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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    U.S. checking possibility of pumping oil from northern Iraq to Haifa, via Jordan

    By Amiram Cohen

    The United States has asked Israel to check the
    possibility of pumping oil from Iraq to the oil
    refineries in Haifa. The request came in a
    telegram last week from a senior Pentagon official
    to a top Foreign Ministry official in Jerusalem.

    The Prime Minister's Office,
    which views the pipeline to
    Haifa as a "bonus" the U.S.
    could give to Israel in return
    for its unequivocal support for
    the American-led campaign in
    Iraq, had asked the Americans
    for the official telegram.

    The new pipeline would take oil
    from the Kirkuk area, where some 40 percent of
    Iraqi oil is produced, and transport it via
    Mosul, and then across Jordan to Israel. The
    U.S. telegram included a request for a cost
    estimate for repairing the Mosul-Haifa pipeline
    that was in use prior to 1948. During the War
    of Independence, the Iraqis stopped the flow of
    oil to Haifa and the pipeline fell into
    disrepair over the years.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Your cell phone is now a tracking device

    By K. D. Seefeld / News-Chronicle

    Those who give up liberty for the sake of security deserve neither liberty nor security.

    --- Ben Franklin

    A few days ago, Governor Doyle signed legislation to improve 911 service for cell phones. According to the Wisconsin Legislature/Associated Press, the bill creates a new surcharge (if you didn’t know, surcharge is another word for TAX), on monthly cell phone bills to help cover a federally mandated program (which is contrary to the Constitution and the tenth amendment) allowing law enforcement to pinpoint 911 calls from mobile phones. (It doesn’t matter if you need an ambulance; law enforcement will be involved.)

    In the name of improving safety and protection, what Doyle actually signed was a bill turning your cell phone into a tracking device.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Guantanamo camp expands

    August 26, 2003
    In another sign that the US mission at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is set for the long haul, the military has announced it is building a fifth camp to hold more detainees and expand interrogation facilities.

    Camp V would make room for 100 more detainees, increasing the capacity at the remote naval base in eastern Cuba to 1100, Lieutenant Colonel Pamela Hart said.

    Since it first opened in January 2002, the detention centre has grown from open-air, chain-link cells that some likened to animal cages to caravan-style quarters where detainees have a metal bed, a sink and flush toilets.

    It holds about 660 men from 42 countries, including Australians David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib, who have been detained for alleged links to the al-Qaeda terrorist network or the ousted Afghan Taliban regime that sheltered it.

    Three teenagers aged 13 to 15 are also detained at Guantanamo.
    The military says it will probably recommend them for release soon.

    Colonel Hart, a spokeswoman for the detention mission, said the new camp also would hold more interrogation rooms. Asked about the growing permanence of the camp, she said: "We will be here as long as the war on terrorism continues."

    Construction began recently and was expected to be finished sometime next year, officials said.

    Several months ago, the military rewarded about 120 prisoners deemed to have provided good intelligence with a move to a new medium-security wing where they get more exercise, books and other liberties.

    Meanwhile, preparations continue for possible military tribunals, with a court and permanent detention centre for any convicts.

    Mr Hicks, 28, has been named as one of the first six detainees who may face a military tribunal.

    The tribunals have the power to impose the death sentence but officials say they have not built an execution chamber, although they have plans for every eventuality.

    Human rights groups and countries of detained nationals have criticised the US for refusing to designate the detainees as prisoners of war under international conventions.

    Associated Press

    JAXXE --- ---
    UN security officer gave information to bombers: Iraqi TV (9:58 am)

    BAGHDAD -- An Iraqi security guard at the UN headquarters in Baghdad helped attackers launch the suicide bombing there which killed 23 people, including the world body's top envoy to the country, US-run Iraqi television reported Sunday.

    "Iraqi official sources confirmed a security agent had given information to the plotters of the attack in which a car laden with explosives (was detonated) next to the office of Sergio Vieira de Mello," the UN special envoy, the Iraq Media Network television channel said.

    The television did not say if the security guard had been arrested.

    "He had given them the building layout, including the office of Vieira de Mello," it said.

    The FBI has begun questioning UN security guards, a UN source said.

    A UN official told AFP Friday that Iraqi security guards at the UN's Baghdad headquarters aided the plotters of the attack.

    "They clearly had support from Iraqi security guards inside who gave intelligence to the planners of the attack," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    "It was a well-prepared attack. The target was Sergio Vieira de Mello, that much is clear," he said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    'Spy' plans for new cars

    The government is reportedly planning to fit all cars in Britain with a personalised microchip so rule-breaking motorists can be prosecuted by computer.

    The chip will automatically report a wide range of offences including speeding, road tax evasion and illegal parking, according to The Sunday Times newspaper.

    It will even record every time motorists drive in bus lanes, The Sun reports.

    The paper says the scheme would require car makers to fit the chips in all vehicles while older cars would have them added during MoT tests.

    The existing network of roadside sensors, set up by traffic-monitoring companies and the Highways Agency, would require minimal modification to be used for electronic vehicle identification (EVI) tracking, The Times says.

    Each sensor would be programmed with the road's speed, parking and general driving restrictions, says The Sun.

    "The entire driving population is going to be turned into criminal suspects"

    Civil rights organisation Liberty

    The chip plan emerges in the first part of an initial feasibility study, an 85-page document drafted by the Association of Chief Police Officers on the orders of transport secretary Alistair Darling, which lists 47 possible offences for EVI.


    PETVAL --- ---
    RFID Gussied Up With Biosensors
    As recently as last week, retailers and consumer packaged-goods companies have had to quietly dump efforts to implant radio-frequency identification technology into products or store shelves. The tiny radio transmitters let the companies precisely track the numbers and whereabouts of their inventory and consumers' purchasing preferences, which worries many privacy advocates.

    But many companies are now combining the tags with sensors that can detect the presence of biological and chemical agents, or signal that a perishable item has expired. By doing so, they hope to gussy up the controversial technology as an essential terrorism-fighting tool.

    The multifunction RFID tags will track America's food supply "from birth to the bun," said one RFID tag maker. With biosensors attached to them, the tags can instantly alert suppliers and retailers to anthrax or other toxins in their products, and possibly make recalls more effective.

    In addition, the food companies hope the technology will protect them from lawsuits brought by victims of deliberately contaminated food.

    "Antiterrorism designation from the Homeland Security Department will encourage the adoption of this technology by our customers," said Paul Cheek, CEO of Global Technology Resources, which has developed a supply-chain-auditing system incorporating RFID biosensors.

    If Homeland Security designates GTR's system, called Safe Check, as an antiterrorism technology, it will shield Cheek and his customers from lawsuits if the system fails to work as intended.
    TERMIX --- ---
    Kdo by neznal historku kolem Jessicy Lynchové. Sympatická blondýnka v uniformě US Army se v dubnu stala obdivovanou a oslavovanou hrdinkou Spojených států. Tato pozice jí už zůstala navzdory tomu, že se brzy ukázalo, že vše bylo trošku jinak.


    Vydavatel magazínu Harper, John MacArthur, to charakterizoval takto: "Američany už nezajímá, co je a co není pravda. Národ byl zpracován, aby přijal cokoliv: sentimentální příběhy, lži i nebezpečí atomových bomb."


    Amerika zoufale potřebuje hrdiny


    Ty transparenty jsou fakt masazni... ;)
    TERMIX --- ---
    V New Yorku zachránil muž pre zúrivým pitbulom malé dievčatko. Okoloidúci novinár to videl a vraví mužovi: "Výborne. Napíšem o vás článok do NY Post s titulkami - Newyorský hrdina zachránil americké dievčatko pred zúrivým psom."
    "Ale ja nie som New Yorčan", odpovedá muž.
    "To nevadí, tak to bude - Americký hrdina zachránil malé dievčatko pre zúrivým psom."
    "Ale ja nie som Američan, som z Afganistanu."
    Na druhý deň NY Post priniesli správu s titulkom: "Moslimský terorista zabil amerického psa."

    Nezáleží na tom ktorá strana vlastní zbrane, médiá rozhodnú na koho budú namierené.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Australian case for Iraq war was 'fabricated'

    By Kathy Marks in Sydney

    23 August 2003

    The Australian government "skewed, misrepresented, used selectively and fabricated" the intelligence used to justify its decision to send troops to Iraq, a parliamentary inquiry in Canberra was told yesterday.




    Claims about WMD 'may have been excuse rather than reason for war'

    JAXXE --- ---

    That is one of the reasons why, almost two years after the September 11 attacks, Osama bin Laden has yet to be found.

    But a Guardian inquiry has revealed that there are others. Experts who have been following the attempts of the Pakistanis and the US to find the al-Qaida leader have suggested that:

    · The Pakistani president, General Pervez Musharraf, struck a deal with the US not to seize Bin Laden after the Afghan war for fear of inciting trouble in his own country;

    · The al-Qaida leader is being protected by a three elaborate security rings which stretch 120 miles in diameter; and

    · The Pakistani special forces looking for him are no closer than they were a year ago.


    JAXXE --- ---
    US, Pak made 'deal' over capture of Bin Laden: report

    Sunday, 24 August , 2003, 18:37

    London: Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf possibly struck a deal with the US not to capture Osama bin Laden after the Afghan war for fear of inciting trouble in his own country and the al-Qaeda leader is hiding in northern tribal areas of Pakistan, a media report has said.

    An agreement was reached between Musharraf and the US authorities shortly after the terrorist mastermind fled from Tora Bora caves in eastern Afghanistan with the Taliban regime collapsing, The Guardian said quoting Monsoor Ijaz, a Pak-American financier who has spent years tracking Laden's movements and operations.

    The Pakistanis feared that to capture or kill Laden soon after a hugely unpopular war would incite civil unrest in Pakistan and trigger a spate of revenge al-Qaeda attacks on western targets across the world, the expert said.

    The Americans, Ijaz said, accepted the argument and the following months centred on taking down not Laden but the "retaliation infrastructure" of al-Qaeda.

    It meant that Musharraf frequently put out remarkably conflicting accounts of the status of Laden while the US administration barely mentioned his name, the paper said.

    Ijaz, who recently visited Pakistan, believes Laden is hiding in "northern tribal areas" of the country protected by three elaborate security cordons, the first being a ring around 120 miles in diameter of tribesmen, whose job is to report any approach by Pakistani troops or US special forces.

    Inside them is a lighter ring, made up of village elders who would warn if the outer ring is breached. At the centre is Laden himself protected by some close relatives or bodyguards.

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops

    What 'Support Our Troops' Really Means

    By Amy Worthington - The Idaho Observer

    On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war activist holding a sign: "Nuke the evil scum, it worked in 1945!" That's exactly what George Bush has done. America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq has been indeed a NUCLEAR WAR.

    Bush-Cheney have delivered upon 17 million Iraqis tons of depleted uranium (DU) weapons, a "liberation" gift that will keep on giving. Depleted uranium is a component of toxic nuclear waste, usually stored at secure sites. Handlers need radiation protection gear.

    Over a decade ago, war-makers decided to incorporate this lethal waste into much of the Pentagon's weaponry. Navy ships carrying Phalanx rapid fire guns are capable of firing thousands of DU rounds per minute.(1) Tomahawk missiles launched from U.S. ships and subs are DU-tipped.(2) The M1 Abrams tanks are armored with DU.(3) These and British Challenger II tanks are tightly packed with DU shells, which continually irradiate troops in or near them.(4) The A-10 "tank buster" aircraft fires DU shells at machines and people on the battlefield.(5)

    DU munitions are classified by a United Nations resolution as illegal weapons of mass destruction. Their use breaches all international laws, treaties and conventions forbidding poisoned weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering.

    Ironically, support for our troops will extend well beyond the war in Iraq. Americans will be supporting Gulf War II veterans for years as they slowly and painfully succumb to radiation poisoning. U.S and British troops deployed to the area are the walking dead. Humans and animals, friends and foes in the fallout zone are destined to a long downhill spiral of chronic illness and disability. Kidney dysfunction, lung damage, bloody stools, extreme fatigue, joint pain, unsteady gait, memory loss and rashes and, ultimately, cancer and premature death await those exposed to DU.

    Award-winning journalist Will Thomas wrote: "As the last Gulf conflict so savagely demonstrated, GI immune systems reeling from multiple doses of experimental vaccines offer little defense against further exposure to chemical weapons, industrial toxins, stress, caffeine, insect repellent and radiation leftover from the last war. This is a war even the victors will lose."(6)

    When a DU shell is fired, it ignites upon impact. Uranium, plus traces of plutonium and americium, vaporize into tiny, ceramic particles of radioactive dust. Once inhaled, uranium oxides lodge in the body and emit radiation indefinitely. A single particle of DU lodged in a lymph node can devastate the entire immune system according to British radiation expert Roger Coghill.(7)


    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    Inside Israel's secret prison

    Detainees are blindfolded and kept in blackened Detainees are blindfolded and kept in blackened cells, never told where they are, brutally interrogated and allowed no visitors of any kind. Dubbed 'the Israeli Guantanamo,' it's no wonder facility 1391 officially does not exist.

    M, who serves in the Intelligence Corps reserves,
    remembers the first time he was sent to do guard
    duty at Camp 1391. Before climbing to the top of
    the observation tower he received an explicit
    order from the responsible officer: "When you're
    on the tower you look straight ahead only, outside
    the base, and to the sides. What happens behind
    you is none of your business. Do not turn

    M., of course, couldn't resist
    the temptation and occasionally
    snuck a look behind him. From
    atop the tower he saw the
    double fence surrounding the
    camp, enclosing a compound
    ruled by trained attack dogs;
    the jeep that patrols inside
    the two fences; the vehicles
    utilized by the members of the

    unit who man the base; and especially the large
    concrete structure, dating from the British
    Mandate period, when it was used by the British
    police, and which now bears a description that
    carries an aura of mystery: Israel's secret
    detention facility.

    unit who man the base; and especially the large
    concrete structure, dating from the British
    Mandate period, when it was used by the British
    police, and which now bears a description that
    carries an aura of mystery: Israel's secret
    detention facility.


    JAXXE --- ---
    US report foretells of brave new world

    By Nathan Cochrane
    July 23 2002

    A draft government report says we will alter human evolution within 20 years by combining what we know of nanotechnology, biotechnology, IT and cognitive sciences. The 405-page report sponsored by the US National Science Foundation and Commerce Department, Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance, calls for a broad-based research program to improve human performance leading to telepathy, machine-to-human communication, amplified personal sensory devices and enhanced intellectual capacity.

    People may download their consciousnesses into computers or other bodies even on the other side of the solar system, or participate in a giant "hive mind", a network of intelligences connected through ultra-fast communications networks. "With knowledge no longer encapsulated in individuals, the distinction between individuals and the entirety of humanity would blur," the report says. "Think Vulcan mind-meld. We would perhaps become more of a hive mind - an enormous, single, intelligent entity."

    Armies may one day be fielded by machines that think for themselves while devices will respond to soldiers' commands before their thoughts are fully formed, it says. The report says the abilities are within our grasp but will require an intense public-relations effort to "prepare key organisations and societal activities for the changes made possible by converging technologies", and to counter concern over "ethical, legal and moral" issues. Education should be overhauled down to the primary-school level to bridge curriculum gaps between disparate subject areas.

    Professional societies should be open to practitioners from other fields, it says. "The success of this convergent-technologies priority area is crucial to the future of humanity,"
    the report says.


    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    akb writes "Indymedia UK is reporting that after protests against the trial of RFID tags by Gillette at a Tesco store in Cambridge, increasing press coverage, a boycott, and the growing mobilisation of campaigners against the intrusive use of the technology, Gillette have withdrawn their trial. RFID (Radio Frequency ID) tags are small tags containing a microchip which can be 'read' by radio sensors over short distances (for background see SchNEWS Feature / 2 part Guardian Article)."
    JAXXE --- ---


    From Anthony J. Hilder

    Who's Really Behind the Terrorist Attack on the World Trade Center?
    Osama bin Laden or Osama bin Bush?

    Was the World Trade Center "sacrificed" for World Government? Who would benefit by uniting the world against the Arab nations? Certainly not Islam. Who then did benefit from the attack upon America? Israel? Or was it America's Illuminazi Elite who seek to establish a New World Order upon the smoldering wreckage of all national sovereignty? Did George W. Bush & the Illuminati’s Cabalist Cartel orchestrate the horror of 9-11? Evidence clearly indicates that George Bush had prior knowledge of the attack, just as Franklin D. Roosevelt had “prior knowledge” of the Japanese attack upon Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Like FDR, George W. Bush is using World War to bring about World Government.

    The Warlords of Wall Street & Washington realize that they must Create a Crisis to bring about Dictatorial Control. Their puppet president, like Hitler, has used the Fear Factor to transfer power from the people to the President and the police. G.W. has “set the stage” for secret military tribunals, martial law, an American Gestapo and ultimately a “Police State.”

    We are now witnessing the Naziatzation of this nation. There is no question that G.W. will call for national ID cards, electronic implants, and launch an all-out assault on our freedoms, Illuminazi 9-11 exposes the Evilarchy’s plan to rule and enslave the world.

    VHS Video Tape - NTSC Format
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    JAXXE --- ---

    As Attorney General John Ashcroft barnstorms the country to bolster support for the controversial USA Patriot Act, a new bill is quietly circulating on Capitol Hill to give even greater powers to law enforcement — in the name of fighting drug trafficking.

    ABCNEWS.com has obtained a draft of the Vital Interdiction of Criminal Terrorist Organizations Act of 2003, or VICTORY Act, which could be introduced to Congress this fall, and which appears to have been prepared by the office of Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

    The measure would give law enforcement increased subpoena powers and more leeway over wire-tap evidence and on classifying some drug offenses as terrorism.


    "This bill would treat drug possession as a 'terrorist offense' and drug dealers as 'narco-terrorist kingpins,' " the aide argued. "To say that terrorist groups use a small percentage of the drug trafficking in the United States to finance terrorism may be a fair point, but this bill would allow the government to prosecute most drug cases as terrorism cases."

    Concluded the aide: "It really seems to be more about a political agenda to jail drug users than a serious attempt to stop terrorists."


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