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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Velký Bratr bude moci zastavit libovolné auto na dálku


    Zní to jako futuristická vize vyšperkovaného Orwella, ale technologie existuje a britská policie tlačí na příslušná místa, aby byla zavedena do široké praxe.

    Úřady by mohly zastavit nebo zpomalit na dálku kterékoliv vozidlo.

    Klíčem tohoto řešení je elektronikou ovládaná černá skříňka, která reaguje na sešlápnutí pedálu. Mohla by být naprogramována tak, aby vozidlo určilo přes GPS svou pozici a hlásilo ji do nějakého centra. Tam by bylo možno rozhodnout, jak rychle má vozidlo jet, a zda se vůbec může rozjet.

    Použití se nabízí samo: Na místech s omezenou rychlostí pojedou auta sama pomaleji. A s ukradeným vozidlem zloději nehnou. Při zhoršených podmínkách, náledí a podobně, by bylo možno na dálku zpomalit všechna vozidla v dané oblasti.

    Podobnou technologii použil jeden tým Formule 1 při ladění motorů. Pak byla tato technologie zakázána.

    Ochráncům lidských práv se to přirozeně nelíbí, ale kdo na těch několik jedinců ještě dbá? A stádu ovcí je to jedno.

    Zdroj: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1111211,00.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    Je Sýrie na řadě?

    Ministr lásky Donald Rumsfeld doporučuje prezidentu Bushovi osvobodit Sýrii. Důvodem je pokračující podpora Sýrie skupinám jako Hizbullah a fakt, že toleruje teroristům přechod do Iráku.

    Nemělo by jít o obvyklé "osvobozování" ve velkém stylu, ačkoliv mnoho povolaných z pentagonského ministerstva lásky to doporučuje. Přesto se Rumsfeld domnívá, že by stačilo pouze vyslání speciálních oddílů a trestné letecké bombardování.

    Colin Powell je v tomto okamžiku proti této akci, ale z dřívějška víme, že Colin Powell je pružný muž a pokud by se ukázalo, že většina je pro, jistě nepůjde hlavou proti zdi. Vlastně proti svým chlebodárcům.

    Prezident Bush se zatím nevyjádřil. Zřejmě se musí nejprve poradit s Bohem.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Bubble of American Supremacy

    by George Soros

    JAXXE --- ---
    US cautions of "very large" Chinese missile build-up opposite Taiwan

    BEIJING (AFP) Jan 15, 2004

    The top US military officer said Thursday China has built up a "very large" missile arsenal facing Taiwan and cautioned that Washington was committed to helping the island defend itself.

    "The US is committed to helping Taiwan maintain its ability to resist the use of force or coercion to solve this problem,"
    chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Richard Myers told journalists as he wrapped up a two-day visit to China during which he met the country's top military brass.

    "And it is not just a one-sided issue," he said when questioned by Chinese journalists on US arms sales to the island.

    "In fact, if you look at the build-up on the Chinese mainland side of the (Taiwan) Straits in terms of surface-to-surface missiles you would see a very large build-up. And China continues to build up its capability opposite Taiwan.

    "Our responsibility under the Taiwan Relations Act is to assist Taiwan in its ability to defend itself. Again, so there will be a peaceful resolution to the problem and no temptation to use force."

    The United States is Taiwan's main weapons supplier.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Witness lends weight to Diana accident theory

    Mark Oliver
    Thursday January 15, 2004

    The theory that the Paris car crash that killed Diana, the princess of Wales, was nothing more sinister than a road accident was supported today by the first public account of an eyewitness.

    Mohamed Medjahdi, 29, told a newspaper there were no other vehicles or photographers in sight when the crash happened in the Pont D'Alma tunnel on August 31 1997.



    Witness lends weight to Diana accident theory: Of course, cars accidentally veer into pillars: This 'eyewitness testimony' only proves what we already knew - the 'white Fiat Uno' story was fabricated so they could grab a patsy. The man they accused proved his innocence and was later found burnt out in his car in the middle of a field. I guess that was an accident too!
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Silverstein Properties hired WTC architect "months before it was


    Mr. Childs began thinking about the future of the World Trade Center
    months before it was destroyed. Silverstein Properties had commissioned
    Skidmore, Owings & Merrill to be involved in renovating the complex
    after it took over the trade center's commercial space in the summer of
    2001 on a 99-year lease from the Port Authority of New York and New

    JAXXE --- ---

    "There is a massive coverup by the CIA controlled US media. All major US media giants are involved in the coverup of the terrorist incident where an American CIA agent (Michael Meiring)blew his own legs off while planting a CIA sponsored terrorist attack on the people of the Philippines. This is the story that will not go away. It is the clearest and most obvious evidence that US intelligence is behind global terrorism. It also reinforces the principle thesis of the voxnews investigations that US intelligence is in fact the largest counterfeiter on planet Earth. And that they finance many of their terrorist operations with counterfeit money which is now coming home to roost. VOXNYC broke the story of Meiring in America in May of 2002. And since then there has been an avalanche of interest in this case. Will you read about it in the American press or see it on American telivision?"

    More at:

    JAXXE --- ---
    Big Government

    How many U.S. federal agencies do you think there are?
    Take a guess before scrolling down this page.

    PETVAL --- ---
    akvarijní rybička ohrožuje ameriku

    autor: martin mačok
    vyšlo: 02. 01. 2004 16:20

    o tom, že americké úřady to s bezpečností na letištích myslí opravdu vážně, svědčí případ americké studentky lary hayhurstové. ta byla na letišti v new yorku nucena se své oblíbené akvarijní rybičky zbavit, aby ji byl umožněn vstup do letadla. vše samozřejmě z "bezpečnostních" důvodů...

    pláč studentce nepomohl, ostraha byla neústupná a odvolávala se na předpisy TSA (transport security administration) amerického úřadu pro bezpečnost cestování. pokud nemá komu rybku dát, nechť ji vyleje do záchoda. na to studentka neměla srdce a nakonec akvárko s rybičkou skrz ostrahu přenesla v baťůžku na zádech, riskujíc mimo postihu za porušení předpisů i smrt rybičky vystavením rentgenovému záření. vše nakonec dobře dopadlo, rybička cestu bez úhony přežila. co k tomu dodat?

    stupidsecurity: The fish that threatened national security
    BEEJBI --- ---
    tyve som pozeral tu stranku Project for a New American Century...v sekcii Statement of Principles su huste veticky...dost fasisticke imho...jak je sakra mozne ze ludia su tak blbi a slepi ze si tieto veci vobec nevsimaju...a tie clanky co si sem dal jaxxe...brutal...

    "We aim to change this. We aim to make the case and rally support for American global leadership."

    "Does the United States have the resolve to shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests?"

    "We are living off the capital -- both the military investments and the foreign policy achievements -- built up by past administrations."

    "We seem to have forgotten the essential elements of the Reagan Administration's success: a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad; and national leadership that accepts the United States' global responsibilities."

    "The history of the 20th century should have taught us that it is important to shape circumstances before crises emerge, and to meet threats before they become dire. The history of this century should have taught us to embrace the cause of American leadership."

    "we need to increase defense spending significantly if we are to carry out our global
    responsibilities today and modernize our armed forces for the future"

    "we need to accept responsibility for America's unique role in preserving and extending an international order friendly to our security, our prosperity, and our principles"

    "Such a Reaganite policy of military strength and moral clarity may not be fashionable today. But it is necessary if the United States is to build on the successes of this past century and to ensure our security and our greatness in the next"

    tyvole...v svetle sucasnych informacii o prepojeni U.S. administrativy s vyrobcami zbrani, o klamstvach o dovodoch vojny v iraku...atd...prekvapuje, ze sa citia tak silni, ze si mozu dovolit pisat taketo veci...ved primerne inteligentneho cloveka musia taketo zaujimave suvislosti napadnut! hlavne ked cita taketo otvorene prejavy agresivity...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Why Are US Soldiers Wearing Backwards Flags?


    JAXXE --- ---
    Here Comes The American Union

    merging north and south america

    Free Press International

    According to my sources, The self called Elite plan to create the American Union by 2007. This will include all of the nations of North, Central and South America and the Caribbean Islands, and will function just like the present European Union, which was completed in the year 2000. There will be only one monetary system, one central bank, one unelected governing body, one military force, one judicial system, no borders, and no Constitution and Bill of Rights. The Elite have invented a new term for expanded NAFTA, which they now call the FTAA, or Free Trade Area of the Americas. The Council of the Americas, at the Quebec City conference in March, 2001, stated very clearly that they plan to complete the FTAA by the year 2005.

    JAXXE --- ---
    US probes online terror talk

    By Frank Gardner
    BBC's security correspondent

    Intelligence agencies are investigating a series of internet warnings, said to be issued by al-Qaeda, about major terrorist attacks on the United States.

    The messages - posted on several Islamist websites - include claims that an entire city could be destroyed.

    This week, a statement, said to be from al-Qaeda intelligence services, warned the countdown to hit America had begun.

    "It will be an even stronger strike than nuclear weapons so be prepared, oh mujahideen holy soldiers," it said.

    The statement concluded that unless America and its allies withdrew from Iraq, Afghanistan and all Islamic countries, the organisation had ordered the elimination of US leaders and their supporters.

    Wishful thinking?

    Another statement, repeated three times in recent days, was posted on an Islamist internet forum called the Mujahideen Network.

    It claimed to be from the Islamic nation to the American people, and boasted that its group now had the ability to destroy an entire US city.

    There are a lot of such messages on the internet - some not necessarily new - and their authors are hard to identify.

    It makes it almost impossible to determine whether these really are final warnings before an attack, like those of 11 September, or just wishful thinking by al-Qaeda sympathisers.

    But US and UK intelligence services are taking the messages, and their content, seriously.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Objednávka Pizzy v roce 2015


    Pizzaservis: Děkujeme, že jste zavolal Pizzerii Vulcano. Mohu vaši ....

    Zákazník: Dobrý den, rád bych si něco objednal.

    P: Můžete mi nejdříve sdělit Vaše NIDČ?

    Z: Mé Národní identifikační číslo, momentíček, je 6102049998-45-54610.

    P: Díky, pane Vonásku. Bydlíte v Růžové ulici 25, Vaše telefonní číslo je 645 624589. Vaše firemní číslo u Alliance je 95456-556-8795646, klapka 47. Z kterého telefonu voláte?

    Z: Cože? Já jsem teď doma. Odkud máte všechny tyhle informace?

    P: Jsme napojeni na národní informační systém.

    Z: (zavzdychá) Aha, jasně. Chtěl bych objednat dvě z Vašich speciálních pizz s extra porcí masa

    P: Nevěřím tomu, že by to pro vás bylo vhodné.

    Z: Cože?

    P: Podle Vašich lékařských záznamů máte velmi vysoký tlak a extrémně vysokou hladinu cholesterinu. Vaše zdravotní pojišťovna by Vám Vaši velice nezdravou volbu určitě nepovolila!

    Z: Do háje! Co byste mi tedy doporučil?

    P: Mohl byste vyzkoušet naši sojovo-jogurtovou pizzu s nízkým obasahem tuku. Určitě Vám bude chutnat.

    Z: Jak jste na to přišel, že mi bude chutnat?

    P: Nojo, minulý týden jste si v knihovně vypůjčil knihu "Sojové recepty pro gurmány". Proto jsem Vám tuto pizzu doporučil.

    Z: Dobrá, dobrá. Vezmu si tedy tyhlety dvě pizzy, rodinnou velikost prosím. Co ta sranda stojí?

    P: Výborně, to by mělo pro Vás, Vaši paní a Vaše čtyři děti stačit. Ta sranda, jak jste to nazval, Vás bude stát 412 korun.

    Z: Dám Vám číslo mé kreditní karty.

    P: Je mi líto, ale budete muset zaplatit hotově. Limit Vašeho kreditu jste už dávno překročil.

    Z: Tak já běžím honem k bankomatu a vyzvednu peníze, abych je měl, než Váš řidič přijede.

    P: Z toho taky nic nebude. Vaše bankovní konto už jste přetáhl taky.

    Z: To je fuk. Pošlete jednoduše ty pizzy. Peníze budu mít. Jak dlouho to bude trvat?

    P: Máme trochu zpoždění, hodně objednávek. Odhaduji to zhruba na 45 minut. Pokud pospícháte, můžete si pro pizzy přijet sám, až budet mít peníze pohromadě. Ale myslím si, že transport rodinných pizz je na motorce poněkud obtížný.

    Z: Odkud víte, že jezdím na motorce?

    P: Tady stojí, že jste pozapomněl splácet Vaše auto a ža jste ho musel vrátit. Ale Vaše motorka je zaplacená, a tak předpokládám, že na ní jezdíte.

    Z: @#%/$@&?#!

    P: Dejte si bacha na to, co chcete říct. Kvůli urážce na cti státního úřadu jste byl v roce 2009 už jednou odsouzen.

    Z: beze slov

    P: Přejete si ještě něco?

    Z: Ne, díky. Vlastně ano, nezapomeňte přibalit ty dva litry coly zdarma, co slibujete v reklamě!

    P: Tak to je mi líto, ale vylučovací doložka naší reklamy nám výdej limonád diabetikům zakazuje.
    Poznámka vydavatele

    Skutečnost bývá často horší, než futuristická vize. Popíšu skutečný dialog, který jsem nedávno měl při objednávce pizzy:

    P: PizzaHut, dobrý den.

    Já: Dobrý den. Rád bych si objednal pizzu.

    P: Samozřejmě, pane Stwora, bude to jako obvykle?

    Atd. Jinými slovy, není nutno se představovat, sdělovat jakékoliv údaje. Člověk na druhém konci drátu ví kdo volá, po prvním zazvonění (je to běžná služba telefonních společností zvaná Call display) a počítač propojený s telefonem okamžitě vyhledá na základě telefonního čísla ve své databázi všechny vaše předchozí objednávky včetně adresy doručení. Takže odsud teprve bych teprve rozvíjel celý dialog.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Excerpts > The Illuminati Papers [1979]

    CD: How seriously are we to take your fascinating and entertaining trilogy, Illuminatus!, which you wrote in collaboration with Robert J. Shea?

    Wilson: I would hate to be taken seriously. Serious people are always so grim and uptight that they make me want to dance naked on the lawn playing a flute. Of course, as Mavis says in the first volume of the trilogy, nothing is true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't really understand it until it makes you cry. The basic situation of humanity is both tragic and comic, since we are all domesticated apes with marvelous 30-billion-cell brains, which we seldom use efficiently because of domination by the older mammalian parts of the back brain. I mean, we're living on the Planet of the Apes, man. Is that funny or serious? It depends on how broad your sense of humor is, I guess.

    CD: Specifically, are we really to believe that competing secret societies initiate and guide the various intellectual, religious, artistic, and mind-warping trends of the world? Or was the secret-society scenario just a parody of right-wing theories, a way of dramatizing authoritarian vs. libertarian trends, or simply your own brainwashing technique?

    Wilson: To quote Lichtenberg, "This book is a mirror. When a monkey looks in, no philosopher looks out." Illuminatus!, like Linda Lovelace, is all things to all men. It's the first novel deliberately written from the viewpoint of the multi-model agnosticism of modern quantum physics. The novelist sitting on a pedestal watching the world with the allegedly Objective Eye of God is as obsolete as the tinhorn preacher bawling, "Come to my church, I've got the true true religion." The only philosophy one can honestly embrace at this stage of evolution is agnosticism, or ontological pluralism. The mosaic of competing conspiracies in Illuminatus! is a parody of popular demonology on both Right and Left. It's also a serious proposal for a more Einsteinian, relativistic model than the monistic Newtonian theories most conspiracy buffs favor. One of the readers who really seems to have understood Illuminatus! is Dr. Timothy Leary, who told me last year that his experiences with the DEA, FBI, CIA, PLO, Weather Underground, Mansonoids, Aryan Brotherhood, Al Fattah, etc., were precisely like the most absurd parts of Illuminatus!. Tim says you meet the same 24 conspiracies wherever you go. Specifically, he mentioned that he identified the same 24 paleolithic gangs fighting over the turf in Folsom Prison that he had recognized at Harvard University. The ones at Harvard speak better English, of course....

    I see the power game resting on three levels of force and fraud. First, earliest and still most powerful is the government racket itself, the monopoly on force (military power, police power, etc.) which allows the governing group to take tribute (taxation) from the enslaved or deluded masses. Second, derivative from this primordial conquest, is the landlord racket, the mammalian monopoly on territory which allow's the king's relations (lords-of-the-land) or their successors, today's "land-lords," to take tribute (rent) from those who live within the territory. Rent is the daughter of taxation; the second degree of the same racket. Third, the latest in historical time, is the usury racket, the monopoly on the issue of currency which allows the money lords to take tribute (interest) on the creation of money or credit, and on the continuous circulation of the money or credit every step of the way. Interest is the son of rent, the rent of money. Since most people engaged in nefarious practices are, in my opinion, very loathe to acknowledge what they are doing, and are addicted to the same hypocrisies as the rest of humanity, I think all power groups quite sincerely believe that what they are doing is proper, and that anybody who attacks them is a revolutionary nut. Outside of the Klingons on Star Trek, I have never encountered a real predator who justifies himself on Stirnerite or Machiavellian grounds. I really think Saroyan was right, naïve as it sounds, in saying that "every man is a good man in his own eyes."

    (Preceding was written in 1976; following was written in 1979)

    The difference between Conspiracy Digest and myself is that CD defines the Power Elite as somebody else. I always define the Power Elite as myself and my friends. CD and I are in basic agreement that certain kinds of power are vested in (a) those who monopolize weaponry, i.e. governments, (b) those who monopolize land, i.e. landlords, and (c) those who monopolize currency, i.e. banks of issue. We disagree in that CD regards these traditional monopolies as possessing the only kinds of power that matters on this planet; and I recognize another kind of power, Brain Power. Brain power (the work of all artists, scientists, and symbolizers since the dawn of humanity, but particularly those of the Nineteenth Century) created the "real world" over which monopolists fight each other in the Twentieth Century. Similiarly, Brain power right now, today, is creating the "real world" of the Twenty-First Century, over which the monopolies will then be struggling. The Brain people create the realities over which the Power people fight each other, and the Brain people even create the techniques of the fight...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Now It Really Gets Weird: 9-11 Footage Shot by Israeli Spies Turns Up on al-Qaeda Website

    author: Justin Raimondo followed by MSNBC report

    JAXXE --- ---

    The One World Order has been achieved in the global corporate world. No rational person can deny that multinational corporations are above the laws of any sovereign country.

    Multinationals are under the direction of the Bilderberg and most are not United States corporations. America has quietly lost the battle for global economic dominance.

    Foreign multinationals dominate all major industries including 9 of the 10 largest electronics companies, 8 of the 10 largest auto makers, 7 of 10 largest oil refiners, 6 of 10 telecom companies, 5 of 10 pharmaceuticals, 4 of 6 chemical producers, 4 of 7 airlines, and 19 of the 25 largest banks in the world. Of the top 100 multinationals ranked by foreign-held assets, just 23 are American. Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands have 40, while Japan has 16. Those of you who believed America was the economic powerhouse of the world had better rethink our vulnerability.

    In global finance, we are even more vulnerable. The status of the dollar as the key currency of the world is at risk. The share of private savings held in European currencies has increased to 37% while the dollar share has fallen to 40%. Nearly half of new bond offerings today are in euros. For the first time since World War II there is another source of globally accepted payment and liquidity for the world economy. Tragically for the dollar, it comes as our balance of international payments is experiencing record deficits. Last year we had to borrow over $500 billion from foreigners to finance our balance of payments deficit.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Why Is Bush And His National Security Team Acting So Guilty About 9/11?

    By Joe Rothstein
    Editor, USPoliticstoday.com

    Early in 2002, national security advisor Condoleezza Rice said "no one could have predicted that they would try to use a hijacked airplane as a missile…” to bring down the World Trade Towers.

    Early in 2004 she is fighting hard not to have to repeat that claim under oath.

    Because it was a lie.

    In the immediate aftermath of the attack on New York and Washington most Americans were ready to believe that Osama Bin Laden hit us with a sucker punch that no one could have seen coming. The evidence is now overwhelming that the punch was telegraphed in advance and that gross incompetence let that punch land and do its terrible damage.

    Just before Christmas, and under-reported by the press, was this startling statement by Thomas Kean, chairman of the independent commission investigating 9/11:

    "This was not something that had to happen."


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