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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    Microsoft in merger talks with Google
    (Filed: 31/10/2003)

    Microsoft is reported to be pursuing a partnership or merger with online search company Google.

    Bill Gates's company is said to have held talks with Google in recent weeks, during which the possibility of a takeover was also raised. Google is still said to prefer to use Wall Street to sell its initial offering, followed by an online auction, according to the New York Times.

    Both companies have refused to comment.

    There has been intense speculation about Google in recent weeks after the company told Wall Street it hoped to sell shares to the public in the first half of next year.

    Google has recently held meetings with bankers in preparation for an initial public offering, the newspaper said. The offering could be worth between £9.4 billion and £15.6 billion, according to estimates.

    Creators, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, are considering selling a 10 per cent or 15 per cent stake to the public, raising an estimated £1.25 billion.

    The search engine, which was set up by the two Stanford university graduates in 1998. Since its establishment Google has become one of the most used websites in the world.
    DRIFTER --- ---
    October 30, 2003
    Lies and the Lying Liars
    Do you remember how "foreign fighters" are supposed to be "pouring in" from the Syrian border to engage the Army of Occupation in Iraq? Do you remember how "foreign terrorists" are simply "walking across" the Syrian border into Iraq in order to conduct terrorist attacks?

    President Bush, just the other day, blamed attacks against the Army of Occupation on "foreign terrorists" and said that the United States is working with Syria and Iran to prevent the influx of "foreign terrorists," as Voice of America reported yesterday.

    But this "influx" of "foreign terrorists" is news to those American soldiers manning the Syrian-Iraqi border. The Washington Post reports today that the 101st Airborne Division and the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment — the units responsible for patrolling the Syrian border — "doubt Syria is [the] entry point" for these "foreign terrorists". The 101st Airborne's commanders say, in the Post's words that "neither the aircraft nor human intelligence sources show significant infiltration from Syria."

    They say that "concerns about illegal infiltration along the Syrian border appear unfounded." In fact, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Buche, commander of the 3rd Brigade of the 101st's 3rd Battalion says "If somebody is saying the Ho Chi Minh Trail runs through my area of operations, I'm going to tell them they're wrong."

    In fact, an influx of foreign jihadis from Syria is so low on the radar of the American Army of Occupation that Major General David Petraeus, commander of the 101st actually ordered his troops to open the Syrian border. He told his troops "We need to open the border for trade with Syria. Go out and open the border."

    Of course, this is apparently news to the senior leadership of the Bush Administration. Donald Rumsfeld said just yesterday in a press briefing that "We also know that there are some foreign terrorists that have come into the country. We've collected up to 200 of them, a great many of them Syrian and Lebanese, and they're in jail, in prison. And we've killed a number."

    Rumsfeld has even accused Syria of actively supporting the movement of "jihadis" into Iraq over the Syrian-Iraq border.

    But this appears to be news to the troops manning the border. The headline of the Post story is, after all, "Commanders doubt Syria is entry point".

    Oh, I've got another one for you. Do you remember that infamous "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln six months ago? The one accompanying Bush's "Victory in Iraq" speech? I certainly remember it well. I especially remember that it was of the same design as previuos backdrops for speeches made by Bush and other senior Bush Administration officials.

    I have to admit that I watched a press conference of Bush's in the Rose Garden the other night on CSPAN-2. I was shocked — shocked may not be the right word, but it'll do — when Bush claimed that the "Mission Accomplished" banner didn't come from the White House at all, but was furnished by the sailors of the Abraham Lincoln. Bush said "The 'Mission Accomplished' sign, of course, was put up by the members of the USS Abraham Lincoln, saying that their mission was accomplished. I know it was attributed somehow to some ingenious advance man from my staff — they weren't that ingenious, by the way."

    I'll leave the judgement of Bush's advance team to Bush, but I have to argue with the thrust of his statement. The banner was clearly printed by the same people who print all of Bush's banners. There's no mistaking the design. So it was no surprise when Bush's staff immediately backtracked, saying that the crew of the Lincoln asked the White House to have the banner made.

    Sure. And there's a bridge in Brooklyn I can buy for real cheap.

    Senator Lieberman, who's running for president, offered the perfect retort for Bush's latest lie. "Today was another banner day in George Bush's quest to bring honor and integrity to the White House," Lieberman said, "If he wanted to prove he has trouble leveling with the American people, mission accomplished."

    Ouch. Meanwhile, I might note, that American Proconsul Paul Bremer is taking some heat for his weekly television addresses made from his golden throne in Baghdad. For the past few weeks, the Washington Post reports, Bremer has been appearing every Thursday and Friday on IMN — a TV network run by the Pentagon in Baghdad.

    While Bremer's staff tries to present Bremer's addresses as "an example of journalism in the Western tradition," the fact is that Iraqis find Bremer's addresses more in keeping with "the regular television appearances of former president Saddam Hussein."

    In fact, not only do Iraqis not trust the proconsul's speeches, they don't trust his mouthpiece either. The BBC states that Iraqis consider IMN "as the mouthpiece of the CPA."

    How could they consider statements like "You, the Iraqi people, whom the evil one was bound to protect, he instead tortured, he instead murdered. You, the Iraqi people, whom the evil one was bound to feed, he instead starved" as anything but solid, Western-style impartial journalism?

    It makes you think about the explanation of Bremer's speeches by Bremer employee and former CBS producer Gary Thatcher. He explains to the Post that Bremer's speeches are simply "much like President Bush's weekly Saturday radio address," as the Post puts it.

    Exactly right, I dare say.

    Posted by George Paine | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
    From the "Gulf War Redux" Department as of 10:15 AM
    PETVAL --- ---
    Algoritmy Googlu chybovaly

    Chyba vyhledávače Googlu odřízla tisíce stránek a posílila hlasy, které tvrdí, že dominantní až monopolní pozice Googlu vyžaduje regulaci.

    Google musí neustále odrážet pokusy spammerů či provozovatelů pornostránek, kteří neustále vymýšlí metody, jak obelstít jeho hodnotící systém a dostat se tak do čela stránek vracených Googlem na uživatelův dotaz. Žádná kontrola ovšem není stoprocentní a vinou chyb pak mohou být postiženi provozovatelé "nezávadných" serverů stejně jako uživatelé, pátrající na síti po zdrojích informací.

    V této situaci se začínají ozývat hlasy, podle kterých se Google stal příliš mocným distributorem informací na to, aby nadále zůstal bez dohledu. Někteří žurnalisté a komentátoři ve Velké Británii k tomu účelu dokonce navrhují zřízení vládní organizace Ofsearch (Office of Search Engines), obdoby úřadu Oftel, regulující tamní telekomunikační trh.

    Zastáncům regulace dodala nedávno argumenty chyba v implementaci algoritmů, které vyhodnocují relevanci stránek.
    KERRAY --- ---
    maso, fiktivní rozhovor s Marxem

    PETVAL --- ---
    Three R's: Reading, Writing, RFID
    02:00 AM Oct. 24, 2003 PT

    Gary Stillman, the director of a small K-8 charter school in Buffalo, New York, is an RFID believer.

    While privacy advocates fret that the embedded microchips will be used to track people surreptitiously, Stillman said he believes that RFID tags will make his inner city school safer and more efficient.

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    See also
    A Connection in Every Spot
    RFID Gussied Up With Biosensors
    Learning to Live With Biometrics
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    Three R's: Reading, Writing, RFID
    Copyright Catch-Up in E. Europe
    Trying to Find That Sweet Spot
    Orgasmatron Puts Tech in Sex
    Spammers Clog Up the Blogs

    Stillman has gone whole-hog for radio-frequency technology, which his year-old Enterprise Charter School started using last month to record the time of day students arrive in the morning. In the next months, he plans to use RFID to track library loans, disciplinary records, cafeteria purchases and visits to the nurse's office. Eventually he'd like to expand the system to track students' punctuality (or lack thereof) for every class and to verify the time they get on and off school buses.

    "That way, we could confirm that Johnny Jones got off at Oak and Hurtle at 3:22," Stillman said. "All this relates to safety and keeping track of kids.... Eventually it will become a monitoring tool for us."
    JAXXE --- ---
    Source: Saddam's money may be in Syria

    Official: Syria 'needs to do more to cooperate'

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Bush administration believes as much as $3 billion from deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's regime is in Syrian banks, and it wants more cooperation from Syria to help find and return the money to the Iraqi people, a Treasury Department official said Monday.

    "We believe it's as much as $3 billion, and we are trying to find out and confirm this," the official told CNN.

    The official said the United States is concerned that the money is possibly being withdrawn by remnants of Saddam's regime to use in committing terrorist attacks against Iraqi civilians and U.S. troops.

    "That is why it is very important to secure this money," he said.


    JAXXE --- ---


    Derek Alexander

    A WHITE van loaded with nuclear waste capable of being used to make a terrorist "dirty-bomb" has been stolen.

    A nationwide hunt was launched after the van containing 15 kilos of depleted uranium was snatched.

    A secret police memo warns: "This material may become radioactive if ignited ... vehicle must not be approached by police."

    All police forces in the UK, including the eight in Scotland, have been alerted to keep a lookout for the van, a T-reg Citroen Berlingo.

    The intelligence service MI5 and defence chiefs have been alerted.

    Nuclear experts last night warned the missing material could be used by terrorists in an attack on cities.

    Police yesterday admitted the van and the uranium had gone missing but refused to give any more details.

    The radioactive waste is carried for miles in the atmosphere if detonated with a conventional explosive. Small particles of depleted uranium dust lodge in victims' lungs and it has been blamed for causing cancer.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Iran force 'protecting bin Laden's son'

    Washington |By Douglas Farah and Dana Priest | 15-10-2003
    Print friendly format | Email to Friend

    The elite Iranian force believed to be protecting Saad bin Laden and two dozen Al Qaida leaders is one of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps' five branches, and has been given the mission of "exporting the Islamic revolution" by training, arming and collaborating with foreign terrorist groups.

    The Jerusalem Force, also known as Al Quds Force, is highly trained and well-funded. It has provided instruction to more than three dozen "foreign militant groups in paramilitary, guerrilla and terrorism" tactics, according to a recent US intelligence analysis.

    The Jerusalem Force's former commander, Ahmad Vahidi, allegedly helped plan the 1994 bombing of the Amia Jewish Center in Buenos Aires, in which 85 civilians were killed and 230 injured, according to Argentine intelligence officials and others.

    The group has also maintained ties with the Al Qaida terrorist network for more than a decade, according to US and European intelligence officials. Senior Al Qaida leaders first met and formed a tactical alliance with the nascent Jerusalem Force in Sudan in the early 1990s, according to intelligence officials.

    Bin Laden's second-in-command, Ayman Zawahiri, used his decade-old relationship with Vahidi, then commander of the Jerusalem Force, to negotiate a safe harbour for some of Al Qaida's leaders who were trapped in the mountains of Tora Bora, Afghanistan, in 2001, according to a European intelligence official.

    The group is "a state within a state, and that is why they are able to offer protection to Al Qaida," one European intelligence analyst said.

    © Los Angeles Times-Washington Post News Service


    It is also believed that they're protecting Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Elvis, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and Adolf Hitler ;)

    JAXXE --- ---


    `Beast-Men' Cheney, Sharon Plan New, Nuclear Mideast Wars

    Oct. 14, 2003—The following release was issued today by the LaRouche in 2004 political committee.
    Lyndon LaRouche, one of only two Democratic Party Presidential candidates certified by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) as qualified for Federal matching funds, issued a strong warning on Oct. 14 that the world is facing a major eruption of war in the Near East in the immediate weeks ahead, unless President Bush can be made to intervene forcefully and publicly, to curb Israel's breakaway-ally regime under Ariel Sharon.

    LaRouche said that we have reached a strategic danger-point where, unless "Beast-man" Dick Cheney is dumped from the Bush Administration, and "Beast-man" Sharon is stopped, a new Middle East war is virtually certain between now and some point in November, with the possible new, horrific feature of Israeli use of nuclear weapons against targets inside the territory of Iran. Israel is economically and strategically bankrupt, and hopeless. Sharon is losing ground. Under these circumstances, the mad-dog faction in Israel could use nuclear weapons versus Iran.

    LaRouche drew attention to the report, published in the Oct. 12, 2003 Los Angeles Times ("Israel Adds Subs to Its Atomic Ability," by Douglas Frantz), that Israel now has deployed submarines, carrying nuclear-armed Harpoon missiles, able to strike Iran and other regional targets.

    LaRouche further warned: The U.S. military has no capability for carrying out any further wars, so long as American forces are tied down in Iraq—unless the U.S.A., too, were to resort to the use of nuclear weapons. Thus, if the current, planned Israeli war stunt is not stopped now, we also face the prospect—going into the pre-U.S.A. election Autumn of 2004—of a desperate Cheney-led and chicken-hawk-dominated Bush Administration being tempted to use nuclear weapons against North Korea. At this moment, the neo-conservatives in and around the Bush Administration are pushing for Israel to use nuclear weapons to set the precedent for the later American use of mini-nukes against targets in North Korea. The controllers of this neo-con war-party apparatus need their Sharon asset to do the job, to set off this chain of events.

    LaRouche concluded, that an American Presidential crackdown on Sharon is the only near-certain way to stop this Sharon war plan. The danger in the immediate period ahead is that Israel attacks Syria and then Iran, leading to a U.S.A. nuclear attack on North Korea just prior to the 2004 Presidential elections.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Please spread this story as widely as possible, the author is currently being harrassed by mainstream press outlets, the IRS, and the banking industry. They are trying to shut him up we must get the word out!

    Bush - Nazi Link Confirmed (references)
    from The New Hampshire Gazette Vol. 248, No. 1, October 10, 2003

    By John Buchanan

    Journalist & Magazine Writer
    4100 Collins Avenue
    Apartment 507
    Miami Beach, FL 33140
    (305) 535-9606

    WASHINGTON - After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, served as a business partner of and U.S. banking operative for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942, when Congress took aggressive action against Bush and his "enemy national" partners.

    The documents also show that Bush and his colleagues, according to reports from the U.S. Department of the Treasury and FBI, tried to conceal their financial alliance with German industrialist Fritz Thyssen, a steel and coal baron who, beginning in the mid-1920s, personally funded Adolf Hitler's rise to power by the subversion of democratic principle and German law.

    Furthermore, the declassified records demonstrate that Bush and his associates, who included E. Roland Harriman, younger brother of American icon W. Averell Harriman, and George Herbert Walker, President Bush's maternal great-grandfather, continued their dealings with the German industrial baron for nearly eight months after the U.S. entered the war.

    No Story?

    For six decades these historical facts have gone unreported by the mainstream U.S. media. The essential facts have appeared on the Internet and in relatively obscure books, but were dismissed by the media and Bush family as undocumented diatribes. This story has also escaped the attention of "official" Bush biographers, Presidential historians and publishers of U.S. history books covering World War II and its aftermath.

    The White House did not respond to phone calls seeking comment.


    JAXXE --- ---
    US imposes sanctions on Syria

    The United States' House of Representatives has passed legislation to impose sanctions on Syria for alleged ties to terrorist groups and attempts to obtain nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

    The legislation also calls on Syria to end its occupation of Lebanon.

    The bill was passed 398 to four.

    Last week, President George W Bush ended two years of opposition to the legislation and has indicated he will sign the bill.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Kelly's Dental Records Disappeared After Death

    JAXXE --- ---

    From top to bottom - an inside job - read up
    by voxfux

    This article is the single most important work presented by vox information sciences. It contains the single most important key to uncovering WHAT REALLY HAPPENED on 9/11. It describes in chilling details the FACTS about the players and events of 9/11.
    It is the single most popular research work on this entire site and is the principal core thesis on which this site is based on. This article is dedicated to all the many educational institutions and people around the world seeking the truth about the staged "Terrorist" attacks perpetrated by a clandestine US group, operating under a plan that is over 20 years old. A plan to attack the American people and rouse them to become the New World Order's foot soldiers and worker ant's on a quest for global conquest. It is complete with FACTS never before presented in one complete work. Originally presented in may of 2002 it is presented here in it's original form.

    A thorough scientific analysis of the swirl of events, people, nations, motivations, propaganda, personalities and histories involved in this current moment in history, leads to only one conclusion - That clandestine forces aligned with George Bush Sr. are planning to attack the US population, blame it on Islamic terrorists and use the attacks as a pretext for a total clamp-down on dissent, basic civil liberties, normal democratic processes and In the confusion that will follow they will wage unchecked war and aggression against Iraq, and other nations, Islamic and otherwise, who have natural resources and particularly oil reserves that this shadowy group of petrochemical and arms industrialists are thirsting for. Their ultimate goal? The conquest of Eurasia. Three quarters of the worlds population and resources are to be found on the Eurasian landmass. It has been the principal focus of State Department and military strategists since presidential National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski outlined it twenty years ago as the principle American “Imperative.” Meaning - To survive, we MUST conquer. But what of all those nations that we will be conquering? According to Brzezinski and his cabal of adherents in the Military and State Department and industry for whom his writings are like a biblical tome - it’s for their own good.

    The problem Brzezinski says is that most average American’s don’t have a taste for crusades of global conquest...



    JAXXE --- ---

    Michael Perich, an LSU professor who helped fight the spread of the West Nile virus died Saturday morning in a one-vehicle car accident. He was 46.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Germans lap up claim that US plotted Sept 11

    London Telegraph

    A former cabinet minister is drawing huge crowds and stoking the fires of anti-Americanism in Germany with a book arguing that the US government mounted the Sept 11 attacks as part of a plot to win global domination.

    Andreas von B
    JAXXE --- ---
    On 23 September 2003 Assistant Chief Constable Page of Abingdon police station tells the Hutton Inquiry that a "gentleman" has contacted both the police and the Inquiry to express his concern over his sighting of "three individuals.... in dark or black clothing" near the scene where Dr David Kelly's body was found early on the morning of 18th July.

    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 Conspiracy Theory Books Dominate Debate at Frankfurt Book Fair

    At the Frankfurt Book Fair, 9/11 conspiracy theory books are a hot topic of conversation. And three books -- all by German authors -- are topping the country's bestseller list. Why are the works such a focus of interest?

    At this year's Frankfurt Book Fair, the world's largest gathering of publishers, editors and writers, everyone's talking about 9/11 conspiracy theory books. Organizers may have highlighted Russia as the official country of this year's conference, but it's the United States -- particularly its role in 9/11 -- that has captured the popular imagination.

    Three books, all by German authors currently topping the German bestseller list, are conspiracy theory accounts about 9/11. Perhaps the most famous of the bunch is written by Andreas von B
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