As with any occult undertaking, the Iraq War was conducted strictly according to occult holidays and occult numbers. Once you understand this reality, you will see that this war is likely Act I of a global war.
As President Bush announced the end of major combat operations in Iraq, I suddenly realized this war was fought by occult numbers, most strikingly so. Once you understand this reality, you will realize that the Iraq War is likely to turn out to be Act I of a coming global war.
Let us review the facts of this war:
War Beginning:
President Bush began this war at 05:50 Baghdad time, on March 20, 2003, according to occult considerations, listed below: * March 20, 2003 was an occult day, for the following reasons: 1. March 20 was the eve of Ostara -- March 21, 2003 is beginning of the Spring Equinox (Ostara)! Occultists worship the goddess of the earth (Gaia) on this day. The celebration, the Feast Day, is held on March 20, with actual ritual occurring on the 21st. In the occult mindset, this ritual celebrates the impregnation of Mother Earth so she may bring forth her crops in the Spring. This Vernal Equinox is a Spring Fertility Rite, copied from the Satanic Druids. The deepest meaning is a "rebirthing" ceremony; what is it that this war is to "birth"? Antichrist, of course!
A blood sacrifice is required, as the sacrificial blood of the animal is poured into the ground, to spite God because of the Cain/Abel dispute. Remember the Scripture? "And the LORD said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand." [Gen 4:9-11] To spite God on this day, Black Magick Satanists slaughter their animal and/or human sacrifice and purposely pour the blood into the ground. This day is extremely important to the Illuminist. Given the bloody nature of these two days, it seems fitting that they would be chosen to be the first official two days of this campaign.
2. March 20, 2003 was Day "555" since the attacks on 9/11. As we demonstrated in NEWS1789, the Illuminati intended the attacks of 9/11 to be the first blow struck for the appearance of Antichrist; therefore, it is highly significant that the Iraqi War -- planned since 1952 -- to be the trigger for the larger Middle East war, did not begin until day "555" after 9/11. Since the occultist believes "5" to be the Number of Death, and the greatest intensification of any number to be a triplicate, a "555" literally means "Highest Death". The Illuminati is working to send this current civilization to its death so it can bring in the New World Order, also known as the Kingdom of Antichrist.
3. March 20, 2003 was the highest degree of the occult "Mars Ingress" for this year. Former Witch, now Pastor, David Meyer explains: "The witches and astrologers that act as a priesthood for our illuministic government would advise them to wait for the influence of the 'Mars ingress'. The month of March is named for the planet Mars ... Astrologers would tell the warmongers that the 'Mars ingress' starts after February 20 and comes to fullness on March 20." [Last Trumpet Newsletter, February, 2003] Thus, President Bush chose to begin the Iraq War on the "day of fullness" of the "Mars ingress".
4. The 48 hour ultimatum to Saddam and his sons precisely paralleled the Jewish holiday, Purim. At 8:15pm, Eastern Standard Time, on March 17, the president appeared on TV to announce a 48-hour ultimatum to Saddam Hussein to leave the country with his sons, or suffer the invasion. Thus, the 48-hour ultimatum expired at 8:15pm., EST, March 19. In Israeli time, President Bush appeared on TV at 3:15am on March 18 and the deadline expired at 3:15am, March 20. Purim was celebrated this year from Sundown, March 17 through March 19. In fact, the Purim celebration this year is comprised of the following events:
1. March 17 -- Ta'anit Esther -- a feast to Queen Esther, the heroine of Purim
2. March 18 -- Purim
3. March 19 -- Shushan Purim -- the day Purim is celebrated in Jerusalem and other cities. Thus, the entire 48-hour ultimatum to Saddam Hussein occurred precisely during the time of the Purim celebration! Thus, you can see that President Bush deliberately chose March 20, 2003 as the start of his war against Iraq because of important occult and current Jewish, considerations. Now, let us examine the end of this war.
War Ending
May 1, 2003 -- President Bush flew to the aircraft carrier, Abraham Lincoln, to declare that the major combat phase in the Iraqi War was over. Once again, we see major occult considerations involved in ending the war precisely on May 1.
1. May 1 is the second-most important satanic holiday, and is known as Beltane. This holiday is a 2-day event, April 30 - May 1. Beltane Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. However, this is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar. May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required.
2. May 1, 2003 is precisely 42 days after March 20! Therefore, the Iraqi War lasted precisely 42 days! Bible scholars have long maintained that the number "42" is a definite, even though a minor, number denoting Antichrist and his kingdom. How can that be? Daniel 9:27 stipulates that the Tribulation Period shall be 7 years long (7 "Weeks of Years"). However, this verse also states that this seven-year period is exactly divisible in to two equal parts: each 3 1/2 years long.
"And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease..." Dan 9:27; 12:7 refers to this 3 1/2 year period as "time, times and half a time", a Jewish colloquialism meaning 3 1/2. See also: Matthew 24:15, where our Lord personally confirms this prophecy and gives a picture of Antichrist going into the Temple. Thus, the Tribulation Period is 84 months long, and is divided into two 42-month segments. Therefore, this Iraqi War last 42 days, a number of Antichrist.
But, why should we be surprised? The Illuminati Plan to produce Antichrist has been largely conducted according to the most important occult number symbolizing the Man of Lawlessness, the number "11" [Read NEWS1789 for a recap of events occurring by the eleven] Further, now you know why Saddam's forces vanished rather than fight for Baghdad! After fighting well in the first 2 1/2 weeks of the Iraqi War, and delaying Coalition Forces greatly, if Saddam had similarly fought for his capitol, Coaltion Forces would still be fighting and dying. We could not have had an exact 42 day war that could be declared ended on the last day of Beltane, May 1.