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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Diplomat: U.S. knew uranium report was false

    Monday, July 7, 2003 Posted: 0740 GMT ( 3:40 PM HKT)

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A former U.S. diplomat said Sunday he told the Bush administration that Iraq had not tried to buy uranium from Niger in the late 1990s to develop nuclear weapons.

    Former Ambassador to Gabon Joseph Wilson told NBC\'s \"Meet the Press\" he informed the CIA and the State Department that such information was false months before U.S. and British officials used it during the debate that led to war.

    During his State of the Union address in January, two months before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, President Bush accused Iraq of trying to buy \"significant quantities of uranium\" from an unnamed African country. He cited British intelligence, which had published a similar report in September 2002.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Plans for \'£40 ID cards\'

    ID cards are widespread in EU

    People aged over 16 in the UK may soon have to pay nearly £40 for a compulsory identity card, it is being reported.

    In a leaked letter to Cabinet ministers Home Secretary David Blunkett said he believed the case for a \"universal identity card in the UK\" was overwhelming, according to the Sunday Times.

    The cards would carry information identifying their owner - a fingerprint, for example, or a picture of their iris or other facial characteristics, the paper reports.

    Individuals would not have to carry the card at all times but would have produce it within a few days if asked to do so by police, the document says.

    The letter dated 25 June was officially addressed to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, as chairman of the domestic affairs cabinet committee, said the paper.

    It quotes Mr Blunkett as saying \"a highly organised minority\" would \"campaign vocally\" against the cards but that he believed the argument that ID cards would inhibit freedom was \"wrong.\"

    \"We are strengthened in our liberty if our identity is protected from theft; if we are able to access the services we are entitled to; and if our community is better protected from terrorists and organised criminals,\" he wrote.

    A total of 11 European Union member states already have identity cards.

    In the letter Mr Blunkett reportedly said he had already discussed the cost of the scheme with the Treasury.

    The cards would be free for people on low incomes or receiving benefits, for 16-year-olds and retired people above the age of 75.

    The rest of the population would pay £39 if the free and discounted cards were paid for out of taxation.



    Public oppose ID card scheme


    JAXXE --- ---
    V USA se zvolna šíří odpor proti zákonu Patriot Act

    Michael xChaos Polák

    s využitím internetových zdrojů

    Již 3 americké státy (Havaj, Aljaška a Vermont) a 130 amerických měst vydalo vyhlášky (či lokální legislativu), které místní správě zakazují spolupracovat s federální vládou ve věci vynucování kontroverzního \"protiteroristického\" zákona Patriot Act. Tento zákon se paralelně snaží bojkotovat i soukromé firmy.

    Reklama Reklama

    Jedním měst, kde občané sepisují petice proti omezování občanských svobod, je Mount Shasta v Kalifornii. Předsedou místního výboru občanských práv je tesař v důchodu a veterán amerického letectva Donald Nobach. Ten upozorňuje, že \"zákony přijaté po 11.září 2001 vytváří prostor pro vznik fašistické vlády, která nebude brát ohled na lidská práva\".

    Nicméně místní policejní velitel v Mount Shasta prohlásil, že bude případné příkazy městské rady ignorovat, a bude spolupracovat s federálními orgány, pokud ho o to požádají. Tvrdí, že musí především dodržovat americkou ústavu a zákony, že je nemůže porušovat jen proto, že ho o to požádá městská rada.

    Hnutí v Mount Shasta je součástí celonárodního odporu proti zákonu Patriot Act, který má sloužit ke shormážďování informací použitelných v boji proti terorismu a který platí již 20 měsíců.

    Senátorka Barbara Boxer předložila návrh pozměňovacího zákona, který by zakázal alespoň získávání informací o klientech knihoven a knihkupectví. Původně bylo možné podobné informace získávat pouze na soudní příkaz, a součásná právní úprava vyvolala značný odpor ze strany knihkupců a jejich zákazníků.

    Naopak americké ministerstvo spravedlnosti se připravuje navrhnout tzv. Domestic Security Enhancement Act, který pravomoci zaručené zákonem Patriot Act ještě výrazně posílí. Odpůrci tohoto nového zákona se už rekrutují napříč celým politickým spektrem, od krajní pravice a sdružení majitelů střelných zbraní po bojovníky za občanská práva.

    Místní občanské hnutí v Mount Shasta navrhovalo městské radě také přijetí vyhlášky proti válce v Iráku, ale tu neprosadilo, protože podle městské rady nejde o místní záležitost. Bill Pieruccini, velitel policie v Mount Shasta, je možná i proto poněkud skeptický, co se týče podobných aktivit. Je si jist, že rozdělení moci v USA je vyvážené, a že případy souzené podle zákona Patriot Act skončí před Nejvyšším soudem. Chce se proto ve věci omezení ústavních práv zákonem Patriot Act podřídit jedině rozhodnutím tohoto soudu.

    Jiní nemají takovou důvěru v americkou Ústavu a soudní system. Bear Pond Books, knikupectví ve Vermontu, už vyhlásilo, že na požádání smaže záznamy o koupi knih individuálními zákazníky. Tm pádem neposkytne vyšetřovatelům žádné údaje o zakoupených knihách: nebude těmito údaji disponovat.

    Státní zástupce Peter Hall ovšem zpochybnil možnost, že by tyto informace po knihkupcích vůbec kdy někdo šel. Podle něj by k tomu došlo pouze ve velice vyjímečných případech. Zároveň ale potvrdil, že knihkupci nemají povinnost archivovat jakékoliv záznamy o prodaných knihách - s výjimkou případu, kdy jsou tyto informace hledány na základě soudního příkazu.

    Spory o zpřístupnění záznamů o prodeji knih přitom i před přijetím zákona Patriot Act v USA často končily před soudem.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Guantánamo: přiznejte se, nebo zemřete


    \"Cokoliv jakákoliv lidská bytost řekne či přizná pod hrozbou brutality je mezinárodně i v jednotlivých zemích považováno za bezcenné. Je to zneužitím právních procesů. Moazzam Begg byl zadržován rok na základě v Bagramu a pak šest měsíců v Guantánamo. Kdyby s ním takto zacházeli pouhou hodinu na britské policejní stanici, takto získané důkazy by byly bezcenné.\"

    Dva britští občané, zadržovaní v táboře v zálivu Guantánamo, dostanou volbu: přiznejte se a budete odsouzeni k trestu vězení 20 let. Pokud se nepřiznáte a tajný americký vojenský tribunál vás shledá vinnými, budete odsouzeni k smrti.

    Americké právní kruhy \"blízké tomuto procesu\" konstatovaly, že účelem tohoto dilematu je přimět vězně v zálivu Guantánamo k co největší spolupráci s úřady.

    Britský ministr zahraničí Jack Straw zamýšlí naléhat na amerického ministra zahraničí Colina Powella, aby byli oba Britové vráceni do Británie, kde by byli souzeni podle anglického práva. S podporou ministra vnitra Davida Blunketta dá Straw Powellovi najevo, že se britská vláda staví proti trestu smrti a přeje si, aby byli oba muži souzeni \"podle normálních soudních praktik\".

    Britští právníci, zastupující Moazzama Begga, 35, z Birmingamu a Feroze Abassiho, 23, z Croydonu, konstatovali, že přiznání získaná při zadržování mužů na základně Bagram v Afghánistánu a v zálivu Guantánamo na Kubě, aniž by byli z čehokoliv obžalováni a aniž by měli přístup k právníkům, nemají žádný status podle mezinárodního práva a u britských soudů by byla nepřípustná.

    \"Cokoliv jakákoliv lidská bytost řekne či přizná pod hrozbou brutality je mezinárodně i v jednotlivých zemích považováno za bezcenné. Je to zneužitím právních procesů. Moazzam Begg byl zadržován rok na základě v Bagramu a pak šest měsíců v Guantánamo. Kdyby s ním takto zacházeli pouhou hodinu na britské policejní stanici, takto získané důkazy by byly bezcenné,\" konstatoval Gareth Peirce, právní zástupced Moazzama Begga.

    Stephen Jacobi z organizace Fair Trials Abroad, která stojí v čele kampaně za oba muže, konstatoval: \"Jsme znepokojeni, že nebude možno zkoumat důkazy, vznesené proti těmto lidem. Americké ministerstvo obrany ze sebe udělalo zároveň žalobce, soudce i obhájce a samo si vytvořilo pravidla pro proces. To je naprosto jasně nespravedlivý soud.\"

    Beggova rodina je přesvědčena, že Begga unesly americké úřady z Pákistánu. Byl odvezen do Bagramu na základě podezření, že poskytoval peníze organizaci al Kajda. Posléze byl odvezen do Guantánama. Ode dne svého zatčení nedostal právo spojit se s právníkem.

    I podle amerických právních odborníků nebude tento vojenský soud spravedlivý. Mimo jiné si americké úřady osobují právo nahrávat si rozhovory mezi obžalovaným a obhájcem, i když tyto rozhovory nebudou použity při procesu.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Manufacturing ‘Terror’


    The occupation of Iraq is a perfect example of this process at work. Driven initially by fine words about ‘human rights’ and ‘democracy’ and the need for ‘nation-building’, none of which has come to pass, nor is there any likelyhood of any of this happening, we now see the rationale shifting as the ruling elite, caught up in its own ill-conceived propaganda war, now forced to admit that it’s going to be in Iraq as an occupier for an indeterminate period of time, perhaps several years, ultimately, for \"as long as it takes\". Eventually, all pretence at establishing ‘democracy’ will be quietly dropped as real politik dominates and the larger and longer term interests of US imperialism emerge, in fact, will be impossible to hide. Once a puppet regime is installed, regardless of the lengths the USUK go to in order to create the illusion of a genuinely representative government, it will be clear to all, that as with every other compliant regime installed by the imperialists over the last century or so, that its freedom and ability to actually represent the real interests of the Iraqi people will be severely limited. Indeed, it’s unlikely that anything close to a so-called liberal democracy can be imposed on Iraq, even with the best of intentions. Even worse, is the arrogant and racist assumption that we have the right to do so.

    Finally, as it’s unlikely that the ‘international terror network’ will ever be uncovered, as it’s not at all clear that it actually exists anyway, at least not in the way it’s described in the propaganda war, the imperialist agenda is bound to unravel. It is after all, taking place in the context of a global crisis that encompasses the economy, political legitimacy and the impending environmental catastrophe, which unless confronted on a global level threatens us all. As time passes, it will be harder and harder to hide the reality of our situation. Lies and propaganda have a finite lifetime. Sooner or later, they will cease to work, as the underlying reality replaces the illusions.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The first letters from Briton facing the death penalty at Camp X-Ray

    By Neil Mackay and Felicity Arbuthnot

    THEY are the first letters to see the outside world from the 21st century\'s Devil\'s Island -- the US military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

    These 10 letters in neat, cramped handwriting from Moazzam Begg to his family back home in suburban Birmingham tell exactly what life is like inside the world\'s most feared prison -- Camp X-Ray.

    Begg, who is 35, has been detained without charge since January 2001, has faced gruelling interrogations, been denied access to lawyers, confined in brutal conditions and now awaits a military tribunal which could well result in a short trip to a custom-built death house for execution.

    On Thursday, 4 July (American Independence Day and the day before Begg\'s birthday), President Bush ordered that Begg and five other men, including another Briton -- Feroz Abbasi, 23, from London -- would be the first detainees to face military tribunals.

    Washington is now facing international criticism over its use of military tribunals which are held in secret and presided over by high-ranking US soldiers. There is no guaranteed right to appeal.

    Detainees are kept in wood and steel mesh cages, partially exposed to the elements. The world was shocked when the first pictures of Camp X-Ray emerged, showing detainees bound hand and foot and wearing blacked-out goggles. Some were stretchered into the camp, which has been labelled degrading and inhuman.

    Begg, detainee number JJJEEHH 160, says in his letters that he mostly writes at night, \'which is usually when I cannot sleep because of thinking and worrying all the time, and the heat and the bright lights\'. He has four children by his Palestinian wife, Sally. His youngest son Ibrahim was born while he was in custody.

    In one letter to his wife, Begg writes: \'These past few weeks have been more depressing than usual, especially since the birth of our son ... time is dragging on so slowly ... I still don\'t know what will happen with me, where I will go and when -- even after all this time. There is nothing here to do to occupy time, except read the Koran .

    \'There are many rules here which do not make the wait any easier. The food has been the same for five and half months and most of the time I am hungry. I miss your cooking so much.\'

    Under what appear to be the black lines of a US military censor\'s pen can be read the words: \'I realise I am paying a big price for all the times I have been ungrateful in general and to you in particular.\' The letter then ends: \'The most difficult thing in my life is being away from you and the kids, and being patient. I miss you and love you so much.\'

    Begg\'s father, Azmat, insists his son is not a terrorist. Ironically, Begg, who owned a bookshop in Birmingham, spent his formative years at a Jewish school and still has many Jewish friends. According to Azmat, a retired bank manager, his son was moved by the plight of the Afghani people and in 2001 travelled to Kabul with his family to start a school for basic education and provide water pumps.

    When the allied attack on Afghanistan began in October 2001, Begg and his family moved to Islamabad in Pakistan for safety. It was there that he was seized in January 2002 by Pakistani police and CIA officers, bundled into a back of a car and taken back to Kabul, where he was held in a windowless cellar at Bagram airbase for nearly a year. His family insist it\'s a case of mistaken identity. Intelligence agents targeted Begg because his name appears on a photo-copy of a money transfer found in an al-Qaeda training camp.

    Begg maintains his innocence in his letters home, saying: \'I believe that there has been a gross violation of my human rights, particularly to that right of freedom and innocence until proven guilty. After all this time I still don\'t know what crime I am supposed to have committed, for which not only I, but my wife and children should continually suffer for as a result.

    \'I am in a state of desperation and am beginning to lose the fight against depression and hopelessness .\'

    All of Begg\'s letters show that he rarely gets correspondence from his family, although he writes to them regularly. He continually blames \'the system\' for preventing him getting details about his legal status, his family and the outside world. One letter begins: \'I wrote to mum in July. I am not entirely surprised if you never received it, or even if you will get this one -- but here goes anyway.\'

    In that letter he writes : \'I am afraid that I spend much time sleeping -- often getting bored from just sitting or lying down.\' To counter the boredom, he reads the Koran, saying: \'I am also trying to to memorise the whole of the largest chapter.\'

    Although he appears reluctant to worry his family, he does write about some of the more unpleasant aspects of life in Camp X-Ray. \'The camel spider is the only 10-legged spider in the world, and, I believe, it is not an arachnid (technically not a spider). But it grows to bigger than the human hand-size, moves like a race-car and has a bite that causes flesh to decay if untreated. In the summer there were plenty here, running into cells and climbing over people; one person was bitten and had to be treated. Apart from that there is the usual melee of scorpions, beetles, mice and other insects.\'

    Another letter states: \'My routine is extremely mono-tonous ... Conversation with others is severely restricted but I do talk often to the guards.\'

    In the same letter, however, he shows that he still has a sense of humour in a sly side-swipe at his US captors: \'I had a discussion recently with someone about the USA\'s contribution to civilisation (after talking about Ancient Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China). I pondered for many hours, then came up with the answer: peanut butter (both smooth and crunchy) ... I have that every now and then and it tastes fairly good!\'

    Another letter describes how he has been given books to read, including the biography of Malcolm X, Black Hawk Down (the story of America\'s botched military involvement in Somalia), Churchill\'s life and books on the US Civil War, Vietnam and the War of Independence -- \'which\', Begg adds sarcastically, \'they won by sheer luck\'.

    Other letters are more poig-nant, with Begg asking his brothers to care for his wife and children -- who are now back in Britain -- and ensure they do well at school. \'Please help them in whatever way you can ... Don\'t let my children want for anything due to any financial problems.

    \'This is the hardest test I have had to face in my life,\' he tells his father, \'and I hope I have not caused you too much distress, but I will pass this test by the will of Allah and your prayers.\'

    His last letter in January this year ends: \'I don\'t know what is going on about my case, but I think it won\'t be resolved any time shortly. I am mostly kept in the dark and nobody seems to know. Please write back.\'

    Begg\'s father Azmat, who proudly recounts the fact that all his family served in the British army, says his grandchildren are distraught at their father\'s disappearance.

    Azmat and the rest of the family have been refused visas to travel to America in order to ask questions about their son\'s case. He also accused the Foreign Office of failing to help.

    \' I feel now he will comply with whatever he is told,\' said Azmat. \'In his most recent letter he said that he will \'make a decision which will affect the entire family\'. We cannot guess what he means, but I am afraid he could do anything -- he has nothing in him left.\'

    06 July 2003

    JAXXE --- ---


    List of Journalists Who Died in Iraq

    IRONIC --- ---
    Ja su pako. Uz mito docvaklo - dobrej joke... , uz asi moc pracuju, jeste ze je patek...
    JAXXE --- ---
    je to joke... ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    ... no vsak prave - zkus si to precist znova...

    IRONIC --- ---
    ... no vsak prave - zkus si to otevrit znova...
    JAXXE --- ---
    ironic: me vyjel tenhle link

    IRONIC --- ---
    K tomu weapons of m.d. & I\'m feeling lucky - tím výsledkem má být toto?:

    These Weapons of Mass Destruction cannot be displayed. The weapons
    you are looking for are currently unavailable. The country might ...
    Popis: Politically (in-)correct 404 error message.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The \'War on Terrorism\' clearly equates to a smoke screen that masks a hidden agenda. The evidence for this observation can be found within this website in the form of mainstream news web articles, video, audio, leaked & declassified documents and various maps & charts. Use the links in the left column to see for yourself.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Americans Target of Largest Media Brainwashing Campaign in History

    by Lonnie Wolfe
    Printed in the American Almanac, September, 2001.
    End of Page

    Introduction: Are You Brainwashed?

    Are you brainwashed? What about some of your neighbors, are they brainwashed? Before you answer, let us ask you a few questions. Do you believe that the United States was struck by a terrorist attack on Sept. 11? Do think that the people behind that attack were ``Arabs\'\' and that its ``mastermind\'\' was this fellow Osama bin Laden, operating from the cave of Afghanistan? Do you believe that the way to stop terrorism is to hit them hard, to hit them at their ``bases\'\' in such places as Afghanistan, and to hit the nation\'s that might sponsor them, like, say Iraq? And what about the economy, do you think that the recent fall of the stock market and the weakness in the economy have been caused by the Sept. 11 attacks? Well, if you answered yes to any of these questions, you probably are brainwashed? If you answered yes to more than one, you are definitely a ``goner.\'\'

    But, you, reply, is that what most people think? Wouldn\'t they answer those questions the same way as I do? Well, the answer to that is yes. But, we would remind you that just because the majority of people might believe something to be true, doesn\'t make it true. All it means is that you and most of your neighbors are suffering from a mass delusion-- or put, more bluntly, you are brainwashed. So the question is, really how did you get this way? How did you come to believe things like those statements in the first questions were true. ``Well, I heard it on... Well, I saw it on...Well, I read it in...\'\' You needn\'t bother finishing those statements; we can do it for you: you, and your neighbors were told, read, or saw the ``truth\'\' by the media.

    The American media, which is so proud of calling itself ``free\'\' and has been patting itself on it back for the wonderful job it has done for all us during and after Sept. 11, is the largest, most expensive mass brainwashing machine ever assembled in human history. It is a machine that so completely brainwashes the hundreds of millions of American people that the Nazi\'s infamous propaganda minister Josef Goebbels would be envious.

    Here are the simple facts of the Sept. 11, the essential facts. According to Democratic Presidential pre-candidate Lyndon LaRouche, whose assessment is shared by many competent specialists on terrorism in this country and around the world, what took place was not a terrorist attack, but strategic, covert special-operation organized to have the appearance of a ``terrorist\'\' attack. Mr. LaRouche and others concur that both its scope, and the extent of the cover-up and misdirection, that such operation could not have been organized by any Arab terrorist networks or terrorist cells, or by an Arab or Middle Eastern state, or any combination of the above; it had to be organized from within the United States, with the participation and connivance of a rogue network within the Anglo-American intelligence and establishment.

    As with any such covert-special operation, there is a psychological warfare component intended to maximize the effectiveness against a targetted enemy, to confuse that enemy and misdirect him. In the case of the Sept. 11 operation, the targetted enemy is the population of the United States and its constitutional government. The ``psywar\'\' component of the operation is being carried out by the American media machine, with the intent of those behind the ongoing operation-- a coup against our constitutional government-- to brainwash the American people.

    Does that mean that the leaderships of the American media are involved in the operation; no, it doesn\'t work that way. As EIR has explained and documented in a 1997 special report, the U.S. media is controlled and run as a cartel by the Anglo-American establishment. As such, it routinely serves the interest of that establishment, reporting what it wants and suppressing whit it doesn\'t want reported, or slanting reporting to conceal reality. Thus, the media\'s performance before, during and after Sept. 11 could be prediscounted by those who planned the operation, so as to become a feature of it; it were merely required to insert certain specific ``psyops\'\' content into this media brainwashing apparatus for it to be spread far and wide with the desired effects on you and your neighbors.

    The brainwashing methods are relatively simple and classic. First, use the terror itself to put people into a state of shock, making them more susceptible to suggestion. Then resort to the ``Big Lie\'\' technique to hammer home repeatedly your psywar message--those affirmative answers to the questions we first asked. And most importantly, lie by suppressing all counter-evidence, by refusing to report anything that might point to the assessment shared by Mr. LaRouche and others: the cover-up. All this has been done, along with initial softening of the population to the mass delusional suggestion of the enemy image and the alleged capabilities and motivations of the so-called terrorists, prior to the launching of the attack itself.

    Don\'t be so hasty in dismissing the possibility of your own brainwashing. The enemy knows your profile and uses it. Doesn\'t that make you a bit mad-- maybe for the right reasons, for the first time in a few weeks.

    Our report below is designed to give you a view from inside this brainwashing process, to see how it has worked on you and your neighbors. And, while we can\'t yet say who precisely is behind what was done to this country-- is still being done-- we can show you how they think ablout brainwahsing and use your weaknesses against you.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Programme Information
    Club Class
    BBC Radio 4 FM

    Thu 3 Jul, 20:00 - 20:30 30 mins

    The Bilderberg Group has been called the most exclusive, and secretive club in the world. To be admitted, you have to run a multinational bank, a giant corporation or a country. Since its first meeting in 1953, it has been attended by every British Prime Minister. But until now its very existence has been shrouded in secrecy.

    Simon Cox investigates the hidden world of the Bilderberg Group. Is it the anti-democratic conspiracy that its critics allege or just a private meeting to help foster global understanding?

    Subject: Factual; Documentaries


    JAXXE --- ---
    hledejte na google weapons of mass destruction a zmacknete \"i am feeling lucky\" ;))
    JAXXE --- ---
    cela kniha tady:







    Chapter 1: Opening Statement

    Chapter 2: The Dancing Israelis

    Chapter 3:: Zionism and World War I

    Chapter 4: Zionism and World War II

    Chapter 5 Great Britain’s Turn to be Betrayed

    Chapter 6: America Becomes The Zionists’ Main Whore

    Chapter 7: Zionist Power Structure in America

    Chapter 8: The Butcher Sharon

    Chapter 9: Advance Warnings

    Chapter 10: The September 11 Dance Party

    Chapter 11: Who Was Really Flying Those Planes?

    Chapter 12: Who Provided Protective Cover for the 9-11 Operation?

    Chapter 13: The Curious Collapse of the Twin Towers and WTC # 7

    Chapter 14: Miracle of Passover

    Chapter 15: Framing Bin Laden

    Chapter 16: Hundreds of Mossad Agents Running Wild in America!

    Chapter 17: Whistleblowers, Whistleblowers, Whistleblowers

    Chapter 18: Foxman’s Famous Flunkies

    Chapter 19: The Anthrax Letters: Yet Another Anti-Arab Frame-up

    Chapter 20: The Cult of Christian Zionism

    Chapter 21: Follow the Phony Trail: Deductive Logic Reveals True Culprits

    Chapter 22: Zionists Want to Trick America into World War III

    Chapter 23: Is America Becoming a Police State?

    Chapter 24: Closing Arguments & Quote from George Washington

    JAXXE --- ---
    must read... na originalni strance i linky na zdroje


    CHAPTER 10


    Let us review what we have learned. We have clearly established that Zionists played a key role in steering the US into two World Wars. We have clearly established that Zionists do not care if Americans (or others) are killed to further their goals. We have clearly established that Zionists have a record of attacking Americans in order to frame Arabs. We have established that the Zionists are capable of acts of unspeakable brutality and genocide. We have established that US politicians fear the Zionist Mafia and defy them at their own peril. We have learned that warnings of a suicidal hijacking plot were issued to several people.

    And most importantly of all, we have clearly established that the Zionists have the capacity to make these amazing stories suddenly disappear from their controlled media even after the stories initially penetrated their own screens.

    Having established these precedents, we can now easily deduce that the reason why those five dancing Israeli agents who celebrated the 9-11 attacks were so happy is because they knew that Americans would now become unconditional supporters of their \"Israeli ally\" and fanatical haters of Muslims, Palestinians, and other Arabs.

    On the day of the attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attack would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was:

    \"It\'s very good…(then he caught himself and added):….Well, it\'s not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy for Israel\" (1) (emphasis added)

    Not only did the attacks generate immediate sympathy for Israel, but they also generated immediate and intense hatred for Arabs and Muslims. In the days following 9-11, there were numerous cases of violent attacks (in some cases murderous!) against innocent Muslims. Incited to hatred by the Zionist media, violent and ignorant American lemmings even attacked (and in one case killed!) Indian Hindus!

    The five Israeli army veterans (Mossad) made quite a public spectacle. Police had received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming that “middle-eastern” men with a white van were celebrating and filming the disaster. Witnesses saw them celebrating at Liberty State Park after the initial impact. Later on, other witnesses saw them celebrating on a roof in Weehawken, and still more witnesses later saw them celebrating in a Jersey City parking lot. But the one call in particular that led authorities to actually close down all New York bridges and tunnels came from a mysterious anonymous caller. This mystery caller told the 9-1-1 dispatcher that a group of Palestinians were mixing a bomb inside of a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel. Here’s the transcript from NBC News:

    Dispatcher: Jersey City police.
    Caller: Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like Palestinians and going around a building.
    Caller: There\'s a minivan heading toward the Holland tunnel, I see the guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniform.
    Dispatcher: He has what?
    Caller: He\'s dressed like an Arab. (emphasis added) (2)

    (*Writer’s note: Why would this mystery caller specifically say that these “Arabs” were Palestinians”? How would he know that? Palestinians usually dress in western style clothes, not “sheikh uniforms“)

    Based on that phone call, police then issued a “Be-on-the-Lookout” alert for a white mini-van heading for the city’s bridges and tunnels from New Jersey. When a van fitting that exact description was stopped just before crossing into New York, the suspicious “middle-easterners” were apprehended. Imagine the surprise of the police officers when these terror suspects turned out to be Israelis!

    According to ABC’s 20/20, when the van belonging to the cheering Israelis was stopped by the police, the first words out of the driver\'s (Sivan Kurzberg) lying mouth were:

    \"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem.\" (3)

    The police and FBI field agents really became suspicious when they found box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. (4) Israeli Army Radio later reported that a white van with a bomb was stopped as it approached the George Washington Bridge. Here’s what the Jerusalem Post reported on September 12, 2001:

    “American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge…..

    “The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported.” (5) Jerusalem Post, September 12, 2001, Car Bomb found on George Washington Bridge

    The Israeli Army Radio would have known about such a plot because Israeli Army veterans (Mossad) were the plotters! Of course, Army Radio did not reveal the true ethnicity of the suspects. The listeners are left to assume that the detained bombers were Arabs. What\'s really intriguing is that ABC\'s 20/20, (6) the New York Post, (7) and the New Jersey Bergen Record (8) all clearly and unambiguously reported that a white van with Israelis was intercepted on a ramp near Route 3, which leads directly to the Lincoln Tunnel.

    But the Israeli Army Radio & Jerusalem Post (see # 5), Israeli National News (Arutz Sheva) (9) , and Yediot America, (10) all reported, just as clearly and unambiguously, that a white van with Israelis was stopped on a ramp leading to the George Washington Bridge, which is several miles north of the Lincoln Tunnel.

    It appears as if there may actually have been two white vans involved, one stopped on each crossing. This would not only explain the conflicting reports as to the actual location of the arrests, but would also explain how so many credible eye-witnesses all saw celebrating \"middle-easterners\" in a white van in so many different locations. It also explains why the New York Post and Steve Gordon (lawyer for the 5 Israelis) originally described how three Israelis were arrested but later increased the total to five. Perhaps one van was meant to drop off a bomb while the other was meant to pick up the first set of drivers while re-crossing back into New Jersey? If a van was to be used as a parked time-bomb on the GW Bridge, then certainly the drivers would need to have a \"get-away van\" to pick them up and escape. And notice how the van (or vans) stayed away from the third major crossing -the Holland Tunnel- which was where the police had originally been directed to by that anti-Palestinian 9-1-1 \"mystery caller\". A classic misdirection play.

    From there, the story gets becomes even more suspicious. The Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems. An American employee of Urban Moving Systems told the Bergen Record that a majority of his co-workers were Israelis and they were all joking about the attacks. The employee, who declined to give his name said: \"I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me.\" (11)

    A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System\'s Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country for Israel. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System\'s customers were left with their furniture stranded in storage facilities. (12) It was later confirmed that the five Israeli army veterans were in fact Mossad agents (13) They were held in custody for several months before being quietly released. Some of the movers had been kept in solitary confinement for 40 days. (14)

    It doesn’t take Sherlock Holmes to put together the dots of the dancing Israeli MOSSAD agents and logically deduce the truth. Here is the most logical scenario:

    * 1. The Israeli “movers” cheered the 9-11 attacks to celebrate the successful accomplishment of the greatest spy operation ever pulled off in world history.
    * 2. One of them, or an accomplice, then calls a 9-1-1 police dispatcher to report Palestinian bomb-makers in a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel.
    * 3. Having thus pre-framed the Palestinians with this phone call, the Israeli bombers then head for the George Washington Bridge instead, where they will drop off their time-bomb van and escape with Urban Moving accomplices.
    * 4. But the police react very wisely and proactively by closing off ALL bridges and tunnels instead of just the Holland Tunnel. This move inadvertently foils the Israelis’ misdirection play and leads to their own capture and 40 day torture.
    * 5. To cover up this story, the U.S. Justice Department rounds up over 1000 Arabs for minor immigration violations and places them in New York area jails. The Israelis therefore become less conspicuous as the government and media can now claim that the Israelis were just immigration violators caught in the same dragnet as many other Arabs.
    * 6. After several months, FBI and Justice Department “higher-ups” are able to gradually push aside the local FBI agents and free the Israelis quietly.

    The Zionist controlled media ignored this Israeli connection. Immediately following the 9-11 attacks, the media was filled with stories linking the attacks to Bin Laden. TV talking-heads, “experts”, and scribblers of every stripe spoon-fed a gullible American public a steady diet of the most outrageous propaganda imaginable. We were told that the reason Bin Laden attacked the USA was because he hates our “freedom” and “democracy”. The Muslims were “medieval” and they wanted to destroy us because they envied our wealth, were still bitter about the Crusades, and were offended by Britney Spears shaking her tits and ass all over the place! Amazingly, millions of media-addicted Americans actually swallowed this fallacious fecal matter about some “Clash of Civilizations!”

    But Bin Laden strongly denied any role in the attacks and suggested that Zionists orchestrated the 9-11 attacks. The BBC published Bin Laden\'s statement of denial in which he said:

    \"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks....The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States. \" (15)

    You never heard that quote on your nightly newscast did you?! Though the New York Times did publish parts of that interview, the above quote was censored out by Zionist Arthur Sulzberger\'s elitist propaganda sheet. To date, the only shred of “evidence” to be uncovered against Bin Laden was a highly suspicious, barely audible, fuzzy amateur video, that the Zionist dominated Pentagon just happened to find \"lying around\" in Afghanistan. How very convenient! Though there is no evidence, be it hard or circumstantial, to link the Al Qaeda \"terrorist network\" to these acts of terror; there is in fact a mountain of evidence, both hard and circumstantial, which suggests that the Zionist Mafia has been very busy framing Arabs for terror plots against America.




    DECEMBER 7,1941 SEPTEMBER 11, 2001



    JAXXE --- ---
    There is no longer any serious doubt that Bush administration officials deceived us into war. The key question now is why so many influential people are in denial, unwilling to admit the obvious...But even people who aren\'t partisan Republicans shy away from confronting the administration\'s dishonest case for war, because they don\'t want to face the implications...

    After all, suppose a politician - or a journalist - admits to himself that Mr. Bush bamboozled the nation into war. Well, launching a war on false pretenses is, to say the least a breach of trust. So if you admit to yourself that such a thing happened, you have a moral obligation to demand accountability - and to do so in the face not only of a powerful, ruthless political machine but in the face of a country not yet ready to believe that its leaders have exploited 9/11 for political gain. It\'s a scary prospect.

    Yet, if we can\'t find people willing to take the risk - to face the truth and act on it - what will happen to our democracy?

    Paul Krugman, The New York Times, June 24, 2003

    July 1, 2003 1600 PDT (FTW) -- Let\'s just suppose for a moment that George W. Bush was removed from the White House. Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz and Rove too. What would that leave us with? It would leave us stuck in hugely expensive, Vietnam-like guerrilla wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It would leave us with the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and Total Information Awareness snooping into every detail of our lives. It would leave us with a government in violation of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th and 8th Amendments to the Constitution. It would leave us with a massive cover-up of US complicity in the attacks of 9/11 that, if fully admitted, would show not intelligence \"failures\" but intelligence crimes, approved and ordered by the most powerful people in the country. It would leave us with a government that now has the power to compel mass vaccinations on pain of imprisonment or fine, and with no legal ability to sue the vaccine makers who killed our friends or our children. It would leave us with two and half million unemployed; the largest budget deficits in history; more than $3.3 trillion missing from the Department of Defense; and state and local governments broke to the point of having to cut back essential services like sewers, police, and fire. It would leave us with a federal government that had hit the debt ceiling and was unable to borrow any more money. And we would still be facing a looming natural gas crisis of unimagined proportions, and living on a planet that is slowly realizing that it is running out of oil with no \"Plan B\". Our airports however, would be very safe, and shares of Halliburton, Lockheed and DynCorp would be paying excellent dividends.

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