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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---

    dalsi "dukaz" potvrzujici verzi arabskych unoscu z 911 ;)

    Comment: A grainy video found
    three years later that backs up the 'hijacker's myth. Another desperate
    attempt to create some kind of background to the official version of events
    that will support it in light of massive amounts of evidence to the contrary.
    Khalid al-Mihdhar who is supposedly shown in this video has been proven
    to be still alive
    , along with several other named 'hijackers'. This
    is the same government that gave us the fatty bin Laden video with the wrong
    and had the nerve to broadcast it in Times Square!



    This is the first security video I have ever seen that did NOT HAVE A DATE AND TIME STAMP ON IT.
    JAXXE --- ---
    It Can Happen Here

    Late last year, General Tommy Franks told Cigar Aficionado that another terrorist attack on America, especially one using WMDs, could "unravel the fabric of our Constitution" in favor of martial law. In this scenario, liberty would be traded for security at the request of regular Americans -- folks with 9-to-5 jobs and families to protect.

    This would be the recipe for tyranny.


    uvaha jak by se z USA mohlo behem par dni stat high tech nazi nemecko...

    JAXXE --- ---
    US Army chief suspect in 2001 anthrax mailings

    Fort Detrick labs searched again for anthrax clues

    By David Dishneau
    July 21, 2004

    FREDERICK, Md. — FBI agents yesterday combed laboratory suites at Fort Detrick — home to the Army's biological warfare defense program — and a source said they again were looking for evidence in the 2001 anthrax attacks.
    The labs at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases have been closed since Friday, Fort Detrick spokesman Charles Dasey said.

    A law-enforcement source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Associated Press the activity is related to the anthrax mailings that killed five persons and sickened 17 in autumn 2001.
    FBI agents have visited Fort Detrick frequently since the unsolved attacks, amid speculation that the deadly spores or the person who sent them may be connected to the fort.
    Mr. Dasey said he didn't know which labs were involved, what sort of research had been conducted there or how long they would be closed.
    Debra Weierman, spokeswoman for the FBI's Washington field office, said the lab probe was part of "an ongoing criminal investigation." She said she could not discuss details of the activity.
    Much of the speculation about a Fort Detrick connection has centered on Stephen J. Hatfill, a former government scientist and bioweapons specialist who once worked at the infectious disease institute at Fort Detrick. The FBI had labeled Mr. Hatfill a "person of interest" in the case.
    Mr. Hatfill has denied any role in the attacks. He filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Washington contending the government invaded his privacy and ruined his reputation by leaking information to the press implicating him in the attacks. His lawsuit seeks to clear his name and recover unspecified monetary damages.
    His attorney, Victor M. Glasberg, had no comment yesterday.
    Agents have been revisiting sites and leads in the investigation, code-named "Amerithrax."
    In May, agents interviewed another former Fort Detrick researcher and his co-workers about his whereabouts when the letters were mailed, he and his attorney said. The researcher, Ayaad Assaad, who now works for the federal Environmental Protection Agency, said the FBI assured him he is not a suspect in the attacks.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Big Brother lives in Cool Valley

    By Tim Mclaughlin
    Of the Post-Dispatch

    Attention Iraqi cell-phone users: Your calls soon will be forwarded to Big Brother.

    A unit of Engineered Support Systems Inc. said Tuesday that it has landed a $31 million contract to help install a big listening post in and around Baghdad to help Iraqi police and U.S. intelligence agents monitor cell-phone traffic.
    The surveillance network will be able to track 360 cell-phone calls at once, said David R. Gust, president of Tamsco of Calverton, Md., a subsidiary of Cool Valley-based Engineered Support.

    The project has taken on a sense of urgency as U.S. intelligence agencies work to foil the coordinated bombing attacks by Iraqi insurgents. In a region torn by war, cell phones are becoming a primary source of telecommunication for Iraqis because there is a dearth of reliable land-based fiber-optic cable and copper-wire systems.

    Dubbed "Legal Intercept," the Pentagon-funded project calls for the installation of passive listening devices in Mosul, Basra, Baghdad International Airport and downtown Baghdad, Gust said.

    "This network will be able to track and intercept local cell-phone calls by Iraqis," he added. "Our job is to install the hardware and provide the maintenance. Usually we're in the communications business. This (project) is the anti-communications business."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Tisk byl před útokem na Irák ochotným agentem, šířícím dezinformace Pentagonu

    Kdo přiměje český tisk, aby se omluvil za lži publikované před válkou?

    MARSHUS --- ---
    22:02 - Írán označil za absurdní tvrzení USA, že by Teherán mohl být zapleten do teroristických útoků z 11. září 2001. Mluvčí íránského ministerstva zahraničí tak reagoval na
    výroky prezidenta Bushe.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Izrael hodlá trestat popírače holocaustu všude na světě

    Izraelský Knesset projednává návrh zákona, podle kterého by každý, kdo zpochybňuje holocaust, ať je kdekoliv na světě, byl dopraven do Izraele a trestán podle izraelských zákonů.

    Návrh podal poslanec Aryeh Eldad a v současné době prošel prvním čtením. Původně byl namířen proti palestinskému předsedovi vlády Abu Mazenovi za jeho dvacet let starou dizertační práci, ve které dokládá, že za druhé světové války bylo zabit jen jeden milion židů. Později Izraelce napadlo, proč o nerozšířit na celý svět?

    Podle návrhu zákona není nutné, aby příslušná země, ve které by se zločin popírání stal, měla nějaké smlouvy s Izraelem o vydávání zločinců, nebo vlastní zákon trestající popírače holocastu.

    Co k tomu dodat? Oni už se skutečně vidí pány světa a nemohou se dočkat, až bude jedna globální vláda. Samozřejmě ta jejich.



    Zpěvačka vyhozena za chválu Michaela Moora

    V hotelovém kasínu Aladdin v Las Vegas řekla osmapadesátiletá roková zpěvačka Linda Ronstadtová do mikrofonu, že Michale Moore, autor filmu Fahrenheit 9/11, je velký americký patriot, který se snaží šířit pravdu.

    Asi 4500 přítomných hostů se začalo bouřit, trhat plakáty a programy, vyhazovat do vzduchu nápoje a houfem odcházet ze sálu. Zpěvačka se chystala zpívat svou píseň Desperado, ale k tomu už nedošlo.

    Scéně byl přítomen ředitel hotelu a kasína Bill Timmins, který se rozhodl, že Ronstadová musí pryč. Ihned. Ochranka ji okamžitě eskortovala před hotel a nedovolila jí dokonce ani vzít si své věci z hotelového pokoje.

    "Dokud jsem tady šéfem já," řekl později Timmins, "ona tady vystupovat nebude."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Coup d'Etat in America?

    GlobalResearch.ca July 13, 2004:

    Read Professor Chossudovsky's documented report of our current situation:

    America is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in its history.

    An Al Qaeda sponsored terrorist attack is being contemplated as a "trigger mechanism" for carrying out a Coup d'Etat.

    Whether it is going to be carried out is another matter. The statements of the Bush administration regarding the possibility of a red code alert must, nonetheless, be taken seriously.

    The coded terror alerts and "terror events" which have been announced by [Homeland Security] are part of a disinformation campaign carried out by the CIA, the Pentagon, the State Department and Homeland Security.

    US intelligence is not only involved in creating phony terror warnings, it is also firmly behind the terror groups, providing them with covert support.

    Documented by official police sources, at least two of [Homeland Security's] high profile post 9/11 terror alerts were fabricated.

    A Coup d'Etat which suspends civilian institutions is not only contemplated, it has become a talking point on network TV; it is openly debated as a "solution" to "protecting American democracy" which is said to be threatened by Islamic terrorists.


    "... Credible reporting indicates that Al Qaeda is moving forward with its plans to carry out a large-scale attack in the United States in an effort to disrupt our democratic process... This is sobering information about those who wish to do us harm... But every day we strengthen the security of our nation."

    (Quoted in AP, 8 July 2004)


    "at each threat condition [yellow, orange, red], federal departments and agencies would implement a corresponding set of "Protective Measures" to further reduce vulnerability or increase response capability during a period of heightened alert"


    According to Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge (22 Dec. 2003):

    "If we go to [code] Red ... it basically shuts down the country."


    What we are not told is that Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA. and that Al Qaeda remains a US sponsored "intelligence asset."

    "Useful Crisis"

    The assumptions and rhetoric behind Homeland Security are nothing new. They echo an earlier statements by David Rockefeller to the United Nations Business Council in 1994:

    "We are on the verge of global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

    Similarly, in the words Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book, The Grand Chessboard:.

    "…it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus [in America] on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat."

    It is worth mentioning that Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was National Security Adviser to President Jimmy Carter was one of the key architects of the Islamic brigades, created by the CIA at the onslaught of the Soviet Afghan war (1979-1989). (See Brzezinski at http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/BRZ110A.print.html )


    General Tommy Franks calls for Repeal of US Constitution

    "a terrorist, massive, casualty-producing event [will occur] somewhere in the Western world - it may be in the United States of America - that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Israeli army warns of strike against Syria

    As the conflict on the Israel-Lebanon border escalates, the Israeli military has issued a blunt warning that it may launch a direct attack against Syria.

    The chief of the northern areas of the Israeli army, General Bini Gants has accused Syria and Iran of arming the Lebanese Hizb Allah movement, which he described as "terrorist".

    Gants told Aljazeera television on Tuesday that the continuation of Hizb Allah's attacks would push Israel to launch "a painful and qualitative military operation" against Syria


    On Tuesday evening, Israeli fighter-bombers caused supersonic booms over Beirut, provoking panic on the streets of the capital.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Sickening ABC News Piece Lauds Implantable Microchips

    Usually, these things give a few seconds to somebody like Katherine Albrecht speaking against, but now they don't even bother. It's surprising that the recent MSN poll showed only two in ten would take the chip. With this piece of high-texh nazi propaganda you'd expect more of the sheeple to buy it.

    HVJ3R --- ---
    BEEJBI: Aha, a ty potrebujes seriozni propagandu :)
    BEEJBI --- ---
    JAXXE: hm seriozne hej, ale propaganda je to vsetko, at uz propaganda "za" alebo "proti"
    JAXXE --- ---
    beejbi: pevne verim, ze se tu krome propagandy najdou i serioznejsi clanky... ;) aspon se o to teda snazim...
    BEEJBI --- ---
    JAXXE: nojonojo...aj tak mi viac sedi serioznejsia publicistika ked uz...a ten red meat to docela vystihuje asi :)))
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    kdybys tam chtel mit vsechny fakta, vsechny dukazy, vsechny zdroje... musel by to byt serial. a preco by to nemohlo byt ironicke a vysmievacne ? ;) ty historky o attove pasu, tasce a unoscich jsou imho smesne absurdni... mozna, ze ten styl je pro probuzeni par amiku presne to prave...

    a na konci filmu je 2x zopakovano at si to vsechno overis sam... otazka je kde dneska clovek narazi na fakta ??? pokud vis o nakem webu sem s nim ;)
    BEEJBI --- ---
    hm, je to ale hodne propagandisticky urobene to video, absolutne sa tomu neda doverovat viac nez comukolvek inemu...preco to musi byt take kvazi vysmievacne a ronicke?preco to nemoze len poskytovat fakta...a niektore asociacie su trochu nasilne...
    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    "This video makes Fahrenheit 911 look like child's play. Michael Moore could have taken some lessons from this video."

    Please be advised that the information contained in this documentary is overwhelmingly significant. We offer no conclusions, but simply present the evidence and let you the viewing audience draw your own conclusions.

    JAXXE --- ---
    The interim Prime Minister of Iraq

    author: Bison Boy

    A bigraphical timeline of Mr. Allawi, former Baathist, former agent for MI6 and CIA, former terrorist. This is an improvement?

    Allawi's rocky road to the top

    July 17, 2004

    1945: Born to a wealthy Shiite merchant family. His grandfather helped to negotiate Iraq's independence from Britain, and his father was a doctor and a MP.

    1960s: Studies at medical school in Baghdad, where he first meets Saddam Hussein. Joins Baath party.

    1963: According to the memoirs of a former Iraqi ambassador, Talib Shabib, Allawi was an assassin.

    1971: Leaves Baghdad for London to continue his medical education. Trains to be a neurologist and obtains a master of science in medicine and a doctorate in medicine from London University. (Allawi has lived about half of his life in Britain and retains British citizenship.) Some claim he continued to serve the Baath party, and the Iraqi secret police, searching out enemies of the regime.

    1975: Falls out of favour with the Baath party.

    1978: Enters a relationship with the British security services. Word reaches Saddam's secret police. He is attacked while in his bed in Kingston-upon-Thames. Intruder hits him over the head with an axe, a second blow nearly severs his right leg, and a third plunges into his chest. The would-be assassins flee. Allawi spends a year in hospital recovering from his injuries.
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    1980s: Travels extensively in the Middle East, holding clandestine meetings with other exiled Iraqis, and cultivating links with rebel army officers still in Iraq.

    1991: Forms the exile group Iraqi National Accord with the support of the CIA and British intelligence - MI6 - and becomes its leader. The organisation recruits disillusioned Baathist military officers who have defected.

    1992: According to former CIA officers, the INA organises terrorist attacks in Iraq between 1992 and 1995, probably including the bombing of a school bus that killed schoolchildren.

    1996: An INA coup attempt ends disastrously when Saddam's intelligence services penetrate the group's dissident operations inside Iraq. In June, 30 military officers linked to the INA are executed and another 100 arrested. Saddam takes revenge by seizing land that has been owned for centuries by Allawi's rich merchant family.

    2002: Allawi channels the report from an Iraqi officer claiming that Iraq could deploy weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes to British Intelligence.

    2003: After the fall of Saddam, Allawi returns to Iraq and is appointed to the Iraqi Governing Council. Holds the rotating presidency of the interim governing council during October of 2003.

    May 28, 2004: Allawi is chosen by the council to become the interim prime minister of Iraq.

    June 28: (Two days early) the US-led coalition hands over power to Allawi and the interim government.

    Sources: The Guardian, BBC

    See also the Sydney Morning Herald at



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