no jsem zvedav jestli tam zmini i pana daniela lewina s bouchackou na palube anebo jen ty araby s rezackama kobercu ;))
JAXXE --- --- 15:58:10 19.2.2004
a vzhledem k tomu ze spousta "arabskych unoscu" je zivych mam pocit, ze lewin je prvni jmeno unosce, ktere sedi... ;) ale to je samozrejme jen pocit...
As fate would have it, Daniel C. Lewin, a 31-year-old Israeli-American, was seated on American Airlines Flight 11 between hijackers Mohammed Atta and Abdulaziz Alomari in the row in front of him, and hijacker Satam al-Suqami in the row behind him.
A secret Federal Aviation Administration executive summary, first uncovered by WorldNetDaily, says that al-Suqami, who would have been sitting directly behind Lewin in seat 10B, shot and killed Lewin with a single bullet.
Daniel C. Lewin
The FAA maintains the high-level report was a mistaken first draft and that Lewin was more than likely stabbed, not shot, along with American Airlines crew members on Flight 11. (Box cutters were allowed that day through airline security, which the FAA regulated, but not guns.)
But a childhood friend who served with Lewin in the Israel Defense Force says only a bullet would have stopped Lewin.
"He'd be more than a match for those skinny little (expletive)," said Brad Rephen, a New York lawyer who grew up with Lewin in Jerusalem.
"With his training, he would have killed them with his bare hands."
JAXXE --- --- 15:45:07 19.2.2004
to mi nejak uniklo, ale primo v oficialnim reportu FAA je napsano ze se na palubach letadel 9.11. i strilelo... a ze obeti se stal jisty daniel c. lewin
Friends think Flight 11 Israeli was 'executed'
Daniel Lewin, named in FAA shooting memo, was officer in elite unit of Jewish state's military
Posted: March 1, 2002
7:10 p.m. Eastern
By Paul Sperry
© 2002
In another tragic irony of Sept. 11, three of
the five Islamic hijackers aboard American Airlines Flight 11 were
seated next to an elite Israeli commando. And it may just have gotten
that Jewish passenger killed before all the others.
In fact, his friends and associates are now sure of it, after reading a
secret government memo naming Israeli-American Daniel C. Lewin as a
gunshot victim on the flight.
WorldNetDaily published the Federal Aviation Administration memo in an
exclusive article Wednesday. The FAA, while confirming the document is
authentic, claims the report of Lewin's shooting, written several hours
after the Sept. 11 hijackings, was premature and inaccurate.
His friends don't buy it.
"Danny was an officer in a secret unit of the Israeli army called
'sayeret matkal,'" said Yehuda Schwartzberg, a childhood friend from
Jerusalem. "My guess is that he did something in some way to stand up
against the hijackers, and was executed because of it."
letuska ale rekla tohle:
The stewardess called and said --
" A passanger in 9-a is shooting the pilots - I show him listed as a Daniel Lewin "