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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    Election Cancellation Plans: Laying The Groundwork For Martial Law

    Alex Jones: More news today about terror
    and the elections -- this time we're being warned that the elections could
    be postponed
    in the event of a terror attack. At the beginning of the
    month we were warned that they might
    be cancelled outright
    . This is not to mention Homeland Security's ongoing
    fear mongering that a
    horrible attack is being aimed at the elections.

    Across the news wires, the Administration is letting
    us know that
    security is being vamped up in fear of a terrible attack.
    We all know
    who stands to gain from such a terrible attack. We are being conditioned by
    this fear to accept the New World Order Police State system the globalists
    overlords will offer us should they proceed and orchestrate another horrible

    Consider this: This fear mongering is even getting attention
    in the mainstream media. Last week, the San Francisco Chronicle reported that
    believe Bush is spreading fear for his own means.

    Don't forget, Tommy Franks, in his December 2003 interview
    with Cigar Aficionado Magazine stated that a:
    "massive casualty-producing event" might cause "our population
    to question our own Constitution and begin to militarize our country."

    (see also Tommy
    Franks: Martial Law Will Replace Constitution After Next Terror Attack


    Could this really happen? Don't forget the Hegelian Dialectic
    of problem-reaction-solution has been played out by power-crazy dictators
    many, many times throughout history (see 9/11:
    The Road to Tyranny for some examples


    The Madrid Train Bombing Was a Primer

    They are using the example of the Madrid
    train bombing as a kind of overlay to reinforce the likelihood in people’s
    mind that this is going to happen.

    The individuals who carried out that attack
    had closer links to the Spanish government than they did to Al-Qaeda. The
    man who provided the explosives was in contact with the Spanish security services
    days before the attack, as BBC
    . And of course the Boston
    Globe reported
    that the Al-Qaeda group blamed for the attack was non-existent.

    They’ve already been laying the groundwork
    for the pre-attack propaganda. A plane which was carrying the governor of
    Kentucky to the Reagan funeral which strayed into restricted airspace forced
    the capitol building to be evacuated.
    This story didn’t get much attention but there were police running around
    screaming at people to run because a plane was about to hit in two minutes.
    So those members of Congress who aren’t in on the loop have already
    been prepared.

    Even if the election isn't cancelled, Homeland
    Security may raise the color code to a red alert and it will a martial law
    drill which will make a lot of people in the big cities stay in their homes
    and not vote, which again conditions them that voting is some kind of privilege
    afforded to them by the government.

    Here are more articles on this subject....

    Homeland Security Confirms Election Delay Talks

    The Department of Homeland Security has confirmed that
    the Bush administration has discussed possibly delaying the November presidential
    election if there is a new terrorist attack.


    Newsweek: Homeland Security Reviewing Proposal
    to Postpone Election

    American counterterrorism officials, citing
    what they call "alarming" intelligence about a possible Qaeda strike
    inside the United States this fall, are reviewing a proposal that could allow
    for the postponement of the November presidential election in the event of
    such an attack, NEWSWEEK has learned.


    Booga Booga!: Who Really Benefits
    from Terrorist Threats?

    I could barely contain my yawn when I heard
    Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge claim last Thursday that
    there was yet another vague, shapeless attack on America looming over the


    Bush Regime Working out Procedures
    for Postponing November Elections

    The Bush regime is now working out procedures
    for postponing the coming November general election. This is totally unprecedented
    -- even in 1864, in the midst of the Civil War, the Lincoln vs. McClellan
    presidential contest took place.


    See our fake terror alerts archive
    for more information -


    JAXXE --- ---
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- --- 20:20:14 15.7.2004


    .. tak takhle nejak to asi zacina :/
    JAXXE --- ---

    Al-Qaida hijacks Arkansas website

    Violent propaganda distributed via government system

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Mexico attorney general gets microchip implant

    Tuesday, July 13, 2004 Posted: 5:34 PM EDT (2134 GMT)

    MEXICO CITY, Mexico (Reuters) -- Mexico's attorney general said on Monday he had had a microchip inserted under the skin of one of his arms to give him access to a new crime database and also enable him to be traced if he is ever abducted.

    Attorney General Rafael Macedo said a number of his staff had also been fitted with chips which will give them exclusive and secure access to a national, computerized database for crime investigators that went live on Monday.

    "It's an area of high security, it's necessary that we have access to this, through a chip, which what's more is unremovable," Macedo told reporters.

    "The system is here and I already have it. It's solely for access, for safety and so that I can be located at any moment wherever I am," he said, admitting the chip hurt "a little."

    The chips would enable the wearer to be found anywhere inside Mexico, in the event of an assault or kidnapping, said Macedo.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Je třeba připravit proceduru pro odklad či zrušení voleb, kdyby udeřili teroristé

    Šéf federální volební komise DeForest B. Soaries požaduje, aby vláda vypracovala přesnou proceduru jak postupovat v případě, že by teroristé napadli Ameriku zrovna v době voleb. Musí být předem určeno, zda budou volby odloženy nebo zrušeny, musí být definováno kdy a kdo může takový stav vyhlásit.

    Takový plán v současné době neexistuje. Soaries říká, že vytvořil čtyřčlennou komisi ze zástupců obou politických stran. Tato komise bude problematiku studovat a je možné, že Kongresu navrhne, aby příslušný zákon vydal.

    Jak se zdá, někdo si připravuje půdu na vyhlášení vyjímečného stavu.



    Nemůžeme vám poskytnout informace, protože by nám to zničilo počítač

    S novou originální výmluvou přišlo ministerstvo spravedlnosti. Když po něm organizace Center for Public Integrity požadovala seznam lobbistických skupin ze zahraničí (na který má podle zákona z roku 1938 právo), odpovědělo, že by rádo vyhovělo, ale nemůže. Zničilo by to prý počítač. Výpis z databáze by způsobil havárii systému. Počítač není nejnovější, takový požadavek by nemusel zvládnout, a nejspíše by klekl. A s ním i celá databáze. A to přeci nemůžete chtít, že ne?

    Už jsem slyšel různé výmluvy, ale takovou hloupost dosud nikdy. A také jsem nikdy v IT nenarazil na teorii, že se databáze zničí tím, že do ní nahlédnu. Od toho snad databáze jsou, ne? Nač držet databázi, do které nelze vstoupit?

    Personál je zjevně velmi vynalézavý co se týče dodržování interního příkazu Johna Ashcrofta z října 2001. Praví se v něm, že se zaměstnanci ministerstva mají snažit odmítat všechny požadavky po informacích, najde-li se pro to jakýkoliv jen trošku rozumný důvod. V příkaze se dále praví, že zaměstnanci přitom mohou počítat s krytím a s podporou nejvyšších míst.

    JAXXE --- ---
    interview s autorem knihy o skull and bones / fox news: http://www.ctrl.org/FOXBONES/Foxweb.mov


    FOX News Live

    11:30 am PDT - Saturday, 6/18/04

    Page Hopkins: -- Senator John Kerry, also a member. But none of them of them will talk about it. So is the secret Skull & Bones society a fraternal club for the elite or is there something more to it? Well, Kris Millegan is the editor of a book soon coming out in paperback, Fleshing Out Skull & Bones, Investigations into America's [Most] Powerful Secret Society. And Kris is actually joining us from Portland Oregon. Kris Welcome
    Both President Bush, John Kerry are members they were both tapped on the same night, I guess, what is that sort of inaugurated? Are you surprised that neither one of them will speak about it?

    Kris Millegan: Huhm. Yes, I am. It-it is something that are known to do is to not talk about it. One of the rules used to be that if Skull & Bones was mentioned that they were supposed to leave the room.
    And I find it very concerning for the American public. Where does their [Bonesmen] allegiance lie? Does it lie to this little secret society or to the -- or to our Republic?

    P: This is almost out of a novel, you know, the president and his rival for the White House both were tapped on the same night. The club is so shrouded in secrecy. Tell us little bit about it. Does it admit women, minorities?

    K: Uh, Yes, it started admitting women in 1991. And actually they got tapped on different nights. Uh-uh Kerry was a member-uh-in 1965 and George Bush was a member in 1968.

    P: Oh, is that right.

    K: Both of them seem to rely on the group for a -- well, John Kerry married two ladies who are relatives to Bones and then also George Bush went to Bones a lot of times when he needed money for his business associates. And then he has appointed 10 members of Skull & Bones into his Cabinet [Administration]. And has another one as a nominee.

    P: So what are the common denominators of the members?

    K: The common denominator

    P: Wealthy, what is it?.

    K: Well, when you look at a sociological standpoint a secret society is a lot like an onion or a pyramid. You have a lot of members on the outside -um- or at the bottom [of the pyramid.] In Masonic circles they call them porch brethren. And then you have an administrative cadre and then you have a core group. The core group seems to be all related. -uh- The basic family group at Skull & Bones is the Whitney and the Cabot family.

    P: Aha! Well, let's take a look at some of the illustrious members if my producer can put this list Henry Luce, for instance was one of the members. He was known to hire a lot of members. William Buckley, Jr., Averill Harriman James Whitmore, certainly not guys whom you'd think of as sinister guys. I mean I guess the questions is, those of us on the outside what do they do. Do they get together and have dinner together what is the point of this club?

    K; Well, some say that point of the club is bonding. I look at it through the eyes of a social historian and when you look at the grouping of people and the jobs that they have. you find a rather large amount of the membership has been involved in intelligence. And then one of the most disturbing things is that the family groups have been involved in drug running since the early 1800s. And it seems --

    P: Drug running?

    K: Yes, the founder of Skull & Bones was William Huntington Russell and his family business was Russell & Company. Which was the -er- America's largest opium smuggler, the third largest in the world.

    P: Wow, Kris Millegan, unfortunately we are out of time and we are going to have to leave it at that. A fascinating subject-- an author of a book on Skull & Bones, thank-you, so much.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 16:47:01 EDT
    From: Atholl1781@aol.com
    To: NYSMASON@aol.com
    Subject: Re: GM

    In a message dated 7/1/2004 6:48:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time, NYSMASON writes:
    The Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York, M..W.. Edward R. Trosin (Tonawanda, NY), and Deputy Grand Master,
    R..W.. Neil I Bidnick (New City, NY) will be among the selected few in the official party at the July 4th dedication ceremonies of the cornerstone of the Freedom Tower at the World Trade Center site.

    Further details will follow:

    Contact: Ron Steiner
    NY Grand Lodge Public Relations
    (845) 354 - 4192
    "I saw weird stuff in that place last night. Weird, strange, sick, twisted, eerie, godless, evil stuff! And I want in." Homer Simpson

    David Gurzynski
    Senior Warden
    Scotia Lodge #634



    Photo Tour of The Masonic Hall



    Concordant and Associate Masonic Bodies


    JAXXE --- ---
    Útrata se postupně odečítá

    Hosté v baru nepotřebují peníze, ale čip

    20.05.2004 10:30 - Hosté jednoho španělského klubu už nemusí mít strach, že v podroušeném stavu vytrousí peníze. Barman totiž nechce hotovost, stačí, když si štamgast nechá implantovat pod kůži drobný mikročip. Tím pak stačí přejet scanner a peníze se odečtou z konta.

    Takzvaný VeriChip, který je dílem americké společnosti, zajistí, že pravidelní návštěvníci podniku Baja Beach Club v Barceloně už nebudou muset netrpělivě mávat na číšníky.

    Čip dokonce ani nemusí být implantován do ruky - může být umístěn v kterékoli části těla, kterou je prý host schopen zamávat před snímačem.

    V nočním klubu se teď každé úterý koná Noc implantace, během níž se hosté v přestávkách mezi tancem a popíjením drinků mohou nechat "načipovat".

    Výrobce mikročipu - společnost Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) - je přesvědčen, že důmyslná droboučká věcička by mohla v budoucnu dokonce nahradit kreditní karty nebo sloužit k uložení osobních údajů a informací o zdravotním stavu jejího nositele.

    JAXXE --- ---
    This is not Saddam

    - 07/07/2004 11:54

    The man the Americans are parading is not the real Saddam Hussein

    When a liar is clever and careful, he is convincing because he is plausible and covers all his tracks. However, the longer the lie is spun out, the more clues are left. The Bush regime has been neither clever, nor careful nor plausible in its disastrous foreign policy, which culminates in parading a "Saddam" before the cameras who is certainly not the real Saddam Hussein, ex-President of Iraq.

    The first attempts at justifying the illegal act of butchery called the Second Gulf War started in December 2002 when documents were forged by British and American intelligence operationals, trying to create a link between Niger and Baghdad, which was supposed to be buying yellowcake uranium for its "active nuclear programme". In the event, Mohammed El Baradei, the Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, saw the scam when the papers were presented to him. He said the letterhead was wrong, the names were wrong and the signatures were wrong. Those who showed the papers to him maintained a sullen and embarrassed silence and the issue was forgotten.

    Suddenly, Washington stopped talking about Baghdad's "active nuclear programme" and concentrated instead on its Weapons of Mass Destruction and its chemical and biological warfare programme.

    "Magnificent intelligence" was presented by Colin Powell at the UN Security Council, complete with maquettes and satellite photographs of "mobile chemical facilities". Soon afterwards, when the international UNMOVIC teams were unable to find the WMD, the Bush administration declared that "we know where they are".

    So the act of butchery was launched. In the event, no weapons of mass destruction were found, nor even the production facilities and certainly no active nuclear programme. However, since nobody has spoken about these lies for a year, public opinion has forgotten them.

    Next was the story of the murder of Saddam Hussein's sons, Ouday and Qusay, who were mysteriously together (when common sense would tell them to split up) with another man and a boy in a farmstead in the middle of a plain west of Baghdad. The story went as follows: hundreds of troops and a fleet of helicopter gunships finally killed the four after several hours of fighting.

    This story sounded like the child trying to justify the fact that he had forgotten his homework, claiming that the dog ate it, the house caught fire and that someone stole his school bag on the way into the classroom. The photographs were not shown to the public immediately and when they did appear, Iraqis across the country shook their heads in disbelief, claiming that these were not Saddam's sons.

    Then came the pictures of the hitherto clean-shaven, articulate, educated and proud Saddam Hussein, crawling out of a hole, disheveled, bearded and dirty, supposedly in December but with the date trees laden with mature fruits, which only takes place in August in that part of the world. Another strange occurrence.

    The supposed Saddam was shown by an unconvincing Paul Bremer who declared "Ladies and Gentlemen, (pause) we got him!" The pause was telling, an unsaid "I am going to tell a lie". When the ex-President of Iraq's wife was taken to Qatar to see him, she burst out laughing and immediately said that this

    was not her husband. Had the Americans fallen for their own trap, or were a small group of Americans fooling the others?

    Curiously, the Saddam shown by the Americans has a long beard after capture and continues to wear an unruly beard now, whereas Saddam Hussein the president was always clean-shaven and with a moustache. Why the beard now? To hide the fact that he is not the real Saddam? To hide the jaw line?

    Now, the Holy Grail is offered by Joe Vialls, who sent his article "Shaddam Shaddam's new Vaudeville Scam" to Pravda.Ru this morning. In this piece he points out that all photographers were banned from photographing "Saddam" in court for security reasons but then the CNN arrived in the person of

    Christiane Amanpour, who immediately started shooting hundreds of metres of video footage, which was then transformed into stills.

    Here was the mistake. As Mr. Vialls points out, the real Saddam Hussein had a fine set of teeth, completely even, in which the upper jaw closed over the lower (overbite). The figure paraded in court, as it is easy to see, has highly irregular lower teeth and a condition called "underbite", when the lower teeth close in front of the upper.

    Touche. Dental records cannot lie. The set of teeth of the President of Iraq and the set of teeth of the man paraded before the cameras pretending to be Saddam Hussein are wholly and totally different.

    The man they have in court is not the real Saddam Hussein. Yet another lie by this Bush administration is exposed. How much lower can this clique of criminals sink? This is not Saddam - 07/07/2004 11:54

    The man the Americans are parading is not the real Saddam Hussein

    When a liar is clever and careful, he is convincing because he is plausible and covers all his tracks. However, the longer the lie is spun out, the more clues are left. The Bush regime has been neither clever, nor careful nor plausible in its disastrous foreign policy, which culminates in parading a "Saddam" before the cameras who is certainly not the real Saddam Hussein, ex-President of Iraq.

    The first attempts at justifying the illegal act of butchery called the Second Gulf War started in December 2002 when documents were forged by British and American intelligence operationals, trying to create a link between Niger and Baghdad, which was supposed to be buying yellowcake uranium for its "active nuclear programme". In the event, Mohammed El Baradei, the Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, saw the scam when the papers were presented to him. He said the letterhead was wrong, the names were wrong and the signatures were wrong. Those who showed the papers to him maintained a sullen and embarrassed silence and the issue was forgotten.

    Suddenly, Washington stopped talking about Baghdad's "active nuclear programme" and concentrated instead on its Weapons of Mass Destruction and its chemical and biological warfare programme.

    "Magnificent intelligence" was presented by Colin Powell at the UN Security Council, complete with maquettes and satellite photographs of "mobile chemical facilities". Soon afterwards, when the international UNMOVIC teams were unable to find the WMD, the Bush administration declared that "we know where they are".

    So the act of butchery was launched. In the event, no weapons of mass destruction were found, nor even the production facilities and certainly no active nuclear programme. However, since nobody has spoken about these lies for a year, public opinion has forgotten them.

    Next was the story of the murder of Saddam Hussein's sons, Ouday and Qusay, who were mysteriously together (when common sense would tell them to split up) with another man and a boy in a farmstead in the middle of a plain west of Baghdad. The story went as follows: hundreds of troops and a fleet of helicopter gunships finally killed the four after several hours of fighting.

    This story sounded like the child trying to justify the fact that he had forgotten his homework, claiming that the dog ate it, the house caught fire and that someone stole his school bag on the way into the classroom. The photographs were not shown to the public immediately and when they did appear, Iraqis across the country shook their heads in disbelief, claiming that these were not Saddam's sons.

    Then came the pictures of the hitherto clean-shaven, articulate, educated and proud Saddam Hussein, crawling out of a hole, disheveled, bearded and dirty, supposedly in December but with the date trees laden with mature fruits, which only takes place in August in that part of the world. Another strange occurrence.

    The supposed Saddam was shown by an unconvincing Paul Bremer who declared "Ladies and Gentlemen, (pause) we got him!" The pause was telling, an unsaid "I am going to tell a lie". When the ex-President of Iraq's wife was taken to Qatar to see him, she burst out laughing and immediately said that this

    was not her husband. Had the Americans fallen for their own trap, or were a small group of Americans fooling the others?

    Curiously, the Saddam shown by the Americans has a long beard after capture and continues to wear an unruly beard now, whereas Saddam Hussein the president was always clean-shaven and with a moustache. Why the beard now? To hide the fact that he is not the real Saddam? To hide the jaw line?

    Now, the Holy Grail is offered by Joe Vialls, who sent his article "Shaddam Shaddam's new Vaudeville Scam" to Pravda.Ru this morning. In this piece he points out that all photographers were banned from photographing "Saddam" in court for security reasons but then the CNN arrived in the person of

    Christiane Amanpour, who immediately started shooting hundreds of metres of video footage, which was then transformed into stills.

    Here was the mistake. As Mr. Vialls points out, the real Saddam Hussein had a fine set of teeth, completely even, in which the upper jaw closed over the lower (overbite). The figure paraded in court, as it is easy to see, has highly irregular lower teeth and a condition called "underbite", when the lower teeth close in front of the upper.

    Touche. Dental records cannot lie. The set of teeth of the President of Iraq and the set of teeth of the man paraded before the cameras pretending to be Saddam Hussein are wholly and totally different.

    The man they have in court is not the real Saddam Hussein. Yet another lie by this Bush administration is exposed. How much lower can this clique of criminals sink?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Microsoft 'patents human skin'

    Microsoft has reportedly succeeded in patenting human skin as a new kind of network.

    InSourced claims recently awarded US Patent No. 6,754, 472 is a 'method and apparatus for transmitting power and data using the human body'.

    The patent, it says, is part of a new plan to link together several devices using skin as a connector.

    As an example, Microsoft says it would be possible to have just one speaker for a person's watch, PDA, and portable radio, if they were all connected to that speaker through skin.

    It adds that different devices could be powered from a single power source strapped to the skin.

    Each would be driven by multiple power supply signals working at different frequencies, and data and audio signals could also be transmitted over that same power signal.

    The power source and devices would be connected to the body via electrodes.

    JAXXE --- ---
    It's not news that your e-mail is not "real" mail as handled by the U.S. Postal Service and has never been protected by the law that guards your mail from tampering. However, it may come as a shock to learn that a federal appeals court in Boston has ruled that your e-mail correspondence is not protected by the law that guards your telephone lines from wiretapping.

    The ruling was based, quite literally, on a technicality. Because e-mail messages are technically "stored" by a customer's Internet service provider, even if for only a fraction of a second, they are not subject to the federal laws that prohibit eavesdropping on telephone lines. The messages may, in fact, be claimed as property and used by the e-mail provider.

    One small Internet service carrier used e-mails between its customers and a retail competitor to develop marketing strategies. A larger company is scanning messages to target Internet advertising.

    If messages are not protected from the carrier's scrutiny, who else might demand a look? It's hardly Big Brother paranoia when one realizes that last week the Chinese government began to censor the text messages sent between China's 300 million cell phone users. Like e-mail correspondence, cell phone conversations cross national and political boundaries.

    If this ruling is allowed to stand, Congress should quickly retool the wiretap law to cover the loophole created by Internet technology. Individuals and businesses must be assured of a basic level of privacy in this now-basic mode of communication.


    JAXXE --- ---


    By: Sean Scallon

    About a year ago, upon the request of an anti-conscription activist and Libertarian Party honcho from Alaska, I wrote a small article called "Feeling a draft?" that described the possibility that the U.S. may reinstitute the military draft. The article was based on two premises: One, on a story I had read where the government would call a "special skills" draft of emergency personnel throughout the country in case of a serious terrorist attack and two, the need for more soldiers, sailors and airmen if the so-called "War on Terrorism" continued for any long period of time in due consideration of the military's numerous commitments around the globe.

    Ladies and gentlemen I, Sean Scallon, am now a conspiracy theorist.

    Basing my aforementioned piece on a news story and some logical analysis, I spun a conspiracy so vast and sinister, that it reaches to the highest levels of government. And I'm not a lone. Hundreds of internet journalists have written similar stories in same time period with the same premise.

    Once again, that wacky internet knows how to spin up a good ball of yarn.

    In fact, these stories were no different in the way they were written than those recently found in two mainstream publications,
    (online no less) from the Cincinnati Post ("As troops spread thin, some fear return of draft" by Michael Collin and Jeff Patterson) and the Los Angeles Times (California draft boards ready for call-up" by Steve Chawkins), both downloaded from Antiwar.com. In other words: The military is overstretched, more bodies are needed, draft board are being readied, there are bill in Congress, a draft is a real possibility.

    I guess were all conspiracy theorists now.

    But the tone of the mainstream news media's coverage of this issue barely hides their contempt for internet journalism as shown in this article by Josh White of the Washington Post:

    "Trying to counter recent Internet rumors that the U.S. military and the Selective Service System are girding for a potential draft to support operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, Undersecretary of Defense David Chu said there is no reason to bring back the draft. He fielded questions on the issue at a House Armed Services Committee hearing that focused on the strains on military personnel as officials plan to rotate more troops into the conflicts in coming months.

    So all of us working in cyberspace are simply just scaring people for our own amusement. Just trust the government and the mainstream media when it says there will be no draft....

    ....for now

    Yes the government is telling truth that as of right now there is no need for a draft and chances of it happening at this moment are nil. Given that 85 percent of respondents in recent polls oppose the draft, what politician in their right mind, unless they come from a safe district (Charles Rangel) or are retiring (Ernest Hollings) would campaign on such a proposal in 2004?

    But 2005 is another year entirely, and this year, I and many other cyber journalists, bloggers and the like, believe that the possibility, and I do stress the word possibility, of a draft could become very real.

    So what's so conspiratorial about a gut feeling?

    Given the fact the Pentagon has issued stop-loss orders to individual units and has mobilized the Individual Ready Reserve for potential duty, some of whom may have to take their doctors and medications into combat zones, shows that the military is just one step away from a general mobilization. That they have done this despite the fact the Pentagon has boasted of upticks in recruiting and retention numbers, also shows that simply keeping the same force levels in these times may not be enough to handle wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention chasing Al Qaeda all the globe and deal with potential crisis's and conflicts from Syria to Iran to North Korean to even invading Darfur Province in Sudan to save millions from the ethnic cleansing of the janjaweeds.

    So given these facts, what's wrong with a little speculation, analysis or predictions based on them? Is that rumor mongering, conspiracy theory or just plain old fashioned journalism that the mainstream doesn't consider worthy unless they happen to be the one's writing the stories? Has anyone ever accused the New York Times of "conspiracy theory" for writing stories on the draft subject that were already written on the internet a year ago?

    If the draft is ever reinstated, don't say you weren't warned.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    G. W. Bush - Syn hvězdných válek
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Úvod do diskusie o sebareflexii našej civilizácie
    Aj Západ potrebuje politiku glasnosti
    JAXXE --- ---
    US trying to provoke war with Iran

    "The Insider" mailing list article, 01 July 2004.

    The US military is trying to start a war with Iran, and they have been caught trying to use the UK to do the dirty work for them.

    In July last year the US military commander in Iraq ordered thousands of British troops to launch a full-scale attack on Iranian positions at the border with Iran. If the British commander had not broken the chain of command by blocking the orders, it is likely that the allies would now be at war with Iran.

    The US has tried to use the UK to trigger conflicts in the past. Last time, during the Balkans war in the 1990s, the British commander, Gen Jackson, refused to attack Russian positions, and is quoted as protesting: "I am not going to start World War Three for you."
    The US could have engaged the enemy themselves on both occasions when the UK refused, but apparently they would prefer to wait until somebody else is stupid enough to do the dirty-work for them.

    A recent open memorandum published by the Project for the New American Century under the title "Regime Change for Iran" makes it clear what the agenda is for Iran. PNAC is a powerful group which claims to "advise" the US government on policy and strategy, but its members actually happen to be the decision-makers themselves.

    Iran is currently surrounded by American and British forces on both sides, with US-occupied Iraq on its Western border and US-occupied Afghanistan on its Eastern border.


    Daily Telegraph (UK), "Attack Iran, US chief ordered British"

    30 June 2004.

    [ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/06/30/wiran30.xml ]

    America's military commander in Iraq ordered British troops to prepare a full-scale ground offensive against Iranian forces that had crossed the border and grabbed disputed territory, a senior officer has disclosed.

    An attack would almost certainly have provoked open conflict with Iran. But the British chose instead to resolve the matter through diplomatic channels.
    "If we had attacked the Iranian positions, all hell would have broken loose," a defence source said yesterday.

    "We would have had the Iranians to our front and the Iraqi insurgents picking us off at the rear."
    The incident was disclosed by a senior British officer at a conference in London last week and is reported in today's edition of Defence Analysis. The identity of the officer is not given.
    "Some Iranian border and observation posts were re-positioned over the border, broadly a kilometre into Iraq," a Ministry of Defence spokesman said.
    The incident began last July when Revolutionary Guards pushed about a kilometre into Iraq to the north and east of Basra in an apparent attempt to reoccupy territory which they claimed belonged to Iran.
    Lt Gen Ricardo Sanchez then ordered the British to prepare to send in several thousand troops to attack the Revolutionary Guard positions.
    The Revolutionary Guard Corps has 125,000 soldiers, making it 25 per cent larger than the entire British Army, and is equipped with 500 tanks, 600 armoured personnel carriers and 360 artillery weapons.
    The incident is reminiscent of the exchange during the Kosovo conflict between the American general, Wesley Clark, the supreme allied commander Europe, and Gen Sir Mike Jackson, the British commander.
    When Gen Clark told Gen Jackson to send British troops into Pristina airport to prevent Russian troops from taking control Gen Jackson refused. He was reported to have said: "I am not going to start World War Three for you."
    The Iran-Iraq incident lasted around a week and was resolved by a telephone conversation between Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, and Kamal Kharrazi, his Iranian counterpart, British officials said.
    "It did look rather nasty at the time,"
    one official said. "But we were always confident it was a mistake and could be resolved by diplomatic means. We got in touch with Baghdad and said, 'Don't do anything silly; we are talking to the Iranians.' "
    While Mr Straw was trying to resolve the issue peacefully, British military commanders on the ground were calming their Iranian counterparts, the ministry said.
    The Revolutionary Guard was believed to be behind the seizure of eight Royal Navy and Royal Marines personnel last week after they strayed across the disputed border between Iraq and Iran.
    The eight men, who were delivering patrol boats to the Iraqi riverine patrol service, were released - but not before they were paraded blindfolded on Iranian television.

    PNAC, "Regime Change for Iran", 24 February 2004.
    [ http://www.newamericancentury.org/iran-20040224.htm ]
    We would like to draw your attention to the following op-ed by Michael McFaul and Abbas Milani in yesterday's Wall Street Journal ("Solidarity with Iran"). In the face of Iranian clerics' assault on the democratic process leading up to Iran's recent parliamentary elections, the authors argue that it is time for the Bush administration to demonstrate that its commitment to democracy in the Middle East extends to U. S. policy toward Iran.


    Washington Times (US), "Commentary: Israel to bomb Iran?", 2 June 2004.
    [ http://www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/20040701-042335-4421r.htm ]
    Washington, DC, Jul. 2 (UPI) -- As the Bush Administration concludes it cannot risk Iranian retaliation against a fragile Iraq under U.S. occupation, Israel is dusting off contingency plans to take out Iran's nuclear installations.
    A U.S. House of Representatives resolution last May 6 authorized "all appropriate means" to put an end to Iranian nuclear weapons development. The Senate is yet to vote on the resolution. But it leaves no doubt it is a green light for an offensive military strikes against Iran's three nuclear facilities.
    The worldwide reaction against a U.S. attack on Iran's theocratic regime would almost certainly put an end to growing moderate dissent. Rival Shiite and Sunni Muslims in Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain (headquarters for the U.S. 5th Fleet) would close ranks against U.S. interests. America's allies would denounce a return to dangerous U.S. unilateralism after President Bush's recent moves back to multilateral diplomacy.

    JAXXE --- ---

    "Fahrenheit 9/11" is a powerful antiwar statement and needs to be
    supported for that reason. This coming election, we need to vote out
    the warhawks, both Republican and Democrat.

    However, I would like to ask Michael Moore a few questions regarding
    his implication that Saudi Arabia was behind 9-11.

    Question 1: If Saudi Arabia were behind 9-11, why didn't they
    leave the United States BEFORE the attack? It is an established fact
    that companies like Odigo received an advance warning of the 9-11 attacks
    before the hijacked planes had even left the ground
    , as reported
    in Ha'Aretz and the Washington Post. If the Saudis were behind 9-11
    and were kind enough to warn Odigo, then why did they themselves wait
    until AFTER the attacks before they left, when the requirement for
    special permission from Bush would only call attention to their departure?

    Question 2: Is Michael Moore aware that the video tape of Osama "confessing" to 9-11 has been
    proven a fake?

    Question 3: Is Michael Moore aware that just ten days after
    9-11, the FBI stated (and CNN reported) that the 9-11 perpetrators were using skillfully made fake IDs
    with identities stolen from Arab men?

    Question 4: Is Michael Moore aware that FBI Director Robert Mueller has admitted in public that
    there is actually no evidence that proves the named 9-11 hijackers
    were actually on the aircraft?

    Question 5: Calling attention to the Anthrax letters case,
    in which letters which appeared to to be written by Arab Muslims contained
    Anthrax spores identified as coming from a US Government laboratory. Is Michael Moore aware
    that neither of the two suspects in the case, Dr. Stephen Hatfill
    or Dr.Philip Zack, are Arabs, and doesn't this case prove that Arabs
    are being framed for terror attacks in the United States?

    Michael Moore rightly condemns the US Government for the USAPATRIOT
    act's draconian assault opon our rights. However, one of those rights
    is that nobody shall be declared guilty of a crime without proof beyond
    a reasonable doubt. As Michael Moore professes a deep respect for
    American values, he should not glibly declare that someone is guilty
    of a crime without being able to make his case beyond that reasonable

    There is a reasonable doubt.

    And if Michael Moore is a reasonable man who respects American principles, he must acknowledge that.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Ridge: Alert Level Stays At Yellow Despite Threat

    Homeland Security Chief Says 'Credible' Intel Points To Large-Scale Attack

    POSTED: 10:51 am EDT July 8, 2004
    UPDATED: 6:50 pm EDT July 8, 2004
    WASHINGTON -- Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Thursday that al-Qaida is actively working to disrupt the November elections.

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    "Credible reporting now indicates al-Qaida is moving forward with plans to carry out a large-scale attack in the United States to affect the democratic process," Ridge said at a Thursday morning briefing.

    He said it's clear that al-Qaida has the capability to carry out such an attack.

    "They also hold the mistaken belief that their attacks will have an impact on the American resolve," he said.

    Ridge said the intelligence community is lacking knowledge as to a time, method or place for an attack. He said agents are "actively working" to answer those questions.



    With Bush trailing in the polls, who BENEFITS from disrupted elections?

    And as yourself this; even if there WERE a terrorist attack, why should it interfere with elections other than in the immediate area of the attack? Why would it be necessary to alter or cancel the entire election, as opposed to simply allowing the polls to remain open for a few extra days in the affected area?

    And why would "terrorists" (nudge nudge wink wink) care about the elections, with both Bush and Kerry committed to wars and Israel?

    Is there anyone who can make a credible argument that this "terror threat" isn't originating within the White House itself?
    JAXXE --- ---
    CAIDEL --- ---
    oprava - ten detektor maj jenom někde... (většinou stanice ve velkejch městech..)
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