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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    PETVAL --- ---
    tak Condoleeza Rize bude verejne vypovidat pres 9/11 komisi. To jsem zvedavy, co vsechno si vymysli
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Concern is mounting over the military use of depleted uranium and its possible effects on the health of soldiers and civilians. New Scientist considers the evidence

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraqi defector behind America's WMD claims exposed as 'out-and-out fabricator'
    By Andrew Gumbel in Los Angeles

    29 March 2004

    The case for war against Iraq was dealt another embarrassing blow yesterday due to claims by an American newspaper that the first-hand intelligence source on Saddam Hussein's alleged mobile bioweapons labs was a politically motivated Iraqi defector now dismissed as an "out-and-out fabricator".

    The mobile labs, since exposed by weapons inspectors as hydrogen production facilities at best and phantoms at worst, were one of the centrepieces of the US Secretary of State Colin Powell's prewar address to the United Nations. As recently as January, Vice President Dick Cheney maintained that discovery of the labs would provide "conclusive" proof that Iraq possessed WMD.


    Mr Powell also showed surveillance footage of an Iraq plane dropping simulated anthrax in what he said was a military exercise. It later emerged the plane was destroyed in 1991.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Netherlands > Tech & IT > Mobile and Wireless

    Dutch public libraries to deploy ‘big brother’ chip

    The largest supplier of books to Dutch libraries, NBD/Biblion, is going hi-tech and is planning to replace the bar code on its books with an electronic chip.

    JAXXE --- ---
    must read... !

    Stasi London: Fearmongering reaches new heights in England - SPECIAL REPORT

    Steve Watson | 30th March 2004

    It seems that London is gearing up for a major terrorist attack very soon. The above 27 minute press conference from last week, involving the Mayor Ken Livingstone, and the Chief of Police Sir John Stevens, highlights the level of fear London is currently being subjected to.

    It has now simply been accepted that a major attack will take place, and that there is little hope of avoiding it. Yet Livingstone and Stevens take pain to assure everyone that London is "the safest city in the world" and that we should simply accept that it is soon to be attacked and just get on with things.

    There is very sophisticated doublespeak going on here. Whilst being told we cannot and should not worry over such an attack occurring, we are also told that IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. The result is an even greater yet supressed fear among the entire population of the city.

    Add to this the hideous nature of the "Life Savers" anti-terrorist campaign, nothing short of a Stasi-type operation more akin with Soviet Russia, and the result is a climate of fear, suspicion and mis-trust amongst all. Everyone, and anyone is a suspect and we must all be alert and prepared because we are all about to be attacked.

    Key moments in the press conference come around 11 mins in when Livingstone stresses several times that there is no hidden agenda behind the Government's actions and that there are real terrorists that want to kill us all. Why is he so determined to make this point clear? Because people are waking up to the fact that this "war on terror" is a useful excuse for taking away our rights and bringing us all under tighter control.

    19 mins into the video and John Stevens makes a very interesting slip up. Whilst declaring that the city is completely safe, he invites terrorists to come to London. He quickly repeats his words, replacing "terrorists" with "tourists". One is reminded of Tony Blair's reference to "Weapons of Mass Distraction" here. The point is though that this is exactly the situation being created in London, the distinction between "terrorist" and "tourist" is slim, precisely because everyone is a suspect.

    At the very end of the conference Stevens advocates militarising the police with sub-machine guns and armoured vehicles and also placing the army at London airports in an effort to deter the "inevitable" attacks.

    What is happening in London is indicative of the direction of the entire planet now. Calls for Armies on the streets, a "civillian" Stasi-spy network in place, talk of not if but when we get attacked as if it's a natural thing we must all accept and live with for our own security. Add to this David Blunkett's proposed ID card scheme and his Pre-crime law, where by suspects are detained without trial BEFORE a crime has even been committed. How can all this be to protect freedom and ensure our liberty? Some are awakening, but still no one dares to suggest that formenting on our doorstep is a Police State that is worse than Nazi germany or Soviet Russia. We have to speak out now before it's too late, because it can happen and it is happening here.

    I was in London last weekend and the scale to which this has now progressed is emense. Every bus shelter I saw carried the Stasi propaganda, I stood for fifteen minutes in the tube station and heard the same two messages being repeated over and over on the loudspeakers, "Please report any suspicious looking items" and "You are being monitored by CCTV for your security". There has even been an instance of some poor guy's luggage being thrown from the tube train by a woman who panicked and believed it was a bomb. The level of fear has reached new heights, so much so that no one dare admit it. I even found myself analysing people and their luggage as they entered the train.

    Just listen to the adverts being played on the radio in London and tell me we are not being manipulated and controlled into accepting the Police State - Click here for an MP3 of the "Life Savers" advert.

    Now feast your eyes on the "Who owns this bag?" campaign propaganda and the credit card fraud crack down posters.

    mitted on the London Met-Police website. The following is taken directly from there:

    The Met renewed its call for vigilance by the public against possible terrorist attacks in London.
    As part of the continuing Government campaign against the threat from terrorism, police have stepped up patrols on the London Underground system including, for the first time, deploying plain clothes counter terrorist patrols to key locations. These measures were taken before Thursday’s bomb explosions in Madrid and are not connected.

    "This is a joint operation involving BTP, the Metropolitan Police, City of London Police and Transport for London", explained Deputy Chief Constable Andy Trotter.

    London is on a high level of alert and the London Underground system is controlled public space, with hundreds of staff at stations, extensive CCTV coverage and its own dedicated police resources. A further, crucial element is the vigilance of customers. With three million travelling every day, they can provide millions of eyes and ears across the whole system.

    Police are appealing to passengers to be pro-active in reporting anything suspicious, asking other passengers if they see an item they believe to be unattended - “Who owns this bag?” - and reporting it immediately to London Underground staff or police if it is unclaimed. Posters will be appearing on the London Underground system this week.

    As part of the security regime, passengers may see police officers conducting ”stop and search” procedures on stations. If passengers are subject to such searches, we would ask them to be patient in supporting the continuing fight against terrorism.

    THIS IS NOT FREEDOM - Unidentifiable authorities stopping and searching anyone they find suspicious, whilst encouraging people to actively spy on and report each other - WE HAVE ENTERED THE TWIGHLIGHT ZONE. When George Orwell wrote 1984 IT WAS A WARNING. I have pointed this out to several people and their only reaction is "yes it's exactly like 1984" whilst being seemingly amused by that fact. The other reaction I get is "its OK because if it gets any worse people will rise up in revolt". HOW CAN IT GET ANY WORSE THAN IT ALREADY IS?

    To end on a rather ominous note, there have also been reports that the Tube system in London is due to close for days at a time for "improvements to be made". In the weeks and days preceeding 9/11 we know that the WTC was evacuated many times, sometimes for hours in "security drills". There were eyewitness reports of plain clothed men workmen working in the towers throughout said drills. On 9/11 the towers came down in a uniformed fashion akin to purposeful demolition. Larry Silverstein, the owner of the complex is also on record as saying that WTC 7 was purposefully brought down with explosives on that day. Explosives would have taken days or weeks to be placed.

    I therefore wish to ask who will be making the "improvements" to the London subway, what will they be doing and who will be monitoring them?

    JAXXE --- ---
    BULHI --- ---
    neni to tak uplne k tematu, ale...
    ze by uz nekdo mel railgun? a navic nekdo jinej nez usa? to se mi nechce verit...
    PETVAL --- ---
    cisar je nahy ;)

    Evropská unie schválila ve čtvrtek na nejvyšší úrovni koncepci boje proti terorismu, která zahrnuje zřízení úřadu protiteroristického koordinátora EU a klauzuli o vzájemné pomoci členských zemí v případě teroristického napadení.
    25.3. 21:52

    BRUSEL - Koordinátorem se stal bývalý náměstek nizozemského ministra vnitra Gijs de Vries, který byl také zástupcem haagské vlády v Konventu o uspořádání EU. "Má odpovídající profil, aby plnil úkol koordinovat protiteroristický boj z vnitřního i vnějšího hlediska," uvedl na tiskové konferenci vysoký představitel pro zahraniční a bezpečnostní politiku Javier Solana. De Vries podle něj nastoupí do práce od pondělka.

    Žádná shovívavost
    EU reagovala na masakr, který minulý týden způsobili teroristé sérií atentátů v Madridu. Šéfové států a vlád, z nichž většina se ve středu zúčastnila pohřbu obětí, se zavázali "dělat vše, co je v jejich silách, pro potírání všech forem terorismu".

    Zavázali se, že nepřipustí slabost ani shovívavost při jednání s teroristy. "Žádná země na světě si nemůže připadat v závětří. Terorismus lze porazit jedině solidaritou a kolektivním úsilím. Je to hrozba, která nás ohrožuje všechny," stojí v úvodu "balíku" protiteroristických opatření.

    "Musíme si být jisti, že se udělalo vše, co lze udělat, abychom ochránili naše občany před teroristickým přílivem," prohlásil irský premiér Bertie Ahern, který unii nyní předsedá. "Po útocích z 11. září na USA se vykonalo hodně, ale po Madridu je třeba nový politický impuls. Terorismus útočí na všechny hodnoty, ohrožuje demokracii a náš způsob života. Musíme mu čelit," zdůraznil Ahern a ocenil jednotu, s jakou unie reaguje.
    Odškodňování obětí

    Do usnesení byla zahrnuta klauzule solidarity obsažená v návrhu ústavy EU: členské státy se zavazují použít při pomoci v případě teroristického útoku nebo jeho hrozby veškeré prostředky, které mají k dispozici, včetně vojenských.

    "Pětadvacítka" se mimo jiné zavázala, že do května bude do národních právních řádů definitivně začleněna směrnice o odškodňování obětí teroristických útoků. Do června mají být členské země schopny aplikovat a vynucovat společná rozhodnutí o evropském zatykači, o vytváření mnohonárodních vyšetřovacích týmů, o praní špinavých peněz a o definitivním vzniku mezisoudního koordinačního orgánu Eurojust.

    Do konce roku mají členské země ratifikovat úmluvu o vzájemné pomoci v trestních věcech a zavést rozhodnutí EU o zmrazování vkladů, majetku a důkazů souvisejících s teroristickou činností a mezinárodním zločinem.

    "Jde o silná a užitečná rozhodnutí," řekl předseda EK Romano Prodi, který opět zdůraznil, že je třeba urychleně uplatnit již přijatá rozhodnutí, například o evropském zatykači. "Po Madridu je zpoždění neomluvitelné," zdůraznil. Připustil však, že EK nemá pravomoce, aby si splnění závazků členských zemí v této oblasti mohla vynutit.

    Český premiér Vladimír Špidla doufá, že český parlament začátkem dubna schválí zákony, jimiž se do českého práva převede evropský zatykač, který umožňuje vydávat vlastní občany podezřelé z terorismu k soudu do jiné země. Přistoupení k úmluvě OSN o potlačování financování terorismu však bude vyžadovat změnu trestního zákona i trestního řádu, protože počítá s trestní odpovědností právnických osob.

    BEEJBI --- ---
    nikam, vsade ta najdu, jedine, ze by si nepouzival absolutne ziadnu techniku ako mobil a i-net a tak...a nesmel by si ani o sebe dat nikomu vediet, verim ze niekde v riti na sibiri by to slo, co takto altaj? :)
    KERRAY --- ---
    posledni dobou vymyslim, kam se pred tim da utect... nejake navrhy?
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: to mas pravdu, zejo, vono se to pak vsechno zjednodusi a lepe se tak bude udrzovat poradek a budeme v bezpeci, zejo. takze ja jsem pro, zejo
    JAXXE --- ---
    petval: no to je fakt cool ! clovek by za cely zivot neprecet ani zakony CR, natoz cele zemekoule... ale vis co, neznalost zakona neomlouva... nejlepsi bude casem zavest jednotne celosvetove "pravo" zejo
    PETVAL --- ---
    Eurozatykač a souvislosti aktuální novely Listiny základních práv a svobod
    Helena Svatošová

    Seminář s tímto názvem se koná dne 29.3. 2004 od 13:00 do 15:00 hodin na Právnické fakultě UK, náměstí Curieových 7, Praha 1, v místnosti č. 38 (napravo ve vstupní hale fakulty).

    Seminář je připraven jako kritická diskuze ( otevřena i posluchačům) ke kontroverzní povaze institutu eurozatykače i k souvisejícím dříve navrhovaným změnám Listiny stejného typu ( ratifikace Římského statutu Mezinárodního trestního soudu a bianco možnost extradice vlastních občanů k cizím soudům).

    Parlament je nyní v rozhodující fázi změny Listiny základních práv a svobod, která by dovolila vydávat české občany k trestnímu stíhání do ciziny nebo do cizího vězení i za činy, které ani nejsou trestné podle českého práva. Příslušná novela Listiny základních práv a svobod se nyní projednává v Poslanecké sněmovně jako tisk č. 513.

    Důvody novely Listiny jsou závazky ČR vůči EU (evropský zatykač). V původní šíři měla novela zohledňovat také závazky z Římského statutu mezinárodního trestního soudu a neformální požadavky USA na odstranění ústavní překážky vydávání českých občanů cizí justici.

    Proti původní šíři novely Listiny vyjádřili vážné výhrady přední čeští právní experti - např. doc. Vladimír Mikule, prof. Václav Pavlíček či doc. Vladimír Vopálka při projednávání návrhu v Legislativní radě vlády. Negativní stanovisko k návrhu požadující úpravy textu vydal i vládní zmocněnec pro lidská práva Jan Jařab.

    Kontakt na pořadatele:
    Mgr. Ing. Helena Svatošová, Iuridicum remedium, +420 776 68 73 53, e-mail: iure@iure.org
    Kamila Ondová, ELSA Praha, tel. +420 605 74 77 16, e-mail: kamila.ondova@tiscali.cz

    JAXXE --- ---

    A leading market analyst has spotted suspicious trading in gold and the dollar --which could herald an imminent huge terror event in the Middle-East or Europe.

    Jim Sinclair says he can see the footprints of a new 9/11 in recent trading. Sinclair says that as soon as the spiritual leader of the terror group Hamas was killed by Israeli forces, he began to see a pattern of market intervention which means that some new group or strategy is in play on world markets.

    Many informed insiders recall the suspicious trading in airline stocks just before 9/11 --trading which was never properly investigated at the time. Sinclair remembers it well. He is a former advisor to the Hunt Oil family and a world reknowned expert on the gold markets.

    The intervention is driving up both the dollar and gold. Sinclair fears it is designed to benefit from an unthinkable event in the Middle East or Europe which triggers a flight into dollars and gold. and drives the price of oil to at least $60 if not higher. The picture his analysis paints, leaves Sinclair scared to death.

    He wants the CIA or the NSA to chart the unique footprint now active in the dollar, and see if matches the airline options trading just before 9/11.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Details are emerging that a British MI5 agent within al Queda met twenty five times with the top suspect in the Madrid train bombing.

    Abu Quatada is today being openly acknowledged in political and media circles as a top agent of Britain's MI5. He met shoe bomber Richard Reid and Zacarias Moussaoui. Videos of his speeches were found in the flat of Mohamed Atta. He reportedly met Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 1989.

    Full Report - Audio Here


    A judge in an Immigrations Appeal has just ruled that Qatada was "concerned in the instigation of acts of international terrorism."

    Spanish investigators have evidence that a train bombing suspect in custody --Abu Dahdah-- had met with Quatada more than 25 times, according to the Times of London.

    Qatada was granted asylum in Britain in 1993, then disappeared late in 2001 --just before new terrorism laws came into force. French intelligence officials accused MI5 of helping the cleric to abscond. One intelligence chief in Paris was quoted as saying: "...we know where he is and, if we know, I’m quite sure they[MI5] do.

    Almost a year later Abu Qatada was found hiding in a flat not far from Scotland Yard and is now held without charge in a top-security British jail.

    Official sources are trying to put a spin on the story that Qatada's charmed life was because he somehow fooled MI5 and ran terror agents withiut their knowledge.

    But there are allegations that Britain is at best sheltering terrorists; at worst using them for it's own geopolitical interests. Other countries complain that the British authorities have refused even to arrest some men whom they have identified as having terrorist links.


    PETVAL --- ---
    na wired nezvykle dlouhy, o to vsak podrobnejsi clanek

    How E-Voting Threatens Democracy

    In addition to glitches, there are concerns about the people behind the machines. A few voting company employees have been implicated in bribery or kickback schemes involving election officials. And there are concerns about the partisan loyalties of voting executives -- Diebold's chief executive, for example, is a top fund-raiser for President Bush.

    Both systems have experienced problems in elections. But when optical-scan machines misread ballots or miscalculate votes, election officials can re-scan the ballots or recount them by hand. Touch-screen votes, however, exist only in digital form, so officials can't know if a machine records votes inaccurately. Nor can they correct the problem after the fact if somehow they do discover that a machine has recorded votes inaccurately.

    "When we're using lever machines, touch-screen voting machines or the Internet, we are not voting, the machine is voting," Landes said. "We're inputting our choice and hoping the machine is (recording it) correctly."

    She was concerned that voting machines were closed to public scrutiny, and the people who made them were not subject to background checks.

    "Felons and foreigners can, and do, own computer voting machine companies," Landes wrote, suggesting that the Russian mafia could be behind U.S. elections and no one would know.

    Tom Eschberger, a vice president for the largest voting firm, Election Systems & Software, or ES&S, was also involved in a bribery and kickback scheme, this one in Arkansas. Former Arkansas Secretary of State Bill McCuen was convicted for his role in the crime, but Eschberger, like Foster, received immunity.
    So one day on a whim, after completing her publicity calls, Harris typed the words "stock ownership" and the name Election Systems & Software into a search engine and pulled up a slew of articles. Reading the oldest ones first because that's where companies "give information that they haven't yet thought to hide," she uncovered some startling facts.

    Up until 1995, Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel had been chairman of ES&S (then called American Information Systems) before quitting the company in March of that year two weeks before launching his Senate bid. ES&S, based in Omaha, Nebraska, manufactured the only voting machines used in the state in his election the following year. According to Neil Erickson, Nebraska's deputy secretary of state for elections, the machines counted 85 percent of votes in Hagel's race; the remaining votes were counted by hand.

    Hagel, a first-time candidate who had lived out of the state for 20 years, came from behind to win two major upsets in that election: first in the primary race against a fellow Republican, then in the general race against Democrat Ben Nelson, the state's popular former governor. Nelson began the race with a 65 percent to 18 percent lead in the polls, but Hagel won with 56 percent of the vote, becoming the state's first Republican senator since 1972.

    atd atd atd, tohle je jen vyber z prvni strany toho reportu...

    DRIFTER --- ---
    a zopar zaujimavych links

    Urbaneye Project
    Urbaneye is an ongoing research project focusing on the social and political impacts of video surveillance in public spaces in Europe. Papers examine broad issues and the situation in specific countries.

    Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
    Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a nonprofit consumer information program that was originally established at the University of San Diego's Center for Public Interest Law. The website offers material on identity theft, privacy of financial and medical records, and a long list of fact sheets (in English and Spanish) on privacy protection. The list of Web links is exceptional.

    Surveillance and Society
    This is a peer-reviewed online surveillance studies journal. Although it is a professional journal for the academic world, it offers good reading to the interested Web surfer. Although sections are still under construction, there is an extensive listing of Web links.

    The Bentham Project
    The place to start investigating Jeremy Bentham's Panoptican is at the website of University College London's Bentham Project. The site includes biographical material, links to Bentham's writings, and the Journal of Bentham Studies.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Čtrnáctiletý palestinský sebevrah je možná produkt izraelského ministerstva pravdy

    Možná jste to viděli včera v televizi. Čtrnáctiletý chlapec Husam Abdu z Nablusu s pásem výbušnin kolem těla, který to vzdal a udal se izraelským úřadům dříve, než se stačil vyhodit do povětří. Následoval rozhovor s rodiči chlapce. Oba to odsoudili a vyjádřili velké překvapení.

    Chlapec údajně řekl vyšetřovatelům, že se těšil na sex se 72 pannami v ráji. Navíc mu prý někdo slíbil sto šekelů, odpálí-li se uprostřed izraelských vojáků.

    Palestinské autority počínaje těmi oficiálními, to zpochybňují. Nedůvěru vyjádřil palestinský člen izraelského parlamentu Muhammad Baraka, ale nejdůraznější popření přišlo od samotné palestinské brigády mučedníků Fatah, která obvykle vysílá své členy na podobné mise.

    Nikdo také nevysvětlil, jak je možné, že izraelská televize byla na místě incidentu dvě hodiny před událostí.

    Zdá se, že celá propagandistická show je vyrobena na zakázku izraelského ministerstva pravdy. Izrael totiž potřebuje čelit vzrůstající kritice ze zahraničí obviňující ho, že zabíjí palestinské děti.

    V průběhu poslední intifády povraždila izraelská armáda 263 dětí ve věku od 0 do 14 let a 236 výrostků od 15 do 18 let věku. Celkový počet zavražděných Palestinců dosáhl čísla 2670.

    Ve stejném období zabili Palestinci 838 Izraelců, převážně vojáků a ilegálních osadníků.

    Před několika týdny prezentovaly irzaelské úřady jiného čtrnáctiletého palestinského teroristu, Muhammada Kuraana, rovněž z Nablusu. Případ to byl velmi podobný tomu současnému. Ale když se chlapec vrátil domů, prozradil šokovaným rodičům, že mu Izraelci pohrozili zabitím, pokud neřekne do kamery to, co po něm chtějí.

    Zdroj: http://www.prisonplanet.com/032504israelfabricated.html
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam