September 11: Did you know...?
Did you know . . . ?
That George W. was given $50,000 to invest in his first oil company, Arbusto, from James R. Bath, the Texas business representative for Salem bin Laden, Osama\'s older brother? Did you know that Bush met Bath while they both served in the Texas Air National Guard, and that both were suspended from flying in August and September 1972 for \"failure to accomplish annual medical examination?\"[which would have required drug testing]
That George H.W. Bush and the bin Laden family shared investments in the Carlyle Group, a Washington private equity firm specializing in buyouts of military contractors?
That FBI agents were told to back off an investigation of members of the bin Laden family suspected of terrorist connections shortly after George W. Bush took power?
That CIA director George Tenet gave the following warning to National Security Adviser Condoleeze Rice: \"It is highly likely that a significant Al-Qaeda attack is in the near future, within several weeks.\" Rice later said that 911 was a complete surprise to everyone.
Did you know that in 1995 Philippine police uncovered a plot to blow up 11 jets over the Pacific, and another to hijack jets and fly them into the World Trace Center, CIA headquarters, the Sears Tower, the San Francisco Pyramid building and the White House?
That on July 5th, 2001, counterterrorism chief Richard Clark told the White House: \"Something really spectacular is going to happen here, and it\'s going to happen soon.\"
That on September 10, 2001, San Francisco mayor Willie Brown was told by his security agents not to fly the following day?
That Attorney General Ashcroft was prevented from flying commercial airliners in July 2001 for security reasons?
That according to the NY Times, Washington Post and Newsweek, Pentagon officials told the FBI that \"five of the alleged hijackers received training in the 1990s at secure US military installations\"?
That a Library of Congress 1999 report stated: \"Suicide bomber belonging to Al Qaeda\'s martyrdom battalion could crash land an aircraft packed with high explosives in to the Pentagon, the headquarters of the CIA or the White House\"?
That on July 5th, 2001, Richard Clarke \"summoned all the domestic security agencies--the Federal Aviation Administration, the Coast Guard, Customs, the Immigration and Naturalization Service, and the FBI\' and told them \"of an impending attack. Something really spectacular is going to happen here, and it\'s going to happen soon\"?
That according to Newsbytes, an online department of the Washington Post: \"Us and Israeli intelligence agencies received warning signals at least 3 months ago that Middle Eastern terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture, according to a story in Germany\'s FAZ. The FAZ. . .said that the Echelon spy network was being used to collect information about the terrorist threats, and that UK intelligence services also had advance warning.. . .Within the American intelligence community, the warnings were taken seriously and surveillance intensified.\"
And did you know that the Times of India (Oct. 12, 2001) reported that the chief of Pakistan\'s intelligence agency Mahmud Ahmad wired $100,000 to 911 alleged hijacker Muhammed Atta a week before 911, and that Ahmad met with Senate intelligence chairman Bob Graham and House intelligence chairman and former CIA agent Porter Goss on the morning of September 11?
That the CIA had Mohammed Atta under surveillance while he lived in Frankfurt, Germany, and didn\'t tell the Germans about him? [German news magazine Focus]
That alleged Sept. 11 hijackers Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf Alhazmi were being followed by the CIA as far back as 2000 in Malaysia and were put on an INS watch list at the CIA\'s request in late August 2001?
That on August 23, 2001, the INS told the CIA that both men were already in the country?
That the CIA immediately asked the FBI to find al-Midhar and Alhazami?
That al-Midhar and Alhazami lived openly in San Diego for two years, that one was listed in the phone book, and that the other took out a bank account in his own name?
That al-Midhar and Alhazami\'s roommate was an FBI informant?
That the passenger lists from the four September 11 flights do not include the name of a single one of hijacker?
That none of the alleged 19 hijackers was a crack pilot, and that two of the doomed jets, Flight 175 (WTC south tower) and Flight 77 (Pentagon) showed flying skills that only a crack pilot would have?
That Bush halted FBI investigations into Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda in early summer 2001, promoting lead counterterrorism official John O\'Neill to quit in protest?
That according to \"Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth,\" O\'Neill says, \"The main obstacles to investigate Islamic terrorism were US corporate interests and the role played by Saudi Arabia in it\"?
That a government agency, the Chantilly, Virginia-based National Reconnaissance Office, had scheduled a drill to take place the morning of September 11, 2001, in which a small corporate jet would crash into one of the four towers at the agency\'s headquarters building?
Did you know that seven of the alleged hijackers are still alive?
That the Bush regime has admitted that a plan to attack Afghanistan existed before September 11?
That the Patriot Act was drafted before 911?
That top US Army intelligence analyists think that Israel\'s intelligence agency, the Mossad, is \"ruthless and cunning,\" and has the capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act?\"
That the Anti Defamation League was convicted of running a massive spy ring on American citizens in California?
That five Israelis were arrested after laughing and celebrating while they filmed the WTC burning from Jersey City?
That these Israelis were identified by the FBI as being agents of Mossad, Israeli\'s secret police?
That these Israeli spies worked for Urban Moving Systems, whose Israeli owner fled immediately after September 11?
That a government official told Fox News reporter Carl Cameron that Washington classified the evidence linking arrested Israeli spies to September 11?
That the US deported these Israeli spies shortly after September 11?
Did you know . . .
That while not one of the titanium-covered, \"indestructible\" flight recorders were found after Twin Towers collapsed, Mohammed Atta\'s passport was found unscathed blocks from Ground Zero?
That shortly after September 11, a special charter plane flew 11 members of Osama bin Laden\'s family from Boston\'s Logan Airport to Saudi Arabia?
That the bin Ladens, who were major investors in the Carlyle Group along with George H.W. Bush, sold their stake in the firm right after September 11?
That the FBI was told to back off their investigations of the bin Ladens and the Saudi royals after W. Bush became president?
That Osama bin Laden\'s brother-in-law, Saudi Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz, who has been a major benefactor of Al Qaeda, also had extensive business ties to George W. Bush dating back to the 1980\'s?
That Mahfouz helped bail out Bush\'s struggling oil company, Harken Energy, by arranging for Saudi billionaire Abdullah Bakhsh to buy 17% of Harken in 1987?
That despite multiple specific warnings of Al Qaeda hijacking jets and crashing them into the WTC, the White House, and the Pentagon, George Bush did nothing to bolster airport security or the defense of the nation\'s airspace?
That Osama bin Laden was once on the CIA payroll? [and still may be!]
That the CIA trained bin Laden and other Islamic fundamentalists to commit terrorist acts against the pro-Soviet Afghan government?
That the French magazine Le Figaro reported that bin Laden was visited by CIA agent Larry Mitchell while receiving kidney treatment in Dubai, United Arab Emirates in July 2001, and that bin Laden received lifesaving treatment from an American surgeon Dr. Callaway?
That the FBI knew the exact identities of the hijackers within 24 hours of the terrorist attacks?
That 7 of the 19 hijackers are still alive? That they were the victims of identity theft? [Telegraph of England]
That during the week before September 11, 4,744 put option contracts in United Airlines [bets by speculators that a stock will go down] were placed on The Chicago Board Options Exchange, versus 396 call options [bets that a stock will rise]?
That on September 10, 4,515 put options in American Airlines were purchased against only 748 call options?
That the investment firm used to buy most of these put options was Duetschebank, which until 1998 was headed by Buzzy Krongard, now executive director of the CIA?
That suspicious trading was also reported by The Chicago Board Options Exchange regarding Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, two of the biggest World Trade Center tenants? [Merrill Lynch: 3,053 puts bought between Sept. 6-10--252 the week before]
That the CIA and Mossad monitor stock trading in real time using sophisticated software called Promis?
That on September 10, 2001, Amr Elgindy, a stock speculator currently facing insider trading, market manipulation, extortion and obstruction of justice charges, ordered his broker to liquidate his children\'s trust account because he feared a sudden crash on Wall Street?
That in May 2001, Elgindy was arrested in San Diego along with two FBI agents who allegedly used their FBI connections to provide Elgindy information on companies\' financial status?
That during pretrial motions the prosecutors hinted that Elgindy had prior information about September 11?
That in 1992 Elgindy\'s mother won $30,000 in arbitration after alleging that he made unauthorized trades on her account, and that he became an FBI informant in 1995?
That on September 10, 2001, according to Newsweek, a group of leading Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled their travel plans for the following day due to security concerns?
That on September 11-12, 2001, almost a month before the first anthrax attacks, White House personnel were given Cipro, the anthrax antiobiotic?
That hours after the attacks, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld gave orders to prepare for war against Iraq, not Afghanistan? \"Sweep up everything. Related or not.\"
That the think tank surrounding Bush--the Project for a New American Century--wrote a paper in 2000 stating, \"the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event--like a new Pearl Harbor\"? [emphasis added]
That Bush henchman Paul Wolfowitz drafted plans to invade Iraq to assure \"access to vital raw material, primarily Persian Gulf oil\"?
That Zbigniew Brzezinski, former President Carter\'s National Security Advisor, wrote in his 1997 book The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives, that \"Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multi-cultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the cirumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat.\" [emphasis added]
[In progress]
Did you know that in 1962, the US Joint Chiefs signed off on a plan called Operation Northwood that would carry out terrorist acts, including the hijacking of civilian planes and the sinking of Cuban emigre boats, resulting in widespread loss of lives, and then blame this terrorism on Cuba in order to justify an invasion of that country? [James Bamford, \"Body of Secrets\"]