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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    PETVAL --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    "While reading this piece about designing 'experiences' in the Globe and Mail, I came across this interesting tidbit: If you're a frequent Prada shopper (and who on slashdot isn't?), the loyalty card in your wallet or purse contains a RFID tag that announces your arrival in the store. When you encounter a saleswoman, her handheld computer brings up your tastes, buying history, vital statistics and personalized suggestions from in-stock and coming inventory; the handhelds also place orders and book change rooms. Every item for sale bears an RFID tag. The RFID tags are courtesy of IDEO, and their website has a nice write-up of all the RFID-powered stuff at Prada, including the changeroom! I'm guessing this isn't coming to Wal*Mart's changerooms when they implement RFID. (Another write-up can be found here.)"

    PETVAL --- ---
    “We don’t do body counts”
    General Tommy Franks, US Central Command

    MARSHUS --- ---
    varování.. tohle úplná paranoia a naprosté přehánění...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Former German Defense Minister Confirms CIA Involvement in 9/11: Alex Jones Interviews Andreas Von Buelow

    GORG --- ---
    jo to me taky vzdy pobavi:) a neni to zajezd na Guatanamo? mozna zalezi jak vyplnis ten dotaznik :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    MONIA --- ---
    ten flash je masakr....uplne moc nejvis :-/
    JAXXE --- ---

    Following the open letter, the booklet documents 8 bodies of evidence, each indicating the physical impossibility of a key tenet of the official government story.

    The evidence is organized in a series of chapters starting with the lack of U.S. military response as the attack unfolded, and ending with the collapses of the World Trade Center buildings.

    The final chapter places the 9/11/01 attack in its broader context, provides a bibliography of resources, and the conclusion articulates the necessity of learning the truth of the great crime of 9/11/01 and its ensuing cover-up. E-mail addresses are provided for each of the 18 signers.

    BEEJBI --- ---
    tak ten flash je fakt dost drsnarna...uf
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    drsny flash o pouziti streliva z ochuzeneho uranu v iraku a kosovu...


    JAXXE --- ---
    Who Attacked the USA?

    18.09. 21:15


    Who Attacked the USA?
    by David Stern - Intel (Canada)

    Stern-Intel (Canada). A US military intelligence source revealed details of an internal
    intelligence memo that points to the Israeli Mossad intelligence service having links to the
    World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks. The intelligence source, who requested his
    name be withheld, confirmed the internal US intelligence memo circulated four weeks ago
    described information that pointed to the threat of a covert Israeli operation on US soil
    to turn
    mass public opinion against Palestinian Arabs via an apparent terrorist attack on US
    interests that would give Israel the green light to implement a large scale military onslaught
    against the Palestinian Arab population.

    The 11 September attack has been described experts as being too sophisticated for a lone
    terrorist group to execute. "This attack required a high level of military precision and the
    resources of an advanced intelligence agency. In addition, the attackers would have needed
    to be extremely familiar with both air force one flight operations, civil airline flight paths and
    aerial assault tactics on sensitive US cities like Washington, Stated David Stern an expert
    on Israeli intelligence operations. The attacks targeted the Pentagon, World Trade Center
    towers, with the White House and Air Force One also being targets according to the FBI.

    "The attacks have certainly turned US public opinion firmly back in Israel's favor after 11
    months of Palestinian uprising, heavy criticism of Israel over war crimes allegations and
    racism a UN conference in Durban. The attacks serve no Arab group or nation's interests
    but their timing came in the midst of international condemnation of Israel for its policy of
    death squad assassination of Palestinian political and police figures", added Stern.

    If verified, the news of Israel's involvement in the US attack will come as no surprise to
    intelligence experts. The state of Israel has a long history of covert operations against
    Western targets with attacks on the King David Hotel, USS Liberty, murder of a
    Scandinavian UN envoy as well as espionage against the US during the Jonathan Pollard

    On Wednesday the US defense department issued a warning to its officials to halt the leak
    of information on the investigation which it says is happening on a daily basis since the
    attacks occurred.

    JAXXE --- ---
    adam freeland - we want your soul

    We want your Soul x5

    Show us Your Habits, Your Facts, Your Fears
    Give us your address, your shoe size, your years
    your digits, your plans, your number, your eyes
    your skedule, your desktop, your details, your life.
    Show us your children, your photos, your home.
    Here, take credit, take insurance, take a loan.
    Get a job, get a pension, get a haircut, get a suit.
    Play the lottery, play football, play the field, sports to boot

    We want your Soul x5
    (in background...Your Cash, Your House, Your Phone, Your Life, Your Cash, Your House, Your Life)

    Here's programmes, here's matters, here's Britney, here's Cola
    Here's pizza, here's TV, here's some rock and some rolla
    Watch commercials, more commercials, watch Jerry, not Oprah
    Buy a better life from the comfort of your sofa
    Here's popcorn, here's magazines, here's milkshake, here's blue jeans
    here's padded bras, here's long cars, here's football shirts, here's baseball caps
    here's live talk shows, here's video games, here's cola lite, here's Timberlake
    here's fingertips, here's colegen, here's all night bars, here's plastic

    We want your soul x5
    (In the background...Your Cash, Your House, Your Phone, Your Life, Your Cash, Your House, Your Life)

    Your cellphone, your wallet, your time, your ideas
    No barcode, no party, no iodine, no beers
    your bankcard, your license, your thoughts, your fears
    no simcard, no disco, no photo, not here
    your blood, your sweat, your passions, your regrets
    your office, your timeoff, your fashions, your sex
    your tits, your pass, your face, your ass.
    JAXXE --- ---

    "Maybe you didnt see them, but I saw them.I saw WMD's in Iraq.Everyone who was in Baghdad saw them and felt them.Weapons of Mass Destruction! They were falling out of the sky!"

    "Do not let anyone tell you that those bombs we dropped on Iraq were not Weapons of Mass Destruction.It was more shocking and awesome than you saw on CNN.Real Weapons of Mass Destruction deing dropped from the sky from US planes and maybe Israeli planes that were so far up in the heavens we couldnt even see them.We could only hear and see WMD's falling out of the sky exploding all around us.They destroyed everything.We could only tremble in fear and hope they didnt bomb and kill us by mistake! If those were not WMD's then what do you call those weapons dropped from the skies that caused so much death and destruction?"

    "Today the Iraqi head count is almost 10,000 dead innocent Iraqi civilians and over 500 American troops that would have rather stayed alive under Saddam than dead under Uncle Sam.Those human beings were either killed by Weapons of Mass Destruction or roadside bombs.In the aftermath there are thousands dead and destruction everywhere in Iraq and NO WMD's to be found anywhere!"

    "Saddam had no WMD's. We did. Dont you think Saddam saw the massing of hundred thousand troops on his boarder in January and February of 2003?Tony Blair sexedup the report and said Saddam needed only 45 minutes to deploy his WMD's?"

    "Fourty five minutes?Saddam in those two months had 2,880 HOURS to deploy yet he did not do so.Saddam had 172,800 minutes to deploy yet he did not.WMD's dont you think he would have used them then?If YOU had WMD's wouldnt YOU have used them then?This is your big chance to kill 200,000 US troops who are poised to attack you ANY minute and you HIDE your WMD's?You give them to your arch rival Syria for safekeeping and they give them to Hizballah to hide in the Lebanese Bekaa Valley? Are you nuts? Why did you amass the WMD's in the first place? Anone who has studied Logic 101 will tell you to go stuff that Saddm WMD argument without having to send hundreds of inspectors to inspect iraq after the invasion."

    "If Saddam had any WMD's at all,it would have been a pleasure for him to have used it on 200,000 troops who would later come in and brutally overkill his two sons and grandson and destroy him like they did."

    "Saddam had no WMDs. Syria has no WMD's. Lebanon has no WMD's.The United Staes of Israel has WMD's and they are the obvious threat to peace in the middle east and the world.Our only hope is to impeach Bush and Blair and bring them to trial and have a major paradigm shift in our foreign policy that is fair to everyone and not just Israel.If not then we can look forward to four more years of more war more weapons more destruction as Israel is has its sights on Lebanon Syria Iran and Pakistan next."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Rokke, a Physics Ph.D., is former Director of the US and International Depleted Uranium Project and the former Army Health Physicist for the Gulf War I Depleted Uranium Team. He spoke about the history and health effects of depleted uranium, explained some of the cover-ups, and brought some interesting film.


    TOTAL INFORMATION ANALYSIS: Do you know Joyce Riley, President of the American --

    Doug Rokke: Absolutely!

    TIA: I listen to her radio broadcast a lot, and I heard her mention back in November that either you, or some associates of yours (I forgot) , or both; actually tested the impact site at the Pentagon a few miles from here for depleted uranium and --

    DR: I wasn't involved in that --

    TIA: [crosstalk] -- got a positive result.

    DR: -- but there was a doctor that *did* measure the radiological . . .
    [turns to audience member] Doc? Would you like to measure and talk about this? Are you willing to, in public?

    Unidentified scientist: [off-camera] Heh.

    DR: Or is it too dangerous?

    Anon.: [off-camera] Well, I don't know, I did find --

    DR: -- maybe . . . leave it alone, okay?

    Anon.: [off-camera] Yeah.

    DR: [to TIA] Don't turn your camera --

    TIA: -- I didn't turn my camera.

    DR: What I will state: Unless I'm wrong, the radiological contamination at the Pentagon and some distance from the Pentagon was absolutely confirmed, real radiacs, after the impacts on 9/11. Is that correct, ma'am?

    Anon.: [off-camera] Yes.

    DR: Yes ma'am, it is. Thank you very much.

    TIA: So, can I just follow that up . . . would that seem to indicate that perhaps, maybe a cruise missle with DU ballast is what impacted there, not a Boeing airliner?

    DR: Have you ever looked at the photographs trying to find the remains of an airplane?

    TIA: Yeah, they dumped gravel down real fast, huh?

    DR: Ha ha ha . . .

    TIA: Well, alright. . . that's my question. Thanks.

    JAXXE --- ---
    bush byl vubec poprve na zivo v televizi a stoji to za to precist cele ;)

    mala ukazka:

    Russert: Do we have a pretty good idea where Osama is?

    President Bush: You know, I'm not going to comment on that.


    Russert: — you're trailing John Kerry in both U.S.A. Today and Newsweek polls by seven and five points.

    President Bush: Yeah.

    Russert: This is what John Kerry had to say last year. He said that his colleagues are appalled at the quote "President's lack of knowledge. They've managed him the same way they've managed Ronald Reagan. They send him out to the press for one event a day. They put him in a brown jacket and jeans and get him to move some hay or move a truck, and all of a sudden he's the Marlboro Man. I know this guy. He was two years behind me at Yale. I knew him, and he's still the same guy.”

    Did you know him at Yale?

    President Bush: No.

    Russert: How do you respond to that?

    President Bush: Politics. I mean, this is — you know, if you close your eyes and listen carefully to what you just said, it sounds like the year 2000 all over again.

    Russert: You were both in Skull and Bones, the secret society.

    President Bush: It's so secret we can't talk about it.

    Russert: What does that mean for America? The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.

    President Bush: I'm sure they are. I don’t know. I haven't seen Web pages yet. (Laughs)

    Russert: Number 322.

    President Bush: First of all, he's not the nominee, and — but look, I look forward —

    Russert: Are you prepared to lose?

    President Bush: No, I'm not going to lose.

    Russert: If you did, what would you do?

    President Bush: Well, I don't plan on losing. I’ve got a vision for what I want to do for the country. See, I know exactly where I want to lead. I want to lead us — I want to lead this world toward more peace and freedom. I want to lead this great country to work with others to change the world in positive ways, particularly as we fight the war on terror, and we got changing times here in America, too.


    Transcript for Feb. 8th

    Guest: President George W. Bush
    NBC News
    Updated: 4:44 p.m. ET Feb. 09, 2004

    Copyright© 2004, National Broadcasting Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Blair unveils plan for 'British FBI'

    Press Association
    Monday February 9, 2004

    Tony Blair today announced a historic overhaul of Britain's law enforcement strategy, confirming government plans to create an FBI-style national force.

    The prime minister hinted at other radical proposals which could feature in plans to target the country's most serious criminals.

    The Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA) is expected to have more than 5,000 investigators concentrating on crimes such as drug trafficking, people smuggling and fraud.

    During a visit to the national hi-tech crime unit in London's Docklands, Mr Blair said the new agency must be prepared to be "ruthless" to break down the complex networks established by international criminals, and he hinted that the burden of proof in organised crime cases may need to be lowered so that it is easier for police to secure convictions.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Videotapes show secret CIA & Venezuelan terrorists conspiring another coup d'etat

    V Headline

    Video-taped images filmed by Venezuelan intelligence agents are to be screened in Los Angeles (Calif., USA) later this month under the title: "Agenda Oculta" (Hidden Agenda) showing one of the most recent hidden conspiracy meetings between the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Venezuelan opposition terrorists in the act of planning another bloody coup d'etat against the democratically-elected government of Venezuela.

    The Spanish-language presentation will be at the Echo Park Film Center at 1200 North Alvarado Echo Park, Los Angeles at 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Thursday, February, 26, with English subtitles.

    One of the most astonishing moments in the video is when someone says "we cannot walk around telling everyone we're with the CIA...” The video maps a series of references made to the US Embassy in Caracas and US Ambassador to Venezuela Charles S. Shapiro. It verified the attendance of a US Embassy staffer and a former US Army Colonel (identified only as a Col. Corry) speaking of operative modes, discretion, etc.

    The video was sent to the US Congress by the Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) deputies Nicolas Maduro and Juan Barreto to prove what they alleged to be "a flagrant interference by the CIA in the Venezuelan domestic affairs," as well as to demand that "the most outrageous and vicious activities against Venezuelan sovereignty should immediately cease."

    The video will be re-screened in Los Angeles in March as part of a series of recent videos from Venezuela ... that venue and others will be announced shortly.

    For information email: angostura1819@aol.com
    JAXXE --- ---
    FBI začíná obracet pozornost k mírovým aktivistům

    Federální soudce nařídil univerzitě v Iowě předat FBI materiály týkající se mírových shromáždění. Chtějí vědět, kdo z university se účastnil mírových akcí. Rovněž žádají předat všechny dokumenty ohledně místní pobočky národní Lawyer's Guild. Jde o mírovou organizaci se sídlem v New Yorku, která už v roce 1950 byla úřadům trnem v oku.

    Čtyřem mírovým štváčům, kteří se 15. listopadu minulého roku zúčastnili mírového mítinku, byla navíc doručena obsílka k soudu.

    Skupina Guild oznámila, že požádá soudce, aby nařízení zrušil. Její prezident Micahel Ayers řekl, že jde o jasný pokus úřadů zastrašit lidi, a co se týče použití Velké poroty k vyšetřování politických aktivit, taková činnost je nepřípustná.

    Zdroj: http://www.theiowachannel.com/news/2829091/detail.html
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