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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Associated Press

    Board Recommends Black Boxes for Cars

    08.03.2004, 01:45 PM

    The National Transportation Safety Board on Tuesday recommended for the first time that the federal government require passenger vehicles to be equipped with black boxes that record speed, seat belt use, braking and other factors.

    The safety board's recommendation arose from its investigation into the July 16, 2003 farmers market crash in Santa Monica, Calif. Safety investigators were unable to interview the elderly driver who stepped on the gas pedal instead of the brake, plowing into the open-air market, killing 10 and injuring 63.

    The board concluded that investigators could have gained a better scientific understanding of the driver's behavior had his 1992 Buick LeSabre been outfitted with an event data recorder.

    "We believe very strongly that vehicles should have a black box," said NTSB chairman Ellen Engleman Conners.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Halliburton cashes in on Iraq slush fund

    Washington Post Aug 4, 2004:

    Halliburton Co. and other U.S. contractors are being paid at least $1.9 billion from Iraqi funds under an arrangement set by the U.S.-led occupation authority, according to a review of documents and interviews with government agencies, companies and auditors.

    Most of the money is for two controversial deals that originally had been financed with money approved by the U.S. Congress, but later shifted to Iraqi funds that were governed by fewer restrictions and less rigorous oversight.

    JAXXE --- ---
    to je ten kohout byvaly disident ? tak to bych od nej necekal. slusny blabol
    MARSHUS --- ---
    Pavel Kohout: Proč Al-Káida ovládne Evropskou unii
    PETVAL --- ---
    Saudská Arábie vyváží terorismus do Kanady
    Miloš Kaláb
    Saudská Arábie financuje výstavbu nových mešit v Ottawě a v Calgary a islámského střediska v Quebec City v rámci globální propagace wahabismu, což je militantní odrůda islámu, která zavádí rozpory a útočné akce jak proti "nevěřícím" tak i proti samotným muslimům. Prestižní americká skupina odborníků na terorismus upozornila, že Saudská Arábie financuje radikální islámské extremisty v nemuslimských státech včetně Kanady.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Source: Attack to be in early September

    August 3, 2004

    WASHINGTON -- More financial institutions than previously disclosed may be at risk of attack, and an al-Qaida operative has told British intelligence that the group's target date is early September, intelligence sources said yesterday.

    The operative, described as "credible" by British intelligence, told his debriefers that the attack would take place "60 days before the presidential election" on Nov. 2, according to a former senior National Security Council official. On Sept. 2 President George W. Bush is expected to address the Republican National Convention at Madison Square Garden.


    JAXXE --- ---
    must read !

    Británie: Stát ohrožuje demokracii
    Rozšíří se antidemokratická "protiteroristická opatření" i do České republiky?

    Nové protiteroristické zákony systematicky ochromují základní demokratické svobody, argumentoval v úterý v listě Guardian komentátor George Monbiot.

    Za posledního půldruhého roku jsme se poučili, že základní pravidlo politiky - totiž že mocným se nesmí nikdy důvěřovat - nadále platí. Vláda se totiž vymyká jakékoliv kontrole a nedovolí ani, aby ji regulovaly instituce, které ji obklopují. Parlament se rozhodl, že uvěří sérii zjevných lží. Sdělovací prostředky je opakovaly, státní služba proti nim neprotestovala, soudnictví je schválilo. Dávná otázka - kdo kontroluje ony kontrolory? zůstává nezměněna. Vládu jsou schopni pohnat k odpovědnosti jedině občané.

    Mají k tomu dva prostředky. Jedním z nich je odvolit vládu v příštích všeobecných volbách,. To ale funguje jen tehdy, když občanům nabízejí politické strany ve volbách každá opačnou politiku. Jenže nyní uzavřely hlavní politické strany skoro ve všech zemích navzájem dohodu: rozhodli se podporovat stejnou politiku skoro ve všech politických oblastech. To znamená, že lidé ztratili při volbách svou moc: mohou odvolit politiky, nedokáží však změnit vládní politiku. Takže hlasování ve volbách je nyní méně významným nástrojem než druhý nástroj pro vyjadřování nespokojenosti s vládou během volebního období: demonstrace.

    V Oxfordu protestují nesympatičtí a extremističtí ochránci práv zvířat proti stavbě nových laboratoří na zkoušky na zvířatech. Nepopularita těchto aktivistů je pro britský stát obrovským darem, argumentuje autor. Lidé nechtějí být považovány za sympatizanty s těmito aktivistickými šílenci, a tak skoro nikdo neprotestuje proti represivním zákonům, jimiž chce britská vláda jejich protesty omezit. Přitom dosavadní britské zákony proti násilným činům jsou velmi účinné. Britská vláda však od nynějška zamýšlí kriminalizovat i pokojné demonstrace.

    Britské ministerstvo vnitra navrhuje, aby bylo trestným činem pokud někdo protestuje před obytnými budovami "takovým způsobem, který obtěžuje jejich obyvatele, znepokojuje je a vyvolává u nich úzkost". To se zdá rozumné, dokud si neuvědomíte, že policie má právo definovat toto obtěžování, znepokojování a úzkost, jak ona sama uzná za vhodné.

    Pokud budou nová opatření schválena, bude to znamenat, že většinu demonstrantů bude možno obžalovat z "obtěžování jiných osob", pokud se vyskytnou před budovou, proti jejímž obyvatelům či zaměstnancům chtějí protestovat.

    Britská vláda také navrhuje "zavést opatření" proti internetovým stránkám, které "obsahují materiál, o němž se usuzuje, že vyvolává znepokojení či zbytečnou úzkost u jiných lidí".

    Vzhledem k tomu, že mé vlastní internetové stránky už jedna britská státní instituce dala na černou listinu, mám důvod obávat se tohoto návrhu, stejně jako všichni internetoví disidenti v Británii.

    Pokud budou všechna tato opatření přijata, jediným zbývajícím povoleným protestem bude psát vašemu poslanci. Pokud ovšem i to nebude považováno za "vyvolávání úzkosti".

    Když byl v roce 1997 v Británii schválen Zákon na ochranu před obtěžováním jiných občanů, vláda přísahala, že ho nebude zneužívat proti demonstracím, účelem zákona mělo být ochraňovat občany před neodbytnými dotěravci. První tři osoby, proti nimž bylo zahájeno trestní stíhání podle tohoto zákona, byli všichni pokojní demonstranti. Vláda také tvrdila, že nebude zneužívat předpisů z roku 1998, zakazujících antisociální chování, které jsou zaměřeny proti antisociálním sousedům. I tyto předpisy byly okamžitě zneužity proti pokojným demonstrantům.

    Když si lidé stěžovali, že britský Zákon proti terorismu z roku 2000 je tak mlhavě formulován, že ho lze zneužít proti každé osobě, která usiluje o politickou změnu, vláda nám sdělila, že se chováme hystericky. Od té doby jsou po celé Británii zatýkání pokojní demonstranté jako potenciální teroristé.

    Například na letecké základně ve Fairfordu zneužila policie tohoto zákona k terorizování mírových aktivistů, kteří protestovali proti válce v Iráku. Demonstranti byli opakovaně zatýkáni a prohledáváni. Jednomu demonstrantu se to stalo za jediný den jedenáctkrát. Loni 22. března policie ovládla tři autobusy, vezoucí demonstranty k základně ve Fairfordu, zadržovala je dvě hodiny, zkonfiskovala jim jejich věci, uzavřela celou dálnici z Gloucesteru až do Londýna a eskortovala autobusy zpět do Londýna. Policie i ministr vnitra dobře věděli, že tito lidé nejsou teroristé. Také věděli, že jim zákon umožňuje s nimi zacházet, jako kdyby teroristy byli.

    A to není všechno. Britským parlamentem právě prochází zákon o "mimořádných událostech", který dovoluje vládě suspendovat parlament a zakázat veškerá veřejná shromáždění, pokud si rozhodne, že vznikla mimořádná událost.

    K podobnému omezování demokracie dochází po celém světě. Americký Vlastenecký zákon, který Kongres schválil dříve, než si ho přečetl jediný poslanec, dovoluje státu, aby zacházel s nesouhlasícími občany, jako by to byli členové al Kajdy.

    Za poslední tři roky usiluje Evropská unie o právo reklasifikovat demonstranty, kteří cestují na různé demonstrace v Evropě, jako teroristy.

    Často se nám říká, že přijímat takovéto zákony je nebezpečné, protože by to jednoho dne mohlo ulehčit nedemokratické vládě, aby uchvátila moc. Avšak o to nejde. Už schvalování takovýchto zákonů se rovná uchvácení politické moci. Protest je neodlučitelnou součástí demokracie: čím více státy omezují právo na protest, tím více omezují demokracii. Demokracie, jako je britská, neskončí pochodem vojenských bot anebo vyvěšováním vlajek, ale postupným hromaděním tisíců právních doložek.

    A až o své svobody přijdeme, už si nebudeme pamatovat, jaké vlastně bývaly. Mlčení, které minulý týden přivítalo přijetí těchto zákonů, dokazuje, že proces zapomínání už začal.



    JAXXE --- ---
    Global Kids, Inc. and Alcoa Foundation Partner to Create a Diverse, Globally Aware

    NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 2, 2004--Since December, the New York City educational nonprofit Global Kids, Inc.(TM) and Alcoa Foundation have partnered to prepare New York City public high school students to attend college and gain the skills necessary to be leaders in the global workforce.
    The Power of Citizenry Global and Career Readiness Program provides a group of over 325 students from under-resourced NYC public schools with intensive training in personal and professional skill development, exposure to professionals from a range of career paths, and assistance with the college application and financial aid process. Alcoa Foundation is making the program possible with a generous grant to Global Kids in the amount of $40,000.

    "The Global and Career Readiness Program has furthered Alcoa Foundation's commitment to enabling diverse youth within traditionally marginalized communities to develop the skills and global perspective necessary to understand complex international developments, respect diverse cultures and traditions, and succeed in the workplace. This commitment, along with Global Kids' proven success in its leadership development and academic enrichment programs, has enabled hundreds of NYC youth to become leaders in their schools and communities and gain the skills vital to 21st century success," said Kathleen W. Buechel, president and treasurer of Alcoa Foundation.

    As a result of Alcoa Foundation's support, Global Kids has integrated college and career counseling and assistance with the college application and financial aid process into the school-based and citywide programs within Power of Citizenry, which provide youth with the critical thinking and communication skills necessary to understand international events and, in turn, educate their peers about them.

    The partnership has also enabled GK to utilize its network of collaborating partners to provide practical career training and skill building experiences for New York City youth. Through GK's collaborative efforts with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the world's leading international affairs think tank, youth have been provided with exposure to influential people from some of the world's most innovative institutions. Through CFR Career Day, youth received advice from leaders at international businesses and organizations


    About Global Kids, Inc.

    Founded in 1989 and incorporated as an independent not-for-profit organization in 1993, Global Kids empowers New York City youth with the knowledge, skills, values and experiences needed to become global citizens and community leaders. Through its leadership development and academic enrichment programs, Global Kids educates youth about critical international and domestic issues and promotes their engagement in civic life and the democratic process. Through professional development initiatives, Global Kids provides educators with strategies for integrating experiential learning methods and international issues into urban classrooms. In 2002-2003, Global Kids reached almost 9,000 teens and educators, and ninety-six percent of the high school seniors who participated in the leadership program are now enrolled in college.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Get Ready for the Age of Consumer Monitoring

    RFID tags, GPS devices, and cell phones can tell more about you than you might want anyone else to know.

    By Erick Schonfeld, July 23, 2004

    They'll track us through our cars and computers. They'll track us through our phones and TVs. They'll even track us through our clothes. I'm not talking about the government. This will be a more insidious form of surveillance. Whether it's by placing cookies on our computers, uploading our TV viewing habits, inserting radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips in every product we pick up from retailers' shelves, or installing GPS devices in our cars, corporate surveillance will become a bigger reality in our everyday lives. So get ready to be monitored.

    Of course, we are already monitored every time we swipe a loyalty discount card at the local supermarket, make an airline reservation, or buy a book from Amazon (AMZN). But new wireless technologies, such as RFID and GPS chips, are increasingly making it possible for corporations to physically monitor consumers. Even most cell phones can now be used to pinpoint your location.

    The motivation behind all of this tracking is simple. In business, not only is information power, but it is also profitable. The more detailed data a company can collect about its customers, the easier it is to sort through those customers and decide which ones to pamper and which ones to discard. Mass marketing is a brute-force approach that is gradually being replaced with ever finer market segmentations, sometimes even down to the individual. After all, the rise of the data warehouse in the 1990s was driven by the need to distinguish between the most profitable, loyal customers and the most expensive, demanding ones. But companies' ability to collect consumer-specific data stopped at the checkout counter or with the completion of each transaction.

    Now cheap RFID and GPS chips, as well as cell phones, hold the promise of finding out what consumers do with a product or service after it is purchased. This is not necessarily a bad thing. The GPS chip, sensors, and cell phone in GM's (GM) OnStar car navigation computer calls an OnStar dispatcher whenever your airbags are deployed in a severe crash so an ambulance can be sent right away to the correct location. A European insurance company, Aviva, is piloting a service in the United Kingdom that charges customers based on their driving habits if they agree to put a GPS monitoring device in their cars. Aviva can track how often a customer drives, at what times, how far, where, and how fast. If you are a safe or infrequent driver, you pay less for insurance, and Aviva reduces the risk of shelling out cash for big claims.

    RFID is a little further out. Wal-Mart (WMT) and other retailers are still struggling with getting RFID chips on pallets and boxes for inventory tracking, but eventually the chips could be as ubiquitous as the bar code. Once they are on every product, there is no technical reason those products couldn't continue to be tracked after they leave the store. As long as the chips are not deactivated at the checkout, they can be detected -- along with all the product information embedded in them -- by any RFID reader. Checkout deactivation should become the norm (just as antitheft tags are removed today once an item is paid for), but it is not difficult to imagine scenarios in which consumers will be offered incentives to keep the chips alive.

    For instance, what if appliances like refrigerators, medicine cabinets, and garbage cans were equipped with RFID readers so that consumers could keep an inventory of all the stuff they buy, use, and discard? And what if that household inventory information could be sent back to Wal-Mart to generate shopping lists to replenish whatever was consumed?
    For that kind of convenience, people might not mind giving up their privacy.

    Once these monitoring technologies are in place, however, they could lead to potential privacy abuses. Take the car-insurance GPS device. While the service is completely voluntary, as it becomes more widespread, insurers could force poorer consumers to accept it whether they like it or not. "There definitely is a coercive element here," agrees Beth Givens, director of the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse, a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization. "For many people, in order to save money on their insurance premium, they would have to allow their car to be outfitted."

    And what if the police subpoenaed your GPS records to bust you for speeding or place your car near the scene of a crime? It wouldn't be the first time GPS tracking was used against consumers. Some car rental companies have relied on GPS monitors to levy steep fines on renters who take the vehicles out of a given state or who speed.
    In one sign of a backlash, a current bill in California proposes outlawing this sort of customer tracking.

    A similar potential for abuse exists with RFID chips. A grocery store in Germany operated by the Metro Group embedded RFID chips in customer loyalty cards without disclosing that information. When customers found out, they picketed the store and the company had to issue new, chip-free cards. The fear here, says Katherine Albrecht, founder of consumer privacy group Caspian, is that stores could actively discriminate against their least profitable (and usually lower-income) shoppers. Once a chip is in a loyalty card, a store could link personal identity with shopping history. Add electronic shelf pricing displays to the mix, and there would be nothing to stop a store from raising the price of a jar of peanut butter, say, when a less desirable customer approaches, and lowering it when a more desirable one does. If the top 20 percent of a store's customers account for 80 percent of its profits, why even bother with the bottom 20 percent? "The industry refers to those people as bottom-feeders," Albrecht says. She contends that some unscrupulous retailers even try to discourage that bottom 20 percent from returning to the store with "higher prices or poor service."

    A bigger concern, perhaps, is what happens to the products once they leave the store. Goodyear and Michelin, for instance, are introducing tires with RFID chips so they can be easily identified in case of a recall. That sounds sensible enough. But once the chips are in the tires, there's nothing to stop state troopers from setting up RFID readers on highways to catch speeders. (Arguably, they could do the same thing with EZ-Pass, which also uses RFID chips. But who cares about surveillance as long as you can get where you're going faster, right?) Or what if there were RFID chips embedded in everyone's clothes and then the police walked around with hidden RFID readers at antiwar rallies? If they could cross-reference those identity tags with those in the customer database of an obliging retailer or manufacturer, it would be almost as effective as implanting an RFID chip in every citizen.

    Thankfully, most of these ugly scenarios are still hypothetical. But to avoid them in the future and still reap the benefits of these new technologies, corporations would be wise to adhere to some reasonable rules of the road. Here are a few to start with:

    1. Avoid secret placement of monitoring hardware, tags, or tag readers.

    2. Kill the tags at checkout as a default.

    3. Obtain consumers' consent for any tags that will remain active beyond the checkout.

    4. Tell consumers what data is being collected and stick to those limits.

    5. Don't impose penalties, such as refusing a return or refund, for destroying tags.

    Now all we need is a technology that will make sure these rules are followed.

    Erick Schonfeld eschonfeld@business2.com is an editor-at-large for Business 2.0.

    Find this article at http://www.business2.com/b2/web/articles/0,17863,672215,00.html.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Is the Bush Administration Planning a Red Code Alert?

    www.globalresearch.ca 2 August 2004

    The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CRG407A.html

    July 31st 2004

    The Bush Administration has triggered yet another Orange Code Alert, based on so-called "credible" information that al Qaeda is planning to attack the Washington based international financial institutions including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the New York Stock Exchange. "This is not the usual chatter. This is multiple sources that involve extraordinary detail," Tom Ridge said.

    This is the sixth orange code alert since September 11, 2001.

    There is evidence from police sources that at least two of the previous high profile post-9/11 code orange terror alerts were fabricated. (February 7, 2003, and December, 21, 2003) (for details and documentary evidence see http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO402A.html ).

    Is the administration planning on triggering a code red alert, which in the words of Sec Tom Ridge, would "close down the country"? What is the hidden agenda? Needless to say, the terror warnings create conditions for insider trading and speculative activity on financial markets...

    JAXXE --- ---
    Big Brother, Privacy, Microchip Implants and Biometrics

    CASTER --- ---
    Voláte zvláštním lidem? Agáta vás možná slyší

    Co všechno umí policie díky telefonům? Odposlouchávat, ale i sledovat pohyb. MF DNES nahlédla pod pokličku tajných příprav na odposlechy. Policie má k dispozici i nejmodernější systém Agáta, který zjistí, kde přesně se člověk s telefonem nachází.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Leaflet Says Extremist Al-Zarqawi Killed

    The Associated Press
    Thursday, March 4, 2004; 10:10 AM

    BAGHDAD, Iraq - A Jordanian extremist suspected of bloody suicide attacks in Iraq was killed some time ago in U.S. bombings and a letter outlining plans for fomenting sectarian war is a forgery, a leaflet signed by a dozen alleged insurgent groups said. A senior U.S. official denied that claim.

    Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed in the Sulaimaniyah mountains of northern Iraq "during the American bombing there," according to the eight-page leaflet circulated this week in Fallujah, a city 30 miles west of Baghdad that is a hotbed of anti-U.S. insurgency activity.

    There was no way to verify the authenticity of the leaflet. It was signed by 12 groups, including several cited by U.S. officials in the past including the Ansar al-Sunna Army and Muhammad's Army.

    It said al-Zarqawi was unable to escape the bombing because of his artificial leg.



    Zarqawi has become the replacement for "Osama bin Goldstien", but aside from having lost a leg, he was reported killed last March.
    JAXXE --- ---
    kerryho projev z bostonu... cele to je mazec, ale tohle freudovske prereknuti rulez:

    ...We will double our Special Forces to conduct terrorist operations, anti-terrorist operations, and we will provide our troops with the newest weapons and technology to save their lives and win the battle.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Under-the-skin ID chips move toward U.S. hospitals

    VeriChip, the company that makes radio frequency identification--RFID--tags for humans, has moved one step closer to getting its technology into hospitals.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Top 21 Pieces of Evidence that Show Iraq is only the First Step to 'Reshaping the Middle East':

    A Reference for Seekers of Truth

    JAXXE --- ---
    Terrorists Maybe Using New Zealand Passports

    NZ City – April 29, 2004

    Police fear al Qaeda terrorists using NZ passports following arrest of 2 men in Thailand and seizure of fake NZ passports.

    There are fears al Qaeda terrorists may be roaming the world, passing themselves off as New Zealanders.

    It follows the arrest of two men in Thailand, and the seizure of 11 fake New Zealand passports.

    Police picked up the Thai and his Pakistani accomplice in an undercover raid in Bangkok on Monday.

    The forged New Zealand documents are among 23 fake passports found in their apartment.

    The arrests followed the arrest last month of another Pakistani suspect, found with 12 fake New Zealand passports.

    The Bangkok Post newspaper says the passports might have been used by al Qaeda-linked terrorist suspects or human traffickers.

    The documents have serial numbers beginning with N379, which allows visa-free entry to several countries.

    Thai police say terrorist suspects arrested in Europe have travelled to several nations carrying fake passports with such serial numbers.



    Government demands Israel return any bogus passports

    New Zealand Herald – April 19, 2004

    The Government called in an Israeli diplomat over suspected Mossad spies arrested in New Zealand and demanded the Israeli Government return any bogus New Zealand passports it might have.


    Israeli man entered NZ using Canadian passport, court told

    New Zealand Herald April 22, 2004

    Documents produced at the Auckland District Court show an Israeli man who allegedly tried to obtain a false New Zealand passport previously came to this country on a Canadian passport.


    Israelis in passport case show their disguise talents
    The New Zealand Herald April 24, 2004

    New Zealand vows "strong response" to alleged Israeli bid to get passports
    AFP – Saturday April 17, 2004

    AUCKLAND – New Zealand vowed to make a strong response after two Israelis reported to be Mossad spies were arrested and charged with attempting to obtain New Zealand passports.


    mossad a novozelandske pasy

    JAXXE --- ---
    A US couple have been removed from a New York-bound flight at Miami airport because crew members considered a T-shirt one of them was wearing obscene.

    Oscar Arela and his girlfriend were kicked off the American Airlines flight 952 after he refused to change his T-shirt depicting a bare breast.

    The couple said the move violated their constitutional right to free speech.

    American Airline spokesman Tim Wagner said the crew acted properly and that the couple had their fare refunded.

    "It's a picture of a man and woman, and the woman's breast is showing," Mr Arela's girlfriend, Tala Tow, told the Miami Herald newspaper.

    "The flight attendant basically walked up to us and yelled, 'You have to take off that shirt right now'."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraqi Muslims Did Not Blow Up Christian Churches

    Sam Hamod

    Having discussed the matter in detail with other experts on the Middle East, Christianity in Iraq and on Islam in Iraq, we have all concluded this is not the work of any Muslim group. There has never been any animosity between the Christian and Muslim communities in Iraq, in fact, they have stood toe-to-toe against the American occupation and they have resisted efforts by the Israeli office in Baghdad to become allied with Israel.

    With these matters in mind, it appears as if this new “attack on the Christian churches” is just another attempt either by the American CIA or its operatives, or the Mossad of Israel, to paint Islam with terrorism and to split the Muslim and Christian communities in Iraq.
    They tried to do the same thing in Palestine, but the Palestinians wouldn’t buy it. As you may remember, the Israelis shelled the holy churches of the Church of the Nativity and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Both events were condemned by Christian and Muslim alike. Even today in Iraq, all Iraqis interviewed said they knew no Iraqi or Muslim would do such a thing. But, in America, where we are fed the news as it is planned by Bush and by Zionist influence, the story plays big to the evangelical group and to Christians who believe the U.S. propaganda media.

    This is another sad chapter in the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Since the early days of the war, the Iraqis complained about the treatment of prisoners taken by the Americans. Unfortunately, no one would listen to the Iraqis or those of us who reported these atrocities. You all know the truth by now, how we were lied to by our government and by the U.S. media; so much for truth and "embedding." So, once again, we have to report to you, this is just another American cover-up to create more chaos in Iraq, just as America did in Viet Nam to keep us in that war, and to justify more attacks on Muslims groups in Iraq. This will also help justify the continuing immoral and unjust shelling of Fallujah to allegedly kill Zarqawi. The townspeople keep saying, “There is no Zarqawi here, and there never was” ;yet our U.S. military keeps lying in order to justify the bombings of civilians in order to punish the Fallujahns for having kept the American forces out of their city.

    At this point, there is no telling what the U.S. or the Israeli Mossad will do in Iraq in order to foment civil war among the Iraqis and to justify the continuation of an American occupation in Iraq.
    Some of you may remember that JFK felt he had to go into Viet Nam in order to protect the Christian Catholic leadership in the south. We have a replay of this today in Iraq, with this "news."

    As for me, I’ve just about given up on believing anything the Bush administration or the major American media tells us; they've lied to us too often. We think this is just another s self-serving lie by the Bush or Mossad team.

    Sam Hamod is a former advisor to the US State Department and an expert on the Middle East; he is also the former founder and editor of 3rd World News in Washington, DC.
    He may be reached at shamod@cox.net

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