Smartcams Take Aim at Terrorists
These distributed digital video arrays, or DIVAs, are collections of really smart cameras able to detect and identify an individual in a crowded train station and track him wherever he goes -- out of the station, into the parking lot, onto the freeway and so on.
They also notify authorities when they \"think\" the individual engages in suspicious activity or meets with questionable cohorts.
You can watch for these DIVAs in summer 2004.
The Department of Defense awarded $600,000 to University of California at San Diego\'s Computer Vision and Robotics Research lab Friday for further development of DIVAs,
cameras that see, think and communicate.
Granted through a federal counterterrorism interagency task force called the Technical Support Working Group, the funding is slated to help CVRR redirect these intelligent camera systems from their initial intent, which was preventing traffic delays, to stopping terrorism.