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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    BEEJBI --- ---
    no jo, pentagon je velmi podozrivy...al ja len poukazujem nato, ze vestko treba brat s rezervou..
    TERMIX --- ---
    BEEJBI: A kde jsou trosky treba toho Boeingu od Pentagonu? A kde jsou tela? ;) Vsechno je pravdepodobnejsi, nez oficialni verze...
    BEEJBI --- ---
    no k tym videam, ako vobec nie je tazke na kompe dorobit do videa maly zablesk pod trupom lietadla, takze sa tomu neda verit o niv viac nez oficialnej verzii imho....
    JAXXE --- ---
    MI5 let al Qaida in, says Shayler

    18th April 2004

    security bosses let thousands of al Qaida members into the UK during the 1990s, former spy David Shayler has claimed.

    The renegade ex-MI5 agent, who was jailed for selling top secret documents to a newspaper, also claimed some of the terrorists were granted British citizenship in an amazing blunder by his former bosses.

    "In the early 1990s MI5 was very slow to get to grips with al Qaida," Shayler said in a TV interview.

    "Despite repeated warnings they let in thousands of al Qaida members into this country who are all still here.

    "Some of whom have gained British citizenship, which makes it very difficult to expel them." Middlesbrough-born Shayler revealed his fears on the ITV1 Tyne Tees programme The Sunday Interview.

    He based his claims on information from French security service officials, who Shayler said, warned their British counterparts that al Qaida terrorists were trying to get into the country.

    In 2002 he was jailed for risking British agents' lives by his "blinkered arrogance".

    An Old Bailey jury convicted him of three charges under the Official Secrets Act after selling top secret documents, which were packed with names of agents, to a newspaper for £40,000.

    He claimed he was a whistleblower trying to expose corruption and incompetence in the secret service.

    But he remains convinced the UK is under great threat from an attack by Osama bin Laden's feared terror group.

    JAXXE --- ---
    urcite si pustte videa na tehle strance


    Eyewitness: 'I Saw Missile Hit the World Trade Center'

    Seems like he had a pretty good view too. Read the commentary below for more analysis. This clip is from the Naudet Brothers' Video.

    Were 'Pod Missiles' Used in the World Trade Center Attack?

    Paul Joseph Watson | April 20 2004

    Several websites have garnered worldwide attention recently for exposing apparent evidence of a 'pod missile' which was fired from Flight 175 before it hit the WTC South Tower.

    In my book, Order Out of Chaos, which was written over a year ago and published in August 2003, I cited the research of Leonard Spencer and featured a discussion of the use of missiles, specifically in the case of Flight 11, which hit the North Tower,

    The story of the 'Fireman's Video' is well known. Two French filmmakers, the Naudet Brothers, were in New York on September 11 making a documentary about the New York Fire Service. The footage shows that, while filming in Canal Street, firemen and crew are distracted by a plane flying low overhead. The camera operator instinctively turns his camera towards the North Tower and, for little more than a second or so, we get a clear view of the plane crashing into the tower. It is a precious, priceless second. It is the one-second of video that really makes the sinister Bush junta nervous. It really gives them nightmares. They really didn't want a professional cameraman to catch that moment on broadcast-quality tape.

    If you've got it on tape I strongly suggest you take another look at it, with the pause and frame-forward buttons at the ready. If you don't have it taped you can purchase the documentary in which it appears on video and DVD. It's called simply '9/11'.

    When seen at full speed, you might first of all think that there isn't a great deal to see. There's half a second or so when we see the plane flying through the air then it smashes into the tower, creating an explosion and leaving a great gash across the building. Notice though that immediately before it hits the building the plane emits a brief, bright flash.
    Notice too that the scar it leaves on the building is rather larger than seems appropriate for the size of the aircraft.

    Watch carefully what happens as the plane approaches and crashes into the tower. I leave you to come to your own conclusions about what you see (watch it over and over again, backwards and forwards), but I'll tell you what I see. Immediately before the plane strikes it fires a missile that blows a hole in the building's façade. This is the cause of that brief flash. The plane then begins to disappear neatly into this hole, leaving no wing impressions. (A plane disappearing into a hole? Where have I heard that before; wasn't there something about a plane at the Pentagon?) Just before it disappears however it fires two more missiles from somewhere near its tail. One goes to the left, one to the right (and up a bit) and it is the blast holes from these three separate missiles that form the great gash across the building.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Blair: If Britain Votes No to Europe, We'll Just Have Another Referendum Until They Vote Yes

    CAIDEL --- ---
    DRIFTER: Doufám že teroristům dochází, že útočit na USA by bylo relativně kontraproduktivní. Když je nechaj na pokoji, ať pořád strašej falešnejma útokama IMHO by se GW Bush poroučel ve volbách od válu (pomineme-li nějaký ty vyfabrikovaný útoky..)
    DRIFTER --- ---
    ...a masirovanie pokracuje v stale vacsom meritku!

    Bush: Americans Have Reason to Fear Another Terrorist Attack
    Wednesday, April 21, 2004

    WASHINGTON – President Bush said Wednesday that those Americans who expect another terror attack in this country have reason for such fears. "This is a hard country to defend," he conceded.


    FBI Agent: 2004 Will Be Remembered as 'Summer of Terror'
    Monday, April 19, 2004 2:50 p.m. EDT

    Today on "Fox News Live," former FBI Special Agent Harold Copus said that the summer of 2004 will be remembered as the "Summer of Terror."


    Ridge Forms New Terrorism Task Force
    Monday, Apr. 19, 2004

    WASHINGTON -- With an eye on a large number of symbolic gatherings, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge is forming a new government task force to better coordinate public and private security - and hopefully prevent the next terrorist attack.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush plans world recruitment drive to arm for peace

    April 20, 2004

    Facing a chronic shortage of foreign troops for peacekeeping missions, US President George Bush has decided to launch an international drive to boost the supply of available forces.

    It calls for the United States to commit about $US660 million ($880 million) over the next five years to train, equip and provide logistical support to forces in nations willing to take part in peace operations.

    The Global Peace Operations Initiative will be aimed largely at Africa. It will expand the peacekeeping skills of African forces and encourage international military exercises in the region, where US officials say much of the need exists.

    But African forces developed under the program could be used in peace operations anywhere in the world, they said.


    JAXXE --- ---
    tady vyber z bushe... ;)

    The Top 19 Dumbest Statements of the Past Week

    MARSHUS --- ---
    ten rozhovor s kerrym je zábavnej
    SEN. KERRY: I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.
    btw. doporučuju knížku od Egona Bondyho - Cybercomix
    sice trochu odjinud a přece k tématu ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Hyde Park

    Jak vidí vztah Izraele k Palestincům
    Moishe Arye Friedman
    Izrael v současné době vede vlastní holokaust proti Palestincům

    Izrael a "obušek holokaustu"

    V posledních týdnech se po celém světě vedou bouřlivé diskuse o filmu Mela Gibsona. Zvláště představitelé Státu Izrael a takzvaných "izraelitských kultovních obcí" (židovské náboženské obce) jako pan Spiegel, pan Roman Bronfman, Michel Friedman, Ariel Muzikant aj. se v tomto ohledu vyjádřili krajně provokativně a vznesli vyděračské požadavky vůči katolické církvi a křesťanským národům. Tyto "obce" však nezastupují víře věrné židovství, nýbrž v celém světě bojují proti pravověrným, antisionistickým, ortodoxním Židům dokonce i kriminálními metodami.

    Likvidace Palestinců

    K filmu samotnému se nemůžeme a nechceme vyjadřovat, protože z morálních a náboženských důvodů zásadně nesledujeme žádné filmy. Vzhledem k záměrně rozněcovanému chaosu bychom však rádi zaujali stanovisko k pozadí tohoto snímku, přičemž se však v tomto článku nebudeme podrobně zabývat událostmi z doby před 2000 lety.
    Už asi 58 let se svět musí dívat na to, jak je arabské obyvatelstvo Palestiny likvidováno, připraveno o své sídelní oblasti, z velké části vyhnáno a krvavě pronásledováno státem apartheidu Izraelem. Palestinci přitom nemají šanci se bránit, protože se vždy hned použije "obušek holokaustu", aby byl každý kritik umlčen těmito etnickými čistkami. Izrael přitom vede vlastní holokaust proti Palestincům na rozdíl od barbarství minulosti zcela veřejně před očima celého světa, což nemá v dějinách světa obdoby. Současně se vzbuzuje dojem, že Stát Izrael a takzvané "izraelitské kultovní obce" jsou legitimními zástupci židovství, případně židovského náboženství, přičemž v tomto ohledu není nevinná ani katolická církev a Vatikán. V této situaci docházejí normální občané právem k závěru, že Židé jakožto Židé nebo společnost věřících jsou špatným národem, že jsou brutální a krvežízniví. Ale stejně jako nelze činit věřící Židy odpovědnými za činy od víry odpadlých bolševiků, komunistů atd. židovského původu, platí to i pro sionisty a Izrael, jejichž existence odporuje pravé židovské víře. Pravou židovskou povahu reprezentují statisíce přísně ortodoxních věřících, kteří se podle Boží vůle podřizují různým národům, mezi nimiž žijí, a vždy byli a jsou loajálními občany toho kterého státu. Totéž platí pro Palestinu a ostatní arabské, případně islámské státy, jejichž mimořádné pohostinnosti jsme po staletí s vděčností využívali.
    Od víry odpadlí sionisté však jakživ nemohou reprezentovat židovství a jeví se světové veřejnosti zcela správně jako bezbožní vrazi. V této souvislosti je také třeba poukázat na správná konstatování nejvýš řádného politika CDU Dr. Martina Hohmanna, který je v našich obcích po celém světě vážen. Právě v období našeho židovského svátku pesach, kdy nám Bůh v tóře několikrát připomíná, že Židé byli uprchlíky a že se na základě vlastních zkušeností máme chovat k ostatním v těžké situaci milosrdně a citlivě, musíme připomenout, že žádné právo na světě nemůže oněm přibližně 6 milionům palestinských uprchlíků odmítnout jejich návrat do vlasti. Navíc musíme upozornit na to, že to byli právě sionisté, kdo před druhou světovou válkou a během ní masivními prostředky bránil různým zemím přijímat židovské uprchlíky. V této souvislosti to byla katolická světová organizace Caritas, která většině z nich pomohla a zajistila budoucnost.

    Sionistické vydírání

    Je nám záhadou, proč mezinárodní společenství připouští likvidaci palestinských náboženských vůdců, zatímco takzvané vrchní rabíny Státu Izrael, kteří stojí za všemi krvavými a teroristickými vojenskými akcemi této země, slavnostně a s velkou pompou přijímají všechny vlády světa i Vatikán. Oni však v žádném případě nejsou zástupci židovské víry! To platí i pro hnutí "Kach Kahane Chabad Lubavich", které se vydává za ortodoxní a podporuje teroristické skupiny osidlovatelů a kterému se v Rakousku dostává tak velké podpory. Jedině antisionistické židovství věrné tóře reprezentuje pravou židovskou víru. Je načase, aby to světová veřejnost a také katolická církev a Vatikán uznaly a nenechaly se dále vydírat bohapustými sionisty.

    Autor je vrchní rabín Ortodoxní židovské obce ve Vídni



    DRIFTER --- ---
    'Proud' Vanunu vows to fight on

    Mordechai Vanunu has been freed after an 18-year jail sentence for leaking Israel's atomic weapons secrets.
    Mr Vanunu was released from Shikma prison, Ashkelon, in southern Israel.

    To both jeers and cheers from a large crowd, he said he was proud of what he had done and had suffered "very cruel and barbaric treatment".

    He said; "Israel doesn't need nuclear arms... My message today to all the world is open the Dimona [nuclear] reactor for inspections".

    Answering questions from reporters, Mr Vanunu said he was "not totally free" because of the restrictions Israel had placed on him, including a ban on travel outside the country.

    Vanunu speaks: Key quotes
    But he said he wanted to go to the United States, get married and start a family.

    He said he had been treated harshly because he had converted to Christianity and he no longer had any secrets to publish.


    Despite his protestations, the authorities say Mr Vanunu still possesses information that could jeopardise Israel's security.

    He is not allowed to have a passport, is forbidden to approach ports and airports, and has been told not to talk to foreigners without permission.

    On the basis of the information he gave to the UK's Sunday Times newspaper in 1986, analysts concluded Israel had scores of nuclear warheads.

    Israel maintains a policy of "strategic ambiguity" about its supposed nuclear arsenal and it has refused to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which would open Dimona up to international al scrutiny.

    Supporters had gathered outside the jail, waving banners and calling Vanunu a "hero of peace". But many in Israel see him as a traitor who has endangered the country.

    Israel said it could have placed much tougher post-release restrictions on Mr Vanunu - and the length of time the current regime will remain in force depends on his behaviour.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Russert Again Quizzes Kerry on Skull and Bones

    MSNBC | April 20 2004

    MR. RUSSERT: Before we go, you and George Bush were both members of Skull & Bones, the secret society at Yale. The rule is, if someone mentions Skull & Bones, you walk out of the room. If you're both in a...

    SEN. KERRY: You trying to get rid of me here?

    MR. RUSSERT: You're both in a presidential debate and the moderator says "Skull & Bones," you both leave the podiums?

    SEN. KERRY: I doubt it.

    MR. RUSSERT: You'll hang in there.

    SEN. KERRY: I think you'll see both of us have our two--you know I'd love to have a debate with the president [blah blah blah blah blah blah]

    MR. RUSSERT: Senator John Kerry, thank you for your views.

    SEN. KERRY: Thank you.

    Mr. RUSSERT: And we'll be right back.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush says it's vital to make Patriot Act permanent

    Mike Allen, Washington Post
    Tuesday, April 20, 2004

    Hershey, Pa. -- President Bush said Monday that he considered it vital for Congress to pass a permanent version of the USA Patriot Act, which has been criticized by some liberals and conservatives for giving the federal government too much power in the name of fighting terrorism.


    "The Patriot Act defends our liberty," Bush said, repeatedly thumping the podium. "The Patriot Act makes it able for those of us in positions of responsibility to defend the liberty of the American people. It's essential law."


    JAXXE --- ---

    "Going well, eh Tony?"

    "Perfect, sir."

    JAXXE --- ---

    USA is ready to start five wars every year

    04/17/2004 16:20

    The network of mobile bases throughout the globe is the backbone of the new US military doctrine.

    Recently US Defense Minister Donal Ramsfeld gave the Pentagon the assignment to adopt the new military strategy called "10-30-30", reported the Defense News newspaper.

    According to the new military doctrine, after the political decision made in Washington to use military force in a certain area on the globe, the US troops must be able to be deployed in this area within 10 days. In the 30 days to come US military is supposed to smash the enemy troops and deprive the enemy of the opportunity to renew its resistance to Americans in foreseeable future. Within the next 30 days the US troops must regroup and be ready for executing the next military assignment in another region.

    Earlier the US military doctrine stipulated conducting one big (nuclear) war and 1-2 local military conflicts simultaneously. Today the doctrine draws no distinction between the types of wars. The "10-30-30" strategy (2 months and 10 days per war) provides the US military and political leaders with the opportunity to conduct minimum five military operations every year. Nuclear weapon may be used as well - it is considered as usual military weapon.

    In fact, this strategic decision is the second stage of the "reforming the US military bases abroad" announced in May 2003. This reforming is about changing the locations of the US military bases. The Pentagon decided to abandon big military bases in Germany, Italy, Japan and Turkey and create so called "light bases". In particular, the US troops from the big military base in Germany will be transferred to Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and other East European countries. The same principle will be applied to the big US military bases in Japan, Italy and Turkey since 2006.

    Currently Washington uses 736 military bases and objects in the USA and worldwide. Dispersal of the big and middle-sized bases will increase the US military presence on the globe significantly. The new areas for deploying the US troops are the former Soviet republics (along Russian borders), Africa and even Australia. All the surface of our planet will be controlled from the Pentagon.

    In addition to ground military bases, the USA plans to construct Naval universal multifunctional platforms consisting of the so called modules. Military units, artillery, Air Force, equipment will be deployed on the platforms to ensure conducting wars within 30 days.

    The use of universal multifunctional platforms brings new element to the US military diplomacy. Washington will not have to negotiate the issue of deploying its military with the governments of other countries. Several multifunctional platforms will be brought to the shores of the country, and the military base will be created without paying lease for using the country"s territory.


    JAXXE --- ---
    That's what they want you to think


    It has been a pleasant but unremarkable dinner party in the Beaches, until suddenly the hostess tosses a bombshell across the table.

    A bright, stylish businesswoman, well educated and successful, she abruptly announces that it was not a wide-bodied passenger jet that crashed into the Pentagon in Washington on that unforgettable morning, September 11, 2001.

    Instead, she declares, what hit the Pentagon that day was a guided missile.

    "A what ...?" you respond. "How do you figure that?"

    Well, there were no airplane parts found in the wreckage at the scene, the woman explains. Besides, the hole smashed into the Pentagon's southwestern façade was far too small to have been caused by a Boeing 757, the aircraft that authorities say collided with the building that morning.

    The damage, she concludes, could only have been caused by a missile.

    At once, you begin to question the woman's theory.

    After all, American Airlines Flight 77 took off from Dulles International Airport at 8:10 that morning, bound for Los Angeles, but it was then hijacked and flown back to Washington. It crashed into the Pentagon at 9:40 a.m. All 58 passengers — including the hijackers — were killed, as were six crew members. One-hundred-twenty-six people in the building also died.

    Meanwhile, hundreds of individuals were on the ground near the Pentagon at the time. They saw the plane hit the building.

    But the hostess in the Beaches stands firm.

    She is even able to explain why, in her view, U.S. political and military authorities are hiding the "truth" about what happened in Washington that day. She does not utter the telltale buzzword "conspiracy," but she is clearly aiming in that direction.

    She is far from alone.

    "Political conspiracies are sexy right now," says Robin Ramsay, publisher of a British magazine called Lobster, which devotes itself to the thorny task of separating genuine political conspiracies from the vastly more plentiful bogus ones. "I take the view that conspiracies are normal."

    In these post-9/11 days, conspiracies are just about everywhere — or, at least, conspiracy theories are.

    More even than the death of Princess Diana in a bloody automobile crash in a Paris underpass almost seven years ago, the events of 9/11 have spawned a global industry of doubt, employing skeptics the world over, who hone and polish their private versions of reality at a rate and with a degree of fervour almost unequalled in human history. All of which inevitably raises the question:

    Why don't we just believe what we're told?

    "We are skeptical because we will never trust governments to tell us the totality of what happened," says Mark Fenster, a professor of law at the University of Florida and author of a book about conspiracy theories. "A certain amount of skepticism is a perfectly logical response."

    These days, skepticism abounds. According to one recent U.S. public opinion poll, fully 59 per cent of Americans believe their government is "hiding something" about its handling of intelligence information prior to the aerial attacks that left some 3,000 people dead on Sept. 11, 2001.

    An additional 11 per cent go even further, saying that the government is "mostly lying" about the unfolding of events before the attacks.

    That's an impressive quantity of doubt — and doubt, to conspiracy theorists, is like oxygen to a flame.

    "I think it's very rational to have conspiracy theories," says Michael Adams, president of Environics Research Group Ltd., a Canadian public opinion polling firm. "Some conspiracy theories are right."

    But most of them are flat-out wrong. The challenge is to tell the two kinds apart.

    That isn't always easy in a world that seems to have been bitten by the same possibly extra-terrestrial bug that produced The X-Files, the long-running TV show about two U.S. secret-service agents on the trail of a vast, evil conspiracy.

    Meanwhile, the Internet is aglow with paranoid political theories, bizarre urban legends, and diverse hoaxes, often presented in such a way that they seem indistinguishable from the fabric of verifiable truth.

    "If you just plug into the Internet," says Ramsay, "you can't tell what's real from what isn't."

    It turns out, for example, that Our Lady of the Beaches is not the only person who firmly believes that it was a missile and not an airplane that collided with the Pentagon one bright September morning two and a half years ago.

    Get thee to thy computer and go to Web sites such as Physics911.org or freedomfiles.org, where the same tendentious thesis is propounded. And propounded. And propounded.

    "The key tactic of a good conspiracy theorist is, you overwhelm the listener with so much detail that it's just got to be `true,'" says Robert Thompson, a professor of television and popular culture at Syracuse University. "Eventually, most of us cry uncle."

    A lot of conspiracy theorists look back upon the events of 9/11, and what they perceive is not the dark and sinister plot that U.S. authorities would have them see — in other words, a ruthless strategy by Islamic extremists to sow terror among Americans — but an even darker and more nefarious narrative, one that unfolds in a twilit netherworld where all-powerful beings loom in the shadows, where nothing is as it seems, and where the forces of good and evil clash.

    Sound crazy? Maybe. Or maybe not.

    "You could say that conspiracy theories are nascent religious impulses," says Christopher Dewdney, a Toronto poet and author. "It's trying to make a higher metaphysical order. It's very Dark Ages."

    If you're feeling brave, type the phrase "conspiracy theories" into the Google search engine on your computer, along with the digits "9/11."

    Watch out. Almost immediately, you will be inundated with a list of about 39,800 web sites.

    By way of comparison, what used to be North America's most fertile source of conspiracy theories — the assassination four decades ago of John F. Kennedy or "JFK" — yields a list of about 20,800 sites, which is still quite a lot.

    "You can't look at American history in the last 40 years and not see all sorts of conspiracies,'' says Lobster's Ramsay. ``That's what American history is — a heaving series of political conspiracies."

    But don't stop with Americans. Take almost any significant event in human history — the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, the French Revolution, the outbreak of World War I, the death of Marilyn Monroe — and a procession of conspiracy theories is sure to follow, ranging from the lurid through the crackpot to the quite-possibly-true.

    After all, who killed Julius Caesar?

    Hint: It was a conspiracy.

    "It's kind of an instinct to interpret things according to a conspiracy," says Fenster. "The conspiracy story is a powerful and flexible one."

    Flexible is right.

    Many 9/11 conspiracy theorists maintain that the two aircraft that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York were actually guided to their targets, not by Al Qaeda hijackers, but by the U.S. military itself, using remote-control devices.

    Still others are convinced that the 9/11 attacks were really the work of Israeli security agents, aiming to discredit the Arab world in America's eyes. There are dozens of other theories about what "really" happened that morning.

    "A lot of these conspiracy theorists are totally sincere," says Thompson, "and I don't think they're totally crazy."

    But are any of them — er, well, you know — right?

    When it comes to 9/11, Ramsay believes that the answer in most cases seems to be no, nein, non. They're probably wrong.

    Like many mainstream observers, he is prepared to believe that the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush ignored intelligence warnings prior to the aerial attacks in New York and Washington — perhaps that it did so deliberately — but he does not credit those who claim the U.S. government secretly staged the disaster itself for its own selfish purposes.

    "I have to see evidence," says Ramsay. "I don't believe any of that."

    For the record, Ramsay enjoys a good conspiracy theory as much as anyone and certainly does not reject all such notions out of hand. For example, he insists there was a conspiracy behind Kennedy's shooting in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, although he says it was not the work of the Central Intelligence Agency or of Cuban exiles opposed to Fidel Castro, as many theorists propose.

    Instead, Ramsay believes that Lyndon B. Johnson — the U.S. vice-president who succeeded Kennedy in the Oval Office — masterminded the assassination in order to further his own political ambitions.

    Of course, that's just Ramsay's view. He might very well be wrong, and so the debate over who really killed JFK — like the swirl of rumours around the death of Princess Diana, say, or around the alleged suicide of Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain — will never truly end.

    "It's virtually impossible for a conspiracy theorist to admit that they're incorrect," says Fenster. "It's a commitment that is so absolute that any empirical evidence that contradicts your theory has got to be explained or it has got to be ignored."

    Many conspiracy theories are fairly benign — for example, the widespread conviction that Elvis Presley is still alive — but others are more troubling, such as the panic that swept parts of the United States during the 1980s, when many people became convinced that a network of devoted Satanists was ritually abusing the nation's children and murdering up to 60,000 Americans a year.

    During the 1990s, thousands of otherwise sane North Americans came to believe that they had at some point been kidnapped and sexually abused by aliens. It didn't seem to matter if they did not remember experiencing such an episode themselves. That merely provided further evidence of the conspiracy — for the aliens would surely have tampered with their victims' memories.

    "Lots and lots of people, many of them intelligent and well-educated, nonetheless had this experience," says Ramsay.

    Or they thought they had.

    Other conspiracy theories are not merely nutty. They are malevolent in the extreme. Many of the most poisonous yet persistent of these have long revolved around religion or race.

    In the early years of the last century, for example, a book began circulating in Russia and Europe, called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion — supposedly, a master plan by a small cabal of wealthy Jews to achieve world dominion.

    The tract was a complete fabrication — probably the work of Russian security officials with the backing of Tsar Nicholas II — but it served as the justification for waves of pogroms against European Jews and for the loss of countless lives. Translations of the book continue to be widely read, and believed, in the Arab world today.

    There is sometimes only a very thin line between conspiracy theories, on the one hand, and racist or paranoid delusions, on the other.

    Down through history, wonky belief systems have thrived, based on the conviction that powerful groups or organizations — Jews or Freemasons or even the Trilateral Commission, which since 1973 has sought to develop close ties among Europe, North America and Japan — are secretly in control of world events, operating as an omnipotent and evil cabal often referred to as the Illuminati, after a small group of Bavarian anti-monarchists that briefly flourished during the late 18th century.

    Ramsay says these "mega-conspiracy theories" are losing ground in an increasingly fragmented world, where thousands of competing explanations for important events must vie for credibility in cyber-space or on television.

    "There's no Great Conspiracy," he says. "Nobody is controlling everything."

    Instead, there are legions of lesser conspiracies or, anyway, conspiracy theories.

    Dewdney, for one, looks askance at most such ideas, but the writer is especially critical of theorists who seem to endow governments with a nearly perfect ability to keep the people in a state of complete ignorance about certain deep, dark secrets.

    "If governments were as effective as these people give them credit for," he says, "they'd be much more effective than any government I know of. We know that governments are a quagmire."

    On the other hand, says Dewdney, "there are successful conspiracies."

    In fact, over the long centuries of human existence, there have been no end of sinister plots that have succeeded, many of them resulting in death and suffering and war, and a lot of them carried out by governments, no doubt including but certainly not limited to the Bush administration in Washington.

    Realizing this, no one should be surprised that so many members of the human race persist in believing that all is not as it seems or that there really is a conspiracy afoot.

    "I'm sure there were people sitting in caves, convinced that the people in the cave next door were conspiring to take over," says Thompson, "and oftentimes they were."

    Copyright Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. All rights reserved.

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