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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 2
    PETVAL --- ---
    a www.thememoryhole.org pro jistotu nejede...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Pentagon rozlítily snímky rakví s vojáky
    Podle ministerstva fotografie poškozují rodiny obětí

    Deník The Seattle Times v neděli na titulní stránce zveřejnil snímek rakví s vojáky padlými v Iráku. (23. dubna 2004)

    Autor: The Seattle Times
    23.04.2004 12:39 - Spojenými státy hýbou fotografie amerických válečných obětí, které se po letech dostaly do médií. Deník The Seattle Times v neděli na titulní stránce zveřejnil snímek rakví s vojáky padlými v Iráku. Desítky dalších se objevily na internetu. Pentagon jejich publikování zakázal.

    Přes 360 fotografií z transportu padlých vojáků zveřejnil na internetových stránkách thememoryhole.org aktivista Russ Kick.

    Získal je oficiální cestou z letecké základny Dover ve státě Delaware, kam směřuje většina rakví s americkými oběťmi války v Iráku. Základna mu je nejprve nechtěla vydat, Kick se ale odvolal na dodatek ústavy, který zaručuje právo na informace.

    Ministerstvo obrany USA zakázalo podobné fotografie zveřejňovat. Jak připomíná The Seattle Times, v amerických médiích se už třináct let nesmějí objevovat snímky z transportu obětí ze zahraničních bojišť.

    Pentagon: Chráníme rodiny obětí
    Pentagon argumentuje tím, že se snaží chránit soukromí rodin vojáků a nikoli upírat veřejnosti právo na informace.

    "Upřímně vzato nechceme, aby se ostatky našich vojáků, kteří přinesli tu nejvyšší oběť, staly předmětem pozornosti. Je to bezdůvodné a ponižující," zdůvodňuje John Molino z ministerstva obrany.

    Před měsícem proti této praxi protestovali lidé před základnou v Doveru. Demonstranti kritizovali prezidenta Bushe za to, že pokračuje v praxi předchozích vlád a zakrývá před veřejností a médii realitu válečných obětí.

    "Nemůžeme dál skrývat, že umírají mladí lidé, musíme o tom otevřeně informovat," domnívá se Jane Brightová z West Hills v Kalifornii. Sama přitom v Iráku přišla o syna. Čtyřiadvacetiletý Evan Ashcraft padl v bojích loni v červenci.

    Fotografka dostala výpověď
    Na zveřejnění fotografie na titulní stránce The Seattle Times doplatila její autorka, padesátiletá Tami Siliciová. Ona i její manžel dostali výpověď od firmy, která pro armádu zajišťuje převoz těl do Spojených států.

    Siliciová pořídila obrázek rakví přikrytých americkými vlajkami na palubě nákladního letounu, který převážel mrtvé z Kuvajtu. Fotku pak poslala své americké přítelkyni, která ji poskytla novinám. Deník ji zveřejnil s povolením autorky.


    v clanku idnes je link na memoryhole.org ... wow ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush: Zachovejte Patriot Act nebo...

    Koncem příštího roku mají vypršet některé nejkontroverznější pasáže nechvalně známého Patriot Act. Už teď Bush a jeho sekerníci varují, aby se Kongres neodvážil nechat sebemenší část tohoto zákona padnout.

    Připomeňme, že zákon byl přijat po nočním zasedání, aniž by ho senátoři a kongresmani četli a aniž by o tom diskutovali. Bushova klika použila podobnou fintu, jakou jejich předchůdci 23. prosince 1913, kdy téměř prázdný Kongres (všichni už byli u vánočního stolu) přijal zákon o Federální rezervní bance, unikátnímu spojení dvanácti bank (hádejte, kdo je vlastnil a vlastní), které - ač soukromý podnik - mají podle zákona právo tisknout peníze a půjčovat je federální vládě. Je to jediný podnik na světě, který dokáže vyrábět peníze ze vzduchu.

    Patriot Act je prý potřebný, aby policie mohla odposlouchávat a čmuchat bez rozhodnutí soudců a bez důkazů. Měla tak odhalit zakuklené teroristy.

    Nepletu-li se, dosud nebyl na základě tohoto zákona odhalen ani jeden terorista. Nicméně policejní databáze se plní miliardami privátních informací o amerických občanech. A nejen o nich.

    JAXXE --- ---
    a jeste jeden skvely produkt. tentokrat pro praskace juniory...

    - JUJU the citizen eye / instructions -

    Juju - the citizen eyeTM is a registred trademark. All rights reserved to EMPIRE NORTH
    Copyright © 2004 - EMPIRE NORTH

    JAXXE --- ---

    The ID SNIPERTM rifle designed by EMPIRE NORTH

    What is the ID SNIPERTM rifle?

    It is used to implant a GPS-microchip in the body of a human being, using a high powered sniper rifle as the long distance injector. The microchip will enter the body and stay there, causing no internal damage, and only a very small amount of physical pain to the target. It will feel like a mosquito-bite lasting a fraction of a second. At the same time a digital camcorder with a zoom-lense fitted within the scope will take a high-resolution picture of the target. This picture will be stored on a memory card for later image-analysis.

    Why use the ID SNIPERTM rifle?

    As the urban battlefield grows more complex and intense, new ways of managing and controlling crowds are needed. The attention of the media changes the rules of the game. Sometimes it is difficult to engage the enemy in the streets without causing damage to the all important image of the state. Instead EMPIRE NORTH suggests to mark and identify a suspicious subject on a safe distance, enabeling the national law enforcement agency to keep track on the target through a satellite in the weeks to come.

    The ID SNIPERTM rifle was presented by Empire North in Beijing at the China Police 2002 exhibition.

    Image and tracking software


    Scope development
    Body damage control
    ID SNIPERTM is a registred trademark. All rights reserved to EMPIRE NORTH
    Copyright © 2004 - EMPIRE NORTH

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    UK forces 'involved' in Basra blasts: cleric

    Followers of the radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr have blamed British forces for the coordinated series of car bombs which killed 73 people in the southern Iraqi city of Basra yesterday.

    Several Iraqi policemen in uniform have joined the followers in protests.

    The coalition say the attacks bore all the hallmarks of Al Qaeda, but Sadr's spokesman in Basra, Sheikh al-Bahadli, told the 300 supporters gathered in front of his office that there was evidence that British occupation forces were involved.

    The targets of the attacks were Iraqi police stations and a uniformed policeman who joined the protest said "the British were the ones who attacked us".

    "Now we are with our religious leaders," the policeman said.

    Another policeman said many of his fellow officers were ready to fight alongside Sadr's Mehdi army.

    JAXXE --- ---

    This set of pages is dedicated toward a new political movement. This movement involves the making of a global nation that preserves it's nation-states. If you are not familiar with the concept you may want to read the reasons page.

    JAXXE --- ---
    mozna by bylo jednodussi se infiltrovat tady ;)) maji pobocky vsude mozne v CR

    kontakt pro zajemce: velikyorient@zednari.cz

    Lóže Velikého Orientu Èeského

    * Comenius 17.11.1989, Praha
    * Dílna lidskosti, Praha
    * Cestou svìtla, Brno
    * Lux in tenebris, Ostrava
    * Bratrství, Podivín
    * Sluneèní kámen, Horomìøice
    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: houby vlastizrada, vyzvedna akce :)
    PETVAL --- ---
    spolek, ktery ma za clena treba i nekoho, kdo muze mit i prsty v masakru na Tien an men, nebo potlacovani neskodnych gymnastu z Falun Gongu, no nevstup tam...

    (Name withheld)
    We Honor you for your Strength and Courage
    Former Representative for Beijing
    JAXXE --- ---
    nevim jestli splnujem tohle... ;))

    "If you are an intellectual who influences religion, science, management, finances, medicine, politics or people, then you are a part of the driving force of our society and you could be a key figure in making our globe a better one."

    ale fakt by me to celkem zajimalo, co by poslali za materialy.... pobocku v CR jak koukam jeste nemaji a urcite na to maji hafo penez. ja mam ale pocit ze by slo de jure o vlastizradu ne ? ;)
    PETVAL --- ---
    no, k nekomu, kdo se stydi za svou praci asi ne ;)

    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: pridame se? :))
    JAXXE --- ---
    uz jsem je nasel... zmenili nazev na global nation, uz zadna federace

    Welcoming Words by the President

    The Global Nation Organization was founded by political enthusiasts in order to reset common values among men, women and children and we welcome all members of society who wish to secure our future through love, hard work and integrity.

    Over time our organization has changed from a political party to a non-profit organization that internally influences politics and general human development. At this point in time we are, together with other historically successful societies, engineering the global government of the future. Some name it “New World Order”. There are many theatricians who misleadingly use this term of ours to construct exactly the opposite and thereby continue to fund the seed of all evil.

    We find that our equivalently orientated ancestors were followed, tortured and taxed for being nothing more than objective. Times have changed. The time has come.


    If you are an intellectual who influences religion, science, management, finances, medicine, politics or people, then you are a part of the driving force of our society and you could be a key figure in making our globe a better one.


    We refrain from faming ourselves for our actions, our satisfaction is the stepwise achievement of our ambition. We are the people, we fund each other by educating one another. With the global experience of more than 16.725 expert entities we are well equipped for our missions.

    PETVAL --- ---
    "Get up, stand up, fight for your right!"
    Bob Marley :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    GPS-Dissident Chips are Global Positioning System microchips encoded with the offenders classified offence and personal details which can be tracked and monitored by Federation Civilian & Military Satellites) GPS-Dissident Chips are injected by neurosurgeons under the base of the skull - making it impossible for Convicted Felons to remove them without endangering their lives. The technology and knowledge to insert and extract GPS-Dissident Chips will only be able to be performed by qualified Federation Neuro-Surgeons.

    Anyone under 18 is released after GPS-Dissident Chips insertion and placed in the care of a Child re-education agency.
    JAXXE --- ---
    ale nebude to prdel... ta stranka uz je bohuzel smazana, ale pred rokem tam byly navrhy ustavy NWO, logo, vlajky.... vsechno uz je ready... leda ze by ne ;)

    JAXXE --- --- 11:38:11 9.10.2002

    here we go........

    The Federation of GLOBAL NATION


    A one world federation government:

    “ It must succeed for poor and rich alike. It must deliver rights no less than riches. It must provide social justice and equity no less than economic prosperity and enhanced communication.”

    - Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations

    Accountability: It will make Regional Governments, that is, the government of your own country, more accountable for their administration over the people. Regional Governments that become prone to corruption and mismanagement will be dissolved and replaced with fresh new Governments that work for the people.

    Universal Security and Defence Forces: The Federation will absorb all Naval, Air, Ground and Orbital defence and security forces from the Regional Governments and bind them into one Federation Force. The Federation will maintain the complex issues of operations and procedures involved in running these forces. This frees Regional Governments from the burdens of defence and security and allows them to concentrate entirely on the domestic policies. Enabling them to serve you better.

    Unified civil and criminal law: Under universal law, no matter where you go to in the world you will know what’s legal and what isn’t. These laws will be just and fair. The federation places high values and care not just on a select few but on every human being. The federation constitution demands equality for all people of all races, colour or creed.

    No Death penalty: There will be no death penalty in the federation. Under the Federation new super-technologies will be implemented of which Global Nation holds patents on. Federation Citizens who are found guilty of a Felony or A High Felony like Murder or Terrorism will first be incarcerated within Federation Territory and subject to Federation GPS-Dissident Chip laws. (GPS-Dissident Chips are Global Positioning System microchips encoded with the offenders classified offence and personal details which can be tracked and monitored by Federation Civilian & Military Satellites) GPS-Dissident Chips are injected by neurosurgeons under the base of the skull - making it impossible for Convicted Felons to remove them without endangering their lives. The technology and knowledge to insert and extract GPS-Dissident Chips will only be able to be performed by qualified Federation Neuro-Surgeons.

    Anyone under 18 is released after GPS-Dissident Chips insertion and placed in the care of a Child re-education agency.

    Anyone over 18 is dealt with by the Federation in the following manner:

    Low Level Felons (Still to be classified): Undetermined Exile to either male or female controlled Federation Penal Colonies. A territory that is within federation Borders but in isolation from a civilian population. Set up with basic farms. Basic farming equipment and housing. Monitored by Federation Satellites and randomly visited by Federation Correctional Officers. These Felons have a chance of being released back into society after undergoing re-education and reprogramming technologies.

    High Level Felons (Murderers, Violent Sex Offenders, Terrorists): Permanent Exile to either male or female Federation Monitored Penal Colonies - Off shore or Off world. A territory that is outside official federation Borders and in extreme isolation from a civilian population. Set up with basic farms. Basic farming equipment and housing. Monitored by Federation Satellites and randomly patrolled by Federation Military Forces. These Felons will fend for themselves for the rest of their natural lives.

    Universal Taxation: Under the federation there will be a standard across board taxation system. Under $25,000 1-5% , $30,000 - $40,000 per year would pay a 10% income tax. Above that a flat tax of 20% would apply. Corporations would pay 30%. A Corporation that tripled its profits would have to pay 30% plus 5% for every multiple over. There will be a ceiling on corporate income. The ceiling applies on Corporations with multi-billion and trillion dollar revenues. This is implemented to stop large corporate entities from consuming and closing down small family and community sized businesses.

    Global health services and Medicare System: A Federation Medicare System shall be installed to provide comprehensive health care to all citizens. Treatment shall be based on medical priority regardless of patients' income and shall be financed out of a global Medicare taxation levy. Prescriptions shall be subsidised to people on low incomes, children, expectant mothers, pensioners and other groups. Under the Federation you will be treated with the same high standards of health care when holidaying in Africa as you would when in Australia or England. If you get sick while in another country you will simply be able to check into a local doctor or hospital and be treated with the same care and cover as if you were at home. Over the first decade under the Federation the infrastructure of countries with poor or low hospital conditions will be a priority and rebuilt by the Federation to the high standards elsewhere in the world. No one will miss out.

    Standardized education and Higher Education: Your degree in one country will be the same as in another. You can work anywhere in the world in your field without having to requalify.

    A global currency: “ An unregulated global economy dominated by corporations that recognize money as their only value is inherently unstable ... and is impoverishing humanity in real terms” - Dr. David C.Korten.

    A Federation controlled one-world currency would eliminate currency speculation and the massive problems associated with countries taking advantage of other countries with weaker exchange rates. You would not lose a cent in exchange when travelling, the inconveniences and frustrations of forking out thousands of dollars to buy a couple of hundred dollars in another country would vanish. One dollar here would be the same as a dollar over there.

    Oil and fossil fuels: One of the greatest problems associated with poverty and war in this world is the manipulation of the oil fields and other natural resources. At present greedy individuals, and companies control these vital resources. While it is fair that countries and companies should profit from the efforts of speculation, exploration, extraction and refinery of these vital fuels - it is not viable at the expense of human suffering that they should control, store and distribute such resources as they see fit. Under the federation all post extracted resources will become the property of the people and be distributed evenly by the Federation. High oil prices will cease to exist. Oil and other fuels will be subject to low holding and distribution levies. With the Federation controlling these important elements, the preservation of our natural resources will be able to be properly monitored and maintained.

    Freedom of Movement: The citizens in the federation will become one people and one nation allowing them to travel or migrate to any other country in the Federation without hindrance or persecution. If you wanted to move from Hong Kong and live and work in New Zealand to be with relatives or friends you would be able to do so. People on low income, of less than 20,000 per year, would be able to apply for Federation Migration Transport status once per year. On approval, which is subject to a Regional population support level, individuals will be granted free federation transport whether via land, sea or air to any destination in the Federation.

    Environmental Controls and Alternative Energies: The Federation will install universal environment controls. The Constitution demands the preservation and stabilization of mother earth. To aid in this, the federation will engage in scientific increase and creation of alternative fuels and power systems. Coal and Nuclear power plants will become dinosaurs of the past; the internal combustion engine will become an ancient machine. All advanced technologies that were previously hindered by the power of oil monopolies will be allowed to come into operation.

    Natural Disasters: The death and mayhem associated with the natural disasters that happen in our world today will be reduced considerably. A global Emergency Service will immediately respond to victims of natural disasters by rescuing people from the effected area, repairing the damage and re-settling them back into the area if they choose so. The Federation Emergency Services will monitor possible danger areas and alert citizens and help evacuate before the events take full toll.

    Water & Drought Relief : The fresh water shortages that plague the world today will become issues of past history. The Federation using its empowerment will restore vital water supplies throughout the world to the people utilizing new technology that pipes sea water into special water refineries to deliver freshwater. Other technologies will be utilized to humidify arid regions and generate new economies and social infrastructure for regions that are disadvantaged by water resources.


    Want to become a Representative for Global Nation
    in your State or Country ?

    Go to our Membership section

    JAXXE --- ---
    jj ten ostrov je utopie kamo... bud jsi s nami nebo proti nam, nic mezi tim

    nezbyde ti nez byt disident...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam