made within WHO led to national governments committing millions of pounds to buy anti-virals and vaccines. The public, politicians and national governments need to be convinced not only that the right decisions are made, but that they are also made for the right reasons. It is vital that such influential decisions are made in the clear light of day and that the decision-making bodies involved can demonstrate that they have effective mechanisms to deal with conflicts of interest. In this regard, the WHO arrangements can be seen to be woefully inadequate. Indeed, Chan, responding to the BMJ article, concedes that ‘WHO needs to establish, and enforce, stricter rules of engagement with industry’.12

    Next time we need to be more transparent in our decision-making,13 more adept at communicating risk to the public14 and more flexibly in responding to the pandemic, whatever form it takes.15 In the meantime, WHO needs to put its house in order.

    Conflict of interest: M.R.E. is a member of the UK Scientific Pandemic Influenza Advisory Committee and the UK Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies.

    1 Flynn P. Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee. Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, The Handling of the H1N1 Pandemic: More Transparency Needed, 2010 http://assembly.coe.int/CommitteeDocs/2010/20100329_MemorandumPandemie_E.pdf
    Google ScholarWorldCat
    2 Cohen D, Carter P. WHO and the pandemic flu ‘conspiracies, Br Med J, 2010, vol. 340 pg. c2912
    Google ScholarCrossrefWorldCat
    3 General Medical Council, Conflicts of Interest—Guidance for Doctors, 2008 http://www.gmc-uk.org/guidance/ethical_guidance/conflicts_of_interest.asp
    4 Friedman PJ. The troublesome semantics of conflict of interest, Ethics Behavior, 1992, vol. 2 (pg. 245-51)10.1207/s15327019eb0204_2
    Google ScholarCrossrefPubMedWorldCat
    5 National Academies, Policy and Procedures on Committee Composition and Balance and Conflicts of Interest for Committees Used in the Development of Reports, 2003 http://www.nationalacademies.org/coi/index.html
    6 Guyatt G, Akl EA, Hirsh J, et al. The vexing problem of guidelines and conflict of interest: a potential solution, Ann Intern Med, 2010, vol. 152 (pg. 738-41)
    Google ScholarCrossrefPubMedWorldCat
    7 Lexchin J, O'Donovan O. Prohibiting or ‘managing’ conflict of interest? A review of policies and procedures in three European drug regulation agencies, Soc Sci Med, 2010, vol. 70 (pg. 648-51)
    Google ScholarCrossrefPubMedWorldCatPubMed
    8 Pearce N. Corporate influences on epidemiology, Int J Epidemiol, 2008, vol. 37 (pg. 46-53)10.1093/ije/dym270
    Google ScholarCrossrefPubMedWorldCat
    9 Godlee F. WHO faces up to its tobacco links, Br Med J, 2000, vol. 321 (pg. 314-5)10.1136/bmj.321.7257.314
    Google ScholarCrossrefWorldCat
    10 Babor T, Miller P, Edwards G. Vested interests, addiction research and public policy, Addiction, 2010, vol. 105 (pg. 4-5)10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02664.x
    Google ScholarCrossrefPubMedWorldCat
    11 Brownell KD, Warner KE. The perils of ignoring history: big tobacco played dirty and millions died. How similar is big food?, Millbank Quart, 2009, vol. 87 (pg. 259-94)10.1111/j.1468-0009.2009.00555.x
    Google ScholarCrossrefWorldCat
    12 Chan M. WHO response to article on conflicts of interest, Br Med J, 2010, vol. 340 pg. c2912 http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/340/jun03_4/c2912#236800
    Google ScholarCrossrefWorldCat
    13 Godlee F. Conflicts of interest and pandemic flu, Br Med J, 2010, vol. 340 pg. c2553
    Google ScholarCrossrefWorldCat
    14 Abraham T. The price of poor communication, Br Med J, 2010, vol. 340 pg. c2952 10.1136/bmj.c2952
    Google ScholarCrossrefWorldCat
    15 Doshi P. Calibrated response to emerging infections, Br Med J, 2009, vol. 339 pg. b3471 10.1136/bmj.b3471
    Google ScholarCrossrefWorldCat
    GORG --- ---
    New chart reveals military’s vast involvement in Operation Warp Speed

    WASHINGTON — When President Trump unveiled Operation Warp Speed in May, he declared that it was “unlike anything our country has seen since the Manhattan Project.”

    The initiative — to accelerate the development of Covid-19 vaccines and therapeutics — lacks the scale, and the degree of secrecy, of the effort to build the atomic bomb. But Operation Warp Speed is largely an abstraction in Washington, with little known about who works there other than its top leaders, or how it operates. Even pharmaceutical companies hoping to offer help or partnerships have labored to figure out who to contact.

    Now, an organizational chart of the $10 billion initiative, obtained by STAT, reveals the fullest picture yet of Operation Warp Speed: a highly structured organization in which military personnel vastly outnumber civilian scientists.

    The labyrinthine chart, dated July 30, shows that roughly 60 military officials — including at least four generals — are involved in the leadership of Operation Warp Speed, many of whom have never worked in health care or vaccine development. Just 29 of the roughly 90 leaders on the chart aren’t employed by the Department of Defense; most of them work for the Department of Health and Human Services and its subagencies.

    Operation Warp Speed’s central goal is to develop, produce, and distribute 300 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine by January — and the military is intimately involved, according to Paul Mango, HHS’ deputy chief of staff for policy. It has already helped prop up more than two dozen vaccine manufacturing facilities — flying in equipment and raw materials from all over the world. It has also set up significant cybersecurity and physical security operations to ensure an eventual vaccine is guarded very closely from “state actors who don’t want us to be successful in this,” he said, adding that many of the Warp Speed discussions take place in protected rooms used to discuss classified information.

    “This is a massive scientific and logistical undertaking,” said Mango. “We are weeks away, at most, a month or two away from having at least one safe and effective vaccine.”

    Despite the military’s dominance, the chart also includes Nancy Messonnier, the director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases who was almost fired by Trump in February for warning the public about the growing Covid-19 pandemic. Public health and drug industry officials told STAT that Messonnier and Gen. Paul Ostrowski, her direct superior, serve as the initiative’s main contacts on all questions related to the distribution of an eventual vaccine. One public health official said that Ostrowksi, an expert on military acquisition, defers to Messonnier on matters of public health.

    The military’s extensive involvement in the development and distribution of a vaccine is a departure from pandemics of the past, but it is fitting for Trump, who has gushed about his love for “my military” and “my generals.” While the military was tangentially involved in public health crises like the H1N1 pandemic of 2009, some public health leaders have raised concerns about what they see as their marginalization during the pandemic.

    Related: The 8 most important leaders of Operation Warp Speed
    One senior federal health official told STAT he was struck by the presence of soldiers in military uniforms walking around the health department’s headquarters in downtown Washington, and said that recently he has seen more than 100 officials in the corridors wearing “Desert Storm fatigues.”

    “Military personnel won’t be familiar with the health resources available in a community,” said John Auerbach, CEO of Trust for America’s Health, a group closely aligned with public health departments. “They don’t know who the doctors are or where the community health centers are located or what resources they have. They don’t know where the pharmacies are. Public health people do know, that’s part of what they do.”

    Operation Warp Speed chart

    The July 30 Operation Warp Speed organizational chart obtained by STAT details about 90 of the officials involved in the initiative. Roughly 60 work for the Department of Defense.

    Military officials, however, contend that the U.S. Army excels at complex challenges — like distributing vaccines that might need to be transported at subzero temperatures.

    “You know the old joke about, ‘You and what army,’ right?” said Andrew Hunter, a Defense Department expert at a Washington think tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “They routinely do things that are more complex, even than this vaccine job, all the time.”

    Mango told STAT the operation has kept some key personnel information under wraps out of concerns for the security of the entire vaccine supply chain, from the warehouses storing vaccines to the computer systems being used to coordinate the effort.

    “The secretary has given us the order of being as transparent as we possibly can with one caveat: That we are not compromising anything that has to do with national security,” he said.

    An HHS spokesperson declined to comment directly on the chart, citing precedent that the agency does not comment on leaked documents. But the spokesperson noted that at least 600 HHS officials are involved in Warp Speed. The majority of those employees are not captured by the chart obtained by STAT. Among the decision makers not included in the chart are Mango and HHS’ Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Bob Kadlec. Mango told STAT that he and Kadlec personally sign off on every business agreement made by HHS for Operation Warp Speed.

    Mango also added that the vast majority of scientists working on Operation Warp Speed work for the companies the effort is funding.

    “There’s really not a need for anyone to place scores of scientists inside HHS or DOD to get this done,” Mango said. “Quite honestly, we are not conducting any science whatsoever inside the government to support Operation Warp Speed, none.”

    He also defended the military’s involvement in the initiative, though he insisted that it is primarily supporting efforts led by public health officials at the CDC.

    “There are quite honestly certain logistical elements of this that the CDC has never, ever been asked to do, and why not bring the best logisticians in the world into the equation?” Mango said.

    Beyond obtaining the internal document from a federal official, STAT interviewed companies funded by Warp Speed and more than a dozen key officials who have worked closely with the organization’s leaders. The reporting sheds light on the high degree of organization and specialization within the organization, as well as the extreme demands the initiative is placing on the companies it funds.

    Operation Warp Speed’s central goal is to develop, produce, and distribute 300 million doses of a coronavirus vaccine by January. The initiative has poured $10 billion into the clinical development and manufacturing of potential vaccine candidates, and it has stockpiled hundreds of thousands of doses of as-yet-unproven immunizations. Warp Speed has deals with six major drug companies hoping to develop Covid-19 vaccines and may seek more, the group’s chief adviser, Moncef Slaoui, told STAT earlier this month.

    Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, approvingly called Operation Warp Speed a “talent show.”

    “If you go through the organizational boxes of Operation Warp Speed, they’re very, very impressive,” Fauci told STAT in an interview Friday.

    Tom Inglesby, the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, with whom STAT shared the organizational chart, agreed that the initiative appears well-positioned to achieve its ambitious goals — and under a tight timeline.

    “There is deep knowledge of science and on how to manage complex government operations,” said Inglesby. “It’s clearly operating in a challenging pandemic and political environment, and we won’t know if we have a safe and effective vaccine until the trials are finished. But it’s a highly competent group of people working to make it happen.”

    Though HHS Secretary Alex Azar and Defense Secretary Mark Esper are at the top, the two key leaders are Slaoui, the formal civilian leader of the project, and Gen. Gustave Perna, the military lead who is the chief operating officer for Operation Warp Speed.

    Under Slaoui are two major pillars, “Vaccine” and “Therapeutics.” Under Perna are three pillars, for “Plans, Ops and Analysis,” “Security and Assurance,” and “Supply, Production and [Distribution].”

    But the complexity of the organization makes it difficult as an outsider to discern who is reporting directly to who, experts in business management who reviewed the chart told STAT.

    “It’s confusing for sure,” said Robert Huckman, the chair of Harvard Business School’s health care initiative, who studies health care management and organization. Huckman added that the chart was more complex than most he’s seen. “It is more complex, but it’s a more complex endeavor, too … it may be that it simply reflects the complexity of what Operation Warp Speed is trying to do.”

    “I can only imagine the headache that comes with trying to coordinate these different production processes,” said Raffaella Sadun, a professor of business administration at Harvard Business School who studies CEO behavior.

    Slaoui’s tenure thus far at Warp Speed has been marked by outside concerns over his personal financial stake in some of the companies he is now overseeing. Slaoui, who holds roughly $10 million in GSK stock, is not bound by federal ethics rules because he is employed by an outside contractor, not the federal government. Slaoui has agreed to donate any increase in the value of that stock, although that agreement hasn’t placated critics.

    “The first person to be fired should be Dr. Slaoui,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said at a hearing last week. “The American people deserve to know that Covid-19 vaccine decisions are based on science, and not on personal greed.”

    Related: Operation Warp Speed promised to do the impossible. How far has it come?
    But Slaoui knows firsthand, perhaps better than anyone else, what it takes to dramatically speed up the search for a vaccine. He played a pivotal role in GSK’s sprint to develop an Ebola vaccine in 2015. The effort ultimately failed, but he is so well-regarded at GSK that the company named its vaccine research center after him in 2016.

    Perna, meanwhile, is a four-star Army general who previously managed virtually all of the Army’s logistics. He was even inducted into the Army’s own logistics hall of fame. He most recently served as head of Army Materiel Command, a sprawling job that handles virtually all of the Army’s equipment. The organization’s slogan is: “If a Soldier shoots it, drives it, flies it, wears it, communicates with it, or eats it — AMC provides it.”

    During his tenure, Perna constantly pushed the Army to move faster, and to be more ready to go to war at a moment’s notice.

    Below Perna and Slaoui are a team of military and civilian experts like Ostrowski, a former special forces soldier who handles the supply and distribution of an eventual vaccine, and Matt Hepburn, the initiative’s go-to vaccine coordinator. Hepburn cut his teeth working on high-tech military projects, including an initiative that developed sensors that could be implanted into soldiers to detect certain illnesses before the men and women ever showed symptoms. Hepburn also has a reputation for driving even the most accomplished scientists to work harder than they’ve ever worked before.

    “If Matt is still the Matt I know, he will be on these people with a foot on their neck, making them go go go,” said Geoffrey Ling, Hepburn’s former boss at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

    Related: Operation Warp Speed doesn’t have the transparency it needs
    There are government outsiders deeply involved in the project, too. Larry Corey, one of the country’s leading AIDS researchers, describes himself as an “ex-officio” member of Warp Speed. Corey runs the Covid-19 prevention network, an assortment of existing HIV trial networks that now are running at least three of the Phase 3 Covid-19 clinical trials. While he’s not formally on the organizational chart, he takes part in thrice-weekly calls with Warp Speed. Corey, who is based in Seattle, is in constant cross-country coordination with one of the NIH’s top vaccine researchers, John Mascola, a formal member of the organization.

    “We are sacrificing our time and energy on Operation Warp Speed. We have taken the pivot from everything else that we have done in our lives,” Corey said, regarding him and Mascola. Corey described waking up at 5 a.m. each day to get on calls with Warp Speed leaders at 5:30 a.m., and then enduring a deluge of conference calls until 6 p.m. When the day’s work is done, he turns to planning for the following day, which keeps him working until 11 p.m. He’s in bed by midnight.

    “I don’t think his day is any different than my day,” Corey said of Mascola. Both, he was sure, are sleep-deprived.

    Operation Warp Speed is much more than a splashy name for an initiative focused on doling out purchase orders. The benefits for companies who land a Warp Speed contract go far beyond just money, according to one of the companies with a contract.

    SiO2 Materials Science, an Auburn, Ala.-based company that is making vials for the effort, used its status as an Operation Warp Speed grantee to force a vendor to cut production time from 75 days to just seven. It also leveraged its contract with Warp Speed to get its power turned on in the midst of a massive outage in just minutes — others had to wait days, according Lawrence Ganti, the company’s chief business officer. Operation Warp Speed also covered the costs of installing 32 new security cameras around the company’s facility after an assessment found the company’s physical security was lacking.

    SiO2 received $143 million from Operation Warp Speed, a fraction of what larger companies have received, but the company still is required to provide monthly status reports to the government. The reports typically run up to 60 pages and are coupled with a four-hour meeting attended by multiple Warp Speed officials, according to Ganti. That’s in addition to biweekly “risk reports” and weekly site visits from the Army Corps of Engineers.

    A second company funded by Warp Speed confirmed similar reporting requirements.

    “Everybody has — or at least I had a stereotype of how the government operated. Nine-to-five, slow, kind of what you’d expect at the DMV … this is not that in any way,” said Ganti. “They seem to be working 24/7.”

    The organizational chart also underscores which agencies are not as closely involved in the leadership of the effort: namely, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which took a leading role in coordinating vaccine distribution for other past pandemics, like the H1N1 pandemic of 2009. There are at least three staffers from each of the administration’s other major health agencies, like the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority or the National Institutes of Health.

    Mango, the HHS deputy chief of staff, said the CDC has a more central role than the personnel chart implies. He personally interacts with Messonier multiple times a week, and there are frequent meetings between the DOD and CDC with 15-20 of her deputies, he said.

    “What General Perna says at the start of every meeting, and he means it, is we are here for one reason, to support the CDC,” Mango said. “Anyone who is watching what is going on a daily basis would say the CDC is leading and the DOD is enabling and supporting.”

    Chief Pentagon Spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman struck a similar tone.

    “The Department of Defense has been clear in its role in Operation Warp Speed: We are providing the bandwidth of logistical expertise, including program management and contracting proficiency to this all-of-America effort,” he said in a statement. “The development and delivery of over 300 million vaccine doses harnesses public-private partnerships, academia, and industry – no one entity can do this alone.”

    The Pentagon also declined to comment on the chart obtained by STAT, saying they do not comment on leaked documents.

    The Food and Drug Administration is also largely absent from the organizational chart, though that is by design. Most FDA officials are barred from participating formally in Operation Warp Speed over concerns that their involvement would conflict with their mission to impartially review eventual vaccine applications. The one major exception is Janet Woodcock, who took a temporary leave as head of FDA’s drug center to lead the initiative’s efforts on therapeutics.

    BARDA plays perhaps the most head-scratching role in Operation Warp Speed. The organization’s acting director, Gary Disbrow, a camera-shy bureaucrat who was catapulted into the job after the ouster of his boss, Rick Bright, is listed as co-leading the vaccine effort alongside Hepburn, and a number of other BARDA leaders are included in the chart.

    But three sources told STAT that Disbrow, and BARDA more generally, are playing a marginal role in Warp Speed. “BARDA has been largely sidelined in all of this,” one pharmaceutical industry source told STAT.

    Ganti of SiO2, however, told STAT that the company deals primarily with BARDA for all of its Warp Speed-related questions. Mango also told STAT BARDA officials meet with Warp Speed officials daily “to make sure contracts are moving along.”

    BARDA also appears to be fronting a large chunk of the funding for the Warp Speed initiative, alongside the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense.

    Operation Warp Speed doesn't have the transparency it needs
    GORG --- ---
    The Scary New Contracting Model That Isn’t Scary or New - Nextgov

    MARCH 26, 2018
    “Other Transaction Authorities” might seem like a risky new acquisition method, but it’s been around longer than the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
    This is part of a series about other transaction authority. Read the role of consortia and what agencies are buying.

    There is a new and scary but potentially game-changing acquisition model catching fire across government. The thing is, it doesn’t have to be scary and is not really all that new.

    Long lead times and complex, overwrought requirements have made acquisition one of the main impediments to successful information technology procurements in the federal government, resulting in no shortage of handwringing over the rules included in the Federal Acquisition Regulation that govern most transactions. But there is another way, if program managers, contracting officials and agency lawyers are willing to take a chance.

    Before there was a FAR, there were “other transaction authorities,” also known by the shorthand OTAs or OTs. This contracting method outside the usual federal process is not widely used and even less understood. But that’s beginning to change.

    “Is there anything here to be worried about? No,” Douglas Maughan, director of the Homeland Security Department's Science and Technology Directorate’s Cyber Security Division, told Nextgov. “Even though it’s been around for a fairly lengthy period of time, it’s just not been used very much. So, people are afraid of it because they haven’t seen how it’s worked.”

    ‘Or Other Transactions…’

    When NASA was founded in 1958, Paul Dembling, then-general counsel for the agency’s predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, wrote a section into the Space Act describing the agency’s acquisition authority.

    The legislation allowed NASA “to enter into and perform such contracts, leases, cooperative agreements or other transactions as may be necessary in the conduct of its work.”

    “This was 1958 and NASA was a big deal,” said Ralph Nash, a government procurement law expert and founder of the Government Contracts Program at George Washington University’s National Law Center, where he is a former dean of graduate studies and professor emeritus.

    “We were in a space race with the Russians and President [John] Kennedy said we would get to the moon in this decade,” he explained. “This was there to give them full flexibility.”

    Three decades later—well after the establishment of the FAR—that same language was used to grant the Defense Department similar authorities.

    Congress gave Defense contracting officials the tool in 1989 with the express goal of helping non-traditional—or at least not frequent—contractors to research new technologies alongside the department.

    By 1994, that authority had been broadened beyond research to include prototyping and then updated again in 2017 to enable contracts to move into production after successful prototypes.

    Over that time, several departments have been granted other transaction authorities, including Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security and Transportation. Under these departments, five component agencies have also been given explicit OT authority: the Federal Aviation Administration, Transportation Security Administration, National Institutes of Health, Domestic Nuclear Detection Office and Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy, or ARPA-E.

    “Under these authorities, agencies may develop agreements that are not required to follow a standard format or include terms and conditions that are typically required when using traditional mechanisms,” according to a Government Accountability Office definition.

    The Wild West of Procurement?

    Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate awarded its first OT contract for cybersecurity in February 2016 after launching its Silicon Valley Innovation program.

    The directorate started the Silicon Valley program to “reach out to…non-traditional performers—the perfect example of what a startup is,” Maughan explained. “What we’re trying to do in the Silicon Valley program is, in partnership with components as well as critical infrastructure providers, we’re looking for early-stage companies that have technology that we could use to bring capability to our components or first responders or the private sector.”

    That sparked the first broad agency announcement call in December 2015 seeking interesting applications of the internet of things to support first responders and secure critical infrastructure.

    Those calls have continued, with S&T awarding 37 OT contracts in 2017. In total, the directorate has worked with 25 companies through the Silicon Valley program.

    While the primary focus for OTs is on research and development, not all agencies are using them for that express purpose. For instance, TSA and NASA use them for other services, such as airport security, education and outreach, according to GAO.

    Broadening OTs beyond research seems to increase their use accordingly. GAO reports that while most agencies do fewer than 75 OT transactions a year, TSA and NASA conducted 640 and 3,220, respectively, in 2014 alone.

    Many in government have been reluctant to use their OT authorities precisely because of the lack of regulations governing their use. Since the contracts exist outside of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, they can be written with far less stringent requirements. But that also means there are fewer protections along the way to avoid a catastrophic contracting failure—one that could land a government official in front of a congressional committee.

    But just because there aren’t as many regulations doesn’t mean there isn’t oversight, Maughan said.

    “It depends on your definition of oversight,” he said. “Even though it’s not FAR-based, we still have to do procurement documentation, we have to do a source-selection plan that says what are the criteria by which we’re going to evaluate proposals. For the most part, it’s the same as a traditional FAR-based contract, it’s just that the vehicle you’re using is not a FAR-based vehicle.”

    Despite appearances, “It’s not the wild, wild west,” Maughan added. “You still have to make sure the government is making the decisions on what gets awarded. Even still, we have a contracting officer—who’s called an ‘other transaction authority officer’—so you’re still doing the same kinds of things with the contracting folks as part of the team.”

    Funding Failure

    The reluctance to use OTs is based on “fear of giving people a lot of discretion,” said Nash, the procurement law expert. “If you’re in a government agency and you’ve got an inspector general and you’ve got congressional oversight … there’s a tendency to be pretty cautious about how you do business.”

    That said, “It’s the same oversight you have over any other transaction where you’re giving a company money,” Nash said. “The problem is, if you have a lot of discretion, you take away a lot of the rules, but you still have basic ethics problems. If you gave an OT to your father without telling anybody else about it, you’d have the same ethical violation you’d have with a contract or a grant.”

    The other major roadblock is the fear of funding projects that don't pan out, Nash said.

    “People have a hard time understanding that when you fund research, over half the time you’re funding failure,” Nash said. “You do not get 100 percent payout from research; and you shouldn’t expect it.” If you were to see a 100 percent success rate in funding research, that would just mean you weren't looking far enough into the future.

    “There’s nothing wrong with failure,” Nash said.

    Homeland Security’s Maughan agreed. “We have a lot of successes we can talk about with return on investment, but even the failures” have some return, he said. He cited a program to downsize a Defense Department radar system to fit on smaller drones used by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The company awarded a contract ultimately failed to produce a working prototype, but everyone involved still consider it a successful venture.

    The company was able to get funding to move their research forward and CBP learned what is feasible for the size of drones they use. “They were still really happy about being part of the program,” Maughan said. “We helped them move the technology down the roadmap toward a smaller device and that will help them in some of their DOD missions.”

    “I think there’s still some return on investment," he added. "Our investment was less than $400,000 with them, so I think it falls into the category of: If you’re going to fail, fail quickly."

    Had the office used a traditional contracting method for this project, it likely would have taken six to 12 months just to make an award, let alone discover that the idea would not work. Under the Science and Technology Directorate's OT authority, the time from application to award can be as short as 60 to 90 days.

    Is It Worth It?

    Overall, Maughan said he would recommend using OT contracts when appropriate but advised contracting officers to pick the right spots.

    “It’s not a solution for every case,” he said. “If you’re trying to get startups with new innovation, then an OT might be good for you as an organization. There’s a little bit of risk working with a startup company—if you’re really just looking for a solutions provider and you’re not willing to take some risk, then an OT might not be for you.”

    “It’s not the answer for all things,” he added.

    Nash agreed and offered some advice to agencies interested in getting in on OTs.

    “Let’s say you find a company out there that’s never done business with the government and that has some fascinating technology. You go to them and you say, ‘How could we sponsor you to do this? And we’ll give you all the money.’ Well, they may say, ‘The only way we’ll deal with you is this, this, this and this,’” Nash said. “We’re talking about intellectual property issues; we’re talking about accounting issues. And a normal contracting office might be pretty darn uncomfortable when they hear that because that’s not their norm.”

    “You’ve got accounting problems. You want to make sure the company spends the money for what you gave them the money,” which can be particularly difficult, as one advantage of an OT contract is the company does not have to abide by government accounting standards. “But you need to make sure they have some systems.

    “You need to worry about intellectual property—who’s going to have rights to it. And that would mean that if they said, ‘We’ll only do it if you take zero rights,’ that would be a problem. You might do it but you certainly would know that that’s a flashpoint that you would worry about. And then, of course, you’ve got to worry about audit rights because the government always wants to be able to audit and the contractor might not want to be audited.”

    But these issues wouldn’t be news to a contracting officer who has spent any amount of time working in government, Nash said.

    “The problem, I think, is, will your contracting office be willing to step outside of its normal FAR logic and really make it wide open?”
    GORG --- ---
    Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act

    The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act) authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (Secretary) to issue a PREP Act declaration. The declaration provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims:

    of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions
    determined by the Secretary to constitute a present, or credible risk of a future public health emergency
    to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures

    Advanced Technology International (ATI) - ATI | Advanced Technology International

    We help non-traditional contractors – including small businesses, start-ups, and academia – get involved in government contracting. In fact, non-traditional contractors account for about 75 percent of ATI’s consortia membership, and they receive about 60 percent of awards. The government benefits by getting access to emerging technologies, and these non-traditional contractors benefit from:

    Future connections

    Other Transaction Agreements (OTA) – ATI | Advanced Technology International

    ATI has extensive experience and expertise in the Other Transaction consortium business model.
    Other Transaction Agreements (OTA), relieve some of the contractual burdens typically placed on contractors working for federal clients, making it possible for non-traditional contractors – small and emerging companies – to participate in technology development.

    The Other Transaction (OT) consortium model is an “enterprise partnership” between the government and technology providers in a specific domain. The OT consortium model relieves some of the contractual burdens typically placed on contractors working for federal clients.

    We have extensive experience and expertise in OTA collaboration management. Our successful application of the OTA consortium model has played a major role in the growth of its popularity, and we remain the industry leader in this area.

    Other Transaction Authority (OTA) | AiDA

    What is an “Other Transaction”
    Other Transactions (OTs) are procurement instruments other than contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements enabling flexible business arrangements to acquire research and development to support technology advancement or to quickly develop a prototype. Many laws and regulations governing federal contracts do not apply to OTs (i.e., Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA)), however, the Procurement Integrity Act applies and competitive practices are applicable. OTs may be protested to the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, and GAO has limited jurisdiction to review OT decisions. GAO ruled on proper use of an OT in these cases: GAO B-416061 and GAO B-416752.

    OTs are a mechanism to access innovative research and development, especially from *non-traditional contractors who may be challenged by requirements of traditional contracts, grants, or cooperative research and development agreements. OTs can be used with traditional contractors when statutory requirements are met. OTs provide flexibility that allows for increased speed, flexibility, and accessibility for research and prototyping activities than permitted under statutes and regulations that apply to traditional FAR-based contracts. OT agreements may be fixed-price, expenditure based, or hybrid.


    OTs have the potential to provide significant benefits to DOD, including
     attracting nontraditional contractors with promising technological capabilities to work with DOD,
     establishing a mechanism to pool resources with other entities to facilitate development of, and
    obtain, state-of-the-art dual-use technologies, and
     offering a unique mechanism for DOD to invest in, and influence the direction of, technology


    A number of analysts and officials have raised concerns that if DOD uses OTs in ways not intended by
    Congress—or is perceived to abuse the authority—Congress could clamp down on the authority. Generally, DOD
    lacks authoritative data that can be used to measure and evaluate the use of other transaction authorities.


    Issues for Congress
    How Far Should OT Authority Extend?


    Given the benefits
    and risks associated with OTs, questions for Congress include the following:
    1. To what extent and in what circumstances do the potential benefits of OTs in
    terms of cost, schedule, and added capabilities outweigh concerns over potential
    fraud, waste, abuse, diminished oversight, and other public policy objectives?

    2. Should OT authorities be extended further, curtailed, or maintained?

    Medical Countermeasures | USA Public Health Security

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense (DoD) today announced an agreement with U.S.-based Pfizer Inc.

    Medical Countermeasures | USA Public Health Security

    About Operation Warp Speed:

    OWS is a partnership among components of the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Defense, engaging with private firms and other federal agencies, and coordinating among existing HHS-wide efforts to accelerate the development, manufacturing, and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics.

    Military’s Role in Vaccine to Be Strictly Behind the Scenes - The New York Times

    Scores of Defense Department employees are laced through the government offices involved in the effort, making up a large portion of the federal personnel devoted to the effort. Those numbers have led some current and former officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to privately grumble that the military’s role in Operation Warp Speed was too large for a task that is, at its core, a public health campaign.

    “I was surprised when Trump talked about the Department of Defense disseminating any vaccine,” said Dr. Marcus Plescia, the chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, which has been deeply involved in the planning process for the vaccines. “There is not any role for the military there. And if there were, we would be up in arms about it because we are advocates for the states.”

    Concerns about conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccines are even more reason to keep the military out of sight, Dr. Plescia said.
    “There has been a lot of concern around vaccine hesitancy, and having a bunch of troops around would not be very helpful,” he said.


    July 31, 2020 at 3:22 a.m. GMT+2
    The scientists were working through the night over a weekend in February in their Vancouver offices, running a blood sample from an early American covid-19 survivor through a credit card-sized device made up of 200,000 tiny chambers, hoping to help save the world.

    Their mission was part of a program under the Pentagon’s secretive technology research agency. The goal: to find a way to produce antibodies for any virus in the world within 60 days of collecting a blood sample from a survivor.

    Established years before the current pandemic, the program was halfway done when the first case of the novel coronavirus arrived in the United States early this year. But everyone involved in the effort by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) knew their time had come ahead of schedule.

    The four teams participating in the program abandoned their plans and began sprinting, separately, toward the development of an antibody for covid-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

    “We have been thinking about and preparing for this for a long time, and it’s almost a bit surreal,” said Amy Jenkins, manager of DARPA’s antibody program, which is known as the Pandemic Prevention Platform, or P3. “We are very hopeful that we will at least be able to have an impact on this outbreak. We want to make a difference.”

    In that program and others, DARPA has quietly been seeding the ground for the United States to produce a rapid cure for a pathogen like covid-19 for years.

    The U.S. government’s response to the pandemic has been impugned as slow and haphazard, with flawed test kits, limited contact tracing, insufficient protective gear, late encouragement of masks and at times baffling messages from President Trump.

    But DARPA’s story is a counterexample of U.S. government foresight, one that began more than a decade ago with the aim of finding super-fast ways to protect American troops if they were to confront a deadly new virus in the field.

    If it weren’t for DARPA’s investments over the past decade and earlier, largely outside the glare of Washington’s partisan politics, the American race toward a vaccine and antibody therapy to stop the coronavirus most likely wouldn’t be moving as quickly as it is today.

    “Being at DARPA at this time ... is exciting in some ways because we get to see the research work that was funded that was done ten to fifteen years ago now really starting to pay off,” acting director Peter Highnam said in a discussion with reporters on Thursday.

    The first company in the United States to enter clinical trials with a vaccine for the virus was funded by DARPA. So was the second company. And the P3 program has already led to the world’s first study in humans of a potential covid-19 antibody treatment. If successful, antibody treatments would offer up to three months of immunity against covid-19. Unlike vaccines, they could also help heal people already infected with the virus.

    Some of the vaccines and antibodies linked to DARPA could be ready later this year, which would mark one of the speediest responses to a global pandemic in the history of medicine. Experts say it normally takes four to 10 years to devise, test and produce a vaccine for a new pathogen. Antibodies, which the body creates to combat a virus, have taken years to discover, let alone produce.

    The race for a coronavirus vaccine could lead to this generation’s Sputnik moment

    DARPA is far from exclusively responsible for the fast pace. Other countries, including China, where the virus originated, are also moving quickly toward a cure. So are firms unaffiliated with DARPA.

    Still, the Pentagon agency played a significant role in advancing the science that is making the quick pace possible and setting a North Star for researchers.

    “I think their role is very important,” said James E. Crowe Jr., director of the vaccine center at Vanderbilt University, one of the four participants in the P3 program. “The reason is they have catalyzed more rapid progression than otherwise would have happened. And the reason they accomplished it was they were willing to state . . . grand challenges.”

    Crowe said he and his colleagues laughed when DARPA put out its request in 2017 for a system that could produce a human-ready antibody from a convalescent blood sample in 60 days.

    “Somehow, in setting that aspirational goal, after the first brainstem reaction of, ‘That’s ridiculous,’ the next step is, ‘Well, how close could we get?’ ” Crowe said. “Then, you start buying in to the belief that it could be possible.”

    'Ringing people's doorbells'
    Established in 1958 in response to the Soviet Union’s launch of Sputnik, DARPA was created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower out of a sense of urgency.

    Washington could have sent the first satellite to space, but Moscow got there first — and it wasn’t because the United States lacked the science. The American government simply didn’t move fast enough.

    DARPA was the answer to that problem.

    The nimble military science research agency wouldn’t invent things itself. Rather, its officials would look across the American scientific landscape — to universities, military labs and defense contractors — and channel emerging technologies into risky mega-endeavors to prevent another Sputnik. The agency’s pie-in-the-sky projects would have a high risk of failure, but if successful, would transform the U.S. military and possibly society, too.

    Over the years, DARPA-funded projects have created the building blocks of GPS, the first computer mouse and the protocols that underpin the modern Internet. The agency pioneered stealth technology that made American fighter jets all but invisible to enemy radar. And it advanced a bevy of new weaponry, including drones.

    How the audacious Pentagon agency that invented the Internet is now trying to save it

    In the years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a series of anthrax incidents, combined with overseas intelligence about potential biological threats, heightened fears of bioterrorism and drove DARPA to invest in faster ways to respond, including technology to accelerate vaccine development, spot emerging viruses and speed up pharmaceutical manufacturing.

    A decade ago, a brainy Air Force doctor named Dan Wattendorf helped push rapid pandemic response further to the top of DARPA’s priority list.

    Regularly citing the 1918 flu pandemic, the DARPA program manager saw how a novel pathogen, whether from another species or an enemy’s lab, could cripple the American military in the field.

    “If we need to deploy someone in harm’s way and it’s a new virus, you don’t have time to wait for a new vaccine,” Wattendorf said. “That could be a decade.”

    Wattendorf had ideas for a solution. In 2010, he took to a conference room at DARPA headquarters in Northern Virginia with notes scribbled on his hand to make a pitch.

    At the time, the Obama administration was emphasizing the need to step up pandemic response capabilities in the wake of the H1N1 outbreak, and DARPA was increasingly focusing on biology — an emphasis that would lead to the agency’s first biotechnology office in 2014.

    In the conference room, Wattendorf outlined his ideas to agency higher-ups. Regina E. Dugan, the DARPA director at the time, ribbed him for the writing on his hand before greenlighting his proposal.

    The result was a program called ADEPT, which invested $291 million from 2011 to 2019 in an array of technologies — including a credit card-sized device for rapid antibody discovery developed by the Vancouver-based firm AbCellera — that, taken together, could significantly reduce the timelines for vaccines and antibodies.

    “It may turn out to be the most important program from my time at the agency,” said Dugan, who ran DARPA from 2009 to 2012.

    Chief among Wattendorf’s targets for the program: delivering vaccines and antibodies by implanting their genetic code.

    Traditional vaccines inject what’s known as an antigen — usually a piece of live or deactivated virus that is sufficient to provoke the immune system into a protective response. Antigens are typically manufactured in a long process that involves growing live virus in chicken eggs in bioreactors.

    Wattendorf hoped to short-circuit it. He wanted to inject genetic code that would prompt the human body to create the antigen in its own cells, cutting out the manufacturing process. The immune system would recognize the antigen in the cells and launch a protective response.

    By 2010, scientists had tested the idea using DNA with mixed results. Wattendorf wanted to try its single-stranded sibling RNA.

    If successful, RNA could be used to develop both vaccines and antibodies, shortening development timelines from years to days before clinical trials, he thought. It also offered a one-size-fits-all approach; in the future, scientists would need only the genetic code of a virus to create a vaccine.

    At the time, many considered it a fool’s errand. Being so ephemeral, RNA is unstable in the environment and highly susceptible to degradation. It was unclear how to get it into a human cell. Over at the National Institutes of Health, where Wattendorf previously worked, research into DNA vaccines was presenting enough hurdles. Few wanted to take the risk of trying RNA, too.

    “Skeptics cited the lack of evidence that it would work, and Dan cited the lack of evidence that it wouldn’t,” Dugan recalled. “That’s very typical of a DARPA program.”

    By 2019, a project DARPA funded at the Massachusetts-based company Moderna demonstrated in a Phase 1 clinical trial that RNA could indeed deliver an antibody to humans and provide protection against the mosquito-borne virus chikungunya. It was an affirmation of Wattendorf’s bet that came after years of DARPA funding the effort.

    Today, RNA vaccines, although still experimental, are among the fastest-moving candidates in the race to stop covid-19. In March, Moderna was the first company in the United States to enter Phase 1 trials with a covid-1 vaccine using RNA. The company injected its first test into a human 66 days after receiving the virus’s genetic code. Phase 2 trials began in May, and Phase 3 began on July 27, making it possible that the vaccine could be available by the end of the year.

    In addition to Moderna, two other pharmaceutical companies — Pfizer and CureVac — are pursuing RNA vaccines, as is a small laboratory at Imperial College in London and the People’s Liberation Army Academy of Military Sciences in China. CureVac was also funded by DARPA.

    RNA experiments leap to the front in coronavirus vaccine race. Will they work?

    “Is an RNA vaccine going to potentially be made available at scale?” Wattendorf said. “We are seeing very well that could happen. It demonstrates the role DARPA can play in creating these capabilities.”

    Wattendorf also continued DARPA investments in vaccines delivered using DNA.

    Inovio Pharmaceuticals, funded by DARPA, entered Phase 1 trials for its DNA-delivered covid-19 vaccine in April, making it the second company to enter trials in the United States. The Pennsylvania-based firm, which began trials 80 days after receiving the virus’s genetic code, is looking to begin its Phase 2 and 3 trials this summer, pending regulatory approval.

    DARPA also funded other technologies for rapid vaccine development, including companies that manufacture vaccines by growing proteins in tobacco-like plants, as well as a “self-assembling vaccine” platform at Massachusetts General Hospital. Mass General’s vaccine center used the platform to develop a more traditional covid-19 vaccine that entered animal testing in early July.

    “DARPA comes off as a visionary organization that was ringing people’s doorbells and saying you have to prepare for this,” said Mark C. Poznansky, director of the Mass General Vaccine and Immunotherapy Center. “Some people would say we have enough to worry about without that.”

    'The more aspirational dream'
    From the start, Wattendorf and the DARPA team knew that fast vaccines on their own wouldn’t solve the threat that infectious diseases posed to American troops.

    It can take weeks for a vaccine to give a person protection, and even then, follow-up booster shots are sometimes needed.

    Instead of forcing the body to produce antibodies using a vaccine, why not just inject the best antibody directly? The DARPA team began to pursue that aim in parallel. Wattendorf called the rapid delivery of an antibody using RNA “the more aspirational dream.”

    The idea was to take the blood of a virus survivor and quickly identify the best antibody out of thousands in the bloodstream. Then, the genetic code of that antibody could be injected into troops to give them temporary protection against the virus immediately. Protection could range from a few weeks to a few months — enough time for a deployment.

    In a pandemic, DARPA envisioned using such antibodies as a “firebreak” — an obstacle that slows the rapid spread of a conflagration.

    For example, if one person in a nursing home tests positive, the antibody could be given to all the other residents to prevent the spread of the illness.

    Critically, unlike vaccines, antibodies can also treat those who have already fallen ill.

    DARPA had funded the development of rapid antibody technologies for years. Then, around 2016, DARPA Director Arati Prabhakar wanted to weave them together into a production line and test it.

    “Very few interesting problems just have a miracle, single-threaded solution,” Prabhakar said.

    The result was the Pandemic Prevention Platform, which Prabhakar signed off on before leaving DARPA in January 2017. The goal of the four-year $96 million program was to develop an antibody for any virus within 60 days of receiving the blood sample of a survivor.

    When covid-19 arrived in the United States, the program’s participants — AbCellera, Vanderbilt University, Duke University and AstraZeneca — had already done test runs with various viruses to see where they could cut time on their quest to hit the 60-day goal.

    As they pivoted to tackle covid-19, Jenkins, the DARPA program manager, knew the participants wouldn’t meet the 60-day timeline but thought some could come close to 90 days, and potentially help end the global pandemic.

    Some of the participants obtained a blood sample in February from one of the first American covid-19 patients to return from China. But the sample wasn’t great; the patient had recovered fairly recently and therefore didn’t have a sufficiently mature immune response from which to draw good antibodies.

    At AbCellera, chief executive Carl Hansen forged ahead with the sample anyway.

    On Feb. 28, AbCellera’s employees began working round-the-clock over a weekend in their Vancouver offices, ultimately finding 550 unique antibodies using their tiny device.

    Hansen contacted the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly and came to an agreement, announced March 13, whereby Lilly would manufacture the best antibody and take it into clinical trials.

    But first they had to decide which antibody was the winner.

    Daniel Skovronsky, Lilly’s chief scientific officer, said the pharmaceutical company threw the normal years-long process out the window and immediately began scaling up to make the top 100 antibodies to save time, even though only one would proceed.

    The company worked with AbCellera, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and academic researchers to conduct experiments on the antibody candidates. By late April, they had to pick which, if any, should proceed to the last and most expensive stage of scale-up.

    The best candidate, they determined, was antibody No. 555.

    “This was a tough decision,” Skovronsky said. “There were mixed views.”

    The first patient was dosed on May 29, 91 days after AbCellera received the blood sample. It became the world’s first study of a potential covid-19 antibody treatment in humans, according to Lilly. The national registry of clinical trials indicates that Phase 2 is expected to be completed in August.

    At Vanderbilt, Crowe wanted a better sample than the initial one obtained in February. By mid-March, his team found two people in the United States who had been infected 50 days earlier in China.

    After screening the samples, his team narrowed their list to the 30 best antibodies and then interacted with companies interested in producing them.

    IDBiologics Inc., a Nashville-based biotechnology start-up that Crowe co-founded, will begin human trials with one of the antibodies in August, he said, with possible availability in the United States under emergency use early next year if all goes well.

    After licensing six antibodies from Vanderbilt and screening their own in house, AstraZeneca picked two antibodies to take into clinical trials this summer as a pair, said Mene Pangalos, executive vice president for biopharmaceutical research and development.

    The global pharmaceutical industry can produce billions of vaccine doses, but it lacks the capacity to manufacture antibodies at such a large scale. At least initially, the antibodies won’t be delivered using RNA, although Duke University plans to manufacture an RNA version of its antibody, meeting the original DARPA vision for the program.

    Wattendorf, who has left DARPA and now works at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said that looking back 10 years, the agency was trying to solve the problem of speed to protect American forces.

    “These things were funded to be fast,” Wattendorf said. “They were not actually funded to be global scale.”

    Other DARPA efforts did take aim at the scale question. The agency, for example, funded technology to produce vaccines using plants instead of chicken eggs — an approach that has the benefit of easy mass scale-up. One of the firms DARPA funded, Quebec City-based Medicago, began Phase 1 clinical trials in mid July with a covid-19 vaccine produced in a tobacco-like plant and plans to enter Phase 2 and 3 trials in October.

    Mass production and its costs are now a problem that governments the world over are looking to solve, all while watching the results of the fastest-moving clinical trials.

    “While we’re all hoping our therapies work, at the end of the day, we all hope somebody’s therapy works,” Pangalos said. “Because we all want to get back to some semblance of reality.”

    Officials clarify military role in coronavirus vaccination amid wariness

    Officials’ recent comments reflect growing concerns that conflicting messages and deep distrust could jeopardize a vaccine’s success
    U.S. Army General Gustave Perna says the U.S. military is helping Operation Warp Speed with things like planning, logistics, augmentation and program support. (Chip Somodevilla/AFP via Getty Images file photo/Pool)

    By Emily Kopp
    Posted November 5, 2020 at 6:30am
    President Donald Trump has often touted the role of the military in distributing a COVID-19 vaccine, but health officials close to the process who are concerned about public distrust are taking pains to say the federal government won’t actually be handling vaccines.

    The president said at the final presidential debate that the distribution of a vaccine would be swift because he’s “counting on the military.”

    “We have our generals lined up, one in particular that’s the head of logistics. … He’s ready to go,” Trump said Oct. 22.

    But Paul Mango, a spokesman for Operation Warp Speed, the federal effort to develop vaccines, clarified the next day: “It is extremely unlikely that anyone from the government will touch a vaccine, whether that’s loading a truck, unloading a truck, moving dry ice or actually injecting the vaccine prior to Americans getting it.”

    Mango said the Defense Department would oversee logistics from a distance. Operation Warp Speed is led by the departments of Defense and Health and Human Services.

    “I know what the president means because [Operation Warp Speed leader Gen. Gustave Perna] has briefed him several times on this, and that is we have the best logisticians in the United States at the Department of Defense,” he said. “Every logistical detail you could think of: needles, syringes, swabs, bandages, dry ice, trucks, U.S. marshals guiding those trucks, planes, flying in equipment, getting vaccines out.”

    Perna clarified at an Oct. 27 event that the military is helping with things like planning, logistics, augmentation and program support.

    “There will not be this vision that some people have that there’ll be Army trucks driving through the streets delivering vaccine,” he said, adding that is not “feasible or the right way to do it.”

    Public confusion
    Even if federal troops do not end up handling vaccines, National Guard units operating under control of a governor may do so in many states, which could lead to public confusion.

    A review by CQ Roll Call of 16 states’ COVID-19 vaccination plans indicates that at least nine expect to incorporate state National Guard units under governors’ control. The draft proposals indicate plans for those units to provide backup transportation and security. At least one state, Maryland, signaled intentions to use its National Guard Medical Service Corps to administer shots.

    Sandra Quinn, a University of Maryland health equity professor who studies racial differences in flu vaccination rates, said the public is unlikely to make a clear distinction between state-deployed National Guard and Trump’s invocation of “the military.”

    Two Democrats on the Senate Armed Services Committee have called for a hearing on the military’s role in Operation Warp Speed. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Mazie K. Hirono of Hawaii wrote that the organizational structure of Operation Warp Speed, dominated by members of the military, is a “stark departure” from prior public health crises.

    A Defense Department spokesperson told CQ Roll Call there is sufficient U.S. commercial transportation capacity so “there should be no need for a large commitment of DOD units or personnel” in distribution. Any DOD support in distribution beyond planning would be an exception, such as if military air assets were needed to deliver vaccines to a remote location, according to the agency.

    Federal officials’ careful comments in recent days on the military’s role reflect growing concerns that even with a safe and effective vaccine, conflicting messages and deep distrust could jeopardize its success.

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    Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial | The BMJ

    BMJ 2021; 375 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2635 (Published 02 November 2021)
    Cite this as: BMJ 2021;375:n2635
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    Paul D Thacker, investigative journalist
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    Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports

    In autumn 2020 Pfizer’s chairman and chief executive, Albert Bourla, released an open letter to the billions of people around the world who were investing their hopes in a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine to end the pandemic. “As I’ve said before, we are operating at the speed of science,” Bourla wrote, explaining to the public when they could expect a Pfizer vaccine to be authorised in the United States.1

    But, for researchers who were testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in Texas during that autumn, speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety. A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson (video 1), emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ventavia fired her later the same day. Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.

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    Whistleblower Brook Jackson tells The BMJ about her experience working on the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial

    Poor laboratory management
    On its website Ventavia calls itself the largest privately owned clinical research company in Texas and lists many awards it has won for its contract work.2 But Jackson has told The BMJ that, during the two weeks she was employed at Ventavia in September 2020, she repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns, and data integrity issues. Jackson was a trained clinical trial auditor who previously held a director of operations position and came to Ventavia with more than 15 years’ experience in clinical research coordination and management. Exasperated that Ventavia was not dealing with the problems, Jackson documented several matters late one night, taking photos on her mobile phone. One photo, provided to The BMJ, showed needles discarded in a plastic biohazard bag instead of a sharps container box. Another showed vaccine packaging materials with trial participants’ identification numbers written on them left out in the open, potentially unblinding participants. Ventavia executives later questioned Jackson for taking the photos.

    Early and inadvertent unblinding may have occurred on a far wider scale. According to the trial’s design, unblinded staff were responsible for preparing and administering the study drug (Pfizer’s vaccine or a placebo). This was to be done to preserve the blinding of trial participants and all other site staff, including the principal investigator. However, at Ventavia, Jackson told The BMJ that drug assignment confirmation printouts were being left in participants’ charts, accessible to blinded personnel. As a corrective action taken in September, two months into trial recruitment and with around 1000 participants already enrolled, quality assurance checklists were updated with instructions for staff to remove drug assignments from charts.

    In a recording of a meeting in late September2020 between Jackson and two directors a Ventavia executive can be heard explaining that the company wasn’t able to quantify the types and number of errors they were finding when examining the trial paperwork for quality control. “In my mind, it’s something new every day,” a Ventavia executive says. “We know that it’s significant.”

    Ventavia was not keeping up with data entry queries, shows an email sent by ICON, the contract research organisation with which Pfizer partnered on the trial. ICON reminded Ventavia in a September 2020 email: “The expectation for this study is that all queries are addressed within 24hrs.” ICON then highlighted over 100 outstanding queries older than three days in yellow. Examples included two individuals for which “Subject has reported with Severe symptoms/reactions … Per protocol, subjects experiencing Grade 3 local reactions should be contacted. Please confirm if an UNPLANNED CONTACT was made and update the corresponding form as appropriate.” According to the trial protocol a telephone contact should have occurred “to ascertain further details and determine whether a site visit is clinically indicated.”

    Worries over FDA inspection
    Documents show that problems had been going on for weeks. In a list of “action items” circulated among Ventavia leaders in early August 2020, shortly after the trial began and before Jackson’s hiring, a Ventavia executive identified three site staff members with whom to “Go over e-diary issue/falsifying data, etc.” One of them was “verbally counseled for changing data and not noting late entry,” a note indicates.

    At several points during the late September meeting Jackson and the Ventavia executives discussed the possibility of the FDA showing up for an inspection (box 1). “We’re going to get some kind of letter of information at least, when the FDA gets here . . . know it,” an executive stated.

    Box 1
    A history of lax oversight
    When it comes to the FDA and clinical trials, Elizabeth Woeckner, president of Citizens for Responsible Care and Research Incorporated (CIRCARE),3 says the agency’s oversight capacity is severely under-resourced. If the FDA receives a complaint about a clinical trial, she says the agency rarely has the staff available to show up and inspect. And sometimes oversight occurs too late.

    In one example CIRCARE and the US consumer advocacy organisation Public Citizen, along with dozens of public health experts, filed a detailed complaint in July 2018 with the FDA about a clinical trial that failed to comply with regulations for the protection of human participants.4 Nine months later, in April 2019, an FDA investigator inspected the clinical site. In May this year the FDA sent the triallist a warning letter that substantiated many of the claims in the complaints. It said, “[I]t appears that you did not adhere to the applicable statutory requirements and FDA regulations governing the conduct of clinical investigations and the protection of human subjects.”5

    “There’s just a complete lack of oversight of contract research organisations and independent clinical research facilities,” says Jill Fisher, professor of social medicine at the University of North Carolina School of Medicine and author of Medical Research for Hire: The Political Economy of Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials.

    Ventavia and the FDA
    A former Ventavia employee told The BMJ that the company was nervous and expecting a federal audit of its Pfizer vaccine trial.

    “People working in clinical research are terrified of FDA audits,” Jill Fisher told The BMJ, but added that the agency rarely does anything other than inspect paperwork, usually months after a trial has ended. “I don’t know why they’re so afraid of them,” she said. But she said she was surprised that the agency failed to inspect Ventavia after an employee had filed a complaint. “You would think if there’s a specific and credible complaint that they would have to investigate that,” Fisher said.

    In 2007 the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Inspector General released a report on FDA’s oversight of clinical trials conducted between 2000 and 2005. The report found that the FDA inspected only 1% of clinical trial sites.6 Inspections carried out by the FDA’s vaccines and biologics branch have been decreasing in recent years, with just 50 conducted in the 2020 fiscal year.7

    The next morning, 25 September 2020, Jackson called the FDA to warn about unsound practices in Pfizer’s clinical trial at Ventavia. She then reported her concerns in an email to the agency. In the afternoon Ventavia fired Jackson—deemed “not a good fit,” according to her separation letter.

    Jackson told The BMJ it was the first time she had been fired in her 20 year career in research.

    Concerns raised
    In her 25 September email to the FDA Jackson wrote that Ventavia had enrolled more than 1000 participants at three sites. The full trial (registered under NCT04368728) enrolled around 44 000 participants across 153 sites that included numerous commercial companies and academic centres. She then listed a dozen concerns she had witnessed, including:

    - Participants placed in a hallway after injection and not being monitored by clinical staff
    - Lack of timely follow-up of patients who experienced adverse events
    - Protocol deviations not being reported
    - Vaccines not being stored at proper temperatures
    - Mislabelled laboratory specimens, and
    - Targeting of Ventavia staff for reporting these types of problems.

    Within hours Jackson received an email from the FDA thanking her for her concerns and notifying her that the FDA could not comment on any investigation that might result. A few days later Jackson received a call from an FDA inspector to discuss her report but was told that no further information could be provided. She heard nothing further in relation to her report.

    In Pfizer’s briefing document submitted to an FDA advisory committee meeting held on 10 December 2020 to discuss Pfizer’s application for emergency use authorisation of its covid-19 vaccine, the company made no mention of problems at the Ventavia site. The next day the FDA issued the authorisation of the vaccine.8

    In August this year, after the full approval of Pfizer’s vaccine, the FDA published a summary of its inspections of the company’s pivotal trial. Nine of the trial’s 153 sites were inspected. Ventavia’s sites were not listed among the nine, and no inspections of sites where adults were recruited took place in the eight months after the December 2020 emergency authorisation. The FDA’s inspection officer noted: “The data integrity and verification portion of the BIMO [bioresearch monitoring] inspections were limited because the study was ongoing, and the data required for verification and comparison were not yet available to the IND [investigational new drug].”

    Other employees’ accounts
    In recent months Jackson has reconnected with several former Ventavia employees who all left or were fired from the company. One of them was one of the officials who had taken part in the late September meeting. In a text message sent in June the former official apologised, saying that “everything that you complained about was spot on.”

    Two former Ventavia employees spoke to The BMJ anonymously for fear of reprisal and loss of job prospects in the tightly knit research community. Both confirmed broad aspects of Jackson’s complaint. One said that she had worked on over four dozen clinical trials in her career, including many large trials, but had never experienced such a “helter skelter” work environment as with Ventavia on Pfizer’s trial.

    “I’ve never had to do what they were asking me to do, ever,” she told The BMJ. “It just seemed like something a little different from normal—the things that were allowed and expected.”

    She added that during her time at Ventavia the company expected a federal audit but that this never came.

    After Jackson left the company problems persisted at Ventavia, this employee said. In several cases Ventavia lacked enough employees to swab all trial participants who reported covid-like symptoms, to test for infection. Laboratory confirmed symptomatic covid-19 was the trial’s primary endpoint, the employee noted. (An FDA review memorandum released in August this year states that across the full trial swabs were not taken from 477 people with suspected cases of symptomatic covid-19.)

    “I don’t think it was good clean data,” the employee said of the data Ventavia generated for the Pfizer trial. “It’s a crazy mess.”

    A second employee also described an environment at Ventavia unlike any she had experienced in her 20 years doing research. She told The BMJ that, shortly after Ventavia fired Jackson, Pfizer was notified of problems at Ventavia with the vaccine trial and that an audit took place.

    Since Jackson reported problems with Ventavia to the FDA in September 2020, Pfizer has hired Ventavia as a research subcontractor on four other vaccine clinical trials (covid-19 vaccine in children and young adults, pregnant women, and a booster dose, as well an RSV vaccine trial; NCT04816643, NCT04754594, NCT04955626, NCT05035212). The advisory committee for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is set to discuss the covid-19 paediatric vaccine trial on 2 November.

    Provenance and peer review: commissioned; externally peer reviewed.

    Competing interests: PDT has been doubly vaccinated with Pfizer’s vaccine.

    This article is made freely available for personal use in accordance with BMJ's website terms and conditions for the duration of the covid-19 pandemic or until otherwise determined by BMJ. You may download and print the article for any lawful, non-commercial purpose (including text and data mining) provided that all copyright notices and trade marks are retained.

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    ↵Bourla A. An open letter from Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Bourla. Pfizer. https://www.pfizer.com/news/hot-topics/an_open_letter_from_pfizer_chairman_and_ceo_albert_bourla.
    ↵Ventavia. A leading force in clinical research trials. https://www.ventaviaresearch.com/company.
    ↵Citizens for Responsible Care and Research Incorporated (CIRCARE). http://www.circare.org/corp.htm.
    ↵Public Citizen. Letter to Scott Gottlieb and Jerry Menikoff. Jul 2018. https://www.citizen.org/wp-content/uploads/2442.pdf.
    ↵Food and Drug Administration. Letter to John B Cole MD. MARCS-CMS 611902. May 2021. https://www.fda.gov/inspections-compliance-enforcement-and-criminal-investigations/warning-letters/jon-b-cole-md-611902-05052021.
    ↵Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General. The Food and Drug Administration’s oversight of clinical trials. Sep 2007. https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/oei-01-06-00160.pdf.
    ↵Food and Drug Administration. Bioresearch monitoring. https://www.fda.gov/media/145858/download.
    ↵FDA takes key action in fight against covid-19 by issuing emergency use authorization for first covid-19 vaccine. Dec 2020. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-takes-key-action-fight-against-covid-19-issuing-emergency-use-authorization-first-covid-19.

    FDA oversight of clinical trials is “grossly inadequate,” say experts | The BMJ

    BMJ 2022; 379 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o2628 (Published 16 November 2022)
    Cite this as: BMJ 2022;379:o2628
    Maryanne Demasi, investigative journalist
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    Covid-19 vaccines and drugs were developed at “warp speed” and now experts are concerned that the US Food and Drug Administration inspected too few clinical trial sites. Maryanne Demasi reports

    On 25 September 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received a complaint by Brook Jackson who had been working for Ventavia Research Group, a Texas based company hired to run clinical trials for Pfizer’s covid-19 mRNA vaccine. Jackson, a regional director, had witnessed problems at three trial sites she was overseeing and complained to an FDA inspector about a range of problems including falsified data, unblinded patients, and inadequately trained vaccinators who were slow to follow up on adverse events. “I thought that the FDA was going to swoop in and take care of everything. What I was reporting was so important,” Jackson told The BMJ. The FDA did not, however, inspect the trial sites in question.

    This lack of oversight was not an isolated case, The BMJ has learnt. Regulatory documents show that only nine out of 153 Pfizer trial sites1 were subject to FDA inspection before licensing the mRNA vaccine. Similarly, only 10 out of 99 Moderna trial sites2 and five of 73 remdesivir trial sites3 were inspected.

    Now, facing a backlog of site inspections, experts have criticised the FDA’s oversight of clinical trials, describing it as “grossly inadequate.” They say the problem, which predated covid-19, is not limited to a lack of inspections but also includes failing to notify the public or scientific journals when violations are identified—effectively keeping scientific misconduct from the medical establishment.

    The FDA is “endangering public health” by not being candid about violations that are uncovered during clinical trial site inspections, says David Gortler, a pharmacist and pharmacologist who worked as an FDA medical reviewer between 2007 and 2011 and was then appointed as a senior adviser to the FDA commissioner in 2019-21.

    “The lack of full transparency and data sharing does not allow physicians and other medical scientists to confirm the data independently and make comprehensive risk-benefit assessments,” continues Gortler, who is now a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center thinktank in Washington DC.

    Paused during the pandemic
    Between March and July 2020, at the peak of pandemic restrictions, the FDA paused its site inspections and only “mission critical” inspections were carried out. Gortler says, however, that this was the time that the FDA should have ramped up its oversight, not scaled back, especially since covid-19 products were being developed at warp speed and intended for millions of people. “The drug companies took appropriate measures to keep staff safe, which is exactly what the FDA could and should have done,” said Gortler.

    A former staffer in the FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations was also concerned about the agency’s failure to fully tackle Jackson’s complaint about falsified data in Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine trial. In an email dated March 2021, they wrote, “Having worked at the FDA, I see it as surprising, for many reasons, that the agency turned a blind eye . . . They likely feared the criticism they undoubtedly would have received for holding up a vaccine (which they knew they would eventually approve anyway) at the expense of untold lives lost.”

    The former FDA employee, who signed a non-disclosure agreement and did not respond to interview requests, went on to write, “My point here is that instead of the regulators protecting the public, they were complicit. At the time, they may have been doing what they believed to be the right thing under extraordinary circumstances. But now, they may soon have some explaining to do.”

    The FDA told The BMJ it takes oversight of clinical trials seriously and had adapted to travel restrictions, publishing draft guidance4 for remote regulatory assessments. This guidance describes virtual inspections using live streaming and video conferencing and requests to view records remotely.

    Gortler, who is a credentialed FDA inspector, laughed at the proposition. “You can’t do a remote inspection. That’s like saying I’m going to arrest somebody remotely. You have to be there on site and look at every nuance such as cleanliness, organisation, staff coordination—even their body language. During a pandemic, the FDA could’ve put inspectors in hazmat suits if they wanted to, there’s no excuse for not going onsite.”

    Historical failure to oversee
    The FDA has a long history of failing adequately to oversee clinical trial sites. A report in 2007 by the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Inspector General found the FDA audited less than 1% of the nation’s clinical trial sites between 2000 and 20055 and was highly critical of the agency because it did not have a database of operational clinical trial sites.6 In response to the report, the FDA said it created a dedicated task force and “developed new regulations and guidance further to improve the conduct of clinical trials and enhance the protection of people participating in clinical trials.” The BMJ asked to interview a member of this task force, but the FDA denied our request.

    In 2015, Charles Seife, professor of journalism at New York University, conducted an analysis of published clinical trials between 1998 and 2013 in which an FDA inspection found significant evidence of objectionable practices.7 A total of 57 published clinical trials had significant evidence of one or more problems: 39% had falsification or submission of false information, 25% had problems with adverse events reporting, 74% had protocol violations, 61% had inadequate or inaccurate recordkeeping, and 53% failed to protect the safety of patients or had problems with oversight or informed consent. Furthermore, only 4% of the trials that were found to have significant violations were mentioned in the study’s journal publications.

    A 2020 Science investigation analysed the FDA’s enforcement of clinical research regulations between 2008 and 2019 and concluded the agency was often light handed, slow moving, and secretive. It said that the FDA rarely levelled sanctions and when it did formally warn researchers about breaking the law, it often neglected to ensure that the problems were remedied.8

    It has been 15 years since the Office of Inspector General report and the FDA still has no record of how many clinical trial sites are operating across the US and abroad. The agency told The BMJ it does not compile an annual list of clinical investigational sites submitted for review because it is “resource intensive.”

    “It’s unacceptable,” said Gortler. “All it would take is sending a blanket communication to all sponsors or applicants requesting they provide a list of all their international and domestic clinical trial sites. Also, the FDA should publish the names, inspection dates, and unredacted findings at each of these sites clearly on its website, not buried somewhere, nearly impossible to find.” He believes the agency should have implemented a policy decades ago. “The public has a right to learn immediately about any violations before choosing to use an FDA regulated product,” he says.

    Some 65% of the FDA’s funding for the evaluation of drugs comes from industry user fees and in return the agency has mandated deadlines for decisions on new product applications. Some experts argue this has been a major contributor to the FDA being rushed and having insufficient resources for other critical activities.9

    Insufficient staff and low morale
    Historically, the FDA has faced challenges recruiting and retaining sufficient medical staff to meet its needs. According to a Government Accountability Office report published in January 2022, the turnover rate for FDA staff in key scientific areas was twice that of other government agencies in 2007, leaving the agency unable to fulfil its mission.10 Around 70% of the FDA’s career employees working in 2008 were eligible to retire by the end of 2014. Moreover, in 2018, medical product staff in “mission critical” occupations had salaries that were at least 20% lower than the average private sector salary for the same occupations, contributing to low morale. A news report said the pressures of work during the pandemic had led to two FDA reviewers dying by suicide.11

    Despite the estimated hundreds of thousands of clinical trial sites in operation across the US and abroad, the FDA told The BMJ that it only has 89 inspectors for its bioresearch monitoring programme, which assure the quality and integrity of data submitted to the agency in support of new product approvals and marketing applications. The FDA told The BMJ it is recruiting more inspectors to reach its yearly average of 100.

    “I don’t think that it is a sufficient number of staff to do that kind of level of oversight,” says Jill Fisher, professor of social medicine at the University of North Carolina. “The FDA must have enough of a presence to dissuade investigative sites from committing fraud,” she continues.

    Secrecy of inspection findings
    Occasionally, the FDA will uncover objectionable practices, such as failure to obtain informed consent, falsification of data, or violations in adverse event reporting.

    The FDA publishes its inspection reports12 but the database is not comprehensive, nor are the reports proactively disclosed. When they are disclosed there can be extensive redactions making it difficult to link problems to a particular drug or clinical trial. “FDA redactions can render the document useless—it’s to the point of being comical,” says Gortler, whose current work focuses on FDA oversight and accountability. “Public health information should not be redacted like that,” he says.

    The FDA does not typically notify journals when a site participating in a published clinical trial receives a serious warning, or alert the public about the research misconduct it finds.13

    Rafael Dal-Ré, physician epidemiologist at the Health Research Institute-Fundación Jiménez Díaz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain, finds this concerning14 and points to the example of the anticoagulant drug rivaroxaban.

    The FDA inspected trial sites of the Record 4 trial and identified serious deficiencies at eight of the study’s 16 trial sites.14 The violations were so numerous and severe that the FDA excluded the trial from its pile of evidence during the drug’s approval. But when the study was published in the Lancet in 200915 there was no mention of the data integrity problems and the paper has been cited more than 1100 times by others.14 When The BMJ sought comment from the authors of the Record 4 study, some said they were not fully aware of the data integrity problems prior to our inquiries. The lead author, Alexander Turpin, said he was seeking more information from the drug company. The Lancet told The BMJ it was looking into the matter.

    “If research misconduct is identified, the FDA may reject the affected data from the product’s safety and efficacy evaluations, but then fail to disclose these data in the product labelling,” added Dal-Ré.

    Gortler finds it unconscionable that the FDA withholds this information from the public. “Misconduct should be released immediately. It’s malpractice not to; it’s irresponsible,” he says.

    In response to the criticism the FDA said that it does not always monitor all publications of data that were submitted to the agency, nor does it have the authority to demand that a journal retract an article.

    Road to reform
    Fisher says the FDA needs better resourcing. “The clinical trials industry has become a complex global enterprise, and the FDA does not have the resources to oversee all the research that is happening, even within the US. The FDA needs to be better funded and staffed to conduct inspections. At a minimum the agency needs to inspect sites when complaints or concerns have been filed,” she says.

    Gortler doesn’t agree, however, that the FDA is under-resourced. With a total budget of $6.1bn in 2021, he suggests the agency needs to be leaner and more efficient, with employees interested in improving public health. “The bottom line is that the FDA has over 18 000 full time employees, more than any other drug regulatory agency by far, so it could have retrained and retooled anybody to tackle the need for increased inspections,” he says. “Half of its budget, about $3bn, is discretionary, which means it could have hired contractors, retirees, or repurpose existing workers. It chose not to. The FDA was just yawning its way through the pandemic. The entire agency is broken.”

    “It felt like we were being told to hide things”: FDA’s approval of antibiotic Ketek
    In 2004, the FDA approved Sanofi-Aventis’s new antibiotic Ketek (telithromycin) for outpatient treatment of community acquired respiratory tract infections. Since then, it has been implicated in hundreds of reported cases of severe liver injury and dozens of deaths, triggered two Congressional hearings, and led to reforms of the agency’s processes. In 2007, the FDA added a warning to Ketek’s label and removed all indications except for bacterial pneumonia.

    David Ross was an FDA medical reviewer who led the initial safety review for Ketek in 2001, as part of a 10 year career at the agency’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. In his original review Ross, now an associate clinical professor of medicine at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, found that Ketek’s risks included liver injury and other serious adverse events that were concerning given the millions of antibiotic prescriptions written annually for respiratory tract infections.16

    In 2001, the FDA recommended to Sanofi-Aventis that the company gather additional safety data. Sanofi-Aventis conducted Study 3014, a 24 000 patient safety study done in only five months. The FDA’s limited resources only allowed one out of 1800 sites to be inspected initially.

    The agency decided to inspect the highest enrolling site, reasoning that failure to find any problems there would allow all the other sites to be considered clean. “The FDA inspector found evidence of blatant fraud almost immediately. For example, patients being enrolled at times when the clinic was supposedly closed,” said Ross.

    The inspector reported her findings to FDA’s Office of Criminal Investigations, with serious protocol violations subsequently found at several other high enrolling sites. Eventually, the site investigator pleaded guilty to fraud and served a 57 month prison sentence.

    At a 2003 public meeting of the FDA’s anti-infective advisory committee, data from Study 3014 were presented to the panel without disclosing the numerous violations and data integrity problems found at the initial trial site, which sparked a criminal investigation. Janice Soreth, Ross’s division supervisor at the time, has previously said that there was no intention to deceive the committee and that the violations were not disclosed so as not to compromise the ongoing criminal investigation.17 But Ross says he was appalled: “I felt like we were being told to hide things from the advisory committee.”

    Unaware of the integrity problems, the committee voted 11 to 1 to recommend approval of Ketek. The FDA granted the drug approval on 1 April 2004. In a memorandum from the FDA, the agency said it was “difficult” to rely on Study 3014 for its approval because of the data integrity problems, instead using spontaneous adverse events reports for its understanding of Ketek’s overall risk-benefit profile, which goes against standard drug review practice.18 The first Ketek associated death from liver injury was reported to the FDA seven months later.16

    A series of events unfolded during the drug approval process, which would later be revealed at a Congressional hearing in 2007. Ross testified under oath that when he submitted his follow up safety review in 2004, concluding that Ketek carried far too much risk to ever be approved for relatively minor conditions such as bronchitis and sinusitis, Soreth asked him to “soften” the language so that it would give the leadership “more wiggle room.” He told the hearing he sent Soreth a revised version for signing but—without telling her—also put the original in the electronic archive. Soreth did not testify in the hearing and denies this allegation. “No one ordered a change in Dr Ross’s review. He was free to keep his original draft,” she told The BMJ. “His review, moreover, did not include Aventis’s final submission to the agency.”

    Ross left the division after Ketek’s approval in 2004 and then left the FDA in 2006, saying “the FDA did nothing for months and they just watched as the adverse event reports piled up. Lives could and would have been saved if the FDA acted sooner than it did to publicise Ketek’s risks and put a boxed warning on the drug.”

    Whether it was Ross or Soreth who was right about this, the Ketek controversy led to the FDA Amendments Act of 2007, which stated that a reviewer’s work “shall not be altered by management or the reviewer once final.”

    The FDA declined to respond when contacted by The BMJ. A spokesperson for Sanofi said the company complied with all the investigations at the time and that it no longer sells Ketek.

    Competing interests: I have read and understood BMJ policy on declaration of interests and have no relevant interests to declare.

    This feature has been funded by the BMJ Investigations Unit. For details see bmj.com/investigations

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    ↵FDA. Summary basis for regulatory action: Spikevax. 2022. www.fda.gov/media/155931/download.
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    Vaccine trial misconduct allegation – could it damage trust in science?

    This article has been updated and certain passages, which are the subject of disagreement between parties referred to in the article, have been removed.

    The success of medical research has been one of the few positives of the COVID pandemic. The effectiveness of vaccines in preventing deaths (see graph below), is particularly impressive given the short time in which they were developed. But if recent allegations from a whistleblower about a Pfizer vaccine trial can be proven, they would indicate that time and financial pressures may have led to serious misconduct.

    The whistleblower is Brook Jackson, previously a regional director at a Texas-based contract research organisation called Ventavia, who supplied an account to the BMJ. She alleges that Ventavia falsified data, “unblinded” patients (that is, researchers could see who was receiving the vaccine and who the placebo), employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events during one of the final trials.

    Given the size of the vaccine trial, and the many centres involved, bad data from a few rogue centres is unlikely to fatally undermine the evidence needed for licensing the Pfizer vaccine. But it is important to examine allegations because research misconduct is a serious issue, especially if linked to a vaccine being given to millions of people. If the alleged activity turns out to be true, there must be severe consequences for Ventavia and those involved.

    The international rules for conducting clinical trials are described in the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki. This document lays out the conditions and considerations needed for researchers and doctors to act with integrity when conducting research.

    Research integrity has two aspects, both of which are alleged to have been a problem at Ventavia. Poor record-keeping, glossing over errors and drugs stored inappropriately are breaches of methodological integrity, while reports of participants waiting in corridors (when they were supposed to be under observation) and delays in following up side-effects are breaches of ethical integrity.

    While ethics and safety regulators play an important role in the design and conduct of trials, ethics committees and inspectors cannot be aware of everything that goes on. Ethical conduct in particular is based on trust that researchers will carry out their work under the rules agreed with the ethics committee. Similarly, safety regulators are not in the position of policing all aspects of trials. In this case, while the US regulator (the Food and Drug Administration) was reportedly trying to monitor the trial, it only inspected nine out of 153 sites, not including any of the Ventavia sites.

    A spokesperson for Ventavia provided the following comment:

    Ventavia is aware of recent accusations in an article written by Paul Thacker [investigative reporter and author of the BMJ article]. Mr. Thacker did not contact Ventavia prior to publication. These same accusations were made a year ago, at which time Ventavia notified the appropriate parties. The allegations were investigated and determined to be unsubstantiated. Ventavia takes research compliance, data integrity, and participant safety very seriously, and we stand behind our work supporting the development of life-saving vaccines.

    Complicated activity
    Medical research is a complicated activity and the careful work needed to produce reliable results often takes a long time. Indeed, recent problems at a UK testing centre – where around 43,000 people may have been wrongly told that their COVID test was negative – show that it is easy to make mistakes, even when conducting the same laboratory process tens of thousands of times. For this reason, universities and other research institutions are required to provide training in research integrity, alongside having processes to detect and investigate serious integrity issues.

    In parallel, work by research funders, academic societies and research charities is continuously trying to identify the pressures that lead to integrity issues. Perhaps unsurprisingly, time and money pressures frequently top the list. As the COVID dust starts to settle, more allegations like this will undoubtedly be made.

    While misconduct is always regrettable, it is not unexpected. Sometimes the scientific method can be presented in an almost mythical way as if it is somehow entirely objective. This view is incorrect.

    In reality, science is a human activity conducted by people with different motivations. But perhaps the difference between science and other activities is that systematic efforts are made to check and confirm results. This does not stop some worrying that science has a “reproducibility crisis” (the problem that not all experiments can be repeated), or that there is a great deal of research waste (research with no societal benefits), or that misconduct requiring retractions does occur, but scientists are aware of these problems and are trying to address them.

    Take, for instance, the former physician Andrew Wakefield’s fraudulent research – published in The Lancet, but subsequently retracted – which claimed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This was a clear and serious breach of research integrity, and although it caused a lot of harm, it also led to thousands of studies both refuting the fraudulent research, but also arguably advancing vaccine science to the point that it was able to contend with SARS-CoV-2 when it arrived. The Wakefield scandal also caused a great deal of self-reflection and many positive actions trying to prevent such things from ever happening again.

    COVID science has produced some amazing results, but it is still too early to fully assess the overall value of the research efforts. Given the vast amount of funding, and thousands if not millions of researchers working on COVID, alongside the successes there will inevitably be more examples of alleged misconduct – leading, inevitably, to sensationalist headlines. But when this happens, it is important to remember how many lives the vaccines and other treatments have saved. Yes, science is a human activity. Yes, integrity can be a problem. Yes, fraud and misconduct will occasionally occur, but science also produces remarkable results.
    GORG --- ---
    MAP 1580 PUTIN: Leopardi jedou na smrt! Ale jestli zamoří Donbas ochuzeným uranem, budeme to považovat za jaderný útok proti Rusku! – michalapetr.com

    26 ledna, 2023/Kategorie: Blog /Vložil(a): Michael Svatoš
    Včera německá náčelnice Baerbocková v Reichstagu vyhlásila, že Německo je ve válce s Ruskem! Poslední, kdo to z Berlína hlásal, se zastřelil v jeho ruinách. V ty se nyní asi opět pomocí atomové záře Berlín promění, protože ani Rusové nezůstali včera pozadu a jejich diplomat na jednání OBSE ve Vídni slíbil, že pokud západní tanky zamoří Donbas ochuzeným rakovinotvorným uranem, stejně jako to už udělaly v Iráku, v Sýrii, a na Balkáně, bude to Rusko považovat za jaderný útok špinavou bombou na své území! Co bude následovat, je napsáno v ruské válečné doktríně. Jaderná válka se tak opět o něco přiblížila k našim ložnicím, a tak si vše v dnešní ranní analýze podrobněji rozebereme, aby se nám díky paní Baerbockové a jejím fialovým nohsledům dobře usínalo, protože náš pan generál nás v tom srabu nenechá samotné, a pošle do války i své syny!

    Tanky Abrams měly už v Iráku špatné zkušenosti z čínskými protitankovými zbraněmi HJ-8, a to není žádní novinka.

    Západní tanky dodávané nyní na Ukrajinu obsahují ochuzený uran, a to ve střelách, a v pancíři. Jakmile tento ochuzený uran unikne následkem bojů do krajiny způsobuje prudký nárůst rakoviny. Podle prestižní vědecké studie z roku 2020, které měřila hladiny ochuzeného uranu v krvi iráckých žen, bylo zjištěno, že ženy s rakovinou prsu mají v krvi od 19 do 238, průměrně 94 nanogramu ochuzeného uranu na litr krve, zatím co, ženy bez rakoviny prsu, jen 5 až 18, průměrně 10,5 ng L -1. Medicínský výzkum tak jednoznačně prokázal, že existuje přímá spojitost mezi ochuzeným uranem a několikanásobným výskytem rakoviny! Obdobně publikované starší výzkumy US Army potvrdily, že řidič tanku Abrams je z vlastního pancíře vystaven silné radiaci, díky které může mimo válku strávit v tanku 158 dní v roce, aby se nepřekročila hraniční hodnota ozáření 500 mrem/rok. Mnohem větší ozáření než z pancíře ovšem srší ze střel z ochuzeného uranu. Proto je směrnicí US-Army zakázáno mimo území Jižní Koree ukládat střely z ochuzeného uranu do tanků a bojových vozidel Bradley, a ani v Koreji se s nimi nesmí střílet. Mnohem horší situace nastane za boje, kdy se střely používají, a nebo, když nepřátelské střely roztaví části pancíře s ochuzeným uranem. Vzniknou tak jak úlomky, které zraňují, tak mikročástice, které se vdechují. To vše potom nebezpečně zamoří bojiště na stovky let! (Směrnice US-Army o ochuzeném uranu.) (Studie o rakovině iráckých žen.)

    Tankům Leopard zase v Sýrii po setkání s ruskými protitankovými střelami RPG, odpalovanými na ně pěšími islamisty, létaly věže jako šílené, až Turci na Němce zuřili, co jim to prodali za šrot! Tím spíš, že ruské T-90M, tyto zásahy bez problémů přežily.

    USA slíbili, že Ukrajině dodají tanky Abrams, až je vyrobí! Toto je velmi nezvyklý postup, který může znamenat, že USA buď nechtějí, aby

    Ukrajině dodané tanky měly plnocenné technické vybavení – satelitní komunikaci a další vysoce utajované přístroje
    A nebo se pokusí tank Abrams přestavět, tak aby nepoužíval ochuzený uran. Je totiž zvláštní, že tanky Abrams nebyly Ukrajině dodány ihned z Maroka, které jich má 384 kusů, a jistě bez utajovaných přístrojů, ačkoli Maroko Ukrajině tanky T-72 dodává.
    Možným hlavním problémem je kanón tanků Abrams. Jde o německý kanón Rheinmetall ráže 120mm a délky 44 ráží, který se považuje za neschopný, bez použití střel z ochuzeného uranu, prorážet pancíře moderních ruských variant tanku T-72. Vzhledem k následkům používání střel z ochuzeného uranu, mohou USA tanky pro Ukrajinu chtít přestavět, na kanón moderních německých tanků Leopard 2 Rheinmetall ráže 120mm, ale délky 55 ráží, který s použitím wolframového náboje dokáže prorazit moderní ruské varianty T-72, T-80, ale neprorazí pancíř T-90M! Podobně neprorazí pancíř T-90M ani britský tank Challanger 2, dodávaný Ukrajině.

    Průraznost střely z ochuzeného uranu DU M829A3 vypálené z kanonu Abrams na 2000m se odhaduje na 800mm moderního ruského pancíře, německé střely z wolframu DM53 pouze na 600–640 mm. Pancíř tanku T-90M ve variantě Kontakt 5 se odhaduje jako účinný proti střelám s průrazností 800mm. Ruské T-90 vydržely na bojišti v Sýrii i přímé zásahy raketami. Několik málo desítek jich bylo zničeno na Ukrajině, ale takřka výlučně starších variant, než T-90M a vyšší varianty, které nyní ruská armáda často používá! V případě Leopardů – pouze některé varianty, typicky varianty 2A6 a vyšší mají místo kanónu L-44, který je proti absolutní většině ruských tankům neúčinný, kanon L-55.

    Na závěr, jaký je rozdíl mezi střelou z ochuzeného uranu, a z uranu.

    Když střela z ochuzeného uranu narazí na tvrdý povrch, jako je pancíř, špička střely se rozlomí, a stane se ještě ostřejší než před nárazem. Tato vlastnost je známá jako samoostření uranových střel. Díky této vlastnosti je uran mnohem účinnější při průniku pancířem, než jiný kov. Wolfram se chová opačně, při nárazu, se tam, kde se uran rozpadne a naostří, jen otupí. Další vlastností Uranu je. že na rozdíl od jiných kovů, po proražení pancíře, následkem tření vzplane. Pronikne do tanku jako rozžhavený kulový plasmový blesk, a celý tank podpálí, až vybuchne. Nevýhodou je, že uranová střela se při průniku pancířem promění v úlomky, prach a mikročástice, a ty celé okolí výbuchu na věky zamoří!

    Assessment of uranium concentration in blood of Iraqi females diagnosed with breast cancer - PubMed

    In comparison with the literature data, elevated levels of uranium concentration were recorded in both groups, and significantly higher average uranium concentrations were found in the blood of women with breast cancer as compared to those in the blood samples of women without breast cancer. It is concluded that there is a correlation between the incidence of breast cancer in Iraqi women and elevated levels of uranium concentrations in their blood. Whether this is a casual relationship is unclear, because cancer can be caused by various carcinogens, including environmental pollution in the region.

    Russian diplomat calls on West to prevent ‘nuclear provocations’ with Leopard tanks - Russia - TASS

    VIENNA, January 25. /TASS/. Head of Russia’s delegation to the Vienna talks on military security and arms control Konstantin Gavrilov has called on the West to prevent "nuclear provocations" with Leopard 2 tanks.

    "We warn the Western sponsors of the Kiev military machine against encouraging nuclear provocations and blackmail. We know that Leopard 2 tanks, as well as the Bradley and Marder armored infantry carriers are armed with armor-piercing projectiles with uranium warheads. Their use leads to the contamination of the area, like it was in former Yugoslavia and Iraq. In case such munitions for NATO-made heavy weapons are supplied to Kiev, we will consider that as the use of dirty nuclear bombs against Russia with all the consequences that come with it," he said at an OSCE forum on security cooperation.

    The German government decided earlier to send 14 Leopard 2A6 tanks to Ukraine. Apart from that, Berlin will allow reexport from other countries. Russia’s Ambassador to Germany Sergey Nechayev slammed this decision as "extremely dangerous," as it "raises the conflict to a new level of confrontation." Berlin’s choice, in his words, signaled "the final refusal of Germany to recognize historical responsibility" for Nazi crimes committed during the Second World War. He said the decision cast into oblivion "the difficult path of post-war reconciliation between the Russians and Germans.".

    Moscow, Serbian Media Appear To Mislead With Claims About Cancer Fight, NATO Bombings

    Serbian lawmaker Darko Laketic, who heads a parliamentary Commission for Researching Health Impacts of the NATO Bombing, said in March that a study commissioned by his group in tandem with the Batut Institute of Public Health had shown "unambiguously" that children born after 1999 were exposed to something left amid the rubble.

    Other legislators said at the time that they had waited months for details of that study but "so far nothing."

    But many medical experts say there is no link between depleted uranium and cancer.

    Zoran Radovanovic, an epidemiologist and the chairman of the Serbian Medical Association's ethics committee, denied last year that there had been an uptick in cancer cases where the NATO bombings occurred, Balkan Insight reported.

    US, NATO urged to give reasonable explanation and compensation for victims of depleted uranium bombs ASAP: FM - Global Times

    The US and NATO should deeply reflect on the war crimes they have committed, and give a reasonable explanation and compensation to the victims of depleted uranium bombs as soon as possible, China's Foreign Ministry said on Friday, the day which is also the 23rd anniversary of the end of NATO's 78-day bombing of the Yugoslavia.

    NATO should also learn its lessons and not create new turmoil and divisions around the world, Zhao Lijian, spokesperson of Ministry of Foreign Affairs added.

    The response came after being asked at the regular press conference a question relating to 3,000 victims of depleted uranium bombs entrusted an international team of lawyers to file a lawsuit against NATO for the bad impact of the 15-ton depleted uranium bombs dropped by NATO. However, NATO claimed that it had immunity.

    Twenty-three years ago on March 24, the US-led NATO launched a 78-day continuous bombardment against the Yugoslavia without the approval of the UN Security Council.

    During the period, NATO dropped nearly 420,000 bombs totaling 22,000 tons, including 15 tons of depleted uranium bombs, which directly killed more than 2,500 people, including 79 children, and caused more than 1 million refugees.

    Sadly, the death and suffering that the war has brought to the local area continues to this day and continues from generation to generation, Zhao said.

    Relevant experts pointed out that depleted uranium bombs have a long incubation period for damage to the human body, and also cause long-term effects on the environment and the food chain.

    In the decade after the bombing, some 30,000 people in Serbia suffered from cancer, and more than 10,000 of them died. According to the Institute of Public Health of Belgrade, as of the end of 2019, the number of registered cancer patients in Serbia was as high as 97,000.

    A study by the Serbian emergency center shows that children born in the country after 1999 have multiple cortical tumors at the age of 1 to 5 years old, malignant hematological diseases at the age of 5 to 9 years old, and the brain tumor rates rise sharply between ages 9 and 18.

    In addition, as of May 2019, 366 Italian soldiers who participated in NATO military operations had died of cancer, and 7,500 suffered from illness.

    However, the US, which sent US military planes to drop depleted uranium on Serbia, was also the inventor and only user of depleted uranium bombs, but it has so far denied that depleted uranium bombs are the direct cause of the Gulf War Syndrome and the Kosovo War Syndrome, Zhao said.

    During the Gulf War, the US dropped more depleted uranium bombs in Iraq, and NATO also tried to escape its guilt with the so-called "immunity." This approach of the US and NATO is shocking, and the Serbian people will not agree to this, nor will the peoples of the world seeking justice, Zhao noted.

    Environmental radioactivity in southern Serbia at locations where depleted uranium was used - PubMed

    Environmental radioactivity in southern Serbia at locations where depleted uranium was used
    Nataša B. Sarap, Marija M. Janković, Dragana J. Todorović, Jelena D. Nikolić, and Milojko S. KovačevićUniversity of Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Radiation and Environmental Protection Department, Belgrade, Serbia
    Received in July 2013

    The results of gamma spectrometric measurements of soil samples showed that the radioactivity levels in samples were similar to values characteristic for other locations in world where depleted uranium had not been used (8, 19, 20, 23‒29). According to the calculated values of external hazard index, there is no risk for the population living in the investigated area. Measurements of radioactivity in environmental samples at these locations in southern Serbia should, however, continue.Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, under Project no. III 43009

    Incidence of haematological malignancies in Kosovo—A post "uranium war" concern - PMC

    Incidence of haematological malignancies in Kosovo—A post "uranium war" concern

    The average annual crude rate of all HM in Kosovo was 5.02 cases per 100,000 persons. Incidence rates of HM in first post-war period (2000–2003) increased by 0.37 cases/100,000 persons (9.51%) compared to the pre-war period (1995–1998) whereas in the last post-war period (2012–2015), incidence of HM increased by 3.19/100,000 persons (82%). Gjakova and Peja, the first and third most exposed regions to DU ordnance ranked first and second in difference in HM. Prishtina, Gjilan and Ferizaj, regions with the least number of rounds/km2, were characterized by a decline of incidence rates.

    After the war, the increase in incidence rate of HM was higher in two regions with most DU rounds/km2 expended Despite these findings, this study warrants further investigation and does not lead us to a conclusive finding on the existence of a causal relationship between the use of DU during the war and the rise in incidence of HM in Kosovo.

    NATO Depleted Uranium - May 2000

    8. Conclusions
    "Depleted uranium - the apocalypse?" was the first question asked in the introduction. Based on the above presentation and the analysis of possible consequences on man and environment, the answer is as follows:

    An apocalypse caused by man as a result of the use of DU ammunition in Iraq and the Balkans is not worthy of discussion!
    Are there "irradiated Swiss soldiers in Kosovo?"

    The answer to this second question is:
    If certain minimal precautions are taken - i.e. no trespassing on tank wrecks and no long-term contact with remaining DU ammunition fragments - the health risks of a time-limited stay in a DU-contaminated area are shown to be negligibly small, especially in comparison to other risks such as mine fields, duds, snipers, etc.

    Medical effects of internal contamination with actinides: further controversy on depleted uranium and radioactive warfare - PMC

    Medical effects of internal contamination with actinides: further controversy on depleted uranium and radioactive warfare
    Asaf Durakovic

    Congenital anomalies as a consequence of DU have been extensively studied. There is a strong suggestion of the incidence of cancer in populations of the children of British Gulf War veterans and exposed female veterans through contamination by inhalational pathways by aerosolized particles of uranium oxides, corpuscular disintegration and long half-lives [59]. According to NATO sources, this is related to the testing of uranium weapons and is well correlated with genetic anomalies in southern Iraq. This is also critically evaluated in light of infant leukemia rates as a consequence of the Chernobyl fallout, as reported by the research studies in Germany, Scotland, Belarus, Greece and Wales [60]. The overall conclusions of the effects of DU exposure on the Gulf War and Balkan veterans appear to demonstrate the adverse health effects as compared with the control population, including birth defects, leukemia [61] and a positive correlation of uranium effects in the DU exposed lung epithelial cells [62]. Regardless of the obvious risks, depleted uranium has become part of the standard operating procedures in the fields of warfare and energy production.

    While benefits of nuclear energy are known and undeniable, the effects of DU on the biosphere are far from being conclusive with many unresolved contradictions. All this data contributes to a challenging field still under investigation. This ongoing area of controversy reaches far beyond basic and applied science, extending to an arena further enhanced by the agenda of various political agencies and interest groups, not infrequently interfering with the objective science [64]. In conclusion, the term “depleted uranium” is a semantic attempt to reduce awareness of the significance of its hazard to the biosphere.

    Serbia to Probe Health Impact of NATO Depleted Uranium | Balkan Insight

    Filip RudicBelgradeBIRNMay 18, 201815:03
    The Serbian parliament will establish a commission to examine the alleged effects on public health of NATO’s use of depleted uranium ammunition during the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia.
    This post is also available in this language: Shqip Macedonian Bos/Hrv/Srp

    Yugoslav Army headquarters in Belgrade, destroyed in the 1999 bombing. Photo: Not Home/Wikipedia.
    Serbian MPs are expected to vote on Friday to establish a parliamentary commission to determine whether NATO’s use of depleted uranium ammunition in 1999 has increased the number of cancer sufferers – despite scepticism from medical experts.

    “Every year we use phosphate fertilisers with more uranium than what was dropped in 1999 [by NATO],” said epidemiologist Zoran Radovanovic, chairman of the ethics committee of the Serbian Medical Association.

    Radovanovic told the Serbian national broadcaster, RTS, that the public is continually being frightened with a non-existing cancer epidemic, and denied that there has been an increase in the number of cancer cases.

    But former chief surgeon at the Institute for Oncology and Radiology Momcilo Inic insisted that he has noted an increase in cancer patients since the 1999 NATO campaign.

    However, Inic told BIRN that experts from all relevant fields must be consulted before the cause is determined.

    Nuclear physicist Istvan Bikit told the regional TV channel N1 that the commission should focus on those areas where depleted uranium ammunition was used – Kosovo and southern Serbia.

    “It’s very hard to make a connection [between depleted uranium and cancer] because the harmful effect depends on how long you were exposed, where the projectile hit, was there evaporation and how much,” Bikit said.

    Some politicians and Serbian media seem to have made up their minds even before the commission was been set up, however.

    Parliament speaker Maja Gojkovic said that she believes the commission will be able to prove the link between the use of depleted uranium ammunition and cases of cancer.

    But Kyle Scott, the US ambassador to Belgrade, said that the World Health Organisation and the UN determined that depleted uranium does not pose a serious health risk.

    Meanwhile, Serbian tabloid media have been publishing sensationalist articles over past several days, claiming that the country is facing terrible consequences due to the NATO bombing.

    Serbian tabloids blame NATO for giving Serbians cancer. Photo: BIRN.
    The articles mostly ignore the fact that ammunition made from depleted uranium was used almost entirely in Kosovo, and to a lesser extent in the southern Serbian municipalities.

    The pro-government daily Informer published an article on Thursday with the headline “NATO Deliberately Spread Cancer in Serbia”, while the state-owned Vecernje novosti said that “Uranium is Mowing Down Serbs”.

    The future chairman of the parliamentary commission, doctor and ruling party MP Darko Laketic, has shown more restraint, saying that he does not want to prejudge what caused the increase in number of cancer cases.

    “We have an obligation towards the population to prove the causes [of the cases],” Laketic told RTS.

    He said that the investigation will not limit itself to the alleged effects of depleted uranium, but will also examine the effects of toxins released from the bombing of chemical plants and similar facilities.

    The establishment of the commission is supported both by ruling and opposition parties in the Serbian parliament, who are expected to vote on the issue on Friday.

    NATO launched air strikes in Serbia on March 24, 1999, without the backing of the UN Security Council, after Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic refused to sign up to a peace deal to end his forces’ crackdown on Kosovo Albanian rebels seeking independence.

    By the time Milosevic eventually conceded 78 days later, the civilian death toll from the bombing campaign was put at around 500 by Human Rights Watch.

    Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq With Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers

    Depleted uranium: a state crime / Balkans / Areas / Homepage - Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa

    Two more victims among the Italian soldiers who participated in missions in the Balkans and were exposed to depleted uranium. According to the Military Observatory, to date 366 are dead and 7,500 sick. Now Serbia has also set up a commission of inquiry

    09/05/2019 - Nicole Corritore
    "Just two days after the death of Daniele Nuzzi, another military man leaves us. Given the sudden onset of the deterioration of his conditions and his subsequent death, the Observatory has not yet been authorised by the family to disclose the data". Domenico Leggiero, spokesman of the Military Observatory, gave the announcement on the Facebook page "Victims of depleted uranium " on April 18th.

    This is the 366th victim of depleted uranium among Italian soldiers, the so-called "Balkan Syndrome". The case broke out in 2001 with the emergence of the first cases of Italian soldiers who fell ill or died when they returned from missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo – countries that, together with Serbia, had been bombed by NATO in 1995 or in 1999 with depleted uranium bullets (DU Depleted Uranium).

    Depleted uranium derives from waste material from nuclear power plants and is used for war purposes due to its high specific weight and drilling capacity. When a DU bullet explodes at very high temperature, it releases heavy metal nanoparticles into the environment. To date, scientific research has confirmed that these bullets are dangerous due to both the radioactivity emitted and the toxic dust they release into the environment.

    Daniele Nuzzi, who died last April 15th at only 48 years of age, had served in the 1st Carabinieri Parachutist Regiment of Tuscania on various missions in territories bombed with DU, and when he returned to Italy he fell ill. As reported in the press release by the Military Observatory on the day of his death, "he had been denied by the military administration the recognition of victims of duty, obtained only after a few years through the attorney of the Military Observatory, and at the time of death the judicial procedure for the recognition of adequate compensation was still in progress".

    Investigation commissions
    Parliamentary inquiry commissions

    XIV Legislature (I Commission established February 15th, 2005)

    XV Legislature (II Commission established on February 12th, 2007)

    XVI Legislature (III Commission established on September 15th, 2010)

    XVII Legislature – concluded March 22nd, 2018 (IV Commission established on June 30th, 2015)

    Since 2001, the issue has been a real struggle between those who deny the existence of a correlation between DU exposure and illness and those who claim the opposite, supported by the numbers of deaths and illnesses and convictions against the Ministry of Defense.

    Journalist Paolo Di Giannantonio recalled this at the opening of the conference held in Rome at the Chamber of Deputies on April 4th, organised by the Military Observatory. After providing the numbers of the price paid by the Italian soldiers engaged in peacekeeping missions – to date 7,500 patients and 366 deceased – he added that the lack of recognition by the Italian state has led many soldiers to turn to justice. "119 convictions have been issued against the Ministry of Defense, all managed by attorney Angelo Fiore Tartaglia, while today there are 352 pending disputes".

    All this happened despite the establishment in December 2000 of the so-called Mandelli Commission , which was followed by four parliamentary committees of inquiry between February 2005 and February 2018 on the complex questions concerning the use of depleted uranium in missions abroad as well as in polygons and military premises in Italy.

    The final report by the last Commission , dated February 15th, 2018 proposed a bill with various objectives relating to the protection of soldiers and also confirmed the "causal link between the ascertained exposure to depleted uranium and the pathologies reported by the soldiers" through, as recalled on April 4th by Gianluca Rizzo, president of the Defense Committee of the Chamber and also a member of the Commission, "7 missions, 50 free hearings, over 50 testimonial examinations, 33 external collaborations, and 109 sessions".

    The novelty, compared to the past, is that the report was translated and delivered by Gian Piero Scanu , president of the fourth and last Commission of Inquiry, to Darko Laketić, current president of the newly formed Commission of investigation into the consequences of the NATO bombing of 1999 on citizens of Serbia ("Komisija za istragu posledica NATO bombardovanja 1999. godine po zdravlje građana Srbije") in a meeting in Rome in March 2018.

    The knowledge of the parliamentary investigations carried out in Italy, but also of the data collected in various epidemiological studies involving Italian soldiers, prompted Serbia to establish a commission two months later. According to statements made by Laketić to RTV on March 19th , the commission has already carried out a medical- scientific investigation with the collaboration of the Institute for Public Health "Milan Jovanović Batut " of Belgrade, focused on subjects born after 1999 in central Serbia: "From the first results, it emerges that in the age group 5-9 years we have a greater, and significant, percentage of patients compared to other age groups, in addition to a greater disposition to contract malignant blood diseases over time".

    He also added: "We know, from the data in our possession, that a toxic factor influenced the onset of neoplasia, but we do not know which of the many (...). As regards depleted uranium, which is dominant in the public debate, I must indeed remember that it represents only the tip of the iceberg, as because of the NATO bombing many and different carcinogens have been released into the environment".

    Darko Laketić refers to the bombs dropped on Serbia between March 24th and June 10th, 1999 by the Operation Allied Force, which hit factories, chemical industries, flammable material depots, and the like. From NATO data, 112 sites appear to have been bombed with DU, including 1 in Montenegro, 10 in Serbia, and 85 in Kosovo. Among these, the cities of Pančevo and Kragujevac were defined as "hot spots" by the Task Force established by the UNEP to investigate the consequences of the bombings. Pančevo, with its industrial district including a petrochemical site and a refinery, was heavily bombed since March 24th; Kragujevac was hit between April 9th and 12th, and the bombs – as in Pančevo – caused the spread of various toxic agents and the combustion of chemical agents.

    Not only. A few months after the bombing ended, the government had drawn up a recovery plan for the "Zastava" car factory in Kragujevac, and the workers had personally committed to the process so that the production could start up again as soon as possible. The factory – hit, as it became known later, also with DU bullets – was cleaned up by dozens of workers who, according to the public declarations of their representatives, began to contract malignant neoplasms, and many of them died.

    The case of these workers was even dealt with in 2007 in a session of the second Italian Parliamentary Investigation Commission: starting from information on the Kragujevac case received by Pietro Comba, director of the National Institute of Health and expert in epidemiology related to environmental pollution, it was proposed to start an in-depth epidemiological investigation on the approximately 1,500 workers defined as "risk cases" with complete personal and medical records.

    Nothing was done, either on the Italian side or on the Serbian side. Only on April 17th, Laketić's commission chose Kragujevac as the venue for their sixth session . Among others, the members of the Commission also met representatives of the workers involved in the 1999 reclamation of the Zastava, who handed over the medical documentation.

    Laketić concluded his speech on April 4th in the Chamber of Deputies reporting some data: "In Serbia we have a major health problem: we are witnessing a significant increase in the incidence of malignant diseases especially in young people, against a decrease in the EU countries. We are confident that it is related to the exposure to toxic substances. As a Commission, we have started harvesting in areas bombed with DU, and some cases have struck me a lot. For example, the group of 40 people who cleared the Pljačkovica mountain (near the city of Vranje, district of Pčinj, southeast of Serbia, ed.) which hosted a radio-television repeater: immediately after the reclamation everyone had presented skin lesions, 25 then died of malignant tumors".

    Finally, he stressed the importance of the collaboration with Italy, which will allow Serbia to continue its investigations; he added that Serbia is absolutely willing to start European and international collaborations, as the topic does not only concern our two countries. That the issue goes well beyond Italian borders and is a "European theme" was also stated by Fabio Massimo Castaldo, vice president of the outgoing European Parliament. Unable to attend the meeting in Rome, he sent the organisers a video message : "Many years ago, the president of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, made a promise to set up a European commission of inquiry, which was never kept. We (M5Stelle, ed.) will bring this issue back to the European Parliament, because we have a duty to demand the truth".

    Meanwhile, the legal battle continues on the Italian front. On October 4th 2018 , an important verdict was issued by the Court of Cassation: in addition to reaffirming the causal link between depleted uranium and illness, it declared the Defense guilty of ignoring the dangers to which it had exposed its soldiers in operational theatres where DU had been used, and therefore granted the compensation demanded by the soldier's family members. The ruling concerns Salvatore Vacca, who died of leukemia on September 8th, 1999, at the age of 23, after a mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It took 20 years to get justice.

    Many open questions remain. Why does the Italian state, despite the evidence, not grant soldiers the lawful recognition, without forcing them to resort to endless lawsuits? Why was there no follow-up on the promised investigations, badly started and then suspended, dedicated to the Italian civilians of the NGOs and associations that operated in the territories bombed by NATO? Why is the Serbian government acting only today, after citizens have been asking to start ad hoc investigations for years? For example, the association established years ago in Vranje ("Udruženja uranijumskih žrtava Pljačkovica 99 ") has been lobbying for the recognition of the victims of mountain reclamation.

    Why does absolute silence apply in Bosnia and Herzegovina after a first attempt in 2004-2005 at governmental investigations, the results of which have never been made public? Why is there no attention on the situation of civilians in Kosovo, considering that, of the 31,000 DU bullets used in 1999, 25,000 hit Kosovo and, of these, 56.47% (17,237) concentrated on the quadrant of the country to north-west (the one under the control of the Italian Kfor contingent )? And finally: given the many scientific confirmations of the radioactive and chemical dangerousness of DU and the devastating consequences on populations and the environment, why is its use not banned?

    24 years after the bombings on Bosnia and Herzegovina and 20 years after those on Serbia and Kosovo, the depleted uranium scandal remains shamefully current.
    GORG --- ---
    N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count - The New York Times
    New York City, already a world epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, sharply increased its death toll by more than 3,700 victims on Tuesday, after officials said they were now including people who had never tested positive for the virus but were presumed to have died of it.

    The new figures, released by the city’s Health Department, drove up the number of people killed in New York City to more than 10,000, and appeared to increase the overall United States death count by 17 percent to more than 26,000.

    New York City posts sharp spike in coronavirus deaths after untested victims added | Reuters
    WASHINGTON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City, the hardest hit U.S. city in the coronavirus pandemic, revised its official COVID-19 death toll sharply higher to more than 10,000 on Tuesday, to include victims presumed to have perished from the lung disease but never tested.

    The new cumulative figure for “confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths” released by the New York City Health Department marked a staggering increase of over 3,700 deaths formally attributed to the highly contagious illness since March 11.


    U.S. public health authorities have generally only attributed deaths to COVID-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus, when patients tested positive for the virus.

    New York City’s Health Department said it will now also count any fatality deemed a “probable” coronavirus death, defined as a victim whose “death certificate lists as a cause of death ‘COVID-19’ or an equivalent.”

    March 11 was used as the starting pointbecause that was the date of the first confirmed coronavirus death, the city said.

    How COVID-19 Deaths Are Counted - Scientific American
    As coronavirus has swept through the United States, finding the true number of people who have been infected has been stymied due to lack of testing. Now, official counts of coronavirus deaths are being challenged, too.

    In Colorado, for example, a Republican state legislator has accused the state’s public health department of falsely inflating COVID-19 deaths; in Florida, local media have objected to the State Department of Health’s refusal to release medical examiner data to the public, alleging that the state may be underreporting deaths.

    The reality is that assigning a cause of death is not always straightforward, even pre-pandemic, and a patchwork of local rules and regulations makes getting valid national data challenging. However, data on excess deaths in the United States over the past several months suggest that COVID-19 deaths are probably being undercounted rather than overcounted.

    Death certificates can be signed by a physician who was responsible for a patient who died in a hospital, which accounts for many COVID-19 deaths. They can also be signed by medical examiners or coroners, who are independent officials who work for individual counties or cities. Many COVID-19 death certificates are being handled by physicians unless the death occurred outside of the hospital, in which case a medical examiner or coroner would step in, said Dr. Sally Aiken, the president of the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME). In some jurisdictions, including cities such as Chicago and Milwaukee, medical examiners are involved in determining the cause of death for every suspected COVID-19 case. In those jurisdictions, medical examiners review medical records even of patients who die in hospitals to ensure that the symptoms and any testing indicate that the patient did indeed die of COVID-19.

    Having medical examiners confirm COVID-19 deaths can create more uniformity and clearer documentation, Aiken told Live Science. On a death certificate, there are spaces to list an immediate cause of death, as well as the chain of events that led to that final disease or incident. There are also spaces for adding contributing factors.

    For COVID-19, the immediate cause of death might be listed as respiratory distress, with the second line reading “due to COVID-19.” Contributing factors such as heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure would then be listed further down. This has led to some confusion by people arguing that the “real” cause of death was heart disease or diabetes, Aiken said, but that’s not the case.

    “Without the COVID19 being the last straw or the thing that led to the chain of events that led to death, they probably wouldn’t have died,” she said.

    How hard it is to accurately determine whether COVID-19 was truly that last straw depends on the situation. Most COVID-19 deaths seen at Mount Sinai Health System in New York are in people who have comorbid (or co-occurring) conditions such as coronary artery disease or kidney disease, said Dr. Mary Fowkes, the chief of autopsy services at Mount Sinai. But it’s not typically difficult to tell what killed them.

    “Most of the cases are pretty straightforward,” Fowkes told Live Science. “The lungs are usually so severely involved with pathology, so they are two to three times or more the normal weight of a normal lung.”

    (The excess weight is due to fluid and cell detritus from damaged lung tissues.)

    In some cases, particularly those where someone dies at home or quickly perishes after entering an emergency room, the determination can be a little more fuzzy, said Dr. Jeremy Faust, an emergency physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Massachusetts.

    Autopsies can help answer that question, but autopsy rates were low even pre-pandemic, Fowkes said. Even at Mount Sinai, a rare medical system that offers every family a chance to have their loved one autopsied for free, the rate of autopsy was only about 20% prior to the pandemic. According to NAME, there is an ongoing shortage of forensic pathologists working in the United States, with about 500 currently employed and a need for 1,200. Autopsies for COVID-19 can also be dangerous due to the infectious nature of the disease and ongoing shortages of personal protective equipment for pathologists.

    Another complication for assigning a cause of death for COVID-19 is that some younger people have died of strokes and heart attacks and then tested positive for COVID-19 without any history of respiratory symptoms. The virus is now known to cause blood clots, suggesting that COVID-19 was the killer in these cases, too. Fowkes and her colleagues conducted a microscopic inspection of the brains of 20 COVID-19 victims in her hospital system and found that six of them contained tiny blood clots that had caused small strokes before death.

    “We’re seeing it in younger patients than you would expect, and we’re seeing it in a distribution that you wouldn’t expect, so we think it’s related to the COVID,” Fowkes said.

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidelines for how to attribute a death to COVID-19. The guidelines urge using information from COVID-19 testing, where possible, but also allow for deaths to be listed as “presumed” or “probable” COVID-19 based on symptoms and the best clinical judgment of the person filling out the death certificate. A medical examiner trying to determine a cause of death in the absence of testing would comb medical records and query family and loved ones about the person’s symptoms before they died, Aiken said. Postmortem COVID-19 tests may be possible, depending on the jurisdiction.

    All of the inconsistencies of cause-of-death reporting precede the COVID-19 pandemic, says Jay Wolfson, a professor of public health at the University of South Florida (USF). But getting good data about deaths is now extremely pressing, he told Live Science. Death certificates are often used by epidemiologists and public health officials to detect strange clusters of deaths or to link certain risk factors to certain causes of death. But because different states and localities have different rules about recording and reporting causes of death, the cumulative data is always messy.

    “I think some states are reluctant to open their databases up, knowing they have validity problems or knowing the data might be misused,” Wolfson said. But public health officials need access, he said, and they need to figure out ways to dig into the data and standardize them. Wolfson and other researchers at USF are already working with state officials to see what kind of data the state can legally release, he said.

    Meanwhile, as the political debate over the response to the virus heats up, some have argued that death reports are being deliberately skewed. Aiken rejected the notion of a vast conspiracy by medical examiners; medical examiners are designed to be independent entities, she said, and they run the political gamut from conservative to liberal.

    “It always cracks me up,” she said. “Medical examiners and coroners aren’t organized enough to have a conspiracy.”

    In Colorado, the discrepancy over people dying with COVID-19 versus of COVID-19 is due to federal reporting guidelines requiring the health department to report any COVID-positive death to the CDC, even if COVID-19 wasn’t thought to cause the death, Gov. Jared Polis said in a news conference Friday (May 15). The health department has been instructed not to report those deaths as being caused by COVID-19 to the public, Polis said.

    In Florida, state law prevents the release of death certificate data, Wolfson said, but it may be possible to get public release of death certificates with identifying information removed, or of cumulative datasets.

    Both undercounts and overcounts of COVID-19 deaths are possible, Wolfson said, but it’s not yet clear which is more likely, or whether they might simply balance each other out. Fowkes said that based on her experience, it’s more likely that COVID-19 deaths are being missed than overcounted. That’s because New York is among several cities that show spikes in deaths at home, and these anomalous spikes could be due to untested, untreated COVID-19.

    Perhaps, the best clue as to whether COVID-19 deaths have been undercounted or overcounted is excess mortality data. Excess mortality is deaths above and beyond what would normally be expected in a given population in a given year. CDC data shows a spike of excess mortality in early 2020, adding up to tens of thousands of deaths.

    Some argue that many of these excess deaths are related to COVID-19 lockdowns, not COVID-19 themselves, Faust said, because people fear catching the disease if they go to the hospital for other reasons. A study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology did find that nine major hospitals saw a 38% drop in emergency visits for a particular kind of heart attack in March. That suggests that people really are delaying or avoiding medical care, which could mean that some of them die of preventable causes.

    But non-COVID conditions probably don’t explain most excess deaths, Faust said. Only a portion of heart attack visits would have represented lives saved, he said, because doctors must treat perhaps 10 patients to save one life. And other causes of death—such as motor vehicle accidents—are down.

    This could change with time, Faust cautioned. For example, if cancer patients forego their treatments for a year, rather than a few months, the impact on their death rates is much more likely to be noticeable in the population-wide data. But for now, he said, “it’s unlikely that the coronavirus deaths are being overcounted by a magnitude that explains our observation that something very unusual is going on.”

    // Líbí se mi tam ta věta, že ten počet možná byl v nějakém směru podhodnocen , a v jiném nadhodnocen, a že se ty odchylky možná i vzájemně vyruší :-)))
    Jak relevantní data jsme vůbec měli, když tam připouštíme tak velký rozptyl?
    Tahle čísla byly a jsou barometrem toho, jak zlá je situace.

    Ještě to pak narušil dezolát Blatný s tvrzením, že se do statistiky mrtvých na COVID počítají taky například autonehody.
    Všichni na něj začali syčet "dezinformátor".. a hodně i Moravec na ČT24 ho sjížděl, že by se za ten výrok měl prý omluvit.

    Blatný není dezinformátor, základní fakta má správně. Interpretace dat se ale s realitou míjí | iROZHLAS - spolehlivé zprávy

    Ale zmiňují tam taky, že ÚZIS měl následně data začisťovat, a právě autonehody za COVID nepovažovat.
    Za něj si od moderátora televizní debaty Václava Moravce vysloužil ostrý výrok: „Bagatelizace a zpochybňování statistik z vás může činit dezinformátora.“ Blatný se korektně, ale důrazně ohradil.


    Teprve v „pomalých“ datech o příčinách úmrtí se zohlední takzvaná základní příčina úmrtí.


    Při vytváření těchto dat se má uplatnit expertní komise pod vedením náměstka ministra zdravotnictví Vladimíra Černého, kterou opakovaně zmiňuje ministr Blatný. Podrobně vytváření obou datových sad – „rychlé“ i „pomalé“ – popisuje prezentace Šárky Daňkové z ÚZIS, která se věnuje agendě příčin úmrtí.

    Zkoušel jsem na stránkách ÚZIS nebo jinde najít teda ty "pomalá" data

    Tady se na ně někdo ptá na základě zákona o svobodných informacích, ale ÚZIS je odmítl poskytnout.


    Koukám jsou tam i odpovědi na podobné dotazy na statistiky úmrtí po očkování. Se stejnou odpovědí, že můžou v odpovědi poskytnout pouze datovou strukturu, ne data, ale že když se někdo pro statistické nebo akademické účely hecne, tak že je při uhrazení nákladů mu nasypou raw data...
    A vypadá to, že i na každý další dotaz, co jsem tam rozklikl, je to podobně.

    Nevím.. neměly by být někde viditelně? My jeli asi doteď jen teda na ty "rychlá" data?

    Když hledám v sekci COVID-19

    COVID-19 - ÚZIS ČR

    poslední prezentace je tu z 29.1.2021 a od té doby nic .. nějak brzo je přestalo bavit o tom něco prezentovat :)

    Podařilo se mi tam ale najít , že už tam je statistika úmrtí za rok 2020, kde už jsou předpokládám tedy ta "pomalá" začištěná data?

    Ta ovšem postrádá onu takovou tu jednoduchost čísel a grafů, která jsme viděli v médiích anebo i celkem přehledné grafy na stránkách ministerstva (které jsou ovšem ale ona "rychlá" data)

    "220 XXII. Kódy pro speciální účely"
    Pozn. Kapitola XXII. představuje úmrtnost na COVID–19 (U07.1–U07.2)

    Tedy kódy 220 .. U07.1 a U07.2 mají být , co tam počítali za COVID

    MKN-10 - Databáze léčiv
    - U07.1 COVID-19, virus identifikován

    - U07.2 COVID-19, virus neidentifikován
    Klinicky a epidemiologicky diagnostikovaný COVID-19; Pravděpodobný COVID-19; Suspektní COVID-19

    Tedy z toho mi vyplývá, že tam taky zahrnovali lidi, kteří ani pozitivní test neměli.
    Pro jistotu tam U07.1 i U07.2 uvádí jen dohromady oboje jako jedno číslo.
    On tam ten COVID vlastně v té tabulce chybí, ostatní kategorie tam mají i čísla k jednotlivým kódům
    Akorát ta poznámka to zmiňuje pod čarou, že tím má být tajemná sekce 220 XXII. Kódy pro speciální účely, kde je to jen pro celou kategorii dohromady

    Jistě by taky nebylo špatné mít anonymizovaná data, kde si půjde konkrétní případy ověřit. A určitě by bodlo bývalo aspoň nějaké shrnutí, jaké diagnózy tam byly nejčastěji. Kolik z těch U07.1 a U07.2 třeba bylo selhání plic.
    Zjevně ale víme, že za rok 2020 zemřelo asi o 10 tisíc víc lidí než je průměrně běžné.
    Tak si tu odložím tenhle pokus to nějak sesumarizovat...

    Detailní statistiky o koronaviru jsou tajné kvůli podivné výjimce v zákoně - iDNES.cz
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: Ano, když budeš číst jenom to, co píšou na Sisyfos

    Ignoruješ, co tu bylo řečeno, a opakuješ furt dokola, jak se to jedním izolovaným způsobem zkoumalo už dlouho.
    ....jako důsledku exponenciálního nárůstu hodin provolaných mobilními telefony jsou totiž v příkrém rozporu se skutečně pozorovanými výskyty těchto onemocnění. Ten je dlouhodobě konstantní.

    Naštěstí tu máme kluby jako tento, kde člověk může najít odkazy, které KAJJAK nechce, abychom četli :-)) Odkazy na akademické studie a odborníky, kteří mají jiný názor, jiná data.

    Ti , a opakuju se, upozorňují, že tyto dramatické projevy incidence můžou mít desítky let zpoždění, než se projeví, protože v případě vážného onemocnění rakovinou ten rozvoj nádoru trvá často mnoho let, kdy rozpad DNA nakonec vede k nádoru. Viz. Hirosima.

    A rakovina je jen jeden z aspektů zdraví, z těch extrémních... a asi ne každému se nutně musí vyvolat rakovina kvůli mobilním sítím.
    Každopádně linkovaná studie zkoumání 3G a 4G sítí na myších ukázala rozpad DNA. Co to znamená pro lidi autoři studie říkají, že nevědí (u myší ozařovali trochu jinak než jak lidi používají telefon), a že jsou k tomu nutné další studie, a podobně mluví o 5G.

    Jsou různé nespavosti, úzkosti, deprese, bolesti hlavy atd. toho je epidemie... případně lze samozřejmě uvažovat vliv na imunitu.

    What are 'binaural beats' and do they affect our brain?

    Tyhle "biaurální beaty" jsou pěkný příklad druhým směrem. Jak je možné, že to ovlivňuje bolesti, úzkosti k lepšímu?
    Protože je tam podstatná frekvence v čase (pro vyvolání různých specifických účinků).
    Ty si tím článkem Sysifa celý frekvenční spektrum lidského sluchu shodil jako irelevantní jednolitou věc. Z pohledu neionizujícího záření nehraje žádnou roli.. tak jak se to dostane až do mozku?

    Acoustic BB reduced pain intensity, stress and analgesic use, compared to SS, in chronic pain patients.

    This study provides evidence that theta rhythm binaural beats can alleviate pain intensity, both after a brief 30 minute and a longer one week on-demand intervention. The subsequent significant reduction in analgesic medication consumption in chronic pain patients' daily living could offer a valuable tool, augmenting the effect of existing pain therapies.

    Podobně můžeme uvažovat i o negativním vliivu. Hluku ale třeba větrných elektráren, které do okolí do dálky dělají tichý pulzující nízkofrekvenční tón. Lidé bydlící okolí si stěžují na závažné psychické problémy.
    Naopak třeba bílý šum je považovaný za prospěšný, když chce člověk usnout.

    Co dělá s tělem neakustické spektrum nevíme. Jeho patterny, pulzy, jsou pravidelné? Nepravidlné? To co linkuješ mi trochu připomíná "neandrtálskou" vědu.. zabývá se jen tepelným výkonem a radiací, pohybem molekul.. a tím končí.
    A jak někteří vědci říkají - rakovina nevzniká tak rychle, takže jestli tady jsme stanovili ty limity správně s jistotou nevíme.

    Possible Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Central Nerve System - PMC
    ... In particular, detailed information regarding the mechanism of biological effect by RF-EMFs has not yet been elucidated clearly. Recent studies show that RF-EMFs emitted by cellular phones are absorbed into the brain, to a degree, that can affect neuronal activity (Kleinlogel et al., 2008; Jeong et al., 2015; Jiang et al., 2016). In addition, the thermal effects of RF-EMFs suggest the possibility of affecting neuronal activity by temperature generated by mobile phones (Wainwright, 2000; Wyde et al., 2018). Therefore, there is a need for scientifically proven information on the effects of increasing exposure to RF-EMFs on nerve cells, including neurodevelopment, function and cognitive functions (Calvente et al., 2016; Birks et al., 2017). However, many studies on the possible influence of electromagnetic waves on neurons have recently been conducted with great interest, but there are conflicting results according to experimental conditions and there is still much to be studied to gain a basic understanding.

    ....Despite these controversies, the World Health Organization has classified RF-EMFs as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’ (Baan et al., 2011). However, the classification of RF-EMFs as possible carcinogens has yet to come to a clear conclusion among scientists. This is due to the fact that only 30 years have passed since the mobile phone has been used in earnest, it needs decades of exposure, and further epidemiological analysis to come to any conclusions.


    The autophagosome and autolysosome, which are major autophagic structures, were increased 3–4 times higher than in the control group (Kim et al., 2018b). These results suggest that the activation of autophagy could be one of the main adaptation mechanism of neurons to electromagnetic stress.


    The IARC has classified RF-EMFs as a possibly carcinogenic to humans (Baan et al., 2011) and warms of the danger of EMF exposure. Moreover, it has been hypothesized that a variety of neurological effects may occur as a result of RF-EMF exposure due to the proximity of the cranial nervous system and the location where the cellular phone is predominantly used. These neurological abnormalities include headache (Frey, 1998), changes in sleep habits (Wagner et al., 1998), and changes in EEG (Braune et al., 1998; Mann et al., 1998). In addition, significant statistical results have been reported by various epidemiological studies on neurological cognitive disorders such as headache, tremor, dizziness, memory loss, loss of concentration, and sleep disturbance due to RF-EMF (Kolodynski and Kolodynska, 1996; Santini et al., 2002; Hutter et al., 2006; Abdel-Rassoul et al., 2007). As a possible mechanism for the change of neurological functions by RF-EMFs exposure, we are confident that more mechanisms will be involved than those mentioned, but we have summarized only recent studies on thermal effects, activation of autophagy processes, changes in ion-channel expression, and changes in myelin sheaths in this review (Fig. 3). Most of these studies were performed using cell or animal models and they have provided basic information on the underlying possible biological effects of RF-EMFs exposure to living creatures. So, these results could not apply to humans directly. Precise epidemiological studies are needed to confirm the possible biological effects of RF-EMF exposure to humans. Recently, the governmental regulation on RF-EMFs of individual devices has been introduced to reflect the concern about the biological effect of RF-EMFs. However, the possible biological effects on electromagnetic fields exposure has not yet been well established even in scientific communities. Therefore, it is necessary to apply international standard at the preventive level at least and disclose related information to public in a transparent manner.



    During operation, GSM mobile phones are the sources of magnetic fields at the ELF range. Perentos et al. [33], have measured a magnetic flux density value of less than 100μT at 217Hz, which is the main spectral component associated with the GSM pulses, and confirmed the presence of spectral components at 2.1 and 8.3 Hz.


    CONCLUSIONS  Some new research results show no association between brain tumor and mobile phone radiation. Others, however, suggest that mobile radiation double the risk of developing cancer on the side of the head used, increase brain activity, can cause damage to nerves around ears and, more importantly, damages the BBB. Al though research studies on the impact of Mobil e phones radiation on health remains inconclusive, previous research results has taken the prevention of heating effects as a basis for exposure guidelines. But new research recent results demonstrate that mobile phones can affect cells without heating them.  The ICNIRP guidelines was set based on the behavioral changes when experimental animal s are exposed to RF radiation at level s which produce temperature rise of more than 1C o Therefore, new research results raise the question about the effectiveness of the ICNIRP exposure guidelines to prevent health implication to human. In fact some countries are starting to impose new exposure measures. For example, China is planning a new strict standards that would cap handset radiation emissions at half the level s all owed elsewhere.  The amount of radiation that can be passed from a handset to a user, the SAR, will be limited to 1 Watt/ Kgm instead of 2Watt/ Kgm Even with those studies that show no relation between brain tumors and mobile phones radiation, such investigations do not measure risks for cancers such as brain tumors with longer latency periods of induction or for slow growing tumors. Mobile phones have not been in use for long enough to allow comprehensive epidemiological assessment of their impact on health.  Literature review indicated that the strength and exposure duration of ELF EMF has been found to be playing key role in initiating effects related to brain ,anxiety, sleep disorder, behavioral studies and electrophysiological signals.  Wider scope of research is identified to establish exact link between ELF and EMF (especially electric field) and electrophysiological signal behavior. Refined research can be still carried out in determining exact threshold value, different range of frequencies and exposure scenarios too

    Mozek je bioelektricke zarizeni. Ale proste z pohledu vedy se zda byt daleko od "Case closed".
    Soucasne limity uvazuji taky typicky hlavu dospeleho cloveka a pritomnost jen 1 zarizeni. Ted mame kolem sebe desitky wi-fin. Minimalne treba nedavat mobily detem. Na mysich vime, ze to skodit umi, takze to neni zadna teoreticka disciplina.

    The sounds of LTE, UMTS, and GSM noise interference


    A situace muze byt i opacna... leceni rakoviny elektromagnetickym polem uz ma taky dlouhou (kontroverzni) historii.

    Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies - PMC

    Treating cancer with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields: a potential paradigm shift, again? - PubMed

    Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Cause Non-Temperature-Induced Physical and Biological Effects in Cancer Cells - PubMed
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: No ja jen , aby z toho prezila aspon ta namitka, ze kdyz testujes GSM site (resp. CDMA), tak to musis vzit v uvahu od nasazeni GSM, a spis az fazi masoveho rozsireni, aby si na incidenci rakoviny cele zeme mohl neco sledovat.
    A pokud testujes na mysich taky musis vyzkouset GSM a CDMA zvlast, protoze 1G a 2G jsou odlisne... je to jiny datovy tok, jina pulzace, jine frekvence modulace. A ze nelze uvazit jen tepelny vykon. A to same Wi-fi je zas neco jineho

    Ja pisu to, co rikala ta pani. Nejaka vedkyne, co to ma jako profesi se takovyma vecma zabyvat.
    Fakt lepsi, kdyby ses na to video ,co linkkoval RIVA, kouknul... misto toho, aby si tu psal nejake sve spekulace.

    Devra Davis - Wikipedia

    Neni rozhodne zadny orezavatko...
    Davis was appointed by President Clinton to the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. In 1997 she was working as a consultant to the World Health Organization[12] and served as a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the US National Toxicology Program.[17]

    Tady jde o to, aby se delal (dostatecny a nezavisly) vyzkum. A pripadne se poladily bezpecnostni standardy a doporuceni

    Jestli je dobry nosit telefon v kapse blizko hned u pohlavnich organu.. tehotna zena, ktera si polozi tablet hned u hlavicky ditete, nebo mit telefon polozeny mezi kozama, jako ta holka, ktera mela rakovinu prsou v 21 letech , protoze si ho tam davala na 4 hodinove rizeni auta.

    Nektere pripadove studie na moznou souvislost ukazovaly, ale jak rikala ta Davisova, takove studie jsou obtizne.. casto se vychazi z toho, co rikaji ty lidi,.. ta pamet neni dobra, kdyz jim rikaji napr., jak casto pouziaji telefon, kde ho nosej jak dlouho.. Ale jiste takove pripady volaji po vetsimu vyzkumu.

    Ja teda treba nic kategorickeho nepsal zato linkoval spoustu studii a podobne tu ostatnii.. a ty tu pises definitivni reci bez jakehokoliv podlozeni :-)

    Jeste ad 5G, ktery je dost odlisny od tech predchozich, skoro zadne studie nejsou, ale oproti tomu, co ruzni demystikatori hlasaj, je celkem silne vzedmuti vedcu volajici po vyzkumu bezpecnosti pred masovym nasazenim

    The Promise Of 5G Comes With A Regulatory Headache And Health Risk Concerns | WAMU

    EMFscientist.org - International EMF Scientist Appeal

    Jeden z pozadavku je opet, aby verejnost byla lepe informovana, jak redukovat mozna rizika. Obvious logicka vec, ktera se vubec nedela.

    Prof. Sinerik Ayrapetyan, Ph.D., UNESCO Chair - Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, Armenia

    Dr. Priyanka Bandara, Ph.D., Independent Env.Health Educator/Researcher, Advisor, Environmental Health Trust; Doctors for Safer Schools, Australia
    Dr. Peter French BSc, MSc, MBA, PhD, FRSM, Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia
    Dr. Bruce Hocking, MD, MBBS, FAFOEM (RACP), FRACGP, FARPS, specialist in occupational medicine; Victoria, Australia
    Dr. Gautam (Vini) Khurana, Ph.D., F.R.A.C.S., Director, C.N.S. Neurosurgery, Australia
    Dr. Don Maisch, Ph.D., Australia
    Dr. Mary Redmayne, Ph.D., Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia
    Dr. Charles Teo, BM, BS, MBBS, Member of the Order of Australia, Director, Centre for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery at Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW, Australia

    Dr. Michael Kundi, MD, University of Vienna, Austria
    Prof. Pierre Madl, EE MSc & PhD, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), Radiological Measurement Laboratory Salzburg (RMLS), Edge Institute (AT), Austria
    Dr. Gerd Oberfeld, MD, Public Health Department, Salzburg Government, Austria
    Dr. Bernhard Pollner, MD, Pollner Research, Austria
    Prof. Dr. Hugo W. Rüdiger, MD, Austria

    Dr. Amer Kamal, MD, Physiology Department, College of Medicine, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain

    Prof. Marie-Claire Cammaerts, Ph.D., Free University of Brussels, Faculty of Science, Brussels, Belgium
    Joris Everaert, M.Sc., Biologist, Species Diversity team, Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Belgium
    Dr. Andre Vander Vorst, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Vânia Araújo Condessa, MSc., Electrical Engineer, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
    Prof. Dr. João Eduardo de Araujo, MD, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Dr. Francisco de Assis Ferreira Tejo, D. Sc., Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande, State of Paraíba, Brazil
    Prof. Alvaro deSalles, Ph.D., Federal University of Rio Grande Del Sol, Brazil
    Prof. Adilza Dode, Ph.D., MSc. Engineering Sciences, Minas Methodist University, Brazil
    Dr. Daiana Condessa Dode, MD, Federal University of Medicine, Brazil
    Michael Condessa Dode, Systems Analyst, MRE Engenharia Ltda, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
    Prof. Orlando Furtado Vieira Filho, PhD, Cellular&Molecular Biology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Dr. Magda Havas, Ph.D., Environmental and Resource Studies, Centre for Health Studies, Trent University, Canada
    Dr. Paul Héroux, Ph.D., Director, Occupational Health Program, McGill University; InvitroPlus Labs, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, Canada
    Dr. Tom Hutchinson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Canada
    Prof. Ying Li, Ph.D., InVitroPlus Labs, Dept. of Surgery, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, Canada
    James McKay M.Sc, Ecologist, City of London; Planning Services, Environmental and Parks Planning, London, Canada
    Prof. Anthony B. Miller, MD, FRCP, University of Toronto, Canada
    Prof. Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, Ph.D., Department of Psychology (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario, Canada
    Dr. Malcolm Paterson, PhD. Molecular Oncologist (ret.), British Columbia, Canada
    Prof. Michael A. Persinger, Ph.D., Behavioural Neuroscience and Biomolecular Sciences, Laurentian University, Canada
    Margaret Sears MEng, PhD, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Prevent Cancer Now, Ottawa, ON, Canada
    Sheena Symington, B.Sc., M.A., Director, Electrosensitive Society, Peterborough, Canada

    Prof. Huai Chiang, Bioelectromagnetics Key Laboratory, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
    Prof. Yuqing Duan, Ph.D., Food & Bioengineering, Jiangsu University, China
    Dr. Kaijun Liu, Ph.D., Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China
    Prof. Xiaodong Liu, Director, Key Lab of Radiation Biology, Ministry of Health of China; Associate Dean, School of Public Health, Jilin University, China
    Prof. Wenjun Sun, Ph.D., Bioelectromagnetics Key Lab, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
    Prof. Minglian Wang, Ph.D., College of Life Science & Bioengineering, Beijing University of Technology, China
    Prof. Qun Wang, Ph.D., College of Materials Science & Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, China
    Prof. Haihiu Zhang, Ph.D., School of Food & BioEngineering, Jiangsu University, China
    Prof. Jianbao Zhang, Associate Dean, Life Science and Technology School, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
    Prof. Hui-yan Zhao, Director of STSCRW, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A & F University, Yangling Shaanxi, China
    Prof. J. Zhao, Department of Chest Surgery, Cancer Center of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China

    Ivancica Trosic, Ph.D., Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Croatia

    Prof. Dr. Abu Bakr Abdel Fatth El-Bediwi, Ph.D., Physics Dept., Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt
    Prof. Dr. Emad Fawzy Eskander, Ph.D., Medical Division, Hormones Department, National Research Center, Egypt
    Prof. Dr. Heba Salah El Din Aboul Ezz, Ph.D., Physiology, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt
    Prof. Dr. Nasr Radwan, Ph.D., Neurophysiology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt

    Dr. Hiie Hinrikus, Ph.D., D.Sc, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
    Mr. Tarmo Koppel, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

    Dr. Mikko Ahonen, Ph.D, University of Tampere, Finland
    Dr. Marjukka Hagström, LL.M., M.Soc.Sc, Principal Researcher, Radio and EMC Laboratory, Finland
    Prof. Dr. Osmo Hänninen, Ph.D., Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Eastern Finland, Finland; Editor-In-Chief, Pathophysiology, Finland
    Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland; Member of the IARC Working Group that classified cell phone radiation as possible carcinogen.
    Prof. Emeritus Rainer Nyberg, EdD, MPS, Abo Akademi University (retired), Vasa, Finland
    Dr. Georgiy Ostroumov, Ph.D. (in the field of RF EMF), independent researcher, Finland

    Prof. Dr. Dominique Belpomme, MD, MPH, Professor in Oncology, Paris V Descartes University, ECERI Executive Director
    Dr. Pierre Le Ruz, Ph.D., Criirem, Le Mans, France Georgia
    Dr Annie J Sasco, MD, MPH, MS, DrPH, Former Research Director at the French NIH (INSERM), Former Chief, Unit of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Former Acting Head, Programme for Cancer Control, World Health Organization, Bordeaux, France.

    Prof. Besarion Partsvania, Ph.D., Head of Bio-cybernetics Department of Georgian Technical University, Georgia

    Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer, MD, Chairman, Pandora Foundation, Germany
    Prof. Dr. Hynek Burda, Ph.D., University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
    Dr. Horst Eger, MD, Electromagnetic Fields in Medicine, Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Bavaria, Germany
    Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht, MD, former Director, Institute of Pathophysiology, Charité, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
    Dr.Sc. Florian M. König, Ph.D., Florian König Enterprises (FKE) GmbH, Munich, Germany
    Dr. rer. nat. Lebrecht von Klitzing, Ph.D., Dr. rer. nat. Lebrecht von Klitzing, Ph.D., Head, Institute of Environ.Physics; Ex-Head, Dept. Clinical Research, Medical University, Lubeck, Germany
    Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam, MD, Member, Competence Initiative for the Protection of Humanity, Environment and Democracy e.V, Bamberg, Germany
    Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Ph.D., Bionik-Institut, University of Saarlandes, Germany

    Dr. Adamantia F. Fragopoulou, M.Sc., Ph.D., Department of Cell Biology & Biophysics, Biology Faculty, University of Athens, Greece
    Dr. Christos Georgiou, Ph.D., Biology Department, University of Patras, Greece
    Prof. Emeritus Lukas H. Margaritis, Ph.D., Depts. Cell Biology, Radiobiology & Biophysics, Biology Faculty, Univ. of Athens, Greece
    Dr. Aikaterini Skouroliakou, M.Sc., Ph.D., Department of Energy Technology Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece
    Dr. Stelios A Zinelis, MD, Hellenic Cancer Society-Kefalonia, Greece

    Dr. Ceon Ramon, Ph.D., Affiliate Professor, University of Washington, USA; Professor, Reykjavik University, Iceland

    Prof. Dr. B. D. Banerjee, Ph.D., Fmr. Head, Environmental Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, University College of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi, India
    Prof. Jitendra Behari, Ph.D., Ex-Dean, Jawaharlal Nehru University; presently, Emeritus Professor, Amity University, India
    Prof. Dr. Madhukar Shivajirao Dama, Institute of Wildlife Veterinary Research, India
    Associate Prof. Dr Amarjot Dhami, PhD., Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
    Dr. Kavindra K. Kesari, MBA, Ph.D., Resident Environmental Scientist, University of Eastern Finland, Finland; Assistant Professor, Jaipur National University, India
    Er. Piyush A. Kokate, MTECH, Scientist C, Analytical Instrumentation Division (AID), CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), India
    Prof. Girish Kumar, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
    Dr. Pabrita Mandal PhD.,Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
    Prof. Rashmi Mathur, Ph.D., Head, Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
    Prof. Dr. Kameshwar Prasad MD, Head, Dept of Neurology, Director, Clinical Epidemiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
    Dr. Sivani Saravanamuttu, PhD., Dept. Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai, India
    Dr. N.N. Shareesh, PhD., Melaka Manipal Medical College, India
    Dr. R.S. Sharma, MD, Sr. Deputy Director General, Scientist - G & Chief Coordinator - EMF Project, Indian Council of Medical Research, Dept. of Health Research, Ministry/Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, India
    Prof. Dr. Dorairaj Sudarsanam, M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D., Fellow - National Academy of Biological Sciences, Prof. of Zoology, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Dept. Advanced Zoology & Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai, South India

    Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Prof. Dr. Soheila Abdi, Ph.D., Physics, Islamic Azad University of Safadasht, Tehran, Iran
    Prof. G.A. Jelodar, D.V.M., Ph.D., Physiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Iran
    Prof. Hamid Mobasheri, Ph.D., Head BRC; Head, Membrane Biophysics&Macromolecules Lab; Instit. Biochemistry&Biophysics, University, Tehran, Iran
    Prof. Seyed Mohammad Mahdavi, PhD., Dept of Biology, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    Prof. S.M.J. Mortazavi, Ph.D., Head, Medical Physics & Engineering; Chair, NIER Protection Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
    Prof. Amirnader Emami Razavi, Ph.D., Clinical Biochem., National Tumor Bank, Cancer Institute, Tehran Univ. Medical Sciences, Iran
    Dr. Masood Sepehrimanesh, Ph.D., Gastroenterohepatology Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
    Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shabani, Ph.D., Neurophysiology, Kerman Neuroscience Research Center, Iran

    Michael Peleg, M.Sc., radio communications engineer and researcher, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
    Prof. Elihu D. Richter, MD,MPH, Occupational&Environmental Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Public Health&Community Medicine, Israel
    Dr. Yael Stein, MD, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hadassah Medical Center, Israel
    Dr. Danny Wolf, MD, Pediatrician and General Practitioner, Sherutey Briut Clalit, Shron Shomron district, Israel
    Dr. Ronni Wolf, MD, Assoc. Clinical Professor, Head of Dermatology Unit, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Israel

    Prof. Sergio Adamo, Ph.D., La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
    Prof. Fernanda Amicarelli, Ph.D., Applied Biology, Dept. of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquila, Italy
    Dr. Pasquale Avino, Ph.D., INAIL Research Section, Rome, Italy
    Dr. Fiorella Belpoggi, Ph.D., FIATP, Director, Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute, Italy
    Prof. Giovanni Di Bonaventura, PhD, School of Medicine, "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, Italia
    Prof. Emanuele Calabro, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, Italy
    Prof. Franco Cervellati, Ph.D., Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Section of General Physiology, University of Ferrara, Italy
    Vale Crocetta, Ph.D. Candidate, Biomolecular and Pharmaceutical Sciences, "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti, Italy
    Prof. Stefano Falone, Ph.D., Researcher in Applied Biology, Dept. of Health, Life&Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquila, Italy
    Dr. Agostino Di Ciaula, MD, President Scientific Committee, International Society of Doctors for Environment (ISDE), Italy
    Prof. Dr. Speridione Garbisa, ret. Senior Scholar, Dept. Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy
    Dr. Settimio Grimaldi, Ph.D., Associate Scientist, National Research Council, Italy
    Prof. Livio Giuliani, Ph.D., Director of Research, Italian Health National Service, Rome-Florence-Bozen; Spokesman, ICEMS-International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, Italy
    Prof. Dr. Angelo Levis, MD, Dept. Medical Sciences, Padua University, Italy
    Prof. Salvatore Magazù, Ph.D., Department of Physics and Science, Messina University, Italy
    Dr. Fiorenzo Marinelli, Ph.D., Researcher, Molecular Genetics Institute of the National Research Council, Italy
    Dr. Arianna Pompilio, PhD, Dept. Medical, Oral & Biotechnological Sciences. G. d'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy
    Prof. Dr. Raoul Saggini, MD, School of Medicine, University G. D'Annunzio, Chieti, Italy
    Dr. Morando Soffritti, MD, Honorary President, National Institute for the Study and Control of Cancer and Environmental Diseases, B.Ramazzini, Bologna. Italy
    Prof. Massimo Sperini, Ph.D., Center for Inter-University Research on Sustainable Development, Rome, Italy

    Dr. Yasuhiko Ishihara, PhD., Biomedical Sciences Program, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima
    University, Japan
    Prof. Tsuyoshi Hondou, Ph.D., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Japan
    Prof. Hidetake Miyata, Ph.D., Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Japan

    Prof. Mohammed S.H. Al Salameh, Jordan University of Science & Technology , Jordan

    Prof. Dr, Timur Saliev, MD, Ph.D., Life Sciences, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan; Institute Medical Science/Technology, University of Dundee, UK

    The Netherlands
    Dirk K.F. Meijer, em. Professor of Pharmacology, PhD, University of Groningen,Groningen, The Netherlands.

    New Zealand
    Dr. Bruce Rapley, BSc, MPhil, Ph.D., Principal Consulting Scientist, Atkinson & Rapley Consulting Ltd., New Zealand

    Dr. Obajuluwa Adejoke PhD, Cell Biology and Genetics Unit, Dept of Zoology, University of Ilorin; Lecturer, Biological Sciences Department, Afe Babalola University, Nigeria
    Dr. Idowu Ayisat Obe, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria
    Prof. Olatunde Michael Oni, Ph.D, Radiation & Health Physics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

    Prof. Najam Siddiqi, MBBS, Ph.D., Human Structure, Oman Medical College, Oman

    Prof. Hugo Silva, Ph.D., Physics Department, University of Évora, Portugal

    Dr. Pawel Bodera, Pharm. D., Department of Microwave Safety, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Poland
    Prof. dr hab. Wlodzimierz Klonowski, Ph.ed, Dr.Sc., Biomedical Physics, Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics & Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
    Prof. Dr. Stanislaw Szmigielski, MD, Ph.D., Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Poland

    Alina Cobzaru, Engineer, National Institutes Research & Development and Institute of Construction & Sustainability, Romania

    Russian Federation
    Prof. Vladimir N. Binhi, Ph.D., A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
    Dr. Oleg Grigoyev, DSc., Ph.D., Deputy Chairman, Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Russian Federation
    Prof. Yury Grigoryev, MD, Chairman, Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Russian Federation
    Dr. Anton Merkulov, Ph.D., Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow, Russian Federation
    Dr. Maxim Trushin, PhD., Kazan Federal University, Russia
    Evgeny Vladimirovich Titov, PhD., Technical Sciences Candidate, Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Russia

    Dr. Snezana Raus Balind, Ph.D., Research Associate, Institute for Biological Research "Sinisa Stankovic", Belgrade, Serbia
    Prof. Danica Dimitrijevic, Ph.D., Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
    Dr. Sladjana Spasic, Ph.D., Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia

    Slovak Republic
    Dr. Igor Belyaev, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

    South Korea (Republic of Korea)
    Prof. Kwon-Seok Chae, Ph.D., Molecular-ElectroMagnetic Biology Lab, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
    Prof. Dr. Yoon-Myoung Gimm, Ph.D., School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Dankook University, South Korea
    Prof. Dr. Myung Chan Gye, Ph.D., Hanyang University, South Korea
    Prof. Dr. Mina Ha, MD, Dankook University, South Korea
    Prof. Seung-Cheol Hong, MD, Inje University, South Korea
    Prof. Dong Hyun Kim, Ph.D., Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University of Korea, South Korea
    Prof. Hak-Rim Kim, Dept.of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Dankook University, South Korea
    Prof. Myeung Ju Kim, MD, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy, Dankook University College of Medicine, South Korea
    Prof. Jae Seon Lee, MD, Department of Molecular Medicine, NHA University College of Medicine, Incheon 22212, South Korea
    Prof. Yun-Sil Lee, Ph.D., Ewha Woman’s University, South Korea
    Prof. Dr. Yoon-Won Kim, MD, Ph.D., Hallym University School of Medicine, South Korea
    Prof. Jung Keog Park, Ph.D., Life Science & Biotech; Dir., Research Instit.of Biotechnology, Dongguk University, South Korea
    Prof. Sungman Park, Ph.D., Institute of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Hallym University, South Korea
    Prof. Kiwon Song, Ph.D., Dept. of Chemistry, Yonsei University, South Korea

    Prof. Dr. Miguel Alcaraz, MD, Ph.D., Radiology and Physical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Murcia, Spain
    Dr. Alfonso Balmori, Ph.D., Biologist, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain
    Prof. J.L. Bardasano, D.Sc, University of Alcalá, Department of Medical Specialties, Madrid, Spain
    Dr. Claudio Gómez-Perretta, MD, Ph.D., La Fe University Hospital, Valencia, Spain
    Prof. Dr. Miguel López-Lázaro, PhD., Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of Seville, Spain
    Prof. Dr. Elena Lopez Martin, Ph.D., Human Anatomy, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
    Dr. Emilio Mayayo, MD, Professor of Pathology, School of Medicine, University Rovira I Virgili (URV), Tarragona, Spain
    Prof. Enrique A. Navarro, Ph.D., Department of Applied Physics and Electromagnetics, University of Valencia, Spain

    Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad, MA, Head, Dept. of Medical Parasitology, Health Sciences, Elsheikh Abdallah Elbadri University, Sudan

    Dr. Michael Carlberg, MSc, Örebro University Hospital, Sweden
    Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD, Ph.D., University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden
    Dr. Lena Hedendahl, MD, Independent Environment and Health Research Luleå, Sweden
    Prof. Olle Johansson, Ph.D., Experimental Dermatology Unit, Dept. of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
    Dr. Bertil R. Persson, Ph.D., MD, Lund University, Sweden
    Senior Prof. Dr. Leif Salford, MD. Department of Neurosurgery, Director, Rausing Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden
    Dr. Fredrik Söderqvist, Ph.D., Ctr. for Clinical Research, Uppsala University, Västerås, Sweden

    Dr. phil. nat. Daniel Favre, A.R.A. (Association Romande Alerte, Switzerland

    Taiwan (Republic of China)
    Prof. Dr. Tsun-Jen Cheng, MD, Sc.D., National Taiwan University, Republic of China

    Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zülküf Akdağ, Ph.D., Department of Biophysics, Medical School of Dicle University, Diyarbakir, Turkey
    Associate Prof.Dr. Halil Abraham Atasoy, MD, Pediatrics, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
    Prof. Ayse G. Canseven (Kursun), Ph.D., Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Biophysics, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Mustafa Salih Celik, Ph.D., Fmr. Head, Turkish Biophysical Society; Head, Biophysics Dept; Medical Faculty, Dicle Univ., Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Osman Cerezci, Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department, Sakarya University, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Suleyman Dasdag, Ph.D., Dept. of Biophysics, Medical School of Dicle University, Turkey
    Prof. Omar Elmas, MD, Ph.D., Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Ali H. Eriş, MD, faculty, Radiation Oncology Department, BAV University Medical School, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Arzu Firlarer, M.Sc. Ph.D., Occupational Health & Safety Department, Baskent University, Turkey
    Prof. Associate Prof. Ayse Inhan Garip, PdH., Marmara Univ. School of Medicine, Biophysics Department, Turkey
    Prof. Suleyman Kaplan, Ph.D., Head, Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical School, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey.
    Prof. Dr. Mustafa Nazıroğlu, Ph.D., Biophysics Dept, Medical Faculty, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Ersan Odacı, MD, Ph.D., Karadeniz Technical University, Medical Faculty, Trabzon, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Elcin Ozgur, Ph.D., Biophysics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Selim Seker, Electrical Engineering Department, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Cemil Sert, Ph.D., Department of Biophysics of Medicine Faculty, Harran University, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, B.Sc., Ph.D., Medical Faculty of Gazi University; Chair, Biophysics Dept; Director GNRK Ctr.; Panel Mbr, NATO STO HFM; Scientific Secretariat Member, ICEMS; Advisory Committee Member, WHO EMF, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Bahriye Sirav (Aral), PhD.,Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Biophysics, Turkey

    Dr. Oleg Banyra, MD, 2nd Municipal Polyclinic, St. Paraskeva Medical Centre, Ukraine
    Prof. Victor Martynyuk, PhD., ECS "Institute of Biology", Head of Biophysics Dept, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine
    Prof. Igor Yakymenko, Ph.D., D.Sc., Instit. Experimental Pathology, Oncology & Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

    United Kingdom
    Michael Bevington, M.A., M.Ed., Chair of Trustees, ElectroSensitivity UK (ES-UK), UK
    Mr. Roger Coghill, MA,C Biol, MI Biol, MA Environ Mgt; Member Instit.of Biology; Member, UK SAGE Committee on EMF Precautions, UK
    Mr. David Gee, Associate Fellow, Institute of Environment, Health and Societies, Brunel University, UK
    Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy BSc PhD, Lecturer in Biology (retired), Imperial College, London, UK
    Emeritus Professor Denis L. Henshaw, PhD., Human Radiation Effects, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK
    Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Ph.D., Institute of Science in Society, UK
    Dr. Gerard Hyland, Ph.D., Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany, UK
    Dr. Isaac Jamieson, Ph.D., Biosustainable Design, UK
    Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, BSBM, Founder, Physicians' Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment; ICBE-EMF; Hon. Member British Society of Ecological Medicine, UK
    Emeritus Professor, Michael J. O’Carroll, PhD., former Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Sunderland, UK
    Mr. Alasdair Phillips, Electrical Engineer, UK
    Dr. Syed Ghulam Sarwar Shah, M.Sc., Ph.D., Public Health Consultant, Honorary Research Fellow, BrunelUniversity London, UK
    Dr. Cyril W. Smith, DIC, PhD, Retired 1990 UK
    Dr. Sarah Starkey, Ph.D., independent neuroscience and environmental health research, UK

    Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D., Columbia University, USA
    Prof. Jim Burch, MS, Ph.D., Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, USA
    Prof. David O. Carpenter, MD, Director, Institute for Health and the Environment, University of New York at Albany, USA
    Prof. Prof. Simona Carrubba, Ph.D., Biophysics, Daemen College, Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo Neurology Dept., USA
    Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol, PhD., Professor Electrical Engineering, on Radio Frequencies, Electromagnetics, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Member of US National Academies of Sciences Committee for Radio Frequencies; Puerto Rico, USA
    Dr. Zoreh Davanipour, D.V.M., Ph.D., Friends Research Institute, USA
    Dr. Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, President, Environmental Health Trust; Fellow, American College of Epidemiology, USA
    Dr. James DeMeo, PhD, retired in private research, USA
    Paul Raymond Doyon, EMRS, MAT, MA , Doyon Independent Research Associates, USA
    Prof. Om P. Gandhi, Ph.D., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah, USA
    Prof. Beatrice Golomb, MD, Ph.D., University of California at San Diego School of Medicine, USA
    Dr Reba Goodman Ph.D, Columbia University, USA
    Dr. Martha R. Herbert, MD, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA
    Dr . Gunnar Heuser, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P. Emeritus member, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA; Former Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA; Former member, Brain Research Institute, UCLA. USA
    Dr. Donald Hillman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University, USA
    Elizabeth Kelley, MA, Fmr. Managing Secretariat, ICEMS, Italy; Director, EMFscientist.org, USA
    Dr. Seungmo Kim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Southern University, USA
    Dr. Ronald N. Kostoff, Ph.D., Gainesville, VA, USA
    Neha Kumar, Founder, Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Alternatives, Pvt. Ltd; B.Tech - Industrial Biotech., USA
    Dr. Henry Lai, Ph.D., University of Washington, USA
    B. Blake Levitt, medical/science journalist, former New York Times contributor, EMF researcher and author, USA
    Prof. Trevor G. Marshall, PhD, Autoimmunity Research Foundation, USA
    Dr. Albert M. Manville, II, Ph.D. and C.W.B., Adj. Professor, Johns Hopkins University Krieger Graduate School of Arts & Sciences; Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, USA
    Dr. Andrew Marino, J.D., Ph.D., Retired Professor, LSU Health Sciences Center, USA
    Dr. Marko Markov, Ph.D., President, Research International, Buffalo, New York, USA
    Dr. Jeffrey L. Marrongelle, DC, CCN, President/Managing Partner of BioEnergiMed LLC, USA
    Dr. Ronald Melnick, PhD, Senior Toxicologist, (Retired, leader of the NTP's health effects studies of cell phone radio frequency radiation) US National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, USA
    Dr. Samuel Milham, MD, MPH, USA
    L. Lloyd Morgan, Environmental Health Trust, USA
    Dr. Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, USA
    Imtiaz Nasim, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Southern University, USA
    Dr. Martin L. Pall, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry & Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, USA
    Dr. Jerry L. Phillips, Ph.D. University of Colorado, USA
    Dr. William J. Rea, M.D., Environmental Health Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
    Camilla Rees, MBA, Electromagnetichealth.org; CEO, Wide Angle Health, LLC, USA
    Dr. Cindy Russell, MD, Physicians for Safe Technology, USA
    Prof. Narenda P. Singh, MD, University of Washington, USA
    Prof. Eugene Sobel, Ph.D., Retired, School of Medicine, University of Southern California, USA
    David Stetzer, Stetzer Electric, Inc., Blair, Wisconsin, USA
    Dr. Lisa Tully, Ph.D., Energy Medicine Research Institute, Boulder, CO, USA

    Supporting Scientists who have published peer reviewed papers in related fields
    Olga Ameixa, PhD. Post-Doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Biology & CESAM, University of Aveiro Campus., Universitário de Santiago, Portugal
    Michele Casciani, MA, Environmental Science, President/Chief Executive Officer, Salvator Mundi International Hospital, Rome, Italy
    Enrico Corsetti, Engineer, Research Director, Salvator Mundi International Hospital, Rome, Italy
    Dr. Dietmar Hildebrand, Ph.D, Biophysicist,Coinvestigator Biostack Experiments, Germany
    Xin Li, PhD candidate MSc, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA
    Dr. Carlos A. Loredo Ritter, MD, Pediatrician, Pediatric Neurologist, President, Restoration Physics, North American Sleep Medicine Society, USADr.
    Robin Maytum, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Biological Science, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK
    Prof. Dr. Raúl A. Montenegro, Ph.D, Evolutionary Biology, National University of Cordoba; President, FUNAM; Recognitions: Scientific Investigation Award from University of Buenos Aires, UNEP 'Global 500' Award (Brussels, Belgium), the Nuclear Free Future Award (Salzburg, Austria), and Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award, Sweden), Argentina.
    Dr. Pilar Muñoz-Calero, MD, specialist in Pediatrics, Neonatology, Stomatology and Addiction Medicine; President of Fundación Alborada; Medical Director of Alborada Outpatient Hospital; Co-chair of Pathology and Environment and Associate Professor at the Medicine at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
    Dr. Hugo Schooneveld, PhD, Biologist, Neuroscientist, Adviser to the Dutch EHS Foundation, Netherlands
    Dr. Raymond Singer, Ph.D., Neurotoxicologist and Board-Certified Forensic Neuropsychologist, Expert witness testimony in over 100 neurotoxicity legal cases, International independent practice
    Dr. Carmen Adella Sirbu, MD, Neurology, Lecturer, Titu Matorescu University, Romania
    Jacques Testart, Biologist, Honorary Research Director at I.N.S.E.R.M. (French National Medical Research Institute), France
    Rodolfo Touzet, PhD, Senior regulator on Radiological Safety, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Sumeth Vongpanitlerd, Ph.D., retired Electrical Engineer, Thailand Development Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
    GORG --- ---
    How to Control What People Do | Propaganda - EDWARD BERNAYS | Animated Book Summary

    jeste zajimava souvislost s Edwardem Bernaysem

    nasi spojenci (USA) tam svrhli demokraticky zvolenou vladu.

    nelibilo se nam mimo jine, ze tamni firma "United Fruit Company" , co vykoristovala zemi jako takovou, s nove demokratickym zvolenym prezidentem a jeho dekrety, uz nemohla vykoristovat.. proste nevyhovoval demokraticky zvoleny prezident

    tak si najala E. Bernayse, aby rozjel propagandu proti vlade. na tom samem spolupracovala CIA. propaganda cilala jak Guatemalu, tak i americke politiky a americkou verejnost

    nakonec se nam uspesne podarilo dosadit na Guatemale diktatora.. mnoho mrtych lidi v dusledku.. desitky let pak obcanske valky

    V roce 1954 byl pučem za podpory CIA svržen ve svobodných volbách zvolený Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, kterého nahradil Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes, který povolil trénink anti-castrovských bojovníků pro invazi v Zátoce sviní. Konflikt mezi vládou a opozicí přerostl v roce 1960 v občanskou válku, trvala až do roku 1996. Během války vláda vycvičila eskadry smrti, které měly za úkol likvidovat protivládní guerilly. Volená vláda stát spravuje od roku 1986.

    1954 Guatemalan coup d'état - Wikipedia
    The UFC also began a public relations campaign to discredit the Guatemalan government; it hired Edward Bernays, who mounted a concerted misinformation campaign for several years which portrayed the company as the victim of a communist Guatemalan government.[56] The company stepped up its efforts after Dwight Eisenhower was elected U.S. president in 1952. These included commissioning a research study from a firm known to be hostile to social reform, which produced a 235-page report that was highly critical of the Guatemalan government. Historians have stated that the report was full of "exaggerations, scurrilous descriptions and bizarre historical theories" but it nonetheless had a significant impact on the members of Congress who read it.[57] Overall, the company spent over half a million dollars to convince lawmakers and the American public that the Guatemalan government needed to be overthrown.[57]


    Political legacy
    The 1954 coup had significant political fallout both inside and outside Guatemala. The relatively easy overthrow of Árbenz, coming soon after the similar overthrow of the democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister in 1953, made the CIA overconfident in its abilities, which led to the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion to overthrow the Cuban government in 1961.[178][179] Throughout the years of the Guatemalan Revolution, both United States policy makers and the U.S. media had tended to believe the theory of a communist threat. When Árbenz had announced that he had evidence of U.S. complicity in the Salamá incident, it had been dismissed, and virtually the entire U.S. press portrayed Castillo Armas' invasion as a dramatic victory against communism.[180] The press in Latin America were less restrained in their criticism of the U.S., and the coup resulted in lasting anti-United States sentiment in the region.[181][


    U.S. President Bill Clinton apologized to the nation of Guatemala in March 1999 for the atrocities committed by the U.S.-backed dictatorships

    Edward Bernays - Wikipedia
    Edward Louis Bernays (/bɜːrˈneɪz/ bur-NAYZ, German: [bɛʁˈnaɪs]; November 22, 1891 − March 9, 1995) was an American theorist, considered a pioneer in the field of public relations and propaganda, and referred to in his obituary as "the father of public relations".[3] His best-known campaigns include a 1929 effort to promote female smoking by branding cigarettes as feminist "Torches of Freedom", and his work for the United Fruit Company in the 1950s, connected with the CIA-orchestrated overthrow of the democratically elected Guatemalan government in 1954. He worked for dozens of major American corporations including Procter & Gamble and General Electric, and for government agencies, politicians, and nonprofit organizations.


    United Fruit and Guatemala


    He recommended a campaign in which universities, lawyers, and the U.S. government would all condemn expropriation as immoral and illegal; the company should use media pressure "to induce the President and State Department to issue a policy pronouncement comparable to the Monroe Doctrine concerning expropriation." In the following months, The New York Times, the New York Herald Tribune, Time, Newsweek, and the Atlantic Monthly had all published articles describing the threat of Communism in Guatemala. A Bernays memo in July 1951 recommended that this wave of media attention should be translated into action by promoting:

    (a) a change in present U.S. ambassadorial and consular representation, (b) the imposition of congressional sanctions in this country against government aid to pro-Communist regimes, (c) U.S. government subsidizing of research by disinterested groups like the Brookings Institution into various phases of the problem.


    Per Bernays's strategy, United Fruit distributed favorable articles and an anonymous Report on Guatemala to every member of Congress and to national "opinion molders".[57][58] They also published a weekly Guatemala Newsletter and sent it to 250 journalists, some of whom used it as a source for their reporting.[58] Bernays formed close relationships with journalists including The New York Times reporter Will Lissner and columnist Walter Winchell.[55][56] In January 1952 he brought a cohort of journalists from various notable newspapers on a tour of Guatemala, sponsored by the company. This technique proved highly effective and was repeated four more times.[58] In June, 1954, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency effected a coup d'état code-named Operation PBSuccess. The CIA backed a minimal military force, fronted by Carlos Castillo Armas, with a psychological warfare campaign to portray military defeat as a foregone conclusion. During the coup itself, Bernays was the primary supplier of information for the international newswires Associated Press, United Press International, and the International News Service.[59][60]

    Following the coup, Bernays built up the image of Guatemala's new president Carlos Castillo Armas, giving advice for his public appearances both in Guatemala and in the U.S. In 1956, Bernays produced a pamphlet comparing the Communist way and the Christian way.[61]


    Third parties
    Bernays argued that the covert use of third parties was morally legitimate because those parties were morally autonomous actors


    He arranged for this finding to be published in newspapers throughout the country with headlines like '4,500 physicians urge bigger breakfast' while other articles stated that bacon and eggs should be a central part of breakfast and, as a result of these actions, the sale of bacon went up

    Scientific approach
    See also: Social engineering (political science)
    Bernays pioneered the public relations industry's use of mass psychology and other social sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns: "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits."[67] He later called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the engineering of consent.[68]

    Bernays expanded on Walter Lippmann's concept of stereotype, arguing that predictable elements could be manipulated for mass effects:

    But instead of a mind, universal literacy has given [the common man] a rubber stamp, a rubber stamp inked with advertising slogans, with editorials, with published scientific data, with the trivialities of tabloids and the profundities of history, but quite innocent of original thought. Each man's rubber stamp is the twin of millions of others, so that when these millions are exposed to the same stimuli, all receive identical imprints. [...] The amazing readiness with which large masses accept this process is probably accounted for by the fact that no attempt is made to convince them that black is white. Instead, their preconceived hazy ideas that a certain gray is almost black or almost white are brought into sharper focus. Their prejudices, notions, and convictions are used as a starting point, with the result that they are drawn by a thread into passionate adherence to a given mental picture.[

    clovek by cekal, ze Bernayse nase demokraticka spolecnost lepsolidi odsoudi , ze delal velmi spatne veci
    ale naopak, tleskali mu, kdyz byl host u Lettermana:

    Edward Bernays on Letterman, April 4, 1985

    The Wires that Control the Public Mind

    tohle neni o tom, jestli ja koukam na televizi.. navic koukat/nekoukat na televizi je takove klise .. jakehosi odporu ke konzumni spolecnosti, ale cela vec je mnohem hlubsi... jak je nnase spolecnost posedla manipulovanim jinych lidi..

    snaha regulovat "dezinformace" do toho zapada jako prdel na hrnec.. a kampan Tecka za COVIDem.. a dalsi jen ukazkove predvadi odkaz E. Bernayse v dnesni dobe. cista manipulace. lidmi jako byl on. vyuzivajici spousty novych informaci o lidske psychice.
    ale i prave provazanosti s masmedii.. ruznymi "studiemi"..
    ze vsech stran utok na psychiku... i reklamy na produkty soubezne podporovaly COVID narativ. ale i ovlivnovani lidi, aby oni sami tu propagandu sirili ad pouzivani tretich stran.

    Nakonec Babise nam tu taky zaridil nyxak Marek Prchal, zejo :-) Od nej dostal ten polibek smrti, protoze mu za vitezstvi fakt vdecil..
    GORG --- ---
    hledal jsem , co je "new pandemic corps"

    Countries should establish a global network of professional public health leaders who can work together to improve epidemic preparedness and response and strive for consensus on scientific issues in advance of the next major outbreak.

    There is no existing worldwide professionalized network of public health preparedness and response leaders who can work together between and during epidemics to better prepare all countries and provide mutual aid and sharing of best practices during serious epidemics. Establishing an international network of national public health leaders, along the lines of the professionalized “Pandemic Corps” referred to in our exercise, could substantially help countries save lives and livelihoods during major epidemics and recover more quickly. Political leaders, who are entrusted with keeping their citizens safe, could benefit from consensus views offered by such a group, rather than having to make impromptu, high consequence policy decisions when lives are at stake during dangerous outbreaks.

    to zni jako uplny obejiti narodnich politickych rozhodnuti. ze treba takovy ministr zdravotnictvi potazmo cele ministerstvo se "nebude muset" v tehle vecech rozhodovat, a prevezme to nejaka WHO korrdinovana particka "public health leaders" spolu s "Pandemic Corps", ktere budou delat rozhodnuti za ne.


    The WHO can be a globally trusted source, and it can share science and public health information widely, but we should not expect it alone to combat or put a stop to the spread of this mis- and disinformation. Countries need to collaborate to anticipate that threat and prepare to combat it with their own laws and procedures. Just as many types of economic and societal harms can be anticipated and accounted for in pandemic preparedness plans, so too can predictable false or misleading health messaging. Concertedly exploring ways to address this phenomenon on a national level in advance of the next pandemic will be crucial to saving lives.

    // roztomily, jak ty pandemic corps ani neupresnuji..
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    [MTO @ Chemtrails/Geoinzenyring/Klimaterorismus aneb Jak si objednat slunečný den]

    White House now pursuing same sun-blocking geoengineering scheme that was called a “conspiracy theory” just two years ago – NaturalNews.com

    The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy has launched a five-year research plan that aims to develop methods of reflecting sunlight back into space in order to “cool” the planet and save it from “global warming.”

    Just a few years ago, the independent media was dubbed a pack of wild “conspiracy theorists” for warning that the climate cultists were shifting gears and taking direct aim at the sun for elimination. Now, the conspiracy theories we warned you about are becoming conspiracy facts.
    GORG --- ---
    hmm deda Elona Muska sefoval kanadskou Technocracy Inc.

    In science we trust | CBC News
    There would be no politicians, business people, money or income inequality. Those were all features of what Technocracy called the “price system,” and it would have to go.

    There would be no countries called Canada or the United States, either – just one giant continental land mass called the Technate, a techno-utopia run by engineers and other “experts” in their fields. In the Technate, everyone would be well-housed and fed. All material needs would be taken care of, whether you had a job or not.

    Joshua Haldeman was a leader of Technocracy Incorporated in Canada from 1936 to 1941, but eventually became disillusioned with both the organization and the country, and packed up his young family to start life anew in South Africa.

    In June 1971, Haldeman’s daughter Maeve gave birth to his first grandson. His name is Elon Musk.

    The Technological Reset | Part 1 | The Great Reset Docuseries (Episode 2)
    GORG --- ---
    Očkování proti chřipce může způsobit narkolepsii - Deník.cz
     Vědci přišli s překvapivým zjištěním: poruchu spánku zvanou narkolepsie může způsobit očkování proti chřipce. Na jedné z přednášek, která se konala v rámci Týdne mozku, o tom informoval profesor neurologie Karel Šonka.

    „Proč vzniká narkolepsie, se prozatím nepodařilo jednoznačně vysvětlit. Jednou z možných teorií ale je, že by za tím mohla stát snížená hladina proteinu hypokretinu a následná autoimunitní reakce. Tuto reakci by mohla způsobit nějaká extrémní zátěž organismu – například infekce nebo reakce na očkování," řekl Šonka.

    Vědci s teorií přišli poté, co zaznamenali obrovský nárůst narkoleptiků mezi lidmi naočkovanými vakcínou Pandemrix – látkou, která se používala proti viru H1N1 při pandemii „prasečí chřipky" v roce 2009. V některých místech přibylo poruch spánku po očkování až pětadvacetkrát.

    Vedlejší účinek proto začal zkoumat tým pod vedením Lawrence Steinmana ze Stanford University Medical Center. Výsledky vědci publikovali v časopise Science Translational Medicine.

    „Vyšlo najevo, že u pacientů s narkolepsií se často zvýšily hladiny protilátek proti streptokokům nebo chřipkovému viru H1N1," podotýká Šonka.

    Záchvaty spánku
    Protilátky podle vědců přetrvávaly v krevním oběhu i několik měsíců a pronikaly do nervové tkáně mozku. Lidem se potom silně narušil spánek. Výrobce kvůli tomu musel nakonec vakcínu stáhnout z trhu.

    Narkolepsie je chronické onemocnění. Postihuje nervovou soustavu, přesněji řečeno mozková centra, která řídí usínání a probouzení. Lidé s narkolepsií trpí náhlými a nekontrolovatelnými záchvaty spánku, které se mohou objevit v jakoukoliv denní dobu. Tento stav navíc přichází bez varovných signálů. Obzvlášť nebezpečný je proto například pro řidiče.

    Kromě autoimunitní reakce, organismu může podle vědců vést k propuknutí choroby také dědičnost.


    Jurásková hasí paniku kolem očkování. Je bezpečné, říká | Týden.cz
    Ministerstvo zdravotnictví není podle hlavy úřadu Dany Juráskové odpovědné za malý zájem o očkování proti takzvané prasečí chřipce. Ministryně to řekla v ČT s tím, že za to mohou "samozvaní epidemiologové a vakcinologové" z řad lékařů a média.

    S očkováním se podle Juráskové nezačalo pozdě a je bezpečné. Praktičtí lékaři ale nemají dostatek informací a ani se je nesnaží získat, dodala.

    PSALI JSME: Vláda dala zelenou očkování dětí proti prasečí chřipce

    Proti prasečí chřipce se v Česku očkuje druhý týden, vakcínu dostávají zdravotníci a lidé se závažným chronickým onemocněním. Zájem však je poměrně malý. "Já si nemyslím, že to je vina ministerstva... Domnívám se, že to je dílem zásluhou médií a dílem zásluhou samozvaných epidemiologů a vakcinologů, kteří se mezi zdravotníky objevili," řekla Jurásková.

    Kriticky se vyslovila k praktickým lékařům a jejich přístupu k očkování. Většina praktických lékařů si podle listopadového průzkumu myslí, že očkování začalo pozdě a je nedostatečně otestované. Nedostatky spatřují i v jeho organizaci. Většina dotázaných si navíc myslí, že prasečí chřipka je mediální bublina a dvě třetiny lékařů se nechtějí nechat očkovat. Někteří zdravotníci se v minulých dnech například odmítli nechat očkovat s tím, že je to zbytečné nebo rizikové.

    "Praktičtí lékaři jsou odborníci, kteří bohužel nemají dostatek aktuálních informací. Bylo zjevné, že je ani nehledají," uvedla Jurásková s tím, že ministerstvo se snažilo doručit informace do ordinací poštou a s výrobcem vakcíny pořádá semináře. "Už si nedovedu představit, jakým způsobem praktické lékaře přesvědčit o tom, že ta vakcína je v pořádku, když oni tvrdí naprosto nesmyslné informace," řekla ministryně. Dodala, že očkovací látka Pandemrix má "všechny atesty evropských autorit". "Ona nebyla propuštěna k české populaci bez toho, aniž by byly provedeny řádné klinické studie," dodala.


    Bezpečné je i očkování dětí

    Vakcinace se z rozhodnutí vlády rozšířila pátečním pokynem Juráskové i na chronicky nemocné děti od deseti let. Ministryně uvedla, že úřad k tomu nyní přistoupil proto, že byly dokončeny studie, které prokázaly bezpečnost očkování u této věkové kategorie. Evropský úřad pro kontrolu léčiv (EMEA) v pátek upozornil, že očkování proti prasečí chřipce vakcínou Pandemrix může vyvolat u dětí ve věku od šesti měsíců do tří let po druhé dávce horečku. Jurásková řekla, že očkování dětí mladších deseti let by připadalo v úvahu ve chvíli, kdy by byla vakcína schválená i pro tuto věkovou skupinu. Informace o vedlejších účincích u malých dětí jsou podle Juráskové jen dílčí výsledky klinických studií, které zatím nebyly ukončeny.

    ČTĚTE TAKÉ: Vakcína proti chřipce může u dětí vyvolat horečku

    Prasečí chřipka si dosud v Česku podle Juráskové vyžádala 27 lidských životů. "Všichni z těchto zemřelých měli nějaké chronické onemocnění," řekla Jurásková. Nová chřipka byla zatím oficiálně potvrzena u téměř devíti set lidí. Podle výpočtů hygieniků je ale infekcí víc, počet nákaz pandemickým kmenem chřipky přesahuje 100 tisíc. Prasečí chřipka má zatím u většiny lidí mírný průběh. Během pandemické vlny se ale virus může podle lékařů měnit a v druhé vlně pandemie, kterou epidemiologové očekávají koncem zimy či na jaře, již půjde o závažnější onemocnění.

    dobre asi dodat, ze narkolepsie se tykala zejmena mladych lidi.. teenageri a okolo.

    Vakcína proti prasečí chřipce je bezpečná, tvrdí WHO - Novinky
    Světová zdravotnická organizace (WHO) se snaží obnovit důvěru ve vakcínu proti prasečí chřipce, kterou se nechtějí nechat očkovat ani někteří čeští zdravotníci. V úterý ji označila ze nejdůležitější prostředek boje proti pandemii. Připustila mírné vedlejší efekty, jako jsou svalové křeče a bolesti hlavy, ale zdůraznila význam očkování, píše tisková agentura Reuters.

    U některých očkovaných se objevily vedlejší efekty a další lidé se proti očkování stavěli. Mezi jinými i někteří čeští lékaři a zdravotní sestry, kteří se odmítají dát očkovat. „Nechtějí být pokusnými králíky,“ řekl v pondělí Právu prezident České lékařské komory Milan Kubek.

    Prasečí chřipka je chatrná a nevýznamná choroba, tvrdí Klaus | Domov | Lidovky.cz

    Klaus: Očkování nepřipadá v úvahu. Vláda mu ustoupila | Týden.cz
    Nikdo se povinně proti prasečí chřipce očkovat nemusí, ustoupila vláda kritice prezidenta Václava Klause. Ten se dnes proti podobným opatřením ostře ohradil. Nařizovat povinné očkování označil za "pošlapávání lidské svobody". Vyloučil také, že by do skupiny povinně očkovaných měl patřit on sám.

    Science | AAAS

    Narcolepsy fiasco spurs Covid vaccine fears in Sweden - France 24
    Take a vaccine developed in haste? Never again, says Meissa Chebbi, who, like hundreds of other young Swedes suffered debilitating narcolepsy after a mass vaccination campaign against the 2009-2010 swine flu pandemic.

    Část lékařů tvrdě zaútočila na prezidenta ČLK Kubka - zdravezpravy.cz

    Na internetu je volně k dispozici k podpisu takzvaná Deklarace lékařů k nátlaku na očkování. Deklarace kritizuje aktuální tlak úřadů na očkování, ale i se ostře vyjadřuje k současné politice České lékařské komory [ČLK].

    Text Deklarace k 6.12. 2021 podepsalo cca 1 500 lékařů [celkem je v ČR bez stomatologů cca 55 tisíc lékařů, pozn. red.]. Ke stejnému datu Deklaraci podepsalo 60 tisíc osob z řad široké veřejnosti. Základní sdělení Deklarace je nesouhlas s doporučením představenstva ČLK k povinné celoplošné vakcinaci osob nad 18 let a vybraných profesních skupin.


    Deklarace také odmítá plošné očkování dětí pro převažující rizika nad benefity a neznámým dlouhodobým nežádoucím účinkům. Mezi jejími signatáři lze přitom najít i místopředsedkyni senátního Výboru pro zdravotnictví [za STAN], členku představenstva ČLK, pediatričku a dětskou neuroložku Alenu Dernerovou. Ta dlouhodobě patří ke kritikům plošného očkování u dětí. Což potvrdila i v podcastu ZdraveZpravy.cz – „Určitě nejsem žádný vakcinofil„.

    Deklarace zpochybňuje očkování
    Deklarace lékařů k nátlaku na očkování, kterou sepsalo jedenáct lékařů, většinou praktiků, rozporuje přínosy očkování proti covidu-19. A to zejména u dětí a mladistvých.

    „U dětí a mladých zdravých má covid-19 v naprosté většině lehký průběh. Již nyní jsou však u nich popsány závažné postvakcinační nežádoucí účinky jako myokarditida a perikarditida, riziko mozkových příhod a jiných neurologických obtíží či poruch srážlivosti krve,“ píše se například v Deklaraci.


    Václav Hořejší - Názory Aktuálně.cz
    V souvislosti s epidemií tzv. prasečí (nebo též mexické, resp. H1N1) chřipky se nyní objevují články o tom, že se jednalo pouze o umělou bublinu, kterou záměrně vyvolaly farmaceutické firmy, aby vydělaly na (zhola nepotřebné) vakcíně.

    Této kampaně se zúčastňují i někteří zdravotníci. Před několika týdny jsem se zúčastnil televizní diskuse, ve které ředitel Středočeská záchranné služby Martin Houdek očkování rozhodně nedoporučoval a prohlašoval dokonce, že by očkování znamenalo vážné riziko.
    Kromě jiného říkal, že je jakýsi problém s identifikačními čísly na ampulích a dodacích listech (v ostatních krajích to za problém nepovažovali). Můj dojem byl, že hlavní záměr tohoto pána byl spíše politický - diskreditovat Ministerstvo zdravotnictví.

    Před týdnem se objevily alarmistické články ještě daleko většího kalibru (např. zde, zde), ve kterých ředitel zdravotnické sekce Rady Evropy Wolfang Wodarg obvinil výrobce vakcín, že donutili Světovou zdravotnickou organizaci (WHO) vyhlásit před půlrokem pandemii. Výjimečný stav pak firmám zajistil enormní zisky. Evropské země pak zbytečně vyplýtvaly spoustu peněz na nákup vakcín proti mírnému onemocnění. Např. britské ministerstvo zdravotnictví totiž varovalo, že nemoc si na ostrovech může vyžádat až 65 tisíc obětí, přičemž jich dosud v Británii zemřelo jen 251. Wodarg dokonce řekl: "Je to jeden z největších skandálů století. Prožíváme mírnou chřipku a falešnou pandemii".

    V Česku bylo evidováno kolem 2500 případů infekce virem H1N1 a v souvislosti s ní zemřelo asi 80 lidí. Udává se, že k 1. lednu bylo naočkováno přes 55 tisíc dávek vakcíny proti viru H1N1.

    Objevily se dokonce i zcela šílené spiklenecké teorie o tom, že „ptačí chřipka a prasečí chřipka byly vyvinuty v laboratořích a vypuštěny na veřejnost s cílem masové vraždy prostřednictvím očkování.“ Rakouská novinářka Jane Bürgermeister prý podala u FBI obvinění z trestného činu proti Světové zdravotnické organizaci (WHO), Organizaci spojených národů, Baracku Obamovi, Rockefellerovi, Rothschildovi, a jiným, kvůli „spiknutí na vybití obyvatelstva smrtelnou vakcínou proti prasečí chřipce“.
    Jeden diskutér pod mým nedávným článkem napsal:
    „Pokud jde například o zmíněnou firmu Baxter, jednoho z výrobců vakcín, kromě jiného vakcíny proti chřipce, šlo patrně o jiný, mnohem hroznější záměr, totiž rozpoutat epidemii skutečně smrtící p t a č í chřipky. Omyl nebo náhoda tady nejsou moc pravděpodobné. A zda byl cílem pouhý, byť vysoký zisk, je taky třeba podrobit doslova leptavé analýze. Existují zde totiž ještě nejméně dva další myslitelné cíle, jeden obludnější než druhý, pro normálního člověka doslova nepředstavitelné. A pak už zde nejde o to, "co si myslet". "Myslet si" je v takovém případě už tragicky málo, je třeba jednat!”

    Ponecháme-li stranou tyto paranoidní výplody chorých mozků, jak se postavit ke kritice, že kolem prasečí chřipky byl rozpoután (snad dokonce z nějakých zištných důvodů) falešný poplach?

    Osobně si myslím, že vystoupení Wolfanga Wodarga a jemu podobných kritiků WHO jsou hloupá a nezodpovědná. Když se tato choroba někdy v dubnu 2009 objevila v Mexiku, zdálo se, že je opravdu velmi vážná, že úmrtnost na ni je velmi vysoká. Bylo tedy samozřejmě správné začít vývoj účinné vakcíny. V té době se skutečně zdálo, že hrozí pandemie srovnatelná s pandemiemi z let 1918-19, 1957-58 či 1968-69, které si vyžádaly celkem desítky milionů obětí. Bylo tedy správné činit všemožná opatření, aby se rozvoji pandemie zabránilo všemi možnými prostředky.

    To, že nakonec průběh této epidemie byl mnohem mírnější, je zajisté jen a jen dobře. Někdy se mi zdá, že ti wodargovští kritikové by snad byli nejraději, kdyby se ty katastrofické předpovědi naplnily a tak byla výroba vakcíny ospravedlněna.
    Zaplať Paánbůh, že se tak nestalo! Je snad lepší, že se ta opatrnost „přehnala“, že se „zbytečně“ vynaložily nemalé prostředky, než kdyby zemřela spousta lidí, ne?
    To, jak se nakonec vyvine počínající epidemie, se samozřejmě nedá přesně předpovědět, a podle mého názoru je určitě lépe být o něco opatrnější a spolehnout se na mínění odbodníků. Osobně bych dal přednost tomu, kdyby se v budoucnosti raději vždy mýlili tímto způsobem, než opačně.

    Jsem si jist, že kdyby katastrofální pandemie skutečně nastala, stejní kritikové by naopak tvrdě kritizovali WHO, Ministerstva zdravotnictví a farmaceutické firmy, že včas nezajistily vakcíny a protiepidemická opatření.

    V souvislosti s očkováním se neustále ozývají i názory, že v podstatě každé očkování je škodlivé a zbytečně zatěžuje organismus, nebo že prodělání onemocnění je vlastně docela zdravé, protože organismus jeho překonání jaksi posílí. V diskusi pod mým dřívějším článkem o očkování se objevily názory, že je přece zbytečné očkovat proti takovým banálním onemocněním jako jsou spalničky, příušnice či zarděnky. Tito lidé evidentně nemají ponětí o tom, kolik životů a těžkých poškození si tyto choroby vyžádaly. Ostatně – kdyby byli očkováni ti lidé, kteří na „prasečí“ chřipku zemřeli, téměř jistě by ještě mezi námi byli. Pokud někdo řekne, že jich bylo v Česku „jen“ 80, pak je to tedy opravdu hrubozrnný cynismus... Zkuste si představit ten poprask, kdyby třeba těch 80 lidí zahynulo při havárii temelínské elektrárny nebo při teroristickém útoku v Praze...

    A pokud jde o ta rizika spojená s očkováním – v první řadě je třeba si uvědomit, že onemocnění je pro organismus nesrovnatelně větší zátěží a rizikem než očkování.
    Ano, očkování s sebou nese určitá rizika u mizivé části populace (např. vzácné imunopatologické a neurologické komplikace, v některých případech i vyvolání onoho onemocnění u jedinců s oslabeným imunitním systémem).
    Ale pokud někdo rozhodne, že se takové očkování nebude provádět, abychom se vyhnuli těmto rizikům, měl by na sebe vzít automaticky i zodpovědnost za nesrovnatelně větší škody, které vzniknou propuknutím choroby.
    Ono je ale jaksi alibisticky jednodušší nedělat nic (prokázat škodlivé důsledky nečinnosti bývá obtížné), než aktivně konat s tím, že se tak mohou (prokazatelně) vyvolat i nějaké nepříznivé efekty - stokrát menší, než ty důsledky nečinnosti.

    Jediné, s čím bych s kritiky té kauzy s prasečí chřipkou souhlasil, bylo obvyklé šílení novinářů. Každý den věnovaly noviny, rozhlas a televize spousty času referování o tom, že v té či oné nemocnici detekovali opět dva či tři pacienty infikované virem H1N1. Ve stejné době umíralo mnohonásobně víc lidí na úplně jiné choroby... Novináři jsou bohužel jako posedlí katastrofickými zprávami – a když nejsou reálně, aspoň si je přifukují. Hanba jim...

    A závěrem – jak je to s tím božským hlasem ztraceným po vakcinaci? Inu, to je samozřejmě jen titulek k přilákání většího počtu čtenářů... ;-).
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam