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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    ".... the plan is to engineer events, real and staged, that will create enormous fear in the countdown years to 2012. This includes a plan to start a third world war, either by stimulating the Muslim world into a 'Holy War' against the West, or by using the Chinese to cause global conflict. Maybe both."

    - David Icke, The Biggest Secret, 1998
    JAXXE --- ---


    By David Icke

    It is suggested, understandably, that the American and British occupation of Iraq is in serious trouble in the face of the escalating violence. The timescale for military withdrawal and a handover of power to the Iraqis is threatened by these events, I hear commentators say.

    But there is quite another way of viewing the chaos and violence in Iraq.

    Note the words of the September 2000 document published by the Project for the New American Century. This is the organisation set up by people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and a stream of so-called neo-cons that have controlled the Bush administration from the start.

    The document, Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century, called for the very agenda of global conquest pursued by the US government since the neo-cons came to power with Bush in January 2001 and it demanded a permanent and 'substantial American force presence' in the Gulf region. The 'unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification' for this, it said..

    Thus, as former Bush terrorism advisor, Richard Clark, has testified, Bush and co were obsessed with invading Iraq from the day they took office. They lied about 'weapons of mass destruction' to sell the invasion to the people that had been planned long before Bush came to power. Iraq is not a one-off. It is a stepping stone on the road to further control and conquest in countries like Syria, Iran, North Korea and others.

    In short, the idea is not to withdraw US troops from Iraq, but to keep them there permanently and, indeed, seriously increase the numbers in pursuit of regional control. Without the violence and chaos in Iraq they would have no justification in maintaining a vast military presence. With it they can claim the troops must stay to 'protect the Iraqi people.'

    Once you know that the US government has no intention of bringing the troops home, the unfolding events take on a very different perspective.

    Watch for the deployment of more troops to Iraq to 'keep the peace' and, as I have been saying for a long time, watch for the eventual implementation of the draft because the US does not have enough voluntary troops in uniform to meet the demands of the Illuminati/neo-con agenda that includes, to quote their document, a policy to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission.'

    Link URL for websites

    JAXXE --- ---
    Jediný odsouzený za 11. září je volný

    Za útoky z 11. září byl odsouzen první muž. Maročana Munira Mutasádika poslal hamburský soud na patnáct let do vězení. Je to maximální trest, který mohl dostat.

    Autor: Reuters

    07.04.2004 12:09 - Hamburský soud propustil jediného odsouzeného za 11. září. Kauzu vrátil k projednání Nejvyšší soud, kterému si Munir Mutasádik stěžoval, že mu byl odepřen spravedlivý proces. Maročan musí kvůli dalším jednáním prozatím zůstat v Hamburku a odevzdal i pas.

    Hamburský proces k 11. září zkrachoval

    Maročanovi dala šanci na úspěch kauza jeho přítele Abdala Gháního Mzúdího, kterého hamburský soud musel propustit na svobodu, protože podle upřesněných důkazů o přípravě atentátů nic nevěděl.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Want Peace in Iraq? Take Out Iran Nuke Plant

    The Wall Street Journal editorial page urged President Bush on Tuesday to send a message to Iranian-based Shiite insurgents in Iraq by taking out Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant.

    Warning that the U.S.-led coalition now has no choice but to use military force to break up the 10,000-man militia amassed by militant imam Moqtada el Sadr, the Journal advised, "It should also warn the Dawa Islamic political party that its dealings with Iran won't be tolerated.

    "As for Tehran, we would hope the Sadr uprising puts to rest the illusion that the mullahs can be appeased. ... If warnings to Tehran from Washington don't impress them, perhaps some cruise missiles aimed at the Bushehr nuclear site will concentrate their minds."



    Sharon: Iran Next on War List

    JAXXE --- ---
    Iran declares war on U.S.

    Posted: April 5, 2004
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

    Nobody else is saying it, so, once again, it is left to me to explain what really happened in Iraq yesterday.

    Iran declared war on the U.S.

    The signs have been there for a long time. I don't know if they have been intentionally ignored by U.S. forces in Iraq, or whether there is some master plan at the Defense Department to deal with this scenario.

    All I can tell you is we are now fighting a regional war. Our local opposition in Iraq is being trained, armed and directed with foreign support – by neighboring Iran.

    The uprising yesterday was treated in many initial news accounts as a spontaneous uprising directed by Najaf cleric Moktada al-Sadr.

    What the other news accounts left out was one significant, but well-established fact: Al-Sadr works for Iran. He is an Iranian agent. His authority comes from Iran.

    Last April, an Iranian cleric, Kadhem al-Husseini al-Haeri, issued a religious edict and distributed to Shiite mullahs in Iraq, calling on them "to seize the first possible opportunity to fill the power vacuum in the administration of Iraqi cities."

    The edict, or fatwa, issued April 8, 2003, showed that Shiite clerics in Iraq are receiving significant direction from Iran. The edict said that Shiite leaders have to "seize as many positions as possible to impose a fait accompli for any coming government."

    "People have to be taught not to collapse morally before the means used by the Great Satan if it stays in Iraq," the fatwa read. "It will try to spread moral decay, incite lust by allowing easy access to stimulating satellite channels and spread debauchery to weaken people's faith."


    JAXXE --- ---

    Posted By: Spectator
    Date: Tuesday, 6 April 2004, 7:32 p.m.

    I have read about many fronts opened for to impose microchipping on people. First all starts with proposals to implant people that were forced to obey orders ( Proposed microchipping on US military ) or depend on the state institutions ( proposal for implant all the homeless ) even proposals for implant elderly people

    As a sign of things to come, in March, 18th: Here, in Barcelona we had another front open: the recreational front, as an attempt to make “fashionable” the implant.

    The Baja Beach Club disco/bar ( in the Olympic port, a great night
    recreational area ) will be the first disco/bar in Spain that will implant
    on his/her clients an injectable subcutaneous transponder that will give
    them free acces without documentation, pay the consumitions and have access
    to the VIP room.

    The inauguration of the method was presented by some famous people that
    were "microchipped". That was shown in TV programs and shows.

    Even more ominous were the declarations of the disco/bar owners, "The
    chip will prevail in the future, because in those times the people will use
    it as cash, obviating the need of a credit card." I think that the first
    stage of "microchipping" of people has reached our country; that is being
    launched to appeal to young people in first place.

    Conrad Chase, The director of the Baja beach Disco-Bars ( There are more Baja Beach Discos in other countries, Nederland, as an example ) is the responsible of the Verichip injection for his clients. He explained that a simple injection will implant this chip. This implant will be used for to charge money or automatically open the doors. “When the client is entering into the discotheque we will know who is and what is his/her account status.”
    The injection will cost $ 153.

    And the International Forum on Cultures, directed by Gorbachev is coming here, now…..

    JAXXE --- ---

    Although Google's free "Gmail" service isn't even available yet, critics already are pressuring the popular search engine maker to drop its plans to electronically scan e-mail content so it can distribute relevant ads alongside incoming messages.


    Google already tracks most searches conducted at its site by tagging users' Web browsers with a chunk of data known as a "cookie." Google users are able to remove or block the cookie, although few do.¨

    JAXXE --- ---
    Report: 130 Soldiers Killed in Iraq

    Sky News | April 7 2004

    A Pentagon source has said up to 130 US troops have been killed in fierce fighting in Iraq.

    The large scale battle, described as "intense", has taken place in the town of Ar Ramadi, 20 miles west of Fallujah.

    Sky News' David Chater said: "None of this is official yet - none of it is confirmed."

    But he added: "It sounds very much like this is being carried out by men who are militarily trained."

    Chater described the attack as "highly sophisticated".



    The battle the US wants to provoke

    JAXXE --- ---
    Back in the 1970s the United Nations launched its plan for a global program of taxation without representation, called the “New International Economic Order.” The goal of this new economic order was not so new at all, however. It sought the involuntary transfer of wealth and technology from the developed world to the third world under the direction of the United Nations. A cornerstone of this dangerous attempt to loot the prosperous nations was the “Law of the Sea Treaty” (LOST).

    Under the Law of the Sea Treaty, an “International Seabed Authority” would control the minerals and other resources of the oceans’ seabed. After taking its own cut, this UN body would transfer whatever is left to select third-world governments and non-governmental organizations.

    The Law of the Sea Treaty also would give the UN power to tax American citizens and businesses, which has been a long-time dream of the anti-sovereignty globalists. LOST also would establish an international court system to enforce its provisions and rulings. Imagine not being able to do business internationally without the approval of the United Nations!

    It all sounds like something out of a science-fiction novel, but it is real.

    Fortunately, when the treaty came before President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, he ignored those warning of impending international chaos and refused to sign the treaty. It was the right thing to do. It appeared that the push toward global governance was - at least temporarily - halted.

    But that was not the end of LOST. Determined proponents of the treaty worked to “fix” its most objectionable parts in hopes the United States would become a party. The UN and its supporters know that without the participation of the United States, their schemes are doomed to failure.


    JAXXE --- ---
    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    FRANCIMOR --- ---

    PETVAL --- ---
    plan na implementaci podkoznich RFID bezdomovcum

    Politech has the scoop on the Bush administration's plans to forcibly implant RFID tags into homeless people in participating U.S. cities. Here's an excerpt from the UPI article: "The miniscule RFID tags are no larger than a matchstick and will be implanted subdermally, meaning under the skin. Data from RFID tracking stations mounted on telephone poles will be transmitted to police and
    social service workers, who will use custom Windows NT software to track movements of the homeless in real time... A second phase of the project, scheduled to be completed in early 2005, will wirelessly transmit live information on the locations of homeless people to handheld computers running the Windows CE operating system."

    BULHI --- ---
    prispevek JAXXE --- --- 9.38:50 1.4.2004 me inspiroval k zalozeni noveho klubu...
    je to spis pro nadsence, abych tim neotravoval ostatni....
    JAXXE --- ---
    Exposed: The Carlyle Group

    Shocking documentary uncovers the subversion of Americas democracy.

    I defy you to watch this 48 minute documentary and not be outraged about the depth of corruption and deceit within the highest ranks of our government and the first family.


    Note: The first one minute forty seven seconds of this program is in broadcast in Dutch, The remainder is in English.

    The war in Iraq is over.

    The rubble is still smoking While the first dozers are already entering the country.
    After the coalition forces destroyed Baghdad it is now primarily American companies who are to rebuild Iraq.

    An interesting point is that these companies usually have people on the payroll who have been politicians. Is this a conflict of interests or a new (global) way of doing business?

    One of the corporations that work this way is the Carlyle Group. On their payroll are people like : George Bush (Sr.), James Baker III and old premier John Major.

    The Carlyle Group is a private investment bank which doesn't come to the publics attention very often but it is one of the biggest American (ed: USA) investors of the defense industry, telecom, property and financial services.

    What is the Carlyle Group? Who are the people behind the name? And how much power does Carlyle have?

    MARSHUS --- ---
    kerray: takže tebe už taky dostali? ok ..
    JAXXE --- ---
    PETVAL --- ---
    Passport Safety, Privacy Face Off

    An international aviation group is completing new passport standards this week, setting the groundwork for all passports issued worldwide to include digitized photographs that a computer can read remotely and compare to the face of the traveler or to a database of mug shots.
    The ICAO has already settled on facial recognition as the standard biometric identifier, though countries may add fingerprints or iris scans if they wish. The standards body will vote on Friday whether to adopt radio-frequency ID chips, such as those used in Fast Pass toll systems, as the standard method of storing and transmitting the digitized information.
    An international coalition of privacy groups, ranging from the American Civil Liberties Union to the Swiss Internet User Group, sent an open letter (PDF) to the ICAO on Tuesday, asking the group to impose strict rules on the collection and sharing of data and to hold off on a specification until privacy concerns are fully evaluated.
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