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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Your Gateway to Understanding the world system, American Foreign Policy, and the Arab and Muslim Worlds ...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Defector to Bush officials: Strike N. Korea before it\'s too late

    Saturday, July 12, 2003

    WASHINGTON — A North Korean defector now living in Japan came to Washington this week with an urgent message.

    In a meeting with White House officials, he called for a pre-emptive strike on \"selected targets\" in North Korea before the Kim Jong-il regime succeeds in arming its missiles with miniaturized nuclear warheads.

    \"As we have witnessed in recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the only effective measure against terrorists is a pre-emptive strike,\"
    said Park Gap Dong. Park met early this week with officials of the President\'s National Security Council and spoke at a luncheon meeting of the American Foreign Policy Council on July 9.

    JAXXE --- ---
    jeste vcera / JAXXE --- --- 11:55:14 11.7.2003 / tam psali ze info bylo \"false\" dneska uz jen \"dubious\"


    JAXXE --- ---
    Black Box In Your Car: Safety Device Or Snitch?

    Consumers Rarely Told About Monitoring Device

    POSTED: 8:51 a.m. CDT July 11, 2003
    UPDATED: 8:56 a.m. CDT July 11, 2003
    CHICAGO -- There\'s a good chance there is a black box in your car if it was made within the past several years, Target 5\'s Lisa Parker reported.

    black box\"And it landed there with very little discussion about privacy,\" Parker said.

    The device is designed to help police determine who\'s at fault in an accident, Parker said, and to help prosecutors go after negligent drivers. At crash scenes, important questions about what happened and how it happened often go unanswered, Parker said.

    \"But that may be about to change,\" Parker said. \"Tucked under car seats and mounted in dashboards of millions of cars on the road today is a little-known device tracking a car\'s every move.\"

    This \"added extra\" is sparking some controversy, with wide-ranging opinions.

    Originally installed by automakers to monitor air bag activity, today\'s \"black box\" can do much more. Some models track how fast a motorist is driving, when a driver hits the brakes, and if a driver is wearing a seat belt. Certain models only activate right before a crash. Others monitor conditions constantly but rerecord information every five seconds.

    \"It doesn\'t tell the whole story,\" Toni DiViesti, of Dynamic Safety, said. \"It\'s just a piece of the puzzle.\"

    Parker said the black box was not designed with police or attorneys in mind; carmakers made them to gather crash information and improve vehicle safety.

    \"The data that can be provided through event data recorders can be very very helpful in making sure that the systems are working as intended,\" said Phil Haseltine, of the Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety

    Black boxes are not new to automomakers, Parker said. General Motors has been installing the devices for years -- as early as 1994. Ford, Toyota and Honda also use them.

    \"But consumers are just now getting wind of the devices-- and here\'s the sticky part,\" Parker said. \"Data from black boxes is making its way into court cases across the country. And almost invariably, the information recorded is used against the driver -- a driver who, in many cases, had no idea the box was even in the car.\"


    JAXXE --- ---

    V padající budově zalezte pod stůl, radí Američanům příručka

    Newyorčané jsou připraveni čelit útokům teroristů; pomůže jim v tom nová příručka.

    Když se za studené války Američanům radilo, aby se při výbuchu atomové bomby schovali pod stůl, stal se z dobře míněné rady populární žert. Po 50 letech, v době nebezpečí masivního teroristického útoku se obyvatelům New Yorku dostává do rukou příručka s radami pro případ atentátů. Jednou ze základních rad je schovat se pod stůl, píše agentura Reuters.
    11.7. 10:10

    NEW YORK - Ve čtvrtek byla obyvatelům New Yorku představena brožura, která je chce stručně a jasně poučit, jak se chovat při nejrůznějších katastrofách, od zemětřesení přes tornáda, záplavy, teroristické útoky a zřícené budovy po chemický útok. Je to první brožura tohoto druhu od 60. let.
    Zalezte pod stůl

    \"Jste-li v budově, která padá, co nejrychleji a v klidu ji opusťte. Jestliže to není možné, schovejte se pod pevný stůl,\" praví jedna z prvních rad.

    Dál čtou zřejmě jen Newyorčané, kteří věří, že se takto mohli zachránit lidé, kteří byli v řítících se dvojčatech v roce 2001. A dovědí se, že v případě, že se octnou ohroženi radiací, \"mají jít ven, jsou-li v budově, a dovnitř, jsou-li venku\".

    Hovořte o terorismu s přáteli

    V kapitolce věnované terorismu jsou nabádáni, aby nešířili poplašné zprávy, nebrali balíčky od neznámých osob a byli mimořádně obezřetní, přijdou-li do styku s dopisy nebo balíčky pokrytými neznámým práškem. A protože je zkušenost s teroristickým útokem velmi stresující, doporučuje se \"pohovořit si o tom otevřeně s příbuznými či přáteli\". A pak je také třeba jíst zdravě, cvičit a hodně spát.

    Sbírejte hovínka po svých psech

    Opomenuti nezůstali ani čtyřnozí miláčci. Pro případ útoku je třeba připravit si po vzoru rodiček odcházejících do porodnice balíček nejpotřebnějších věcí pro pejska. Jednou ze sedmi citovaných je igelitový sáček, do něhož je třeba za každých okolností sbírat psí výkaly.

    572 tisíc kusů brožurek s názvem New York připraven: Průvodce připravenosti pro domácnosti distribuují knihovny, radnice a komunitární střediska. Text v angličtině, španělštině, čínštině, haitské kreolštině, korejštině, arabštině a ruštině je zveřejněn také na internetu. Starosta Michael Bloomberg se domnívá, že by \"tohoto zdroje neocenitelných informací měli využít všichni Newyorčané\".



    JAXXE --- ---
    Freed Guantanamo Prisoner Demands $10.4M

    AP | 7/10/03

    Posted on 07/10/2003 1:38 AM PDT by kattracks

    The Associated Press

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan July 10 —

    A Pakistani man who was released after 10 months at the U.S. detention center on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba is demanding $10.4 million for suffering he claims he endured at the hands of his American guards.

    Mohammed Sanghir said he was caged in a tiny cell, kept in solitary confinement for days, and unwillingly given alcohol-laced drinks during his 10 months at the prison. He was freed last November, the first Pakistani released from the prison that now holds about 600 inmates.

    \"They said, \'You are innocent,\'\" Sanghir told The AP at the time at his home in northwest Pakistan. \"They didn\'t say sorry. They just said, \'You can go home.\'\"

    Sanghir\'s legal notice, served by Pakistan lawyer Mohammed Ikram Chaudhry in Rawalpindi to the U.S. Embassy, was seen Wednesday by The Associated Press.

    It claims that Sanghir \"suffered mental shock, financial loss, physical victimization, estrangement and religious victimization\" while in American custody at Guantanamo.

    He wants $10 million for mental agony and another $400,000 for debts incurred by his family while he was in jail and damage to his sawmill business, it said.

    The notice demands a reply within four weeks. If he doesn\'t get any compensation, Chaudhry said a lawsuit would be filed in either a U.S. or Pakistani court or both.

    Sanghir said after he was released that his U.S. captors promised him $2,000 in compensation when he got off the plane in Pakistan but that he received only $100.

    For two months, he tried to get the rest of his money. In December, he threatened to go to court.

    Chaudhry said he had mailed the legal notice to the U.S. Embassy in the capital, Islamabad, on Wednesday and that it named the State Department, Defense Department and Justice Department.

    Sanghir was arrested in northern Afghanistan along with thousands of Taliban fighters. Sanghir said he was in northern Kunduz province preaching Islam when fighting broke out, and had arrived in Afghanistan three months before Sept. 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.

    While being held in northern Afghanistan, Sanghir said he was herded into overcrowded prisons and denied food.

    When U.S.-led forces gained control of southern Kandahar in Afghanistan, Sanghir and several others were transferred there.

    Sanghir\'s notice says he spent \"18 days ... in Kandahar where Americans were in complete charge of the camp. They shaved the head, beard and mustaches of all the prisoners.\"

    It says he and others were not allowed to sleep or pray and were \"kept in (an) inhuman environment.\"

    \"Others were made to stand in the cold winter outside and asked questions about al-Qaida, Taliban and Osama bin Laden,\" it said.

    Sanghir was taken to Guantanamo Bay in shackles and held there for about 10 months, the notice said.

    He said his cell on Guantanamo Bay was 6 feet by 6 feet and about 7 feet high.

    The notice accused U.S. personnel in Guantanamo Bay of adding alcohol to prisoners\' drinks even though consuming alcohol goes against Islam.

    Sanghir said he was initially in solitary confinement and not allowed to pray, until a hunger strike by inmates led to a relaxation of the rules.

    He said he faced relentless questioning about Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaida network.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bílý dům \"lhal ohledně hrozby od Saddáma Husajna\"

    Bývalý člen americké rozvědky, který byl v činné službě za Bushovy vlády během příprav k útoku na Irák, obvinil Bílý dům, že lhal ohledně hrozby od Saddáma Husajna.

    Reklama Reklama

    Tato tvrzení přicházejí v době, kdy se snaží Bushova vláda zachraňovat svou důvěryhodnost uprostřed celé řady anonymně prozrazených vládních informací, z nichž vyplývá, že informace od americké rozvědky byly zkresleny, aby bylo možno přesvědčit národ, že je nutno zaútočit na Irák.

    V tomto případě poprvé vznesl pracovník amerických vládních struktur konkrétní obvinění. Gregory Thielmann byl až do září 2002 šéfem výzvědné kanceláře na americkém ministerstvu zahraničních věcí. Měl přístup k tajným zprávám, které se staly základem americké argumentace proti Saddámu Husajnovi, jak ji prezentovali prezident Bush a jeho poradci.

    Thielmann konstatoval: \"Jsem přesvědčen, že Bushova vláda neposkytovala americkému lidu přesný obraz vojenské hrozby, jakou zosobňoval Irák.\" Přiznal, že částečně je to vinou amerických výzvědných služeb, ale dodal \"Většinou je problém důsledkem toho, jak vysocí činitelé zneužili informací, které jim byly poskytnuty.\"

    Americký ministr obrany Donald Rumsfeld tvrdil v Senátu, že Spojené státy nešly do války proti Iráku v důsledku nových důkazů, že existují zbraně hromadného ničení, ale proto, že Washinton \"začal nahlížet na předchozí důkazy po 11. září v novém světle\".

    Na tiskové konferenci uvedl Thielmann ve středu, že v březnu 2003, kdy Amerika zaútočila na Irák, \"nezosobňoval Irák okamžitou hrozbu ani svým sousedům, ani Spojeným státům\".


    Downing Street: \"ZHN budou nalezeny\"

    Úřad britského premiéra v Downing Street se snažil ve čtvrtek odrazit další kritiku proti tomu, jak zdůvodňuje, že bylo nutné zaútočit na Irák. Úřad zdůraznil, že \"konkrétní důkazy\" ohledně iráckých zbraní hromadného ničení \"budou nalezeny\".

    Britská vláda to tvrdí poté, co BBC uvedla, že \"vysoký britský vládní zdroj\" je přesvědčen, že irácké zbraně hromadného ničení nebudou nikdy nalezeny a že bývalý šéf výboru pro britskou rozvědku obvinil Tonyho Blaira z toho, že je to \"válečný štváč\", který \"prodával své zboží příliš vtíravě\".

    Reklama Reklama

    Ve čtvrtek ráno konstatoval reportér BBC Andrew Marr v pořadu Today rozhlasové stanice Radio 4, že \"vysoké britské vládní zdroje\" jsou přesvědčeny, že zbraně hromadného ničení nebudou nikdy nalezeny, avšak dodal, že si myslí, že ty zbraně kdysi existovaly, ale Saddám Husajn je před válkou buď skryl anebo zničil.

    Marr uvedl: \"Předpokládá se, že je Saddám Husajn před válkou z nějakého důvodu zničil anebo uschoval. Není pochyb [v mysli těchto vládních činitelů], že se objeví rozhovory s vědci, papírová dokumentace, a tak dále. Ale nikoho nikdy neusmrtila papírová dokumentace, takže to celou záležitost značně mění.\"

    List Guardian míní, že tato další reportáž o anonymních názorech v britské vládě zřejmě dále posílí konflikt mezi BBC a vládou, který vznikl reportáží Andrewa Gilligana z 29. května o tom, že britská vláda údajně \"zdramatizovala\" svou zprávu o Iráku ze září 2002.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Un-Americanism of the Bush Administration

    07/10/2003 14:44

    The Bush administration does not show the values that the American people admire

    The American people are, in general, fun-loving, friendly and easy-going, like everyone else. Perhaps due to the short history of their nation, they are on a permanent quest to draw the line between where right meets wrong, to search for the truth, to be honest and to live within a framework of values shared by the main religions.

    Although George W. Bush likes to speak about how good he and his administration are, no matter how many times he bashes the Bible and proclaims his superiority to the world as he launches his crusades against evil axes and empires, a peek beneath the veneer reveals that this man and his administration are no more American in their values than Hitler and his gang of Fascists were German.

    Hitler, an Austrian, usurped the spirit of the German nation and insulted the values of its people. Bush, like the Lone Ranger, is out on a limb. Gullible and easily manipulated, his weakness of spirit has led him to cross over the line which his fellow Americans seek to respect.

    While his personal life is not a matter for the public to discuss, his victory against alcoholism is commendable. However, to swap the bottle for the Bible and to follow a warped version of Christianity as justifiable as the Taliban-s extremist version of Islamic law and Pashtun lore, proves that not only the mind but also the mind-set of the man and his government is pathologically unbalanced.

    Here is a man who sent people to their deaths in Texas, claiming that it was better to take a life to save others. Here is a man who has seen his armed forces commit acts of murder in Afghanistan while 3,000 civilians were butchered. Here is a man who has sent his armed forces to Iraq, where up to 7,000 civilians have been murdered. We are speaking about something in the region of 10,000 people. Ten thousand people.

    Ten thousand people. Is mass murder part of the shared values of the American people? Is lying part of these values? And the bullying of weaker nations in the UN Security Council? And the blackmail used to get these countries to vote for the resolutions proposed by Washington? And the forging of documents, trying to insinuate that Niger sold uranium to Baghdad when Washington knew all along that there was no active nuclear program?

    Are these the common values, shared by the people of America? They are not. Honesty, decency, a peaceful, happy life lived together in the community where discussion, diplomacy and debate are not only expounded but practiced, as the fundamental principles of democracy. These are the values of the American people.

    George W. Bush and his administration have destroyed and insulted these values. George W. Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, Wolfowitz, Perle, Powell, Fleischer. Like Hitler and Himmler, these names will go down in history as the people who stepped over the line, who went too far, who destroyed the fabric of diplomacy, betrayed the principles of their people and created a feeling of abject hatred for their cause in the hearts and minds of the vast majority of mankind.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False

    WASHINGTON, July 10, 2003

    (CBS) Senior administration officials tell CBS News the President’s mistaken claim that Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa was included in his State of the Union address -- despite objections from the CIA.

    Before the speech was delivered, the portions dealing with Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction were checked with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin.

    CIA officials warned members of the President’s National Security Council staff the intelligence was not good enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried to buy uranium from Africa.

    The White House officials responded that a paper issued by the British government contained the unequivocal assertion: “Iraq has ... sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.” As long as the statement was attributed to British Intelligence, the White House officials argued, it would be factually accurate. The CIA officials dropped their objections and that’s how it was delivered.

    “The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa,” Mr. Bush said.

    The statement was technically correct, since it accurately reflected the British paper. But the bottom line is the White House knowingly included in a presidential address information its own CIA had explicitly warned might not be true.




    Okay, it\'s \"official\". After months of spin and denial, even the mainstream media has finally been forced to admit what we here on the internet knew all along. Bush lied about Iraq\'s weapons of mass destruction when he sent our young people off to die in a war of conquest for oil. Bush\'s desperate defenders are trying to take the approach that Bush \"only\" lied once. That claim probably is a lie as well, but do we allow the murderer go free for all the people he allowed to live, or do we punish the one time the murderer killed, as a deterrent to other murderers? So must it be with Bush. Yes, all politicians lie, l but Bush got caught, and for the sake of the nation\'s future he must be removed from office, else those ambitious people who desire high office will decide, with good cause, that they too may lie with impunity. What kind of nation will we then leave to our children if we fail to act now to deter future lies and liars?

    Bush lied. CBS is reporting it. ABC is repeating it. So is NBC. You cannot deny it any longer. Your friends and neighbors and history itself will judge you on what you do now. Are you the sort of individual who values truth and honesty? If you are, you must act to remove the liars from high office. You cannot pretend the lies are not important. For most Americans, government is the single greatest expensive in their lives. Common sense demands that one should be as skeptical of the government as one is of a used car salesman. Bush has been caught telling a lie to start a war for profit, the dirtiest kind of war and the dirtiest kind of lie.
    JAXXE --- ---
    HSD plans to place security cameras in high schools this fall


    \'Big Brother\' Cameras Coming To High-Crime Neighborhoods

    JAXXE --- ---

    A US soldier flashes the V-sign as he escorts hooded illegal vendors to a police station after being apprehended Thursday July 10, 2003 along the Tigris River in Baghdad, Iraq (news - web sites). The vendors were allegedly caught selling alcohol, still prohibited to be sold outside in Muslim Iraq. (AP Photo/Mikhail Metzel)
    JAXXE --- ---
    BIOTERROR: Are You Ready?

    How To Survive

    The question is not IF a massive biological attack will happen. The question is WHEN a massive biological attack will happen. If it is not Al-Qaida it will be American far-right extremists. Somebody released American-made anthrax as a \'trial\' attack. They almost certainly had access to far worse, almost apocolyptic agents, like weaponized smallpox, plague & ebola too.


    Who Would Really Want A Global Plague – And Why:

    \"America does not only want to destroy the world, but rather as a result destroy itself, too,\" - Saddam Hussein (Reuters)

    Keep one other thing in mind: is bioterror on a global scale really the work of terrorists?

    Would terrorists kill unlimited numbers, indiscriminately, including their own kind & their supporters, in a global plague? A potentially global pandemic outbreak is the work of a Doomsday cult, not terrorists. It is the work of the \'Illuminati\': a \'necessary\' step toward their Masonic New-World-Order.


    The \'Illuminati\' are a huge & powerful doomsday cult with one purpose: the foundation of the New World Order. They will stop at nothing. Like the Templars, history records that the Illuminati were disbanded. Like the templars, they really went underground. The link above shows the English Open University believe the Illuminati to be historically noteworthy. Their absence from most historic texts is a hint at their modern influence.

    Realize that many within the American Government desire catastrophe & the news in general will make a lot more sense. America systematically infuriates its most dangerous enemies whilst allowing weapons of mass-destruction to become available to them. This may be an attempt to provoke massive attacks. But it would also offer a plausible explanation to cover devastating self-inflicted horrors.

    An international climate of fear & chaos is necessary to justify the final, radical social & political changes that will be officially called the New World Order. We believe that epidemics, or bioterror blamed on America\'s \'war on terror\', present likely routes to this horrifying state of affairs. Those involved, like military & political leaders throughout history, believe global holocaust to be a fair price in exchange for their goals.

    The Great Plan of the Illuminati would culminate in a smaller, more controlled new global society, in which war & poverty would be permanently absent. This achievement of \'perfection\' through destruction is key to Illuminist belief & is symbolized by Atlantis, the Phoenix & the Cross.

    We believe that the Illuminist Great Plan is grossly over-optimistic. And that the initial moral & human costs are in any case far too high.


    President Bush, Prime Minister Blair & other Illuminist leaders sometimes seem obsessed with the \"New World Order... New World Order... New World Order… - So what exactly does the \"New World Order\" mean?

    The New World Order is a powerful & secret political movement aiming to place the world under a global totalitarian dictatorship called the New World Order or ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. (This may sound like utopia but it is barely-concealed imperialism & dictatorship).

    It is impossible to summarise the New World Order in brief. One could visit 20 websites and read 10 books, yet still the entire picture would remain beyond grasp. This is because the concept is extremely ancient and involves many significant groups and individuals with long & important stories of their own.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Information for American Citizens

    JAXXE --- ---
    Speedpass-enabled Timex Watch Now Available Online!


    Are you the type of person who likes sneak previews and private screenings? Are you the first on your block to have the latest gadget? Well, we have just the product for you -- the NEW SPEEDPASS-ENABLED TIMEX WATCH. Order yours today!

    Your Speedpass-enabled Timex Watch is the fastest and easiest way to pay. No reaching for your wallet, or fumbling with change. The new watch looks and functions just like a regular watch. However, inside the watchband is a miniature Speedpass radio frequency transponder that allows customers to instantly pay for purchases at over 7,500 Exxon and Mobil stations nationwide and at over 440 participating McDonalds\' restaurants in Chicago and Northwest Indiana.

    Don\'t wait - order one today as these watches are available for a limited time only, while supplies last at www.timex.com/speedpass.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Tajná izraelská jednotka ovlivňovala americké výzvědné informace

    Jeden bývalý odborník americké vlády na Blízký východ sdělil týdeníku The Nation, že americkému Úřadu pro speciální plánování poskytovala informace i tajná jednotka, která byl loni založena v kanceláři izraelského ministra zahraničních věcí Ariela Šarona. Tato jednotka, o jejíž existenci přinesl nyní týdeník The Nation exkluzivní informace, připravovala výzvědné analýzy o Iráku, psané anglicky (ne hebrejsky) a posílala je americkému Úřadu pro speciální plánování. Tyto analýzy vznikaly v Šaronově kanceláři, nikoliv v izraelské rozvědce Mossad, protože Mossad, který je nesmírně hrdý na svůj profesionalismus, zastával ohledně Iráku názory blízké názorům CIA, nikoliv názorům Pentagonu. Zřejmě právě tato tajná jednotka byla podle tohoto bývalého činitele americké vlády zdrojem padělaných dokumentů, které tvrdily, že se Irák pokoušel zakoupit uran z Nigérie.

    Bushova vláda buď zkreslila, anebo úmyslně přehnala výzvědné informace, jichž použila k ospravedlnění útoku na Irák. Avšak ještě větší skandál je to, že členové americké vlády nepřipravili výzvědné zhodnocení toho, jak bude Irák vypadat po pádu Saddáma Husajna, míní Robert Dreyfuss v americkém týdeníku The Nation. Namísto toho ignorovala americká vláda obavy, vyjadřované analytiky v CIA, na americkém ministerstvu obrany a na ministerstvu zahraničí, že poválečný Irák bude chaotický, násilný a nezvládnutelný a že Iráčané budou na okupační armády střílet.

    Podle současných i minulých analytiků americké rozvědky a činitelů americké vlády poskytoval Úřad pro speciální plánování, se sídlem v Pentagonu, ministru obrany Donaldu Rumsfeldovi nekriticky informace přímo od Iráckého národního kongresu Ahmada Čalabího. Rumsfeld tyto informace, které tvrdily, že Iráčané přivítají Američany květinami, předával do Bílého domu.

    Úřad pro speciální plánování byl založen na podzim roku 2001 a měl tehdy dva pracovníky. Mezitím se stal osmnáctičlenným nervovým centrem úsilí Pentagonu zkreslovat výzvědné informace o iráckých zbraních hromadného ničení a o jeho stycích s teroristy, argumentuje autor. Šéfem tohoto Úřadu pro speciální plánování se stal neokonzervativní ideolog Abram Shulsky. Velké množství nespolehlivých informací z tohoto úřadu pocházelo od Čalabího a citovali je ve svých projevech Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney i George Bush. Potíž je, že Čalabího Irácký národní kongres financovali a podporovali v první řadě američtí neokonzervativci, takže ty informace poněkud tvořily začarovaný kruh.

    Jeden bývalý odborník americké vlády na Blízký východ sdělil týdeníku The Nation, že americkému Úřadu pro speciální plánování poskytovala informace i tajná jednotka, která byl loni založena v kanceláři izraelského ministra zahraničních věcí Ariela Šarona. Tato jednotka, o jejíž existenci přinesl nyní týdeník The Nation exkluzivní informace, připravovala výzvědné analýzy o Iráku, psané anglicky (ne hebrejsky) a posílala je americkému Úřadu pro speciální plánování. Tyto analýzy vznikaly v Šaronově kanceláři, nikoliv v izraelské rozvědce Mossad, protože Mossad, který je nesmírně hrdý na svůj profesionalismus, zastával ohledně Iráku názory blízké názorům CIA, nikoliv názorům Pentagonu. Zřejmě právě tato tajná jednotka byla podle tohoto bývalého činitele americké vlády zdrojem padělaných dokumentů, které tvrdily, že se Irák pokoušel zakoupit uran z Nigérie.

    O katastrofálním důsledku přesvědčení, že bude jednoduché zpacifikovat poválečný Irák a vytvořit v Bagdádu kolaborantskou vládu, se přesvědčujeme denně, míní americký týdeník. Irák je obětí ekonomického a politického chaosu, mezi sunnitskými muslimy v centrálním Iráku roste ozbrojený odpor a mocné a většinou nepřátelské duchovenstvo na jihu země ještě nezačalo ani řádně ukazovat svou sílu. Bývalí členové strany Baath vytvářejí vznikající politické formace a vedou ozbrojený odpor proti okupaci.

    Je překvapující, že se Bushova vláda vůbec ani neobtěžovala vypracovat výzvědný „odhad“ o situaci v poválečném Iráku.

    Informované kruhy svědčí o tom, že Američané neměli před invazí do Iráku o této zemi řádné, podrobné informace. „Měli velký strach,“ konstatoval jeden bývalý americký činitel, který byl v těsném styku s velitelstvím americké armády. „Vytvářeli svou politiku za pochodu. Neznali skoro nic. Neznali jména iráckých kmenů, ani jaké mají vzájemné vztahy. Neměli odborné znalosti a neměli čas je získat.“

    Takové informace by umožnily americké armádě předvídat, že jakmile Saddám padne, šiitské síly v jižním Iráku, s podporou Íránu a s velkým vlivem na 60 procent Iráčanů, kteří jsou šiité, budou chtít vytvořit islámský fundamentalistický režim. To je, míní autor, v současnosti, nejpravděpodobnějším důsledkem amerického útoku na Irák.

    Kenneth Katzman, odborník na Blízký východ z výzkumných služeb amerického Kongresu, v červnu letošního roku předpověděl v přednášce v American Enterprise Institute, jak se bude irácká krize dál vyvíjet. Šiitské síly v jižním Iráku nyní nechají sunnitské ostřelovače, aby útočili a oslabovali americká vojska. „Šiité doufají, že sunnitské násilí v centrálním Iráku donutí Američany, aby zemi opustili. Pak převezmou moc právě šiité.“

    Po zbytek letošního roku se americkým jednotkám podle Katzmana nepodaří zpacifikovat Irák ani zastavit násilí a příští rok, jak se budou blížit americké prezidentské volby, vznikne obrovský tlak na to, aby Američané svá vojska z Iráku odvolali.

    Autor toto všechno označuje za „obrovské selhání amerických výzvědných služeb“, které vede k vznikající katastrofě v poválečném Iráku. Je to prý „opravdová krize“ a mohla by rozhodnout o osudu Bushova prezidentského úřadu.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Prepping Kids For 666!

    by Thomas Horn © 2003

    \"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six [666]\" (Rev. 13:16-18).

    I was visiting some of my favorite news sites today when I ran across this BBC story - Eye scan to order school dinners. The article, like so many science and technology reports recently, unveils a plan to use head- retinal scanners for buying and selling. Now it\'s not that I\'m getting worried...yet...but isn\'t it starting to feel a bit \'mark-y\' lately?

    These particular scanning machines will supposedly ease the method of buying school meals and checking out library books by scanning up to 12 students per minute during lunchtime.

    Ed Yates, head teacher of the 900-pupil school, said: \"When we were doing the research to build the school of the future we looked at swipe cards or fingerprinting, but there are many civil liberties with the latter issue. This is the safest, most cost-effective system available. It has full safety approval from the US, and meets UK safety regulations.\"

    In 1973, Senior Scholastics predicted a similar system that would start in public schools. The article introduced school age children to the concept of buying and selling using numbers inserted in their foreheads. The secular high school journal\'s September 20, 1973 feature \"Who Is Watching You?\" speculated:

    \"All buying and selling in the program will be done by computer. No currency, no change, no checks. In the program, people would receive a number that had been assigned them tattooed in their wrist or forehead. The number is put on by laser beam and cannot be felt. The number in the body is not seen with the naked eye and is as permanent as your fingerprints. All items of consumer goods will be marked with a computer mark. The computer outlet in the store which picks up the number on the items at the checkstand will also pick up the number in the person\'s body and automatically total the price and deduct the amount from the person\'s \'Special Drawing Rights\' account.\"

    Regular readers of Raiders News Update - and the Bible - know where all this is leading. Developers of biometric implant chips have already announced compatible technologies. What\'s more, many Americans consider electronically marking humans or implanting a series of digital equations beneath the skin the natural progress of future purchasing technology.

    Implantable chips, hand and head scanners [already designed and in limited use at several retail chains], and inventory trackers are part of the new high-tech makeover leading to a cashless society.

    Retail chains currently field testing the emerging technology include the number-one chains - Kroger, The Gap, Thriftway, McDonald\'s, and Wal-Mart.

    But be warned.

    \"And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name\" (Rev. 14:9-11).

    Quote source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wear/3056162.stm

    JAXXE --- ---
    Euro Scheme Makes Money Talk

    By Janis Mara 02:00 AM Jul. 09, 2003 PT

    Euro cash could be embedded with radio frequency identification tags if a reported deal between the European Central Bank and Hitachi becomes reality.

    The bank is working on a hush-hush project to embed RFIDs, wireless transponders the size of a grain of sand, into the fibers of euro bank notes to foil would-be counterfeiters. The bills currently have a number of security marks, including threads that glow under ultraviolet light, but as the euros wear thin, these are less perceptible.


    \"It would be easy to establish a system where intelligence agencies track how money is spent. What if I\'m an ethnic Turk in Germany, where there is a long-standing conflict between the Turkish and German populations, and I buy books on establishing a Turkish state?\" Moniz asked.

    \"The German police could start tracking me. If I go to France or another country that is part of the 12 member nations using the euro, the German police could notify the French police, and they could keep track of me,\" Moniz said.
    The 12 nations that use the euro are Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Germany, France, Finland, Belgium and Austria.

    Until now, Moniz pointed out, the only truly anonymous form of payment has been cash. \"If you write a check, the instrument itself bears your name and other data. Credit cards have an obvious audit trail; traveler\'s checks have one as well. But always, until now, cash payments have been mostly untraceable.\"


    JAXXE --- ---
    RFID uz nastupuje ve walmartu

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraq war not about new arms evidence: Rumsfeld

    Last Updated Wed, 09 Jul 2003 17:17:08

    WASHINGTON - The United States didn\'t declare war on Iraq because of new evidence of banned weapons, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said on Wednesday.

    Rumsfeld said the U.S. declared war because it saw existing evidence of Iraqi arms programs in \"a dramatic new light\" following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The RFID Agenda: Pictures Scanned From Forbes Magazine


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