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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Condoleeza Rice: No To Multipolar World

    07/02/2003 10:52

    US National Security Advisor invents theory and then attacks it

    It would appear that members of the Bush administration have an internal competition to see which one can come up with the most absurd statement, like an Ionescu play gone wrong. In recent months, Rumsfeld has added his nonsense to Bush\'s clunkers but Rice could well be the dark horse in the howler race.

    \"Multipolarity is a theory of rivalry, of competing interests and at its very worst, of competing values\" stated Condoleeza Rice recently at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London. Why is it that the members of the Bush adminstration, in their entirety, are utterly incapable of engaging in dialogue or of handling difference of opinion? Why does multipolarity have to involve competing interests?

    The fundamental principles of democracy, which the USA expounded ad nauseam
    during the time of the Cold War, are debate, discussion and dialogue, backed up by diplomacy. The fundamental principles of democracy include the freedom to state and defend a position and then discuss any difference in an open and civilized forum of debate.

    To state that multipolarity is rivalry, is to say that \"if you\'re not with us, you\'re against us\". To state that multipolarity can lead to competing values and then describe these as a threat, is an admission by Ms. Rice that she is incapable of comprehending alternative schools of opinion, alternative lines of thought, alternative ways of being. If she considers
    difference as being a threat then maybe she should take the history book off the shelf and leaf through the pages until she comes to Hitler and Himmler. This would show her where her intolerance can lead.

    Having jumped to the conclusion that multipolarity is rivalry, the National Security Advisor goes on to attack the notion, stating that \"The rivalry theory represents a danger to the solution of serious problems\".

    In a nutshell, Condoleeza Rice is a product of the school which churned out specimens such as Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Fleischer, bible-bashing at its worst, spiked by a lethal dose of venom by the Jewish lobby, as unbalanced a collection of individuals as has been gathered in any government anywhere on earth at any time in history.

    Differences of opinion, like differences of race, color or creed, are never evil but rather widen the base for a positive mutual exchange of values and a process of cultural enrichment. The fact that Condoleeza Rice perceives such as something negative, dangerous, a threat, speaks volumes about the capacity of this woman to be in such a position.

    It is not a question of being too stupid to hold the post. It is a question of being stupid enough to merge so perfectly into the background of the Bush people.

    JAXXE --- ---


    Kinsley (CNN, Time, Slate) Klein (Newsweek, NBC) Friedman (New York Times)

    When Congressman James Moran (D-VA) told an audience that leaders of American Jewish groups were pushing America into a war with Iraq, he was denounced as an \"anti-Semite\" and pressured to resign. (click here)

    When Syndicated columnist and former Presidential candidate Pat Buchanan accused Jewish neo-conservatives and the US-Israeli lobby of pushing America into a war against Israel\'s enemies, he was also widely denounced as an \"anti-Semite.\" (click here)

    But what are we to make of the many outspoken Jewish writers, Jewish intellectuals and Jewish activists who have been warning us about the exact same thing? Should we dismiss these jews as \"anti-Semites\" or \"self-hating Jews\"?

    Following are some very revealing quotes from just a few of these Jewish writers and journalists.


    Joe Klein, Time Magazine, Time.com, February 5, 2003

    \"A stronger Israel is very much embedded in the rationale for war with Iraq. It is a part of the argument that dare not speak its name, a fantasy quietly cherished by the neo-conservative faction in the Bush Administration and by many leaders of the American Jewish community.

    The fantasy involves a domino theory. The destruction of Saddam\'s Iraq will not only remove an enemy of long-standing but will also change the basic power equation in the region. It will send a message to Syria and Iran about the perils of support for Islamic terrorists. It will send a message to the Palestinians too: Democratize and make peace on Israeli terms, or forget about a state of your own.\" (click here) __________________________________________________________

    Michael Kinsley, Slate Magazine, October 24, 2002

    Tariq Aziz has a theory. Saddam Hussein\'s deputy told the New York Times this week, \"The reason for this warmongering policy toward Iraq is oil and Israel.\" Although no one wishes to agree with Tariq Aziz, he has put succinctly what many people in Washington apparently believe.

    The lack of public discussion about the role of Israel in the thinking of \"President Bush\" is easier to understand, but weird nevertheless. It is the proverbial elephant in the room: Everybody sees it, no one mentions it. The reason is obvious and admirable: Neither supporters nor opponents of a war against Iraq wish to evoke the classic anti-Semitic image of the king\'s Jewish advisers whispering poison into his ear and betraying the country to foreign interests. (click here)


    Ari Shavit, April 5, 2003 Haaretz News Service (Israel)

    \"The war in Iraq was conceived by 25 neoconservative intellectuals, most of them Jewish, who are pushing President Bush to change the course of history.

    In the course of the past year, a new belief has emerged in the town (Washington): the belief in war against Iraq. That ardent faith was disseminated by a small group of 25 or 30 neoconservatives, almost all of them Jewish, almost all of them intellectuals (a partial list: Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, William Kristol, Eliot Abrams, Charles Krauthammer), people who are mutual friends and cultivate one another and are convinced that political ideas are a major driving force of history.\" (click here)


    James Rosen, April 6, 2003 The Sacramento Bee (California)

    \"In 1996, as Likud Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared to take office, eight Jewish neoconservative leaders sent him a six-page memo outlining an aggressive vision of government. At the top of their list was overthrowing Saddam and replacing him with a monarch under the control of Jordan.

    The neoconservatives sketched out a kind of domino theory in which the governments of Syria and other Arab countries might later fall or be replaced in the wake of Saddam\'s ouster. They urged Netanyahu to spurn the Oslo peace accords and to stop making concessions to the Palestinians.

    Lead writer of the memo was Perle. Other signatories were Feith, now undersecretary of defense, and Wurmser, a senior adviser to John Bolton, undersecretary of state.

    Fred Donner, a professor of Near Eastern history at the University of Chicago, said he was struck by the similarities between the ideas in the memo and ideas now at the forefront of Bush\'s foreign policy.\" (click here)


    Thomas Friedman, April 4 2003 New York Time Columnist

    I could give you the names of 25 people (all of whom are at this moment within a five-block radius of this office) who, if you had exiled them to a desert island a year and a half ago, the Iraq war would not have happened.

    It is not only the neo-conservatives who led us to the outskirts of Baghdad. What led us to the outskirts of Baghdad is a very American combination of anxiety and hubris.\"(click here)


    Dr. Henry Makow Phd., February 10, 2003 Writer, Inventor of Board game \"Scruples\"

    If the U.S. gets bogged down with heavy casualties on both sides, Americans are going to blame big oil and Zionism for getting them into this mess.

    Everybody knows that:

    1. The only country that fears Iraq\'s WMD\'s is Israel;
    2. American-Jewish neo-conservatives on the Defence Policy Board (Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz) planned this war in 1998 and made it Bush Administration policy;
    3. The purpose of the war is to change the balance of power in the Middle East so Israel can settle the Palestinian issue on its own terms; and
    4. Congress trembles in fear before the Israeli Lobby, \"AIPAC.\"

    At this perilous juncture in US history, there is no effective opposition because Zionist Jews appear to control both parties. The Jewish \"Anti Defamation League\" considers it a barometer of anti Semitism to say, \"Jews have too much power.\" But is something anti- Semitic if it is true? Anti Semitism is racial prejudice. Zionist power is not a racial prejudice; it is a fact of life. When a special interest group hijacks American foreign policy, it is a patriotic duty to say so.

    In recent decades, Zionists have succeeded in making support for Zionism synonymous with \"Jewish.\" They have made Israel appear to be a vulnerable country facing annihilation in a sea of bloodthirsty Arabs. In fact, Israel has 200-400 nuclear bombs and is one of the most powerful nations on earth. It has evaded many opportunities for a just peace because it\'s secret agenda is to dominate the region. Israel keeps this quiet because most Jews, including Israelis, did not sign on for that. (click here)


    Israel Shamir, Israeli Author
    \"The old adage has it that, when visiting a foreign country, to ascertain who really runs things, one need determine only who is spoken about in whispers, if at all.\" Judged by this measure, the Jews rule supreme. Indeed, when I referred to \'Jewish media lords\' during a UNESCO conference in the summer of 2001, the audience\'s hearts missed a beat.

    The yet-unfought War on Iraq changed this. The American Ultimatum date was set on 17 March, the Jewish feast of Purim. Purim, 1991 saw destruction of Iraqi armies and death of 200,000 Iraqis. Too many coincidences for a purely American war.\"
    “The powerful pro-Israel lobby in the United States, which advances Israeli interests by pushing for U.S. aid and protection to Israel, and, currently, by pressing for a war against Iraq, which again will serve Israeli interests. This lobby has not only helped control media debate and made congress into `Israeli occupied territory’, it has seen to it that numerous officials with ‘dual loyalties’ occupy strategic decision-making positions in the Bush administration…” (click here)


    Jack Bernstein, Author, The Life of An American Jew in Racist Israel (following prediction was made in 1984!)

    \"The Zionists who rule Israel and the Zionists in America have been trying to trick the U.S. into a Mideast war on the side of Israel. They almost succeeded when U.S. Marines were sent to Lebanon in 1982. The blood of the 250 American Marines who died in Lebanon is dripping from the hands of the Israeli and American Zionists.

    If more Americans are not made aware of the truth about Zionist Israel, you can be sure that, sooner or later, those atheists who claim to be God\'s Chosen People will trick the U.S. into a Mideast war against the Arabs who in the past have always been America\'s best friends.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Government Warns of Mass Hacker Attacks

    Wed Jul 2,12:24 PM ET
    Add Technology - AP to My Yahoo!

    By TED BRIDIS, AP Technology Writer

    WASHINGTON - The government and private technology experts warned Wednesday that hackers plan to attack thousands of Web sites Sunday in a loosely coordinated \"contest\" that could disrupt Internet traffic.

    An early-warning network for the technology industry, operating with the Department of Homeland Security, notified companies that it received \"credible information\" about the planned attacks and already has detected surveillance probes by hackers looking for weaknesses in corporate and government networks.

    \"We emphasize that all Web site administrators should ensure that their sites are not vulnerable,\" wrote Peter Allor of Internet Security Systems Inc., the Atlanta-based company that runs the Information Technology Information Sharing and Analysis Center.

    Separately, the New York Office of Cyber-Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination warned Internet providers and other organizations that the goal of the hackers was to vandalize 6,000 Web sites in six hours.

    New York officials urged companies to change default computer passwords, begin monitoring Web site activities more aggressively, remove unnecessary functions from server computers and apply the latest software repairs from vendors such as Microsoft Corp.


    Now, think about just WHO would want the internet to stop working right about now.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Norbert\'s Bookmarks for a Better World

    JAXXE --- ---
    Letter reveals Campbell proposed 11 changes to Iraq dossier


    ALASTAIR Campbell recommended 11 separate changes to the intelligence dossier on Iraq, a leaked letter to the Commons committee investigating the controversy has revealed.

    The letter, from Mr Campbell to the foreign affairs select committee, will be seized on as evidence that the Prime Minister’s press chief played a key role in finalising the wording of the document published last September. It reveals that Mr Campbell raised a series of substantial questions about the dossier, which led to some of the claims about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein being re-worded.

    However, the letter appears to exonerate him from the crucial allegation that he ordered inserted into the document the claim that Iraq’s missiles could be ready within 45 minutes.

    There is also evidence that in four instances, recommendations made by Downing Street were rejected by the security services.

    The absence of the 45-minute claim and the fact that all the changes recommended by Mr Campbell were approved by the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Services (JIC), John Scarlett, are likely to be used by Labour MPs on the committee to clear him.

    The committee launched the inquiry following allegations made by Andrew Gilligan, a BBC journalist, that No 10 deliberately \"sexed up\" the dossier in order to exaggerate the menace posed by Saddam and his weapons of mass destruction.

    The allegations - vehemently denied by No 10 - have provoked the most bitter dispute between the government and the BBC in living memory and prompted Mr Campbell to make an extraordinary appearance on television last week to defend his reputation.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Slováky stojí neústupnost desítky milionů korun

    USA přiškrtily pomoc neposlušným

    Spojené státy zastavily vojenskou pomoc pro 35 států, které se odmítly zavázat, že nebudou mezinárodnímu trestnímu tribunálu vydávat Američany. \"Těší nás, že mnoho zemí nepodlehlo americkému tlaku,\" komentoval rozhodnutí mluvčí Evropské komise Diego Ojeda s tím, že americké odpovědi lituje.

    Spojené státy se obávají, že by žaloby k trestnímu soudu mohly být zneužity k politicky motivovaným útokům proti americkým vojákům z mírových misí. Chtěly jim proto zajistit imunitu prostřednictvím dvoustranných smluv.

    \"Americké obavy jsou možná normální. USA by mohly být kvůli své přítomnosti ve světě postiženy ve větší míře než ostatní země. Zakládající smlouva ICC ale poskytuje záruky, že se to nestane,\" dodal mluvčí Evropské komise.

    ICC vznikl jako tribunál pro válečné zločiny, genocidu a zločiny proti lidskosti, které nejsou schopny nebo ochotny stíhat země, jejichž občan zločin spáchal. Vláda Billa Clintona smlouvu o ICC podepsala, prezident George Bush ale podpis zrušil.

    Státy Evropské unie se loni dohodly, že sice mohou uzavřít dohodu s USA, ale jen s výhradami. Ty vylučují princip naprosté beztrestnosti a stanoví, že imunitu lze poskytnout jen osobám s diplomatickým statusem.

    Mezi padesátkou států, které už dohodu s Washingtonem uzavřely, chybí i několik kandidátů na vstup do NATO - Bulharsko, Estonsko, Lotyšsko, Litvu, Slovensko a Slovinsko. USA je potrestaly zastavením vojenské pomoci.

    Podle slovenského ministra obrany Ivana Šimka budou programy pozastaveny nejdéle do vstupu země do NATO. Opatření se totiž netýká členských států. Ministr odmítl upřesnit, na jaké projekty měly být desítky milionů korun použity.

    \"Americký prezident si vytvořil zvláštní kritéria přátelství. Stačilo, že Slovensko jen jednou zaváhalo podpořit americké zájmy, aby se dočkalo tvrdé odpovědi z Washingtonu,\" komentuje dění slovenský deník Pravda.

    \"Ještě nedávno nám vzkazoval, že Američané nezapomenou na pomoc Slovenska v irácké válce. Vděčnost vyprchala jediným slovenským \'zaváháním\',\" dodal komentátor.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Anthrax link to US Army trainer

    July 3 2003

    The man described by US Attorney-General, John Ashcroft, as a \"person of interest\" in an inquiry into the anthrax postal attacks in 2001 trained US special forces in biological warfare before the Iraq war, The New York Times reported yesterday.

    Steven Hatfill helped set up a mobile bioweapons laboratory that was used to teach troops what to look for in Iraq, the newspaper said, citing unnamed government officials and experts.

    At the heart of the project was a covert plan to build a mobile germ plant, real in all its parts but never actually \"plugged in\" to make weapons, it was claimed. To design the unit, the Government turned to Dr Hatfill, then a rising star in the world of biological defence.

    According to the report, the officials now say a major reason Dr Hatfill came under suspicion following the anthrax attacks, which left five people dead, was his work on the mobile unit. In any case, investigators found no evidence suggesting that the plant ever made anthrax, the paper said.

    Even after the FBI began investigating Dr Hatfill, the Pentagon continued to draw on his expertise.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Soud v americkém státě Oklahoma odsoudil 36letého muže na doživotí za to, že při zatýkání plivl na policistu. Podle soudce mohl \"útočník\" přenést na policistu i smrtelnou chorobu.
    JAXXE --- ---
    \'Black box\' for cars a surprise

    Washington Times July 2 2003

    No one disputes that Michelle Zimmermann lost control of her 2002 GMC Yukon as she drove on a two-lane highway in Massachusetts one snowy afternoon last January. Her friend died after the sport utility vehicle slammed into a tree.

    Miss Zimmermann said she was driving within the posted 40 mph speed limit, but like millions of other Americans the 33-year-old didn\'t know that her vehicle had a \"black box.\" Monitoring her driving, it recorded the last few seconds before the crash.

    Bolstered by data they say indicates Miss Zimmermann was driving well above the speed limit, prosecutors have charged the Beverly, Mass., woman with negligent vehicular homicide. She has pleaded not guilty and faces up to 2½ years in jail if convicted.

    An estimated 25 million automobiles in the United States now have event data recorders, a scaled-down version of the devices that monitor cockpit activity in airplanes.
    Like aviation recorders, automobile black boxes mainly receive attention after an accident.

    The devices\' primary function is to monitor various sensors and decide whether to fire air bags. Since the 1998 model year, all new cars from all manufacturers have been required to have air bags and so most such recent-model cars have the devices. But secondary and more recently installed features in many recorders store data from a few seconds before a crash.

    Though capabilities vary widely among carmakers, most recorders store only limited information on speed, seat-belt use, physical forces, brakes and other factors. Voices are not recorded.

    But the devices are finding its way into courtrooms as evidence in criminal and civil cases, leading some privacy advocates to question how the recorders came to be installed so widely with so little public notice or debate.

    \"It\'s like having a government agent driving around in the back seat of your car,\"
    said Bob Weiner, Miss Zimmermann\'s defense attorney and a former prosecutor. \"I think it\'s a tremendous invasion of privacy.\"


    JAXXE --- ---
    Shia cleric challenges Bush plan for Iraq

    Jonathan Steele in Baghdad
    Wednesday July 2, 2003
    The Guardian

    Ayatollah Ali Sistani, Iraq\'s leading Shia cleric, has condemned as \"fundamentally unacceptable\" US plans to appoint rather than elect the Iraqis who will begin drafting a new constitution.

    His fatwa, published in Baghdad newspapers yesterday, carries enormous moral weight for the majority Shia community which has been excluded from political power for decades. It also complicates the efforts of Paul Bremer, the US-imposed administrator, who intends to name a hand-picked \"governing council\" of about 30 members in a fortnight.

    Ayatollah Sistani is seen as a moderate leader who believes that religious leaders should remain aloof from politics.

    \"The occupation officials do not enjoy the authority to appoint the members of a council that would write the constitution\", Ayatollah Sistani said in the fatwa. \"There is no guarantee that this council would grant a constitution that accorded with the highest interests of the Iraqi people and would express their national identity, among the pillars of which is the foundation of the pure religion of Islam and noble social virtues,\" he added.

    He called for a general election \"so that every eligible Iraqi can choose someone to represent him at the constitutional convention that will write the constitution. Then there must be a public referendum. It is incumbent upon all believers to demand the realisation of this important matter, and to join together in achieving it,\" he said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Bureaucrash / About

    Welcome to Bureaucrash!

    Bureaucrash is an international network of activists of all political persuasions who believe that bloated, sprawling governments and the bureaucrats and politicians who control them ought to be mocked. Mercilessly.

    Why? Because when governments grow, our freedom to live our lives as we see fit shrinks. Every time a new law is passed, some bureaucrat squirreled away in a cubicle somewhere gets more power to make decisions for us. And because the vast majority of people have no idea of the lives and freedoms crushed every time the government’s power grows.

    We believe that, only by spreading information about this absurd arrangement can the sprawling bureaucracy be leashed and our fundamental freedoms restored.

    On this site you’ll find four types of resources to help you do Bureaucrash style activism. Each of these types has a symbol associated it for easy navigation:

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