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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Iraq had no WMD: the final verdict

    Julian Borger in Washington
    Saturday September 18, 2004
    The Guardian

    The comprehensive 15-month search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has concluded that the only chemical or biological agents that Saddam Hussein's regime was working on before last year's invasion were small quantities of poisons, most likely for use in assassinations.

    A draft of the Iraq Survey Group's final report circulating in Washington found no sign of the alleged illegal stockpiles that the US and Britain presented as the justification for going to war, nor did it find any evidence of efforts to reconstitute Iraq's nuclear weapons programme.


    PETVAL --- ---
    IPv6 ma adresni prostor 2^128, jednou z vlastnosti je jednoznacna autentizace.
    GORG --- ---
    resp. 32 bitů namísto 8mi pro ty jednotlivý čísla... tohle dnes už skutečně může být problém
    GORG --- ---
    hmm Internet2 je uz skutecne v planu delsi dobu. hlavne v souvislosti s prechodem na IP verzi 6, která by měla být tuším 32bitová, tak aby byl nakonec dostatek IP adres i pro třeba ledničku nebo toustovač (anebo nějaký luxusní rodinný biočip)

    už jsem o tom ale dlouho nic neslyšel..snad to ještě nějakou dobu potrvá.. zneužít by se to dalo jistě snadno
    JAXXE --- ---
    Apelačný súd na Floride rozhodol, že média môžu legálne luhať

    Sierra Times

    14. februára rozhodol apelačný súd na Floride, že to nie je absolútne nič ilegálne, ak organizácia hlavného mediálneho prúdu luhá, ukrýva alebo pozmeňuje informáciu. Súd týmto zvrátil rozhodnutie poroty ohľadom 425 000 dolárov, ktoré mala dostať novinárka Jane Akreová ako odškodné, keď ju vedenie televízie Fox a právnici prinútili odvysielať to, o čom vedela, že je klamlivá informácia. Toto rozhodnutie súdu fakticky značí, že to nie je nezákonné zámerne prekrúcať správu v televíznom vysielaní. Novinárku vyhodili z práce po tom, čo pohrozila, že oznámi, akým spôsobom ju nútili klamlivo informovať o škodlivých účinkoch rozšíreného používania hormónov u kráv a 6-členná porota 18. augusta 2000 potom rozhodla o odškodnom v prospech nej. ...Právnici, najatí televíziou Fox, ktorú vlastní barón Rupert Murdock argumentovali, že podľa Prvého dodatku majú médiá právo luhať alebo zámerne prekrútiť správu vo verejnom vysielaní. V rozhodnutí súdu sa uvádza, že názor Federálnej komisie pre komunikácie výslovne legálne nezakazuje také praktiky, ale je to len zaužívaná politika.


    Mike Gaddy

    JAXXE --- ---
    Download the Evidence NOW!!!!!!

    Sat Sep 18, 2004 00:58

    It’s starting to look as if the internet as we know it will soon be gone, and replaced with a regulated version known as “internet 2.” People in our government are really beginning to worry about the advances made by the 9-11 truth movement, especially since the Zogby poll commissioned by 911truth.org revealed that 50% of NYC residents now believe there was US government complicity in the events of 9-11. “Internet 2,” the regulated version, will probably be introduced as soon as our government can make a seamless switch, which will put an end to the free speech we currently enjoy. When that happens, you can be sure that the 9-11 websites we rely on for evidence will be gone. Since the future of freedom , and our nation depends on 9-11 truth getting out, I am asking as many people as possible to download as much 9-11 evidence as they can, and burn it onto disks so this information can continue to be disseminated without the internet. I’ve provided a list of links below. This is an emergency. Please save and copy as much 9-11 evidence as you can, and please do it now. Thank you. – Jolly Roger

    Links to Insider Trading Info prior to 9-11, and the connection to CIA:

    Also, about 100 million in credit card transactions were rushed through the WTC just before it's collapse, and a German firm was recovering that info from hard drives pulled from the wreckage until they were bought out by an American company with longstanding ties to our government, who stopped the investigation:


    Links to Seismic data and eyewitness reports of bombs in WTC:
    (also more on 9-11 profits, and other evidence of bombs)


    How the Bombs were planted:

    Links that tie Bush family to WTC security firm that called off bomb sniffing dogs just before the weekend of Sept 6th, 2001, and the "power down," that allowed them to plant explosives:


    Here's where you can download the video and see the bombs for yourself, and other evidence indicating a controlled demolition:


    Top Pentagon Officials cancel flights on Sept 10, 2001:


    Condi Rice warns Willie Brown not to fly on Sept. 11:


    Where was our Air Force and NORAD on 9-11? :


    After a few years, they finally admit that they intentionally demolished 7WTC:


    Engineers call 9-11 investigation a farce:


    More Links to 9-11 evidence:




    Internet2 je za rohem – udělejte si kopie stránek, dokud to jde

    Začíná to vypadat tak, že internet, jak jsme ho znali, bude brzy minulostí a bude nahrazen regulovanou verzí internet2. Mnohým lidem ve vysoké americké politice začíná být nepříjemné hnutí kolem pravdivého odhalení událostí z 11. září. Zvlášť poté, co byl nedávno zveřejněn výsledek průzkumu veřejného mínění v New Yorku, ze kterého vyplynulo, že padesát procent Newyorčanů si nyní myslí, že vláda byla zainteresována v 11. září.

    Tzv. internet2 bude zřejmě uveden v život jakmile bude vyřešen plynulý přechod ze současného internetu na nový. A to bude konec svobody slova. Až k tomu dojde, buďme si jisti, že stránky usvědčující politiky ze lží zmizí jako první. Žádám všechny, kteří si to mohou dovolit, aby si pořídili kopie stránek z odkazů, které následují. Vypalte si tyto informace na CD a uschovejte si je. Je nutné, aby byly šířeny i bez internetu. Tohle je stav nouze. Prosím, kopírujte a uschovávejte co nejvíce.

    Poznámka vydavatele

    Než se začtete do následujích adres, rád bych doplnil autora článku. Možná vám připadá toto volání jako další nezodpovědné šíření paniky. Ujišťuji vás, že stojí na reálných základech. Jde totiž o to, že současný internet se skutečně blíží svému limitu. V blízké budoucnosti hrozí jeho zhroucení. Technicky nebude schopen zvládnout další miliony nových uživatelů z rozvojových zemí. Vy, kteří umíte anglicky, přečtěte si článek, ve kterém firma Intel varuje před koncem www: "Beware of the End of the World (Wide Web)," http://www.forbes.com/execpicks/feeds/general/2004/09/10/generalcomtex_2004_09_10_ir_0000-5884-KEYWORD.Missing.html Says Intel. Totéž si myslí firmy Cisco, Hewlett-Packard a AT&T - samé téžké váhy. Tato skutečnost zřejmě poslouží jako vhodná a vítaná zástěrka k implementaci regulovaného internetu2. Vše bude vypadat jako technická nutnost.

    * http://www.hereinreality.com/insidertrading.html
    * http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/12_06_01_death_profits_pt1.html
    * http://www.globalresearch.ca/articles/RUP110A.html
    * http://tbrnews.org/Archives/a048.htm
    * Přibližně 100 milionů dolarů bylo protlačeno přes kreditní karty bezprostředně před kolapsem WTC. Německá firma specializující se na záchranu informací z porušených magnetických médií se pokoušela přečíst data z pevných disků, které se našly v troskách WTC. Pracovala na tomto úkolu až do doby, kdy ji koupila americká firma s vazbou na vládní kruhy. Prvním krokem nových majitelů bylo zastavení tohoto projektu.
    * http://www.libertyforum.org/...
    * http://www.the7thfire.com/Politics...

    Linky na záznamy seismických otřesů po pádu WTC a svědectví očitých svědků

    * http://st12.startlogic.com/~xenonpup/underground/underground_explosions.htm
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/shake2.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/eyewitness.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911_smoking_gun.html

    Jak byly položeny bomby. Odkazy na vazby Bushovy rodiny s bezpečnostními firmami, které v týdnu od 6, září 2001 odvolaly psovody se cvičenými psy. "Výpadek elektřiny", který umožnil položení náloží.

    * http://anderson.ath.cx:8000/911/hj05.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911security.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911_smoking_gun.html
    * http://www.nynewsday.com/news...

    Zde jsou video záznamy s výbuchy bomb a další důkazy usvědčující, že šlo o řízenou demolici

    * http://serendipity.ptpi.net/wtc5.htm
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911_smoking_gun.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/trusstheory.html

    Členové nejvyššího vedení Pentagonu, kteří zrušili své lety 10. září 2001

    * http://www.freepressinternational.com/sept10.html

    Condi Rice varuje Willie Browna, aby neletěl 11. září

    * http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?id=1000/2003/08/1634286.php
    * http://www.fpp.co.uk/online/02/05/Bush_knew2.html

    Kde byly Air Force a NORAD 11. září?

    * http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0346/mondo4.php
    * http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/timeline/main/essayairdefense.html
    * http://anderson.ath.cx:8000/911/pen10.html
    * http://www.vho.org/tr/2003/3/Elsis273-284.html
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/911stand.html

    Konečně přiznání, že šlo o řízenou demolici budovy označené jako WTC7

    * http://www.infowars.com/print/Sept11/FDNY.htm

    Inženýři nazývají vyšetřování kolem 11. září fraškou

    * http://www.americanfreepress.net/Conspiracy...

    Další důkazy

    * http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC.htm
    * http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/archives/cat_911.html
    * http://www.policestate21.com
    * http://www.legitgov.org/9_1_1_oddities.html
    * http://911review.org/Wiki/Sept11WebSites.shtml
    * http://www.911investigations.net
    * http://rense.com/Datapages/911_2.htm
    * http://www.911truth.org
    * http://www.thememoryhole.org/911

    Tato výzva se objevila v diskuzi na serveru disc.server.com.
    PETVAL --- ---
    Outfoxed: ed2k://|file|Outfoxed.2004.DVDRip.DivX-DC-OF.avi|715831296|368D5680C8F8AFCD98A0FC06B243F68B|/
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lékař: za Bushovy přebrepty může počínající demence

    Přeřeky George Bushe jsou pravidelně zaznamenávány.

    foto: ČTK/EPA

    Michiganský lékař Joseph Price, který se zabýval pověstnými přeřeky amerického prezidenta George W. Bushe, dospěl k zajímavému závěru. Podle odborníka není prezident hloupý, je jen blázen nebo se u něj začíná projevovat stařecká demence. Priceovu diagnózu zveřejnil americký deník The Boston Globe.
    18.9. 10:34

    BOSTON - "Naše země nachází v rodinách naději, tam křídla dostávají sny." Nebo také: "Vím, že lidské bytosti a ryby spolu mohou žít v míru." Či: "Slibuji vám, že budu naslouchat tomu, co tu bude řečeno, i kdybych tu nebyl."

    Mezi další povedený Bushův přebrept patří věta při srpnovém projevu, který měl v Bílém domě u příležitosti podpisu nového rozpočtu ministerstva obrany.

    "Naši nepřátelé jsou vynalézaví a nápadití. My také. Nikdy nepřestanou hledat nové cesty, jak ublížit naší zemi a našemu lidu. My také ne," prohlásil tehdy.

    To jsou jen ukázky Bushových nešťastných výroků, které se pravidelně zaznamenávají. Ve Spojených státech již vyšlo několik sbírek, které je shrnují.
    Rychlá léčba

    Podle Price jsou tyto přeřeky ukázkou toho, co lékaři "nazývají fabulací, a jsou rovněž příznačné pro demenci. Osmapadesátiletý šéf Bílého domu by se měl co nejdříve začít léčit," upozornil lékař.

    Mistrem přeřeknutí byl i bývalý americký prezident Ronald Reagan, který stál v čele USA v letech 1981 až 1989 a který zemřel v červnu ve věku 93 let na Alzheimerovu chorobu. Jednou například prohlásil, že počet chudých "začal klesat, ale pokračuje v růstu".

    JAXXE --- ---
    Komunisté měli PRAVDU. Republikáni mají FOX.

    Sešla se vyšetřovací komise ohledně 11. září. Nedělejte z toho Watergate. Dneska je pravděpodobně na řadě vrchol slyšení komise vyšetřující okolnosti kolem 11. září. Pamatujte, že ačkoliv je zřejmé zapletení Bushe do tohoto případu, komise bude sledovat hlavně osm let Clintona oproti osmi měsícům Bushe.

    Nenechte se svést k oplakávání ztrát na životech amerických občanů (v Iráku) a nevyptávejte se nahlas, proč tam jsme. Takže, zmiňme se o těch amerických mariňácích, co vidíme vpředu, jako o ostrostřelcích. Ne jako o snajperech. To vyvolává negativní konotace. Takovéto a podobné rady dostávají reportéři a producenti americké televizní stanice Fox News, patřící mediálnímu magnátovi Rupertu Murdochovi každý den na svůj stůl. Papír s nimi je sice určen jen pro interní potřebu, dostal se ale ven. Ve svém novém filmu Outfoxed - Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism na tyto praktiky upozorňuje dokumentarista Robert Greenwald. Filmem chce osvětlit dezinformační strategie televize a Bushovi nakloněný postoj kanálu Fox News.

    Greenwaldovi spolupracovníci celý půlrok stříhali program stanice Fox News. Materiály potom řadili podle témat a poté přidali interview. Stejně jako ve filmu Fahrenheit 9/11 od Michaela Moorea jsou i tady nejsilnějším argumentem sestřihy z vlastního vysílání Fox News, jež kolikrát ani nepotřebují žádný komentář. Další skutečnosti odhalují výpovědi bývalých spolupracovníků stanice (tzv. bývalí Foxies) a stanoviska prominentních mediálních kritiků. Někteří z Foxies si ze strachu o své živobytí přáli zůstat v anonymitě.

    Přílišný patriotismus Fox News a náklonnost k Bushovi se nelíbí ani iniciativě MoveOn.org. Ta se na Internetu snaží (například formou petic) bojovat proti rozporům mezi veřejným míněním a legislativními kroky. Právě MoveOn.org se postaral i o propagaci filmu v listu New York Times. Reklamě vévodilo ohromné logo s televizní obrazovkou, přes niž byl nápis: The Communists had PRAVDA. Republicans have FOX. Komunisté měli PRAVDU. Republikáni mají FOX. Proti stanici Fox News se vyjádřil i jeden z nejznámějších amerických novinářů, Walter Cronkite. Tomu se nelíbí, že televize používá slogan Fair and balanced, protože televize servíruje události z pravicového pohledu.

    S filmem sympatizuje například zpěvák Eric Clapton, který Greenwaldovi zcela zdarma poskytl jeden song, a rocková hvězda Don Henley souhlasila s použitím písně Dirty Laundry. Snímek osmapadesátiletého filmaře se dá sehnat na DVD. Od 18. července, kdy film vyšel, se už prodalo přes sto tisíc kopií. Režisér Greenwald mezitím začal připravovat další film, Unconstitutional, v němž chce upozornit na omezování občanských práv díky tzv. Patriot Acts. Co říci závěrem? Nedělejte z toho Watergate.

    BRANA --- ---
    JAXXE --- ---
    Who seized Simona Torretta?

    This Iraqi kidnapping has the mark of an undercover police operation

    JAXXE --- ---
    i dont give a fuck man... ;)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
    JAXXE --- ---
    HAMILTON, N.J. A mother whose son was killed in Iraq has been arrested for protesting during a New Jersey campaign speech by first lady Laura Bush.
    The woman was charged with trespassing and later released.

    She wore a shirt that read, "President Bush, You Killed my Son" to the New Jersey rally.

    Sue Niederer -- of Hopewell, New Jersey -- interrupted Bush's speech demanding to know why her son (Army First Lieutenant Seth Dvorin) had to die. She continued shouting even as Secret Service and local police escorted her out of the event in handcuffs.

    The crowd attempted to drown her out with chants of "Four more years."

    The first lady continued speaking, praising her husband's record on the economy, health care and the war on terror.

    Copyright 2004 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

    JAXXE --- ---
    British TV documentary traces Illuminati insider to Hertford

    "The Insider" mailing list article, 16 September 2004.

    *** A major regional newspaper in Britain reveals that an investigation as part of a forthcoming television documentary has traced a member of the Illuminati to Hertford, a small affluent town in the rural county of Hertfordshire, located on the northern boundary of London. The previous edition of the same weekly newspaper reported recently uncovered local connections with the Knights Templar, a powerful sect with roots dating back at least as far as the medieval Crusades. The documentary is due to be broadcast in the UK at 9 PM on Thursday, 23 September, on Rupert Murdoch's flagship Satellite TV Channel, Sky One. ***

    A SINISTER secret society said to control the world's governments has members living in Hertford, according to a documentary to be aired on Sky One.

    The Mercury can exclusively reveal that the mysterious sect, the Illuminati, who are believed to be bankers, power brokers and politicians, have a base in the town.

    Formed in Bavaria in 1776, the group is said to have high-powered members including George W Bush and his presidential rival John Kerry, who joined a branch called the Skull and Bones, while at Yale University.

    Conspiracy theorist's claim that the society is "bent on world domination" in a shadowy behind the scenes bid to control us.

    As part of Sky's series on conspiracy theories, journalist Danny Wilson met with Hertford man and insider Tim Acheson, in a bid to meet an Illuminatus.

    Tim has a family connection with the secret sect the Knights Templar, a powerful society dating back to the Crusades, which has many links with East Herts and is said to know where the Holy Grail could be.

    But he denied a link with former US secretary of state Dean Acheson, a well known Templar, who was in President Truman's inner circle during the 1950s.

    Cryptically he told the Mercury: "I cannot talk about my family connections. The older members of secret societies want to keep them secret, whereas some of the new blood are a bit more open.

    "I do know two members of the Illuminati who live here, but I must protect their identities.

    "There are powerful and dangerous forces at work here and I cannot risk getting on the wrong side of them."

    The Mercury were given a sneak preview of the show The Illuminati, Our Secret Masters, which will be aired on Sky One at 9pm on Thursday.

    Tim, a reporter for conspiracy theory website www.theinsider.org, is seen driving through Hertford with the TV presenter.

    They drive to a deserted industrial estate near the town and wait for the shadowy figure to turn up - but Wilson begins to think that he's been led on a wild goose chase.

    Finally Tim returns to tell him that his contact has "got cold feet" and has backed off meeting the press.

    Speaking to the Mercury this week Tim said: "It is very difficult to get them to reveal themselves as you can understand but I hope that it may happen at a later date.

    And he promised to reveal more of Hertford's hidden secrets.

    He said: "Hertford is more important as centre of mystery and intrigue, both historically and contemporarily, than most people realize."

    The programme is one in a four-part series on conspiracy theories showing at the same time every Thursday in September.


    Hertfordshire Mercury, 17 September 2004.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Why is Israel so interested in building an oil pipeline from Kirkuk to Haifa? The whole idea sounds preposterous, given the likely reaction from the whole Arab world. The not unreasonable perception would be that the attack on Iraq was just to let Israelis steal Iraqi oil. But the idea just won't go away (see here, and note the last paragraph). As I have already written, it appears likely that Chalabi's fall from grace is because he reneged on his agreement with the neocons to give favorable treatment to Israel in its raping of the resources of Iraq. Chalabi reneged on his agreement presumably because the people of Iraq simply wouldn't stand for the idea of a pipeline to Israel. An oil pipeline would be an obvious target of fundamentalist terrorists, both while it was being built and during the entire time it was operational. It is difficult to see how it could ever be economically viable, given the costs of protecting it and the inevitable sabotage attacks. What could Israel be thinking?

    And then it struck me. Israel dosn't want either the pipeline or the oil it would carry. Israel wants to build a pipeline that it knows will be attacked as it is being built. The attacks will thus require the presence of Israeli troops to protect the contractors building the pipeline. The Israeli troops will require a system of roads to move along the pipeline and to communicate with Israel. Small outposts to provide services for the contractors and the troops will have to be built. The outposts themselves will have to be fortified, surrounded by walls, and protected by more troops. Once the pipeline is built, it will require even more protection to prevent sabotage. With each attack, Israel will scream that it is being attacked by 'terrorists'. It will insist on more American military aid, and probably American troops, to help it protect the ever expanding network of pipeline, outposts, and roads. The American Congress will approve this as quickly as it possibly can. The zone around the pipeline will have to be expanded to protect it from 'terrorism', and fortifications will have to be created to protect the zone. Anyone who complains about this will be branded a sympathizer of those who threaten Israel's deepest security interests and thus its very existence. Anyone who even whispers a concern about the pipeline and its zone will be branded an anti-Semite.

    Suddenly, there is an armored corridor protected by Israeli and American troops, and inhabited by Israeli 'settlers', stretching from the Mediterranean to the Euphrates. This is the backbone of Greater Israel. All that will be needed to finish the dream is to continue to widen the zone. The genius of the plan is how it follows the Israeli strategy in the Occupied Territories. Theft of the land of the Palestinians and brutality against them creates a reaction which is labeled 'terrorism'. Camps of Israelis are introduced onto Palestinian lands in order to promote Israeli 'security'. The settlers provoke more of a reaction, so Israeli troops are required to protect the settlers. The troops require a system of roads, and more settlers are introduced to increase 'security'. This system of violence and lies has worked so well on the West Bank that the 'facts on the ground' - settlements, outposts of troops, and roads - mean that it will be impossible to separate the land of the West Bank to create any kind of viable Palestinian state (the joke, of course, will be on the Zionists, when the world eventually insists on the majority Palestinian population having a vote). The attempt at creating Greater Israel based on the pipeline will be based on exactly the same strategy of troops, settlers, roads, and American aid, spiced with allegations of 'terrorism' threatening Israel's very existence. They won't get away with it, but how much harm will they do as they try?

    JAXXE --- ---
    Putin launches unconstitutional coup d'etat
    09/14/2004 19:17

    While using the war on terrorism as a mere excuse, Russian president Vladimir Putin has decided to strengthen his personal powers.

    President's newly-developed plan entails that governors should no longer be elected by those people who live in the regions, but by delegates instead. President himself will provide the candidates. Political analysts are skeptical as to the fact that such drastic measures will aid to combat terrorism; they also doubt that such measures have in fact been conducted in accordance with the Constitution.


    This is a drastic change of the country"s political system in general which will quite obviously result in rather unexpected consequences. This is in fact an unconstitutional upheaval if you want."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Israel's pipe dream: getting oil from Iraq

    By SUSAN TAYLOR MARTIN, Times Senior Correspondent
    Published August 15, 2004

    There's an old joke Israelis like to tell on themselves: Their ancestors followed Moses around for 40 years and he led them to the only place in the Middle East without any oil.

    More than three millennia later, Israel's energy outlook has barely improved. Although it is in a region awash with oil, the Jewish state must import most of its supplies from Russia because Arab oil producers refuse to deal with it.

    Assuring Israel of an adequate oil supply has long been a goal not just of Israel itself, but also of pro-Israel factions in the United States. Thus emerged a controversial plan that is still kicking around even though its chief booster, Ahmad Chalabi, could soon be behind bars.

    Once the Pentagon's choice to lead the "new" Iraq, Chalabi promised to reopen an old British-built pipeline from Kirkuk in northern Iraq to the Israeli port of Haifa. The plan impressed Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and other conservatives influencing Bush administration policy toward Iraq in the lead-up to last year's war.

    The idea also drew enthusiastic response from Israel.

    "The pipeline would be a dream," Yosef Paritzky, Israel's minister of infrastructures, said as reported by Salon.com. "We'd have an additional source of supply, and could even export some of the crude through Haifa. But we'd need a treaty with Iraq . . . to build the pipeline."

    Once Chalabi assumed a position of influence in the new Iraqi government, Israel would get its treaty, the neoconservatives were assured. The pipeline was by no means the only reason for going to war, but it could well have been one reason.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Israelis arrested on 9/11 sue U.S.
    By Yuval Yoaz

    Four Israelis arrested in New York on September 11, 2001, a short while after the attacks on the World Trade Center, filed a multi-million-dollar suit in the United States on Monday against the American Department of Justice.
    The four, Paul and Sylvian Kurcheil, Omer Marmari and Vyron Shmuel, claim that their arrests were illegal, and that they were held for months while they were interrogated and tortured.

    In their suit, filed in New York District Court through their attorneys, Nitzana Dershen-Leitner and Robert Tulchin, they claim that "law officials, policemen and jailers arrested the four illegally, for a long and protracted period, and violated their human rights while they were detained at a holding center in 2001."

    The four were employed by a New Jersey moving firm and the truck they were riding in was stopped near the George Washington bridge between New Jersey and New York when the Twin Towers were attacked.

    The police officers arrested the four after they saw that they held foreign (Israeli) driving licenses. They were arrested as suspects in the terrorist attack and were transfered to the FBI for interrogation.

    The four, who are now in Israel, claim that they were held in complete isolation, without being allowed to meet with their attorneys or their families, and were exposed to harsh interrogation methods, physical abuse, sleep deprivation and racist insults


    Okay, so here we have a bunch of Israelis, caught with false passports, a lot of cash, and a map of New York with the WTC already outlined. Pacifica Radio later confirms that two of these men are Mossad, and the owner of the moving company they are using for cover splits town for Israel leaving his home and business behind. The US Government classified the evidence linking these men to 9-11 so that nobody can see it (although the fact of the classification is reported on Fox News), and then these men turn around and sue that same US Government?

    Talk about ingrates!

    Time to get out that declassification stamp, if you ask me.
    JAXXE --- ---
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