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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Second journalist 'drugged' by Russians

    London Guardian | September 10 2004

    A Georgian journalist detained by Russian authorities after reporting on the Beslan school massacre was drugged, according to medical experts, raising fresh concerns about press freedom in Russia.

    She is the second journalist to claim she was poisoned while trying to cover the school siege in North Ossetia - earlier this week Anna Politkovskaya, one of President Vladimir Putin's most outspoken critics, said she had been drugged on a flight to a nearby airport.

    Nana Lezhava of the independent Georgian broadcaster Rustavi-2 said she had slept for 24 hours while in the custody of the Russian authorities after being given coffee in her cell, and felt ill when she woke up.

    Gela Lezhava of the Georgian drug research institute told reporters that urine samples taken from Lezhava after her release this week showed traces of tranquilisers, and that he suspected the journalist was drugged.

    PETVAL --- ---
    takze az budou deti indoktrinovany, nepusti k nim ani rodice...
    JAXXE --- ---
    Ruské školy zavádějí ochranky, "bezpečnostní" tlačítka a průkazy

    MOSKVA - Hlavní dveře na zámek a za dalšími přísná dozorkyně. "Co chcete? Váš průkaz," říká přísně. V chodbě za vstupními dveřmi visí na stěnách velké plakáty s obrázky a instrukcemi, jak se chovat v případě požáru, přepadení nebo výbuchu.

    To není obrázek z nápravného zařízení nebo vojenského učiliště, ale z jedné ze základních škol v centru Moskvy. Ředitelka 128. moskevské školy Marina Amasejevová přesně ví, jak zajistit bezpečnost školáků i školní budovy.

    "Naše škola se nachází v centru Moskvy a všechny předchozí roky jsme se obešli bez ochranky. Veškerý náš technický personál, uklízečky i šatnářky znají podle tváře všechny naše děti i jejich rodiče. Proto jsme ochranku ještě donedávna nepotřebovali," řekla ředitelka.

    Hlavní vchod školy prý vždycky zamykali, před rokem zavedli bezpečnostní průkazy pro školáky i učitele. Po nedávných událostech v severoosetském Beslanu, kde přepadové komando zajalo ve škole více než tisíc lidí, se na bezpečnostní situaci školního ústavu dívá jinak.


    V Rusku se uvažuje i o zavedení nové školní funkce - zástupce ředitele pro bezpečnost. Těmi by se mohli stát pouze muži, kteří mají praxi u policie nebo v armádě. Proti nové funkci ale reptají rodiče, protože tuší, že by je stála další peníze.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Hijack Leader's Father Blames Israel for 9/11 Attacks


    The father of September 11 hijack leader Mohammed Atta has insisted his son did not carry out the 2001 attacks, blaming a “Jewish conspiracy” for the outrage.

    Retired lawyer Mohammed al-Amir Atta says the attacks were carried out by the Israeli intelligence service, not Islamic extremists including his son.

    Atta senior, speaking to The Associated Press in Cairo, Egypt, said the United States deserved the devastating result because of its anti-Arab policies.

    But Atta is unwilling to answer direct questions about his son, as became apparent when he was asked about a large photograph on his living room wall showing his son relaxed, unlike the sombre passport photo broadcast around the world after September 11.

    “Sons are dear,” was all he would say.

    Atta no longer claims his son is still alive, even though he once said his son had called him the day after the attack from an undisclosed destination.

    The younger Mohammed Atta was named in FBI and congressional reports as the suicide pilot of the first plane to crash into the World Trade Centre in New York and the leader of the 19 Arabs who carried out the September 11 attacks.

    In a videotape months after the attacks, al Qaida chief Osama bin Laden himself described the 33-year-old Atta as being “in charge of the group” that struck America.



    The video tape mentioned in this article was later exposed as a fraud: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/osamatape.html
    JAXXE --- ---
    9/11 Commission Wants "No-Fly" List Expanded to Trains, Ships

    JAXXE --- ---
    Rome - The chair of the Italian parliamentary committee overseeing the secret service, Enzo Bianco, warned in remarks published on Thursday that the country faced "an immediate and concrete threat" of terrorist attack within two weeks.

    The daily Repubblica quoted him as saying "the next two weeks are going to be very difficult".

    He refused to elaborate, but said "if I did not have the details, I would not say anything".

    Bianco dismissed suggestions that he was "crying wolf", and noted that he had been "the first to criticise the government" when it issued warnings before Christmas of an imminent terrorist attack which never materialised.

    JAXXE --- ---

    If you abuse alcohol and endanger others, you might find Big Brother not only breathing down your neck but wrapped snugly around your ankle.

    In criminal justice terms, the Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor, or SCRAM ankle bracelet, is about saving lives, meting out punishment to drunken drivers, and helping alcoholics fight their addictions, according to its designers.


    In Tiffin and Oregon, offenders so far have picked up the cost of the monitoring equipment - about $12 a day. But in Toledo, more offenders might be indigent, placing judges in a tough situation: Will only those who can afford it be assigned the device rather than a jail sentence?

    "Does that mean people can buy away time?" Judge Zmuda said.

    Judge Repp in Tiffin and Judge Petroff in Oregon said the cost will drop as the devices are used more frequently, and legislative changes may allow some court funds to subsidize their use for poorer offenders.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Here are photos from NY of the sound weapon in place and pointed at protesters. One time, the sound weapons was turned on to a low hum. So the weapons they are using on Iraqis are going to be used on American citizens. This is the nature of the Police State we're living in.

    A look at the future. Homeland Security plans to tether megablimps 32xs the size of the goodyear blimp over every major US city mounted with ground-penetrating radar looking right through your walls. This is only conditioning.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Texas National Guard to Deploy November 1st for Martial Law Takeover

    ParaPolitics | September 9 2004

    Thursday, August 19th, on Alex Jones' Access Television show he displayed the Tx National Guard Manual for Infrastructure Protection delivered to him by an insider within that program. Said insider also called in to the show and answered Alex's questions about the program and their notification to be deployed on November 1st.

    The manual, titled USE OF FORCE: CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION TRAINING, allegedly goes into great detail on the military takeover of Civic Authorities, City Halls, etc., in exactly the way Alex has documented in his three Police State videos made over the last ten years (see below). The Senior Commander at the "State Guard Officer School" is said to be a "Full Bird Colonel" and former British SAS (Special Forces). This individual is in charge of selection for ALL officers chosen to be a part of this special program designed to merge local law-enforcement, national guardsmen, and branches of the military in preparation for civilian round-ups, detention camps, and house to house searches for weapons and contraband.

    This National Guard insider says there is a distinctly Republican / Conservative - anti Democrat / Liberal mentality among this special group of National Guardsmen.

    Alex interviewed this person again on his radio show Friday, August 20th.

    An MP3 file of this Access TV show interview can be heard / downloaded here:

    TERMIX --- ---
    Americký fašismus sílí

    JAXXE --- ---
    Letter to the editor

    Dear friends, why the version of experts, -- that it was a provocation orchestrated by Russian secret services, -- has never been voiced in your comments regarding the Beslan tragedy? Even from the edited materials of the Russian mass media you can see the distinctly traced legend, which was prepared in advance and later on corrected in a hurry by unable hands of the local performers, from which it became so absurd and easy to recognize.

    The school could have been seized by a group consisting only of FSB (KGB) agents or duped opponents of the Putin regime mixed with special agents.

    According to the bloody scenario, the hostages were doomed, and in the middle of the turmoil special agents were supposed to blend in with the soldiers storming the building, or under the guise of wounded hostages they were supposed to be evacuated from the scene (this is what the disorganized ‘assistance’ from the local population was needed for and some wild blasts of supporting walls for no reason whatsoever, where there were no provocateurs, of course).

    The example of evacuation of special agents (by the way there could have been the second backup group among the hostages) could be seen from the widely promoted footage and photos of providing first aid to a woman in a purple dress: an efficiently operating group of 4 men in uniforms brings her out of the fire zone, lays her on a stretcher face down (!) and carried her to the military medical vehicle in an organized manner.

    The ones holed up in the basement, most likely in a place that was set up as a safe hideout in advance, were sluggishly shooting back and waiting for the 'evacuation' team and for the right moment to feign death, so that they could be carried out from the 'battlefield'.

    The man beaten by the locals was a captured militant who was brought from the FSB prison for the purposes that were implemented. I think that the population of Beslan still managed to detect the falsity and the vile of what was going on, after which severe military isolation of the region followed. All we have to do is have sympathy for the local people, who only now can see it with their own eyes and experience all horrors of 'New Stalin’s' terror.

    N. Vikulov, Russia

    Department of Correspondence,

    JAXXE --- ---
    Notes and Photos from Alex's Trip to NY

    sept 6, 2004

    Alex Jones -- "I've Never Seen the Police State This Bad. This So-Called National Security Event Was, in Truth, Textbook Martial Law. My crew and I, despite having official NYC Press credentials, were threatened with arrest at least three times a day, had a still camera smashed by police, were detained twice, had photos taken of us by police and were told that we had no right to film in the City.

    None of this has anything to do with terrorism or security. It's about setting the precedent that we have no First Amendment.

    On our last day in New York, New York One, a 24-hour news TV Station, reported on a memo that they had obtained from the NYPD instructing the police to harass independent media and to coddle mainstream media."

    Photos from Alex's New York trip -- click on the thumbnails to enlarge. All photos by Alex Jones unless otherwise indicated. All of these images and much, much more will soon be available in Alex's upcoming film: Martial Law.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Alex Jones' Martial Law: Coming Soon

    Alex's explosive new film on the Police State and what he saw at the RNC is coming soon.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Zbraně a výbušniny byly zřejmě do školy v Beslanu propašovány před 1. zářím


    Vyšetřování teroristického útoku na školu v Beslanu, který za sebou zanechal stovky mrtvých, převážně dětí, naznačuje, že část zbraní a výbušnin byla už ve škole uschována v době, kdy tam teroristé nahnali rukojmí.

    Rovněž to vypadá, že teroristé měli pomocníky nebo informátory v místní policii.

    Existuje prý svědectví přeživších, že ozbrojenci vytahovali zbraně a výbušniny z úkrytu pod podlahou.

    Je také zvláštní, že teroristé bojující za svobodné Čečensko, neuměli čečensky. Když se místní Čečen Aslanbek Aslakhanov pokoušel s ozbrojenci domluvit telefonem, řekli mu, ať hovoří rusky. "Nebyli schopni říct čečensky ani slovo," řekl později Aslakhanov v televizním interview. "Mluv rusky," řekli mi, "nerozumíme ti."

    JAXXE --- ---
    breaking !!! must read

    Wargames Were Cover For the Operational
    Execution of 9/11

    Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson
    | September 8 2004

    For almost three years since 9/11 independent
    researchers have stockpiled individual smoking guns which prove that the official
    version of events was not only a lie but operationally impossible.

    However, no single smoking gun has yet been
    forwarded to explain why air defenses categorically reversed Standard Operating
    Procedure and failed to respond to hijacked jetliners.

    Until now.

    It is clear that at least five if not six training
    exercises were in operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of
    9/11. This meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners
    at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the exercise
    drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled and delayed.

    The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens
    that displayed both real and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused
    press reports emerged hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes
    had been hijacked. Click here
    for that article.

    The drill scenario also explains a comment
    made by air traffic control personnel which was featured in a July 2004 BBC
    television report. Click
    for that video clip and article. The controller is told that a hijacked
    airliner is heading for New York and responds by saying, "is this real
    world or an exercise?"

    Alex Jones was one of the first to highlight
    the wargames in his documentary film 'Masters of Terror', which was released
    in August 2002. Click
    to watch a video clip. Alex explains why the Associated
    later had to admit the fact that the CIA were running drills of
    crashing planes into buildings on the morning of 9/11.

    What were the drills called and what was their

    months in advance of 9/11 and ensured that on the morning of 9/11, jet fighters
    were removed from patrolling the US east coast and sent to Alaska and Canada,
    therefore reducing the amount of fighter planes available to protect the east

    first reported on this back in May when Rudolph Giuliani let the details of
    it slip in his testimony to the 9/11 Commission. FEMA arrived in New York
    on September 10th to set up a command post located at Pier 29 under the auspices
    of a 'biowarfare exercise scheduled for September 12. This explains why Tom
    Kenney of FEMA's National Urban Search and Rescue Team, told Dan Rather of
    CBS News that FEMA had arrived in New York on the night of September 10th.
    This was originally dismissed as a slip of the tongue. Giuliani was to use
    this post as a command post on 9/11 after he evacuated WTC Building 7. As
    we reported back in
    , Giuliani knew when to leave WTC 7 because he got advanced warning
    that the Trade Towers were about to collapse. "We were operating out
    of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna collapse,"
    Rudolph Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News. How did Giuliani know the
    towers were about to collapse when no steel building in history had previously
    collapsed from fire damage?

    simulated hijacked planes in the north eastern sector and started to coincide
    with 9/11. Lt. Col. Dawne Deskins, NORAD unit's airborne control and warning
    officer, was overseeing the exercise. At 8:40am she took a call from Boston
    Center which said it had a hijacked airliner. Her first words, as quoted by
    Newhouse News Service were, "It must be part of the exercise." This
    is another example of how the numerous drills on the morning of 9/11 deliberately
    distracted NORAD so that the real hijacked planes couldn't be intercepted
    in time.

    of this exercise are still scant but it is considered to be part of Vigilant
    Guardian, relating to simulating hijacked planes in the north eastern sector.

    5) OPERATION VIGILANT WARRIOR: This was referenced
    in Richard Clarke's book 'Against All Enemies'. It is thought to have been
    the 'attack' component of the Vigilant Guardian exercise.

    Another example of how air defenses were purposefully
    kept preoccupied so they couldn't protect New York was reported
    by this website
    in December of 2003. The Air National Guard's 177th Fighter
    Wing, based at Atlantic City International Airport in Pomona, were just eight
    minutes away from New York and could have intercepted both Flight 11 and Flight

    Under NORAD procedures that date to the Cold
    War, two F-16 fighters from the 177th were parked around the clock on the
    Atlantic City runway. Pilots waited in a nearby building, ready to scramble.

    But on the morning of 9/11, the F-16's were
    performing bombing runs over an empty stretch of the Pine Barrens near Atlantic
    City after being decommissioned from their usual role of protecting the skies
    of the east coast.

    It was only after both trade towers were hit
    that the two F-16s landed and were refitted with air-to-air missiles, then
    sent aloft.

    Now that we have established how NORAD were
    confused, delayed and distracted by the numerous wargames, the next question
    to ask is who if anyone was aware of which planes were 'real world' and which
    planes were 'exercise'? The answer to this question will provide us with the
    name of the individual who ran the operatonal execution of the 9/11 attack.

    Dick Cheney.

    As the attack unfolded, Dick Cheney was running
    a command bunker in what the Philadelphia
    Daily News describes
    as 'the underground Pentagon'.

    Site R, a highly secure complex of buildings
    inside Raven Rock Mountain near Blue Ridge Summit, Pa., close to the Maryland-Pennsylvania
    state line and about seven miles north of Camp David, is a 53-year-old facility
    conceived at the start of the Cold War as an alternate command center in the
    event of nuclear war or an attack on Washington.

    The bunker is built into a mountain hillside
    and is virtually camouflaged to the naked eye. The location betrays itself
    by the vast gaggle of satellites, microwave towers and antennae that festoon
    the perimeter. Inside the facility there are computer filled caverns and communication
    and tracking technology that would put a James Bond movie to shame.

    The entire facility is guarded by heavily armed
    military police.

    Within hours of 9/11 unfolding, five choppers
    had landed on the facility's helipad and top officials such as Paul Wolfowitz
    were ushered in to join Cheney in the command bunker.

    Site R - also known as Raven Rock or the Alternate
    Joint Communications Center is from where vice-President Dick Cheney executed
    the 9/11 attack. Cheney's command superceded the orders of the Pentagon, the
    FAA or the White House. He is the number one suspect in the murder of nearly
    3,000 innocent people.

    In May of 2001, by presidential order, Cheney
    was handed direct control of all wargame and drill operations. This meant
    he was solely in charge of the overlapping NORAD drills and wargames on the
    morning of 9/11, that prevented Standard Operating Procedure from being implemented,
    and any of the hijacked planes being intercepted.

    The smoking guns of 9/11 are no longer disparate
    jigsaw pieces that serve to just raise more questions than they answer. We
    now have a coherent and plausible explanation of how the events unfolded,
    why there was no air defense response, and a prime suspect as to who executed
    these actions. The facts fit this version of events.

    The 9/11 truth movement has just taken a giant
    leap towards dismantling the lies of September 11and finally offering justice
    for those who lost their lives on that terrible day.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Local police may have helped terrorists plan Russian siege


    "He told us that when the hostages were brought in, the gunmen made the adults pry open the gymnasium floor. They took out supplies of weapons from underneath the floor," he said.

    The Interfax news agency also quoted security sources as saying the weapons had been smuggled into the school well in advance.

    The source claimed that arms were smuggled in during building work in the summer.




    Aslanbek Aslakhanov, a Chechen, was on the site throughout the tragedy, and contacted the gang on the telephone. "The men were certainly not Chechens. When I spoke Chechen with them, they said they couldn't make out a word. 'Speak Russian,' they told me. Well, I did as they wished, though I speak Russian with a Caucasian accent," he said in his TV interview.



    Police suspected of complicity in school siege

    RBC, 05.09.2004, Moscow 12:30:23.1, could have had accomplices among police officers, said Valery Andreyev, head of the North Ossetian Department of the Federal Security Service. He said initial investigation of the attackers' route suggested a conspiracy involving the police. At the same time, he did not rule out that the police officers might have been forced to help the terrorists.


    PONKIE --- ---
    doporucuji clanky na:
    JAXXE --- ---
    Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil
    by Michael C. Ruppert

    This is a detective story that gets to the innermost core of the 9/11 attacks. It places 9/11 at the center of a desperate new America, created by specific, named individuals in preparation for Peak Oil: an economic crisis like nothing the world has ever seen.

    The attacks of September 11th, 2001 were accomplished through an amazing orchestration of logistics and personnel. Crossing the Rubicon discovers and identifies the key suspects and persons of interest - finding some of them in the highest echelons of American government - by showing how they acted in concert to guarantee that the attacks occurred and produced the desired result.

    ISBN #0-86571-540-8
    (approx 600 pages with illustrations)
    New Society Publishers, Vancouver, Canada)
    $22.95 (US)

    After two and a half years of research and writing, Ruppert said:

    "In my new book I will be making several key points:

    1. I will name Vice President Richard Cheney as the prime suspect in the mass murders of 9/11 and will establish that, not only was he a planner in the attacks, but also that on the day of the attacks he was running a completely separate Command, Control and Communications system which was superceding any orders being issued by the FAA, the Pentagon, or the White House Situation Room;

    2. I will establish conclusively that in May of 2001, by presidential order, Richard Cheney was put in direct command and control of all wargame and field exercise training and scheduling through several agencies, especially FEMA. This also extended to all of the conflicting and overlapping NORAD drills -- some involving hijack simulations -- taking place on that day.

    3. I will also demonstrate that the TRIPOD II exercise being set up on Sept. 10th in Manhattan was directly connected to Cheney's role in the above.

    4. I will also prove conclusively that a number of public officials, at the national and New York City levels, including then-Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, were aware that flight 175 was en route to lower Manhattan for 20 minutes and did nothing to order the evacuation of, or warn the occupants of the South Tower. One military officer was forced to leave his post in the middle of the attacks and place a private call to his brother - who worked at the WTC - warning him to get out. That was because no other part of the system was taking action.

    5. I will also show that the Israeli and British governments acted as partners with the highest levels of the American government to help in the preparation and, very possibly, the actual execution of the attacks."

    "There is more reason to be afraid of not facing the evidence in this book than of facing what is in it."

    JAXXE --- ---
    What is most striking about the discussion at this point is that no serious, independent observer has come forward to deny that agents of the Russian secret services were present among the Dubrovka hostage takers--apparently even in commanding positions. Nevertheless, one should take seriously the argument that these individuals were not necessarily 100 percent loyal assets of the secret services, but possibly independent agents with dubious loyalties and agendas of their own. History provides many examples of such rogue assets emerging in attempts by security agencies to infiltrate subversive organizations. Against that argument, however, must be weighed the evidence that some of the hostage takers were people who were being held captive by the Russians in the weeks and months that immediately preceded the Dubrovka event. It seems more likely that the Russian authorities actually encouraged and assisted the seizure of the theater than that they merely refrained from intervening and stopping it.


    In light of the questions being raised about the school massacre.
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