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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Takové docela normální zatčení

    Vladimír Stwora 26.8.2004

    Ten článek na titulní stránce celoplošného deníku Toronto Star z 23. srpna hovořil o něčem úplně jiném, než o čem hovořit měl. Pěl chválu na pohotovost nejvyššího šéfa městských strážníků v Torontě, Juliana Fantina.

    Pan Fantino se zúčastnil jakési akce na CNE, kde měl projev. V projevu si stěžoval na vzrůstající kriminalitu města a vzpomínal na časy, kdy Toronto bývalo relativně klidným místem k životu. Když projev dokončil a vracel se s kolegou k vozu, někdo na ně zavolal. Upozornil policisty (zřejmě aniž si uvědomil, že hovoří s nejvyšším šéfem policie) na nevhodné chování nějakého muže.

    Další popis události je poněkud skeči. Praví se (v článku), že Fantino muže konfrontoval a po krátkém boji jej pacifikoval a zatkl. Co přesně se míní slovem "konfrontoval", nebylo sděleno. Rovněž jsem nepochopil, jak se taková konfrontace změnila v potyčku. Faktem je, že na fotografii leží muž v prachu na zemi a šéf policie mu nasazuje pouta. Možná byl ten člověk drzý, to nevím. Muži byly zabaveny dva fotoaparáty a stanou se zřejmě součástí průkazního řízení.

    "Myslím, že osobně provedl zatčení, protože zná své povinnosti policisty," řekl o svém šéfovi seržant Roy Sorgo.

    Zločinec byl tedy zadržen, spravedlnosti byla učiněna zadost. Nejvyšší šéf prokázal, že pobyt za psacím stolem mu neubral na fyzičce a že - když je třeba - neostýchá se přiložit ruku k dílu. Dvaačtyřicetiletý muž stane před soudcem, kde se bude zodpovídat z (cituji v originále) mischief, interfering with property and assaulting police. Tedy z rošťáctví, zasahování do vlastnictví a útoku na policistu. Takový byl zhruba rámec článku, který dále pokračoval už úplně nezajímavým blábolem.

    A vy se asi teď ptáte, proč se o tak o banální příhodě rozepisuji a zda jsem se nezbláznil a nepřevzal styl časopisu Blesk. Nepřevzal. Mně totiž z té události mrazí. A jsem zřejmě sám jediný, který z toho má mizerný pocit. Ten zadržený spáchal zločin opravdu děsivý.

    Fotografoval děti.

    Nikoliv svlečené, nikoliv za účelem porno. Prostě jen fotografoval děti. Zřejmě nikoliv své vlastní a aniž se ptal na povolení rodičů. Ono to někdy ani nejde. Zkuste na pískovišti v chumlu dětí identifikovat rodiče ke každému z nich.

    A proč to dělal? Tipuji to na fotografa-amatéra. Asi věděl, stejně jako každý, kdo se někdy pokoušel o malinko hlubší fotografické vyjádření, že děti jsou nejlepšími modely - bezprostředními, přirozenými, hravými. Záběry dětské tváře, rozzářených dětských očí, nebo naopak uplakaných dětských očí v minulosti vyhrály ceny nejednomu fotografovi. V době, kdy jsem se pokoušel o uměleckou fotografii, jsem se i já vydával do ulic s fotoaparátem a lovil snímky docela neznámých dětí. Tenkrát to ještě zločin nebyl, to bylo za totality. Dnes máme svobodu a demokracii a všechno je úplně jinak.

    Otázka, která se mi v poslední době vrací stále častěji (a nejen nad touto příhodou): Proč jsme, krucipísek, vlastně utíkali a kam?

    JAXXE --- ---
    US warplanes violate Iran's air space

    Aug 24, 2004, 19:11

    Five US warplanes entered Iran's air space last Thursday night from the southwestern Shalamcheh border and flew over the city of Khorramshahr for a while, press reports said Tuesday.

    According the Persian daily Seday-e Edalat, 'the jet fighters which flew at high speed and altitude, then headed to the Arvand River'.

    "They flew at a height of 10 kilometers and maneuvered over Khorramshahr for a while," the paper said.

    "While the objective behind the fighters' violation of the Iranian air space is not known yet, some military specialists believe such moves are aimed at assessing the sensitivity of the Islamic Republic's anti-aircraft defense system," it added.

    It said military and air force officials had refrained from commenting on the incident when contacted.

    Iran has been wary of the occupation forces' presence on its doorsteps in Iraq and carefully watched their movements.

    Tehran, while opposing Iraq's invasion, took a position of `active neutrality' at the time of the attack.

    In June, Iranian naval guards seized three British boats with eight crew in the country's territorial waters in Arvand river, which borders Iraq.

    The servicemen, two Royal Navy sailors and six Royal Marine commandos, were later released.

    Their equipment reportedly consisted of personal weapons, radios and navigation equipment, including echo sounders to measure the depth of the water, global positioning systems to identify the exact position and up-to-date maritime charts.

    © Iranian.ws

    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Fahrenheit 9/11: Neobyčejně významný historický počin

    Propaganda - podle zkušenosti z minulého století - vyžaduje permanentní síť komunikací, aby mohla systematicky potlačovat reflexi prostřednictvím emotivních či utopických hesel. Propaganda většinou slouží dlouhodobým zájmům nějaké elity.

    Moorův film Fahrenheit 9/11 oslovil po celém světě miliony diváků. Mohl by změnit vývoj civilizace? ptá se známý britský autor a kritik John Berger.

    Fahrenheit 9/11 má neuvěřitelně velký význam. Není to ani tak film jako událost. Většina komentátorů se ho snaží shodit, přestože promluvil výmluvně k milionům lidí na celém světě. Za prvních šest týdnů promítání vydělal jen v USA více než 100 milionů dolarů. Tento film jako politický čin se zřejmě stal historickým mezníkem. Máme-li to pochopit, musíme mít určitou perspektivu budoucnosti. Pokud žijeme jen z nejnovějších zpráv, což dělá většina komentátorů, omezuje to naši perspektivu.

    Fahrenheit 9/11 je historickou událostí, protože je to efektivní a nezávislý zásah do bezprostřední světové politiky. V současnosti se děje velmi zřídka, že by se umělci podařilo úspěšně realizovat takový zásah, totiž že by se mu podařilo podvrátit předem připravené, pravdu obcházející výroky politiků.

    Očerňovat tento film jako propagandu je buď naivní anebo zvrácené. Propaganda - podle zkušenosti z minulého století - vyžaduje permanentní síť komunikací, aby mohla systematicky potlačovat reflexi prostřednictvím emotivních či utopických hesel. Propaganda většinou slouží dlouhodobým zájmům nějaké elity.

    Tento samostatný, jediný film je v mnoha částech reflexivně pomalý a nebojí se využívat mlčení. Apeluje na lidi, aby mysleli samostatně a pospojovali si věci. A identifikuje se s těmi, které normálně nikdo neposlouchá. Argumentuje v jejich zájmu. Argumentovat energicky pro nějakou věc není totéž jako šířit propagandu.

    Už od starořeckých tragédií se občas umělci ptali sami sebe, jak by mohli ovlivnit aktuální politické události. Je to složitá otázka, protože jde o dva úplně rozdílné druhy moci. Této otázky se týká mnoho estetických a etických teorií. Pro lidi, kteří žijí v politických tyraniích, je kultura a umění často formou skrytého odporu a tyrani se snaží obyčejně kulturu potlačovat.

    Avšak Fahrenheit 9/11 je něčím jiným. Tomuto filmu se podařilo úspěšně zasáhnout do politického programu na vlastním teritoriu tohoto programu.

    Přispělo k tomu několik faktorů, zejména hlavní cena z Cannes a pošetilé pokusy v Americe zabránit tomu, aby se film dostal do kin.

    V říši masových sdělovacích prostředků je úspěšný průlom (rozbití každodenní zdi lží a polopravd) velmi vzácný. A právě v důsledku toho, že se to filmu Fahrenheit 9/11 podařilo, je tento film mimořádnou událostí. Je příkladem pro miliony lidí, kteří na něco takového čekali.

    Film argumentuje, že v prvním roce nového milénia převzala Bílý dům a Pentagon banda gangsterů, jejichž cílem je zajistit, aby americká moc od nynějška sloužila globálním zájmům korporací. Avšak důležitější než tato argumentace je způsob, jímž film k divákům promlouvá. Tento film dokazuje, že navzdory veškeré manipulativní moci odborníků na média, navzdory lživým prezidentským projevům a mlhavým tiskovým konferencím, je schopen jediný nezávislý hlas poukázat na určité zjevné pravdy, které už si množství Američanů začalo odhalovat samo pro sebe, že tento hlas dokáže rozbít spiknutí mlčení, atmosféru strachu a samotu politické bezmocnosti.

    Cílem filmu Fahrenheit 9/11 je zabránit Bushovi, aby zfalšoval i příští americké prezidentské volby tak, jak zfalšoval ty poslední. Film se zaměřuje na zcela neospravedlnitelnou válku proti Iráku. Ale jeho závěr je daleko významnější než tyto dílčí otázky. Z tohoto filmu vyplývá, že politická ekonomika, která vytváří obrovské bohatství, obklopené katastrofální chudobou, potřebuje k svému přežití neustálou válku k tomu, aby dokázala udržovat vlastní interní pořádek a bezpečnost.

    Tak patnáct let po pádu komunismu a deset let po vyhlášeném "konci historie" se znovu stává předmětem debaty jedna z hlavních tezí Marxovy interpretace historie jako možné vysvětlení katastrof, v nichž žijeme.

    Vždycky přinášejí největší oběti chudí, oznamuje tiše film Fahrenheit 9/11 ve svých posledních minutách. Jak ještě dlouho?

    Žádná civilizace nebude mít nikde v dnešním světě zajištěnu budoucnost, pokud bude tuto otázku ignorovat. A proto byl tento film vytvořen a proto se stal tím, čím se stal. Je to film, který si nesmírně silně přeje, aby Amerika přežila.

    Kompletní článek v angličtině ZDE

    John Berger (1926) je spisovatel, malíř a historik umění. Od r. 1952 psal recenze pro londýnský časopis New Statesman a rychle se stal vlivným marxistickým kritikem. Vydal celou řadu knih o výtvarném umění, včetně proslavené Ways of Seeing (Způsoby vidění), podle níž televize BBC vytvořila klasický dokumentární seriál. Posledních dvacet let žije Berger ve francouzských Alpách

    JAXXE --- ---
    Dvě letadla dole, bomba v Moskvě


    V Rusku možná spadla v rozmezí několika minut dvě letadla. Hovoří se přibližně o stovce mrtvých.

    První letadlo bylo typu TU-134 s třiceti čtyřmi pasažéry a osmi členy posádky a směřovalo do Soči, druhé TU-154 se čtyřiceti čtyřmi pasažéry a rovněž osmi členy posádky mířilo do Volgogradu. Nikdo údajně nehody nepřežil. Obě letadla startovala z Moskvy.

    Některé zdroje, např. Reuters, později zprávu pozměnily a uvádějí pád pouze jednoho letadla, druhé se snad ztratilo. Jiné uvádějí, že svědkové viděli nejméně jedno letadlo explodovat. Zatím se neví nic jistého, Putin nařídil vyšetřování.

    Ve stejný den vybuchla malá bomba na autobusové zastávce v Moskvě, zranila čtyři lidi.

    O víkendu má dojít v Čečensku k volbám. Žádná skupina se nepřihlásila k odpovědnosti za útoky.

    Chystají se Američané napadnout koncem října Severní Koreu?


    Nenápadná zpráva v International Herald Tribune hovoří o připravovaném cvičení americké armády v blízkosti hranic Severní Koreje. Cvičení má proběhnout koncem října - měsíc před volbami.

    Možná jde jen o cvičení. Možná se chystá něco většího. Vzpomeňme, jak začala vietnamská válka. Tehdy nařídil prezident Johnson bombardování suverénního státu a jako záminku použil údajný útok severovietnamských sil na mírumilovně se plavící americký torpédoborec USS Maddox.

    Zdroj: http://www.rense.com/general56/october.htm
    JAXXE --- ---
    The US Invasion of Iraq was perhaps the most cowardly War ever fought in History

    by Arundhati Roy

    Transcript of talk by Arundhati Roy, United For Peace and Justice teach-in, Washington, DC, 31 May 2003.

    www.globalresearch.ca 3 June 2003

    The URL of this article is: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/ROY306A.html

    Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates. How many children, in how many classrooms, over how many centuries, have hang-glided through the past, transported on the wings of these words?

    And now the bombs have fallen, incinerating and humiliating that ancient civilization. On the steel torsos of their missiles, adolescent American soldiers scrawled colorful messages in childish handwriting: For Saddam, from the Fat Boy Posse.

    A building went down. A marketplace. A home. A girl who loved a boy. A child who only ever wanted to play with his older brother's marbles.

    On March 21 – the day after American and British troops began their illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq – an "embedded" CNN correspondent interviewed an American soldier. "I wanna get in there and get my nose dirty," Private A.J. said. "I wanna take revenge for 9/11."

    To be fair to the correspondent, even though he was "embedded" he did sort of weakly suggest that so far there was no real evidence that linked the Iraqi government to the September 11, 2001, attacks. Private A.J. stuck his teenage tongue out all the way down to the end of his chin. "Yeah, well that stuff's way over my head," he said.

    Lies Instead of Evidence

    When the United States invaded Iraq, a New York Times/CBS News survey estimated that 42 percent of the American public believed that Saddam Hussein was directly responsible for the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. And an ABC news poll said that 55 percent of Americans believed that Saddam Hussein directly supported Al-Qaeda. None of this opinion is based on evidence (because there isn't any). All of it is based on insinuation, auto-suggestion and outright lies circulated by the US corporate media.

    Public support in the US for the war against Iraq was founded on a multi-tiered edifice of falsehood and deceit coordinated by the US government and faithfully amplified by the press. We had the invented links between Iraq and Al Qaeda. We had the manufactured frenzy about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. No weapons of mass destruction have been found. Not even a little one.

    Now, after the war has been fought and won, and the contracts for reconstruction have been signed and sealed, the New York Times reports that, "The Central Intelligence Agency has begun a review to try to determine whether the American intelligence community erred in its prewar assessments of Saddam Hussein's government and Iraq's weapons programs."

    Meanwhile, in passing, an ancient civilization has been casually decimated by a very recent, casually brutal nation.

    Throughout more than a decade of war and sanctions, American and British forces fired thousands of missiles and bombs on Iraq. Iraq's fields and farmlands were shelled with 300 tons of depleted uranium.

    In their bombing sorties, the Allies targeted and destroyed water treatment plants, aware of the fact that they could not be repaired without foreign assistance. In southern Iraq there was a fourfold increase in cancer among children. In the decade of economic sanctions that followed the war, Iraqi civilians were denied medicine, hospital equipment, ambulances, clean water – the basic essentials.

    About half a million Iraqi children died as a result of the sanctions. The corporate media played a sterling role in keeping news of the devastation of Iraq and its people away from the American public. It has now begun preparing the ground with the same routine of lies and hysteria for a war against Syria and Iran – and, who knows, perhaps even Saudi Arabia. Perhaps the next war will be the jewel in the crown of George Bush's 2004 election campaign. Though he may not need to go to such great lengths, since the Democrats have announced that their strategy for the 2004 election is to charge that the Republicans are weak on national security. It's like a small-town teenage bully telling the Mafia it has too many scruples.

    America's presidential elections sound as though they will be a complete waste of everybody's time. Although that's not exactly breaking news.

    Most Cowardly War Ever Fought

    The US invasion of Iraq was perhaps the most cowardly war ever fought in history.

    After using the "good offices" of UN diplomacy (economic sanctions and weapons inspections) to ensure that Iraq was brought to its knees, after making sure that most of its weapons had been destroyed, the "Coalition of the Willing" – better known as the Coalition of the Bullied and Bought – sent in an invading army.

    Then the corporate media gloated that the United States had won a just and astonishing victory!

    TV watchers witnessed the joy that the US army brought to ordinary Iraqis. All those newly liberated people waving American flags, which they must have somehow hoarded during the years of sanctions.

    Never mind that the toppling of the statue of Saddam Hussein in Firdos Square (shown over and over on TV) turned out to be a carefully choreographed charade played out by a handful of hired extras coordinated by the US marines. Robert Fisk called it the "most staged photo-op since Iwo Jima."

    Never mind that in the days that followed American soldiers fired into a crowd of peaceful, unarmed Iraqi demonstrators who were demanding that US troops leave their country. Fifteen people were shot dead.

    Never mind that a few days later US soldiers killed two more and injured several people who were protesting the fact that peaceful demonstrators were being killed. Never mind that they murdered 17 more people in Mosul. Never mind that in the days to come the killing will continue. (But it won't be on TV.)

    Never mind that a secular country is being driven to religious sectarianism. Never mind that the US government helped Saddam Hussein's rise to power and supported him through his worst excesses, including the eight-year war against Iran and the 1988 gassing of Kurdish people in Halabja, crimes which 14 years later were re-heated and served up as reasons to justify going to war against Iraq.

    Never mind that, after the first Gulf War, the Allies fomented an uprising of Shias in Basra and then looked away while Saddam Hussein crushed the revolt and slaughtered thousands in an act of vengeful reprisal.

    After the invasion of Iraq, Western TV channels' ghoulish interest in the mass graves they discovered evaporated quickly when they realized that the bodies were of Iraqis who had been killed in the war against Iran and the Shia uprising. The search for an appropriate mass grave continues.

    Never mind that US and British troops had orders to kill people, but not to protect them. Their priorities were clear. The safety and security of Iraqi people was not their business.

    The security of whatever little remained of Iraq's infrastructure was not their business. But the security and safety of Iraq's oil fields was. The oil fields were "secured" almost before the invasion began.

    It's worth noting that the reconstruction of Afghanistan, which is in far worse condition than Iraq, hasn't merited the same evangelical enthusiasm in reconstruction that Iraq has. Even the money that was so publicly promised to Afghanistan has not for the most part been handed over. Could it be because Afghanistan has no oil? It has a route for a pipeline, true, but no oil. So there isn't much money to be extracted from that vanquished country.

    On the other hand, we were told that contracts for the reconstruction of Iraq could jump-start the world economy. It's funny how the interests of American corporations are so often, so successfully, and so deliberately confused with the interests of the world economy.

    Occupation Government

    The talk about Iraq's oil for Iraqis and a war of liberation and democracy and representative government had its time and place. It had its uses. But things have changed now....

    Having escorted a 7,000-year-old civilization into anarchy, George Bush has announced that the US is in Iraq to stay "indefinitely." The US, in effect, has said that Iraq can only have a representative government if it represents the interests of Anglo-American oil companies. In other words, you can have free speech as long as you say what I want you to say.

    On May 17, the New York Times said, "In an abrupt reversal, the United States and Britain have indefinitely put off their plan to allow Iraqi opposition forces to form a national assembly and an interim government by the end of the month. Instead, top American and British diplomats leading reconstruction efforts here told exile leaders in a meeting tonight that allied officials would remain in charge of Iraq for an indefinite period."

    Jackals Feeding Frenzy

    Long before the invasion began, the world's business community was tingling with excitement about the scale of money that the reconstruction of Iraq would involve. It has been billed as "the biggest reconstruction effort since the Marshall Plan rebuilt Europe after World War Two."

    Bechtel Corporation, based in San Francisco, is leading the pack of jackals moving into Iraq.

    Coincidentally, former Secretary of State George Schultz is on the Board of Directors of the Bechtel Group, and happens also to have served as the chairman of the advisory board of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq. When asked by the New York Times whether he was concerned about the appearance of a conflict of interest, Shultz said, "I don't know that Bechtel would particularly benefit from it. But if there's work to be done, Bechtel is the type of company that could do it. But nobody looks at it as something you benefit from."

    Bechtel already has a contract for $680 million dollars, but, according to the New York Times, "Independent estimates are that the final cost for the reconstruction effort of the extent outlined in Bechtel's contract with USAID would be $20 billion."

    In an article appropriately headlined "Feeding Frenzy Under Way, as Companies From All Over Seek a Piece of the Action," the Times notes (without irony) that "governments around the world and the companies whose causes they support have besieged Washington in a campaign to win a piece of the reconstruction action in Iraq."

    "The British," the article notes, "though their appeals are understated, offer what some Bush administration officials argue is the most convincing case: that they shed blood in Iraq."

    Whose blood was shed has not been clarified. Surely they didn't mean British blood, or American blood. They must have meant the British helped the Americans to shed Iraqi blood.

    So "the most convincing case" for reconstruction contracts is when a country can argue that it is a co-murderer of Iraqis.

    Lady Simmons, the deputy leader of the UK House of Lords, recently traveled to America with four leaders of British industry. Apart from staking their claim to contracts based on their status as co-murderers, the British delegation also invoked the their colonial past, again without irony, making the case that British companies "had a long and close relationship with Iraq and Iraqi business from the imperial days in the early 20th century until international sanctions were imposed in the 1990s." Glossing over, of course, that this meant Britain had supported Saddam Hussein through the 1970s and 1980s.
    "Relax and Enjoy It"

    Those of us who belong to former colonies think of imperialism as rape. So you rape. Then you kill. Then you demand the right to rape the corpse. That's usually known as necrophilia.

    Extending this horrible analogy, Richard Perle said recently, "Iraqis are freer today and we are safer. Relax and enjoy it."

    A few days into the war, the news anchor Tom Brokaw said: "One of the things we don't want to do ... is to destroy the infrastructure of Iraq because in a few days we're going to own that country."

    Now the ownership deeds are being signed. Iraq is no longer a country. It's an asset.

    It's no longer ruled. It's owned.

    And it is owned for the most part by Bechtel. Maybe Halliburton and a British company or two will get a few bones.

    Our battle has to be against both the occupiers and the new owners of Iraq.

    Arundhati Roy lives in New Delhi. She is the author of "The God of Small Things" and "Power Politics" (South End Press).Copyright Arundati Roy 2003.

    For fair use only/ pour usage équitable seulement .

    JAXXE --- ---
    Excellent flash presentation which questions whether a plane hit the Pentagon on 9/11.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Fox "Journalists" Calmly Discuss Killing People to Help the Stock Market

    JAXXE --- ---
    CNN: 'Hijacker' Visa Found in Flight 93 Wreckage

    Paul Joseph Watson | August 23 2004

    CNN is reporting that 9/11 hijacker Ziad Jarrah's visa was found in the remains of Flight 93 which went down in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

    Even if we are to entertain the notion that this piece of paper supposedly in the pocket of the suicide pilot who survived a crash which left aircraft parts strewn eight miles apart, do the two photographs shown above even represent the same person?

    Ziad Jarrah's family provided evidence days after 9/11 that Jarrah wasn't even onboard Flight 93 and that if he was, it was only as a passenger who was just as much of a victim as the rest of the people on the plane.

    The FBI has been evasive on whether or not other hijacker's passports were found in the wreckage of the World Trade Center but the 9/11 commission has now presented photographs which they say show the charred paper visa.

    A few days after the attack, several newspapers reported that a paper passport had been found in the ruins of the WTC.

    A month ago new photos were released which apparently showed Flight 77 hijackers Nawaq Alhamzi and Salem Alhamzi undergoing security screening at Washington's Dulles International airport.

    This is of course to reinforce the official story of 9/11 which is crumbling under the weight of 9/11 research and activism. At least a third of the WTC victim's bodies were vaporized and many of the victims of the Pentagon incident were burned beyond recognition. And yet visas and paper passports which identify the purpotrators and back up the official version of events miraculously survive explosions and fires that we are told melted steel buildings.

    The government's desperation to prove the involvement of the named hijackers contrasts with evidence that several of them are still alive, and even Mohammed Atta's father still insists he talks to his son on a regular basis.




    Hijacking suspect's family claims mistaken identity

    September 18, 2001 Posted: 11:03 AM EDT (1503 GMT)
    Ziad Jarrah

    BEKAA VALLEY, Lebanon (CNN) -- The family of suspected hijacker Ziad Jarrah contends there may be another man with the same name who was responsible for hijacking one of the four flights involved in last week's terrorist attacks on the United States.

    The family also said they do not even believe that Jarrah, 26, was on board United Airlines Flight 93 when it crashed in western Pennsylvania on September 11.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Život po ropné krizi

    Sledujme drama rozvíjející se před našima očima

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bude mít každý člověk těle čip?

    Malé a zároveň cenově dostupné nosiče informací pracující na principu radiofrekvenční identifikace (RFID) se začaly masivně využívat již počátkem devadesátých let minulého století. V současné době je RFID na celém světě považována za klíčovou technologií.

    Ačkoliv si to mnohdy ani neuvědomujeme, je technologie radiofrekvenční identifikace již masově rozšířena, a to v mnoha oblastech běžného života. Pravděpodobně nejpopulárnějším tématem několika posledních let je možnost identifikace osob a jejich případného sledování pomocí implantovaného RFID čipu.



    Human chips more than skin-deep

    Advocates of technologies like radio frequency identification tags say their potentially life-saving benefits far outweigh any Orwellian concerns about privacy. RFID tags sewn into clothing or even embedded under people's skin could curb identity theft, help identify disaster victims and improve medical care, they say.

    GHIVERAN --- ---
    Sorry, ze je to tak dlouhy, ale dostal sem to mailem. Imho dobre shrnuti "nabozenskych fanatiku" v usa.

    Subject: Not concerned about the fundamentalists? Read!

    Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Texas By Joe Bageant

    Online Journal Contributing Writer

    May 17, 2004

    Joe Bageant is a senior editor at the Primedia History Group and writes from Winchester, Virginia. He may be contacted at <<http://www.bageantjb@netscape.net>www.bageantjb@netscape.net.
    Not long ago I pulled my car up alongside a tiny wooden church in the woods, a stark white frame box my family built in 1840. And as always, an honest-to-god chill went through me, for the ancestral ghosts presumably hovering over the graves there. From the wide open front door the Pentecostal preacher's message echoed from within the plain wooden walls:

    "Thank you Gawd for giving us strawng leaders like President [sic] Bush during this crieeesis. Praise you Lord and guide him in this battle with Satan's Muslim armies."

    If I had chosen to go back down the road a mile or so to the sprawling new Bible Baptist church-complete with school facilities, professional sound system and in-house television production-I could have heard approximately the same exhortation. Usually offered at the end of a prayer for sons and daughters of members in the congregation serving in Iraq, it can be heard in any of the thousands upon thousands of praise temples across our republic.

    After a lifetime of identity conflict, I have come to accept that, blood-wise, if not politically or spiritually, these are my people. And as a leftist it is very clear to me these days why urban liberals not only fail to understand these people, but do not even know they exist, other than as some general lump of ignorant, intolerant voters called "the religious right," or the "Christian Right," or "neocon Christians." But until progressives come to understand what these people read, hear, are told and deeply believe, we cannot understand American politics, much less be effective. Given fundamentalist Christianity's inherent cultural isolation, it is nearly impossible for most enlightened Americans to imagine, in honest human terms, what fundamentalist Americans believe, let alone understand why we should all care.

    For liberals to examine the current fundamentalist phenomenon in America is accept some hard truths. For starters, we libs are even more embattled than most of us choose to believe. Any significant liberal and progressive support is limited to a few urban pockets on each coast and along the upper edge of the Midwestern tier states. Most of the rest of the nation, the much vaunted heartland, is the dominion of the conservative and charismatic Christian. Turf-wise, it's pretty much their country, which is to say it presently belongs to George W. Bush for some valid reasons. Remember: He did not have to steal the entire election, just a little piece of it in Florida.

    Evangelical born-again Christians of one stripe or another were then, and are now, 40 percent of the electorate, and they support Bush 3-1. And as long as their clergy and their worst instincts tell them to, they will keep on voting for him, or someone like him, regardless of what we view as his arrogant folly and sub-intelligence. Forget about changing their minds.
    These Christians do not read the same books we do, they do not get their information from anything remotely resembling reasonably balanced sources, and, in fact, consider even CBS and NBC super-liberal networks of porn and the Devil's lies. Given how fundamentalists see the modern world, they may as well be living in Iraq or Syria, with whom they share approximately the same Bronze Age religious tenets. They believe in God, Rumsfeld's Holy War and their absolute duty as God's chosen nation to kick Muslim ass up one side and down the other. In other words, just because millions of Christians appear to be dangerously nuts does not mean they are marginal.

    Having been born into a Southern Pentacostal/Baptist family of many generations, and living in this fundamentalist social landscape means that I gaze into the maw of neocon Christianity daily. Hell, sometimes hourly. My brother is a fundamentalist preacher, as are a couple of my nephews, as were many of my ancestors going back to god-knows-when. My entire family is born-again; their lives are completely focused inside their own religious community, and on the time when Jesus returns to earth-Armageddon and The Rapture.

    Only another liberal born into a fundamentalist clan can understand what a strange, sometimes downright hellish family circumstance it is-how such a family can love you deeply, yet despise everything you believe in, see you as a humanist instrument of Satan, and still be right there for you when your back goes out or a divorce shatters your life. As a socialist and a half-assed lefty activist, obviously I do not find much conversational fat to chew around the Thanksgiving table. Politically and spiritually, we may be said to be dire enemies. Love and loathing coexist side by side. There is talk, but no communication. In fact, there are times when it all has science fiction overtones . . . times when it seems we are speaking to one another through an unearthly veil, wherein each party knows it is speaking to an alien. There is a sort of high eerie mental whine in the air. This is the sound of mutually incomprehensible worlds hurtling toward destiny, passing with great psychological friction, obvious to all, yet acknowledged by none.

    Between such times, I wait rather anxiously and strive for change, for relief from what feels like an increased stifling of personal liberty, beauty, art, and self-realization in America. They wait in spooky calmness for Jesus. They believe that, until Jesus does arrive, our "satanic humanist state and federal legal systems" should be replaced with pure "Biblical Law." This belief is called Christian Reconstructionism. Though it has always been around in some form, it began expanding rapidly about 1973, with the publication of R. J. Rushdoony's, Institutes of Biblical Law Vallecito,
    CA: Ross House Books, 1982).

    Time out please . . . In a nod toward fairness and tolerance-begging the question of whether liberals are required to tolerate the intolerant-I will say this: Fundamentalists are "good people." In daily life, they are warm-hearted and generous to a fault. They live with feet on the ground (albeit with eyes cast heavenward) and with genuine love and concern for their neighbors. After spending 30 years in progressive western cities such as Boulder, Colorado, and Eugene, Oregon, I would have to say that conservative Christians actually do what liberals usually only talk about.
    They visit the sick and the elderly, give generously of their time and money to help those in need, and put unimaginable amounts of love and energy into their families, even as Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh blare in the background. Their good works extend internationally-were it not for American Christians, there would be little health care on the African continent and other similar places. Okay, that's the best I can do in showing due respect or the extreme Christian Right. Now to get back to the Christian Reconstructionists . . .

    Christian Reconstruction: Establishing a Savage Eden.

    Christian Reconstruction is blunt stuff, hard and unforgiving as a gravestone. Capital punishment, central to the Reconstructionist ideal, calls for the death penalty in a wide range of crimes, including abandonment of the faith, blasphemy, heresy, witchcraft, astrology, adultery, sodomy, homosexuality, striking a parent, and ''unchastity before marriage'' (but for women only.) Biblically correct methods of execution include stoning, the sword, hanging, and burning. Stoning is preferred, according to Gary North, the self-styled Reconstructionist economist, because stones are plentiful and cheap. Biblical Law would also eliminate labor unions, civil rights laws, and public schools. Leading Reconstruction theologian David Chilton declares, "The Christian goal for the world is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics . . ." Incidentally, said Republic of Jesus would not only be a legal hell, but an ecological one as well-Reconstructionist doctrine calls for the scrapping of environmental protection of all kinds, because there will be no need for this planet earth once The Rapture occurs. You may not have heard of Rushdoony or Chilton or North, but taken either separately or together, they have influenced far more contemporary American minds than Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal and Howard Zinn combined.

    A moreover covert movement, although slightly more public of late, Christian Reconstructionism has for decades exerted one hell of an influence through its scores of books, publications and classes taught in colleges and universities. Over the past 30 years Reconstructionist doctrine has permeated not only the religious right, but mainstream churches as well, via the charismatic movement. Its impact on politics and religion in this nation have been massive, with many mainstream churches pushed rightward by pervasive Reconstructionism, without even knowing it. Clearly the Methodist church down the street from my house does not understand what it has become.
    Other mainstream churches with more progressive leadership, simply flinch and bow to the Reconstructionists at every turn. They have to, if they want to retain members these days. Further complicating matters is that leading Recoconstruction thinkers, along with their fellow travelers, the Dominionists, are all but invisible to non-fundamentalist America. (I will spare you the agony of the endless doctrinal hair-splitting that comes with making fundamentalist distinctions of any sort-I would not do that to a dog.
    But if you are disposed toward self-punishment, you can take it upon yourself to learn the differences between Dominionism, Pretribulationism, Midtribulationism, and Posttribulationism, Premillennialism, Millennialism .
    . . I recommend the writings of the British author and scholar George Monbiot, who has put the entire maddening scheme of it all together-corporate implications, governmental and psychological meaning-in a couple of excellent books.)

    Fundamentalists such as my family have no idea how thoroughly they have been orchestrated by Reconstructionists driven Christian media and other innovations of the past few decades. They probably would not care now, even if they knew. Like most of their tribe (dare we say class, in a nation that so vehemently denies it has a class system?) they want to embrace some simple foundational truth that will rationalize all the conflict and confusion of a postmodern world. Some handbook that will neatly explain everything, make all their difficult decisions for them. And among these classic American citizens, prone toward religious zealotry since the Great Awakening of the 18th Century, what rock could appear more dependable upon which to cling than the infallible Holy Bible? From there it was a short step for Christian Reconstructionist leaders to conclude that such magnificent infallibility should be enforced upon all other people, in the same spirit as the Catholic Spanish Conquistidors or the Arab Muslim Moors before them. It's an old, old story, a brutal one mankind cannot seem to shake.

    Christian Reconstruction strategists make clear in their writings that homeschooling and Christian academies have been and continue to create the Rightist Christian cadres of the future, enabling them to place ever-increasing numbers of believers in positions of governmental influence.
    The training of Christian cadres is far more sophisticated than the average liberal realizes. There now stretches a network of dozens of campuses across the nation, each with its strange cultish atmosphere of smiling Christian pod people, most of them clones of Jerry Fallwell's Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. But how many outsiders know the depth and specificity of Reconstructionist political indoctrination in these schools? For example, Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia, a college exclusively for Christian homeschoolers, offers programs in strategic government intelligence, legal training and foreign policy, all with a strict, Bible-based "Christian worldview." Patrick Henry is so heavily funded by the Christian right it can offer classes below cost. In the Bush administration,
    7 percent of all internships are handed out to Patrick Henry students, along with many others distributed among similar religious rightist colleges. The Bush administration also recruits from the faculties of these schools, i.e., the appointments of right-wing Christian activist Kay Coles James, former dean of the Pat Robertson School of government, as director of the U.S.
    Office of Personnel. What better position than the personnel office from which to recruit more fundamentalists? Scratch any of these supposed academics and you will find a Christian Reconstructionist. I know because I have made the mistake of inviting a few of these folks to cocktail parties.
    One university department head told me he is moving to rural Mississippi where he can better recreate the lifestyle of the antebellum South, and its "Confederate Christian values." It gets real strange real quick.

    Lest the Christian Reconstructionists be underestimated, remember that it was Reconstructionist strategists whose "stealth ideology" managed the takeover of the Republican Party in the early 1990s. That takeover now looks mild in light of today's neocon Christian implantations in the White House, the Pentagon and the Supreme Court and other federal entities. As much as liberals screech in protest, few understand the depth and breadth of the Rightist Christian takeover underway. They catch the scent but never behold the beast itself. <underline>Yesterday I heard a liberal Washington-based political pundit on NPR say the Radical Christian right's local and regional political action peak was a past fixture of the Reagan era. I laughed out loud it was a bitter laugh) and wondered if he had ever driven 20 miles eastward on U.S. Route 50 into the suburbs of Maryland, Virginia or West Virginia. The fellow on NPR was a perfect example of the need for liberal pundits to get their heads out of their asses, get outside the city, quit cruising the Internet and meet some Americans who do not mirror their own humanist educations and backgrounds. If they did, they would grasp the importance The Rapture has taken on in American national and international politics. Despite the media's shallow interpretation of The Rapture's significance, it is a hell of a lot more than just a couple hundred million Left Behind books sold. The most significant thing about the Left Behind series is that, although they are classified as "fiction," most fundamentalist readers I know accept the series as an absolute reality soon coming to a godless planet near you. It helps to understand that everything is literal in the Fundamentalist voter universe.

    I'll Fly Away, Oh Lordy (But you won't.)

    Yes, when The Rapture comes Christians with the right credentials will fly away. But you and I, dear reader, will probably be among those who suffer a thousand-year plague of boils. <underline>So stock up on antibiotics, because according to the "Rapture Index" it is damned near here. See for yourself at <<http://www.raptureready.com/>http://www.raptureready.com/.
    Part gimmick, part fanatical obsession, the index is a compilation of such things as floods, interest rates, oil prices, global turmoil . . . As I write this the index stands at 144, just one point below critical mass, when people like us will be smitten under a sky filled with deliriously happy naked flying Christians.

    But to blow The Rapture off as amusing-if-scary fantasy is not being honest on my part. Cheap glibness has always been my vice, so I must say this:
    Personally, I've lived with The Rapture as the psychologically imprinted backdrop of my entire life. In fact, my own father believed in it until the day he died, and the last time I saw him alive we talked about The Rapture.
    And when he asked me, "Will you be saved? Will you be there with me on Canaan's shore after The Rapture?" I was forced to feign belief in it to give a dying man inner solace. But that was the spiritual stuff of families, and living and dying, religion in its rightful place, the way it is supposed to be, personal and intimate-not political. Thus, until the advent of the Reconstructionist Christian influence, I'd certainly never heard The Rapture spoken about in the context of a Texan being selected by God to prepare its way.

    Now however, this apocalyptic belief, yearning really, drives an American Christian polity in the service of a grave and unnerving agenda. The pseudo-scriptural has become an apocalyptic game plan for earthly political
    action: To wit, the messiah can only return to earth after an apocalypse in Israel called Armageddon, which the fundamentalists are promoting with all their power so that The Rapture can take place. The first requirement was establishment of the state of Israel. Done. The next is Israel's occupation of the Middle East as a return of its "Biblical lands," which in the Reconstructionist scheme of things, means more wars. These Christian conservatives believe peace cannot ever lead to The Rapture, and indeed impedes the 1,000-year Reign of Christ. So anyone promoting peace is an enemy, a tool of Satan, hence the fundamentalist support for any and all wars Middle Eastern, in which their own kids die a death often viewed by Christian parents as a holy martyrdom of its own kind. "He (or she) died protecting this country's Christian values." One hears it over and over from parents of those killed.

    The final scenario of the Rapture has the "saved" Christians settling onto a cloud after the long float upward, from whence they watch a Rambo Jesus wipe out the remnants of the human race. Then in a mop-up operation by God, the Jews are also annihilated, excepting a few who convert to Christianity. The Messiah returns to earth. End of story. Incidentally, the Muslim version, I was surprised to learn recently, is almost exactly the same, but with Muslims doing the cloud-sitting.

    If we are lucky as a nation, this period in American history will be remembered as just another very dark time we managed to get through.
    Otherwise, one shudders to think of the logical outcome. No wonder the left is depressed. Meanwhile, our best thinkers on the left ask us to consider our perpetual U.S. imperial war as a fascist, military/corporate war, and indeed it is that too. But tens of millions of hardworking, earnest American Christians see it as far more than that. They see a war against all that is un-Biblical, the goal of which is complete world conquest, or put in Christian terminology, "dominion." They will have no less than the "inevitable victory God has promised his new chosen people," according to the Recon masters of the covert kingdom. Screw the Jews, they blew their chance. If perpetual war is what it will take, then let it be perpetual.
    After all, perpetual war is exactly what the Bible promised. Like it or not, this is the reality (or prevailing unreality) with which we are faced. The
    2004 elections, regardless of outcome, will not change that. Nor will it necessarily bring ever-tolerant liberals to openly acknowledge what is truly happening in this country, the thing that has been building for a long, long time-a holy war, a covert Christian jihad for control of America and the entire world. Millions of Americans are under the spell of an extraordinarily dangerous mass psychosis.

    Pardon me, but religious tolerance be damned. Somebody had to say it.

    Joe Bageant is a senior editor at the Primedia History Group and writes from Winchester, Virginia. He may be contacted at <<http://www.bageantjb@netscape.net>www.bageantjb@netscape.net.
    JAXXE --- ---
    The Warlords of America

    by John Pilger

    US House of Representatives passed a resolution which, in effect, authorised a "pre-emptive" attack on Iran. The vote was 376-3. Undeterred by the accelerating disaster in Iraq, Republicans and Democrats, wrote one commentator, "once again joined hands to assert the responsibilities of American power."The joining of hands across America's illusory political divide has a long history.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Wave your RFID credit card to get a burger

    But don't wave it too much

    By Adamson Rust: Wednesday 18 August 2004, 14:30

    BURGER OUTLET McDonald's said it will accept payment for its meaty products later this year using radio frequency tech implemented on Mastercards.

    It will trial the method at some of its fast food joints in the US - in particular in Dallas and the Big Apple - using Mastercard Paypass.

    This will let you, according to McDonald's, "wave" your card near a till that uses RF chips to complete payments.


    JAXXE --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Washington, D.C., Not Baghdad, Threatening Our Liberties

    By Chuck Baldwin

    Food For Thought From The Chuck Wagon
    August 20, 2004

    Not since the Bolshevik revolution in Russia and the Nazi takeover in Germany has a western nation seen the kind of collapse of individual freedom that the United States of America is currently seeing. Under President George W. Bush, the constitutional protections of our liberties are speedily vanishing. News reports of the demise of our freedoms are so common it is difficult to keep up with all of them.

    For example, the August 16 edition of Newsweek reports, "Rep. Porter Goss, President Bush's nominee to head the CIA, recently introduced legislation that would give the president new authority to direct CIA agents to conduct law-enforcement operations inside the United States - including arresting American citizens.

    "The legislation, introduced by Goss on June 16 and touted as an 'intelligence reform' bill, would substantially restructure the U.S. intelligence community by giving the director of the Central Intelligence (DCI) broad new powers to oversee its various components scattered throughout the government."

    Another report of America's dissolving liberties was published by World Net Daily on June 21, 2004. It said, "President Bush plans to unveil next month a sweeping mental health initiative that recommends screening for every citizen and promotes the use of expensive antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs favored by supporters of the administration."

    Can anyone imagine anything more Orwellian than allowing the federal government to be given the power to "screen" every American citizen? This is right out of Huxley's "Brave New World."

    Another disturbing report comes from The New American. It told how the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the "right" of President Bush to suspend habeas corpus protections of U.S. citizens. The vote was 8-1 with only Justice Antonin Scalia dissenting.


    All Americans need to remember that it doesn't matter one iota whether it is a fascist-leaning conservative or a socialist-leaning liberal who attempts to steal our God-given liberties: each is equally a tyrant and should be vigorously opposed by liberty- loving people everywhere! Well did Benjamin Franklin say, "Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God."

    The American people also need to realize that we are in a fight to preserve our liberties and that the major source of this attack against our freedoms is coming, not from Baghdad, but from Washington, D.C.

    Therefore, be they Democrats or Republicans, men or women, whites or blacks, conservatives or liberals, Christians or pagans, all who attempt to use their political or judicial offices to trample our constitutionally protected liberties must be met with unyielding resistance!

    © Chuck Baldwin

    JAXXE --- ---
    National ID seen in 9/11 panel plan

    Washington Times | August 22 2004

    The September 11 commission's recommendation for federal standards of identification documents such as driver's licenses and birth certificates is tantamount to the introduction of a national ID card system "through the back door," some lawmakers believe.

    The commission stopped short of actually recommending the introduction of national ID cards but did say that the fight against terrorism required greater consistency and security of state-issued identification documents.

    "There needs to be consistent standards to ensure the integrity of both the document and the issuance process," said commission member Jamie S. Gorelick, a former Clinton administration Justice Department official.

    The commission also recommended a radical transformation of the way government data are stored, to facilitate the free flow of information among federal agencies and between them and state and local governments.


    JAXXE --- ---
    De Facto Dictatorship USA
    By Leon Fisher
    Unknown News

    Powerful interests from within and without have collectively, and over time, by means of bribery, intimidation, blackmail, and assassination, usurped the Constitutionally-mandated government of the United States.

    We are now living in a de facto dictatorship.

    In the White House, we have an unelected idiot with name recognition only, useful only for those who installed him there and very little else.

    In order to remain in control of the government in Washington, and to perpetuate the power of the Oligarchs, only candidates acceptable to the Oligarchs will be tolerated.
    These candidates already exist, commonly called "career politicians" or "Washington insiders," etc., and any other candidates, any candidates espousing opinions and policies contrary to that of the Oligarchs, never make it past the primaries.

    Both Houses of Congress are little more than a rubber stamp, with voting records proving a willingness to support legislation favorable to the ruling elite, contrary to the good of the people. As for the Supreme Court, its part in the criminal theft of the 2000 presidential election, helping precipitate the events of September 11, 2001, will live forever in infamy.

    Among the many special interest groups and powerful lobbies whose wealth and influence have stolen the voice of the people, there exists an entity without conscience or loyalty, whose greed is insatiable, capable of any act which will advance its agenda. I will refer to this entity henceforth as the Oligarchs.

    The dictionary defines the word 'oligarch' as a member a small exclusive class in which the supreme power of government has been placed in their hands. Although power is firmly in the hands of the Oligarchs, they remain anonymous, a shadow government.

    To create the perception of normalcy for the average citizen, and to keep the more petty and mundane duties of government going, career politicians are used. But matters of real importance are decided in advance and in private by members of the Oligarchy, and only later are a powerless President and Congress allowed to engage in empty debate, and to cast a useless vote or a veto, all for the benefit of the citizenry to further the illusion of legitimacy.

    Elections, an important aspect of a democracy and an indispensable exercise of a free people, are allowed to continue, but this of course has become just another illusion to keep the general public ignorant and manageable.

    In order to remain in control of the government in Washington, and to perpetuate the power of the Oligarchs, only candidates acceptable to the Oligarchs will be tolerated. These candidates already exist, commonly called "career politicians" or "Washington insiders," etc., and any other candidates, any candidates espousing opinions and policies contrary to that of the Oligarchs, never make it past the Primaries.

    Critisized or ignored by the mainstream media and rejected by their respective political parties, not even a candidate with popular grassroots support stands a chance. We have seen this happen many times in the recent past.

    The Oligarchs have our candidates chosen for us, and there is nothing we can do about it.

    Voting therefore has become irrelevant.

    The freedom born in 1776 is no more.

    JAXXE --- ---

    The Quantum Sleeper Unit is a high-level security system designed for maximum protection in various hostile environments

    Quantum Sleepers can also be fitted to provide protection from destructive forces of nature such as tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes and floods.

    The Quantum Sleeper is the ultimate in protection, entertainment and communications, “ ALL ROLLED UP IN ONE”.

    With this unit you don't have to run to a "Safe Room", you're already in it.
    The Quantuum Sleeper comes with options for:
    - CD player,
    - DVD Screen with PC hookup,
    - Microwave and Refrigerator
    The Quantum Sleeper comes with options for Cellular Phones, CB and Short-wave Radios

    GORG --- ---

    The term "psycho-terrorism" was coined by Russian writer N. Anisimov of the Moscow Anti-Psychotronic Center. According to Anisimov, psychotronic weapons are those that act to "take away a part of the information which is stored in a man's brain. It is sent to a computer, which reworks it to the level needed for those who need to control the man, and the modified information is then reinserted into the brain." These weapons are used against the mind to induce hallucinations, sickness, mutations in human cells, "zombification," or even death. Included in the arsenal are VHF generators, X-rays, ultrasound, and radio waves. Russian army Major I. Chernishev, writing in the military journal Orienteer in February 1997, asserted that "psy" weapons are under development all over the globe. Specific types of weapons noted by Chernishev (not all of which have prototypes) were:

    * A psychotronic generator, which produces a powerful electromagnetic emanation capable of being sent through telephone lines, TV, radio networks, supply pipes, and incandescent lamps.
    * An autonomous generator, a device that operates in the 10-150 Hertz band, which at the 10-20 Hertz band forms an infrasonic oscillation that is destructive to all living creatures.
    * A nervous system generator, designed to paralyze the central nervous systems of insects, which could have the same applicability to humans.
    * Ultrasound emanations, which one institute claims to have developed. Devices using ultrasound emanations are supposedly capable of carrying out bloodless internal operations without leaving a mark on the skin. They can also, according to Chernishev, be used to kill.
    * Noiseless cassettes. Chernishev claims that the Japanese have developed the ability to place infra-low frequency voice patterns over music, patterns that are detected by the subconscious. Russians claim to be using similar "bombardments" with computer programming to treat alcoholism or smoking.
    * The 25th-frame effect, alluded to above, a technique wherein each 25th frame of a movie reel or film footage contains a message that is picked up by the subconscious. This technique, if it works, could possibly be used to curb smoking and alcoholism, but it has wider, more sinister applications if used on a TV audience or a computer operator.
    * Psychotropics, defined as medical preparations used to induce a trance, euphoria, or depression. Referred to as "slow-acting mines," they could be slipped into the food of a politician or into the water supply of an entire city. Symptoms include headaches, noises, voices or commands in the brain, dizziness, pain in the abdominal cavities, cardiac arrhythmia, or even the destruction of the cardiovascular system.
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