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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    RFID and the end of civilisation

    By Simon Aronowitz simon at thoughtcrimenews dot com

    28th July 2003

    Imagine a supermarket where there were no check-outs and no floor staff. Sounds far fetched? Not for much longer. Walmart (ASDA in the UK) is leading the charge towards Radio Frequency ID (RFID) tags, small radio chips that allow stores to identify and monitor every item carried off the shelves. With a full implementation of the technology, customers can be trusted to just walk out of the store with their purchases in their bag. It won’t be theft because the store will also know who you are to debit your account by a combination of CCTV cameras and credit cards with RFID technology.

    Photo credit: Steve Campbell - Houston Chronicle

    To some this may be bliss – no more waiting at the checkout. No more difficult staff. No more problems swiping your credit card. But just how wonderful would this apparent utopia be?

    RFID is the latest technology to be used in the ever-growing control grid that dictates the way we live our lives. Walmart has recently suffered flak in the USA for their RFID trials, even though they claim it is only to monitor possible theft of Gillette products. The reason for outcry? Walmart customers saw the RFID tags as the start of a new slippery slope in surveillance.

    RFID has the potential for firms to know who their customers are as soon as they walk in the door, to know which branch the customer’s underwear was purchased from and to monitor how fast each customer walks round the outlet. It can offer many more items of information if the hardware is in place. The advent of the Homeland Security and USA PATRIOT Acts could provide for the US federal government to access all this privately held data and then track citizens’ movements in town. Many Americans have understandably protested the inception of the technology, having already seen their constitutional rights threatened with the above Acts.

    The official reasoning for placing the chips in products or their packaging sounds fair at first glance; the technology allows for constant tracking of products on the production-line all the way to delivery. Admirable objectives served by new technology. However customers are concerned about the `creep’ that the technology will provide for and already is. The trial with Gillette, monitoring possible theft, was run in a low-income area and can only tenuously be considered monitoring of the supply chain.

    The industry lobby group for RFID, the Auto-ID Center at MIT was recently embarrassed when a consumer group, Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN), successfully downloaded confidential documents from their website. The documents themselves provided further embarrassment when they revealed plans to `pacify’ the public over RFID technology. The security breach also set a terrible example for the future of the technology.

    Why they need to pacify us

    RFID is not only the harbinger of heavy personal surveillance. It may bring an end to civilisation as we know it. Forgive the author for using such profound terms, but having considered the potential impact of the technology, this is what I foresee. The end of supermarket check-outs and their staff may seem ideal for some, but for me it sounds like hell on earth. One of the joys of being a human being with an active mind is the ability to engage others in conversation. An environment which encourages customers to shop quickly and avoid interaction with others further atomises society. We already spend a great deal of our time `entertained’ by television or video games, avoiding contact with the real world. An end to supermarket staff would only increase our hermit-like status, acclimatising us to a world where real people are not important. For me, the highlight of a trip to the supermarket is the conversation at the check-out. After all, who really enjoys grocery shopping?

    My fears are not purely based on whether or not I get to talk to anyone, however. I have also taken the economic implications of the technology into account. If chain stores started to invest in this technology to process purchases, sidelining human check-out operators, then those employees may find themselves out of jobs.

    Thanks to globalisation and international competition, jobs that were previously safe are now being exported to developing countries. Many who lost their jobs in the decline of western industry were advised to re-train and find a job in a call-centre. At the time, call-centres were a growing market, particularly in the north of England where they provided welcome employment. Today call centre workers are seeing their jobs exported to India and elsewhere with cost savings are cited as the reason. Of course cost savings are the reason. Why pay someone £16,000 when you can pay someone in India £1,500 for the same job after a little dialect training? With a crash course on the soap operas and weather of the customer’s market, callers are none-the-wiser as to the fact that their call has been routed half-way around the world.

    I am frequently told that I should consider the benefit that this brings to the Indian economy. I point out in return that the people employed in India will ultimately lose their jobs just as surely as they did in England. With a higher income and an active role in the information society, the call-centre workers in India are rapidly having their aspirations raised so that they begin to demand the latest hi-tech gadgets and other consumer `must-haves’. What will happen when they decide that they want more money to pay for the next generation recordable DVD player? Simple. They’ll get the sack and their jobs will be exported.

    Globalisation is about one loyalty. Money. Firms have no loyalty to the countries they invest in, they have a commitment only to their shareholders to provide maximum return. If this means firing the people who buy your product, well it seems that’s just too bad. Some of the jobs have to go to India? That’s just competition. When they move from India to China, that’s just international competition again. Sounds simple, but try explaining it to those people who lose their jobs as a result of this competition.

    Walmart is no small organisation – it employs tens of thousands of people. If a large section of those people lose their jobs due to international competition and RFID, how are they expected to provide for their families? An economy is based on the re-circulation of money. If these employees become unemployed, they won’t have any money to re-circulate. At a stroke, Walmart’s former employees become former customers. It doesn’t stop at Walmart though. The former employees would become former customers of other firms, both small and large, and there the downward spiral accelerates. A drop in the velocity or quantity of money circulating around an economy usually goes by another, more common name. Recession. I don’t need to explain what happens next. History has taught us what this brings.

    The first production line was not in the Ford factory, as many people believe. It was actually in gun manufacture some time before the Model T was even on the design board. RFID could simply be the next advance in production techniques utilising more `efficient’ methods, but every advance in efficiency has meant fewer people producing the same level of output. Unfortunately I don’t see a balance provided by the RFID factories – they’ll be so efficient they won’t be hiring many people, and they’ll probably be based in China anyway.

    Again I ask that you forgive the author for painting a bleak picture of this brave new world, but also ask that serious consideration be given to the issues raised here, devoid of corporate spin and voodoo economics. The enslavement of the masses to consumption, mass production and media bombardment has led to a way of life where very little is ever questioned, so long as things are going well. By the time the masses realise that competition and the latest technology may have repercussions for all of us, it could well be too late.

    Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion And Numbering (CASPIAN)

    MIT Auto-ID Center

    JAXXE --- ---
    Big Brother on the Highway

    No more free ride for trucks on German autobahns. No more free ride for trucks on German autobahns.

    A new toll system goes in effect on German highways for heavy commercial vehicles next month. The system is the world\'s first to use satellite technology to record trucks\' highway mileage and automatically charge tolls.

    The control bridges are already in place and on-board computers are being frantically installed in trucks throughout Germany and beyond.
    Trucking companies and traffic experts are carefully counting down the days until August 31, when trucks weighing over 12 tons will be required to pay a per-kilometer charge when they drive on Germany\'s autobahns.

    Tolls based on distance traveled have long been considered for heavy trucks, since the income could be used to fund rising highway maintenance costs. The sticking point has been how to institute a workable system without having to construct legions of toll booths along Germany\'s highways.

    Riding to the rescue is satellite technology, which will work in tandem with small on-board computers installed in heavy trucks that function as drive-along toll station attendants, registering how far the truck has driven along a toll road, calculating the cost and sending it back to a central computer for later billing.

    Satellite Positioning

    Under the new system, before starting off, drivers will turn on computers called on-board units (OBU) which have been provided to them by the toll company. The activation establishes a linkup with a global positioning satellite in Earth\'s orbit. The continuous satellite connection enables the OBU to know at all times where the truck is.

    With the help of street atlas programmed into its memory, the OBU begins charging between nine and fourteen cents for every kilometer the truck drives on the highway, depending on the vehicle\'s number of axles and emission class. As soon as the vehicle leaves the highway, the on-board computer automatically stops calculating toll charges.

    Every 100 kilometers, the computer sends an electronic message to a calculation center and vehicle owners are invoiced every month based on the data received.

    Catching the cheaters

    The 300 \"control bridges\" (photo) now in place along German highways have been equipped with lasers which scan heavy vehicles that pass under them. The lasers recognize vehicles that are obligated to pay tolls by scanning their outlines. If the bridge sensors don\'t receive a signal from the on-board computer, either because it is not turned on or the driver hasn\'t installed one, a camera takes a picture of the vehicle\'s license plate.

    In addition to the bridges, some 300 cars equipped with the same sensor technology will prowl the highways looking for trucks not following the rules. Toll violators can be charged up to €20,000 ($23,000).


    JAXXE --- ---


    By: Dr. Albert D. Pastore Phd.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Police must reveal secret society links

    Henry McDonald, Ireland editor
    Sunday July 27, 2003
    The Observer

    The police service of Northern Ireland is to become the first in the Western world to make officers register their membership of secret societies such as the Masons.

    A Register of Interest will become mandatory for all policemen and women up to and including Chief Constable Hugh Orde within the next three weeks.

    And the register, which will reveal how many officers hold membership of the Orange Order, will also be handed over to Northern Ireland\'s Police Ombudsman, Nuala O\'Loan. She will have the right to refer during investigations into alleged bias, maltreatment of suspects or the mishandling of police inquiries to any officer\'s membership of secret societies.

    The Observer has learnt that the Northern Ireland Policing Board will endorse the Register of Interest at its next meeting in September.

    The move to force police officers to disclose membership of the Masons, Orange Order, Apprentice Boys of Derry, the Royal Black Institution, as well as secretive Catholic sects such as Opus Dei, is seen as a key component of Chris Patten\'s reforms into policing in the Province. The Patten Report led to the transformation of the Royal Ulster Constabulary into the PSNI.

    Assistant Chief Constable Sam Kincaid, who heads the PSNI\'s Values and Human Rights Group, is overseeing policing reforms. The group was set up to imbue \'human rights values\' in the service. All recruits have to swear an oath of allegiance declaring their commitment to upholding human rights.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Ošklivá americká pravda - tábor Cropper Ostudný případ americké spravedlnosti

    24.7.2003/ Robert Fisk

    A máme tady příběh, za který bychom se měli stydět všichni. Týká se ostudného amerického vězeňského tábora Cropper v Iráku. Vůči vězňům tam používají fyzické násilí.

    Pojem \"zdroj\" v novinářské praxi může v současné době budit pochybnosti, ale v tomto případě je zdrojem člověk dokonale bezúhonný. A tento příběh je také o zastřelení tří vězňů v Bagdádu, dva byli na útěku. Ale především je to příběh o člověku jménem Qais Mohamed al-Salman. Qais Mohamed al-Salman je typ muže, jakého Bremer a jeho bezmocní asistenti právě teď velmi potřebují. Nenáviděl Saddama. Uprchl z Iráku v roce 1976, vrátil se po \"osvobození\" s diplomatkou doslova nabitou plány na pomoc své zemi, na znovuvybudování infrastruktury a čističek vody.

    Jako inženýr pracoval v Africe, Asii a Evropě. Má dánské občanství. Hovoří plynně anglicky. Dokonce má rád Ameriku. Alespoň měl do 6. června tohoto roku.

    Toho dne cestoval vozem. Na ulici Abu Nawas po něm bez varování začali Američané střílet. Říká, že si nikde nevšiml, že by přejel kontrolní stanoviště. Projektily zasáhly pneumatiky vozu. Řidič a další spolujezdec stačili uprchnout. Qais al-Salman vystoupil a trpělivě čekal. Měl u sebe dánský cestovní pas, dánský řidičský průkaz a zdravotní kartu - rovněž dánskou.

    Ale dejme mu slovo: \"Přiblížilo se civilní vozidlo. Uvnitř seděli američtí vojáci. Pak se objevilo více vojáků ve vojenských vozidlech. Řekl jsem jim, že nechápu, co se stalo. Že jsem vědecký výzkumník. Přinutili mne, abych si lehl na vozovku. Spoutali mi ruce za zády plastikovými pouty vyztuženými ocelí. Spoutali mi také nohy a strčili mne do jednoho z vozidel.\"

    Další část příběhu se týká naší vlastní novinářské profese. \"Po deseti minutách jízdy jsme zastavili. Byl jsem vytažen z vozu. Stáli tam novináři s kamerami. Američané mne rozvázali. Novináři spustili kamery. Vojáci mne před objektivy kamer přinutili lehnout si na cestu. Znovu mi spoutali ruce i nohy a strčili mě zpět do auta.\"

    Příběh Qaise al-Salmana by nebyl tak důležitý, nebýt toho, že bezpráví vůči obyčejným Iráčanům a týrání v amerických vězeňských táborech se stalo v těchto dnech normou.

    Organizace Amnesty International se včera objevila v Bagdádě. Mimo vyšetřování Saddamových monstrózních zločinů se rovněž pokoušela navštívit velký vězeňský tábor provozovaný Američany na bagdádském mezinárodním letišti. Američané tam internují asi 2000 vězňů. Drží je v rozpálených stanech s nedýchatelným vzduchem. Tábor se jmenuje Cropper.

    Už dvakrát se pokusili vězni odtamtud uprchnout. Ani nemusíme říkat, že oba pokusy byly neúspěšné. \"Zastřeleni na útěku,\" napsali vojáci v hlášení. Amnesty International se snažila o návštěvu tábora marně. A v tomto táboře skončil 6.června také Qais Al-Salman.

    Umístili ho do velkého stanu B. Spolu s ním tam bylo drženo 130 vězňů všech společenských tříd. \"Byli tam lidé velmi kulturní - doktoři, lidé z univerzit, ale byla tam také spodina společnosti: nejšpinavější lidé: zloději, kriminálnici a jim podobní. Takové jsem nikdy předtím neviděl. Chovali se jako zvěř,\" říká Qais Al-Salman.

    \"Následující ráno mne přivedli před amerického vyšetřovatele. Ukázal jsem mu dopis, ze kterého vyplývalo, že spolupracuji na projektech americké pomoci. Připíchl mi na košili štítek s nápisem podezřelý vrah.\"

    V táboře pravděpodobně nějací vrahové byli. Dobří, špatní a nejhorší byli drženi pohromadě: členové strany Baath, možná její vyšetřovatelé i mučitelé, drancující lůza a skoro každý, kdo se nějak připletl Američanům do cesty. V průběhu vyšetřování bili jen \"vybrané\" vězně. Znovu připomínám, že zdrojem těchto informací je bezúhonný člověk ze Západu.

    Bachaři neumožnili Al-Salmanovi se ani umýt. Když se ani po druhém výslechu před americkým vyšetřovatelem nic nezměnilo, začal Al-Salman hladovku.

    \"Po 33 dnech v táboře mě nějací vojáci naložili do auta a odvezli do Bagdádu. Na ulici Rashid mi vrátili dánský cestovní pas a všechny dokumenty a nechali mne jít. Než odjeli, řekli sorry. \"

    Qais al-Salman se vrátil domů ke své vyděšené matce, která už dávno věřila, že je její syn mrtev. Žádný Američan ji nekontaktoval, aby ji informoval o osudu jejího syna, a to ani tehdy, kdyř ona sama zoufale žádala americké orgány o pomoc. Nikdo z Američanů se rovněž nenamáhal informovat dánskou vládu, že drží ve vězení jednoho jejich občana. Přesně jako za Saddama: Člověk se prostě jednoho dne \"ztratí\" přímo z ulice Bagdádu.

    Článek The ugly truth of America\'s Camp Cropper, a story to shame us all byl uveřejněn 22.7. v Independent.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Dekonspirovaná nezávislost

    ...každodenní glosátor české společnosti Ivan Hoffman z ČRo 1 - Radiožurnálu svou \"závislou nezávislost\" na sebe prozradil sám. Stal se členem poradního orgánu Asociace public relations agentur. Práskla to ČTK, aniž o tom věděla....

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Hopkins Team Says Voting Software Has \"Stunning Flaws\"

    Baltimore - A team of computer security researchers at Johns Hopkins University says there are serious problems with the software that runs some electronic voting machines.

    JAXXE --- ---
    voting fraud goes mainstream...

    Diebold Voting Systems Grossly Insecure

    United States
    Technology/IT/ Posted by michael on Thursday July 24, @12:57PM

    Several well-known security researchers have examined the code for Diebold\'s voting machines (which we last mentioned two weeks ago) and produced an extensive report (pdf). The NYT has a story on the report, which cuts to the bone: \'Our analysis shows that this voting system is far below even the most minimal security standards applicable in other contexts. We highlight several issues including unauthorized privilege escalation, incorrect use of cryptography, vulnerabilities to network threats, and poor software development processes. For example, common voters, without any insider privileges, can cast unlimited votes without being detected by any mechanisms within the voting terminal.\'


    JAXXE --- ---
    Voting machine fails inspection

    By Robert Lemos / Staff Writer, CNET News.com / July 24, 2003, 5:25 PM PT

    University researchers delivered a serious blow to the current crop of electronic voting systems in an analysis of one such system\'s source code in which they concluded that a voter could cast unlimited ballots without detection.

    Using an earlier version of the source code that powers machines manufactured by Diebold Election Systems, the security experts--three from Johns Hopkins University and a colleague from Rice University--performed an audit and found numerous security holes.

    \"Our analysis shows that this voting system is far below even the most minimal security standards applicable in other contexts,\" said the researchers in a paper published Wednesday on the Internet, concluding that \"as a society, we must carefully consider the risks inherent in electronic voting, as it places our very democracy at risk.\"

    The criticisms echo a fundamental issue that many security researchers have raised with most current systems: There is no way to verify that a vote was correctly recorded and no permanent record is kept.

    The issues also come as direct recording electronic (DRE) voting systems are taking off. In the 2002 election, 19.6 percent of the electorate could have cast an electronic vote, up from 7.9 percent in 1996, according to Election Data Services.

    Diebold, the parent company of the election systems maker, assailed the researchers for using code that was out of date and never actually used in an election. Moreover, the company took issue with the report\'s focus on only the software and not the other security measures that the company uses.

    \"While respecting the report, we reserve judgment on the researcher\'s fundamental conclusions,\" the company said in a statement. \"Our election systems products and services undergo a series of certification processes, which are conducted by federal, state and local officials, including logic and accuracy testing, and represent a sequence of security layers.\"

    The researchers were only able to see the source code to Diebold\'s system because the company accidentally left the file on an Internet server in January. Manufacturers typically require that security experts sign a nondisclosure agreement before auditing the code.

    Several issues became evident when the code was audited, said Avi Rubin, an associate professor of computer science at Johns Hopkins University and one of the authors of the paper.

    For one, the manufacturer chose Windows CE as the operating system--a bad choice from a security standard, Rubin said. \"Windows has a long history of new releases of patch just about every week,\" he said. \"You can\'t run voting machines on Windows.\"


    JAXXE --- ---
    Korea - Power Elite Set Up For Nuclear World War III

    JAXXE --- ---

    Conspiracy theories: Saddam\'s tanning and the boys are gambling

    July 25 2003

    Saddam Hussein is tanning in Tel Aviv; his wife Sajida and three daughters are sipping tea in their mansion in Leeds, England; and his sons Uday and Qusay are gambling in Monte Carlo.

    Such wild conspiracy theories, widely believed by ordinary Iraqis, are why Washington released what it said were photographs of Saddam\'s slain sons amid great fanfare today.

    \"It\'s a show,\" laughs sculptor Mohammed Ghani Hikmat about Uday and Qusay\'s deaths, announced by the US military on Tuesday.

    \"Everyone is talking. Some people say the family is in England. Some people say Morocco. Some people say they\'re in America.\"

    The deaths of Uday and Qusay, whose names became bywords for the cruelty of the ousted regime, was, to many, the ultimate proof of a secret pact between the United States and Saddam.

    Welcome to the tired and feverish minds of Baghdadis, humiliated by war and occupation, hateful of their old ruler and distrustful of the new.

    In an atmosphere redolent of post-World War One Berlin, where Germans believed their country had been sold out by Jews and foreigners, Baghdad today is rife with conspiracy theories as people ooze a palpable sense of defeat.

    Ali Abdul Hassan Haidar, 52, and Nasser Hindi, 50, chainsmoke and play backgammon in the Umm Khathoum coffee shop. Both men hail from Iraq\'s Shiite majority, long oppressed under Saddam. They have many reasons to be happy about the strongman\'s overthrow.

    But they are sceptical about the four-hour battle in Mosul between 200 US forces and Uday and Qusay, that ended with tank shells and a dozen heat-seeking missiles pulverising the luxurious mansion where they were hidden away.

    To them, the last stand of Uday and Qusay has the whiff of a sell-out, just like Baghdad\'s swift fall to the Americans on April 9.

    \"There are a lot of possibilities,\" says Haidar.

    \"Maybe the Americans pretended to kill them to get them out of the country in order to reduce the resistance,\" he said.

    Haidar suggests the Americans are paying Saddam to sabotage the country\'s electricity and oil pipelines to slow down the pace of rebuilding, allowing them to entrench themselves deeper into Iraq.

    \"Maybe it\'s part of the deal,\" he says.

    To hammer home this point, Hindi shows off the front page of the Islamist newspaper, Iraqi Life, which carries a story about an alleged phone conversation between US President George W Bush and Saddam just hours before US air strikes rang in the war on March 20.

    Bush tells Saddam: \"You are to obey what our agent in Baghdad tells you. Keep holding military meetings and appearing on TV. You must not worry, our agent in Baghdad will get you out safe. Have all your belongings packed.\"

    On a busy shopping street in Baghdad\'s Karrada district, Fallahan Hassan, 33, has just finished selling two refrigerators and a water cooler to US soldiers. They smile and exchange handshakes.

    But as soon as they leave, Hassan says: \"I don\'t want anything to do with them.\"

    He hates Saddam - 10 of his relatives disappeared in the 1980s - but he suspects the Americans are here for oil, to control Islam and protect Israel.

    \"Why did Iraq fall in 20 days and three months later, they still haven\'t arrested the president?\" he asks.

    \"Saddam is their secret agent.\"

    One of his customers, Iyad Al-Mussawi, chimes in: \"Maybe he\'s in Tel Aviv. He\'s been their agent since 1980.\"

    Inside a cramped studio, plastics artist Fuad Haman, 41, guesses the two-day delay in showing pictures of Uday and Qusay comes from the elaborate preparations to fake their corpses.

    \"In a photo, you would never notice the difference,\" says Haman, an expert at making near-life plaster replicas of people.


    JAXXE --- ---
    The U.S. intelligence community has excised significant details of the ties of the Saudi royal family to al-Qaida from a congressional report.

    Congressional sources said the 800-page report on the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks was delayed for months over arguments with the Bush administration on details of Saudi involvement with al-Qaida.

    The administration did not want a companion report by the independent National Commission on Terrorist Attacks to reopen wounds with Riyadh amid its new cooperation with the U.S.-led war against Osama bin Laden\'s terror network, the sources said.

    The report, which could be released this week, will discuss how the United States underestimated Saudi links to al-Qaida.

    The 10-member commission reviewed the FBI failure to detect Saudi aid to two of the 19 al-Qaida hijackers in September 2001.

    \"There\'s little doubt that much of the funding of terrorist groups – whether intentional or unintentional – is coming from Saudi sources,\"
    John Lehman, a member of the independent commission, told a congressional hearing earlier this month.

    JAXXE --- ---
    ach 2003-07-24 23:14:37

    dnes som si precital komiks tank girl: apocalypse, a tu su z neho dve stranky vytrhnute:

    JAXXE --- ---
    Praha 6 a její kamerový systém

    autor: tacud

    Určitě Vás taky zajímá, kde se na nás všechny velký bratr kouká. Tak pozorně čtěte a zkuste přemýšlet nad tím, zda je normální být sledován téměř na každém kroku v jedné z městských částí Prahy. A dá se proti tomu vůbec něco dělat? A vadí to vlastně vůbec někomu? Diskuze je tu pro Vás. Ke kamerovému systému ostatních městským částí se i s kompletním seznamem vrátím v příštím článku.

    Schémata zorného úhlu těchto městských kamer: http://phatbeatz.cz/index.php?kam=1a&cid=305&sh=2
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam