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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    German court acquits suspected terrorist

    A court in Germany has acquitted a Moroccan man accused of assisting three of the 11 September suicide hijackers in the United States.
    The judge said the evidence against Abdelghani Mzoudi was not strong enough for him to be convicted.
    Mzoudi was also cleared of a lesser charge of being a member of a terrorist organisation.
    He had admitted being a friend of the three suspected al-Qaeda members, while they lived in Hamburg, but denied any prior knowledge of the US attacks in 2001.
    Mzoudi had faced charges of aiding and abetting the murder of several thousand people.




    All these 9/11 trials are collapsing because there's no evidence to suggest the 19 named (and at least 7 still alive) hijackers were behind the attack. That is why there is no circumstantial link between those phantom hijackers and the suspects on trial.
    JAXXE --- ---
    to jsi tady dobre ;))
    MARSHUS --- ---
    a sakra.. jenže já nemám ani trávník, ani na to abych si koupil místo na trávník, a vlastně mám jen dluhy.. no nic.. jdu do jinýho audítka ;)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    jaxxe: feeer .. ten chci domů ;)))
    JAXXE --- ---
    a tady mensi reklama na odrudu travniku pouzitou pred pentagonem... jeste kvalitnejsi matros nez saudske pasy ;)

    MARSHUS --- ---
    a nejaky portal ohledne ...
    MARSHUS --- ---
    jakoze nevim co je na tom novyho ale prislo mi ze je to pjekne sesumarizovany a MUSIM to nekam postnout..

    The Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought ©


    Total Population Control

    [Editor's Note: This is a highly revealing and insightful overview of the ELF, GWEN towers, and HAARP inter-connection. It was posted some time ago on Al Bielek's web site before Al went off the air, but its content is as timely today as when it first came out. The same author, Nicholas Jones, posted an excellent article about Chemtrails, Peanut Butter and Barium Sandwichs on Jeff Rense's web site a few months ago. This might be the same Nicholas Jones who is a BBC journalist and author of two books on Spin Control...Ken Adachi]

    By Nicholas Jones

    Earth is wrapped in a donut shaped magnetic field. Circular lines of magnetic flux continuously descend into the North Pole and emerge from the South Pole. The Ionosphere, an electromagnetic-wave conductor, 100 kilometers [62 miles] above the earth, consists of a layer of electrically charged particles acting as a shield from solar winds.

    Earth Resonant Frequency
    Natural waves are created which result from electrical activity in the atmosphere. They are thought to be caused by multiple lightning storms. Collectively, these waves are called 'The Schumann Resonance', with the strongest current registering at 7.8 Hz. These are quasi-standing [scalar], extremely low frequency (ELF) waves that naturally exist in the earth's electromagnetic cavity which is the space between ground and the Ionosphere. These 'earth brainwaves' are identical to the frequency spectrum of our human brainwaves.

    [Frequency nomenclature: 1 hertz = 1 cycle per second, 1 Khz = 1000cps, 1 Mhz =1 million cps. Wavelength: A 1 Hertz wave has a wavelength that is 186,000 miles long, A 10 Hz wave is 18,600 miles long, etc. Radio-waves move at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second)]

    The Creator designed living beings to resonate to the11 natural Schumann Resonance frequency pulsation in order to evolve harmoniously. The Ionosphere is being manipulated by US government scientists using the Alaskan transmitter called HAARP, (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) which sends focused radiated power to heat up sections of the Ionosphere, which bounces power down again. ELF waves produced from HAARP, when targeted on selected areas, can weather-engineer and create mood changes affecting millions of people. The intended wattage is 1,700 billion watts of power.

    Geomagnetic Waves & GWEN
    Sixty four elements in the ground modulate, with variation, the geomagnetic waves naturally coming from the ground. The earth's natural 'brain rhythm' above is balanced with these. These are the same minerals found in red blood corpuscles. There is a relation between the blood and geomagnetic waves. An imbalance between Schumann and geomagnetic waves disrupts these biorhythms. These natural geomagnetic waves are being replaced by artificially created low frequency (LF) ground waves coming from GWEN Towers.

    GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) transmitters placed 200 miles apart across the USA allow specific frequencies to be tailored to the geomagnetic-field strength in each area, allowing the magnetic field to be altered. They operate in the LF range, with transmissions between LF 150 and 175 KHz. They also emit waves from the upper VHF to the lower UHF range of 225 - 400 MHz. The LF signals travel by waves that hug the ground rather than radiating into the atmosphere. A GWEN station transmits in a 360 degree circle up to 300 miles, the signal dropping off sharply with distance. The entire GWEN system consists of, (depending on source of data), from 58 to an intended 300 transmitters spread across the USA, each with a tower 299-500 ft high. 300 ft copper wires in spoke-like fashion fan out from the base of the system underground, interacting with the earth, like a thin shelled conductor, radiating radio wave energy for very long distances through the ground.

    The United States is bathed in this magnetic field which can rise from ground up to 500 ft, but goes down into basements, so everyone can be affected and mind-controlled. The entire artificial ground-wave spreads out over the whole of the USA like a web. It is easier to mind-control and hypnotize people who are bathed in an artificial electromagnetic-wave.

    GWEN transmitters have many different functions including:

    1. controlling the weather,
    2. mind control,
    3. behavior and mood control, and
    4. sending synthetic-telepathy as infrasound to victims with US government mind-control implants.

    GWEN works in conjunction with HAARP and the Russian Woodpecker transmitter, which is similar to HAARP. The Russians openly market a small version of their weather-engineering system called Elate, which can fine-tune weather patterns over a 200 mile area and have the same range as the GWEN unit. An Elate system operates at Moscow airport. The GWEN towers shoot enormous bursts of energy into the atmosphere in conjuction with HAARP. The website www.cuttingedge.org wrote an expose of how the major floods of the Mid-West USA occurred in 1993.

    Atmospheric Vapor Rivers
    Enormous, invisible rivers of water, consisting of vapors that flow, move towards the poles in the lower atmosphere. They rival the flow of the Amazon River and are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long. They are 1.9 miles above the earth and contain a volume of water equivalent to 340 lbs of water per second. There are 5 atmospheric rivers in each Hemisphere. A massive flood can be created by damming up one of these massive vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped. The GWEN Towers positioned along the areas north of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers were turned on for 40 days and 40 nights, probably mocking the Flood of Genesis. (This was in conjunction with HAARP, that creates a river of electricity flowing thousands of miles through the sky and down to the polar ice-cap, manipulating the jet-stream , like the Russian Woodpecker.) These rivers flooded, causing agricultural losses of $12-15 billion. HAARP produces earthquakes by focusing energy along fault lines. GWEN Towers are located on the fault lines and volcanic areas of the Pacific Northeast.

    In 1963, Dr Robert Beck explored effects of external magnetic-fields on brainwaves showing a relationship between psychiatric admissions and solar magnetic storms. He exposed volunteers to pulsed magnetic-fields similar to magnetic-storms, and found a similar response. US 60 Hz electric power ELF waves vibrate at the same frequency as the human brain. UK 50 Hz electricity emissions depress the thyroid gland.

    Human Vulnerability
    Dr Andrija Puharich in the 50's/60's, found that clairvoyant's brainwaves became 8 Hz when their psychic powers were operative. He saw an Indian Yogi in 1956 controlling his brainwaves, deliberately shifting his consciousness from one level to another. Puharich trained people with bio-feedback to do this consciously, making 8 Hz waves. A healer made 8 Hz waves pass into a patient, healing their heart trouble, her brain emitting 8 Hz . One person emitting a certain frequency can make another also resonate to the same frequency. Our brains are extremely vulnerable to any technology which sends out ELF waves, because they immediately start resonating to the outside signal by a kind of tuning-fork effect. Puharich experimented discovering that

    A) 7.83 Hz (earth's pulse rate) made a person feel good, producing an altered-state.
    B) 10.80 Hz causes riotious behaviour and
    C) 6.6 Hz causes depression.

    Puharich made ELF waves change RNA and DNA, breaking hydrogen bonds to make a person have a higher vibratory rate. He wanted to go beyond the psychic 8 Hz brainwave and attract psi phenomena. James Hurtak, who once worked for Puharich, also wrote in his book The Keys of Enoch that ultra-violet caused hydrogen bonds to break and this raised the vibratory rate.

    Puharich presented the mental effects of ELF waves to military leaders, but they would not believe him. He gave this information to certain dignitaries of other Western nations. The US government burned down his home in New York to shut him up and he fled to Mexico. However, the Russians discovered which ELF frequencies did what to the human brain and began zapping the US Embassy in Moscow on 4 July 1976 with electromagnetic-waves, varying the signal, including focusing on 10 Hz. (10 Hz puts people into a hypnotic state. Russians and North Koreans use this in portable mind-control machines to extract confessions. A machine was even found in an American church to help the congregation believe!) The Russian "Woodpecker" signal was traveling across the world from a transmitter near Kiev. The US Air Force identified 5 different frequencies in this compound harmonic Woodpecker signal that was sending signals through the earth and the atmosphere.

    Nikola Tesla revealed in 1901 power could be transmitted through the ground using ELF waves. Nothing stops or weakens these signals. The Russians retrieved Tesla's papers when they were finally returned to Yugoslavia after his death.

    Puharich continued to monitor the Russian ELF wave signal while in Mexico and the higher harmonics produced in the MHz range (5.340 MHz). He met the CIA and started working for them. He and Dr. Robert Beck designed equipment to measure these waves and their effect on the human brain. Puharich started his work by putting dogs to sleep. By 1948/49 he graduated to monkeys, deliberately destroying their eardrums to enable them to pick up sounds without the eardrum intact. He discovered a nerve in the tongue could be used to facilitate hearing. He created the dental tooth implant which mind-control victims are now claiming was surreptitiously placed in their mouth by controlled dentists causing them to hear 'voices in their head.' The implant was placed under dental caps or lodged in the jaw.

    Vaccine Implants
    Implants are now smaller than a hair's width and are injected with vaccine and flu shots. Millions have had this done unknowingly. These 'biochips' circulate in the bloodstream and lodge in the brain, enabling the victims to hear 'voices' via the implant. There are many kinds of implants now and 1 in 40 are victims from 'alien abduction' statistics, though 1 in 20 has also been gauged. The fake alien abduction event, revealed to be actually the work of US military personnel using technology to make hologram spaceships outside, virtual reality scenarios of going onto a spaceship with humans in costumes, has been astutely perceived. Though real alien abductions do occur, the 'alien abduction' scenario has been useful to stop any further investigation or accountability of government authorities by poor victims who would face mockery and appear silly.

    Are we being forced to respond to an artificially induced vibratory rate by global masters who want this planet to have a sudden leap in evolution, populated by the psychically aware and therefore a superior class of humans or is the agenda designed to eliminate billions of people who are 'useless eaters', deceptively being disposed by electro magnetically-induced cancers and diseases?

    Electromagnetic Disease Transmission, ELF, & Chemtrails
    The physics and engineering behind electromagnetic disease transmission are frightening. Diseases can be reproduced as 'disease signatures' in that the vibration of a disease can be manufactured and sent on to be induced. (The brainwave pattern of hallucinogenic drugs can also be copied and sent by ELF waves to induce 'visions'.) Once diseases are sprayed in the air, electromagnetic-waves attuned to the disease, using harmonics and subharmonics, will make them more lethal and infectious by sending particular disease frequency death-patterns.

    Chemtrails are being sprayed daily all over USA (and other countries too) in a white crisscross pattern. They contain diseases and chemicals which affect our state of consciousness. They can produce apathy which works in conjuction with fluoridation of the water, as well as aspartame and drugs. Fluoride disables the willpower section of the brain, impairing the left occipital lobe.

    Fluoride and selenium enable people to 'hear voices'. ELF waves create disturbances in the biological processes of the body and these can be activated in the population once the diseases are introduced into the body from the chemtrails.

    Some chemtrails have been analyzed and shown to be creating cleavages in spacial perceptions, blocking the interaction of various amino-acids that relate to higher-consciousness and to increase dopamine in the brain producing a listless, spaced-out state of lower reactive mind.

    Basically, the goal is to fog the difference between the real and unreal and some of this could be connected with the many UFO abductions occurring en-mass. Hundreds have been witnessed laid out on tables and implanted. Intelligence agencies are in league with each other behind this disablement of the masses to such a point that they can't even fight back. In order for the perpetrators to do what they want, they need the overall 'frequency' of each victim to function at a specific rate below the threshold of awareness.

    Could this be part of a greater plan with mind-control transmitters covering the whole of USA and England, cleverly disguised as cell phone towers and trees? The power from microwave towers may be turned up to such a level that people can die.

    A brain functioning at beta-level (above 13 Hz) is agitated and can't change its perceptions, if it is artificially maintained by technology to that frequency. This may increase body electricity in others, giving them psychic powers. Is this linked to the New-Agers claim of a rising 12-14 Hz Schumann Resonance, inching us towards the 4th dimension? Stimulants ingested globally from caffeine genetically-modified plants, may also produce an impact on the 'global-brain' in the ionosphere collecting our brainwaves. New-age channellers say we are going into 4th dimensional frequency. They 'heard' the voice of some 'ET' who told them.

    However, some 'ETs' may be local boys. Voices in the head were produced in prisoners in Utah prisons using Tesla technology. Each of the prisoners received the same message from an 'ET'. Today, it seems, it's easy to produce 'voices in the head' without implants.

    A prisoner called David Fratus in Draper Prison, Utah in 1988 wrote:

    "I began to receive, or hear, high-frequency tones in my ears. When I plug my ears..the tones are still inside and become amplified. It's as if they had become electrified echo chambers with the sounds coming from the inside out..I began to hear voices..into my inner ears as vivid as though I were listening to a set of stereo headphones..with the end result being that I am now having my brain monitored by an omnipotent computerized mind reading or scanning machine of some sort "

    Hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, and the State Hospital were subject to this brand of mind-control in order to test it. In the early 1970s, this was brought out in the Utah U.S. District Court, because inmates who had been subjected to this Tesla-wave mind-control in prison had tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court. The University of Utah researched how Tesla-waves could be used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, and reading the thoughts, as well as developing eye-implants.

    Cray computers, using artificial-intelligence, monitor the victims of government implants sending pre-recorded sound-bytes or occasional live messages. They are picked up by satellite and relayed to whatever large TV broadcasting antenna, GWEN tower or other microwave antenna is near the victim. It's believed that some type of body implants pick up the signal and broadcast the correct Tesla-wave pattern to create voices within the victim.

    The tracking implant keeps the staff and the satellite system informed every few minutes as to exactly where to send the voice signals. The master computer and central HQ for this is reported to be in Boulder, CO. It is thought that transponders are being made there as well. The central cellular computer is in the Boulder, CO National Bureau of Standards building. AT&T is also cooperating in this project. Several government agencies work together on this.

    Tim Rifat of UK wrote that

    "this inter-cerebral hearing is used to drive the victim mad, as no one else can hear the voices transmitted into the brain of the target. Transmission of auditory data directly into the target's brains using microwave carrier beams is now common practice. Instead of using excitation potentials, one uses a transducer to modify the spoken word into ELF audiograms, that are then superimposed on a pulse modulated microwave beam."

    The Sydney Morning Herald on 21 March 1983 published an article by Dr Nassim Abd El-Aziz Neweigy, Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Agriculture, Moshtohor Tukh-Kalubia, Egypt. It stated:

    "Russian satellites, controlled by advanced computers, can send voices in one's own language interweaving into natural thoughts to the population of choice to form diffused artificial thought. The chemistry and electricity of the human brain can be manipulated by satellite and even suicide can be induced. Through ferocious anti-humanitarian means, the extremist groups are fabricated, the troubles and bloody disturbances are instigated by advanced tele-means via Russian satellites, in many countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America."

    Another source says that these have been fed with the world's languages and synthetic telepathy will reach into people's heads making people believe God is speaking to them personally to enact the Second Coming, complete with holograms! The Russians broke the genetic code of the human brain. They worked out 23 EEG band-wave lengths, 11 of which were totally independent. So if you can manipulate those 11, you can do anything.

    NSA Cray computers can remotely track people just knowing the specific EMF waves (evoked potentials from EEGs in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range) of a person's bioelectric-field. Each person's emissions are unique and they can remotely track someone in public.

    Maxwell's 'Hidden' Etheric Component
    Evoked-potentials officially don't exist in physics, but in 1873 a Scotsman, James Clerk Maxwell, discovered electromagnetic waves have 3 components:

    He discovered waveforms which exist at a certain number of right-angled rotations away from the electromagnetic-field. These are hyperspacial components, not subject to constraints of time and space. He claimed that electromagnetic-radiation waves were carried by the ether and the ether was disturbed by magnetic lines of force. The hidden component is called only 'potential' now and not normally used except for covert hyperdimensional physics and to manipulate consciousness itself via electromagnetic-waves covering vast areas of the planet.

    Approx. one person in 3000 is naturally sensitive to this magnetic-waveform component, the telepathic types (according to a writer called "Majix"), but we are all capable of tuning into this magnetic component by tuning our subconscious to it. Maxwell's successors thought potentials were akin to mysticism, because they believed fields contain mass which cannot be created from apparently nothing, which is what potentials are, both literally and mathematically - they are an accumulation or reservoir of energy; but this hasn't been taught in mainstream physics.

    Thought Control
    Subliminal words in the correct electromagnetic-field that expresses human consciousness, attuned to the human brain, can enter our minds at a subconscious level. Our brain activity patterns can apparently be measured and stored on computer by super-computers. If a victim needs subliminal-thoughts implanted, all that is necessary is to capture, save on computer, and target the person's brainwave pattern to send them such low frequency subliminal-messages that they actually think it is their own thoughts [confirmed by Al Bielek and Preston Nichols with the Montauk Project in Long Island]. The researcher Majix says our brains are so sensitive that they are like liquid-crystal in response to the magnetic component of the earth.

    We are sensitive to earth's magnetic changes, changes in the ionospheric cavity and re-resonate those frequencies ourselves. We are incredibly complex, beyond comprehension and a type of biocosmic transducer. He adds:

    "Physicists in Russia correlate the mean annual magnetic-activity, electro-magnetic and electro-static fields on human behavior and medical indications.They are similar to biorhythms.These magnetic frequencies can be manipulated. Our brain waves can mimic magnetic frequencies from very simple equipment at extremely low power levels. From half a second to 4 seconds later, the neurons and brainwaves are driven exclusively by the device, with power levels almost nonexistent. All one needs is a circularly polarized antenna aimed up at the ionospheric cavity and they can manipulate the moods of everyone within a 75 sq. mile area. The body picks up these "new" manipulated waves and begins to correspond immediately. "Sleep" frequency will make everyone become tired and sleep."

    In 1967, an "internationally renowned scientist" and Christopher Hills, a pendulum expert, communicated with some ETs. (It is not known who the scientist was, but at one time both Hills and Puharich were with the medium Eileen Garrett at a time when Puharich was communicating with ETs.)

    In short, ETs communicated with us via modulated radio-waves, between 10,000 and 20,000 cycles below the known electromagnetic-spectrum. In the carrier-wave by amplitude modulation, mixed with frequency modulation. Single band energy, transmission power less than 25 watts. A naturally present wave on earth, the brain modulated - a wave that resonates between the earth and the ionosphere. All humans influence the ionosphere in this manner. A reflecting technique is involved. The brain modulation consisted of pulses, akin to those known from neuro pulses. Two humans can use this. It's related to something akin to low frequency radar and to ultrasonic techniques, but qualified. A mixed electro-acoustic wave function. The electromagnetic-wave induced an ultrasonic transduction in human tissue. The brain radiation has a sonic component to it as well as an electromagnetic component. Electromagnetic-radiation has a sonic component and it's dependent on the medium through which it travels.

    The scientist cut through months of work. Now HAARP is slicing up the ionosphere, the world-brain, like a microwave knife, producing long tear incisions destroying the membrane which holds the reservoir of data accumulated by all earth's history. A healer called Mr. "A" claimed to receive "Ancient Wisdom" from this protective Magnetic-Ring of energy which stores within it all knowledge since time began. Ruth Mongomery wrote about him in Born To Heal.

    He claimed that if our energy flow is cut off from this magnetic-field, the Universal-Supply is obstructed and we are no longer in tune and start to get sick. The Power from this travels in split-seconds around the world and is available to anyone who is capable of receiving it and handling it. The waves from The Ring automatically translated into words in his mind, as wisdom to diagnose and heal others, coming from the storehouse of knowledge here since the beginning of time. He produced instant miracles, knitting broken bones and removing arthritis. A photo caught forked lightning coming from his fingers.

    In Let's Talk MONTAUK, Joyce Murphy shows that experiments on the 410-420 MHz cycle have been done which could affect the"window frequency to the human consciousness" as a whole:

    "He (Preston Nichols) used his..radio equipment to learn that whenever a 410-420 MHz signal appeared on the air, the psychic's minds would be "jammed." Tracing the signal to Montauk Point and the red and white radar antenna on the Air Force Base.."

    In Encounter in the Pleiades by Peter Moon and Preston Nichols, http://www.time-travel.com/skybooks/ Preston wrote that:

    "Dr. Nicholas Begich has picked up 435 MHz signals connected to HAARP and that a mind control function is being employed. He says that 400-450 MHz is the window to human consciousness because it is our reality's background frequency."

    Tim Rifat wrote in his Microwave Mind Control in the UK article http://www.brazilboycott.org/ that cellular phones use 435 MHz. UK police use 450 MHz exclusively. Dr. Ross Adey used this for CIA behavioral modification experiments. Police have a vast array of antennae to broadcast this frequency all over the UK. Adey used 0.75mW/cm2 intensity of pulse modulate microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz, with an ELF modulation to control all aspects of human behavior. 450 MHZ radar modulated at 60 Hz greatly reduced T-lymphocyte activity to kill cultured cancer cells. A study of USA 60 Hz powerlines repeated this finding.
    JAXXE --- ---


    Downing Street in whitewash demo
    The protesters were dressed in judges' wigs and gowns
    A group of protesters have been arrested for throwing white paint at the gates of Downing Street.

    A spokesman said protesters were concerned about the narrow remit of an inquiry to examine UK intelligence on Iraq's WMDs.

    The attack took place at about 0900 GMT and five people were arrested for criminal damage

    Police are considering whether it is in the public interest to formally charge the protesters.

    The demonstrators were said to be dressed in judges' wigs and robes.


    The Prime Minister's official residence is the subject of protests most days, police said.

    And there are always a number of police officers on Downing Street itself.

    But since the road was closed to the public in 1989 for security reasons, demonstrators have not been able to reach Number 10.

    Wednesday's paint was later cleaned off by firefighters using high-powered jets.


    JAXXE --- ---
    dovede si predstavit, ze by to rekl nekdo z jineho statu na blizkem vychode ? a co by se pak delo ?

    Izraelský profesor: Můžeme zničit všechna evropská hlavní města

    Nadim Ladki
    (více o autorovi=>>)

    Izraelský profesor a vojenský historik naznačil, že by Izrael mohl pomstít holocaust anihilací milionů Němců a dalších Evropanů.

    V pátek byl v Jeruzalémě publikován interview s profesorem Martinem Van Creveldem. V jeho průběhu Creveld řekl, že Izrael je schopen zasáhnout většinu evropských měst jadernými zbraněmi.

    "Vlastníme stovky atomových hlavic a raket a můžeme je vypálit v libovolném směru, třeba i na Řím. Většina evropských měst je cílem našich leteckých sil."

    Profesor Creveld také zdůraznil, že kolektivní deportace Palestinců je jedinou rozumnou strategií.

    "Všichni Palestinci by měli být deportováni. Lidé, kteří o to usilují (izraelská vláda) čekají pouze na pravou chvíli a pravého muže. Před dvěma roky si pouze 7-8 % Izraelců myslelo, že by to bylo nejlepší řešení. Před dvěma měsíci už to bylo 33 % a podle posledního Gallupova průzkumu se pro deportaci vyslovilo 44 % dotázaných."

    Podle Crevelda je jisté, že Sharon o to usiluje.

    "Myslím, že je vysoce pravděpodobné, že se o to snaží. Hodlá konflikt eskalovat. Velmi dobře ví, že nic jiného nemá naději na úspěch."

    Na otázku, zda se nebojí, že bude Izrael zařazen mezi zločinné státy, pokud přikročí k etnickému čistění od Palestinců, profesor Creveld citoval výrok bývalého ministra obrany Moshe Dajana: "Izrael musí být jako vzteklý pes. Příliš nebezpečný, aby se někdo odvážil ho obtěžovat."

    Creveld se domnívá, že Izrael příliš nezajímá, zařadí-li ho někdo mezi zločinné státy.

    "Naše vojenské síly nejsou na třicátém, ale na druhém nebo třetím místě co do síly ve světě. Máme-li zahynout, máme prostředky a schopnosti vzít svět s sebou. A ujišťuji vás, že se to stane dříve, než zanikne Izrael."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Šaškárna kolem hledání viníků

    Vladimír Stwora

    Za mých mladých dob, kdy nejhorší, co se mohlo člověku stát, byla srážka s komunistou, se vyprávěla anekdota: Pět fází socialistického budování. (1) Před realizační nadšení. (2) Realizační rozčarování (3) Hledání viníků (4) Potrestání nevinných (5) Vyznamenání nezúčastněných. Myslím, že tentýž model se dá použít na kterýkoliv totalitní režim, kde se vláda vymkne jakékoliv kontrole a řídí stát (a potažmo i planetu) způsobem, jakým chce úzká skupinka lidí v pozadí. Souhlasíte-li se mnou, tak jistě budete i souhlasit, že v Americe a Británii jsme momentálně ve fázi tři.

    Skupinka, která tahá za nitky loutek Bushe a Blaira usoudila, že už nemůže předstírat další hledání neexistujících zbraní, a rozhodla se kousnout do kyselého jablka. Samozřejmě to nebude znamenat odstavení figurek Bushe a Blaira, ti se budou ještě hodit. Těžko by sháněli podobně oddané a fanatické jedince. Ale někdo za to selhání přeci může, ne? Tak kdo?

    No přeci zlotřilé bezpečnostní služby! Ony dodaly špatné podklady. Ony zavinily zbytečnou válku. Ony lhaly! Bude třeba nařídit "nezávislé vyšetřování", to už je jasné. Nejlépe bude jmenovat nějakou "nezávislou" komisi. V Británii by ji mohl vést třeba lord Hutton, ten se projevil dostatečně schopně. V Americe lorda Huttona nemají, ale ať vyberou kteréhokoliv politika, jistě nezklame. Takových Huttonů, i když ne podle jména, tam mají plné senátní lavice. (Pozn. Doporučuji vyhnout se politikům jako Robert Byrd, Ron Paul nebo Russ Feingold, pokud tam ještě jsou. To jsou čestné výjimky a mohli by náhodou opravdu na něco přijít.)

    Jen co příslušné komise inkasují příslušné miliony z kapes daňových poplatníků, vyšetřování se hned ze široka rozběhne. Bude se zkoumat zevrubně a podrobně všechno a všechny.

    Při tom podrobném zkoumání nikdo pochopitelně nevzpomene, že základy útoku na Irák byly položeny už v roce 1998, a že otcem (nebo matkou?) myšlenky byla skupina kolem PNAC (Project for the New American Century), což je široce publikované na Internetu a najde to každý, kdo chce, nejdéle do pěti minut, a dále, že tento plán protlačoval Izrael a sionisté. Nikdo nevzpomene, že už šest dnů po 11. září poslal Bush do Pentagonu tajný příkaz vypracovat studii útoku na Irák. Bez povšimnutí také zůstane řada osobních cest Paula Wolfowitze a Donalda Rumsfelda na ústředí bezpečnostní služby, při kterých nutili šéfy CIA skákat podle jejich pískotu, stejně jako bez povšimnutí projde vytvoření zvláštní skupiny z nejfanatičtějších sionistů (Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Bolton, Armitage, Perle), která sama sebe ustanovila nad CIA a filtrovala a vybírala a vracela zprávy, které nebyly dostatečně in.

    Ne, nebude se mluvit o tom, jaký tlak vyvíjeli Bushovi pohůnci na výzvědné služby, tím si buďme jisti. Neuslyšíme, kolikrát jim vraceli zprávy k přepracování, jak požadovali, aby v každých jejich závěrech bylo vyjádřeno nebezpečí plynoucí z Iráků.

    Vyšetřování bude stát miliony a bude trvat dlouho. Jeho závěr se rozplyne do ztracena dávno po amerických volbách. A to málo, co komise "objeví" bude ještě více rozředěno v "nezávislých" sdělovacích prostředcích.

    Předpokládám, že někdo nakonec bude muset jít od valu. Nejspíše se to svede na šéfy bezpečnostních služeb. Ale nemyslím si, že utrpí ztrátu. Když se vykopává za dobré služby, tak vždycky výš.

    Zpočátku mne mátlo, proč ty zbraně prostě v tom Iráku nenašli. Chci říci, proč je tam nejprve neukryli a později s velkou slávou nenašli. Podezříval jsem Bushův tým z arogance vůči světové veřejnosti. Vždyť co by jim to udělalo, kdyby tam pár těch zbraní pro forma našli? Ale možná, že mám pro to vysvětlení.

    Naznačuje to už propagandistický stroj, který se zvolna rozbíhá daným směrem. Že nevíte, kde ty zbraně jsou? Přeci v Sýrii. Tam je stačil zločinec Saddam před invazi ukrýt. A tam si pro ně budeme muset dojít. A pokud se nenajdou v Sýrii, tak jen proto, že už je stačili převést do Jordánska. A z Jordánska do Saudské Arábie. Nebo na Kubu. Zkrátka podle toho, která země bude zrovna v plánu. A tak budeme hledat a hledat, dokud nám budou stačit prostředky a dokud veřejnost neprohlédne. Jak znám americkou veřejnost, bude to ještě chvíli trvat.

    JAXXE --- ---
    RFID and the end of civilisation

    JAXXE --- ---


    His plans include keeping sensitive evidence from defendants and secret trials before 'vetted' judges (what, like Lord Hutton?). This, he says, is to protect the 'evidence' presented by security agencies - you know the same ones that lied and lied to provide the bogus excuse for the invasion of Iraq.

    Blunkett also wants to change the law so that prosecutors can take action against suspected 'British extremists' even though the evidence 'may not be strong enough to win a conviction under existing laws'.


    "They thought I was a left wing fire-brand
    who stood for freedom of the people ...."

    "Ha, ha, ha, whoop, whoop, whoop,
    ha, ha, ha, no, stop it's hurting ...."
    SUPAFLY --- ---
    PreCrime? huh.... minority report skutecnosti? uz ted? masakr...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Blunkett to Enact PreCrime Terror Law

    London Evening Standard

    Home Secretary David Blunkett today unveiled far-reaching and controversial plans to tighten Britain's anti-terrorism laws.

    He wants terror suspects to go on trial in secret, lower the burden of proof and bring in "pre-emptive" charges - before a crime is actually committed.

    Mr Blunkett put himself on a collision course with human rights groups, the judiciary and many in his own party with proposals he says are needed to combat al Qaeda and the threat of suicide bombings.

    The plans would put suspects on trial using MI5 or MI6 intelligence of an expected terror attack. This would be enough to convict if found to be true "on the balance of probabilities", rather than "beyond reasonable doubt".


    JAXXE --- ---

    "First law of manipulation: you don't set up inquiries that could destroy you unless you know beforehand that they won't."

    By David Icke

    The story behind the events outlined below goes back decades because the Illuminati agenda for global control projects forward a long time the sequence of events necessary to bring about it's global fascist dictatorship. Tales From The Time Loop has the detailed background. I will pick up the sequence here at the start of the 21st century:

    1.) In September 2000 the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), an organisation created by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and a stream of people now controlling the Bush administration, published its blueprint for global US (Illuminati) conquest of the Middle and Far East called Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources For A New Century.

    This called for the conquest of Iraq, Iran and North Korea together with other countries like Syria and the use of American forces to 'democratise' China. When the Bush administration, dominated by the 'neo-cons' behind the blueprint and related organisations like the American Enterprise Institute, came illegally to power in January 2001 by fixing the vote, this blueprint was the plan of action that guided its decisions and manipulations from day one.

    2.) The PNAC document says that this blueprint for conquest would be a slow process "absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." One year to the month after this document was published and nine months after Bush and the authors of the blueprint came to power, the United States did indeed suffer what President Bush called "Our Pearl Harbor" - 9/11.

    As a result of the September 11th attacks, the official story of which is demolished in Alice in Wonderland and the World Trade Center Disaster, the Project for the New America Century agenda has unfolded with great speed. Without 9/11 it could not have done so. This was no coincidence because the September 11th attacks were no more orchestrated by Osama bin Laden than by the man in the Moon. The orchestration came from within the borders of the United States under the supervision of the Illuminati operational headquarters in Europe.

    3.) Using the excuse that 'Bin Laden did it,' the US and Britain invaded Afghanistan, causing the usual mass murder and maiming of civilians. They then installed their puppet, Hamid Karsai, former advisor to US oil company, UNOCAL, on its plan for oil and gas pipelines across Afghanistan that were stalled while the Taliban were in power.

    4.) President Bush delivered the State of the Union address to the Houses of Congress on January 30th 2002. This was written by a neo-con and 'scholar' at the American Enterprise Institute called David Frum. It was he who produced the phrase the 'Axis of Evil' referring to the very targets of the neo-con's Project for the New American Century report of September 2000 - Iraq, Iran and North Korea.

    More than that, the report even highlighted Saddam and Iraq as the excuse that should be used to start the sequence of conquest in the Middle East. So now Bush, the neo-cons who control him, and the Illuminati leaders in the shadows who control them all, focused themselves on providing the excuse for invading Iraq. They came up with 'weapons of mass destruction' and the imminent threat of chemical, biological and nuclear attack from Saddam Hussein.

    This is the reason why the question is now being asked: how did British Intelligence, the CIA and others get it so wrong about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction? The answer is that the Illuminati placemen involved in all these agencies made up the evidence to give their Illuminati-controlled governments the excuse to sell the long-planned invasion of Iraq. It was not through incompetence that they were so wrong, that's just what they want us to believe to hide the truth. They were wrong by calculated design. Scott Ritter, the former UN weapons inspector in Iraq, said loudly before the invasion that no WMD would be found and the claims were just an excuse for war. He was right and the intelligence chiefs knew he was right.

    They were creating the PROBLEM to glean the REACTION from the public to support the invasion and allow them to provide the SOLUTION - the takeover of Iraq to secure the first stage of their agenda for conquest and control of the region before heading further east to North Korea and China.

    5.) The Project for the New American Century document says that allies like the UK are "the most effective and efficient means of exercising American global leadership." In line with this, Tony Blair was brought into the loop to provide British Illuminati support for the American Illuminati government of George Bush.

    Agreement was reached during 2002 to invade Iraq early in 2003 and Blair and his mendacious, manipulating cabal set about producing the made-up 'dossiers' to sell the war to the British public by frightening them into believing that the chemical, biological and nuclear threat from Saddam was imminent. This is why they included in their second 'dossier' the ludicrous claim - since exposed as extraordinary nonsense - that Saddam could deploy such weapons against British interests in 45 minutes.

    Blair's 'Director of Communications' (spin), Alastair Campbell, oversaw the first dossier that was little more than a 12-year-old thesis on Iraq weapons capability compiled by a student in America that they downloaded off the Internet and presented, including the spelling errors, as cutting edge 'intelligence'. Campbell also made a series of wording 'suggestions' to the intelligence drafters of the second dossier to make it sound more frightening. This included, in describing the Iraqi threat, changing 'may' be capable of deploying weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes to 'are' capable.

    This and all the 'suggestions' by Campbell were included in the dossier by Campbell's friend, John Scarlett, the chairman of the Joint Intelligence Committee. The changes were not made on the grounds of intelligence, but on what Campbell, a spin doctor, not an intelligence operative, wanted to include to sell the threat and thus sell the war. It was also revealed that the 45 minute deployment claim, while utter nonsense anyway, did in fact relate only to battlefield weapons, but this important detail was not included in the dossier and Blair gave the impression to everyone that it applied to long-range weapons threatening British interests. All the evidence for this was clearly presented to the Hutton 'inquiry', but he outrageously ignored it.
    The Evidence That Hutton Ignored

    6.) Dr. David Kelly, a weapons expert with massive experience of Iraq and working at the British Ministry of Defence, became extremely concerned, together with many other weapons experts and intelligence operatives, that the second dossier was painting a false and inflated picture of the threat posed by Saddam and was being used by the Blair government as a propaganda tool to sell the war.

    He spoke with three BBC journalists at different times, Andrew Gilligan of the BBC Today radio programme; Susan Watts from the TV current affairs show, Newsnight, (her phone interview was taped); and Gavin Hewitt, a highly experienced journalist with BBC television news. As the Hutton 'inquiry' heard, Dr. Kelly told the BBC reporters that the Blair government was spinning the dossier to make their case for war and many within the intelligence community had great misgivings about this. This view by Dr Kelly was confirmed by the Susan Watts tape.
    Susan Watts / David Kelly Transcript of Interview

    Lord Hutton in his whitewash 'inquiry' ignored all this evidence and more. Instead, he simply attacked Andrew Gilligan and the BBC for broadcasting Dr. Kelly's comments, or miss-reporting them as Hutton contended. He also criticised Dr. Kelly for talking to the media. Everyone was to blame, in the unfathomable mind of Lord Hutton, except anyone in government or intelligence.

    Gilligan claimed, in just one broadcast at 6.07 in the morning when hardly anyone was listening, that his source (Dr. Kelly) said the government probably knew the 45 minute claim was inaccurate when it was included in the dossier. This could not be proved by Gilligan's specific evidence, but when you put all the evidence together this was clearly correct. It was this point that Blair and Campbell seized upon to divert attention from the real issues and the fact that Gilligan was absolutely spot on with the thrust of his reports - the government had 'sexed up' the dossier to make the case for war and many in the intelligence community were deeply sceptical of this. Campbell used the age-old manipulation technique of targeting the weakest part of a case and, in doing so, seeking to undermine the whole case, even though most of it is incontrovertible. People like Campbell are nothing if not predictable.

    7.) When it became clear that David Kelly was the source of Gilligan's devastating information, Blair, Campbell and the gofer Defence Secretary, Geoff Hoon, wanted the source's name made public. Campbell wrote in his diary that exposing the source would "fuck Gilligan' and that it was vital to make his name public.
    Kelly naming would 'fuck Gilligan' - Campbell

    It would have been contrary to the rules of government procedure to directly name Kelly however, and so they hatched a plan to feed his name to the media without actually stating directly who it was. A meeting chaired by Blair agreed that a press release should be issued saying the source of Gilligan's report had been established and giving enough information about him for any journalist worth the name to guess who they were talking about. The Blair cabal also agreed that if a journalist named Dr. Kelly to the Ministry of Defence press office the name would be confirmed. Most journalists who called got the name quickly and had it confirmed, but a less informed Times reporter went through a list of 20 names before the press officer said 'Yes, that's him'.
    MoD clues led papers to Kelly as source

    This charade was considered by Hutton not to be a dishonest and calculated scam to get Kelly's name in the public domain!!!

    8.) When Kelly was named all hell broke loose and he was used as a pawn, a fall-guy, by Blair's vicious cabal to undermine the clear fact that Blair and co lied to the people about weapons of mass destruction with the intention of justifying the war, just as Bush and co had done in the United States. Of course, both did the same, they were answering to the same masters and working to the same plan.

    Dr. Kelly went for a walk in the countryside near his home in Oxfordshire at the height of the furore and never came back. He was found dead, allegedly committing 'suicide' because of the pressure. But even though he was said to have cut his wrist and bled to death, the medics at the scene reported very little blood. He was also claimed to have taken up to 29 tablets and yet, as a close friend revealed, Dr. Kelly had a serious aversion to taking tablets and refused even one for a headache because of the difficulty he had in swallowing them.
    Dr Kelly's Final Hours Did Not Indicate Suicide
    Dr Kelly 'did not kill himself'

    Lord Hutton accepted the suicide version of Dr. Kelly's death given by the government pathologist, Nicholas Hunt, when on the eve of the Hutton report, three doctors wrote to a national newspaper saying this explanation of his death made absolutely no medical sense at all.
    Three Doctors Dispute the Official Story of How Hutton Died

    The government and intelligence officials were certainly delighted to have Dr. Kelly out of the way because he had the knowledge that could have exposed much of what really went on behind the scenes in the compilation of the 'weapons' dossier.

    9.) Tony Blair was now faced with a massive scandal and if he or his cohorts could be shown to have lied to the British people and Parliament to justify the war with Iraq, or that they had been involved in the leaking of David Kelly's name to the media, they would all have to resign - even Blair.

    This is when Blair announced that he was establishing an 'independent' inquiry (yeah, right) into what happened. First law of manipulation: you don't set up inquiries that could destroy you unless you know beforehand that they won't. Blair decided who would conduct the inquiry and imposed its extraordinarily narrow terms of reference. It would not involve the content of the 'weapons' dossiers and why they have proved so unbelievably wrong. It would only consider the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr. Kelly.

    Blair chose Lord Hutton, the judge and former Law Lord (similar to the Supreme Court judges in the US), to conduct a farce of an 'inquiry' after taking advice from his former flat-mate, Charles Falconer, the Lord Chancellor, who heads the judiciary and knows which judges can be trusted to protect the establishment no matter what the evidence. No doubt Blair also consulted his friend and spinner, Peter Mandelson, who was Secretary of State for Northern Ireland while Lord Hutton was Lord Chief Justice there. How can I put this? If Peter Mandelson told me his name I would have to check his passport. He has twice had to resign as a Blair minister because of scandals involving money and misusing his office. He would have provided more confirmation that Hutton was 'safe'.

    10.) Lord Hutton reports his findings and, hey presto, they clear the government and Alastair Campbell of any blame whatsoever and hurl all the blame at the BBC, whom the Illuminati, and not least media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, have long wanted to destroy.
    Key points: The Hutton report

    The BBC chairman, Gavin Davies, resigned in the wake of this transparent whitewash and so did the Director General, Greg Dyke. Ironically both were former financial supporters of Blair's Labour Party, but everyone is expendable when Blair's arse is at stake. Two days after Hutton's ludicrous report, Andrew Gilligan resigned and his resignation statement spoke more common sense in a few paragraphs than Lord Hutton could muster in his entire white and washed garbage of a 'report'.
    Gilligan's Resignation Statement

    Greg Dyke also refused to be bowed and condemned the blatant bias in both the lack of criticism of the government and the condemnation of the BBC.
    Hutton Report dissected

    In their desperation to hide the truth, and their arrogant belief that they are untouchable, no criticism was allowed of Blair and co, but this has already begun to backfire. The cover-up is so blatant and transparent that most of the British people are not buying it. An early opinion poll reported that a three-to-one majority believe the BBC over the government and a phone poll involving 34,000 people by Britain's Channel Four News found that 90% of the callers said Hutton was wrong in his 'conclusions' and only 10% thought he was right.

    They are very good judges - better than Hutton, that's for sure. But then, how could they not be?

    So what is the next stage of the cover-up by Bush and Blair of the manipulation of 'evidence' to support their invasion agenda?

    It is to blame the absence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq on 'bad intelligence' and so turn the focus of responsibility away from themselves and on to expendable intelligence chiefs.

    This is already happening both sides of the Atlantic and the Hutton 'report' was designed to clear Blair of knowing the 'intelligence' was wrong so that any further investigations into the lack of WMD will be held on the basis of 'why was the Intelligence so bad' and not on the fact that Blair, like Bush, knew all along that the 'intelligence' was mere propaganda.


    JAXXE --- ---
    A few Presidential quotes to ponder

    "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

    "I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change..."

    "Let me reiterate what I've told the American people and the world. We will use whatever means are necessary to achieve our objective.''

    "There ought to be limits to freedom!"

    "When it is all said and done, I will have made more money than I ever dreamed I would make."

    "People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history."

    "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."

    --GW Bush, Second presidential debate, Oct. 11, 2000

    "Anyway, after we go out and work our hearts out, after you go out and help us turn out the vote, after we've convinced the good Americans to vote, and while they're at it, pull that old George W. lever, if I'm the one, when I put my hand on the Bible, when I put my hand on the Bible, that day when they swear us in, when I put my hand on the Bible, I will swear to not to uphold the laws of the land."

    --GW Bush, Toledo, Ohio, Oct. 27, 2000

    "When I was coming up, it was a dangerous world, and you knew exactly who they were," he said. "It was us vs. them, and it was clear who them was. Today, we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they're there." --GW Bush - Iowa Western Community College, Jan 21, 2000

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush to pick WMD panel


    President Bush today said he would appoint a panel to look at prewar intelligence and what the team hunting for Iraq's weapons has found. Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle repeated his call for an independent investigation, saying Bush will "dictate the design and ultimately the circumstances under which they do their work."




    If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so
    long as I'm the dictator,"
    Bush joked.

    CNN.com, December 18, 2000
    JAXXE --- ---
    Advertisers probe brains, raise fears

    The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

    When Peter Graser underwent an MRI scan at Emory University, doctors weren't looking for disease.

    Instead, brain researchers flashed images -- Madonna, broccoli, sushi, a Ford truck, a golden retriever, Bill Clinton, Coca-Cola -- before the 37-year-old Marietta resident's eyes as he lay inside the coffin-like tube of the magnetic resonance imaging machine.

    The scientists discovered a biological clue to what drives consumers: Whenever Graser and a dozen other study volunteers saw a picture they particularly liked, their brains showed increased activity in the medial prefrontal cortex -- an area associated with preference, or sense of self.

    On this Super Bowl Sunday, when advertising swells to a fever pitch, the researchers' conclusion is especially appropos: What really makes us loyal purchasers is a brand that reflects our self-image, not a product's taste, size, color or convenience.

    The study, funded through the Atlanta consulting firm BrightHouse by an undisclosed Fortune 500 client, has stirred up controversy about the emerging -- and some say Orwellian -- field of "neuromarketing." Scientific tools such as MRI scanners, which allow researchers to peer into the brain and better understand depression, addiction, autism and schizophrenia, should not be used by Coca-Cola, McDonald's or Ford to entice people to buy more of their soda, french fries or sport utility vehicles, critics say.

    "It's wrong to use medical technology for marketing and not for healing," said Gary Ruskin, executive director of Commercial Alert, a Portland, Ore.-based nonprofit organization that has worked to bar advertising from schools and other public areas. "We have epidemics of obesity, diabetes, alcoholism, gambling and smoking -- all tied to marketing.
    Any increase in the effectiveness of advertising can be devastating to the public."


    "A lot of what motivates our behavior occurs below the level of conscious awareness," said Meaux, a neuroscientist. "We give [companies] insight into how to develop relationships with consumers."

    Meaux winces at the allegation by some that BrightHouse is searching for a "buy button" in the brain.


    Neuromarketing is a commercial offshoot of the burgeoning field of medical research known as cognitive neuroscience. Researchers are using souped-up MRI scanners and other brain-imaging machines to uncover biological explanations for mental illness -- and to elucidate why we hate, envy, love or cooperate.


    Read Montague, a neuroscientist at Baylor College of Medicine, has applied MRI technology to the "Pepsi Challenge." In his lab, the brains of test subjects who prefer Pepsi lit up in the region where people process feelings of reward, such as taste. But Coca-Cola lovers displayed activity of a higher order -- in the medial prefrontal cortex, the same sector revealed in the Emory experiment.

    Pepsi wins many taste tests, but Coke sells better because people are subconsciously influenced by Coke's full-of-life image, Montague said. "Nobody had ever measured the neurocorrelate of it," he said.

    He said he is organizing a national neuromarketing conference at Baylor this spring, to allow companies considering the technique to hash out economic and ethical issues.


    "Big government and big companies have been trying to manipulate us since the start of time," he said. "What's different about this?"



    JAXXE --- ---
    High school kids hack Diebold voting machines

    from The Baltimore Sun

    One guy picked the locks protecting the internal printers and memory cards. Another figured out how to vote more than once - and get away with it. Still another launched a dial-up attack, using his modem to slither through an electronic hole in the State Board of Elections software. Once inside, he could easily change vote totals that come in on Election Day.


    JAXXE --- ---

    ...to understand what Shlain is saying, it is important to remember that the left brain controls the right side of the body and the right brain manages the left side. Attributes of the left hand, controlled by the right brain, include protectiveness, whereas the right hand, under the management of the left brain, is associated with action, such as spear throwing and reaching.

    “These two mirror-image strategies, gather/nurture and hunt/kill, are combined in each of us. In society at large, there are females who manifest predominantly masculine traits, and there are males who display feminine traits. The lateralization of brain, eye and hand affects how each person perceives, manipulates, symbolizes, and, ultimately, thinks about the world. Herein lies the secret of our success.
    Each man has a gatherer/nurturer aspect to his personality, psyche, and mind, just as each woman has hunter/killer aspects to hers. Every individual has encased in his or her skull both a feminine brain and a masculine one. Any particular society can accentuate one or the other of these two ways of interacting with the world, depending on the demands of the environment or the shaping influences of its inventions.” (27)

    Fast forward to the invention of television and what Shlain calls the “beginning of yet another massive shift in global consciousness: the combining of two ‘feminine’ influences, photography and electromagnetism” (407).

    I stopped to ponder this observance, realizing that I had never thought of photography as a feminine influence and writing as a masculine practice. Am I able to believe what the author is saying, I asked myself. Give him the benefit, I decided. “Hear” him out.

    “Comprehending television required an entirely different hemispheric strategy than that used in reading. Viewers called forth their pattern-recognition skills to decipher the screen’s low-definition flickering mosaic mesh. The retina’s cones need bright light to scan a static page of print, but television brings the eye’s rods into play. They see best in dim surroundings and can detect the slightest movements. As people watched more and more television, the supremacy of the left hemisphere dimmed as the right’s use increased. For 750,000 years families had gathered around lit hearths whose flames supplied warmth, illuminated darkness, encouraged camaraderie, and encouraged storytelling. Campfires had been an essential ingredient for the evolution of oral epics. In 1950, a new kind of fire replaced the hearth; and it encouraged a different set of social qualities.” (407-408)

    Television, he says, reversed the solitary endeavors of reading and writing. This is interesting to think about because it relates to theories advanced by Walter Ong in Orality and Literacy and by Jay David Bolter and Richard Grusin in Remediation. We are using long-established mediums, in this case, oral storytelling, to create the new media community.

    Television also modified our biological information processors, says Shlain, noting that electroencephalogram (EEG) brain wave patterns of readers differ significantly from those of television viewers. Viewing television, he explains, creates identical slow alpha and theta waves, which denote a passive, receptive and meditative state of mind while reading a book generates beta waves, which are those created when a person is concentrating.

    “Corroborating evidence concerning the perceptual differences between these two modes comes from sophisticated brain PET (position emission tomography) scanners that demonstrate the circuits in the left hemisphere lighting up when the subject is reading (while the right hemisphere remains relatively dark).
    When the subject looks up from his or her book and begins to watch television, the right hemisphere switches on and the left begins to idle. Task-oriented beta waves activate the hunter/killer side of the brain as alpha and theta waves emanate more from the gatherer/nurturer side. Perhaps Western civilization has for far too long been stuck in a beta mode due to literacy, and striking a balance with a little more alpha and theta, regardless of the source, will serve to sooth humankind’s savage beast.” (408)

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