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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    • Homeland Security truck has .50-caliber machine gun, sniper-detection directional sound capabilities: For the 'safety' of you and your family.

    TERMIX --- ---
    Nechapu. K cemu to je? Cemu to prospeje? Jak a cim to chce nekdo logicky zargumentovat? A otisky zubu, LOL...
    PETVAL --- ---
    Whenever politicians start to talk about "the children", keep one eye on your wallet and the second on your liberty.

    GYD --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    nebud paranoidni... ;)

    "This was a really great idea," said parent Lisa Crowe, who also was a volunteer at the event. "It's great to see how people are really working together for the greater good of the children."
    MARSHUS --- ---
    ty we.. vědět tohle sám tak si řeknu, že to není možný, že sem blázen a jdu si sednout zpátky k televizi....
    JAXXE --- ---

    Masons sponsor school ID program

    The goal is to create identification packages for children in the state's 169 towns and cities.

    Special to the Bulletin

    THOMPSON -- The Mary R. Fisher Elementary School exercise room bustled with activity Monday and Tuesday as 450 students took part in a child identification program sponsored by the Freemasons Lodge 122 of Thompson.

    CHIP is a four-part procedure: Pre-school and elementary grade students were fingerprinted, had dental impressions made, had still photos taken and then were videotaped.

    Resident State Trooper John Aiello was joined by former Thompson Resident Trooper George Vangel and Trooper Todd Stevens at the table where students were fingerprinted. The troopers were on board as a result of the affiliation of the Crime Prevention Association of Connecticut with the CHIP effort.

    The Connecticut State Dental Association provided the "toothprints" of each student.

    Vice Principal Anthony "TJ" Salutari was responsible for setting up the event with the Freemasons and getting all the necessary parental permission slips, according to Principal Elise Guari.

    Each student was given a bag with the CHIP logo in which the fingerprint, tooth print, photo and videotape were placed. Parents will pick up the information at scheduled parent-teacher conferences.

    Forty Tourtellotte students, members of the Future Business Leaders of America Club and National Honor Society helped in the videotaping. Not only did they operate the five cameras, but the students conducted the interviews with the small children.

    The students received high praise from Michael Dodge, who was orchestrating the event for the Masons and from school officials.

    "The kids, especially the girls, like to talk to other students rather than adults," Dodge said.

    "This was a really great idea," said parent Lisa Crowe, who also was a volunteer at the event. "It's great to see how people are really working together for the greater good of the children."

    The program was instituted by the Connecticut Freemasons at its semiannual convention Oct. 5, 2002. The Masons agreed to provide the funding, management skills and volunteers to duplicate the successful program already in place in Massachusetts.

    In 2003, 10,143 children took part in the program. Masons hope to visit all elementary schools in the 169 municipalities in Connecticut this year. Thompson was the first school this year, although other communities have hosted the event at nonschool locations.

    Email this story

    Originally published Wednesday, March 3, 2004

    JAXXE --- ---
    troska newspeaku ;)

    EARL --- --- 11:07:35 8.3.2004

    ze sobotniho rozhovoru lidovek se spidlou - pride mi to jako dobry DU

    LN: Před chvílí jste řekl, že vaše technika vládnutí se změní. Jak?

    Špidla: Technika se vždycky přizpůsobuje politickým okolnostem.

    LN: Jasně. Mě by zajímalo, jak se změní právě vzhledem k těmto okolnostem.

    Špidla: Podle okolností.

    LN: Vy to nevíte, nebo mi to nechcete říct?

    Špidla: Prostředky, které k tomu zvolíme, budou přísně demokratické. Doufám, že v odpovídajících intencích.

    LN: Ptám se spíš na to, jestli nebude následovat nějaký další koaliční dodatek... Nebo máte v ruce nějaký trumf?

    Špidla: Technika se samozřejmě mění.

    LN: Já jsem nepochopila jak.

    Špidla: Změny v přístupech a postupech jsou složité. Není to tak jednoduché jako koaliční dodatek. O něm zatím neuvažujeme. Jsme schopni splnit své vládní prohlášení za všech možných geometrií, které připadají k úvahu.

    LN Přičemž nemá smysl se na vaše varianty ptát.

    Špidla: Nemá.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Blair made political decisions based on new age reading of a hidden force called 'The Light'


    Blair visited Aztec pyramid, took part in 'rebirthing' ritual with his wife (5th paragraph)

    HVJ3R --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---

    A myth equal to the fable of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction is gaining strength on both sides of the Atlantic. It is that John Kerry offers a world-view different from that of George W Bush. Watch this big lie grow as Kerry is crowned the Democratic candidate and the "anyone but Bush" movement becomes a liberal cause celebre.

    While the rise to power of the Bush gang, the neoconservatives, belatedly preoccupied the American media, the message of their equivalents in the Democratic Party has been of little interest. Yet the similarities are compelling. Shortly before Bush's "election" in 2000, the Project for the New American Century, the neoconservative pressure group, published an ideological blueprint for "maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests". Every one of its recommendations for aggression and conquest was adopted by the administration.

    One year later, the Progressive Policy Institute, an arm of the Democratic Leadership Council, published a 19-page manifesto for the "New Democrats", who include all the principal Democratic Party candidates, and especially John Kerry. This called for "the bold exercise of American power" at the heart of "a new Democratic strategy, grounded in the party's tradition of muscular internationalism". Such a strategy would "keep Americans safer than the Republicans' go-it-alone policy, which has alienated our natural allies and overstretched our resources. We aim to rebuild the moral foundation of US global leadership ..."

    What is the difference from the vainglorious claptrap of Bush? Apart from euphemisms, there is none. All the Democratic presidential candidates supported the invasion of Iraq...


    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    to si dejte ;)) "steady leadership in the times of change"

    JAXXE --- ---
    ...domestic violence offenders who take one step in the wrong direction will soon be tracked by a technology-savvy Big Brother.

    Funded by a $120,000 federal grant, the state Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon Services will have 65 Global Positioning System units ready to go in the next couple of months.

    The satellite-linked devices — similar to GPS units that have become a popular option in vehicles — will be worn by men who have been convicted of violence against women.

    The intent of these units is to ensure the offenders do not again try to approach their victims.

    “We can track offenders’ movements at any time during the day, respond to violations and verify when violations occur,” said Scott Norton, who works in field operations support for the department.


    “I think it’s a positive step forward for victims’ safety,” said Sara Barber, interim director of the Domestic Abuse Center in Columbia.


    “One of the things we stress is this won’t prevent a crime from occurring necessarily, but it is a very good tool for law enforcement. ... When they leave their residence, we know where they are,” said Ken Johnson, correctional programs administrator with the state Department of Corrections.


    GPS tracker bracelets for domestic offenders, drunk drivers - how long before these things explode if the criminal goes outside the perimeter zone? How far away are we from The Running Man?
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 panelist may quit over Bush secrecy

    WASHINGTON - Frustrated by Bush administration restrictions, a former senator said yesterday he might quit the special commission investigating the Sept. 11 terror attacks.

    Ex-Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.), now president of New York's New School University, told the Daily News that resigning is "on my list of possibilities" because the administration continues to block the full panel's access to top intelligence officials and materials.

    "I am no longer ... feeling comfortable that I'm going to be able to read and process what I need in order to participate in writing a report about how it was that 19 men defeated every single defensive system the U.S. put up to kill 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11," said Kerrey.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Who gains most from the continuing violence in Iraq ?

    Anyone who wants an excuse to keep US troops there indefinitely.
    JAXXE --- ---
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