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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush Press Conference Again Scripted Beforehand

    Paul Joseph Watson | April 14 2004

    George W. Bush's Tuesday night press conference was the usual torrent of endlessly repeated cuddly sugar coated questions followed by the same endlessly repeated worn out monotone responses.

    Interestling enough though Bush again let it slip that the press conference was scripted and that the questions had been vetted beforehand by the White House.

    Anyone who watched the TV footage witnessed the embarrasing sight of Bush pausing for at least five seconds and saying absolutely nothing. Bush's admonition that the question should have been written 'ahead of time' (like the rest) proves that this was an impromptu question in an otherwise carefully scripted briefing.

    Many people have speculated that Bush actually wears an ear piece and the responses are fed through to him and he just repeats them. I have done radio interviews but I'm by no means a master of public speaking. If a radio host asks a question about a topic that I have no detailed knowledge of then I can at least give a surface answer and so could most other people. Bush, the President of the most powerful country on earth, could not even do that. He literally stood there in silence fumbling around 'waiting for an answer to pop into his head' (or through the ear piece).

    This pep rally for the Neo-Cons has again fallen flat on its face and Bush has only further proven that he runs absolutely nothing in Washington and is just the frontmen for the real powerbrokers behind the scenes.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Transcript of President's Press Conference


    "Thank you, Mr. President. In the last campaign, you were asked a question about the biggest mistake you'd made in your life, and you used to like to joke that it was trading Sammy Sosa.

    You've looked back before 9-11 for what mistakes might have been made. After 9-11, what would your biggest mistake be, would you say, and what lessons have learned from it?"

    BUSH: I wish you'd have given me this written question ahead of time so I could plan for it.

    John, I'm sure historians will look back and say, gosh, he could've done it better this way or that way. You know, I just -- I'm sure something will pop into my head here in the midst of this press conference, with all the pressure of trying to come up with answer, but it hadn't yet."

    JAXXE --- ---
    G8 activists in Georgia must pay to protest

    JAXXE --- ---
    Date: Wed Apr 14, 2004 12:30 am
    Subject: 9/11 COVER STORIES

    Judging by my email traffic and my surfing of alt. news sites, the
    current 9/11 cover stories are having an effect. I'm seeing fewer
    mentions of the evidence that 9/11 was an event FAR DIFFERENT from
    the one the official scenario portrays.

    Well, this is what a cover story is FOR.

    These days, it's all about whether a "well-intentioned" White House
    made "mistakes" in not paying closer attention to warnings about Al
    Qaida ops inside the US.

    As if that were the real issue.

    It's easy to get caught up in cover stories. One begins to believe
    that, if the White House can be nailed on its errors, it will suffer
    a hard blow.

    Forget about magical pristine hijacker passports being found on the
    street near the WTC, after they fell out of exploding jetliners.

    Forget about the fact that no one has actually shown there were Arab
    hijackers aboard the key flights on 9/11.

    Forget about evidence offered that some of these "hijackers" are
    still alive.

    Forget about the fact that US fighter jets failed to scramble when
    they should have.

    Forget about the fact that the nature and size of the hole punched in
    the Pentagon---and the missing major parts of the jetliner at the
    scene---mitigate against the conclusion that a jetliner actually
    crashed into the Pentagon.

    Forget about Bush's non-reaction at the Florida school when he was
    told two planes had crashed into the WTC.

    Forget about who benefited from 9/11.

    Forget about pre-9/11 war plans for Afghanistan and Iraq being on the
    drawing boards.

    Forget about "the need for a new Pearl Harbor" to justify these wars.

    Forget about the lack of a deep and final investigation into short-
    selling of key stocks just before 9/11.

    Forget about evidence and allegations that, on the morning of 9/11,
    before the planes crashed, the US military was conducting an exercise
    that had to do with simulated hijackings.

    Forget about visual evidence that the second plane to crash into the
    WTC exploded most of its fuel out in the air, and not inside the
    building. (How did this fuel heat melt all that steel and take the
    tower down?)

    And so on and so forth.

    These days, it's all about possible goofs by the White House in the
    months leading up to 9/11.

    The 9/11 commission had its investigation defined before it even

    The current debate in the press is about Guilt-Lite.

    The whole thrust of the cover story is to AVOID TREATING THE WTC AND

    You may recall that, in the case of the 1995 OKC bombing, cover
    stories were immediately floated to avoid the same thing.

    For example, various private analyses of the partially destroyed
    Murrah Building showed that a truck bomb could not have created the
    profile of the damage sustained by the structure. The vectors were
    all wrong. And the force of a truck bomb would have dissipated by the
    time it reached inside the building.

    The FBI lab's conclusion that an ANFO bomb in the Ryder truck took
    25% of the Murrah down was based on no forensics at all; rather, it
    was a lame statement reflecting field-agent reports that McVeigh had
    purchased ANFO components before April 19.

    Cover stories are powerful...don't buy them.

    Some of the (supposedly) most intelligent reporters around discuss
    9/11 from every possible angle except the obvious one: there was a
    crime scene; it was ignored; a political decision was made to assign
    blame immediately.

    These reporters ALL have agendas. NONE of those agendas are served by
    actually assessing the crime scene. And now, at this late date, those
    reporters would look like complete morons if the truth came out. Not
    only would they be proved wrong on the facts; their concealed
    political biases would emerge into the light of day.

    Frankly, I'm sick and tired of reading their explanations about why
    we should have (or shouldn't have) gone into Iraq. When you unwind
    those explanations, they all devolve back into the day of 9/11 and
    what happened then. Except, these pundits have never really looked at
    what happened. They have avoided the anomalies and contradictions.
    They have accepted the central lies and moved on from there to build
    their castles in the air.

    They are terrified of exposing the central lies, because that would
    introduce an X factor. A factor that really has nothing to do with
    traditional Demo vs. Repub conflicts.

    Anyone who looks will see that 9/11 was a very sophisticated
    operation---and one of its purposes was to suck a very predictable
    Bush into the place he already wanted to go: Iraq. The new quagmire.

    Quagmires weaken nations.

    Weakened nations and their frightened populaces look to larger and
    larger solutions for their problems.

    In this day and age, those solutions inevitably involve globalist
    management schemes, and global military control.

    JON RAPPOPORT www.nomorefakenews.com

    FRANCIMOR --- ---
    zajimava diskuze ne zcela nesouvisejici s timto klubikem
    JAXXE --- ---
    Several members of the 9-11 Commission are CFR members

    April 08, 2004

    Few people realize the role in our government that the Council on Foreign Relations plays. This secret organization has over 4000 members who have infiltrated almost all important organizations in our country at the highest levels. For instance, 3 Supreme Court justices are CFR. The reason so little is known about CFR is that many key members of the media are members of this secret organization. They can't tell !

    The late Admiral Chester Ward, who resigned from the CFR in disgust after being a member for 16 years, was not exaggerating when he charged that the group's agenda is to promote "disarmament and submergence of U.S. sovereignty and national independence into an all-powerful one-world government." The leadership of the group, he said, "is composed of the one-world-global-government ideologists - more respectfully referred to as the organized internationalists."

    Admiral Ward's harsh assessment is more than justified.

    The CFR has cut a sordid path through American history. But its dreadful record has not stopped it from gaining unprecedented power and influence. Author/journalist Richard Rovere (CFR) has aptly described the Council as "a sort of Presidium for that part of the Establishment that guides our destiny as a nation." It controls both major parties and has had a virtual lock-hold on the executive branch of the federal government since World War II.

    In his 1979 memoir, With No Apologies, Senator Barry Goldwater noted: "When a new President comes on board, there is a great turnover in personnel but no change in policy. Example: During the Nixon years Henry Kissinger, CFR member and Nelson Rockefeller's protégé, was in charge of foreign policy. When Jimmy Carter was elected, Kissinger was replaced by Zbigniew Brzezinski, CFR member and David Rockefeller's protégé."

    That pattern has continued. The Clinton administration was loaded with over 400 CFR members; the Bush team, it appears will match that. Top Bush picks such as Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld, Rice, Zoellick, and Chao are all Pratt House veterans. One of the first persons Colin Powell officially received as Secretary of State was Frank Carlucci, who recently chaired the CFR's panel on restructuring the State Department. The party labels may have changed, but don't expect a substantive change in policies.

    Bush & the Council for Revolution by William Jasper(The New American - Mar 12, 2001)

    It is no surprise that the 911 Commission is loaded with CFR members:

    9-11 Commission Members

    Thomas H. Kean Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member

    Lee H. Hamilton CFR member / Trilateral Commission (TC) member
    Vice Chair

    Richard Ben-Veniste
    Fred F. Fielding
    Jamie S. Gorelick CFR member
    Slade Gorton
    Bob Kerrey CFR member
    John F. Lehman CFR member
    Timothy J. Roemer
    James R. Thompson


    Commission Staff
    Philip D. Zelikow CFR member
    Executive Director

    Chris Kojm
    Deputy Executive Director

    Daniel Marcus
    General Counsel


    Note: Dr. Condoleezza Rice, President Bush's National Security Adviser,
    is also a CFR member, as are:

    Vice President Dick Cheney (formerly: a CFR director, member of the
    Trilateral Commission, and former chairman,
    president and CEO of Halliburton Co.)

    Colin Powell, Secretary of State

    Paul Wolfowitz, senior Bush administration official involved with Iraq War

    (also has been member of the Trilateral Commission)

    (also: former President George H.W. Bush was both a CFR director and a member of the Trilateral Commission)

    Note: Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and many other executive, congressional, and judiciary offcials, including THREE US Supreme Court Justices (O'Connor appointed by Reagan, and Breyer and Ginsburg appointed by Clinton, are CFR members. Conclusion: There's not a dime's bit of difference in the end-game agenda of BOTH the national Democrat and the Republican Parties, because BOTH national parties are controlled by the same CFR/TC/Bilderberg/Masonic/ Skull & Bones/Bohemian Grove Establishment NWO global elites: the Illuminati.

    See a concise overview article about the CFR that follows. Showing the growth of CFR, the membership was 3,100 in 95 and now is over 4,000.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Tears For Sears, 4/19

    Portents of a new 9/11

    Compiled by Fintan Dunne.

    Original Sears Synchronicity by NeuAmerica
    Timewave by Danny; Charts by Cindy & Denyse
    Harmonics by Norma.

    P A R T 1
    By Fintan Dunne The Eve of Destruction

    The first was the brutal attack on Madrid's rail system which left almost 200 dead and over a thousand injured. Dubbed Europe's 9/11, it was alleged to be an al-Qaida bid to shock Spain into parting from George Bush's Iraq coalition.

    Terror struck Madrid on Tuesday, 11th March, 2004 --exactly 911 days after the 2001 attack which spawned an explosion in U.S. military spending; the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq; and the infamous War on Terror.

    The second was the unexpected announcement that three investors involved in buying the World Trade Center complex just seven weeks before the total destruction of it's twin 110 story towers, had just bought the last of the USA's 110 story skyscrapers --Sears Tower, in Chicago.

    A trio of reclusive New York landlords had just paid Metlife close to $850 million for the third remaining 110 story tower. The Chicago skyscraper once had a spooky pre-9/11 valuation of exactly $911 million. News of the purchase was announced on the same morning as Madrid's carnage --exactly 911 days after 9/11.

    The irritating part was that potential competing bidders for the Sears Tower never had a chance to make a better offer. Metlife closed the deal with the New York buyers so quickly, that real estate analysts were left scratching their heads as to why.

    Some saluted the resolve of the new investors, who clearly were either undaunted by terror risks --or else well protected by accomodating insurers willing to underwrite the risk.

    The Sears Tower management had worked hard to show its total commitment to security and its conviction that the building was as terror-proof as humanly possible.

    Most existing and potential tennants had been reassured. With perhaps one notable exception. For whatever reason, Goldman Sachs were already known to be set to leave the Tower --despite a lease which secured their tennancy until 2011.

    Sears Tower was not the only deal going down in town. Many real estate analysts were aware the Chicago market had been buzzing since the start of 2004 --making it the third most active market in the U.S.

    So, that day, March 11th, 2003 saw a 9/11-style attack --911 days after 9/11, and the purchase of a 110 story tower valued at $911 million dollars prior to 9/11 --by investors who had seen their two 110 story towers crumble to the ground within weeks of purchase, on 9/11.

    No wonder some people sat up and took notice. Things had gotten curious. And the ominous part is that they get even curiouser.

    The references to 911 and 110 which cropped up on March 11th are scheduled to intersect again very soon.

    On April 19th, 2004 it will be the 110th day of the year. The day will begin at midnight, when it will be EXACTLY 911 hours since midnight at the end of the day of the Madrid bombings.
      (38 days X 24 hours = 912 total hours, minus 1 hour daylight savings = exactly 911 hours in 38 days.)
    It will also be 9 and 11 years respectively to two of the darkest moments in modern American history: the Oklahoma Murrah Building blast on April 19th, 1995; and the related mass incineration of David Koresh followers at Waco, Texas.

    Propping up these gloomy resonances are a host of further esoteric indications which point to April 19th and the Sears Tower, as detailed in the articles below.

    And it is against this inauspicious backdrop that in recent days have come media reports of questionable origin. These reports are based on murky intelligence contacts touting a claimed transcript of the interrogation of a terror suspect. The transcript say that Sears Tower was/is one of the prime target of the "terrorists" who perpetrated 9/11.

    Under breathless headlines like "Sears Tower Was Terror Target," these reports have been popping up on news pages around the world in the last few weeks.

    But you knew that anyway. It's a no-brainer. On the day of 9/11, the Sears Tower was immediately evacuated as a blindingly obvious precaution. Those reports are old news.

    Or maybe, they are not.

    Maybe theose media reports are signs that world media are being primed to pin the blame on the "right" people --should anything happen to the Sears Tower.

    Maybe the very same people who brought you Waco, Oklahoma and 9/11 are about to unleash more of their brutal brand of socio-political manipulation.

    And, I'm not talking about terrorists here.

    Consider this web page a blindingly obvious precaution.

    Fintan Dunne
    April 8th, 2004

    JAXXE --- ---
    Intel: WMD terror attack on U.S. 'probable'

    'Secret' report sees chemical, biological or nuclear strike by 2020

    Posted: April 10, 2004
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

    A classified Defense Intelligence Agency report states it is "probable" terrorists would employ a chemical, biological or nuclear weapon in an attack by the year 2020.

    The warning is contained in a July 1999 DIA report on future threats, says Geostrategy-Direct, the global intelligence news source.

    "It is probable that terrorist organizations or individuals will employ a weapon of mass destruction against U.S. interests by 2020, states the report, stamped secret.

    "Heightened publicity about the vulnerability of civilian targets, an increased interest in inflicting mass casualties, emergence of less predictable groups, and great availability of WMD-related production knowledge and technology have already drawn attention of some terrorist organizations."

    The report also warned that the "hoax value" of a WMD use is a "potentially powerful psychological weapon in itself."

    Portions of the classified report were published in the recent book, "Rumsfeld's War" by Washington Times Pentagon correspondent Rowan Scarborough.

    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    neco z ministerstva obrany...

    Třetí světová válka?

    Nový světový řád a americká obranná politika

    JAXXE --- ---
    Teroristé pohrozili kvůli Iráku Maďarsku

    08.04.2004 16:19 -

    Až sto tisíc dolarů nabízí skupina údajně napojená na teroristy maďarským vojákům, když do 1. května opustí Irák. Jinak zaútočíme na kostely a nádraží, tvrdí "speciální maďarská akční skupina Al-Kajda" v dopise vlivnému listu Magyar Hírlap.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Electronic Gaming News
    FBI Wants Access To Xbox Live
    Wednesday, April 07 @ 13:22:40 PDT

    The FBI proposes that they be allowed to wiretap Xbox Live communications. Could terrorists be using the Xbox Live service to transmit information?

    In silly news of the day, we have learned that the FBI has made a proposal to the FCC that would require all Internet Providers to rewire their current system in order to make wiretapping accessible to the FBI. Experts claim that if the new proposal were to pass, MSN Messenger, Xbox Live and any voice over Internet protocol would be accessible for wiretapping.

    The 85-page document that was submitted to the FCC would require all companies to build a "back door" for the FBI to monitor chatting. New services that did not offer a "back door" would become illegal and old services, such as Xbox Live, would have 15 months to comply.

    Big brother is always watching, and this time they are watching little brother on their Xbox...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Putin is accused of return to dictatorship after 'rigged' spy trial

    By Andrew Osborn in Moscow

    08 April 2004

    Vladimir Putin was accused of presiding over a stealthy drift towards Soviet-style authoritarianism after a Russian court sentenced an academic to 15 years in jail for allegedly spying for the United States.

    Human rights activists said the sentence seemed unduly harsh and said the closed-door trial appeared to have been rigged against Igor Sutyagin, a researcher for the respected USA Canada Institute in Moscow.


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    NYC Firefighters WTC Detonator Conversation

    From Larry Jameson

    A dear friend of mine was able to make a written transcript of the NYFD video mpeg movie that appeared on Alex Jones Prison Planet. Here, then is the link to the video and the transcript she wrote:


    This transcript is as close as I can get...more connections to detonators in the building.

    1st Fireman: "What the f**k? What do we do? We made it outside. We made about a block."

    2nd fireman: " We made it at least 2 blocks and we started running. Floor by floor started popping out."

    1st fireman: "It was as if they had detonators,"

    2nd fireman: "Yeah, detonators."

    1st fireman: "As if they had plans to take down the building. It went boom boom boom..."

    2nd fireman: "...all the way down. I was watching it and running. and you just saw this cloud of shit chasing you down."

    3rd fireman: "So what'd you do?"

    2nd fireman: "You couldn't outrun it. You couldn't outrun it. I behind a battalion car. I hid under an car just waiting to die.

    The 9-11 Commission should be hearing this instead of Condaleeza Rice
    JAXXE --- ---
    Musíme pracovat pro nový světový řád

    JAXXE --- ---

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush, Kerry Share Tippy-Top Secret

    Yalies Bush and Kerry Share a Patrician Past Of Skull and Bones

    By Don Oldenburg
    Washington Post Staff Writer

    JAXXE --- ---
    If you're on the "list", no job for you


    The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are developing a database that will allow private companies to submit lists of individuals to be screened for a connection to terrorism, the FBI Terrorist Screening Center Director Donna A. Bucella told legislators yesterday.

    The database "will eventually allow private-sector entities, such as operators of critical infrastructure facilities or organizers of large events, to submit a list of persons associated with those events to the U.S. government to be screened for any nexus to terrorism," Miss Bucella said at a joint hearing of the House Judiciary and Homeland Security subcommittees.


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