-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Smith [mailto:msmith@stx.hidta.net]
Subject: Terrorist attack on US Soil is Imminent
Importance: High
>> From: Cody Smirl [mailto:Cody.Smirl@oag.state.tx.us]
>> Sent: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 9:41 AM
>> Subject: Fwd: Terrorist attack on US Soil is Imminent
>>>>> >>> Paula Martinez 9/22/2004 7:44:54 AM >>>
>> At the meeting of the Southern District of the Anti-Terrorism Advisory
>> Council (ATAC) that was held yesterday in Houston, US Attorney Michael
>> Shelby, informed the group that a terrorist attack of 09/11/01
>> proportions was going to be carried out on US soil within the next 6
>> weeks.
>> Mr. Shelby stated that on 09/13/04, US Attorney General John Ashcroft,
>> had a conference call with all 93 US Attorneys, an event which is
>> extremely rare. The US Attorneys were informed that without a doubt, an
>> attack was going to be perpetrated in the US within the next 6 weeks,
>> prior to the elections. Mr. Shelby urgently requested that all law
>> enforcement be aware of any situation that may be out of the ordinary
>> and report the activity immediately. Mr. Shelby also requested that we
>> get the word out to patrol officers and detectives to talk to their
>> informants and report anything odd or remotely suspicious. Mr. Shelby
>> ended this warning by saying that unless we get a bit of "luck" and the
>> attack can be detected and prevented, that another attack of 9/11 scale
>> will be carried out.