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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Protesters Allege 9/11 Terror Attacks Were Government Conspiracy

    By Marc Morano
    CNSNews.com Senior Staff Writer
    September 03, 2004

    New York (CNSNews.com) - On the final day of the Republican National Convention, protesters gathered where the World Trade Center once stood to allege a massive government conspiracy and cover-up regarding the terror attacks of September 11, 2001.

    The protest, which was part of the official "counter convention calendar" of events, alleged that the U.S. government needed an excuse to seize power in America, and it either allowed the terror attacks to happen or was actively involved in them.

    The afternoon event, sponsored by 911truth.org, was called "Vigil For Truth at Ground Zero."

    "[9/11] was an inside job, a fraud, a scam, equivalent of the [burning] of the Reichstag that led to a reign of terror across Nazi Europe. And it seems like that's what is happening now," protestor David Hylander told CNSNews.com.

    The burning of the Reichstag, Germany's parliament building, in 1931 gave Adolph Hitler the opportunity to consolidate his power and suppress civil liberties.

    Hylander, from Vermont, carried a sign that featured a photo likeness of President George W. Bush as Osama bin Laden. The sign read, "Wanted for terror, murder: Osama 'Bush' Laden."

    The government has served as "the conspirators in this in order to unleash a reign of terror on the planet," Hylander said.

    "We have seen stolen elections, the abrogation of international treaties, the escalation of the destruction of the planet" since 9/11, he added.

    Hylander sees the "hundreds of billions of military industrial contracts" as the means "to control the world."

    "It's just unbelievable that the people are so bought off by the corporate mass media that they're not rising up. Where is the outrage?" he asked.

    "Only truth will set us free," agreed protestor Bob Lamming, an unemployed former teacher from New Jersey.

    Lamming said that the "evidence points very strongly" to the U.S. government either allowing the terror attacks or actively participating in them.

    "It's just unbelievable to me that four airplanes could be hijacked and fly around the Eastern U.S. for two hours without evoking any kind of a military response," Lamming said.

    Lamming believes that the government needed another Pearl Harbor-like attack to "prepare for war."

    The result of the government's actions since 9/11 include "sacking our national wealth, dismantling our middle class, laying waste to our environment," according to Lamming.

    "These people are destroying our country. We need to open peoples' minds up a little bit," he added.

    Lamming said that "50 percent of people in New York City don't believe" the official version of events surrounding 9/11.

    Andrea Psoras, another protester at the World Trade Center site, said she was near Ground Zero on September 11 when the towers crashed down. Psoras believes that explosives aided the collapse of at least one of the towers.

    "I knew I heard explosives," Psoras told CNSNews.com.

    "The towers deteriorated symmetrically," she added in an effort to bolster her claim that explosives brought the building down.

    Psoras also singled out the "military industrial complex" and the GOP as the primary forces behind the terror attacks. "The Republicans have a propensity to do whatever they can get away with," she said.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Čečenští separatisté říkají – nebyli jsme to my, je tady někdo třetí


    Překvapivé prohlášení Ahmeda Zakajeva, zvláštního vyslance u čečenských separatistů, se objevilo v interview pro Caucasus Times.

    Čečenské hnutí odporu, vedené Aslanem Maskhadovem, není původcem žádného z posledních teroristických útoků v Rusku.

    Zakajev říká, že táž moc, která původně umožnila Putinovi vládnout, je za poslední útoky nyní zodpovědná.

    K útokům se přihlásila nová militantní muslimská skupina Islambouli Brigades, o které nikdo dříve neslyšel.

    Zdroj: http://www.mosnews.com/news/2004/09/02/zakayev.shtml
    JAXXE --- ---
    ¨Pentagon official hints of pre-emptive war on new targets

    Sept 5, 2004 08:03:00 PM


    New York, Sept 5 (PTI) A leading Pentagon official has hinted that the doctrine of pre-emptive war could soon apply to potential new targets, a media report said.
    During a private conference call with Capitol Hill aides from both parties on August 19, Senior Pentagon policy official William Luti said there are at least five or six foreign countries with traits that "no responsible leader can allow," Time quoted sources as saying.

    An outspoken proponent of the Iraq war, Luti had declared at an October 2002 conference that the US has "the right to ... hold accountable nations that harbour terrorists," Time said.

    Some democrats on Capitol Hill, Time said, claim that they are worried a second Bush Administration may prove more militarily aggressive than the first.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Russian School Siege Bears Hallmarks of Potential Staged Psy-Op

    Paul Joseph Watson | September 5 2004

    The murky events of the school siege in which hundreds of children were killed are raising disturbing questions as to which entities were actually behind the co-ordination of the attack. Subsequent developments will bring a clearer picture but many indicators point to this event being a staged psy-op.

    Most prominent terror incidents over the past twenty years have been state sponsored. That is not to say that the incident in North Ossetia hasn't been a harrowing experience for the victims involved. For them, the events were all too real.

    The wave of terror began when two Tupolev passenger airliners crashed within minutes of each other on the night of August 26th.

    The election of the Chechen president which took place two days later saw the Kremlin's choice overwhelmingly win with a landslide. The London Guardian called it a 'farcical election'.

    The Russians were the only ones to benefit from the plane crashes.

    The independent Russian media, what's left of it after years of brutal crackdown, are saying that the planes were not hijacked and bombed by terrorists on board, but that the Russian air defenses purposefully shot down the airliners to then blame the Chechens. The fact that the aircraft wreckage was strewn across a large area supports the shoot down theory more so than the contention that a small shoe bomb was detonated on board.

    The past track record of the FSB, the former KGB also lends credence to this contention.

    There is a sub-section on Prison Planet.com within the 9/11 archive which details how the apartment bombings of the late 90’s which were blamed on the Chechens, were actually carried out by the Russian FSB. A particular example was in a place called Ryazan, where people witnessed FSB agents planting hexogen explosives, the same explosives we’re told were used to bring this plane down. The first call the 'terrorists' placed was traced to the highest office of the FSB and they were allowed to leave the country.

    Whether these planes were taken down by missiles or hexogen explosives, the culprits are still unknown and I firmly believe that we’ll see yet more evidence emerge that this was a staged action, albeit sloppily carried out, as was the March train bombing in Madrid, Spain.

    Furthermore, we're now told now that the black boxes were found and that they indicate the pilots tried to save the plane after the explosion had taken place. But initially they said the black boxes hadn’t recorded anything, but now suddenly, after they had blamed the Chechens, they miraculously fix themselves.

    In the case of the school siege, one would expect the terrorists' identity to be clear and their demands clearly understood. In this instance, the opposite is the case as a result of a conscious effort by the Russian government to cover-up the true identity and motive of the terrorists.

    Any real terrorist organization would claim responsibility for an event almost immediately. Chechen separatist leaders have stated that the Chechens had nothing to do with the plane crashes or the school siege.

    The Russian government took the action of blocking all telephone communications in Beslan, supposedly to prevent the terrorists from communicating with outside organizers who were not at the scene of the events. However, if the terrorists had planned to do this, wouldn't they just use radio communications or satellite phones?

    The videotape that the hostage-takers gave to the Russian authorities was blank. Why would a tape supposedly containing the demands of the terrorists be blank unless it was deliberately erased by the Russians?

    Akhmed Zakayev, a special envoy to Chechen separatist leader Aslan Maskhadov, told the Caucasus Times newspaper, "a third force that brought Russian President Vladimir Putin to power” is behind all the terrorist attacks committed in Russia over the past two weeks.

    For weeks myself and Alex Jones stated many times on Alex's radio show that we would probably see a major terrorist incident abroad during the Republican National Convention.

    In a sick twist of fate, Bush re-election campaign commericials have been running for weeks where Bush makes reference of a mother being forced to choose between which child she wants to pick up from school in the event of a terrorist attack.

    Similar stories have been carried by US news networks related to the school siege in Russia.

    Was this merely a coincidence or a carefully crafted brainwashing technique. If it is deliberate then Bush and the people who control him had advanced knowledge of the school siege.

    Click here to watch the Bush commercial.

    There are several other contradictions to the story that haven't been resolved. Exactly how many of the terrorists escaped and where are they now?

    Were FSB agents involved in gunning down any of the victims when the building was stormed?

    We will continue to track the fallout of this story as more develops.


    Russian TV Shows Siege Patsy; Man Denies Shooting

    Reuters | September 5 2004

    Related: Russian School Siege Bears Hallmarks of Potential Staged Psy-Op

    MOSCOW, Sept 5 (Reuters) - Russian television showed footage on Sunday of an unshaven and heavily guarded man, described by a top prosecutor as a member of a Chechen rebel group which held more than 1,000 people hostage in a school last week.

    At least 338 children and adults were killed during the 53-hour hostage crisis in the southern town of Beslan and the bloody shootout between the rebels and Russian troops that ended it on Friday.

    Russian officials initially said the 32-member group included Chechen separatists and 10 Arab fighters and that three of the hostage-takers had been captured alive. But later they said all the hostage-takers were killed and that three suspected accomplices had been detained. State-controlled First Channel television showed the man being escorted in handcuffs into a room by masked commandos.

    "This man directly took part in the attack, he is a member of the gang," said Deputy Prosecutor General Sergei Fridinsky. "Tomorrow the court will sanction his arrest and he will be charged."

    The man, dressed in dirty black shirt, looked and spoke very much like a native of one of Russia's North Caucasus regions, which include Chechnya and neighbouring North Ossetia, where the hostage crisis occurred.

    "I did not shoot. I swear by Allah I did not shoot," said the man, who looked scared. "I swear by Allah I want to live."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Bush by numbers: Four years of double standards

    JAXXE --- ---
    Relinked in light of the Zogby poll showing that half of those polled now think the US Government knew the attaclks were coming and "Consciously Failed" To Act



    BBC - American government told other governments about Afghan invasion IN JULY!

    JAXXE --- ---
    The Trail of Disinformation Let's start with a simple fact. The United States invaded and conquered Iraq on the basis of lies. Even the official report of the United States Senate admits as much.

    So, where did all this bad information come from? While the culprits would like to pin the blame on the Central Intelligence Agency, the facts point in a different direction. To cite just one example, the now-discredited claim that Saddam was trying to buy "Yellow Cake" Uranium from Niger came from the Pentagon, specifically from Paul Wolfowitz, using information the CIA stated was unreliable. Wolfowitz, and his assistant Douglas Feith, set up a special office called the "Office of Special Plans" in 2001, that fed information to the White House to urge the attack on Iraq. Shortly after the invasion, the OSP was disbanded.

    So, the trail of the lies that started a war goes from the White House, to the Pentagon, to the Office of Special Plans. But where was the OSP getting their information? Clearly, they were not using information provided by the CIA, or the CIA would not have denounced their cources as "unreliable". According to some reports, the OSP was using "consultants" who came from outside the Pentagon and operated with no oversight or accountability! The Office of Special Plans operated on its own, off the official payroll and away from Congressional oversight. According to several sources, it was the information given out by the Office of Special Plans that Dick Cheney "encouraged" the CIA to adopt! So where does the trail lead from the OSP?

    As it turns out, the OSP was getting their information from primarily two sources. The first was Ahmed Chalabi, the bank embezzler who would be king and didn't care how it came about. The second, and more damning source, is the office of the Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon! As the Office of Special Plans poured out the lies that led to war, Israeli officers, up to the rank of General, were repeatedly escorted inside the Pentagon to the Office of Special Plans. At no time were they required to sign in!

    Douglas Feith would then take this information, despite CIA doubts about the credibility of the claims, into private briefings at the White House that bypassed CIA. In some cases, the CIA was unaware of Feith's private briefings until the OSP information became part of White House public policy.

    So, this is the trail of the lies that started a war, beginning at the White House, and via Dick Cheney moving upstream to the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans, under Wolfowitz and Feith, then from OSP to an parallel group operating out of Ariel Sharon's office in Israel.

    That's the trail.

    UPDATE: As of this writing, a staffer within the Office of Special Plans has been outed as a spy for Israel. While Israel officially denies spying (as it did for 13 years following the arrest of Jonathan Pollard), and the US Government downplays the importance of this individual, the fact remains that this Israeli spy sat right on the information piepline feeding false claims about Iraq into the White House. The focus on the Iranian documents going TO Israel is the limited hangout concealing the darker secret of bogus Iraqi "Intelligence" flowing FROM Israel into the White House war machine.


    After 13 years, Israel admitted that Jonathan Pollard had indeed spied for Israel. Israel, far from being the harmless friend AIPAC likes you to think Israel is, the Israeli government took the nuclear secrets stolen by Pollard (technology paid for with trillions of your tax dollars in research) and gave them to the USSR! Pollard gave Israel top-secret U.S. military intelligence and diplomatic codes; names of nearly 100 U.S. agents in the Mideast, who were then "turned" by Israel; NSA code-breaking techniques and targets; intercepts of foreign communications; and U.S. war-fighting plans for the Mideast. So do not be fooled by the "It's okay for Israel to spy on us" line that AIPAC is handing out. There is no such thing as a friendly spy. If they are friends, they do not need to spy. If they spy, they are not friends.

    PETVAL --- ---
    prima sousedi ;)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Derek Kjar is not the president's biggest fan.
    But the 19-year-old Salt Lake County man says he does not intend to harm President Bush with anything more than a vote for John Kerry come November.
    Just to be sure, though, agents from the Secret Service recently paid Kjar a visit, telling him that his neighbors had alerted them to a potentially threatening bumper sticker on his car.
    The sticker, which can be found on a number of Web sites, features a black-and-white likeness of Bush, a crown tilted slightly on his head. Under the image are the words "KING GEORGE - OFF WITH HIS HEAD."

    MARSHUS --- ---
    Byla válka v Kosovu také založena na podvodných tvrzeních?
    Během období pěti let podvedli vedoucí politikové své obyvatelstvo dvakrát a dvakrát je zatáhli do války
    Kde jsou ty mrtvoly? Před útokem na Kosovo v roce 1999 tvrdil Západ, že tam při etnickém očišťování nechal srbský předák Slobodan Miloševič vyvraždil 100 000 - 200 000 osob - že se pohřešují, anebo byli pohřbeni v masových hrobech. Členové kanadského forenzního týmu, kteří zkoumali situaci v Kosovu, veřejně konstatovali, že je toto tvrzení nesmysl. Ani na albánské ani na srbské straně nejsou žádné hromadné hroby. Celkem zahynulo jen několik tisíc osob. Počty byly zkresleny, aby se ospravedlnila válka.

    Poukazuje na to komentátor kanadského deníku The Globe and Mail. Jeho komentátor Lawrence Martin nemá iluze o Miloševičovi, který tento týden znovu stanul před soudem v Haagu. Avšak to nemůže být ospravedlněním válečného útoku na nějakou zemi jen tak bez důvodu. Historie útoku na Kosovo má všechny charakteristické rysy útoku na Irák. Spojené státy (tentokrát to byli Demokraté) a Británie (zase Tony Blair!) démonizují nepřítele podvodnými obviněními. Hrají na naivní média, včetně kanadských, jako by to byly housle.

    Nejnovější osobou, která odhalila falešnost údajů o genocidě v Jugoslávii, je Brian Honeybourn, detektiv - odborník na vraždy z Vancouveru, nyní v důchodu. Svědčil tento týden v listě The Ottawa Citizen, že jeho devítičlenná skupina nalezla většinou jen hroby, v nichž byli pohřbeni jednotliví lidé, s dvěma výjimkami: v jednom hrobě bylo 20 mrtvol a v druhém 11. Honeybourn se diví, jak je možné, že soud v Haagu, obviňující Miloševiče z genocidy, může ještě stále pokračovat. "Zdá se, že Haag začíná panikařit."

    S forenzním týmem cestoval do Kosovat Garth Pritchard, kanadský filmař. "K tomuto masakru nikdy nedošlo." Pritchard se připojil k ostré kritice od šéfa forenzního týmu, Briana Strongmana, zaměřené proti kanadské právničce Louse Arbourové, mimořádné prokurátorce, která Miloševiče obžalovala. Arbourová, která nyní zastává funkci vysoké komisařky OSN pro lidskáý práva, byla zneužita jako pěšák válkychtivým Washingtonem a Londýnem, zdůraznili. "Stál jsem tam, když forenzní týmy sdělovali Louise Arbourové, že žádných 200 000 mrtvol neexistuje, ale ona to nechtěla slyšet," řekl Pritchard listu The Citizen.

    Hned poté byla Arbourová odměněna hvězdnou kariérou. Byla jmenována k Nejvyššímu soudu Kanady a pak do OSN.

    Zjištění - přesně řečeno - nezjištění ničeho - které zaznamenal kanadský forenzní tým je v souladu se zjištěními ostatních týmů expertů, kteří od ukončení války navštivily Jugoslávii. Už v době tohoto konfliktu protestoval James Bissett, bývalý kanadský velvyslanec v Jugoslávii, i Lewis MacKenzie, generálmajor s množstvím zkušeností z balkánského bojiště, ale oni i některé jiné hlasy v médiích byly přehlušeny válečným bubnovánbím. Americký ministr obrany William Cohen tvrdil, že se pohřešuje až 100 000 Kosovců. Tony Blair si předehrával své chování za irácké války a křičel: "Hrůza nad hrůzu!" Prezident Bill Clinton chtěl odvrátit pozornost od svých domácích problémů, od Moniky Lewinské atd., a tak chtěl invazi NATO do Kosova.

    Jestliže říkají forenzní týmy pravdu, chybějící mrtví v Kosovu jsou skandálem, který je srovnatelný s chybějícími zbraněmi hromadného ničení v Iráku. Během období pěti let podvedli vedoucí politikové své obyvatelstvo dvakrát a dvakrát je zatáhli do války, konstatuje komentátor.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Big Brother says: Buy this!

    New technology tracks consumer movement, flashes messages and calls out to passersby.

    September 1, 2004: 6:46 PM EDT
    By Krysten Crawford, CNN/Money staff writer

    NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - In Minority Report, a chip implanted inside Tom Cruise's character flashes personalized ads -- a startling reminder that advertisers dream of the day when they can get inside consumers' heads.

    Well, Big Brother is about to move one step closer to making Hollywood fantasy a reality.

    Meet the Human Locator. It's a new technology developed by Canadian ad agency Freeset Interactive that purports to detect when humans are near, track their movement, and then broadcast messages directed at them on a nearby screen.

    To hear Human Locator mastermind and Freeset President Bastien Beauchamp tell it, the system can even speak to passersby, beckoning them to come closer to a message screen or begging them not to leave.

    The Human Locator is essentially a camera and computer that collects data on the number of people walking within a certain target area, the direction they're headed, and their speed.

    Imagine, for instance, walking down the street and passing by a blank wall. Suddenly the image of a car appears. As you pass by, the image shifts as you move. A voice greets you with "hello!" As you start to move away, it says "don't go," as it launches into the latest

    Conspiracy theorists can relax, however. The Human Locator can't yet identify, say, obese pedestrians and then bombard them with images of a cheeseburger and fries.

    "Maybe in five or 10 years,"
    said Beauchamp, noting that engineers are now working on the ability to detect moods from facial expressions.

    1984 or a Brave, New World ?

    "This opens up a whole new era of what [advertisers] can do," said Beauchamp, an advertising industry veteran who estimated that he spent two years and about half a million dollars of his own money working with a team of 10 who finished building the Human Locator this summer.


    Comment: The snidey comment about conspiracy theorists being wrong about this system being able to pinpoint target markets is total BS. The technology has already been developed where highway bilboards can change according to what station a driver is listening to: http://www.prisonplanet.com/big_ad_brother_tunes_in_on_drivers.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    Al-Qathafi predicts collapse of US system of government

    Libya-USA, Politics, 9/1/2004

    Libya's Leader of the Revolution, Muammar Al-Qathafi "called on America, which has a great power, economically and militarily to become a Jamahiriya and to vest authority in the American people, by adopting the Peoples' Congresses and Peoples' Committees, terminate elections and parties, the old distraction, in order to have something it could offer to the world. In that case it may find its way, because the world is very much influenced by America and American propaganda, and sometimes may even by subjugated by force to America, he stressed," the official news agency JANA reported yesterday

    it added "In his address to the Libyan peoples' activists in Serte yesterday, he said if America were a Jamahiriya, an example of the new world order. One based on the peoples authority, government of all people, self-run, distribution of nations wealth to all citizens, through People's Congresses and Peoples' Committees, abolish the American army and be replaced by American armed people, who only defend America, and abolish American police to be replaced by peoples' security, in this case the world will benefit, because in such a case America will have a new paradigm to present to the world, and if it wanted to impose it, it is doing something new and useful."

    The report added "The Leader regretted that with such might America now has no model to offer to the world, because it is not a Jamahiriya, for parties are very old instruments, the traditional army is a very old war instrument, parliaments are very old tools which do not express the masses."

    It added "The Leader called on American academics intellectuals, and University scholars, to adopt the Third Universal Theory, because intellectuals, and university scholars in America, once they adopted the theory, and studied the Green Book, they will realize it is the guide to the masses of this era."

    It added "If America wanted to approach the world through fleets, NATO, exploitative companies, or missiles it will not be accepted by the world, that is why America is rejected and hated by the world today."

    It added " He said we offered the Green Book to the world at the time the world was too proud, when the Green Book predicted that the Soviet Union would collapse, the Soviets used to laugh at the Green Book, because then they were the mightiest state on earth, but the Soviet Union collapsed, and others will follow suit. The Leader stressed that capitalism, imperialism, parliament system, repression and exploitation will all collapse, to be replaced by the Jamahiriya and peoples socialism."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Chechen rebels deny links to hostage drama and bombing

    02 September 2004

    MOSCOW: Chechen separatists denied involvement in a school hostage drama in southern Russia today or a bomb attack in Moscow the previous day.

    But Akhmed Zakayev, Britain-based envoy of rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov, could not rule out the possibility Chechens could have been driven to such an act out of "despair" over Russian policy in their region.

    At least nine people were killed and more than 50 injured yesterday when a suicide bomber set off an explosion in busy central Moscow.

    Last night an armed gang attacked a school in the province of North Ossetia near Chechnya and took up to 400 children and parents hostage.

    "No such actions have been sanctioned or agreed to in any way," Zakayev said from London.

    Chechen rebels, battling for a decade against Russian rule, are widely thought to have been behind a series of deadly attacks in Russia in the past few weeks.

    "If it does turn out that they are Chechens and they make demands connected to the situation in Chechnya, then responsibility lies doubly with the authorities," Zakayev said.

    "As long as there is no prospect for peaceful resolution, there are a great many people in Chechnya who may be driven by despair to such acts," he said.

    The rebel website, which represents more radical separatist groups, including one headed by Russia's most wanted rebel Shamil Basayev, also denied involvement and blamed the attacks on Moscow's tough policy in Chechnya.

    "There is no excuse for these inhumane actions, as there is no excuse for 42,000 Chechen schoolchildren killed by the Russian military under orders from the Kremlin and personally (Russian President Vladimir) Putin," said a statement posted on the site.

    MARSHUS --- ---
    15:54 - Margaret Thatcherová údajně zaslala peníze na kauci pro syna, který byl zadržen v Jihoafrické republice, napsal The Times. Thatcher byl obviněn z účasti na přípravách převratu v Rovníkové Guineji.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Who's Watching the Watchers?

    Believe it or not, there are standards in journalism. Visiting the places below may open your eyes to what you're not getting from your media— and maybe get you to do something about it.

    JAXXE --- ---
    US hopes to establish "friendly militias" for the world's "ungoverned areas"

    Wolfowitz calls for "tightening control" over the internet


    JAXXE --- ---
    All Seeing Eyes At WTC Train Station


    Professional Newsday photographer Moises Saman arrested for "not moving when told"


    Arrest in Times Sq. Photos


    New York: Reports of Widespread Police Abuse Filter In

    JAXXE --- ---
    On the eve of a Republican National Convention invoking 9/11 symbols, sound bytes and imagery, half (49.3%) of New York City residents and 41% of New York citizens overall say that some of our leaders "knew in advance that attacks were planned on or around September 11, 2001, and that they consciously failed to act," according to the poll conducted by Zogby International.

    Less than two in five (36%) believe that the 9/11 Commission had "answered all the important questions about what actually happened on September 11th," and two in three (66%) New Yorkers (and 56.2% overall) called for another full investigation of the "still unanswered questions" by Congress or Elliot Spitzer, New York's Attorney General.

    Nicholas Levis of NY911truth.org, an advisor on the poll, agrees, "The 9/11 Commission gave us a plenty of 'recommendations', but far more plentiful were the discrepancies, gaps and omissions in their supposedly 'final' report. How can proposals based on such deficient findings ever make us safe? We think these poll numbers are basically saying, 'Wait just a minute. What about the scores of still outstanding questions? What about the unexplained collapses of WTC 7, our air defenses, official accountability, the chain of command on 9/11, the anthrax, insider trading & FBI field probes? There's so much more to this story that we need to know about.' When such a huge majority of New Yorkers want a new investigation, it will be interesting to see how quickly Attorney General Spitzer and our legislators respond."

    BEEJBI --- ---
    ad PHOTOS FROM NYC PROTEST : jakto ze ich vsetkych neuzavreli do nejakej free speech zone? no to je teda nedoslednost :) kerry si to tak zariadil ked mal svoju seslost...
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam