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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    GORG --- ---
    mariňáci mají mocný logo


    a mocný hračky (dragon eye, dragon fire,dragon warrior),, na všech těch emblémech je vyzobrazenej new york - hmm stránka z 2000 a už se připravovali na občanskou válku
    THRAWN --- ---
    PETVAL: tak to je husty :) dobra konsiparcka...
    JAXXE --- ---
    RFID-enabled license plates to identify UK vehicles

    Thursday, June 10 2004

    The UK-based vehicle licence plate manufacturer, Hills Numberplates Ltd, has chosen long-range RFID tags and readers from Identec Solutions to be embedded in licence plates that will automatically and reliably identify vehicles in the UK.

    The new e-Plates project uses active (battery powered) RFID tags embedded in the plates to identify vehicles in real time. The result is the ability to reliably identify any vehicle, anywhere, whether stationary or mobile, and - most importantly - in all weather conditions. (Previous visually-based licence plate identification techniques have been hampered by factors such as heavy rain, mist, fog, and even mud or dirt on the plates.)

    The e-Plates project has been under development for the past three years at a cost of more than £1 million, and is currently under consideration by a number of administrations. It is hoped that e-Plate will be one of the systems trialled by the UK Government in its forthcoming study of micro-chipped licence plates.

    Chipped plates
    The plates are the same shape and size as conventional plates, and are permanently fitted to the vehicle in the same way. But each e-Plate contains an embedded tag with a unique, encrypted identification number that is transmitted by the tag for detection by RFID readers. Multiple tags can be read simultaneously by a single reader at speeds of up to 320km per hour (200mph), up to 100 metres (300 feet) away.

    The reader network, which includes fixed location readers (for use on the roadside) and portable readers (for use in surveillance vehicles and handheld devices), sends the unique identifier in real time to a central system where it is matched with the corresponding vehicle data such as registration number, owner details, make, model, colour, and tax/insurance renewal dates.




    The global journey to secure the driver license

    Thursday, January 1 2004

    A great deal of attention is being paid to the driver license in countries around the world. In India, a project is underway that could eventually result in more than 100 million contact chip-enabled drivers licenses throughout the country. In South Africa, a 2-D barcode-equipped license is being issued to the 6.5 million drivers. And in the United States, legislation has been or is being considered in nearly every state and even at the federal level to strengthen the driver license.




    Oaiso- RFID for Sushi
    Wednesday, March 24 2004

    Engadget - www.engadget.com

    "With patrons sitting elbow-to-elbow, grabbing at sashimi as it sails past, it's not uncommon to see discarded dishes stacked 20-plates high -- a real hassle when each dish has a different price. About 120 sushi bars so far are now using a new speedy system called 'Oaiso' (meaning check), which uses RFID tag-embedded sushi plates to tally the bill. "


    JAXXE --- ---
    Mainstream Coverage of 9/11 Inconsistencies
    Posted Tuesday 15th June 2004

    "The Daily Mail on Saturday 5th June ran a story across the centre pages based on David Ray Griffin's new book `The New Pearl Harbor'.

    Click on the scans below to enlarge: http://www.thoughtcrimenews.com/

    JAXXE --- ---
    Putin speaks of new world order

    President Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation spoke of a new concept of politics, based not upon fear but upon the political will of peoples.

    Responding to Washington-s unilateral bid to downsize its nuclear arsenal by two thirds, President Putin declared that Moscow would do the same, over three phases, until a minimum number necessary for national security was reached. This should be around 2,000 nuclear warheads each, creating a strategic balance.

    He declared that ?Our countries have stopped hating each other, which allows both of us to get rid of what was a terror for the world, namely nuclear arsenals and other weapons of mass destruction¦.

    Regarding the new world order, the Russian president stated that ?We do not need to frighten each other any more to reach agreements. It is not piles of scrap that create security. Security is created by the political will of peoples, States and their leaders¦.

    The new world order, based very firmly on the Moscow-London-Washington axis, is cemented on mutual trust, collaboration and friendship, instead of the suspicion, hatred and deceit apparent during the Cold War years.

    PETVAL --- ---
    "Židovská" konspirace není nic jiného než britský imperialismus

    Henry Makow Ph.D

    Teoretici konspirací jako já se domnívají, že moderní historie odráží dlouhodobou konspiraci mezinárodní finanční elity, která má zotročit lidstvo. Jako když slepec zkoumá slona, tato konspirace je připisována Židům, Iluminátům, Vatikánu, Jezuitům, Svobodným Zednářům, černé šlechtě, Bilderbergům apod.

    Skuteční darebáci se však nacházejí uprostřed našeho ekonomického a kulturního života. Jsou to rodinné dynastie, které vlastní Bank of England, americkou Ústřední banku a přidružené kartely. Ovládají také Světovou banku a Mezinárodní měnový fond. Jejich identita je utajovaná, ale Rothschildové jsou jistě jednimi z nich.

    Anglie je ve skutečnosti finanční oligarchie, kterou ovládá "Koruna", která ukazuje na "Londýnské City", nikoliv na královnu. The City je provozováno Bank of England, privátní korporací. The City je suverenní stát, který se nachází v srdci velkého Londýna. Je považováno za "Vatikán finančního světa", the City (ne)podléhá britskému právu.

    Naopak, Bank of England diktuje britskému parlamentu. V roce 1886 Andrew Carnegie napsal, že "šest nebo sedm lidí může ponořit národ do války, aniž by to vůbec nějako konzultovali s Parlamentem." Vincent Vickers, ředitel Bank of England mezi lety 1910-1919, obvinil City ze světových válek. ("Economic Tribulation" (1940) citované v Knuth, The Empire of the City, 1943, str. 60) Britské impérium bylo prodloužení finančních zájmů bankéřů. Samozřejmě, že všechny ne-bílé kolonie (Indie, Hong Kong, Gibraltar) byly "Královské Kolonie". Patřily k the City a nepodléhaly britskému právu, ačkoliv Angličané je měli dobýt a platit za ně.

    Bank of Enland převzala kontrolu nad Spojenými státy během vlády T.R. Roosevelta (1901-1909), kdy její agent J.P. Morgan získal více jak 25% amerického byznysu. http://www.savethemales.ca/000426.html

    Podle "American Almanac" (Americký almanach) jsou bankéři součástí sítě zvané "Club of the Isles" (Klub ostrovů), což je neformální asociace evropské aristokracie včetně Královny. Club of the Isles obhospodařuje na účtech předpokládaných 10 trilionů dolarů. Vládne takovými korporačními giganty, jako jsou Royal Dutch Shell, Imperial Chemical Industries, Lloyds of London, Unilever, Lonrho, Rio Tinto Zinc, a Anglo American DeBeers. Ovládá světové dodávky ropy, zlata, diamantů, a mnoha dalších zásadních surovin a tyto prostředky rozmísťuje nejenom ve směru svých geopolitických zájmů.

    Jejich cíl: redukovat lidskou populaci z aktuální úrovně přes 5 miliard lidí pod 1 miliardu během příštích dvou třech generací, doslova "přebrat lidské stádo" v zájmu udržení své globální moci a feudálního systému, na kterém je celý systém založen. http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/fallhous.htm

    Historik Jeffrey Steinberg by mohl odkazovat na USA, Kanadu a Austrálii, když píše: "Anglie, Skotsko, Wales a především Severní Irsko jsou dnes něčím více než plantáže s otroky a laboratoře sociálních inženýrů, sloužících potřebám... londýnského City...

    Tyto rodiny tvoří finační oligarchii; to oni jsou ti mocní za Windsorským trůnem. Pohlížejí na sebe jako na dědice Benátské oligarchie, která se infiltrovala a podvrátila Anglii v období 1509-1715 a ustanovila nový, zhoubnější, Anglo-holandsko-švýcarský způsob oligarchického systému impérií Babylónu, Persie, Říma a Byzance...

    Londýnské City dominuje světovým spekulativním trhům. Pevně spjatá skupina korporací, zabývajících se těžbou surovin, financemi, pojišťovnictvím, dopravou a výrobou potravin, ovládá lví podíl světového trhu a virtuálně drží pod krkem světový průmysl. http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/largest.htm

    Steinberg patří ke skupině historiků spojených s ekonomem Lyndonem Larouchem. Vystopovali bič na migraci Benátské obchodní oligarchie do Anglie před více jak 300 lety. http://members.tripod.com/~american_almanac/venlowry.htm

    Ačkoliv to Larochovi historici přímo neříkají, zdá se, že mnozí členové této oligarchie byli Židé. Cecil Roth píše: "Benátský obchod byl převážně koncentrován do rukou Židů, nejbohatší obchodní třídy." (The History of the Jews in Venice, 1930)

    Židovské obchodní rodiny zavedly do praxe sňatky svých ženských potomků s marnotratnými evropskými šlechtici. Podle židovského práva je smíšené potomstvo židovské matky považováno za židovské. (Mužští dědicové si vždy berou Židovky.) Dcera židovského bankéře Ernesta Cassela se provdala za Lorda Louse Montbattena, který je příbuzný s Královnou Viktorií a Princem Philipem.

    Pokud se nestanou Židy přímo díky sňatkům, mnoho evropských šlechticů se považuje za potomky biblických Hebrejů. Habsburkové jsou spřízněni s Merovingiány, kteří prohlašují, že jsou potomky Kmene Benjaminů.

    Mnoho šlechticů se navíc řadí k "Britsko izraelskému" hnutí, které je přesvědčeno, že anglo-sasská rasa jsou ztracené kmeny Izraele a Ježíš byl králem Anglie.

    Podle Barbary Aho mají Rozekruciáni a Svobodní zednáři, kteří věří v britský izraelismus, plán posadit na trůn znovu obnoveného Jeruzalemského chrámu svou krevní linii. Toto umístění falešného mesiáše, kterého bude svět uctívat jako Krista, je pečlivě plánováno a připravováno po mnoho století. http://watch.pair.com/brit-israel.html

    Podle Barryho Chamishe "by neexistoval moderní stát Izrael bez britských svobodných zednářů". V 60. letech 19. století bylo Britsko-izraelské hnutí iniciováno právě uvnitř těchto struktur. Jeho cílem bylo založit Židovsko-zednářský stát v turecké provincii Palestině... Zpočátku britské židovské zednářské rodiny jako Rothschildové a Montefioriové poskytly kapitál k výstavbě infrastruktury pro očekávanou vlnu emigrace. Ale odlákat Židy do Izraele se ukázalo jako poměrně obtížné. Příliš se jim zkrátka zalíbil evropský styl života, který nechtěli opustit. Takže měla být Evropa pro Židy proměněna v noční můru. http://www.rense.com/general28/brit.htm


    Většinu svého času jsem proplýtval získáváním konvenčního vzdělání, takže nyní cítím, že začínám znovu.

    Zdá se, že tento svět řídí klika lichvářů. Tuto utajovanou kabalu reprezentují naše dominantní politické, ekonomické a kulturní instituce. Západní společnost byla zničena a západní kultura krachuje. Demokracie je forma sociální kontroly, masmédia a vzdělávání jsou formy indoktrinace.

    V podstatě se problém smrskává na to, zda věříme, že byl člověk vytvořen k obrazu Božímu a má závazek pozvednout se k vyšším stupňům pravdy, krásy a spravedlnosti. Samozřejmě, že monopolisté toho nemohou využívat a chtějí definovat realitu ve prospěch svých zájmů. Naučili nás, že Bůh je mrtev a že člověk je definován mnohem více fyzickými, než spirituálními touhami. Dnešní kultura inklinuje k popření standardů, ideálů a cílů jakéhokoliv druhu. Jsme krmeni nekonečnou dietou jednoduchosti a prostopášnosti.

    Jistí Židé jsou nedílnou součástí této elitní neo-feudální konspirace. Po celou historii žijí v symbióze s aristokracií. Ale obyčejní Židé byli jako nevolníci vždy manipulováni a perzekuováni svými vůdci. http://www.savethemales.ca/000258.html

    Skutečný Judaismus, jako je Islám a křesťanství, potvrzuje dominanci Boha jako morální síly. Skutečný Žid, jakým je opravdový křesťan či muslim, nemůže jednat nemorálně. Je na čase, abychom znovu prokázali svou víru v Boha.

    Zdroj http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=49698
    translation OSUD.cz 2004
    JAXXE --- ---
    analyza shrnujici podivnou cinnost izraelskych "stehovacich firem" a "studentu umeni" v USA, ktera byla zaslana FBI...must read

    Israeli Nationals, Nukes, And Attacks On US Nuclear Facilities

    This Memo was sent via John Kaminski Memo To FBI Agent Colleen Rowley From R. Leland Lehrman


    I have never contacted the FBI before for any reason, and would not have if I were not convinced that at least one FBI agent there was honest. That's you.

    I was shocked and distressed by the attitude of the FBI leadership to your work prior to 9/11 and was completely supportive of your Woman of the Year award.

    Because of your willingness to work towards accountability in the FBI, I have chosen to bring you this analysis.

    The basic premise is that Israeli nationals, recently busted all around the country, are part of a possible attack on the United States, perhaps even involving nuclear weapons or an attack on nuclear facilities.

    To say such a thing is considered political suicide, given the power of the Israeli lobby, but perhaps you will be willing to at least look at the below published news reports and documents.

    Let's go backwards first.

    The most recent incident was at King's Bay Naval Nuclear Facility:



    The news reports describe the fact that the dogs alerted to the scent of explosives and there was a remote control robot in a suitcase in the van.

    Daniel Hopsicker has additional details at:


    Additional context is found here:


    Prior to that incident, Israeli "movers" including the son of the Likud Party spokesperson Shmuel Dahan were busted in Tennessee near the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin.

    Details on that investigation, with notes on other incidents involving Israeli movers are here:


    Previous busts include Pennsylvania with a video of the Sears Tower:


    Whidbey Island Naval Station: (scroll down the page for the Whidbey Article)


    Cloudcroft New Mexico:


    "The Midwest":


    and of course NYC:


    Dominic Suter, the head of the moving company to which the Mossad agents were attached in the NYC case ended up on an FBI terrorist watch list distributed to the Italian banking authorities. I have a copy of that watch list which I will forward to you when I can find it.

    Two more remaining contextual details of high importance are the Israeli art student spy-ring in Florida and around the country documented in the DEA/FBI report.

    Synopsis here:


    Full report here:


    and the Fox News Report that got pulled:


    Today, I have heard that the National Enquirer is running a story that MI5 and Mossad are alleging that al Qaeda has planted weapons around the USA. Mossad has a history of planting misleading rumors in the press prior to their attacks. Documentation for that claim appears in Mossad whistleblower Victor Ostrovsky's books, By Way of Deception and The Other Side of Deception. One of my sources, a former Captain in Military Intelligence, and I think the Mossad may be much more involved than that. They have a history of attacking the US and blaming the Arabs or calling it an accident. See:




    Ashcroft and Cheney keep saying they "KNOW" a terrorist attack will hit this summer. Maybe they have inside information. As we know, the top level of the US administration (Feith, Wolfowitz, Libby, Luti, Perle) has very close ties to Israel, some of them even being dual nationals like, I believe, Dov Zakheim (recently retired Pentagon Comptroller). Perle, himself was once busted spying for Israel when he was attached to Scoop Jackson's office in the Senate.


    Have you read Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski's pieces on Israeli generals in Feith's office?


    Here's a picture of one of the meetings:


    Altogether, I think that the QUANTITY of Israeli nationals busted spying and or possibly moving explosives (of the 120 Israeli nationals deported prior to 9/11, most were expert in explosives or signals intelligence (check DEA/FBI report for confirmation of that) prior to and after 9/11 warrants a thorough investigation and interdiction if possible. Especially given the high-level Israeli infiltration of the US civilian and military command.

    God knows I hope I'm wrong, I hope this summer will be uneventful, but when you have the amount of context I have and the incidents keep getting more and more frequent and alarming, this citizen feels like he has to DO something. I have contacted sympathetic members of the armed forces, and now you at FBI.
    I will continue to contact officials with the ability to DO something about this and hope that you can recommend others who might be sympathetic. BTW, you should know about the case of FBI translator whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. Below please find the latest on that and a few odd items including the full text of the newspaper article on the Israelis busted in the Midwest.

    Thanks for your time, please give me a call when you can.
    Maybe there's something more we can do together.

    R. Leland Lehrman
    Santa Fe, NM

    Dear 9/11 activists and concerned citizens, We recently received the following appeal from former FBI translator and 9/11 whistle-blower, Sibel Edmonds, calling for people to join her this Monday in US District Court in DC. At the hearing, Judge Reggie Walton is expected to rule on whether John Ashcroft's "State's secrets" gag order against her will stand.


    She needs our support. Please forward this email far and wide, especially to anyone you know in the DC area who might be able to attend. Details are in the letter below.

    Towards peace and truth,

    Emanuel Sferios

    webmaster, 9/11 Visibility Project


    An email from Sibel Edmonds:

    For over two years Attorney General John Ashcroft has been relentlessly engaged in covering up my reports and investigations into my allegations. He has asserted the rarely invoked State Secret Privilege in my court proceedings, and has used it to quash a subpoena request for my deposition from attorneys representing 9/11 family members on information regarding 9/11.

    Ashcroft is not protecting 'national security' or 'state secrets' of the United States. On the contrary, he is endangering our national security by covering up facts and information related to criminal and terrorist activities against this country and it's citizens.

    Ashcroft is fully aware that making this information public will bring about the question of accountability, will expose serious criminal activities, and his complicity in covering up.

    On Monday, June 14, 2004, at 10:00 AM, Judge Reggie Walton is expected to issue his ruling on the state secret privilege assertion by AG Ashcroft, which is intended to gag me. The hearing will be held in US District Court for the District of Columbia, located at 3rd and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC, Judge Walton's courtroom. Please attend if you can, since by your presence both the court and Ashcroft will understand that this attempt to cover up will not go unnoticed.

    I will be there, in front of the Court's Constitution Avenue entrance, at 9:30 AM, and will be joined by Daniel Ellsberg to make press statements and to meet with all of you.

    DC Court with map

    Hope to see you there,

    Sibel D. Edmonds


    "AFTER CALLING CBS AT 60 MINUTES - Tanya Fimon 212 975 6631 - PLEASE FORWARD THIS ACTION REQUEST WIDE AND FAR, & post it everywhere !!

    Regarding Sibel Edmonds' CBS 60 minutes interview.

    CBS will be making a decision as to whether to air the interview this Sunday or the following Sunday. This decision is being made between now and tommorow morning.

    Because Sibel Edmonds has a press conference this coming Monday and a Friday opportunity for congresspersons to meeet with her in a secured setting where she will be able to legally bypass the gag order and speak what she knows. It is vital that the CBS interview air this Sunday, thus giving time for Congress and other folks to respond to the story.

    Its important that CBS interviews the interview this Sunday.

    Plese call Tanya Fimon 212 975 6631, and ask her to please air the interview this sunday.


    Other links worth checking out:


    Here's the news report on the Midwest Bust in full:


    Nuclear Plants Tighten Security

    FBI seeking 6 men seen in Midwest

    By Martin Merzer, Curtis Morgan and Lenny Savino
    The Miami Herald
    October 3, 2001

    WASHINGTON -- As the nation stands on high alert, the FBI is searching for six men stopped by police in the Midwest last weekend but released -- even though they possessed photos and descriptions of a nuclear power plant in Florida and the Trans- Alaska pipeline, a senior law enforcement official said Tuesday.

    The Federal Aviation Administration imposed new flight restrictions around nuclear plants nationwide Tuesday, and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission advised the nation's 103 nuclear plants late Monday to fortify security. On Tuesday, agency spokesmen said the FAA's flight restrictions and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's security recommendations were based on Ashcroft's general alert rather than a specific threat. Ashcroft warned that Americans could be struck by another terrorist attack this week.

    The incident in the Midwest apparently contributed to the new warning. The six men stopped by police were traveling in groups of three in two white sedans, said a senior law enforcement official, who requested anonymity.


    In addition to the photographs and other suspicious material, they carried "box cutters and other equipment,'' the official said. They appeared to be from the Middle East and held Israeli passports. They were let go after the Immigration and Naturalization Service determined that the passports were valid and that the men had entered the United States legally, the official said.

    The FBI declined to comment. An INS spokesman called the report unfounded. "We have absolutely no information at this point in time to substantiate that story,'' said the agency's Russ Bergeron. It could not be learned in what state the six men were stopped or how they aroused suspicion. It was not known whether their true identities matched those on the passports, or why the FBI was not releasing their names or descriptions.

    Investigators think the men almost certainly have changed cars by now and have fled to Canada or elsewhere. Ashcroft and FBI Director Robert Mueller were ``furious'' that the INS allowed the men to be released without consulting the FBI, the official said. Ashcroft and Mueller appeared Monday evening at a news conference to announce that the government had ``credible'' but vague information that another wave of terrorist attacks could strike Americans within a week.


    Spokeswoman Rachel Scott said FPL's plants remained at the highest level of alert. "We are in very close communication with all levels of law enforcement, including the FBI, to ensure we have the security measures in place to protect the plants,'' she said. Also Tuesday, the FAA restricted all flights below 18,000 feet and within 10 miles of 86 "sensitive nuclear sites'' , the agency said. Exceptions can be made for law enforcement, medical and firefighting flights. The 800-mile-long Trans-Alaska Pipeline runs from Prudhoe Bay on the Arctic Ocean to Valdez on the Pacific.

    R. Leland Lehrman
    Santa Fe, NM

    No plan is the best plan - Masanobu Fukuoka


    From Pat

    Hello again, Jeff. Am reading the article "Israeli Nationals, Nukes..." posted at your website. Do you know what is frighteningly close to Whitpain, PA? The Limerick Nuclear Power Facility.


    You bet I want to know about this information. I live just outside of the evacuation zone and drive within spitting distance of the power plant weekly.

    The link from the article on your website fails to mention the close proximity of Limerick to the Whitpain area where the suspects were detained. Thought you might want to know.


    Email This Article


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    JAXXE --- ---
    New Terror Website www.ansarnet.ws Registered to a Dallas Address

    June 14, 2004

    Statements posted on an ‘Islamist website,’ by individuals with alleged ties to Al-Qaeda leader and former CIA protégé Osama bin Laden, claimed responsibility for the kidnapping of Paul M. Johnson, a U.S. contractor in Saudi Arabia.

    One of the statements said: "Our fighters of the Fallujah Brigade in the Arabian peninsula have kidnapped an American, a Christian, Paul M. Johnson Jr. born in 1955 and working as an aeronautics engineer," said the statement signed "Al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula" and published on the Islamist website (www.ansarnet.ws/vb/showthread.php?t=9351).

    The “Al-Qaeda group” claiming responsibility for the kidnapping posted a passport size photo of Johnson and a Lockheed-Martin business card on the website. According to their statements, he will be treated “the same the way U.S. troops have treated Iraqi prisoners.”

    The news about a missing American citizen were confirmed by the US State department, just days earlier.

    In an effort to serve our national security, JackBlood.com has traced the address of the alleged Islamic website, since the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are too busy tracking down 12-year-old music downloaders, strip-searching 80-year-old grandmothers at airports, gathering private information dossiers on law-abiding citizens, and giving away amnesty visas to illegal aliens.

    JackBlood.com conducted a domain name search for the website www.ansarnet.ws and the following results pointed out to an address in Dallas, Texas.

    Network Whois record

    Queried whois.arin.net with ""...

    OrgName: ThePlanet.com Internet Services, Inc.

    OrgID: TPCM

    Address: 1333 North Stemmons Freeway

    Address: Suite 110

    City: Dallas

    StateProv: TX

    PostalCode: 75207

    Country: US

    JAXXE --- ---
    93% Of All US Navy Ships Said At Sea - Why?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Who is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi?

    by Michel Chossudovsky

    www.globalresearch.ca 11 June 2004

    The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO405B.html

    The US intelligence apparatus has created it own terrorist organizations. And at the same time, it creates its own terrorist warnings concerning the terrorist organizations which it has itself created. In turn, it has developed a cohesive multibillion dollar counterterrorism program "to go after" these terrorist organizations.

    Counterterrorism and war propaganda are intertwined. The propaganda apparatus feeds disinformation into the news chain. The terror warnings must appear to be "genuine". The objective is to present the terror groups as "enemies of America."

    The underlying objective is to galvanize public opinion in support of America's war agenda.

    The "war on terrorism" requires a humanitarian mandate. The war on terrorism is presented as a "Just War", which is to be fought on moral grounds "to redress a wrong suffered."

    The Just War theory defines "good" and "evil." It concretely portrays and personifies the terrorist leaders as "evil individuals".

    Several prominent American intellectuals and antiwar activists, who stand firmly opposed to the Bush administration, are nonetheless supporters of the Just War theory: "We are against war in all its forms but we support the campaign against international terrorism."

    To reach its foreign policy objectives, the images of terrorism must remain vivid in the minds of the citizens, who are constantly reminded of the terrorist threat.

    The propaganda campaign presents the portraits of the leaders behind the terror network. In other words, at the level of what constitutes an "advertising" campaign, "it gives a face to terror." The "war on terrorism" rests on the creation of one or more evil bogeymen, the terror leaders, Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, et al, whose names and photos are presented ad nauseam in daily news reports.



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