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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 3 :: Love your local Illuminati :)
    JAXXE --- ---
    Kerry to add Russia to the new "axis of evil"

    10/11/2004 18:38

    The team of the president creates the policy of the president

    Dem. Senator John Kerry will most likely announce the existence of the new "axis of evil," embracing Iran, Russia and North Korea. According to the senator, the nuclear possessions of these countries pose the most dangerous threat to the national security of the United States.

    It is an open secret that the team of the president creates the policy of the president. Richard Holbrooke, the US ambassador to the United Nations, and Mark Brzezinski, the son of Zbigniew Brzezinski, presented their recommendations regarding the future relations between Russia and the USA after the presidential election.

    According to the US officials, the new American president is supposed to express America's concern to Moscow about the destruction of democracy in Russia. The US administration must also increase the financial and the general support of democracy in Russia. Washington should prevent Russia's influence on the policy of former republics of the Soviet Union. "Six hundred tons of nuclear materials remain unsecured in Russia. Currently, it would take 13 years to secure it. But with a concerted effort, and at a fraction of the cost of the war in Iraq, the problem could be eliminated in three to four years," Holbrooke and Brzezinski wrote.

    Two natural persons expressed their concern about Russia's possession of nuclear arms and decomposing materials. However, Holbrook plans to take Colin Powell's post, if Kerry is elected president. Mark Brzezinski, in his turn, is ambitious about the position of the president's advisor.

    Senator Kerry repeatedly said during the second round of the pre-election debate that it would take George W. Bush 13 years to secure the nuclear materials in Russia and in other countries of the former USSR. Kerry stated that he would set forth his own plan, which would allow to complete the works within four years. Weapons of mass destruction in Iran and North Korea create a similar problem, Kerry believes.

    What is hidden behind the security of the Russian nuclear materials? Russia is a sovereign state, which means that it does not need help either from the incumbent, or from the future US administration. It is not clear, why American politicians think that they should control the security of nuclear objects in the Russian Federation.

    John Kerry has virtually repeated Halbrooke and Brzezinski's writings. Bush and Kerry discussed the national security issue only and did not touch upon other questions from the recommendations of the two officials. However, Kerry's diligent citing of the document showed that he would learn other paragraphs of the article by heart too. Kerry expressed his concern about "the offence against democracy in Russia" a week before, during the first pre-election round. He even told the whole world the touching story about him descending to the KBG basements underneath Treblinka Square.

    The Democratic nominee believes that the Kremlin violates democratic norms, suppresses the opposition, interferes in the affairs of allied states and poses a potential nuclear threat to the USA. This situation is very reminiscent of the Iraqi problem, which was formed two years ago.

    GEDDON --- ---
    Laureátka Nobelovej ceny vraví, že HIV vytvorili zámerne

    (Agenture France Presse) dr. Alan Cantwell


    Kenská ekologička Wangari Maathai, prvá Afričanka, ktorá dostala Nobelovu cenu mieru, dnes opäť zopakovala tvrdenie, že vírus AIDS vytvorili ako biologickú zbraň.
    "Niektorí vravia, že AIDS pochádza od opíc, ale ja o tom pochybujem, pretože my žijeme s opicami už od nepamäti; iní hovoria, že je to kliatba božia, ale ja vravím, že to nemôže byť. My, černosi, zomierame viac, než iní na tejto planéte.", povedala pani Maathaiová na tlačovej konferencii v Nairobi deň po tom, čo získala Nobelovu cenu mieru za svoje úsilie ohľadom ľudských práv a zalesňovania prostredia. Ďalej povedala:
    "Obsadili sme Irak, lebo sme boli presvedčení, že Saddam Husajn vyrobil alebo bol v procese vytvárania biologických zbraní. Lenže HIV vytvorili vedci ako biologickú zbraň. Prečo sa ohľadom AIDS robia toľké tajnosti? Keď sa spýtate, odkiaľ sa ten vírus vzal, hneď sa všetci majú na pozore. V dôsledku toho som veľmi podozrievavá."
    Podľa odhadov UNAIDS, z 38 miliónov osôb, nakazených HIV, sa 25 miliónov nachádza v Afrike a väčšinu infikovaných Afričanov predstavujú ženy.
    Spojené štáty americké v piatok zagratulovali pani Maathaiovej k získaniu Nobelovej ceny, ale v dôsledku jej tvrdení o AIDS bola tá pochvala chladná: "Povedala, že HIV/AIDS vytvorili ako biologickú zbraň v nejakom laboratóriu na Západe. A s tým my nesúhlasíme.", povedal popredný predstaviteľ ministerstva zahraničia. Takisto poukázal na správu, publikovanú v kenskom denníku Standard, kde pani Maathaiovú citovali, že HIV/AIDS vytvorili vedci kvôli masovej exterminácii.

    GEDDON --- ---

    GEDDON --- ---
    American Style Democracy in Afghanistan

    Even before the polling booths closed in Afghanistan's first-ever direct presidential election, all 15 candidates running against incumbent Hamid Karzai denounced the election as a fraud and refused to recognize the results.

    Electoral officials said that the problem had affected only a minority of voters. Given the declaration of no confidence from Mr Karzai's rivals, however, the poll's credibility seemed doomed.

    "Today's election is not a legitimate election. It should be stopped and we don't recognise the results," said Abdul Satar Sirat, one of the candidates and a former aide to Afghanistan's last king.

    GEDDON --- ---
    35 Days Till Disaster: Is an Election Day Faux-Terror Event All But CERTain?

    Mark Erwin | October 4 2004

    On Tuesday, September 28th, a new federally-funded, FEMA-directed citizen training program began in my town called CERT. CERT stands for "Community Emergency Response Team.”

    A quick internet search reveals that my town isn't the only one participating. Nearly every town in America has its own CERT program, it would appear.

    My neighbor's teenage son attended CERT’s initial orientation meeting and later showed me the equipment and materials he was given.

    He received free of charge a backpack containing hundreds of dollars worth of gear, including a hard hat, reflective garb for checkpoint/traffic-control duty, a high beam flashlight, eye guards, etc.

    In the near future, he said, he’ll also be given (again, free of charge) a special radio over which he can tap into the county's emergency communications net.

    Then, he showed me his 300 page CERT training manual along with his training schedule for upcoming weeks.

    The CERT training program is intensive. It’s scheduled to last for only a little over a month.

    In the short span of just 35 days, CERT trainees will learn the following:

    1) Disaster preparedness
    2) Disaster fire safety
    3) Disaster medical operations
    4) Light search and rescue
    5) CERT Organization
    6) Disaster psychology

    But what really caught my eye were the last two items on CERT's training schedule:

    On Tuesday, October 25th, CERT trainees will receive training on "Terrorism and CERT.”

    Then, exactly one week later, CERT’s training program will conclude with a "Disaster Simulation & Examination".

    This final day for the CERT training program, the day when CERT will climax with a "disaster simulation," is none other than Election Day!

    Is this mere coincidence? I can't believe that it is. CERT is a nationwide FEMA-sponsored citizen training program, after all. I assume, in every town and hamlet, fledgling CERT teams are following this exact same training schedule. And that means a nationwide "disaster simulation" is scheduled for all of them come Election Day!

    As 9-11 demonstrated, federal drills and simulations can sometimes be used to provide cover for preparations for what are, in fact, premeditated events timed to coincide exactly with the drills and simulations.

    Does the timetable for the CERT program portend something like a second 9-11 come Election Day?

    Will the same spooks who staged the 9-11 faux-terror event perpetrate another faux-terror event come November 2nd?

    The CERT training timetable parallels exactly the training timetable for the Texas State Guard leaked by a brave guardsman to talk radio host Alex Jones. He told Alex that elite units of the Texas State Guard were being intensively trained to be ready for martial-law-style deployments come the first week of November.

    Needless to say, in light of this leak to Alex, when I learned that Election Day was scheduled to be the day when FEMA’s CERT training program climaxes with a "disaster simulation," chills went down my spine.

    If, in fact, a second 9-11 does happen come Election Day, there won’t be much doubt about who did it. Like the original, it too will have had to have been an inside job. How else could our next domestic terror event be timed to coincide exactly with the “disaster simulation” set to conclude FEMA’s CERT training timetable?

    Check out Mark’s blog at: http://americathebushieful.blogspot.com
    JAXXE --- ---
    Science, Surveillance, and the Culture of Control

    HVJ3R --- ---

    // prevzato z root.cz

    Zanedlouho nastane doba, kdy za pěstování libovolné rostliny bude muset každý platit nekontrolovatelně vysoké licenční poplatky, protože se do ní dostane kontaminací nějaký ten patentovaný gen. I v případě, že došlo bez vašeho vědomí a zavinění k neoprávněné kontaminaci vaší vlastní původní kultury (řepky), jak se stalo v případu Percyho Schmeisera.
    JAXXE --- ---
    Tag! You're recorded

    Schools turn to high-tech tags for security

    By Kenji Hall, The Associated Press
    October 10, 2004

    TOKYO Every time a fourth grader passes through Rikkyo Elementary School's front gate, a small, gray plastic tag tucked inside his backpack beams a message to a computer in a nearby office.

    The students are oblivious, but the computer logs the time they enter and leave and a security guard watching the screen takes note. Moments later, their parents receive confirmation by e-mail.


    In Japan, high-tech tagging has made the jump from grocery stores to the school yard.

    Rikkyo officials hope the Radio Frequency Identification technology will serve as an early warning system for children who go missing.


    JAXXE --- ---
    Kenyan Nobel peace laureate claims AIDS virus deliberately created

    NAIROBI, Oct 9 (AFP) - Kenyan ecologist Wangari Maathai, the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize, on Saturday reiterated her claim that the AIDS virus was a deliberately created biological agent.

    "Some say that AIDS came from the monkeys, and I doubt that because we have been living with monkeys (since) time immemorial, others say it was a curse from God, but I say it cannot be that.

    "Us black people are dying more than any other people in this planet," Maathai told a press conference in Nairobi a day after winning the prize for her work in human rights and reversing deforestation across Africa.

    "It's true that there are some people who create agents to wipe out other people. If there were no such people, we could have not have invaded Iraq," she said.

    "We invaded Iraq because we believed that Saddam Hussein had made, or was in the process of creating agents of biological warfare," said Maathai, also Kenyan deputy environment and natural resources minister, who has gained a reputation as a fearless speaker.

    "In fact it (the HIV virus) is created by a scientist for biological warfare," she added.

    "Why has there been so much secrecy about AIDS? When you ask where did the virus come from, it raises a lot of flags. That makes me suspicious," Maathai added.

    Africa accounts for 25 million out of the estimated 38 million people across the world infected with HIV, and the vast majority of infected Africans are women, according to UNAIDS estimates.

    The United States on Friday congratulated Maathai on winning the Nobel Peace Prize, but tempered its praise over her claims about AIDS.

    "She said (HIV/AIDS) was invented as a bioweapon in some laboratory in the West," a senior State Department official said. "We don't agree with that."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Milosevic: 'no link to genocide found'

    Chris Stephen
    Sunday October 10, 2004
    The Observer

    Fresh controversy has hit the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic with a claim from a senior intelligence analyst that the Yugoslav leader is innocent of genocide.

    Dr Cees Wiebes, a professor at Amsterdam University, now says there is no evidence linking Milosevic to the worst atrocity of the Bosnian war, the massacre of 7,000 Muslims at the town of Srebrenica.

    Srebrenica, which was overrun by Serb forces in July 1995, forms the basis of the genocide charge against Milosevic, but Wiebes, a member of a Dutch government inquiry into the atrocity, said there is nothing to link Milosevic to the crime.

    'In our report, which is about 7,000 pages long, we come to the conclusion that Milosevic had no foreknowledge of the subsequent massacres,' he says in a radio programme, The Real Slobodan Milosevic, to be broadcast by BBC Five Live tonight. 'What we did find, however, was evidence to the contrary. Milosevic was very upset when he learnt about the massacres.'




    "What? The United States make up a bunch of lies about a leader so they can invade his country?!? The United State doesn't DO that sort of ... ummm... I mean .... ah ... Hey how about those Lakers!"
    JAXXE --- ---
    Everytime when Sharon is in deep doodoo a bomb explodes and all the 'uncomfortable' headlines of UN-declarations, Gaza-atrocities of IDF, bribery and child-killing are pulled to page 15

    JAXXE --- ---


    Iranian intel: Tehran harboring bin Laden

    2 officials say they've seen terrorist under care of Revolutionary Guard

    JAXXE --- ---
    TV Station Posts 'Test Report' Saying Bush Wins Presidency

    Paul Joseph Watson | October 8 2004

    WBAY TV in Green Bay, Wisconsin ran an AP article reporting that Bush has won the election, weeks before the election is to take place. (Click here for enlargement."

    The article reads, "At this hour, President Bush has won re-election as president by a 47 percent to 43 percent margin in the popular vote nationwide. Ralph Nader has 1 percent of the vote nationwide. That's with 51 percent of the precincts reporting."

    WBAY withdrew the article after 35 minutes claiming it was a 'test story' which was mistakenly picked up by their automating software.

    Why would the Associated Press be sending out articles of this nature three weeks before the election? On what basis do simple format news articles need to be tested?

    The original article page now reads, "You have reached a page that is currently unavailable. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please use your browser's BACK button to return to the previous page."

    WBAY then issued a seperate article which outlined why the article was posted in the first place. The text of that article is reprinted below.


    Correction: President Bush Did Not Win Election on October 7

    With less than a month before the presidential election, an Associated Press test article declaring President Bush the winner was picked up by WBAY.com's automated system. The article was not recognized by our web host's system as a test message.

    The mistake was picked up by a discussion group on Daily Kos, prompting a phone call that alerted us to the problem. Our web host, WorldNow, removed the story in less than five minutes. The article appeared on WBAY.com for 35 minutes.

    WBAY apologizes for the error, and we took quick action to correct it.

    The Associated Press tests election results about four times a week leading up to elections, especially one as crucial as a presidential election, to help TV stations and newspapers make sure they are receiving the numbers. The numbers are random with every test; if this error happened a day sooner or a day later, it could've been Senator Kerry or Ralph Nader who was declared the winner.

    WBAY.com automatically receives news from the Associated Press on national, state, political, entertainment and other topics, allowing our web site to be updated throughout the day with more articles than we could publish on the web site by our staff alone.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Take them out, dude: pilots toast hit on Iraqi 'civilians'

    By Andrew Buncombe in Washington

    06 October 2004

    The Pentagon said yesterday it was investigating cockpit video footage that shows American pilots attacking and killing a group of apparently unarmed Iraqi civilians.

    The 30-second clip shows the pilot targeting the group of people in a street in the city of Fallujah and asking his mission controllers whether he should "take them out". He is told to do so and, shortly afterwards, the footage shows a huge explosion where the people were. A second voice can be heard on the clip saying: "Oh, dude."

    The existence of the video, taken last April inside the cockpit of a US F-16 fighter has been known for some time, though last night's broadcast by Channel 4 News is believed to be the first time a mainstream broadcaster has shown the footage.

    At no point during the exchange between the pilot and controllers does anyone ask whether the Iraqis are armed or posing a threat. Critics say it proves war crimes are being committed.


    video: http://globalresearch.ca/images/Massacre%20of%20Civilians.wmv
    PETVAL --- ---
    nejvice psycho je tohle, i kdyz je to nejspis jen zasterka. ale z toho je videt, jak rychle uz je represe propojena

    They claimed there was threats and personal information, but there was nothing of the sort. The undercover police that were photographed on the page were photographing protesters. Rackspace is a US company, but have colocation in the UK where these servers are (err, were) located. So this is about Swiss police, on a French site, on a server in England, taken away by American federal police... can I be the first to say WTF?!
    JAXXE --- ---
    FBI seizes Global Indymedia Servers. Reasons Unknown Current rating: 0
    by Sascha Meinrath / NYC IMC
    (No verified email address) 07 Oct 2004
    (from UC-IMC / Global IMC / Wire Reports): The FBI took the hard drives of Global IMC servers in the USA and the UK. It appears that a court order was issued to Rackspace (Indymedia's service provider with offices in the US and in London) to physically remove the hard drives from Global Indymedia servers (backup servers are now in place). Rackspace was given no time to defend against the order before it was acted upon and turned over the hard drives, both in the US and the UK. The servers hosted numerous local IMCs, including UK Indymedia, Belgium, African imcs, Palestine, UK, Germany, Brasil, Italy, Uruguay, Poland, Belgrade, Portugal and others.

    During the Republican Convention, the ISP of the NYC IMC was informed that it was the subject of a Secret Service / FBI investigation into an article submitted to its Open Newswire identifying delegates at the RNC. While the FBI has made it clear to members of the press that the investigation is ongoing, there is not necessarily a connection between events in NYC and the FBI's seizure of the Rackspace servers. Currently, much of the speculation about the reasons for the FBI's move centers around photographs posted to the IMC-Nantes website.

    See IMC Press Release
    Slashdot Discussion
    The FBI's latest anti-free-press actions began at the beginning of October when they visited Indymedia's ISP demanding the removal of identifying information from photographs of undercover police officers that was posted on the Nantes Indymedia website. When asked what the US government was doing requesting the removal of information from a French-run website that contained information about Swiss police actions, the FBI stated that this was a "courtesy" to the Swiss government. The FBI agents stated that no laws had been broken, and no crimes had been committed. However, because no identifying information was posted on the website in question, it was unclear what actions the FBI was requesting.

    The article in question is/was posted here:


    On Tuesday October 5th, Indymedia received the following message from Rackspace:

    "I apologize for the delay in responding. I have been trying to get a hold of the FBI agent I spoke with before, but haven't been able to at this time. As the request originated with the Swiss police, I can only speculate on what they saw or what they were concerned about. However, at this time, I have received no further communications from either the FBI or the Swiss authorities, so I feel like we can close this this issue."

    Today the FBI seized Global Indymedia servers; however it is unclear if this is related to the Nantes issue or is a second FBI concern within the past week.

    (14:20) Rackspace has issued a "no comment" response concerning the FBI's actions.
    See also:


    JAXXE --- ---
    Russians Accept Limitations on Rights

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    Associated Press Writer

    October 6, 2004, 3:28 PM EDT

    MOSCOW -- With fear running high after a series of deadly terror attacks, many Russians would agree to significant limitations on their rights and freedoms to ensure security, pollsters and analysts said Wednesday.

    Opinion polls in the wake of the stunning attacks that killed more than 430 people in August and September suggest that despite skepticism about President Vladimir Putin's reform, he will have little trouble tightening Kremlin control over the country in the name of unity against terrorism.

    "More than half the populace is prepared, under the pretext of the fight against terror, to agree to limitations of rights and freedoms," said Leonid Sedov, senior analyst at the respected Levada Center polling agency.

    JAXXE --- ---

    Feds plan to track every car

    Obscure agency working on technology to monitor all vehicles

    Posted: October 7, 2004
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    © 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

    A little-known federal agency is planning a new monitoring program by which the government would track every car on the road by using onboard transceivers.

    The agency, the Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office, is part of the Department of Transportation. According to an extensive report in the Charlotte, N.C., Creative Loafing, the agency doesn't respond to public inquiries about its activity.

    According to the report, cutting-edge tracking technology will be used by government transportation management centers to monitor every aspect of transportation. Under the plan, not only will movement be monitored but it also will be archived in massive databases for future use.

    The paper reports a group of car manufacturers, technology companies and government interests have worked toward implementing the project for 13 years.

    States the Creative Loafing report:

    "The only way for people to evade the national transportation tracking system they're creating will be to travel on foot. Drive your car, and your every movement could be recorded and archived. The federal government will know the exact route you drove to work, how many times you braked along the way, the precise moment you arrived – and that every other Tuesday you opt to ride the bus.

    "They'll know you're due for a transmission repair and that you've neglected to fix the ever-widening crack that resulted from a pebble dinging your windshield."

    The agency's website says its purpose is to "use advanced technology to improve the efficiency and safety of our nation's surface transportation system."

    Critics believe the program will be used to line the pockets of business interests that stand to gain from the sale of needed technology and that the government will use the data collected to tax drivers on their driving habits.

    Though the program has ominous privacy implications, Creative Loafing reports none of the privacy-rights organizations it contacted were aware of the government's plans.

    The report states that more than $4 billion in federal tax dollars has already been spent to lay the foundation for the system, which will use GPS technology and other methods to monitor Americans' movements.

    The plan includes transceivers, or "onboard units," that will transmit data from each car to the system, the first models of which are expected to be unveiled next spring. By 2010, the paper reported, automakers hope to start installing them in cars. The goal is to equip 57 million vehicles by 2015.


    Bio-chip implant arrives for cashless transactions


    Miami journalist gets 'chipped'

    JAXXE --- ---
    Al-Zarqawi may not be behind Iraq attacks

    Intelligence says group too small to do what he claims or is blamed for

    By Mohamad BazziNEWSDAY

    BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Whenever a car bombing, beheading or other spectacular act of violence takes place in Iraq these days, U.S. officials are quick to blame Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. If he hasn't already taken responsibility himself.

    But according to an Arab intelligence assessment, al-Zarqawi is not capable of carrying out the level of attacks in Iraq that he has claimed and that American officials have blamed on him.



    Intelligence says group too small to do what he claims or is blamed for
    Especially since Zarqawi himself has been reported dead.

    Iraq militants claim al-Zarqawi is dead

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