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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush dismissed questions over his reasons for going to war as the work of \"historical revisionists\"

    Bush: \'Weapons sites looted\'
    23.29PM BST, 21 Jun 2003

    The US president is claiming that suspected arms sites had been looted in the waning days of Saddam Hussein\'s rule.

    He is explaining the failure of British and American troops to find evidence on weapons of mass destruction by saying they have been destroyed.

    In his weekly radio address, President George W Bush said: \"For more than a decade, Saddam Hussein went to great lengths to hide his weapons from the world.

    \"And in the regime\'s final days, documents and suspected weapons sites were looted and burned.\"


    JAXXE --- ---
    Venezuelan move to replace US$ with the €uro upsetting Washington more than Saddam\'s €uro conversion last November

    VHeadline.com editor & publisher Roy S. Carson writes:

    A move by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez Frias to replace the US$ with the €uro is seen as upsetting Washington more than when Iraq\'s Saddam Hussein started using the €uro for oil transactions last November ... precipitating the US-led action to invade Iraq. Beltway bullies are now said to be angered by Venezuela\'s decision to barter oil with thirteen other Latin American countries, dealing moves to dollarize South America currencies.
    Intelligence reports say that while the US was able to pull the wool over the international community and ally with Britain\'s Blair to bulldoze action against former Iran War ally Hussein, the situation with Venezuela is proving more difficult.

    While there has been political pretext to cold-shoulder Chavez Frias and his government for supposed links with Cuba\'s Castro and Libya\'s Khadaffi, the United States is loathe to do more than to give subversive support to anti-Chavez elements in Venezuela fighting against the Venezuelan President\'s domestic war against political and economic corruption which have permeated the South American country for the last half-century.

    International finance experts see how the US dollar has been devaluing against the €uro, as important players on the international scene convert to the European currency for more stable transactions ... Russia, China, North Korea and Malaysia have begun holding €uros as important hedgings in their foreign exchange reserves as faith in American greenbacks floats down the river.

    CIA and other intel organizations, including Britain\'s MI5, now fear that the next step is that the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is about to switch to €uros ... the immediate effect would be a massive devaluation, perhaps sparking of domino-effect devaluations worldwide in US$-related foreign reserves and foreign debt calculations.


    Arab sources claim that €uro conversion across the Middle and Far East is a rational step to counteract the United States\' capacity to \"wage further illegal wars (a.k.a. State-sponsored terrorism)\" around the world and that any prolonged occupation of Iraq by US/British forces ... and any move towards withdrawal of Iraq from the OPEC cartel ... will only precipitate \"remedial action\" by like-minded Arab nations to protect their own best interests over Washington\'s.

    A significant step in this direction is that Iran is contemplating switching to the €uro and, as a result, is the latest object of United States undiplomatic interference ... an intel sources says \"they are stimulating opposition forces, making covert threats ... the next step is destabilization and quasi-liberation warfare under the pretext of promoting US-style democracy but essentially aimed at maintaining the US dollar as a global transaction currency.\"

    JAXXE --- ---
    False war beliefs \'striking\'

    Washington Bureau

    WASHINGTON — A third of the American public believes U.S. forces found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, according to a recent poll. And 22 percent said Iraq actually used chemical or biological weapons.

    Before the war, half of those polled in a survey said Iraqis were among the 19 hijackers on Sept. 11, 2001.

    But such weapons have not been found in Iraq, and were never used. Most of the Sept. 11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. None were Iraqis.

    How could so many people be so wrong about life-and-death information that has dominated news coverage for almost two years?

    These results startled the pollsters who conducted and analyzed the surveys.

    \"It\'s a striking finding,\" said Steve Kull, director of the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, which asked the weapons questions during a May 14-18 poll of 1,265 respondents.

    He added, \"Given the intensive news coverage and high levels of public attention, this level of misinformation suggests some Americans may be avoiding having an experience of cognitive dissonance.\"

    That is, having their beliefs conflict with the facts.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bombing Iran could be tempting option for Bush


    Afghanistan remains a mess. Iraq is becoming so. But George Bush wants to march on to Iran.

    Expect him to ramp up the rhetoric in the weeks ahead. Perhaps even prepare the ground for bombing that country\'s nuclear installations in the months leading up to next year\'s presidential election.

    It may not come to Two Minutes Over Tehran, à la the 1981 Israeli attack on the Iraqi nuclear reactor in Baghdad. But don\'t rule out the scenario, either.

    It would be an easy option — no mass mobilization of troops, no anti-war protests, no messy war.

    It would be tempting to a president in domestic trouble over a sinking economy and deteriorating public services due to his tax cuts.

    A quick hit on Iran could be more unilateral than the American invasion of Iraq. The president wouldn\'t even need the obsequious Tony Blair in tow.

    \"The international community must come together to make it very clear to Iran that we will not tolerate construction of a nuclear weapon,\" Bush said, sounding just like he did last fall launching his campaign for war on Iraq.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The History of the Development of AIDS

    Chapter Excerpt from “State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS”
    by Boyd E. Graves, J.D.

    JAXXE --- ---
    HIV/AIDS Made In America?

    Graves Gets His Day In Court
    By Ian Gurney

    This week in California a lawyer is suing the U.S. government, claiming that the HIV-AIDS virus is a man made virus developed and manufactured in the United States with the knowledge of the U.S. government. On June 27th. prominent lawyer and AIDS researcher, Dr. Boyd E Graves JD* will finally present his case, number 02 CV 02396**, before Judge Jeffrey T. Miller in a San Diego court, claiming that the HIV virus, the virus that causes AIDS, is a virus that was manufactured in American laboratories between 1962 and 1978. On November 27th. last year the Office of the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services granted Dr. Graves sixty days to file suit in the United States federal court against the U.S. government. Graves claims he has hundreds of government documents proving HIV-AIDS was designed as biological terrorism against African-Americans. His action was initially brought in the U.S. Supreme Court, Case No. 00-9587.


    \"The 1971 flowchart makes it perfectly clear, the design, intent and purpose of the U.S. Special Virus program. As Dr. Peter Piot, Executive Director of UNAIDS says, the HIV/AIDS virus is the result of many steps in the laboratory, it was no accident.

    The 1971 flowchart provides absolute evidence of the United States\' intent to kill its own citizens and others.\"

    Dr. Boyd E. Graves

    JAXXE --- ---
    Captured al-Qa\'eda man was FBI spy

    By David Rennie in Washington
    (Filed: 23/06/2003)

    The American al-Qa\'eda operative unmasked last week as having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge was first detained in March, and has been used by the FBI for months as a double agent, it was reported yesterday.

    US authorities waited until last week to announce a plea bargain struck with Iyman Faris, a Pakistani-born lorry driver ordered to scout out terror targets, including the New York landmark.

    They did not say that Faris, who was also ordered to study ultralight aircraft, and the possibility of derailing a train into a chemical storage facility in Washington, had been under FBI control for months.

    Justice Department officials told Time magazine that Faris was secretly detained about two weeks after the dramatic capture on March 1 in Pakistan of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qa\'eda\'s chief of operations.

    Installed in a safe house in Virginia, Faris sent messages to his terrorist commanders by mobile phone and email. \"He was sitting in the safe house making calls for us. It was a huge triumph,\" a senior Bush administration official told Time.

    After pleading guilty to offering material support to al-Qa\'eda, Faris will be sentenced in August. He faces up to 20 years in prison.

    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Special Forces \'Prepare for Iran Attack\'
    By Robert Fox
    The Evening Standard

    Tuesday 17 June 2003

    British and American intelligence and special forces have been put on alert for a conflict with Iran within the next 12 months, as fears grow that Tehran is building a nuclear weapons programme.

    Iran has been constructing a nuclear civil power programme for some years. It is due to start generating significant amounts of electricity for the national power grid in two years.

    However, United Nations, American and EU experts have become alarmed at the extent of the nuclear plants in Iran, and many are of a sophistication that suggests that they are for a weapons programme rather than for civil use.

    A full report by the International Atomic Energy Authority is due to be published within days. It points at \"discrepancies\" in what Iran has officially disclosed about its nuclear facilities.

    The chief IAEA inspector Mohammed El Baradei said: \"Tehran has failed to report certain nuclear material and activities.\"

    The EU has declared this week that it backs the demands of the United States and Britain that IAEA inspectors should be allowed full access to all nuclear sites in Iran. Russia, which has helped Iran develop nuclear plants, has also backed the international effort to get more inspectors on the ground there.

    Tehran has rejected these demands. A government spokesman accused Washington of \"blatant interference\" in stirring up the student protests against the clerical regime, which have been running for six nights in the capital.

    However, the EU\'s foreign ministers meeting in Luxembourg yesterday backed the Americans and demanded that inspectors be admitted or any trade deals with the EU should be called off.

    In the past week the EU and Nato, as well as Russia and Japan, have expressed genuine alarm that Iran could be developing a nuclear weapons programme more powerful than anything Saddam Hussein actually achieved in Iraq, whatever he intended.

    \"This is not a question of crying Wolfowitz,\" a Washington defence insider said, referring to the calls to deal with the \"axis of evil\" of rogue states - which include Iran - by the hawkish deputy defence secretary Paul Wolfowitz. \"The threat is real.\"

    Already CIA agents are known to have been working inside Iran to establish the full range of the Iranian nuclear programme. Production and research is being carried out at no less than 16 different sites, including Tehran university-Recently Iran began developing a new series of medium-range missiles, which could reach Israel, Cyprus and even Greece.

    Growing protests against the clerical regime of the ayatollahs has suddenly made Iran more unstable in the past few weeks. President Bush has welcomed the protests, though some fear they will make the country even more unmanageable. But one of the Pentagon\'s most hardline advisers, Richard Perle, has said that the demonstrations could undermine the rule of the clerics, which would be the best way of disarming Iran. Michael Ledeen, his colleague at the American Enterprise Institute, a think tank close to the White House, has gone further.

    He wrote last week: \"Iraq\'s support of terrorism was minuscule compared to Tehran\'s activities. If we are serious about winning the war against the terror masters, the Tehran regime must fall.\"

    Washington also blames the ayatollahs in Tehran for giving financial backing and training to a hardline organisation, the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), founded by Ayatollah Mohammed Bakr al Hakim. He has just returned to Iraq. The ayatollah is blamed for the Shi\'ite violence against British and American forces in Basra and in the Shi\'ite heartlands of central and southern Iraq.

    A British intelligence official said that any campaign against Iran would not be a ground war like the one in Iraq. The Americans will use different tactics, said the intelligence officer. \"It is getting quite scary.\"

    (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

    JAXXE --- ---
    Al Gore plánuje \"liberální\" televizní stanici

    Bývalý americký viceprezident Al Gore plánuje založit \"liberální\" kabelovou televizní stanici, která by fungovala jako protilátka vůči současné převaze ostře pravicových televizních stanic na americkém trhu, jako je Fox News.

    Reklama Reklama

    Gore, který prohrál před třemi lety v Americe prezidentský úřad, jedná o založení nové televize s investory a profesionálními baviči.

    Charakterizoval určité části amerických médií jako \"pátou kolonu\", která \"denně vnucuje veřejnosti republikánský názor na svět a předstírá, že je objektivní\".

    I když britská komise pro komerční televizní vysílání dospěla k závěru, že Fox TV nebyla během iráckého konfliktu \"zaujatá\", komentátoři na obou stranách atlantiku si stěžovali na to, že líčí útok na Irák zcela jednostranně.

    Gore připravuje novou televizní stanici spolu s Joelem Huattem, zakladatelem firmy Hyatt Legal Services, specializující se na levné právní poradenství.

    \"Sdělovací prostředky jsou ohledně politiky dnes hodně podivné. Některé čelné instituce dnes hovoří, jako by byly přímou součástí Konzervativní strany,\" řekl loni Gore v rozhovoru s časopisem New York Observer.

    \"Fox News, Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh - je jich celá řada a některá tyto média jsou financována bohatými ultrakonzervativními miliardáři, kteří uzavírají politické dohody s republikánskými vládami a s ostatními sdělovacími prostředky.\"

    Nová televizní stanice \"má být něco úplně jiného\" než je tradiční CNN.

    JAXXE --- ---
    V Británii se narodilo první \"designer baby\"

    V Británii se narodilo první \"geneticky upravené\" dítě, pomocí jehož tkání má být vyléčen jeho čtyřletý bratr, který trpí vzácnou formou anémie.

    Jamie Whitaker se narodil v pondělí prostřednictvím císařského řezu. Když byl ještě pouhým embryem ve zkumavce, byl jeho genetický kód uměle pozměněn tak, aby přesně odpovídal genetickému kódu jeho čtyřletého bratra Charlieho.

    Charlie trpí vzácnou formou anémie, kterou je možno vyléčit pouze prostřednictvím transplantace kmenových buněk od sourozence, který má totožný genetický kód.
    Rodiče nově narozeného \"geneticky modifikovaného\" chlapce si ho nechali \"vyrobit\" v Ústavu pro reprodukční genetiku v Chicagu, poté, co jim britský úřad pro lidské oplodňování a embryologii odmítl poskytnout povolení k tomuto druhu speciální genetické úpravy.

    Třiatřicetiletý otec, podnikatelský manažer, si je vědom kontroverze, obklopující tzv. \"designer babies\", tedy děti, \"konstruované\" na objednávku. Zdůraznil však: \"Změnili jsme jen pravděpodobnost totožnosti tkání z 1.4 na 98 procentní pravěpodobnost. Neměnili jsme vlastnosti dítěte na základě barvy očí ani vlasů ani pohlaví.

    Dodal: \"Probíhají nyní zkoušky, jestli Jamie skutečně přesně geneticky odpovídá svému bratrovi.\"

    Potřebné kmenové buňky byly shromážděny z Jamieho pupeční šňůry a proběhnou také testy, zda má nemluvně tutéž formu anemie jako jeho starší bratr.

    Evan Harris, mluvčí britské strany Liberálních demokratů pro zdravotnické otázky a donedávna poslanec rodiny Whittakerů, zdůraznil, že by měla vláda dovolit parlamentu, aby znovu zkoumal zákon o plodnosti. Dodal, že současný zákon je 13 let starý a už neodpovídá dnešním klinickým znalostem.

    Lana Rechitsky, pracovnice chicagského ústavu, popřela v rozhovoru s pořadem Today rozhlasové stanice BBC Radio Four, že by \"překonstruování\" genetiky Jamieho Whittakera bylo neetické.

    Uvedla: \"Tohle nejsou děti, které by byly přiváděny na svět jen proto, aby zachránily život svého sourozence. Jde o rodiny, které chtějí zdravé dítě, a jestliže to zdravé dítě může také zachránit život dítěte, které už mají, je to dvojí požehnání. Jinak by Charlie musel zemřít.\"

    JAXXE --- ---
    Why No Objection to Israel’s WMD?
    Hassan Tahsin • Special to Arab News

    CAIRO, 20June 2003 — Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has spelled out clearly his reasons for accepting the Middle East road map with 14 reservations. During the Aqaba summit on June6 , he said: “Permanent peace requires permanent security. This permanent security will bring about permanent peace to Israel.” To accept peace on Sharon’s terms would make the proposed Palestinian state a mockery in the service of Israel’s security.

    The most dangerous thing is that Israel is allowed to possess all kinds of weapons of mass destruction while Arab countries are denied these weapons under the pretext that Israel is under threat.

    Israel has said that it is not yet time to look at its nuclear arsenal and weapons of mass destruction because it has not yet attained permanent security and peace.

    As a result, Israel has become a depot for nuclear, chemical and biological weapons threatening the security of Arab, Asian and European countries. Does Israel require this large arsenal of banned weapons?
    The French constructed the Dimona nuclear reactor and produced enriched uranium. Israel was ready to produce its first nuclear bomb as early as1965 .

    In March1969 , Moshe Dayan celebrated the birth of the Israeli nuclear state and the Israeli nuclear scientist Vannunu has acknowledged that his country was in6 th position in the nuclear club in the1980 s. According to one estimate, Israel possesses at least 100 nuclear bombs.

    Apart from two plants in Dimona, Israel established a number of other nuclear plants in Nahal Suryak, south of Tel Aviv in 1958 and in Raishon Liston and Haifa. In1994 , US President Bill Clinton approved nine supercomputers to meet the needs of Israel’s nuclear program. Informed sources have estimated that Israel has 100 to 200 nuclear warheads, but another report put the figure at more than500 .

    Quoting Vannunu, American journalist Seymour Hersh says in his book that Israel possesses about 300 nuclear warheads. He also says that he has got information indicating Israel possesses hundreds of nitrogen bombs. Reports have confirmed that Israel has various types of nuclear weapons including nuclear bombs which could be dropped from planes, missile warheads, in addition to 25 hydrogen bombs.

    Israel also holds an unspecified numbers of tactical weapons.

    At least three international sources have confirmed that Israel had not only produced nuclear mines but spread them in various regions at different periods of the Arab-Israeli conflict, especially in Golan and Naqab during the military confrontation with Egypt in October 1973 and in January1991 .

    The question is: Who can ask the international community to disarm Israel of its mass destructive weapons?

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Truth About September 11th From 23 Informative Websites

    Don\'t You Want To Know The Real Truth
    About What Happened On September 11th?

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    2) The Most Comprehensive Minute By Minute Timeline On 911
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    3) My Country Right Or Wrong - Questioning September 11th
    Published October 22, 2001

    4) More Than 500 Great Articles About 911 From Around The World
    Online since September 13, 2001

    5) Tuesday, September 11, 2001, And The Three Top Sins Of The Universe
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    7) Bin Laden Family Money & Bush 41 & 43 Conflict Of War Profit Interest

    8) The History Of Oil And War - The U. S. And British Oil Imperialism

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    10) How The USA PATRIOT Act Subverts 6 Amendments Of The Bill Of Rights

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    JAXXE --- ---
    TV3 apologises for Bush gaffe

    20 June 2003

    TV3 has apologised after a graphic labelling United States President George W Bush a \"professional fascist\" flashed up during its prime time news.

    The baseline graphic, which was supposed to have promoted an upcoming weather bulletin, was aired to 360,000 viewers halfway through last night\'s news.

    TV3 spokesman Roger Beaumont said the network was thoroughly investigating the mislabelled graphic.

    \"It was an absolute case of human error. The fact that it made it to air was extremely unfortunate and we apologise for any offence that may have been taken.

    \"What I can assure you is that it was a completely unintentional mistake.\"

    The graphic was on screen for only a matter of seconds, but it was long enough to leave many viewers \"surprised and confused\".

    Yesterday a handful of those people wanted to know how and why the mistake happened.

    Mr Beaumont said it was too early to say if disciplinary action would be taken against the person who made the \"absolutely genuine mistake\".

    \"But we are looking into it, for sure.\"

    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel: Iraq \'Not Enough\' - Wants US To Take Syria, Iran

    By Jonathan Wright

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Israeli ambassador in Washington called for \"regime change\" in Iran and Syria on Monday through diplomatic isolation, economic sanctions and what he called \"psychological pressure.\"

    Ambassador Daniel Ayalon said the U.S. invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein helped create great opportunities for Israel but it was \"not enough.\"

    \"It has to follow through. We still have great threats of that magnitude coming from Syria, coming from Iran,\" he told a conference of the pro-Israeli Anti-Defamation League.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Police shut down girl\'s lemonade stand; city later offers free permit


    By LARRY HANNAN, ljhannan@naplesnews.com

    Avigayil Wardein may be only 6, but in the past few days she has learned a lot about permits and dealing with government regulations.

    Naples police officers shut down a lemonade stand Avigayil was operating with friends at the end of her driveway on 11th Avenue South on Friday. Her mother, K.C. Shaw, said the lemonade stand was shut down because a neighbor complained.

    \"The police officers were really embarrassed about it,\" Shaw said. \"One of them even bought some lemonade.\"

    Under city rules, a permit is needed to operate a temporary commercial business in Naples.


    Shaw said Avigayil will no longer charge 50 cents for a glass of lemonade. The lemonade will now be free and people will have the option of tipping her daughter and the other children who operate the stand.

    \"I spoke to a lawyer over the weekend and he told me the city couldn\'t shut us down if we didn\'t charge people anything,\" she said. \"I think that\'s the way we\'re going to do it from now on.\"

    The threat of rain didn\'t prevent Avigayil and her friends, Alysa Gonnella, 6, and Austin Dremann, 9, from reopening Tuesday.

    \"I want to sell a lot of lemonade today,\" Avigayil said.

    Shaw said she usually sits on the porch while the lemonade stand is open.

    \"They want to be independent, so I sit up here and watch them,\" she said. \"We get a lot of construction workers, people from the beach and people from Cambier Park who stop and buy lemonade.\"

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bali suspect alleges police torture

    A suspect in the Bali bombings has claimed that police threatened him with torture unless he admitted attending religious classes from the alleged spiritual leader of a regional militant Islamic group.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Destroy \'pirate\' PCs, says politician

    Senator Orrin Hatch

    Senator Hatch said destroyed computers would show the government was serious

    A US senator wants to develop new technology which would remotely destroy the computers of people who illegally download music tracks.

    Senator Orrin Hatch, a Republican representing Utah, asked technology chiefs at a hearing in Washington about whether they could develop ways to damage or destroy the computers.

    Legal experts have said any attack on people\'s computers would contravene the US\'s anti-hacking laws.

    Mr Hatch said damaging computers \"may be the only way you can teach someone about copyright\".

    \"No-one is interested in destroying anyone\'s computer,\" said Randy Saaf from MediaDefender, a company which develops ways to disrupt illegal music downloads.

    Serious clampdown

    \"If we can find some way to do this without destroying their machines, we\'d be interested in hearing about that,\" Mr Hatch said.

    \"If that\'s the only way, then I\'m all for destroying their machines.\"

    He said if a few hundred thousand people suffered damage to their computers, the online community would realise the clampdown was serious.

    He advocated sending two warnings to computer users about illegal downloads. On the third transgression, their computer would be destroyed or damaged.

    \"There\'s no excuse for anyone violating copyright laws,\" Mr Hatch added.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bremer tackles Iraq\'s economy

    Paul Bremer, the US administrator of Iraq, has said that restoring the country\'s defunct economy is his first priority.

    \"Starting to build a new and real economy which will provide new jobs to Iraqi citizens remains my top priority,\" Mr Bremer said at a press conference in Baghdad.

    Mr Bremer highlighted the need to \"open existing banks ... and transform these into a real modern banking sector which can stimulate and sustain economic growth,\" as a key way of rebuilding the economy.

    The BBC\'s James Whittington in Baghdad says that many of the state-owned banks have been trashed in the looting which followed the end of Saddam Hussein\'s regime.

    The banks will need to be rebuilt physically in some cases, the managers will have to be tracked down and new records made, he said.

    A functioning banking system is the nerve centre of the free market economy that the US administration is trying to create.

    Trade on the streets

    Mr Bremer also said he was looking at measures to encourage both foreign and domestic investors, another key element to stimulate growth.

    He said he had formed an advisory group of Iraqi businessmen, economists and politicians to discuss these key elements, and is also being advised by large US banks including JP Morgan and Citigroup.




    JAXXE --- ---
    The World Can\'t Trust What America Says

    John Kaminski

    The key to integrity, this old Mayan guy once told me, is admitting our faults. If we don\'t do that, our whole lives are built on a bed of lies. This is the United States of America 2003 - built on a bed of lies which is disintegrating all around us.

    The situation makes some of us think that the Ayatollah (if you\'re old enough to remember him - the Iranian religious leader who presided over the taking of American hostages in 1979) was right: America is the Great Satan, he said. But I guess it\'s not important to Americans anymore to tell the truth. I mean... just look at everything.

    The greatest military attack on American soil has not even been investigated. Three thousand people killed in downtown New York City and it\'s just swept under the rug as the insane media manipulators rush on to new fabricated crises to cover up the single greatest crime in American history.

    Talk about a big lie. Talk about lack of integrity. And the American people, anesthetized as they are with ill-gotten gains, over-the-counter drugs, bad schools and worse, TV, don\'t even raise a collective eyebrow. Telling the truth is just not important to them anymore, if it ever was.

    In fact, if there\'s one thing obvious in the world today, it\'s that America does not tell the truth. It says one thing but always means something else. It promises to spread democracy but all it spreads is oil-money-crazed dictatorships all over the world. Is this the America you learned about in school?

    Is this the America you hoped to create for your children, where a lie is called the truth and everybody nods like dozing crackheads in front of a slum tenement waiting for their next fix?

    It\'s hard to say you\'re proud to be an American when George W. Bush is your president. Embarrassed is more like it.

    Whether it was deserved or not, America used to be regarded as a beacon of freedom and justice for the entire world. That\'s why so many people came here. But it\'s radically different now. America is now a Mafia enforcer, which fleeces poverty-stricken countries for protection money. And if those poor banana republics don\'t pony up, well, the U.S. has plenty of depleted uranium bombs to drop on their children, or financial nooses to tighten around the necks of their shattered economies.

    It\'s sadly amusing that America claims to be a democracy, yet so many of its principle allies around the world are murderous dictatorships, with plenty of corrupt despots to recruit as clients who are all-too-willing to rip off their own people. Look no farther than Central America.

    Yes, let\'s not gild the lily. It\'s protection money, extorted from poor people by the biggest criminal syndicate of them all, the United States of America. That\'s what NAFTA and the WTO and all these IMF bailouts are all about. Countries get in economic trouble by importing too many alluring products at too high a price from the United States.

    Then, because corruption is the rule rather than the exception throughout the world, some soulless leader decides to make a bundle by selling off certain of his country\'s valuable natural resources, but the money doesn\'t wind up in the coffers of his own country, it winds up in his own private Swiss bank account, to which he safely flees after he is run out of his own presidential palace by an enraged populace. This has been virtual policy in Mexico throughout the 20th century.

    And that\'s if that country is lucky. If that country is unlucky, the corrupt dictator/president doesn\'t go to Switzerland but instead hangs around and presides over the IMF \"bailout,\" in which the country\'s principal assets, especially utilities, are sold at bargain-basement rates to Wall Street plunderers, and the hapless nation is forced to undergo \"austerity\" measures so the New York banks can harvest their exorbitant interest payments.

    Austerity measures like hyperinflation and demolition of all social services guarantee any country that bites on the IMF lure an epidemic of poverty, as the middle class is reduced to servitude and thrown out in the streets. This is happening all over South America. Just pick a country (that doesn\'t have oil). Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru. One of the top American plunderers, the Bechtel Corp., came into Bolivia, made a deal with American flunkie dictator Banzer (now dead, thank God), took over the water distribution system, and charged residents (peasant dirt farmers) half their average monthly income for water that they previously got for next to nothing.

    For years, the American press has said nothing about this atrocity. Why? Because we essentially do that to every country. That\'s where American \"prosperity\" originates. God help your country if it does have oil. Then the treatment by America will be much worse.

    How much more can we say about Iraq? There is absolutely no scintilla of proof that Saddam was about to make any sudden aggressive moves against anyone. We\'ve been bombing and imposing sanctions illegally for a dozen years to make sure he didn\'t use all those nasty chemical and biological weapons we sold him.

    Half a million Iraqi children have died because we bombed his water systems and then prevented him from acquiring the materials to fix it. Most Americans donÕt even know the toll that sanctions have taken on the innocent children of that country. They donÕt want to know. That\'s something for Americans to be proud of. This is a classic example of Americans refusing to contemplate the ugly truth.

    And as long as we\'re on the subject, there was no legitimate reason for the first Gulf War, either. Iraq had a valid beef against Kuwait, because American oil companies (yes, Neil Bush was involved) were slant drilling into Iraqi oilfields, which is surely an act of economic warfare. Of course, this was never mentioned by the whorish American press.

    Look at the other oil countries. Colombia is under permanent siege (both for drugs and oil). Venezuela is currently being wracked by a would-be coup that was blatantly fomented by U.S. business interests. Indonesia and Saudi Arabia are totally repressive military dictatorships, as are all the Stans near the new Caspian Sea oil fields. Mexico\'s in our back pocket, though we\'ve recently loaned them some money so we can fleece them again.

    Last weekend, virtually all democratic countries (notable exception: Japan) in the world witnessed massive demonstrations to urge the United States not to throw its poisoned bombs around the Persian Gulf. These demonstrations were not aimed at the great threat Bush and Powell and Rumsfeld are focused on.

    The rest of the world (except the neo-Nazi government of Israel) is not concerned about Saddam Hussein. He is no threat to anyone. Most of the bad weapons he had were provided to him by the United States. No, the rest of the world - as recent polls show so clearly - believes the United States is the greatest threat to peace in the world. And how do you figure to defend America\'s reputation with all these blatant lies being told in Washington to justify the mass murder of dark-skinned people who have no army with which to defend themselves?

    In point of fact, the disgusting little man who brokered the original Iraq deal was none other than our belligerent defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who sold chemical weapons to Saddam back in the \'80s, shortly after he bestowed another lethal gift on his own citizens in the form of aspartame, the active ingredient used to sweeten Diet Coke and a zillion other things. Aspartame was never formally approved by the FDA except long after the fact, and has been connected to many different health problems. See http://www.rense.com/general/aspar.htm.

    And that\'s to say nothing of Dick Cheney, our surly vice president, who ignored a court order to turn over documents that would have revealed how he and his energy buddies ripped off the state of California for billions of dollars. At the same time, he\'s reaping billions in profits as his old company gets the support contracts from every single military deployment.

    Why have the American people said nothing about this? Why have no U.S. newspapers blown the lid off this thing?

    Look at the false characters Bush has surrounded himself with to assure the destruction of the environment and the impoverishment of the American people: corporate shills Whitman and Venemen to \"protect\" the environment, an ex-general of the army to conduct \"diplomacy\" with other countries, that general\'s son to assure that everything on TV eventually comes only from one station, a glossolalia-speaking psychopath to enforce the laws of the country.

    Why aren\'t millions of Americans besieging their elected representatives, demanding an end to all this criminal behavior? Because it wouldn\'t do any good. All their elected representatives should be indicted themselves. Anyone who ever received a contribution from Enron or Arthur Andersen is obviously an accessory to the robbery of American consumers. All these people belong in the jail at Guantanamo Bay, indefinitely incarcerated without access to lawyers or family under the very terms of the new Orwellian laws they have created.

    But there\'s another reason why this won\'t happen. It\'s because the American people have no integrity... as individuals, or as a nation. And in that sense, we have only received what we have deserved.

    Congratulations America! Now, the entire world can\'t believe a single thing we say. This is the world we have created for our children.

    Continue to scream as we teeter on the edge of the abyss. Right up until that awful moment we fall in, and become as the rest of the world - cringing in terror from the American war machine.

    Just remember one thing: in this new century of scripted news alerts and false terror alarms, whatever America says will not be the truth. Americans have made a conscious choice - to lie about everything.

    John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the coast of Florida and is waiting for the troops to arrive. In the meantime, he may be reached at skylax@comcast.net.

    JAXXE --- ---
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